The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 72_78

  • 2 months ago
The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 72_78


00:00ready test sir a man by the name of John Wayne said he was instructed to
00:08secretly force a fake returning test. Instructed by who?
00:15I went shopping and I saw this beautiful tie and I thought about you and I bought it for you.
00:21Rose, I'm busy.
00:23Who instructed the fake paternity test, Nick?
00:28It was your father-in-law, Mr. Cartier.
00:35My father had someone fake the test?
00:37Yes, Miss Cartier.
00:39There are text messages and transaction records here between the two of them.
00:43But why would he do that?
00:45Yes, Rose.
00:47Why would he do that?
00:49Aaron, my father, he probably thought with Tiffany being in prison for murder,
00:54it would tarnish the reputation of the Cartier's family.
00:57He probably didn't mean any harm.
00:59Rose, are you lying to me?
01:07Rose, are you lying to me?
01:09No, no, I don't know anything.
01:11If then he did everything behind my back.
01:13Are you sure?
01:17Aaron, Tiffany and I are sisters.
01:19I love her.
01:21She even donated blood to me. How could I harm her?
01:24You know what?
01:28I don't believe you.
01:30Now since we figured it out,
01:32we don't have to keep doing business with the Cartier family anymore.
01:35Bankrupt the Cartier family and send them where they belong.
01:39No, no, Aaron, you can't do this.
01:41This is our grandfather's legacy.
01:43If you destroy it, Tiffany will be devastated.
01:47You're right. So you know what?
01:49After we bankrupt the Cartier family,
01:51we're going to buy it.
01:53And transfer ownership to Tiffany.
01:55And she'll be CEO of the Cartier empire.
01:57No, Aaron, you can't do this.
01:59It's too much for her health.
02:01You would harm her with that.
02:03Well, that's none of your concern, is it?
02:05Send her to my house.
02:07Miss, please come this way.
02:15Tiffany, why?
02:23Why, Tiffany? Why?
02:30In my next life, you will still be my child.
02:38if you knew that our child would end up like this,
02:40would you be heartbroken?
02:42Tiffany, you lied to me!
02:44No, that's impossible! This is our child!
02:46You're a liar!
02:53You're a liar!
03:09You're a liar!
03:11You're a liar!
03:13You're a liar!
03:15Aaron! What are you doing? Get off me! Please go! Get out of here!
03:40Come on, just let me help you. God, just go find Rose. She can satisfy you.
03:44Will you forgive me for what I've done?
03:56Will you forgive me for what I've done?
03:59What? Aaron came back last night and went to see Tiffany? Why didn't you tell me?
04:04Miss, he just went straight into her room. What was I supposed to do?
04:07Did you just talk back to me? Stop!
04:11You're an outsider to this family. You don't have the right to raise your voice and act like you own this home.
04:18Katrina, go clean up first.
04:21Barbara, you came back early.
04:23Um, are you here to see Aaron or Tiffany? Are you behind this fake paternity test?
04:30Yeah. Even if you weren't directly involved, your father schemed to frame Tiffany.
04:35He tarnished the reputation of my grandson. Since you're his daughter, you don't deserve to be in this family.
04:40Aaron promised me I can stay in the Dexter family.
04:43I don't care what Aaron said. If you're not out of here in two days, I'll find someone to move you out.
04:54You want to kick me out?
05:07Mom, what are you doing here? And Rose, why are you still here?
05:11Um, there's an art exhibition on Saturday and I thought you might want to join me.
05:14Aaron has an engagement on Saturday. It's Tiffany's mother's memorial service.
05:18Yeah, I know. And I wanted to accompany them and pay my respects. And after that, I'm going to go to the library.
05:23You're not going to the library?
05:25You're not going to the library?
05:27You're not going to the library?
05:29You're not going to the library?
05:31You're not going to the library?
05:33I wanted to accompany them and pay my respects and after that, go to the museum and relax.
05:36Two tickets for three people? You realize you're the extra one, right?
05:42You're not going to an art exhibition. Go by yourself.
05:47Meet me at the same place. 3 p.m.
06:09Meet me at the same place. 3 p.m.
06:17I've missed you these three years.
06:20Yeah? You really missed me?
06:25I heard you were married to a rich woman.
06:33And I also heard that she has you on a very tight leash.
06:39Aren't you nervous you're going to find out about this?
06:42You know about that?
06:48Why are you here?
06:49Because I want something.
07:00I want you to help me plan for the car accident.
07:04This time, two people need to die.
07:08Two people? I'm guessing the first one is Stephanie.
07:15And the second one is Aaron's mother, Barbara Dexter.
07:21As long as they're both alive, I will never be his wife.
07:26Do you really think that after killing every one of Dexter's family members, he's going to finally marry you?
07:33What are you trying to say?
07:36In this reality, Aaron Dexter does not have feelings for you.
07:42Even without Tiffany, he's not going to make you a Dexter.
07:48Now, with the Cartier family going broke, why don't you stick with me?
07:56You want me to be your secret lover?
07:58You want me to take two lives?
08:01Look, even if I manage to do it flawlessly,
08:06some of you are going to start wondering why all of Aaron Dexter's loved ones die in the exact same way.
08:12Look, Ben, if you don't want to help me, or if you don't want to do what I want,
08:17I'll just send this very interesting footage of us on the internet to your wife.
08:22I mean, I'm alone. I have nothing to lose.
08:24But you have a whole family who will be really shocked if I only live with you.
08:38They'll be at the grave on Saturday.
08:41Be ready.
08:47Okay? I'm serious.
08:55I love you.
09:04Hello, Jonathan? What's going on?
09:06Tiffany, you can't wait any longer. The surgery needs to be done as soon as possible.
09:10I need to wait. I can't.
09:13I have to ensure the safety of Grandma before undergoing surgery.
09:16I mean, the success rate of the surgery is less than one percent, right?
09:21I just need to see Grandma one last time before I die.
09:27Trust me. The surgery will be successful.
09:35What a beautiful day for your mother's service.
09:40Aaron had to take care of some urgent business at the company.
09:43He said he'll meet us at the cemetery later.
09:50It's okay.
09:55Aaron is not with them.
09:58You better take care of them before he gets there.
