Una classe di monelli per Jo - Ep 12 - Dan, il cattivo

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01:26Di Monelli per Gio'
01:30Una classe di Monelli per Gio'
01:32Per affrontare sempre nuove esperienze
01:37Ogni giorno insieme si cresce un po'
01:39Ci sono tante responsabilità
01:42E po' di scienze
01:43Una classe di Monelli per Gio'
01:46Per risvegliare queste nostre coscienze
01:50Camminare tutti uniti si po'
01:53In questa classe di Monelli per Gio'
01:56Per risvegliare queste nostre coscienze
02:14Se vuoi restare qui non abbiamo nessun problema
02:16Possiamo accoglierti
02:17Però sappi che non facciamo favoritismi
02:19E dovrai comportarti come tutti gli altri
02:21Sarai capace di lavorare e di studiare?
02:23Certamente, non sono stupido
02:32Bene, a partire da oggi faremo una prova
02:35Sarai qui a Plumfield un paio di giorni
02:37Così avremo il tempo di vedere se ti piace
02:39E cosa sai fare
02:40Grazie tante, signora Gio'
02:42E' gentile
02:43Ma solo un paio di giorni
02:44Su, andiamo
02:46Ehi Dan, aspetta un attimo
02:48Mi scusi, signora Gio'
02:49Devo andare
02:56Ciao, mocciosetta
02:57Non sei capace di salutare come si deve
03:05Non devi comportarti così
03:06Non sei in uno di quei vicoli dove sei vissuto fino a ieri
03:09Questo posto non mi va
03:11Guarda che qui si sta benissimo
03:13Io sono sicuro che piacerà tanto anche a te
03:15Sei talmente ingenuo che a volte mi sembri proprio stupido
03:18Soltanto uno come te potrebbe essere entusiasta di un posto del genere
03:22E vabbè, diamo un'occhiata in giro a questa meraviglia
03:42Bravo, Stuffy!
03:46Tutto bene, Stuffy?
03:47Ti sei fatto male?
03:48E' qualcosa
03:58Sei bravissimo
03:59Un'equilibrista formidabile
04:02Avete visto?
04:03Ha spasso sul barino
04:08Adesso passiamo al prossimo numero
04:10Che ci verrà presentato dal nostro Tommy
04:12Che cosa stanno facendo?
04:13Non lo so
04:14Non lo so
04:15Non lo so
04:16Non lo so
04:18Che cosa stanno facendo?
04:19Ma come non l'hai capito?
04:20Giocano al circo
04:21Che sciocchezza
04:25Aspetta, non puoi entrare
04:26Per poter assistere allo spettacolo devi pagare uno spillo
04:29Lascia stare, è un mio amico
04:30Pago io per lui
04:31Eccoti due spilli
04:34Toglimi una curiosità
04:35E' veramente tuo amico, quello?
04:37Mi ha aiutato molto quando abitavo in città
04:43Di un po', ragazzino
04:44E' tutto lì quello che sai fare
04:48No, amico, non è tutto
04:50Se vuoi adesso ti mostro come so fare bene a pugni
04:52Non essere antipatico, Tommy
04:54Non dovete litigare da oggi
04:56Dan vivrà con noi
04:58Allora sei un nuovo studente
05:01Parteciperà alle lezioni con noi
05:03Chi lo sa?
05:04Non è detto, non ho ancora deciso
05:06Ma Dan
05:07Esatto, è ancora tutto da decidere
05:12Sì, cosa c'è?
05:13Su, non dargli retta e continua pure a fare il tuo numero
05:16Coraggio, ti faccio i miei migliori auguri
05:19Sì, va bene
05:21Ned, la presentazione
05:28Signore e signori
05:29Eccoci giunti al numero più emozionante del nostro spettacolo
05:32Il salto mortale eseguito da Tommy
05:35Evviva, bravo Tommy
05:40Tommy è un bravissimo acrobata
05:43Si è riempito tutto di libidi a forza di esercitarsi
05:48Forza Tommy, sei l'unico
06:03Bravo Tommy, ce l'hai fatta
06:07Ah, questa è roba da pivelli
06:09Ma dai
06:10Soltanto voi riuscite ad entusiasmarvi per così poco
06:13È roba da bambini
06:15Che... che cosa hai detto?
06:17Che siete dei pivelli e tu sei negato
06:20Prova a ripeterlo
06:30Sei un pivello
06:31Ora smetti la Dan
06:32Beh, farò finta di niente
06:34Adesso ti tiro indietro
06:35Eppure sei stato tu a provocarmi
06:37O forse non hai il coraggio di batterti
06:39Chi, io?
06:41Vattene e lascialo in pace
06:43Per favore, ora non litigate
06:45Togliti di mezzo Nanny
06:46Non devi cadere nel suo gioco, vuole provocarti
06:49Levati dai piedi, linguaccia
06:51Basta, vattene
06:53Brunta mocciosa
06:54Calmati Dan
06:55Se fate a botte verrete tutti quanti cacciati dalla scuola
07:05Natta ha detto la verità
07:06Non si può fare a botte, se no si viene espulsi
07:09Io non ho nessun problema
07:10Tanto per quello che mi importa
07:12Beh, comunque io sono offeso per quello che ha detto
07:15È facile criticare gli altri quando si sta a guardare
07:17Visto che fai tanto il superiore
07:19Vediamo cosa sei capace di fare tu
07:22Con molto piacere
07:37Ma, ma è bravissimo
07:43Soddisfatto adesso
07:52Ehi, Dan, aspetta un attimo
07:55Ehi, mi hai sentito
07:58Quel ragazzo cosi cocciuto
08:10Voglio parlare con te
08:12Che c'è, vuoi di nuovo fare a botte?
08:14No, assolutamente, io...
08:19Lasciamo perdere quello che è successo prima
08:22Mi piacerebbe sapere dove hai imparato a fare quei salti
08:28Visto che ci tieni tanto, te lo dirò
08:30Si, ti do la mia parola
08:31Però voglio qualcosa in cambio
08:33Nessuno fa niente per niente a questo mondo
08:35Non l'hai ancora imparato ragazzino?
08:39Smetti Lana, te hai ragione
08:40Ogni cosa ha il suo giusto prezzo
08:42Io sono pronta a pagare
08:44Bene, vedo che sei un tipo sveglio
08:46Che cosa mi dai?
08:54Ecco, tieni
08:55Questo è il mio coltellino
08:56Te lo regalo
09:00È un coltello a cinque lame
09:01Ma una si è rotta
09:02Le altre però sono ancora perfette
09:06Che ne dici?
09:23Se ho capito bene
09:24Vorresti sapere come si impara a fare i salti che hai visto prima
09:29E allora ascoltami bene
09:30Perché non te lo ripeterò una seconda volta
09:33Si, certo
09:34Sarò attentissimo
09:36Se vuoi diventare bravo come me
09:37Devi imparare un segreto
09:40Provaci finché non ti riuscirà facile come camminare
09:42Si, e poi?
09:45E poi nient'altro
09:48Allora, l'avete trovato?
09:49No, l'abbiamo cercato dappertutto
09:50Quanto lo detesto
09:51È proprio un vigliaco
09:52Ha ingannato Tommy per portargli via il suo coltellino
09:53Figurati che a me non lo lasciava nemmeno toccare
09:54Ha stato molto furbo
09:55Tommy ci teneva tanto a quel coltello
09:56Tommy è soltanto un ingenuo
09:57Doveva cadere
09:58Non lo so
09:59Non lo so
10:00Non lo so
10:01Non lo so
10:02Non lo so
10:03Non lo so
10:04Non lo so
10:05Non lo so
10:06Non lo so
10:07Non lo so
10:08Non lo so
10:09Non lo so
10:10Non lo so
10:11Non lo so
10:12Non lo so
10:13Non lo so
10:14Non lo so
10:15Non lo so
10:16Non lo so
10:17Non lo so
10:18Non lo so
10:19Non lo so
10:20Non lo so
10:21Non lo so
10:22Non lo so
10:23Non lo so
10:24Non lo so
10:25Non lo so
10:26Non lo so
10:27Non lo so
10:28Non lo so
10:29Non lo so
10:30Non lo so
10:31Non lo so
10:32Non lo so
10:33Non lo so
10:34Non lo so
10:35Non lo so
10:36Non lo so
10:37Non lo so
10:38Non lo so
10:39Non lo so
10:40Non lo so
10:41Non lo so
10:42Non lo so
10:43Non lo so
10:44My friend
10:45You can't take advantage of his naivety
10:57Look, she handed you the knife to Knott
11:00Here it is
11:03Bravo! You're good Knott
11:06But how did he do ?
11:08It's a strange boy.
11:28Welcome! You must be Dan.
11:32Mrs. Joe told me that you will stay here with us in Plumfield for a few days.
11:36And so I have already prepared a comfortable bed for you in Nat's room.
11:41Hey, tell me, where are you going? I haven't finished talking to you yet!
11:47I'm so angry!
11:49But you know what Tommy said when Nat brought him back his little knife?
11:53Stuff to take him by surprise!
11:56Dan is really a tough guy.
11:58I want to become like him, throw the knife and do the deadly jump.
12:12Are you crazy, Tommy?
12:15Nothing happened. It seemed easy to him, but it wasn't.
12:18Damn it!
12:20That Dan is definitely unpleasant.
12:22I agree with you. You know, I'm 48 years old.
12:25But it's the first time I've ever met a boy like that.
12:28Just look him in the eyes to understand that he was born a criminal.
12:31That little boy has no respect for human beings.
12:34My word!
12:37Is it true what Nat said, that from now on he will live here with us in Plumfield?
12:41Ah, no, it's not true.
12:43Is it true what Nat said, that from now on he will live here with us in Plumfield?
12:47Ah, no, it's not true.
12:49Exactly! After that, let's go!
12:51He won't resist anymore. You'll see that they'll hunt him down.
12:54That's not very reassuring.
12:55He won't resist for more than two days.
12:59It's the first time you two agree on something.
13:11Dan, what are you doing there all alone?
13:14Don't you want to stay with me and my friends?
13:16Please, Dan, try to be nice to them, otherwise it will end badly.
13:20Listen, Nat.
13:22You know very well how my life in the city has been until the other day.
13:25I've always had so many enemies, and unfortunately not even one friend.
13:28But I'm fine like this.
13:32But obviously you are an exception.
13:35You know, no one in the world can play the violin like you do, even if the others don't understand it.
13:40Will you play it again for me?
13:44Dan, you have to convince yourself that not everyone is as bad as the city boys you've met so far.
13:50And you too are different from how you want to look,
13:52otherwise you wouldn't have given me the knife to give it back to Tommy.
13:59You have little experience, but let me give you some advice.
14:01When someone is nice to you, it's not because they want what's best for you.
14:04Often they just want to take advantage of you.
14:07Everyone in this world thinks only about their own interests.
14:10And it will always be like that.
14:12No, you're wrong.
14:13You're not just moved when I start playing the violin.
14:17Believe me, Mr. Bower and Mrs. Joe are different.
14:20They don't want to take advantage of you.
14:22You know what?
14:23If I had good parents like them, my life would have been different.
14:28Very different.
14:32Hi, Nat.
14:33I was just looking for you.
14:35Hi, Mr. Bower.
14:36And that boy with you is Dan, right?
14:40My wife Joe will have already explained some rules of our school to you.
14:44Here, every boy participates in the daily chores,
14:46such as cleaning, taking care of the animals and taking care of the garden.
14:50Each of them is responsible for what he is doing.
14:53If you want to stay with us, you have to behave like them too.
14:56Am I clear or am I wrong?
14:58If you want to stay with us, you have to behave like them too.
15:00Am I clear or am I wrong?
15:03No, wait a minute.
15:05I don't know yet if I'll stay here.
15:07They gave me two days to decide.
15:09Ah, I understand.
15:10So what pushed you to come here, even though you're not sure?
15:15You'll answer me later.
15:16Anyway, if you want to stay, please come with me.
15:23Do as he told you.
15:26All right, I'll do it, since you care so much about us.
15:29But know that I'll only do it for you, it's clear.
15:35See you later.
15:40See you later.
15:50Salve, Silas!
15:51Oh, good morning, Mr. Bauer.
15:54Is this the boy that Mrs. Jo told me so much about?
15:57Yes, his name is Dan Keen.
15:58Dan, this is Silas.
16:01As you may have already understood, Dan is not a guy who likes to talk much.
16:04What do you say, can I leave him here with you?
16:10Of course.
16:11Working together, I'll get to know him better.
16:17Bravo, Dan!
16:18You're digging it very well.
16:20Well, now what's wrong with you?
16:21Why did you stop digging?
16:27A big boy like you is perfect in the field work.
16:30It's a pity that you behave like a young lady.
16:36Calm down, don't overdo it.
16:37If you waste all your strength now, you won't be able to do it later.
16:40Look, the field is big, my boy, it goes all the way down there.
16:45And who tells you that I'll keep digging until the end?
16:47You'll have to do it, of course.
16:49We won't go to eat until we've cut the last grain of grass.
16:52Courage, boy!
16:55Hey, wait a minute, where are you going?
16:58I'll start digging on the other side, so at a certain time we'll meet halfway.
17:03And if at some point I give up everything and go for my own?
17:06But no, I'm sure you won't run away, I trust you.
17:09Come on, let's get to work.
17:18Honey, once you told me that every child has something good inside.
17:23A particular talent that he has not yet expressed because no one has discovered and valued it.
17:30It's such a beautiful and profound thought.
17:32I liked it as a Christmas gift.
17:39Let's hope that even Dan will show us what he has inside.
17:43I'm sure he's a good and intelligent boy.
17:46And if we have faith in him, he will prove it to us.
18:02Silas, where did Dan go?
18:09Tell me, did he do it on purpose?
18:12Seeing what kind he was, I thought that the best thing was to show him all my trust.
18:17But I was wrong.
18:19Unfortunately, that boy is worse than I thought.
18:21I don't know if he will ever be able to change in his life.
18:27See, dear?
18:28Silas is right, you have to resign.
18:42Christmas Eve
19:08It's really nice here, isn't it?
19:16What do you want from me?
19:18Nothing, I just wanted to chat a little.
19:21It's so nice to talk to someone.
19:23Here, everyone in the evening tells me the little facts that happened during the day.
19:28Often it's very simple things that you might consider stupid,
19:31like the singing of a cicada in a meadow or the rainbow that rises in the sky.
19:36But I have nothing to tell you.
19:42Nate plays wonderfully.
19:45Yes, he's a real genius with that violin.
19:47But, you know, he's such a lonely boy.
20:01Right now, Nate is thinking about you.
20:04I can tell from the kind of melody he's playing.
20:08Honestly, you're still a stranger to me,
20:10but I've noticed that Nate really likes you.
20:14And I really trust his judgment.
20:19Come on, Dan, you'll be late for dinner.
20:34Mrs Joe!
20:35Mrs Joe!
20:36You must stop it!
20:38Stop being nice to me! It's a comedy!
20:40I don't care if you're used to commanding.
20:42In a couple of days, you won't have the right to tell me what to do and what not to do!
20:47Go back! Don't talk to Mrs Joe like that!
20:53Phew, thank goodness he left.
20:55But no, he'll come back, I'm sure of it.
20:58If he really hated us, he would have left earlier.
21:01And instead, as you can see, he's still here.
21:03It's true, he has a temper.
21:05But he's not a bad boy.
21:07He said that in a couple of days he'll do what he wants,
21:10so tomorrow he'll still be here.
21:16Poor Dan, no one trusts him anymore.
21:18But he'll make it.
21:23Come on.
21:33Come on.
22:04Dove andare? Ti accorgerai
22:07Che non si finisce mai
22:10D'imparare così
22:13Grande ti verrai
22:20Una classe di modelli per Joe
22:22Per affrontare sempre nuove esperienze
22:27Ogni giorno insieme si cresce un po'
22:29Ci sono tante responsabilità
22:32E conoscete
22:33Una classe di modelli per Joe
22:36Per risvegliare queste nostre coscienze
22:40Camminare tutti uniti si può
22:42In questa classe di modelli per Joe
22:45Una classe di modelli
22:49Una classe di modelli per Joe
22:52Una classe di modelli
22:56Una classe di modelli per Joe
23:01Una classe di modelli per Joe
23:03Per affrontare sempre nuove esperienze
23:08Ogni giorno insieme si cresce un po'
23:10Ci sono tante responsabilità
23:13E conoscete
23:14Una classe di modelli per Joe
23:17Per risvegliare queste nostre coscienze
23:21Camminare tutti uniti si può
23:24In questa classe di modelli per Joe