RAZVIVAJKA! Great collection of educational cartoons for kids. Part 6

  • 2 months ago


00:00YetNovice. Channel for the whole family.
00:25A lot of people can go by bus.
00:30Let's go!
01:01A truck carries big loads.
01:31A tow truck is so strong that it can lift a car.
01:49The letters E and J.
01:57Wow! Two letters at once. E and J.
02:03This is number one. I know for sure.
02:07Yes, that's right. This is one or number one.
02:12One is the first number when you count from one to ten.
02:21I think this is very tasty.
02:28And this is a plate with food.
02:31Food is what we eat.
02:34It can be different.
02:42This is a horse. What is on its head?
02:46This is a unicorn.
02:49A fairy-tale animal that looks like a horse,
02:52but with a long and sharp horn on its head.
02:56In fairy-tales, magicians ride unicorns.
03:07This berry looks like a raspberry.
03:11But raspberries are cool.
03:12This berry is called a blackberry.
03:16It looks like a raspberry, but a different color.
03:20A blackberry is very tasty and healthy.
03:31This is a hedgehog.
03:33He has needles on his back.
03:36He is so prickly.
03:38Yes, this is a hedgehog.
03:40The needles on the hedgehog's back protect him from predators
03:45and help him carry food into the hole.
03:48Look how the hedgehog is carrying an apple.
03:56He is so nice. Who is this?
04:00This is a raccoon.
04:02It is easy to recognize it by its muzzle with whiskers
04:04and by the dark spots around its eyes.
04:06Before eating something,
04:09the raccoon likes to take it with its front paws.
04:17What a strange thing.
04:19This is a brush.
04:21A brush with bristles sticking out in different directions at the end.
04:25A brush looks like a toothbrush,
04:28but it is larger in size
04:30and its bristles stick out in all directions, in a circle.
04:32It is convenient for a raccoon to wash a vase for flowers
04:36or a bottle.
04:41We will use this tree for the New Year.
04:46Yes, that's right.
04:48But you know why a Christmas tree is the same color in winter and summer.
04:53That's right.
04:55Because a Christmas tree does not throw its needles away for the winter.
04:58A Christmas tree
05:15Christmas tree
05:17Christmas tree
05:19Well done!
05:21Now you know how the sixth and seventh letters of the Russian alphabet are called.
05:26These are the letters
05:28E and Ё
05:30E and Ё
05:32A funny designer
05:35Hi guys!
05:38What unusual details we have today!
05:42Let's see what happens.
05:46We take a frame.
05:51We install a mount for the cylinder on it.
06:02We install the wheels on the frame.
06:26We attach this large axle to the cylinder.
06:30We attach this large axle to the cylinder and attach it to our design.
06:46We install a cabin on the frame.
06:53We place the driver's seat in the cabin.
07:01We install mirrors in the cabin.
07:07We install a ladder next to it.
07:13And a flashing light.
07:18We have a roller.
07:21We need a roller to lay the asphalt.
07:24We need a roller to lay the asphalt.
07:28With its heavy cylinder, it tramples the hot asphalt and turns out a road.
07:35See you guys!
07:41This is Masha, Katya and little Lisa.
07:48Today the girls will go to the farm.
07:52We need to help grandmothers take care of the animals and harvest.
07:57But what to put on them?
08:01Hello, Masha!
08:04Let's take a quick look at your wardrobe and choose a dress.
08:10Well, well, what will fit?
08:13Well, well, what will fit?
08:20Maybe this one?
08:23Very beautiful, Masha!
08:26But this is not the clothes for the farm.
08:29This one?
08:32No, and the backpack is useless here.
08:36Or maybe this one?
08:38Great! You can ride a horse in this one.
08:49Hi, Katya!
08:52Let's help you choose what to wear.
08:56We need something comfortable, because there will be a lot of work.
09:01Maybe this one?
09:04This is, of course, comfortable, but not at all suitable for the farm.
09:09And so?
09:12No, you can't run a lot in these shoes.
09:18And this one?
09:21Very cool! You look like Tom Sawyer!
09:31Lisa, hi!
09:34Your friends are ready. Let's hurry up and we!
09:41How many dresses!
09:44But what to choose?
09:47This one?
09:50Oh, Lisa, you are so funny!
09:53Let's take this one!
09:56Do you think it will be comfortable?
09:59I'm afraid not.
10:03Do you want this funny suit?
10:06But Lisa, it will be uncomfortable to work.
10:11Well, as you wish.
10:16Finally, the girls have arrived!
10:22Here they collect berries.
10:28Ride a horse.
10:32And here, Lisa, you need to save yourself from trouble.
10:38We are red!
10:41Toys Store, Part 2
10:44Wow, we are again in the toy store!
10:48What toys will we see this time?
10:50Oh, look! There is something very interesting on the top shelf.
10:55Do you know what it is?
10:58Exactly! This is a moon rover!
11:01A special machine that travels around the moon and studies it.
11:05Let's paint it!
11:33The moon rover has all-wheel drive and an antenna for communication with the Earth.
11:46And here is the tractor on the bottom shelf.
11:49Do you already know what colors it will be painted?
12:06Dark Gray!
12:12Dark Gray!
12:14Dark Gray!
12:34The tractor has a large shovel in front and large rear wheels,
12:40so that it can go anywhere it wants.
12:44Let's paint it!
12:57Look what's here, on the other side, at the top!
13:01This is a real airplane!
13:04Let's paint it!
13:22This airplane has special large swimming skis,
13:27on which it can swim in the water.
13:30That's great!
13:36Look, this is a real tank!
13:54The tank has tracks and a large barrel.
13:58Look how it can shoot!
14:00Many toys remained unpainted.
14:04We will continue to do this next time.
14:10Smart Onion
14:14Hi, baby!
14:17I'm a smart onion
14:20and today I'll show you what yellow looks like.
14:24Look, this color is called yellow.
14:29It's a warm color, just like the summer sun.
14:37Do you want me to read you a story about the summer sun?
14:42Then listen.
14:47In the morning, the sun was shining.
14:51In the morning, the yellow sun rose to the sky and warmed the earth.
14:58And this is a yellow sunflower.
15:01This flower loves the sun very much and always follows it.
15:10All summer the sun was shining brightly,
15:15and the wheat in the field became yellow.
15:21And this yellow machine is called a combine.
15:25It went out into the field to remove the ripe wheat.
15:30Look how cleverly it works!
15:33This is how wheat grains get into the body of the truck.
15:38You certainly noticed that the body is also yellow.
15:43Did you notice that the driver is also yellow?
15:48Did you notice that the driver is also yellow?
15:51Well done!
15:55And from the wheat you can bake such delicious sweet buns.
16:01Yellow and round like the sun.
16:07Did you like this story?
16:10Then let's draw a yellow sun.
16:14Put the bun on a sheet of paper and carefully outline it with a yellow pencil.
16:21And now paint it.
16:29And draw bright rays from all sides.
16:39Like this.
16:41Try it yourself.
16:43Good luck, baby!
16:46Paint it.
17:03The sunflower never falls. That's great!
17:27Little Matryoshka has funny sisters.
17:52Look at my doll's dress!
18:43Guys, it's not time to sleep.
18:46What happened?
18:48A little acorn is wandering alone in the forest. Wild animals can eat him.
18:53Already on the way.
18:55Help the acorn find a new home.
19:05Tickle, tickle!
19:08Squirrel, leave him alone!
19:11She likes me.
19:15Jet, Jet, wake up!
19:18What happened? I didn't eat the cake.
19:21Oh, Acorn!
19:23So funny!
19:25Acorn, where are your parents?
19:28He's Acorn. He has no parents. He grew up on a tree.
19:31Yes, I grew up on a tall tree.
19:34So we need to bring him back there.
19:37No problem.
19:41We need to fix him on a branch.
19:44It's time to look into my body.
19:47What do we need?
19:49Hammer, bucket or rope?
19:59Jet, I think he doesn't like it.
20:02He'll get used to it. Let's go to sleep.
20:10Maybe we should glue him?
20:14Baby, we'll take care of you.
20:26Vick, let's leave him to us.
20:29No, he must go his own way.
20:32Well, if that's the case...
20:36What's that?
20:37What's that?
20:39What have you done? You broke it!
20:41It wasn't me!
20:43Guys, don't fight. I feel so good.
20:45Pour me some water.
20:47Just a minute, baby. I'll cry some more.
20:52I can't do it.
20:54Where can we get some water?
20:56It's time for transformations.
20:58But what should I turn into to water Acorn?
21:01A diver, a plane or a ship?
21:04A diver!
21:05Vick, Vick, I'm starting a transformation!
21:12Vick, dive into me!
21:20It's raining!
21:22I feel so good!
21:24Thank you, guys. Now I'm home.
21:27Baby, I'll miss you so much.
21:30Don't be sad, Jet.
21:32You can always come to visit me.
21:35And you'll always be my little Acorn.
21:39Guys, I see you did it.
21:42I'm so proud of you.
21:44I'm so proud of you.
21:46I'm so proud of you.
21:48I'm so proud of you.
21:50I'm so proud of you.
21:51Guys, I see you did it.
21:54Yes, wise tree. Now everything is fine.
21:57Jet, it's time for us to go.
21:59That's right. The chicks grow up and fly out of the nest.
22:03It's time to sleep.
22:07Bye, everyone.
22:10Well, let's go to bed.
22:13Oh, yeah.
22:20Hooray! The next episode of the cartoon Puzzle!
22:24Wow! What a big truck!
22:27We need to remember that the body is on the left, and the cabin is on the right.
22:32Got it! Let's start!
22:38The first puzzle has a fragment of a yellow body.
22:41The second one is above the first one.
22:44The third one is on the right.
22:48The body looks good.
22:50But something is wrong with the wheels.
22:52Let's put this puzzle aside for now.
22:54Let's take another one.
22:56This one. Yes!
22:58Let's put this one on the other side.
23:00Here. It will be the fourth one.
23:03The fifth one is down.
23:05The sixth one is down, too.
23:07Here is a fragment of the road.
23:09And on the seventh one is a piece of the sky.
23:11It is on the top.
23:13Like this.
23:15No, not quite.
23:17On the other side.
23:19Let's put the eighth one in the corner.
23:21The ninth one is here.
23:23The tenth one is the end of the yellow body and the wheel.
23:27Let's put it here.
23:29On the eleventh one is the sky with a cloud.
23:32The twelfth one is with the cabin.
23:34The thirteenth one is the penultimate one.
23:37The fourteenth one.
23:39And the fifteenth one.
23:41We have put together a whole picture with a truck.
23:45Such a truck is called a tractor with a semi-trailer platform.
23:50It is convenient to transport something big and long on the platform.
23:55For example, a whole rocket.
24:01This is the same red tractor, but with a different trailer.
24:05After we put together this picture from the puzzles,
24:08I will tell you what this trailer is called
24:11and what it needs.
24:13Let's put it together.
24:17The first puzzle.
24:19Here it is.
24:21We put the second one on the right.
24:23The third one is down.
24:25The fourth one is on top.
24:27The fifth one is next to the fourth one.
24:29There is also a sky on it.
24:31And the sixth one.
24:33The seventh one is a part of the truck.
24:35Here it is.
24:37Well, it's wrong.
24:39There should not be such a gap between the puzzles.
24:41This puzzle with a piece of sky is not in its place.
24:45Let's put it away.
24:48Here is the correct eighth puzzle.
24:51What is the next one?
24:53That's right. The ninth one.
24:55Here it is.
24:57The tenth one is in the lower right corner.
24:59And the eleventh one.
25:01The twelfth one.
25:03And the cab of the truck is put together.
25:05There are three last puzzles left.
25:08The thirteenth one.
25:09The fourteenth one.
25:11The fourteenth one.
25:13And the last one, the fifteenth one.
25:15It's done!
25:17Such a semi-trailer is called a flour truck.
25:20This flour truck carries flour to a confectionery factory,
25:23where very tasty buns, cakes and cakes are made from it.
25:29And we have another truck.
25:35There is not only a truck,
25:36but also three trucks!
25:41I know what this semi-trailer is called,
25:43and I'll tell you right away,
25:45as soon as we put it together from 15 puzzles.
25:48Let's do it!
25:51The first one is put in the center.
25:54The second one is on the left.
25:56Wait, no.
25:58The picture doesn't work.
26:00Somehow everything is crooked.
26:02Let's put it away for now.
26:04Or maybe we'll just turn it over?
26:06Let's get it out of here.
26:10Here is the correct second puzzle.
26:13This is the third one.
26:15The fourth one.
26:17And now this puzzle.
26:19It will be the fifth one.
26:21The sixth one.
26:24The seventh one here.
26:26The eighth one with a cabin.
26:28The ninth one up.
26:30The tenth one in the upper right corner.
26:33The eleventh one in the lower right corner.
26:36The twelfth one.
26:38And the whole trailer is put together.
26:40It remains to put the road together.
26:42Here is the thirteenth one.
26:44The fourteenth one.
26:46And the last one.
26:48The fifteenth one.
26:50We put the whole picture together.
26:52Such a trailer is called a car-carrier.
26:56It can immediately transport many, many cars.
27:02Three cars are already standing at the top.
27:04And a roadster, a universal and a hatchback come together.
27:19The car-carrier immediately carries 6 luxury cars.
27:23That's great!
27:347. COUNTING
27:37Hi, guys!
27:39Today we will learn how to count to 7.
27:43One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
27:52Wow! A watermelon!
27:55Wow! That's cool!
28:22Wow! A sprout has grown out of the seeds.
28:25The second sprout.
28:27The third one.
28:29The fourth one.
28:31The fifth one.
28:33The sixth one.
28:35The seventh one.
28:38Guys, 7 excellent sprouts have grown out of the watermelon seeds.
28:43The seventh one.
28:45The eighth one.
28:47The ninth one.
28:49The tenth one.
28:50The eleventh.
28:53And this is a giraffe.
28:55He really likes to ride a roller coaster.
29:01Oh, the giraffe drove by our sprouts by accident and they crashed.
29:07Let's build a fence to protect our plants.
29:12Let's take two long rocks and attach planks to them.
29:17One, two, three.
29:204, 5, 6, 7
29:32Let's water the plants!
29:43Guys, we've got a great fence!
29:47Now the plants are protected!
29:50Let's go!
29:55Oh, where should I ride the giraffe now?
30:04Like this!
30:07Let's try again!
30:19Let's make a silhouette!
30:22Hi, guys!
30:25Look at this interesting silhouette!
30:28What could it be?
30:31Let's make it together and find out!
30:52It's a huge cargo ship!
30:54What's this?
31:17Wow! What's this?
31:20Let's collect it!
31:47We've got a small but very strong tugboat!
31:54Interesting! What's this silhouette?
31:58Let's find out!
32:17Hooray! We've got it!
32:20It's a sailboat!
32:22It's so cute!
32:25And it's very fast!
32:31We've made three silhouettes!
32:34Let's look at them again!
32:38This is a cargo ship.
32:41It carries heavy loads.
32:45This is a tugboat.
32:48It's small but very strong.
32:53And this is a sailboat.
32:56It's very fast.
33:02Did you like making silhouettes, guys?
33:06See you next time!
