• 2 months ago
The 37 Scientific Evidence of Digital Evidence Tampering on CCTV Footage at Olivier Café: The Jessica Kumala Wongso Case (2016), Carried Out by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, Who were Under the Leadership of the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti, and the Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Tito Karnavian.


According to point 27 in the interrogation report (BAP - Berita Acara Pemeriksaan) of Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar, the dimensions should have been 1920x1080 pixels.
During this time interval, tracking Rangga's movement in making coffee was necessary, yet Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar blurred it instead.

The forensic impact of Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar's downscaling of CCTV 1 footage from 15:46 to 18:30 local time is significant. By reducing the frame dimensions to 960 x 576 pixels and the frame rate from 25 to 10 frames per second, crucial details were obscured. According to point 27 in the interrogation report of Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar, the dimensions should have remained at 1920 x1080 pixels. This intentional manipulation of the video's resolution and frame rate raises questions about the integrity of the evidence presented in court.

During this time interval, tracking Rangga's movement in making coffee was essential for understanding the sequence of events. The downscaling of the CCTV 1 footage, orchestrated by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar, severely impacts the ability to analyze whether the coffee and milk were not mixed (remained as two layers) or not in the cup before the alleged poisoning incident. During the crucial time interval, tracking Rangga's movements in preparing the coffee was essential for reconstructing the sequence of events leading up to the alleged crime. However, Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar's actions blurred this crucial aspect instead of preserving it. By reducing the frame dimensions and frame rate, the clarity and accuracy of the footage were compromised, hindering forensic analysis and potentially distorting the portrayal of events. This manipulation could lead to misinterpretation and false conclusions during legal proceedings.

The decision to downscale the CCTV footage precisely during the time when Rangga was preparing the coffee and milk raises significant questions about the potential motives behind this manipulation. One possible explanation is that reducing the frame dimensions and frame rate during this critical period was intended to obscure or conceal any suspicious activity related to the introduction of any substance into the coffee.

By reducing the clarity and detail of the footage precisely during the preparation of the beverage, Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar may have sought to create ambiguity or uncertainty regarding the events leading up to the alleged poisoning. Th


00:00Australian resident Jessica Wongso has been charged with the murder of Minis Alihin.
00:09Police allege she poisoned her friend by adding cyanide to her coffee.
00:13Jessica is like a devil.
00:16Deep inside is something like evil.
00:19It is said that the trial of the century is true.
00:29Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza performed downscaling on CCTV-1 footage from 1546 to 1830 local
00:36time, reducing the frame dimensions to 960x576 pixels and the frame rate to 10 frames per
00:45According to point 27 in the interrogation report, BAP Berita Akar Pemarikson, of Mohammed
00:51Nuh Al-Azza, the dimensions should have been 1920x1080 pixels.
00:56During this time interval, tracking Ranga's movement and making coffee was necessary,
01:01yet Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza blurted instead.
01:06The forensic impact of Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza's downscaling of CCTV-1 footage from 1546 to
01:121830 local time is significant.
01:15By reducing the frame dimensions to 960x576 pixels and the frame rate from 25 to 10 frames
01:22per second, crucial details were obscured.
01:26According to point 27 in the interrogation report of Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza, the dimensions
01:31should have remained at 1920x1080 pixels.
01:37This intentional manipulation of the video's resolution and frame rate raises questions
01:41about the integrity of the evidence presented in court.
01:45During this time interval, tracking Ranga's movement and making coffee was essential for
01:50understanding the sequence of events.
01:53The downscaling of the CCTV-1 footage, orchestrated by Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza, severely impacts
01:59the ability to analyze whether the coffee and milk were not mixed, remained as two layers,
02:04or not in the cup before the alleged poisoning incident.
02:08During the crucial time interval, tracking Ranga's movements and preparing the coffee
02:12was essential for reconstructing the sequence of events leading up to the alleged crime.
02:17However, Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza's actions blurred this crucial aspect instead of preserving it.
02:23By reducing the frame dimensions and frame rate, the clarity and accuracy of the footage
02:28were compromised, hindering forensic analysis and potentially distorting the portrayal of events.
02:34This manipulation could lead to misinterpretation and false conclusions during legal proceedings.
02:41The decision to downscale the CCTV footage precisely during the time when Ranga was preparing
02:46the coffee and milk raises significant questions about the potential motives behind this manipulation.
02:52One possible explanation is that reducing the frame dimensions and frame rate during
02:56this critical period was intended to obscure or conceal any suspicious activity related
03:01to the introduction of any substance into the coffee.
03:04By reducing the clarity and detail of the footage precisely during the preparation of
03:08the beverage, Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza may have sought to create ambiguity or uncertainty
03:13regarding the events leading up to the alleged poisoning.
03:16This manipulation could have been strategically employed to make it more difficult for forensic
03:21analysts to determine definitively whether any substance was introduced into the coffee
03:25during Ranga's preparation process.
03:28Additionally, the timing of the downscaling coinciding with Ranga's actions suggests
03:33that Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza may have sought to hide any potential evidence of tampering
03:37or foul play during the coffee preparation phase.
03:41By obscuring crucial details of Ranga's movements and actions, the manipulation of
03:45the CCTV-1 footage could have been aimed at casting doubt on the integrity of the evidence
03:50and complicating efforts to establish a clear timeline of events.
03:54While it remains speculative, the possibility that any chemical compound was introduced
03:58into the coffee during Ranga's preparation cannot be discounted.
04:03The deliberate manipulation of the CCTV-1 footage during this specific time frame underscores
04:08the importance of conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the alleged
04:12poisoning and highlights the need to preserve the integrity of forensic evidence to ensure
04:17a fair and just legal process.
04:20Therefore, Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza's downscaling of CCTV-1 footage had a detrimental forensic
04:25impact, it obscured vital details and compromised the integrity of the evidence, potentially
04:31affecting the outcome of the case.
04:33Such tampering undermines the reliability of forensic analysis and casts doubt on the
04:38accuracy of the investigation process.
04:41Furthermore, the discrepancy in color between the coffee prepared by Ranga and the coffee
04:46consumed by Myrna Salihan is a critical point of contention in the case.
04:51Any alterations to the footage that obscure or distort these color differences directly
04:55impact the toxicologist's ability to assess the presence of cyanide accurately.
05:01This discrepancy is central to their analyses and interpretations and is pivotal in determining
05:06the timeline of events surrounding Myrna Salihan's consumption of the coffee.
05:10Ultimately, the downscaling of the CCTV footage severely compromises the forensic integrity
05:15of the evidence and undermines the credibility of the toxicologist's findings.
05:21By distorting crucial visual and temporal information, the alterations to the footage
05:25introduced by Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza call into question the validity of any conclusions drawn
05:30from it.
05:32The forensic impact of Mohammed Nuh Al-Azza's actions extends beyond the specific details
05:37of the case to broader implications for the reliability and integrity of forensic evidence
05:41in legal proceedings.
05:43Ultimately, the downscaling of the CCTV footage represents a significant breach of forensic
05:48protocol and ethical standards.
05:51It highlights the need for stringent oversight and accountability measures to prevent similar
05:55instances of evidence tampering in the future.
05:59The detrimental effects of such manipulation reverberate throughout the legal system, undermining
06:04public trust in the administration of justice and raising questions about the fairness and
06:08impartiality of legal proceedings.
