The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 79_85

  • 2 months ago
The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 79_85


00:00You better take care of them before he gets there.
00:12God, it hurts so bad.
00:14No, no, no, I can't help you like this before I see Grandma.
00:19It's okay.
00:21How could I forget the flowers?
00:24My mother and I were childhood friends, but we just got so busy over the years
00:29I didn't make time to visit her.
00:32You think she'd be upset with me?
00:34No, no, of course not.
00:36She wouldn't be upset at all.
00:38You've been through a lot over the years.
00:47Tell Mom, okay?
00:49I can't, I can't.
00:51Don't lie to me.
00:53Tell your sister.
00:56No, no, no!
01:00Tiffany! Tiffany!
01:09Oh, no!
01:13Grandma, Tiffany would be so happy to know you're okay.
01:17Yes, of course.
01:24Something bad happened. Tiffany was in a car accident.
01:40Mom, what happened?
01:42The car was racing towards us and Tiffany pushed me out of the way and saved me, but then she...
01:47She's fine, right?
01:49I don't know, I don't know.
01:52Take my mom home and let her rest.
01:54Come with me.
02:00Is my wife alright?
02:02Your wife is in critical condition. She needs a craniotomy.
02:04We need you to sign the surgical consent forms and the notice of critical condition.
02:08Wait, what? No, no, no, that doesn't make any sense. I thought it was just external injuries.
02:11The patient has an advanced brain tumor. Her condition is now critical.
02:15We need the family to sign the surgical consent forms and the notice of critical condition.
02:19No, no, no, that doesn't make any sense. We just did a test two weeks ago.
02:22Eric, please, Eric!
02:25Pretending to be sick and taking medicine to deceive me?
02:27Please believe I didn't deceive you. Here.
02:33Your wife has an advanced brain tumor. She must take her medication.
02:37What happens if she doesn't take her medicine on time?
02:50Tiffany! Tiffany! Tiffany!
02:54Officer, please tell Tiffany that she's in critical condition and is very critical.
02:58If you don't sign now, it might be too late.
03:10Will my wife be okay?
03:12Mr. Doctor, I'm sure of this.
03:16What's her condition now?
03:20Did you know she had advanced brain cancer all along?
03:22If you don't want her to die, let me go.
03:27Tiffany, your life is mine.
03:29You can't die without my permission!
03:36The patient's blood oxygen saturation levels have dropped.
03:39The patient is in critical condition.
03:41Charge the defib at 300.
03:47Again. Clear!
03:50Boss, you have to survive this. Again!
04:05Is she all right?
04:08We did our best.
04:09What do you mean you did your best?
04:11Tiffany has advanced stage brain cancer.
04:13She's in this state because of you.
04:16We did our best. We saved her.
04:18But she's turned into a vegetative state.
04:21She might never recover again.
04:25You're useless! Useless!
04:27Tiffany! Tiffany! Stop! Stop!
04:29Tiffany has brain cancer and she was still willing to have your child.
04:33What about you? What have you done?
04:36If you have any conscience left, you should know what to do.
04:54Sir, we found the person who drove into Mrs. Dexter.
04:57Who is it?
04:59Who is it?
05:00His name's Ben.
05:01Ben who? Where is he?
05:02We're still tracking him down. We'll bring him to you shortly.
05:11Tiffany, I won't let those who are hurt you get away with this.
05:14Please, my cop.
05:17Can you do that for me?
05:20Aaron, I haven't slept in three days. Maybe you should get some rest.
05:26I want her to see me first when she wakes up.
05:29And I want you to leave.
05:31I don't need you to bother Tiffany.
05:43I'm sorry.
05:44I'm sorry.
05:45I'm sorry.
05:46I'm sorry.
05:47I'm sorry.
05:48I'm sorry.
05:54Ben, you did a shitty job.
05:56Look, I gave you Tiffany. That's going to have to be enough.
05:59If I killed his mother, I would be dead too.
06:02Now, every Dexter on the planet has someone looking for me.
06:06I'm going to have to lay low, okay?
06:09Rose, if I go down for this, I'm taking you with me.
06:14You know what?
06:19Useless piece of trash.
06:26Tiffany, I'm going to make sure I kill you with my own hands.
06:31Tiffany, I'm going to make sure I kill you with my own hands.
06:39Why didn't you call me?
06:42Do you have a treatment plan for Tiffany?
06:44I don't.
06:45I don't.
06:46I don't.
06:47I don't.
06:48I don't.
06:49I don't.
06:50I don't.
06:51I don't.
06:52I don't.
06:53I don't.
06:54I don't.
06:55I don't.
06:56I don't.
06:57I don't.
06:58I don't.
06:59Do you have a treatment plan for Tiffany?
07:02Then I'm leaving.
07:07I have something for you.
07:10You think I was secretly colluding with her?
07:13She actually asked me to investigate this.
07:16Surveillance footage from the parking lot five years ago
07:19captured the person who tampered with Tiffany's car that night.
07:23So Tiffany was telling the truth the whole time.
07:26She never lied to you.
07:28But you never believed her.
07:30Now you have the truth.
07:44This drug will finally end your life.
07:48As soon as you're gone.
07:49This drug will finally end your life.
07:51As soon as you're gone, I'll be Mrs. Dexter.
07:59Love and family will be mine, not yours.
08:20Rose, what are you doing?
08:25Hey, Tiffany.
08:33Wake up.
08:36Hey, hey.
08:37It's Jonathan.
08:39Wake up, Tiffany.
08:41No, Aaron.
08:42I swear, it was just a sedative for Tiffany.
08:44The doctor told me to administer it.
08:46What doctor?
08:48What doctor?
08:49I don't know.
08:50Some on-call doctor?
08:51Maybe someone tried to use me to harm Tiffany.
08:54I don't know anything.
08:55I don't know.
08:56You don't know.
09:00You know him?
09:01Bring him in.
09:04Listen, guys.
09:05This is a huge misunderstanding, okay?
09:07It was Rose's idea.
09:08She ordered me to kill your wife and mother.
09:10No, she didn't.
09:11No, no, no.
09:12I was manipulating.
09:13No, he's making things up.
09:14I don't know you.
09:15Oh, come on, Rose.
09:16I know how many moles are on your chest.
09:18Shut up.
09:19It's four.
09:20I'll show you.
09:25Aaron, Ben forced me into this.
09:26It was all his idea.
09:27He's trying to...
09:28He told me I have to tell about Tiffany's whereabouts.
09:30And if I don't do it, then he will kill me.
09:32I didn't know he would actually crash into Tiffany.
