Parovozik Tishka. The new adventures of Tree cartoon for children

  • 2 months ago


00:00YekMovies. Channel for the whole family.
00:30Two-Wheeled Chronicles
00:45Welcome to Paravozovsk, where trains live.
00:48There are railroads, railways and trams everywhere.
00:51Tasty fuel is served in a cafe, and children play bowling in a train.
01:14Oh, look! Our old tree is sick!
01:18How did you know that the tree is sick?
01:20It doesn't cough!
01:22It doesn't have a fever.
01:24Trees don't cough.
01:26But if leaves fall on it in the summer, it means it's not healthy.
01:31It's the oldest tree in Paravozovsk!
01:35It's even older than Vasilich!
01:37We have to cure it!
01:39Let's go to the shop, young gardener!
01:47Oh, something interesting is going on.
01:57Where are you going, guys?
02:00Do you know the tree that is older than Vasilich?
02:03Vasilich? I know. What's wrong with him?
02:07It's drying up!
02:09How terrible! Vasilich is drying up!
02:17Aunt Tova, when was the last time you checked your brakes?
02:20What brakes? Have you heard? Vasilich is drying up!
02:24How is it drying up? All of it?
02:26I don't know if it's half or all of it, but it's definitely an epidemic!
02:31And while he hasn't infected everyone, he needs to be put in isolation!
02:34Okay, you run to Vasilich and don't let him out of the house.
02:38And I'll warn the residents of Paravozovsk.
02:43Who's there?
02:45Nobody. It's just a dream. Sleep on.
02:51What do you mean, a dream? Sleep on!
02:54Wait, I'll be right out!
02:58You don't have to go out. The weather is very bad today.
03:02Why doesn't the door open?
03:05Because I'm holding it!
03:07Be patient, we'll go to the hospital soon.
03:11Now we'll visit him every day until he recovers.
03:17We also need to ask Vasilich for flowers and plant them around the tree.
03:24Where are you running? He broke out!
03:33Have you seen Aunt Tova?
03:38Oh, the young people are busy.
03:41Thank you, Vasilich!
03:43We wanted to ask you for flowers and plant them around the tree.
03:47Good idea! Wait for me here, I'll bring the flowers now.
03:52Wait, Vasilich, we'll help you!
04:07The policeman is asking why you are not at school.
04:11What school? I told you, there's an infectious patient here.
04:16Why are you all covered in car oil?
04:19It protects you from infection.
04:22Look what flowers Vasilich gave us!
04:26Vasilich, don't resist. Let us oil you and everything will be fine.
04:33I'm fine without oil.
04:36Dear Aunt Tova, please explain why you locked me up in my house?
04:48What a funny story! I got it all wrong.
04:53I'm sorry, Vasilich.
04:55It happens.
04:58You'd better see what good locomotives we have.
05:06Let's go!
05:36The End
