
  • 3 months ago
The Meyers Report 6-21-2024 Fast 15
00:00Good morning, everyone.
00:06Welcome to the Meyers Report, Fast 15.
00:09It is Friday, June 21st, 2004.
00:14The subject that we're going to cover today will be fairness in media, which seems to
00:20be an oxymoron.
00:22That will be the topic of the day.
00:23But first, Dundee, you warned us this was going to happen, that we were going to have
00:28the last few weeks you said we're going to have a heat wave and there'd be a rabid media
00:34And now we hear that this is the worst heat wave known to mankind.
00:39Is this remotely true?
00:41Well, no, but the governor of New York had a press conference about the upcoming heat
00:46wave this week and into this weekend, saying that New Yorkers have never faced extreme
00:51heat like this before, which is ridiculous.
00:54The data doesn't back that up.
00:57When I was a kid in New York, which is where I was born and raised, I remember summers
01:01that were a hell of a lot hotter than this.
01:03Well, yeah, but you got to remember that was when you had just gotten off the Mayflower.
01:07So that was pretty long ago.
01:09Oh, I remember that well.
01:11It was 90 degrees.
01:13It was hot.
01:16Well, it is going to be hot.
01:17It's going to be very hot in D.C., Boston, Philadelphia.
01:18And by the way, it was 90 degrees even through the winter, and I dare anybody to prove me
01:26It's going to be hot through snow to school.
01:32So what's going on here?
01:34Well, yeah.
01:35So this heat wave is real, but it's being overemphasized like everything.
01:42And they're actually going to after a hot weekend and much noise about it, they're going
01:47to be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than average a week from today.
01:53And those 10 to 15 degrees will actually be below average along the Mid-Atlantic and
01:56the Northeast.
01:57Can that be attributed to climate change and global warming?
02:02Climate change is responsible for everything.
02:05Remember that.
02:06It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold, wet or dry.
02:08It does it all.
02:10It's like the unicorn of everything.
02:12It's responsible for anything you can imagine.
02:16So what do you see happening?
02:18We're having a cooling period next week?
02:21It's going to cool down mid to late next week.
02:24Certainly there will be a heat wave this weekend.
02:27But it looks to me going back to more of a typical summer pattern.
02:30I mean, it is summer, by the way, officially started yesterday.
02:33OK, well, it usually gets hot in the summer.
02:38Isaac, how are shipping of shipping volumes performing this week?
02:44We are up 10 percent week over week and we are up really percent year over year.
02:50One second.
02:51Ten percent week over week and how much year over year?
02:54Twelve percent.
02:56Twelve percent year over year.
02:57So we're seeing volumes coming back in a very, very big way here, Gary, and it happened
03:02Like I said, we've been reporting about a potential wave here for the last few months
03:06and the last few weeks that the industry is now finally starting to feel it.
03:12Isaac, are there certain modes of transportation that are performing better than others right
03:19So we're seeing that here.
03:20We do a lot of we haul a lot of freight for the solar industry.
03:24So our flatbed division has been booming and we're seeing that across the board.
03:28Flatbed at a per mile from a rate per mile stands flatbed is up about 15 percent last
03:36time I read.
03:37So we're seeing freight rates north of 250 a mile on the flatbeds versus on the drive
03:43in side, which is usually just most mostly consumer goods.
03:47We're seeing freight rates 50 cents lower from a per mile than flatbeds.
03:52So flatbeds is doing the best.
03:56Drive-ins are absolutely doing the worst right now.
04:00Isaac, in addition to solar panels, which I imagine is not a huge portion of the flatbeds,
04:06what else do they haul?
04:08Housing, anything from housing, construction materials, oversized equipment, yeah, things
04:15of that nature.
04:16Anything that won't fit in a closed end.
04:18OK, why is the trucking you reported that there was an excess capacity in trucking for
04:24the past 18 months?
04:26Why is the trucking capacity?
04:28You said that it was about to fail or a lot of it was going to be leaving the industry.
04:34Why is it taking so long for that to happen?
04:36What's going on?
04:37This has been the longest and deepest freight recession in trucking history.
04:41This even supersedes the Great Recession before my time.
04:44But the numbers prove this even supersedes the Great Recession.
04:48Three PLs, third party logistic providers, brokers, are the primary reason why smaller
04:55carriers are more resilient through this downstroke than any other downturn in previous history,
05:02because with the rise of brokers, brokers made up about 10 percent of market share 10
05:08years ago.
05:09Today, they're north of 20 percent.
05:10It allows smaller carriers more connectivity to larger shippers.
05:15So smaller carriers have been scraping by with onesie, twosie loads a lot longer in
05:22this cycle than any other cycle before.
05:24Again, 100 percent, the reason is very clear in the industry.
05:28It's brokers, Gary.
05:29OK, are these guys making enough money to keep alive?
05:33Absolutely not.
05:34They're making enough money to make make it to next month and hopefully hopefully the
05:38month after.
05:39So, you know, we're seeing them go bankrupt.
05:41It doesn't look good for me.
05:43That doesn't look good for the economy, does it?
05:45No, absolutely not.
05:47Amil, you are the subject of the day in Dr. Bob's absence.
05:55The term media fairness seems OK.
06:02The term media fairness seems to be an oxymoron.
06:07Truth social seems to be an example of an attempt to silence the opposition.
06:11What's happening here?
06:12Well, let me give you a little bit of background first.
06:15Media fairness was was always an illusion back in the 80s when I was working at the
06:22Associated Press.
06:23Even then, the general desk, which was supposed to be responsible for reporting objectively
06:29on whatever news came in from around the country and around the world, and they'd filter it
06:34and then put it out there as the baseline, essentially, for other papers to report.
06:41The general desk members would still cackle with glee whenever their particular political
06:48point of view was being supported.
06:50They would structure the feed so that it supported their point of view.
06:55Hold on a second.
06:56They did not know even then that they're supposed to be neutral.
07:01Oh, the the the the the objectivity mantra was all over the place.
07:08But late at night, when the general desk was getting in something and in this case, Reagan
07:14was president, when the general desk got something that made Reagan look the least bit bad, they
07:19said, run it, run it.
07:21They were they were thrilled.
07:25Even then, they had a point of view and they were not afraid to use that editorially to
07:33spin the news.
07:34And when was this, Emil?
07:36When were you with the AP?
07:37This was in 1981, 82.
07:43So if anything, it hasn't changed.
07:45It seems to have gotten worse.
07:47No, it's gotten exposed.
07:49And the reason it's gotten exposed is you have the well, first of all, the fairness
07:56doctrine was done away with in the 80s.
08:01That led to the rise of people like Rush Limbaugh, who could then they could prosper on the air
08:09because the radio stations and the newspapers did not have to give the opposing viewpoint
08:16equal time anymore.
08:17That was not a that was not a federal law.
08:20That was an FCC regulation.
08:23The FCC was originally established to make sure that radio stations and TV stations didn't
08:29step on each other on their frequencies.
08:32All right.
08:34And they gave the they gave the operators permission to operate on that basis.
08:38And their power, like any federal agency, got expanded and it became and they had to
08:45prove their worthiness to continue to operate.
08:49And they did so by showing that they serve the community, by showing that they were giving
08:54the opposing viewpoint equal time and so on.
08:57OK, I get that.
09:00And it's gone now, if it ever really existed.
09:04You brought to my attention the issue of truth social, right?
09:09What is that about?
09:10Is that isn't it just another social media like X?
09:15And the reason is, number one, it was founded by somebody who was not in the grip of the
09:24the big corporate media structures.
09:27And who was that?
09:29Well, you've got the big corporate media structures are the ones who own CNN, Fox.
09:34I'm saying who found the truth.
09:35So, oh, well, Donald Trump and Devin Nunes founded.
09:40Oh, that sounds terrible.
09:44It was it was set up to be an alternative to to Twitter, to Facebook, to our now Meadow,
09:54which owns Facebook and Instagram, and also to Google, which owns YouTube.
10:02All right.
10:02So basically, the big tech owners of the social media organizations, they would consider and
10:09mainstream media and big tech would consider truth social to be dangerous.
10:14Because truth social is not under the control of the the big tech masters.
10:22Is it that big and powerful?
10:26That's why they they will say things that other people want to censor.
10:31Look at what happened during covid when YouTube when people would place YouTube information,
10:37for example, on ivermectin immediately knocked off.
10:41Well, the CDC now says that ivermectin on their website, the CDC says ivermectin is
10:47an approved treatment for covid.
10:48And they did that quietly.
10:51After lambasting it and basically calling it a a horse dewormer.
10:57Well, look at what happened with Chris Cuomo.
10:59He was he was one of the big people denouncing it on his show on CNN.
11:05And then he he was let go from CNN.
11:09Now he had covid recently.
11:12And guess what?
11:13He was prescribed ivermectin ivermectin.
11:16He went on a podcast.
11:19This was an independent podcast.
11:22And the host was asking him, are you going to backtrack on what you said about ivermectin?
11:28He said, I don't I didn't say anything bad about it.
11:32I didn't shame anybody.
11:33And and there was a comic sitting next to him.
11:37I said, you most certainly did.
11:38He said, show me the clip.
11:40Show me the clip.
11:40Within 10 seconds, they had a clip of Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon saying these people should
11:46be shamed for taking horse paste.
11:48I mean, it was right there.
11:50And so they came back to Cuomo and he said, well, I had bad information until CNN's own
11:58position, Sanjay Gupta, said it was OK.
12:01Well, you're a journalist.
12:02You're supposed to be investigating it for yourself and getting.
12:05But he also got caught in a blatant lie.
12:07Well, it boggles my mind that people will say lies like they're not going to get caught.
12:14By the way.
12:15But going back to Truth Social, Truth Social is not under the same
12:22masters, for lack of a better word, as these other big social media groups.
12:28In other words, the federal government was actively interfering with YouTube and with
12:33Facebook, telling them what to allow and what to censor.
12:39They had a they had a hotline and that was revealed when Elon Musk bought Twitter and
12:47revealed the emails that were going back and forth.
12:50The White House had its own little office in Twitter where they could instantly say,
12:57let this one go, let this one stay.
13:00I was kicked off of Twitter on January 8th, 2021.
13:05What's happening with the stock manipulation of Truth Social?
13:09And what's that about?
13:10OK, I'm going to I'm going to change screens here and show you exactly what that's about.
13:17Yesterday, and I might remind you, we're tight on time.
13:21Yesterday, Devin Nunes sent a letter, his fifth.
13:25Devin Nunes was a former congressman from California and one of the founders of Truth
13:30Social, now CEO of Truth Social.
13:33He sent a letter to Congress basically saying, I have written four times before highlighting
13:40the issue of naked shorts of DJT stock.
13:43DJT is the stock.
13:45What is a naked?
13:46What is a naked short and why is it bad?
13:48A naked short is when somebody is essentially selling stocks that they don't own or have.
13:56You can drop the letter at this point so we can see your beautiful eyes.
14:01A naked short is when somebody essentially sells stocks that they don't have access to.
14:06They don't exist, but they're selling them at a ridiculously low price
14:11in a direct effort to drive the price of the stock down.
14:15And this is illegal, according to the SEC?
14:18The SEC says it is illegal and needs to be prosecuted and they track.
14:24There's another issue called fail to deliver.
14:26And that is when somebody sells a short stock, OK, and after the time has come to deliver
14:33those stocks, if they're not delivered, it goes on a list, an FTD or fail to deliver
14:40When it's been on that list for a certain length of time, it goes on yet another list
14:44with the SEC and the SEC is supposed to take action against the seller.
14:49OK, Isaac, do you or Don have any questions on this yourselves?
14:55No, no questions for me.
14:57It's OK.
14:59Now, Emil, the purpose of OK, go ahead.
15:02The purpose is what?
15:03The purpose of short selling in this instance.
15:09One of the purposes, I'm not going to speculate on why they're short selling,
15:12but one of the purposes would be to intentionally drive the price down, to devalue the stock
15:17and to drive the company out of business.
15:20Now, who would have an interest in this?
15:22Just about everybody who has a competing platform or who has an interest in censoring
15:29what Truth Social has to say.
15:32And what is Truth Social saying?
15:33Truth Social is not just a platform for Donald Trump to campaign.
15:37Truth Social is where a lot of journalists are putting their information out.
15:44You've got like Brightside Broadcasting Network.
15:46You've got The Epoch Times.
15:48You've got The Federalist.
15:50These people are they're posting on Truth Social daily.
15:57If you remember, I just blanked on a saying of the journalist who was he was doing undercover
16:06interviews with O'Keefe.
16:10Yes, he he was kicked out of his own company and started his own his own platform now called
16:19O'Keefe Media Group or OMG, which to me is a great acronym.
16:24And he's posting on Truth Social.
16:27So Truth Social is where people go when nobody else will allow them to speak.
16:32That's what makes it powerful.
16:34That's what makes it dangerous to them.
16:36Because they're getting news out that nobody else will allow.
16:40OK, this is important for us to know.
16:43We will keep keep on following this.
16:46And if you like what you're seeing here, click like and subscribe.
16:52And that what I'd like to say.
16:53I have a great weekend to everybody.
16:55Be well.
16:56Stay safe.
16:57Stay healthy.
16:58And God bless America.