Secret of the Incas (1954) - Full Movie - Best Action Western Movies - Full Western Movie English

  • hace 3 meses
00:03:02Why do we stop?
00:03:05Cusco. We go to Cusco.
00:03:07Yes, yes, Cusco.
00:03:09One hour.
00:03:12Gasoline. There is no gasoline.
00:03:25Do all the railways in Peru have to go this fast?
00:03:27No, we're trying to get you back to Cusco in time to catch your plane.
00:03:31Don't worry, we've never lost a tourist yet.
00:03:34Let's go.
00:03:47All passengers departing Lima, please check your tickets as soon as possible.
00:03:52All passengers boarding Lima flight, please have tickets checked as soon as possible.
00:03:57Well, this is where I leave you.
00:03:59I trust you've enjoyed your tour of Cusco, the city of lights.
00:04:03If you're ever in Detroit.
00:04:05I know, Mr. Potter, I'll come by for dinner.
00:04:07Thank you.
00:04:11Well, it's been very enjoyable.
00:04:15I've enjoyed the trip.
00:04:18If you're wondering how you're going to pay me without hurting my feelings, Miss Morris, forget it.
00:04:23Just take out your roll and start counting.
00:04:26You're not exactly timid, are you?
00:04:28Not about money. Money sings and I love music.
00:04:32Most men don't enjoy taking money from women.
00:04:35That's the best kind. It's the hardest to get.
00:04:40It almost smells so good.
00:04:47All passengers departing Lima, please check your tickets as soon as possible.
00:04:52All passengers boarding Lima flight, please have tickets checked as soon as possible.
00:04:59He's not here. I'll check it.
00:05:04Any tourists on that plane coming in?
00:05:07I haven't looked yet.
00:05:19Ed Morgan was looking for you.
00:05:21That makes my day complete.
00:05:24Mr. and Mrs. Winston.
00:05:30And Mr. and Mrs. Richmond from St. Louis.
00:05:37I mean...
00:05:41Any private planes due in?
00:05:45You always ask if any private planes is due in and the answer is always no.
00:05:49Well, someday the answer will be yes.
00:05:51Then what?
00:05:52Supposing a private plane does come in.
00:05:54Just between you and me, I'll steal it.
00:05:58You and your Santa Jua. Hilarious.
00:06:01Where did Morgan say he'd be?
00:06:02At El Prado. He ought to stay away from that crud.
00:06:05I like being around Morgan. Makes me feel honest.
00:06:09I'd better go pick up my pigeons while they've still got feathers.
00:06:13Arriving passengers, will please claim...
00:06:21Welcome to Cusco, city of life.
00:06:23I'm Harry Steele. The airlines asked me to guide you around the city.
00:06:26100 soles a day, each.
00:06:28We weren't told about it.
00:06:29You're being told now, my friend. Is that your luggage?
00:06:34All right, dear?
00:06:35Yes, ma'am.
00:06:39You're a big one.
00:06:41Is guiding people fun?
00:06:43That depends where they want to go.
00:06:45I wouldn't want to miss anything.
00:06:47I'll see what I can do.
00:06:49I'm not getting sick. I can hardly breathe.
00:06:52That's the altitude. We're more than two miles above sea level here, you know.
00:06:55You have to take it slow and easy.
00:06:57That's the way I like it.
00:06:59You'll enjoy Cusco.
00:07:01We'll go to the hotel first and get cleaned up.
00:07:03We'll see you there, Mr...
00:07:05Call me Harry.
00:07:11Where will you be if we suddenly want something?
00:07:14Right outside your door.
00:07:16Wonderful service.
00:07:18Never had any complaints.
00:07:20Al Hotel.
00:07:23Darling, I think you'd better take a nap when we get to the hotel.
00:07:26A long nap.
00:07:46Been looking for you.
00:07:48So I heard.
00:07:49Got a deal for you, Harry.
00:07:51A little money.
00:07:52How much?
00:07:53You'll find out. Give me half.
00:07:55I trust you.
00:07:57I'm all choked up.
00:07:59It's a girl. European.
00:08:01Hungarian, I guess, or Romanian from the name.
00:08:04She needs help.
00:08:05What kind?
00:08:06I don't want to know any details. That's your department.
00:08:09Never saw this girl. Don't want to see her.
00:08:11If I get my nose in her sling, you never heard of me.
00:08:15Where is she?
00:08:16Gets in today from La Paz.
00:08:18By truck.
00:08:20People don't ride in trucks unless they're trying to get past the border inspection.
00:08:24Live and let live.
00:08:26I don't ask questions.
00:08:30I'll see you.
00:08:31Something else.
00:08:34I didn't think you'd get me all the way over here for something you could have told me on the phone.
00:08:38I've been hearing things.
00:08:40I heard the archaeological museum just came up with a new exhibit.
00:08:46Big stone carving.
00:08:51Tell me about it.
00:08:52I will.
00:08:54Heard an Indian named Wonka found the big stone carving.
00:08:59With a corner missing.
00:09:02Here they can't find the corner.
00:09:05And I heard the Indian named Wonka just bought his woman 50 yards of silk and a pair of shoes.
00:09:12You got good ears, Ed, hearing all that.
00:09:15I just thought I'd mention it in case you wanted to tell me something.
00:09:19I can't think of a thing.
00:09:22You might get a sudden thought sometime.
00:09:25I'm a very slow thinker. I wouldn't count on it.
00:09:28I know you wouldn't hold onto me.
00:09:30That's your old buddy, Ed Morgan.
00:09:33Hold that thought.
00:09:49Come on.
00:10:50Come on.
00:10:58Who sent you?
00:10:59Stay down or I'll kick your head right out the window.
00:11:02It was Ed Morgan, wasn't it?
00:11:04I thought so.
00:11:06Whatever he gave you for the job, my friend, it wasn't worth it.
00:11:09I was supposed only to frighten you.
00:11:11You did.
00:11:12You made me very nervous.
00:11:15Is this a profession with you or just a hobby?
00:11:18I don't want trouble.
00:11:19Morgan said not to hit you, only shoot at you and get out quick.
00:11:23He gave me 500 soles.
00:11:26Let's see it.
00:11:34It's my money.
00:11:36Not anymore.
00:11:37You missed.
00:11:39Now get this.
00:11:40I don't like your face.
00:11:42If I see it again, I'll change it for you.
00:11:47The rifle.
00:11:49The rifle.
00:11:50Who will pay for the rifle?
00:11:58Funny thing happened to me just now, Ed.
00:12:01I thought I'd come down and tell you about it.
00:12:03Don't get rough, that's all.
00:12:05I can't move fast myself.
00:12:07But I got friends who move fast.
00:12:09You'll need them right away if you don't get straightened out.
00:12:11About what, Harry?
00:12:12About that friend of yours with a rifle.
00:12:14Oh, I get excited.
00:12:15I could have sent a better shot.
00:12:17You know that.
00:12:18Am I supposed to say thanks, you crud?
00:12:20Watch your mouth.
00:12:21You watch it.
00:12:23Quite a guy.
00:12:24Aren't you busted?
00:12:26Big, good looking.
00:12:27You got everything.
00:12:29Here I am, old and tired and fat.
00:12:33And you think that's all there is to me.
00:12:35You're big in your look, I'll give you that.
00:12:37Two pounds in a one pound bag.
00:12:41I was like you once.
00:12:43Came down here to teach them the score.
00:12:46Quick million and then home.
00:12:49Fourteen years I've been waiting for a line on that Inca treasure.
00:12:53What difference does that make to me?
00:12:55Don't snow me.
00:12:57You got that stone.
00:12:59The one that says where Monco buried the sunburst.
00:13:04I was a half hour behind you.
00:13:07You got it?
00:13:09You know what it is?
00:13:10And you need a partner.
00:13:12Maybe you had something once, Ed.
00:13:15Not anymore.
00:13:16You haven't got a thing.
00:13:18To me, you're just a big tub of guts.
00:13:20I don't need you.
00:13:21Maybe I did get lucky, get a lead on something.
00:13:24Maybe it's something worth going after.
00:13:26It won't matter to you.
00:13:27Forget it.
00:13:28I know a better shot than the one I sent.
00:13:31The next time you send a rifle after me,
00:13:33I'm gonna bring it back here and ram it up your nose.
00:13:35Don't get mad.
00:13:37Just remember what I said.
00:13:39Hey, wait a minute.
00:13:41What about that job I lined up for you, that girl?
00:13:46You're quite a guy, aren't you?
00:13:48We made a deal.
00:13:50You mean there really is a girl?
00:13:51I told you.
00:13:52She's coming in by truck.
00:14:09What do you want?
00:14:10Hotel Di Turista.
00:14:13You see?
00:14:14Oh, thank you.
00:14:16Good welcome.
00:14:40Come on.
00:14:42Come on.
00:15:13Now, here we have the great cathedral of Cusco,
00:15:16the site of the famous bell, Maria Angola,
00:15:19whose tones can be heard from a distance of seven kilometers.
00:15:22The building is also famous for the art treasures it contains,
00:15:26among them a canvas attributed to Van Dyck.
00:15:28Now, if you'll just follow me.
00:15:43This edifice was established by the early Spanish fathers in 1595
00:15:47and has survived two major earthquakes.
00:15:50Now, if you'll just step inside here.
00:16:06Hola, viejo.
00:16:07¿Qué tal?
00:16:08Take over, would you, Senor Fernandez?
00:16:10I've been running errands all day.
00:16:12I think the number three tour will satisfy me.
00:16:14Ah, si, si.
00:16:21Bienvenidos, amigos.
00:16:23These are knives made of bronze for surgical purposes
00:16:27that give us an idea of an advanced civilization.
00:16:30As a matter of fact, two famous Peruvian surgeons
00:16:33recently performed an operation
00:16:35using the very same knives the Incas used for skull surgery.
00:16:39It was a very successful one.
00:16:41These textiles are considered among the finest in the world,
00:16:44including the most perfect ones of the Egyptians.
00:16:48Many great discoveries are the result of purest chance.
00:16:53A native trades the secret to a hidden city for a glass of chicha.
00:16:57A child seeks a lost lamb on a hillside
00:17:00and finds the Rosetta Stone.
00:17:03The earth shakes, as it did in 1950,
00:17:06and opens a secret room.
00:17:08And we have in our hands a stone map
00:17:11showing the way to the tombs of the rulers of Machu Picchu and Cuzco.
00:17:17And now, here you see a fine collection of pots, trays and dishes
00:17:23in different shapes and decorations.
00:17:26She reminds me of my mother.
00:17:28Mmm, your mother's very pretty.
00:17:33You're thinking of changing horses in midstream?
00:17:36Wouldn't you?
00:17:37Used by the selected virgins of the sun.
00:17:40These big vases, named aribaros for their similarity to the Greek ones,
00:17:45were used in the preparation of chicha.
00:17:48This was found in 1915 in a tomb just outside Cuzco.
00:17:53And now for the piece de resistance.
00:18:07That's magnificent.
00:18:11There's a million dollars within reach.
00:18:13I thought you were all talked out, Mr. Steele.
00:18:15Not on this subject.
00:18:16Where did they come from?
00:18:17The large relic was a gift from the great Spanish conqueror, Pizarro.
00:18:22This small sunburst is pure Inca.
00:18:26A sunburst like that, only twice as big,
00:18:29was stolen from the Inca temple of the sun nearly four centuries ago.
00:18:33It had 119 pure diamonds, 243 other precious stones,
00:18:38and weighed nearly 30 pounds of pure gold.
00:18:43It's never been found.
00:18:45There's a legend that the Inca empire was destroyed by the gods
00:18:48because the sunburst disappeared.
00:18:50The Indians believe their empire will be restored
00:18:53if they find the sacred sunburst.
00:18:55This one's big brother.
00:18:56Is there really such a sunburst somewhere?
00:18:59Well, there isn't.
00:19:00Archaeologists have dug up half of Peru
00:19:02just to look at some old ruins and mummies.
00:19:15Hey, Luis, que tal?
00:19:18Oh, good evening, Harry.
00:19:20Good evening, Mr. Winston.
00:19:22Miss Winston.
00:19:24We thought we'd like to see some nightlife.
00:19:26Maybe you could help us.
00:19:27Well, not much to see.
00:19:29Native dances, maybe, if you're interested.
00:19:31Well, that sounds exciting.
00:19:33Oh, it is.
00:19:34I can't stand that much excitement myself.
00:19:37Go to this place, El Prado.
00:19:39Find a man named Ed Morgan.
00:19:41He'll see that you have a good time.
00:19:42Ed Morgan.
00:19:43Is he a friend of yours?
00:19:44Don't lend him any money.
00:19:47We thought you might go with us.
00:19:49I'm meeting a girl.
00:19:52We don't want to interfere with your private life.
00:19:54Well, you won't.
00:19:55Well, thanks, Harry.
00:19:56See you tomorrow.
00:19:57Have a good time.
00:20:16Please, could you help me?
00:20:17Where's Mr. Harry's table?
00:20:20Where's Mr. Harry Steel?
00:20:34Mr. Steel.
00:20:35Harry Steel.
00:20:37Well, does the name really matter?
00:20:38Yes, because my name's Steel.
00:20:40I'm bigger than you are.
00:20:50You should have stuck around the museum this afternoon.
00:20:54I didn't know who you were.
00:20:56Now you know.
00:20:59I called Mr. Morgan.
00:21:01He said you would help me.
00:21:05Mr. Morgan says a lot of things.
00:21:08How did you know where to find him?
00:21:10Nina Costa sent me.
00:21:12From the club Granada in La Paz.
00:21:14I worked for her.
00:21:19The club must have changed its policy.
00:21:21All I do is dance, Mr. Steel.
00:21:24Call me Harry.
00:21:27He wants to know if you're drinking.
00:21:29Oh, thank you.
00:21:36What's your name?
00:21:40Mr. Morgan said you're from Europe.
00:21:42He didn't say where.
00:21:43It's not important.
00:21:46Like that.
00:21:47How'd you get out? Under the fence?
00:21:49Illegally, yes.
00:21:51That must have been tough.
00:21:53They have been trying to get me back ever since.
00:21:56Six soles.
00:21:58That'll be six soles.
00:22:07I'm on a budget.
00:22:11Now, what's your problem?
00:22:14I want to get into the United States.
00:22:18Why don't you ask me something easy,
00:22:20like a nice murderer or a boatload of penicillin?
00:22:23All I wish from you is to go north.
00:22:25If I can get to Mexico, I will be that much closer to the States.
00:22:29Then that might take a little time.
00:22:33You will help me?
00:22:36Don't rush me.
00:22:37How'd you get across the Bolivian border?
00:22:40I got across at La Titicaca.
00:22:43Gave the guards a smile instead of your papers, huh?
00:22:46I have no papers.
00:22:49Any particular reason why you left La Paz?
00:22:53No visible means of support.
00:22:56They need glasses.
00:23:03Order us both another drink.
00:23:06I've been saving up.
00:23:36That was Morgan on the phone.
00:23:40There's a report on you from La Paz.
00:23:43Apparently, you're pretty hot cargo.
00:23:45I must go north.
00:23:48I know a man who might be able to get you into Ecuador.
00:23:51He has very expensive habits, though.
00:23:54Without your help, I'm in serious trouble.
00:23:58I'm not cheap, either.
00:24:00I know I can depend on you.
00:24:03Maybe you don't hear good.
00:24:05How much money have you got?
00:24:08About fifty dollars.
00:24:11You're still in trouble.
00:24:13But it's all the money I have.
00:24:15That's not money.
00:24:17That's tips.
00:24:19It'd cost me that much just to get an appointment with this guy.
00:24:30I'm sorry, but the wheels just don't turn for fifty bucks.
00:24:34You won't help me?
00:24:36Not your Uncle Harry.
00:24:45It's a very good act.
00:24:47Very good indeed.
00:24:51It usually works.
00:24:53I've seen so many women cry, it doesn't impress me anymore.
00:24:56I've seen so many women cry, it doesn't impress me anymore.
00:25:26Thank you.
00:25:35I got your room.
00:25:37That's the most I can do for you, unless you want a guided tour of Cusco.
00:25:42You can stay here a few days anyway.
00:25:44Thank you.
00:25:45It's no use, he'll come after me.
00:25:47Who will?
00:25:49The Romanian council.
00:25:51He flew to La Paz to get me.
00:25:54They'll do anything to get the refugee back behind the Iron Curtain.
00:26:00He'll follow me.
00:26:01Well, there aren't any passenger flights till Friday.
00:26:04He flies a plane himself.
00:26:07He flies his own plane.
00:26:10This guy from the embassy?
00:26:12Large or small?
00:26:15Small, I think.
00:26:18It's kind of a hobby of mine.
00:26:22He's in La Paz, you said.
00:26:24What's his name?
00:26:30You get some sleep. I'll see you later.
00:26:58Hello, Mr. Marcu.
00:27:00Do you speak English?
00:27:03My name's Steel.
00:27:05Harry Steel.
00:27:16What do you want?
00:27:18You left your key in the lock.
00:27:20I thought maybe you were looking for company.
00:27:23Well, at least you could say it maybe.
00:27:25I said no.
00:27:28I came to tell you something.
00:27:31You won't like it.
00:27:33The police, they know where I am?
00:27:35Worse than that.
00:27:37This guy Marcu knows.
00:27:39How could he find out?
00:27:41Some heel must have told him.
00:27:45Hey, wait, not so fast. He can't get here till tomorrow.
00:27:48Besides, I want you here when he comes.
00:27:53I am beginning to wonder about you, Mr. Steel.
00:27:57You will forgive me, but I'm very suspicious.
00:27:59No one trusts me.
00:28:02Marcu, why is he important to you?
00:28:05Because he's coming by plane, a nice private plane.
00:28:08To get me, to take me back if I'm here.
00:28:11I guess I'll have to be honest with you.
00:28:13It would be a nice change.
00:28:15I hate to tell the truth,
00:28:17but I want that plane.
00:28:19I want it so bad I can taste it.
00:28:21How does that concern me?
00:28:23You're my bait.
00:28:25When this guy gets here, I dangle you in front of him
00:28:27till I get my hooks in that plane.
00:28:30You want me to help you.
00:28:35I know what I do for you.
00:28:37What do you do for me?
00:28:41When I leave, you go with me.
00:28:50Not right away, though.
00:28:51Something else I have to do first.
00:28:57All right.
00:28:58I will wait for the plane.
00:29:00How can we get it from him?
00:29:03All we need are the keys.
00:29:04You could get them easily.
00:29:07He'll have them in his pants pocket.
00:29:13I'll think of something else.
00:29:20Mr. Steele.
00:29:23You told Mark why I was here, Mr. Steele.
00:29:26Call me Harry.
00:29:35Clear runway for plane now landing.
00:29:44Looks like the plane you've been waiting for.
00:29:46It is.
00:29:47Friend of mine.
00:29:48I talked to him on the phone last night.
00:29:50He asked me to order a load of gas for him.
00:29:52Okay. Who shall I charge it to?
00:29:59He wanted high test.
00:30:01Nothing but the best.
00:30:38Welcome to Cusco, the city of light, Mr. Markku.
00:30:40Oh, you're the man who called me.
00:30:42Steele's the name. Harry Steele.
00:30:44The young lady we talked about.
00:30:46I convinced her she ought to stay and talk to you.
00:30:48You told her I was coming?
00:30:49And she did not run away.
00:30:51I sold her a bill of goods.
00:30:52Told her I'd help her escape.
00:30:53Stuff like that.
00:30:54You're very intelligent, Mr...
00:30:56Call me Harry.
00:30:58I won't need you anymore.
00:30:59Just tell me where she is.
00:31:00I hate to seem sordid and commercial about this,
00:31:03but my piggy bank's seen better days.
00:31:08Whatever you use in Romania.
00:31:09Oh, you want your money.
00:31:11I have it right here.
00:31:13Where is she?
00:31:14When I have it right here, we'll go find her.
00:31:18Get my bag.
00:31:41Come on.
00:31:52And if I don't?
00:31:57You do not give me much choice.
00:32:02If I go back with you, what will happen to me?
00:32:07Do you have to speak English?
00:32:09She's just being polite.
00:32:10She doesn't want me to get bored.
00:32:12I'm not bored.
00:32:14Hello, Mrs. Winston.
00:32:16I said, what will happen to me?
00:32:26If I go with you, I will never see daylight again.
00:32:31I have friends.
00:32:33Nothing will happen to me here.
00:32:37You think he will help you?
00:32:38I can buy him like potatoes.
00:32:46Get me a drink.
00:32:50Doing things for you is a pleasure.
00:32:55You already have any?
00:32:57Let me smoke.
00:33:04That guy you're with, you...
00:33:06You put him out with that, Harry.
00:33:09He's healthier than he looks.
00:33:10Doesn't he know better in this altitude?
00:33:12I'm teaching him.
00:33:14I want...
00:33:16I want to talk to you.
00:33:20You don't treat me right.
00:33:22That worries me.
00:33:29Don't do that.
00:33:36I said, don't do that.
00:33:40Is it necessary to get angry?
00:33:43Who's angry?
00:33:44If I was angry, I might have done something like this.
00:33:50I'm so impatient.
00:33:53He must have left the keys in his jacket.
00:34:03His room is 218.
00:34:04Put him in a cool, dark place.
00:34:06It is the altitude.
00:34:07Very bad, the altitude.
00:34:17What now?
00:34:20Your room is 220.
00:34:22It's right next to his.
00:34:23There's a balcony between.
00:34:25You want me to get the keys?
00:34:27Why not you?
00:34:29If he wakes up and finds you in his room, he won't be the one to do the yelling.
00:34:35Come on.
00:34:43I want to talk to you, Harry.
00:34:44I don't want to talk to you.
00:34:45About that stone.
00:34:46I know you've got it.
00:34:48Why don't you shave once in a while?
00:34:50I'll buy it for you.
00:34:52Pay a good price.
00:34:53Enough to get you home.
00:34:55Why, you poor little thing, you're trembling.
00:34:58Up to now, I took it easy.
00:35:01Now it's different.
00:35:04I want that stone.
00:35:08Come and get it.
00:35:17I won't forget this, Harry.
00:35:20I don't think you will at that.
00:35:35He didn't even move.
00:35:37We'll have to get our luggage.
00:35:39Give me the keys.
00:35:40Not until we're on the plane.
00:35:44I thought you were just beginning to trust me, Miss Andonescu.
00:35:48Call me Elena.
00:35:50I thought you were just beginning to trust me, Miss Andonescu.
00:35:54Call me Elena.
00:36:20I'm glad you're late and waiting for me.
00:36:22It's easier to be late on a date than to be late on a flight.
00:36:26Thank you.
00:36:29I'll get them away from here.
00:36:30As soon as they leave, run to the plane.
00:36:32Get on board and unlock the Bama boards.
00:36:34You got that?
00:36:36I have Costco, but I don't have cigarettes.
00:36:48What was that?
00:36:49Let's see what's going on.
00:36:54Hurry up.
00:36:55This way.
00:36:57Be careful.
00:37:03This way.
00:37:06Be careful.
00:37:31Be careful.
00:37:35Be careful.
00:38:05Be careful.
00:38:24Good old Charlie.
00:38:26We've got enough gas for eight hours.
00:38:35Let's go.
00:38:59Where are we?
00:39:00About ten miles across that river is where we're headed.
00:39:02Why do we stop here? I thought we keep on going.
00:39:05That's what they think back in Cusco.
00:39:07They know exactly how far we'd go on eight hours worth of gas.
00:39:10They'll have every field pinpointed and be waiting for us.
00:39:13Only we won't be there.
00:39:14Where will we be?
00:39:18Don't start giving me a bad time.
00:39:20I'm here for a reason.
00:39:22You can either change your clothes and come along with me and start walking back.
00:39:26That way.
00:39:27I have the right to ask questions.
00:39:30Only don't do it.
00:39:31It annoys me.
00:39:35Come on.
00:40:32Wear heavier socks tomorrow.
00:40:34I think I hate you.
00:40:37You said you'd take me to Mexico.
00:40:39I didn't say when.
00:40:41Where are we going then?
00:40:43You ever heard of Machu Picchu?
00:40:46It's an ancient city of the Incas.
00:40:48It was lost for over a thousand years.
00:40:50You'll see it tomorrow.
00:40:52Why are you so anxious to get this place?
00:40:54It's out of the high rent district.
00:40:56I want to go to Mexico. You promise.
00:40:58Quit nagging.
00:41:08I'm cold.
00:41:35Where are you from, Harry?
00:41:40Oh, California.
00:41:42I know about California. Everything.
00:41:44All the apples come from there.
00:41:47That's it, California.
00:41:49That's where they come from, all right?
00:41:51And Florida.
00:41:53Lots of apples.
00:41:54You see?
00:41:55I know everything about the United States.
00:41:58Ask me anything.
00:42:02Who cut down the cherry tree?
00:42:04Abraham Lincoln.
00:42:08I didn't think you'd know.
00:42:19Maybe I should have shaved.
00:42:22I like you this way.
00:42:25Finally getting my message, huh?
00:42:38And tomorrow we go back to the plane and to Mexico.
00:42:43Won't we?
00:42:47Let's talk about that tomorrow.
00:43:02I love you.
00:43:03I love you.
00:43:04I love you.
00:43:05I love you.
00:43:06I love you.
00:43:07I love you.
00:43:08I love you.
00:43:09I love you.
00:43:10I love you.
00:43:11I love you.
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00:45:01I love you.
00:45:02I love you.
00:45:03I love you.
00:45:04I love you.
00:45:05I love you.
00:45:06I love you.
00:45:07I love you.
00:45:08I love you.
00:45:09I love you.
00:45:10I love you.
00:45:11I love you.
00:45:12I love you.
00:45:13I love you.
00:45:14I love you.
00:45:15I love you.
00:45:16I love you.
00:45:17I love you.
00:45:18I love you.
00:45:19I love you.
00:45:20I love you.
00:45:21I love you.
00:45:22I love you.
00:45:23I love you.
00:45:24I love you.
00:45:25I love you.
00:45:26I told you no one comes here without a reason.
00:45:28The only reason is to dig.
00:45:31I don't like the competition.
00:46:09Some sort of an archaeological expedition.
00:46:12Let's get our stories straight.
00:46:14We ran out of gas in the plane, understand?
00:46:16We want gas.
00:46:17And you and I, what are we to each other?
00:46:22Brother and sister?
00:46:23Nobody would believe that, including me.
00:46:25You hired me to pilot your plane, got that?
00:46:31What happened to you?
00:46:32I fell.
00:46:34You've got to watch your feet up here.
00:46:35It's two miles straight down.
00:46:43I am Uy, Taitata.
00:46:45Not right away.
00:46:46You've come at a very important time.
00:46:48You speak English.
00:46:50I learned to at the University of Cusco.
00:46:53What's going on down there?
00:46:55They are bringing out the Mamakuna.
00:46:57What you call a high priestess.
00:46:59We found her mummy this morning.
00:47:02I don't believe in disturbing the dead myself.
00:47:06Found any treasure?
00:47:07Not yet.
00:47:08But we are hoping to find the tomb of our last Inca chief.
00:47:11People have been looking for Manco's tomb for a long time.
00:47:14You know his name.
00:47:16But not yours.
00:47:17My name is Pachacutec.
00:47:19And you?
00:47:20Call me Harry.
00:47:22If you would wait here, please.
00:48:04Dr. Moorhead.
00:48:05Dr. Moorhead.
00:48:06Some people have come.
00:48:12Dr. Livingston, I presume.
00:48:14Moorhead is my name.
00:48:15We don't have a Livingston with our expedition.
00:48:18It was sort of a joke.
00:48:19Very amusing.
00:48:20My name is Steel.
00:48:22Harry Steel.
00:48:23This is Miss Elena Antonescu.
00:48:25We came by plane.
00:48:27Mr. Steel is my pilot.
00:48:29We got off course and ran out of gas about ten miles back.
00:48:33Some natives told us you were up here, so we came up.
00:48:36We need gasoline.
00:48:37I'm sorry, we don't have any.
00:48:39No use for it, I'm afraid.
00:48:40We could shortwave Tampu.
00:48:41That's our supply base and have some fuel sent in by pack train.
00:48:44You have a shortwave set.
00:48:46Even so, it would take a few days.
00:48:48We don't mind waiting.
00:48:49All right.
00:48:50This is Mr. Lang, my assistant.
00:48:52Antonescu, Mr. Steel.
00:48:53How do you do?
00:48:54And this is Colonel Cardoso.
00:48:55You'll meet the others later.
00:48:56We've just made some very important discoveries.
00:48:58Lots of you, aren't there?
00:49:00We represent three museums and universities.
00:49:02New York, Mexico City, Lima.
00:49:04Colonel Cardoso represents the Peruvian government.
00:49:06It's his job to see that we don't appropriate any souvenirs.
00:49:10Your rules are only for scientists, señorita.
00:49:12For you, the entire city is yours.
00:49:14Thank you.
00:49:15I'll take it with me when we leave.
00:49:17You've hurt yourself.
00:49:18Oh, it's only a scratch.
00:49:20Nothing serious.
00:49:21Take her to the first aid tent.
00:49:22I'll be there in a minute.
00:49:23Certainly, Dr. Moorhead.
00:49:24Would you like to be carried?
00:49:25Oh, it's not so bad.
00:49:27I'm sorry.
00:49:30This, uh, Antonescu is very attractive.
00:49:36My colleagues and I don't see many attractive women up here.
00:49:39And your assistant seems to be making up for lost time.
00:49:44Don't worry.
00:49:45I just drive her airplane.
00:49:47If you can dig up a place for me to stay, I'd like to scrape myself off.
00:49:51I think there's a car in the radio tent.
00:49:53I will show you.
00:49:54We dine at sundown about an hour.
00:49:56I hope we can make your stay here a pleasant one.
00:49:58Don't worry.
00:49:59I plan to enjoy myself.
00:50:08I don't want to be any trouble.
00:50:09Oh, no, no.
00:50:10Not at all.
00:50:11Oh, is it all right to give her the temple, doctor?
00:50:14Very appropriate.
00:50:18Oh, have you met Cori Tikka, my laboratory assistant?
00:50:21Miss Antonescu.
00:50:24How were you hurt?
00:50:25I stumbled.
00:50:26I fell against a rock.
00:50:28Well, that's not so bad then, as long as you didn't touch the earth.
00:50:31Bacteria at this altitude are quite dangerous.
00:50:34Well, we'll have a look and see what we shall see.
00:50:40Oh, that's enough.
00:50:42More than enough.
00:50:43You want to get at me now?
00:50:46Only to a limited extent.
00:50:47I don't wish to embarrass you.
00:50:49I'm not your doctor.
00:50:51I'm not a medical doctor.
00:50:52A doctor in arts and sciences.
00:50:54Oh, that is different.
00:50:57As a rule, yes, quite different.
00:51:03It's enough.
00:51:09Iodine, lots of iodine.
00:51:11No, something gentle.
00:51:13No iodine?
00:51:32Oh, iodine.
00:51:48Your palace is ready, Princess, if you'll just come this way.
00:51:51Cori Tikka will show her where it is.
00:51:57Thank you, Faunti.
00:51:58Thank you.
00:51:59I mean, well...
00:52:07Yuchukui, Pachequita.
00:52:17Yuchukui, Pachequita.
00:52:22I'm sorry, I cannot understand you.
00:52:24She says, get in, Elizabeth.
00:52:26I'm so small.
00:52:28You're standing straight up.
00:52:30You understand?
00:52:31Oh, yes, thank you.
00:52:32You speak English very well.
00:52:34So do you.
00:52:57What does she say?
00:52:58She says, you are beautiful.
00:53:05Go away.
00:53:06I'm taking a bath.
00:53:08Cleanliness is next to godliness.
00:53:11You beeping joke.
00:53:13You left your window open.
00:53:14All the neighbors are complaining.
00:53:17How long have you been there?
00:53:19Hours and hours.
00:53:22You always lie.
00:53:23Now go away.
00:53:26You never make any friends with that attitude.
00:53:29Go away.
00:53:30She's right.
00:53:31You really are Ayakanka.
00:53:33That means white as a dead fish.
00:53:51Not bad.
00:54:06The Yankers never looked that good.
00:54:12Tell your sister I understand Keshua very well.
00:54:15You are offended?
00:54:18She's very honest.
00:54:19I like her.
00:54:24What was all that about?
00:54:26She said I had a gray face.
00:54:28It's an expression the Indians use for someone not to be trusted.
00:54:31A liar.
00:54:35Or a thief.
00:54:38Maybe it's beginning to show.
00:54:39What do you think?
00:54:43Never mind.
00:54:44Not if it takes that long.
00:54:46Anyway, I know what I am.
00:54:49And I can live with it.
00:54:51What are you going to do here, Harry?
00:54:53I'm going to get rich.
00:54:58A tomb they just started to open.
00:55:02Inside it there's a hunk of gold with 119 pure diamonds and 243 other precious stones.
00:55:11That's for me.
00:55:14You are going to steal it?
00:55:16With all these people watching?
00:55:18I have an advantage.
00:55:20I know it's there.
00:55:22And I know exactly where.
00:55:24They don't.
00:55:26Suppose I tell them about you.
00:55:29You won't.
00:55:30Not if you don't want to get sent back to Europe for your troubles.
00:55:35Your only way out of Peru is with me.
00:55:38The only way I can get the sun burst out is with a plane.
00:55:40That's why I needed it.
00:55:42I never needed you.
00:55:46Why didn't you leave me in the jungle?
00:55:49I gave it some thought.
00:55:56You have forgotten something.
00:55:58Have I?
00:55:59The radio.
00:56:00If they call any place there will be information about us.
00:56:03You forgot about that.
00:56:05You know, funny thing.
00:56:07They tried using the radio just a little while ago.
00:56:10Didn't work.
00:56:12Just lucky, I guess.
00:56:30The Inca civilization was beginning to disappear when these objects were made.
00:56:34What about Manco's tomb?
00:56:36Do you expect to find the sun burst?
00:56:38You know about the sun burst?
00:56:39A little.
00:56:41Everyone knows a little about it.
00:56:43The sun burst was a legendary treasure of the Incas.
00:56:46I have heard about it.
00:56:47You said legendary.
00:56:49I don't believe it exists.
00:56:51I imagine it has long since been melted down and destroyed.
00:56:54In archaeology we soon learn that objects made of ordinary metal will survive the years and all of history.
00:57:00Objects made of gold don't survive those who make them.
00:57:05The moral being that gold is worth melting.
00:57:08Depends on how you look at it, Mr. Steele.
00:57:11Call me Harry.
00:57:17Titan, with your permission.
00:57:19Of course.
00:57:26Coritica has great pride in her race.
00:57:28She believes in the ancient customs.
00:57:30At sundown she obeys the Inca laws.
00:57:33The food has something to do with it.
00:57:35It's an offering to the Mamakuna.
00:57:37I would love to see it.
00:58:20The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:58:33The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:58:40The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:58:46The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:58:52The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:58:58The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:03The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:08The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:13The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:18The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:23The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:28The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:33The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:38The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:43The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:48The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:53The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
00:59:58The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:03The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:08The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:13The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:18The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:23The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:28The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:33The legend is that Inti's daughter sang this song when she and the virgins of the temple were claimed by the sun.
01:00:38They seem very excited and happy, these people.
01:00:49Tomorrow there'll be thousands of them.
01:00:52Finding the Mamakuno is a great event in their lives.
01:00:55And yours.
01:00:57I'm used to finding things. Beautiful things. Strange surroundings.
01:01:02You are a very quiet man. You make me feel comfortable.
01:01:07I wish I felt comfortable.
01:01:37I... I hope you're comfortable here.
01:02:00If there's anything we can do for you...
01:02:02No, thank you.
01:02:04You sure?
01:02:05Yes, thank you.
01:02:07You're welcome.
01:02:09Well... Oh, how's the shoulder?
01:02:12Oh, fine.
01:02:13No, uh, pain or anything?
01:02:15You did a good job. You... you have a very gentle touch.
01:02:19Archaeologists have to be gentle. Things crumble into dust, you know.
01:02:22I won't crumble for many years yet.
01:02:25Oh, I didn't mean you.
01:02:26I know.
01:02:28Good night.
01:02:29Good night.
01:02:32I like you, Dr. Morehead. I like you very much.
01:02:59Well, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
01:03:02Now tell me, doctor, what's your opinion of the Inca civilization, now that you've had an opportunity of study?
01:04:29How did you get here?
01:04:30Follow my nose, boy. Follow my nose.
01:04:33I'll follow it right back home again.
01:04:35Oh, no. Before, it was all in fun. This is business, Harry.
01:04:39I'm here and I'm staying.
01:04:42Okay, then. I know when I've had it.
01:04:46Business is business.
01:04:47If you were smart enough to figure out where I went, you're smart enough to be a big help to me in the clutch.
01:04:52Oh, that's very nice of you, Harry.
01:04:55Is this what you're looking for?
01:04:57You and me with our little business.
01:04:59We just had a meeting and we elected a new chairman of the board.
01:05:03These six votes are for me.
01:05:06Sit down.
01:05:08Over there.
01:05:11Anybody else know where I went?
01:05:13Not even looking for you.
01:05:15Make you feel better?
01:05:17Why aren't they looking for me?
01:05:19The guy you stole the plane from didn't make any complaint.
01:05:22I didn't want word to get back home that he goofed.
01:05:25That's the way it figures. Anyhow, you're in the clear.
01:05:28Except with me.
01:05:30What about you?
01:05:32Oh, I'm way ahead now.
01:05:34Before, I was behind you, but now I'm way ahead.
01:05:37To start with, hand over that rock.
01:05:41What if I say no?
01:05:44Harry, I'm so mad at you, I could put a big hole in your head.
01:05:48Talk my way out of it afterwards.
01:05:51To your record, I might just make it.
01:05:59Don't come with it.
01:06:09What now?
01:06:11Now we'll talk.
01:06:14That expedition.
01:06:16I heard about it in Cusco after you left.
01:06:19How far they got with the digging?
01:06:21They're about to enter the main tomb.
01:06:23Monaco's tomb?
01:06:24Looks that way.
01:06:25The sunburst is there?
01:06:27That's what it says on the stone.
01:06:29That's nice.
01:06:31Oh, that's very nice.
01:06:34And while your feelings are good, what about us?
01:06:37You and me.
01:06:3950-50, down the middle.
01:06:41We get the sunburst and we go out of here together.
01:06:44When we get to a human place, we divide up.
01:06:46Down the middle.
01:06:48What a mental image of you giving me a square shake.
01:06:51If you don't trust me, don't sleep nights.
01:06:55What about the girl?
01:06:57I like girls.
01:07:00This one, while I saw her, could wind up with all I've got if she works at it.
01:07:05You're pretty crummy, Ed.
01:07:07And you, Harry?
01:07:09You're all right, huh?
01:07:12Come on.
01:07:18You better meet people while I figure out a good reason for an ape like you being here.
01:07:22I'll remember you, Harry.
01:07:26You and your mouth.
01:07:38Dr. Moorhead.
01:07:40This is Ed Morgan, a friend of mine.
01:07:42This is Dr. Moorhead, the head of the expedition here.
01:07:45Nice little place you got here, Doc.
01:07:47Mr. Morgan brought up the gasoline I needed from Cusco.
01:07:50I was able to get out a message in a plane radio just before we landed.
01:07:54Didn't know whether anybody heard it or not.
01:07:56I got word of it, decided to bring the gas myself.
01:07:59Isn't there anything I wouldn't do for the big fella?
01:08:01How did you know we were up here?
01:08:04Probably met the runner we sent down the river.
01:08:06That's just what happened, Doc.
01:08:08Met the little old runner, he told me my buddy was here, needed me, and here I am.
01:08:12That's friendship.
01:08:14One friend like Morgan here is all a man needs.
01:08:18I will have to find a place for you to stay.
01:08:20Oh, I'll bunk in with my buddy.
01:08:22We hate to be separated, don't we, Harry?
01:08:24I can hardly sleep nights.
01:08:26By the way, Doctor, we'll be leaving soon, but I thought as long as we were up here, I might do a little hunting.
01:08:31Thought you might lend me a rifle.
01:08:33Oh, we're up too high, there's no game around here.
01:08:35Oh, I'll find something to shoot at.
01:08:37They don't have any firearms. No use for them.
01:08:40Too bad.
01:08:42Well, that's life.
01:08:44We'll go shooting some other time, maybe.
01:08:46I can't wait.
01:08:47Doctor Morehead, Doctor Menzies would like you and Colonel Cardoza to meet him at the main tomb.
01:08:51Oh, yes. Excuse me.
01:08:53Do you mind if I keep it stocked?
01:08:55I won't get in your way, just a quiet little mouse.
01:08:58That's me.
01:08:59If you're interested.
01:09:01I've been a lover of art from way back.
01:09:03Spent all my time in a museum.
01:09:06That Morgan, what is he doing here?
01:09:09You know what he's doing.
01:09:11You're bad enough, but he's something special.
01:09:15That's funny, he likes you.
01:09:17Harry, before I didn't ask a favor, but I ask now.
01:09:22Why don't we leave, you and I, right away?
01:09:25And miss all the native dances?
01:09:28I won't ask again.
01:09:30Miss all the native dances?
01:09:33I won't ask again.
01:09:34Whatever happens now, it's your affair.
01:09:37Doc's a nice guy, isn't he?
01:09:40Kind of polite, very gentle.
01:09:43I notice he's all charged up about you.
01:09:46A kind of yes man, no man sort of way.
01:09:49Wouldn't surprise me a bit if you got a bid to marry the guy.
01:09:54You wouldn't think of anything else.
01:09:56That way you'd get to the States, all right.
01:09:59Maybe not New York, but Doc's from Boston.
01:10:01I think you'd like Boston.
01:10:03All you'd have to do is stay here when I leave.
01:10:07What could be nicer?
01:10:18A girl like you, you're made for somebody like me.
01:10:22And you know it.
01:10:25Just keep the Doc happy until we're ready to move on.
01:10:33I can't do without you. You know why?
01:10:36In my country, when you want to know what kind of man a boy will be,
01:10:40you look at his father.
01:10:42Morgan could be your father.
01:10:44I can see him in your eyes.
01:10:46One day you will not be Harry anymore, you will be him.
01:10:49I'm too tall to make a good Morgan.
01:10:51For a tall man, you're the smallest man I've ever met.
01:11:03You know how to read this?
01:11:05Don't you?
01:11:07Sure, read it like a book.
01:11:09What I want to know is how you figure it.
01:11:12You've got the stone.
01:11:14Looks like I'll have to depend on you.
01:11:17Yep, that's the way it's going to be.
01:11:20Give everything to your old buddy.
01:11:22Okay, buddy?
01:11:24Sure, you're my buddy.
01:11:27It's getting dark.
01:11:29That's the way I like it.
01:11:31I don't know why, but I always move around better when it's dark.
01:11:34I come to life.
01:11:36Like a bat.
01:11:37Go easy, Harry.
01:11:39I'm trying hard to like you.
01:11:43Okay, let it go.
01:11:44Might be important later.
01:11:46Maybe later you'll wish I liked you.
01:11:49I'll let you know.
01:11:52Sure, I'm glad it's getting dark.
01:11:54Nobody ever made a buck in daylight.
01:11:57We'll make plenty on this.
01:12:01I've been hearing about that sunburst 14 years now.
01:12:04You know, we'll sit around and pick it over like a roast chicken.
01:12:08A piece for you and a piece for me.
01:12:11What about that?
01:12:14Man, I wish we could get in that tomb tonight.
01:12:19What are you staring at?
01:12:21Sort of a mirror.
01:12:24Hey, you're coming all on glue.
01:12:26There ain't no mirror in here.
01:12:28Getting through to you, huh?
01:12:30Thinking about that sunburst.
01:12:32How it feels holding it in your hands.
01:12:36One million dollars.
01:12:38Think about it, Harry.
01:12:40One million dollars right in your hands.
01:12:43Makes me shake just to think of it.
01:12:47It's only money.
01:12:48Only, it says, and I can't stop shaking.
01:12:52It's waiting around, standing waiting around.
01:12:55I don't know how you can lie around like you do.
01:12:58I'm thinking.
01:13:00Think on your feet, like I do.
01:13:03Better if I lie down.
01:13:06That way I won't throw up.
01:13:18Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:13:48Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:14:18Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh
01:14:30Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:14:36bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:14:42bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:14:48bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:14:54bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
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01:15:02bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:15:06bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:15:10bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
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01:16:10bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:16:14bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:16:18bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:16:22bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
01:16:26bum, bum, bum, bum, bump, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, dumb
01:16:29Who could stop?
01:16:32The Jews.
01:16:42I thought perhaps I might find Corey Tika here.
01:16:45I wanted to ask her advice about something.
01:16:48She's gone.
01:16:48But perhaps I could give you advice.
01:16:51It's called the Intiwatana, the place where the sun is tied.
01:16:55It's in such a position that once a year the sun strikes it exactly in the center.
01:17:00Mama Kuna used to hide the jewel sunburst.
01:17:03When the sun touched the center of the stone, she'd hold the sunburst aloft as a symbol that the sun was again the captive of the Incas.
01:17:11Will you marry me?
01:17:15What did you say?
01:17:18I'm not very good at this.
01:17:21I mean proposing.
01:17:22That's what I wanted advice about.
01:17:26But you don't know me.
01:17:28That's not an answer.
01:17:32I'm not very nice.
01:17:37You know where I worked before I came here?
01:17:41A place in La Paz called the Club Granada.
01:17:46Downstairs there is a band and some tired entertainers.
01:17:52I don't like climbing stairs.
01:17:56Neither do I.
01:17:58You don't listen to me.
01:18:02For two years, nearly three, I've been trying to get to the United States.
01:18:08And I tell you, there is nothing a woman can do about that without help from a man.
01:18:18And I have no more need to pay for help.
01:18:23Now you are listening.
01:18:26But it doesn't change anything, not with me.
01:18:29You are crazy.
01:18:31No, just determined.
01:18:33I've wasted too much time.
01:18:36I suddenly realized that the first time I met you.
01:18:40This is important to me.
01:18:42I know it's quick, but it's important.
01:18:45You want to get to the United States.
01:18:47Come with me as my wife.
01:18:52You take me to New York?
01:18:54Anywhere you like.
01:18:56California, maybe.
01:18:58Where they have all the apples.
01:19:02You are thinking of oranges.
01:19:05I am.
01:19:07California is famous for oranges.
01:19:12Could I ask you something?
01:19:14Something important.
01:19:18Who cut down the cherry trees?
01:19:22George Washington.
01:20:05Me, too.
01:20:08We need an ambulance.
01:20:10Only members of the expedition will be allowed into the tomb.
01:20:12All others must wait outside.
01:20:14Hey, what's the idea?
01:20:15We've got as much fighting there as anybody.
01:20:17Tell him, Harry.
01:20:18You tell him about us.
01:20:20Oh, all right.
01:20:21I got a little excited.
01:20:22Never mind.
01:20:35Let me have the light.
01:21:06Look, a sunburst.
01:21:08It's carved out of the stone.
01:21:10So much for the legend of the golden sunburst.
01:21:12The legend never said it was gold.
01:21:14Now we know why.
01:21:16I never believed in it myself.
01:21:18I did.
01:21:19My people did.
01:21:21I did it.
01:21:22I did it.
01:21:24I did it.
01:21:25I did it.
01:21:27I did it.
01:21:28I did it.
01:21:30I did it.
01:21:31I did it.
01:21:33I did it.
01:21:34My people did.
01:21:36No, there's no mistake.
01:21:38That is not the true sunburst.
01:21:43Dr. Parrish, have a look at this.
01:21:46Ever see anything like that before?
01:21:48It is, sir.
01:21:49Looks like it's made out of quartz.
01:21:58What's he saying?
01:22:00They've opened the tomb.
01:22:01It's Manco's, all right.
01:22:02Something about a sunburst.
01:22:32What's all that?
01:22:33What about the sunburst?
01:22:35This is gonna be sort of a slug in the belly for you, Ed.
01:22:39They found the sunburst, all right.
01:22:41All right, then. They've saved us the trouble.
01:22:42We'll take it away from them.
01:22:43Only the trouble is it isn't worth taking.
01:22:47Made out of stone.
01:22:50You know.
01:22:54Don't be sad.
01:22:56We have waited many hundreds of years
01:23:00for the golden sun to be found.
01:23:03The legend says
01:23:05that only when it is taken back to the Temple of the Sun,
01:23:09only then will the people of Inca be great again.
01:23:18There's no place to hide up here.
01:23:19You might as well talk to me now.
01:23:21There is nothing to talk about.
01:23:23Let's start with the sunburst.
01:23:24It's only stone.
01:23:26That must be a bitter thing for you
01:23:28after coming all this way.
01:23:30I adjust to things very quickly.
01:23:32Anyway, maybe I've already found something to take its place.
01:23:38That's what I want to know.
01:23:41You mean me?
01:23:43That's what I mean.
01:23:47Tell me something.
01:23:50Tell me something.
01:23:52If the sunburst was gold instead of stone,
01:23:56would you steal it?
01:23:59I tried to quit smoking once.
01:24:02Didn't work.
01:24:04Habit's a tough thing to break.
01:24:06You would steal it.
01:24:08That's what you really want, Harry.
01:24:10That kind of excitement.
01:24:13Not me.
01:24:16Well, I'll be leaving in the morning.
01:24:21You're staying here?
01:24:25He knows the truth about me. I told him.
01:24:28He wants to marry me.
01:24:31Well, I admire his taste.
01:24:36If you're around when I shove off in the morning, wave goodbye to me.
01:24:42Who cut down the cherry tree?
01:24:46Abraham Lincoln.
01:24:51You're such a liar.
01:28:22Easy, buddy boy.
01:28:25You didn't think I'd believe what you said about the sunburst being only stone.
01:28:31You didn't believe when you told me.
01:28:34What now, you cretin?
01:28:37Open up the safe.
01:28:42I don't like this, Dad.
01:28:45You better learn to love it.
01:29:11You're trying to...
01:30:57The Indians have chased Morgan into the western part of the ruins.
01:31:00Steel is nowhere in sight.
01:31:02I'll be right there.
01:31:23I need you to take that one.
01:31:57We'll have to organize a systematic search of the area.
01:32:00Phil, see if you can't get that radio started.
01:32:02Right. I've already sent a runner off to Tompo.
01:32:04Colonel, we'd better mobilize the men in here.
01:32:07Si, senor.
01:32:20Hello, buddy.
01:32:22I thought you'd come this way.
01:32:28Hello, Harry.
01:32:33Well, what's it gonna be, buddy?
01:32:35I'm through.
01:32:40An old man like me, no good.
01:32:43Nothing left, you said that, remember?
01:32:45You said it'd be too much for me.
01:32:47You did all right for a while.
01:32:50For a while I was doing good.
01:32:52Like in the old days.
01:32:54You should have seen me in the old days, Harry.
01:32:58I'll bet you were plenty rugged.
01:33:01All right.
01:33:02Let's have it.
01:33:06You get old, Harry.
01:33:09You don't know when it starts, but...
01:33:11then one day when you're not looking,
01:33:14gravity gets you, Harry. It pulls you down.
01:33:16Even your own weight gets too much for you.
01:33:18Everything you've got goes toward the ground.
01:33:21Gravity's a terrible thing, Harry.
01:33:23Harry. Harry. Harry.
01:33:26There's enough of this for both of us.
01:33:28I know it.
01:33:29You play the winner, take all.
01:33:30That's me.
01:34:09Mama! Taika!
01:34:11Mr. Goonam! Come back again!
01:34:14Mr. Goonam! Come back again!
01:34:40Why did you bring it back?
01:34:42I didn't take it away.
01:34:44All I did was find it,
01:34:45then get it back when Morgan tried to steal it.
01:34:48What's more, I've got a lawyer who can prove it.
01:34:50You could have gotten away.
01:34:53I guess finding it meant more to me than keeping it.
01:34:56Anyway, it's a little gaudy for me.
01:34:58What about the other one, the man with you?
01:35:00He made a mistake.
01:35:02Gravity got him.
01:35:04Maybe he's still falling.
01:35:06Gravity got him.
01:35:08Maybe he's still falling.
01:35:09Dr. Moorhead, with your permission,
01:35:11I would like to return the sunburst to the Temple of the Sun.
01:36:36Unless Colonel Cardozo is real friendly,
01:36:38we may have a long engagement.
01:36:40Sorry I couldn't provide a ring,
01:36:42but this ought to hold you for a while.
01:36:44Where did you get that?
01:36:46Must have fallen in my pocket while I was in the tomb.
