Parovozik Tishka. The new adventures of the Magic tree cartoon for children

  • 2 months ago


00:00YekNovies. Channel for the whole family.
01:30Have you lost your mind? Are you also watching the tree grow?
01:33Since yesterday.
01:37Stop peeping!
01:39Go to the forest, find the seed from the magic tree and plant it yourself!
01:46We'll plant ten of these trees and let Yelka be jealous!
01:51Tishka, I'm tired. I want to eat.
01:56Maybe we'll look for this tree tomorrow?
01:59It's somewhere nearby, somewhere here. I can feel it.
02:11Hurry up! It's dry here!
02:16That's right. Leaves don't let water in.
02:21I'm cold. I'm all wet.
02:25Me too.
02:30How are you?
02:31It's warmer.
02:34It's hot.
02:39It's good here.
02:41Yeah, it's cool.
02:43We'll cool down a little and then we'll go.
02:51Come on, that way!
02:54It's an old bridge. It can break.
02:58Don't worry, it'll hold.
03:14I'd better go back.
03:19Hold on tight! I'll save you now!
03:22I can't swim.
03:25What should I do?
03:34Hold on to the tree!
03:36But it's prickly!
03:38Hurry up, or the bridge will collapse!
03:41Hold on!
03:53Thank you, Tishka. You're a real friend.
03:57It's not for me. Thank you for the tree. It saved you.
04:11Well, did you find the magic tree?
04:14No, we didn't.
04:16You must have been looking for it badly. There are a lot of them.
04:20You're so careless!
04:23Elka, tell me, what's so magical about your tree?
04:27When the tree grows, it will cover me with its wide leaves from the rain.
04:33And when it's hot, I'll feel cool in its shadow.
04:39And in general, it's very beautiful.
04:47Gosha, but we were also covered in rain and heat in the forest.
04:52That's right. And also from the cold. And they helped us in a difficult moment.
04:56So it turns out that all the trees are magical.
05:00Yeah. And there are so many of them. A whole forest.
