Hollyoaks 11th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 11th July 2024
00:00This guy, Blue, he's as bad as everyone says he is.
00:03We'll both lose everything.
00:04Who knew there'd be a downside to being the dead spit of your evil twin?
00:07Touch me again, and I'll show you who I really am.
00:10Freddy Roscoe, aka Blue.
00:13He wants me dead, which is why you two are gonna kill him first.
00:16All right there, pretty boy.
00:18Long time no see.
01:00You can't do it.
01:09I can't kill Freddy.
01:20Oh, jump hole.
01:21Have you seen Scott?
01:22He didn't come home last night.
01:30Warren, where are you?
01:40I'm pregnant and nude, and I need some fun.
01:45Private call, was it?
01:52You didn't kill Murphy when you said you did.
01:54I know.
01:54Yeah, but you managed to kill my daughter, though, didn't you?
01:57That's why I can't do it.
01:58I've only just dodged prison, Nana.
02:01What are you smirking about?
02:02Oh, nothing, you know.
02:03Just the sight of Blue's dead body and taking over everything he has.
02:06Shut up, will ya?
02:07Freddy Roscoe tried to shoot me, and today he's gonna pay the price.
02:11Tell him the plan.
02:13We get alcohol into Freddy's system,
02:15then make it look like the old Sambuca skinny dip, all right?
02:17Police aren't gonna ask questions.
02:19Not from me, anyway.
02:20Because I've got an alibi for the whole day.
02:22And I know you two aren't gonna say a word.
02:27I'm gonna go get those pictures.
02:32Someone dies today, Steve, whether you like it or not.
02:35And I'm gonna make sure Rex makes you go through with it.
02:41You know, just because someone's been to prison doesn't mean they're evil.
02:47When I was in prison, all I could think about was you.
02:50All I want to be is the best dad I can be, for you.
02:53I miss Uncle Robbie.
02:56I miss him, too.
02:58I didn't want him to go away, but I can look after you.
03:03Oh, and Tallulah's at Darren's, by the way.
03:05I checked.
03:06Your favourite unicorn?
03:08You didn't think I knew what you were looking for, did you?
03:11She'll be waiting over here when you get home from school.
03:15I'd do anything for you.
03:16You'll be there.
03:17I'd do anything for you.
03:18You'll be there.
03:36Washing off a guilty conscience?
03:39What are you talking about?
03:40I welcomed you into my home because I felt sorry for you.
03:43And because you assured me you were nothing like Patrick.
03:46How could you do this?
03:48Jeremy, how could you do this to her?
03:51Yeah, I spoke to Liberty last night,
03:52and she told me that you and Maxine had an altercation
03:55and that Max couldn't get away from you quick enough.
03:57Yeah, it was just a misunderstanding.
03:59I was trying to help her.
04:01Why would she want your help after everything that your brother did to her?
04:05Sienna, leave him alone.
04:07Dilly, please just stay out of this.
04:08No, okay?
04:09He's not Patrick.
04:10And how long will that take you to get in your head?
04:12I've known Maxine for over 10 years.
04:14I've known him 10 minutes.
04:16Well, I've known me 10 minutes.
04:18Look, Sienna, would you tell Maxine I'm sorry?
04:21I didn't mean to upset her.
04:22No, tell her yourself.
04:24I'm serious.
04:25Maxine is one of my closest friends, okay?
04:27I have to know that you don't make her feel unsafe.
04:39Whoa, what are you doing?
04:42If you think I'm after her round two, don't flatter yourself.
04:46You're lugging this, aren't you?
04:51Having a secret over me?
04:54What I love is the idea of Blue being out of the way.
04:57This is about me getting my hands on his quote-unquote empire.
05:02And sometimes that means teaming up with people that I prefer not to.
05:07Warren's a psychopath.
05:10I wasn't talking about Warren.
05:15I can't do this.
05:22Look, if you do this with Blue out of the way,
05:27Warren might let you off the hook for good.
05:30You'll be a free man.
05:39I know the guy.
05:40I know the guy.
05:42I know the guy.
05:43I know the guy.
05:44I know the guy.
05:45What, if I talk him in the eye, I just can't do it?
05:47As long as you're there when the moment counts.
05:56We just want to talk.
05:58Looks like it.
06:03We know where she goes to school.
06:08She's just a little girl.
06:09And Warren's a reasonable man.
06:12Come with us.
06:13Nothing has to happen to her.
06:23No sign of him.
06:25I've asked the gays, they've not seen him either.
06:27But maybe he's just prepping for his holiday.
06:28You know, he's gone shopping for budgie smugglers and Factor 50.
06:32Yeah, maybe.
06:35But I just can't help but think that since Jeremy arrived,
06:40I feel like I'm seeing danger around every corner.
06:45I don't know how I'd react if a certain PC George Kiss's identical twin
06:48turned up in the village.
06:49Probably hit the booze again.
06:51I'm joking, I'm joking.
06:52It'll all be fine.
06:54Scott'll turn up.
06:55You're a good friend.
06:58And you know what?
06:59You're probably right.
07:01See ya.
07:01See ya.
07:06You stay back, because if my family see me with you...
07:08I get it.
07:10That'll go in your place.
07:11I want to see how it's getting on anyway.
07:13We can't.
07:14Look, the renovation is in full swing.
07:16The place is a deathtrap.
07:18What's going on?
07:20Something I should be worried about?
07:21No, no, of course not.
07:24And I've got a surprise for you.
07:33You're dressed.
07:36And showered.
07:37You landed chicken on me, you know.
07:38Well, I'm still at school, which I'm late for, by the way,
07:41so I need to make sure you're not sleeping in.
07:42I'm not sleeping in.
07:43I'm just sorting out a holiday.
07:50This is a place in Cornwall.
07:51Right, it's beach, tent, things.
07:53You mean yurts.
07:54Yeah, whatever.
07:56Cool part is, they've got DJs that play at night.
07:58So, sounds like fun.
08:01So I booked it.
08:03You what?
08:03Yeah, it's all paid for.
08:05And it's proper cheap as well.
08:06So just imagine, four weeks time, me, you,
08:09beaches, moonlight and the yurts.
08:14Lucas, you haven't paid for this.
08:16I have.
08:17No, this is the deposit.
08:19You have to pay another 500 quid.
08:22So unless James is feeling generous...
08:24He ain't.
08:25...then we're yurtless.
08:31We might not be.
08:32Want me to park at lunch?
08:35I've got an idea.
08:36Hang on, what idea?
08:40I've got an idea.
08:47Some talk, there's just a bit of security.
08:58Who's that?
09:01That is my boyfriend.
09:04Well, we're more interested in who you are, Freddy.
09:08Or should I say, Luke.
09:13What are you talking about?
09:17You can drink that, by the way.
09:18It's not poison, I promise.
09:26For what Ward says, you're a very dangerous man.
09:30Far too dangerous for us to kill.
09:34What are you talking about?
09:36He's a good actor, isn't he?
09:40I don't buy it.
09:42You're a cold-blooded killer.
09:45With quite the criminal empire.
09:48We might be tempted to call him back-up.
09:53That's why we need to keep a close eye on him.
09:58That's why we need to keep a close eye on your Lexi.
10:05You touch a hair on my Lexi's head, and I'll kill you.
10:10Both of you.
10:12Do you hear me?
10:13I will kill you!
10:18Please, she's just a little girl.
10:22I can't do this.
10:24We've got him tied up, he's not going to sit there having a drink, is he?
10:26So pour it on his clothes.
10:28Make him smell like a distillery.
10:30Do you really trust that warren's not going to dog us in?
10:32It's alright for you, you've got anyone.
10:33I've got kids to think about.
10:34I don't.
10:36Play your family man now.
10:38Where me and you were playing tic-tac-tongue in the courtroom toilets
10:41five minutes before you got put in front of a judge for manslaughter.
10:46I'm going to go get some bin bags.
10:47And then we're going to move a body.
10:51You said we were just going to talk!
10:55Please, help me!
11:00I know it's you, Stee.
11:04Are you really going to kill me?
11:25Don't you have an azalea to snip?
11:27Lib's minding the store,
11:28and I'm not getting off Jeremy's back until this is sorted.
11:32Sienna's right, you know.
11:35Yeah, well, you know, I'm the new arrival here,
11:39so I need to sort it out.
11:41And I don't want to be the reason any woman in this village feels unsafe.
11:45So I am going to go and find Maxine,
11:50figure out a way to make this right.
11:51Oh, well, good.
11:54Why can't you let this go?
11:56Oh, Dilly, why can't you just be a little bit more cautious?
11:58Because he's family.
12:01So is Patrick, Dilly.
12:02And look what he did to Maxine.
12:04Look what he did to me.
12:07You're just jealous.
12:10No, now Jeremy's in our lives.
12:12You're not the thing connecting me to this family.
12:14And you can't handle that.
12:15OK, Dilly, you just keep living in your fantasy world
12:18because it's what you're best at.
12:19Jeremy is part of this family, just like me.
12:22Stay, please.
12:41I'm not going to kill you.
12:50I know he's going to kill me.
12:52You wouldn't understand.
12:54Of course I would. Try me.
13:03Warren's on a rampage.
13:05So if I don't do this, he will kill me.
13:07Why is he doing this?
13:08Well, you can drop the act, Freddie.
13:11We all know that you're blue.
13:12What? It is blue!
13:15OK, we know that you're a killer for hire, you're evil,
13:17and that's why you've got to die.
13:18I don't know what you're talking about.
13:20I didn't shoot Warren. You've got the wrong guy.
13:21I've got the right guy!
13:23I've got the right guy and I'm doing this.
13:24I'm doing this to protect my kids.
13:26What about me?
13:29What about Lexi?
13:32Warren just got her back.
13:34I spent years trying to get back into her life.
13:36And now what? You're just going to rip me away from her?
13:39Are you going to tell her?
13:42Are you going to tell her what happened to her dad
13:44and we spent the last few hours of his life tied to a staircase?
13:48I don't know what this blue is, but it ain't me.
13:51And all you're doing is helping Warren Fox kill an innocent man.
13:54And that ain't you, Stee.
13:58I know it ain't.
14:04Come on.
14:10Thank you.
14:13Don't thank me.
14:15Just run.
14:18So, let's just say you found something about somebody
14:23and it pointed to that somebody having done something...
14:28..or something bad.
14:29I don't think we know each other well enough for me to translate that sentence.
14:32Well, isn't this what this coffee box thing is for?
14:35Kiosk? Yeah.
14:37To give members of the community a boost.
14:39To give members of the community a beverage?
14:43Speaking of...
14:45Right, enough of this.
14:46Wait, what about my flat white?
14:48In a minute.
14:49Kinds, kinds, kinds across the board.
14:53Right, look, before you even have a go,
14:55no, we don't have a permit.
14:56It's called dynamic capitalism.
14:58It's called buying cheap multi-packs from Price Licence
15:01and selling them in a paddling pool.
15:03Can I just draw your attention?
15:06Not to be sold separately.
15:12Just chill, bro.
15:13I don't know why I should be so surprised.
15:15Like father, like son, eh?
15:17Hey, Tom, that's out of line, mate.
15:18That's out of line, is it?
15:20I'll tell you what's out of line.
15:22You two.
15:23You two are out of line.
15:25This, this is out of line.
15:29Smile, I'm famous.
15:39Bye, Tom.
15:41Are you really sure about all this?
15:43Mate, I'd push a thing off.
15:45I'd push a thousand Toms into a million paddling pools
15:47to get us to Cornwall.
15:48Why are you so hung up on this holiday?
15:50I just want something that's ours.
15:52You know, the way everything started.
15:54I just want it to be the two of us.
15:56Even if it's on a windy beach in Cornwall.
16:16Your knots were loose.
16:17Is that right?
16:19We weren't meant to leave any marks on him.
16:22He smacked his head when he fell off the love boat.
16:28Warren, please, my back is killing me.
16:31Where are you taking me?
16:32You'll see.
16:34Oh, no, you've got no chance.
16:35I'm not doing a workout.
16:37It's not a gym any more. It's been renovated.
16:39So why are we here?
16:41You know how you're always telling me that I don't listen?
16:44Cos you don't.
16:45But I do listen, though.
16:47All those stories you told me about visiting the family in Spain.
16:50Finding a nice little beachside cafe,
16:52a couple of cafe con leches,
16:55or getting smashed on sangria.
16:57While Myra does a caterpillar and pulls her back out.
17:02You told me that's when the family were the happiest.
17:05Yeah. Yeah, we were.
17:07So I wanted to give you something.
17:10To show you how much I do listen.
17:14And how much I do love you.
17:26A business.
17:28For you, for the family, for the twins.
17:34This is amazing.
17:45You know, you were right earlier.
17:47I shouldn't have acknowledged you.
17:49Like you said, I've set this place up
17:51as a beacon of togetherness in a broken world.
17:54I don't think I used any of those words.
17:57Do you want my advice or not?
18:02So, there's this person I know.
18:06Erm... Gina.
18:09And Gina will just be nothing but nice to me.
18:16she might be dangerous.
18:19You're talking about Sienna, aren't you?
18:21No, it's not Sienna.
18:23You don't know him. Her.
18:25You don't... You don't know her.
18:27The point is, I'm the only one in her corner.
18:30And if I don't believe her, then...
18:33nobody will.
18:35And I know what it's like to feel abandoned
18:37and I don't want to be the reason that that happens to someone else.
18:41But if I'm wrong...
18:45people might get hurt.
18:49maybe they already are.
18:51That seemed like a stupid question.
18:53Have you actually spoken to Gina about this?
18:56Well, no.
18:58I mean, what am I meant to say?
19:00Hey, I found this really weird thing.
19:02She might lie.
19:04I don't know. I hate me for questioning her.
19:07Something tells me that you overthink things.
19:09Just call her.
19:23You've reached Jeremy. Please leave a message.
19:26Hey. It's, erm...
19:28It's Gilly. I just...
19:30I wanted to ask you something.
19:32So, whatever you're doing or whoever you're with,
19:35just stop and give me a call back.
19:44Steve, give me a call when you get this.
19:46I need to know if that cleaning job is done.
19:54Thank you.
19:56It's amazing.
20:00I don't know what happened in the past,
20:02but I can make some gorgeous new memories here.
20:06I just want you to be happy, don't I?
20:08All three of you.
20:11Casa McQueen.
20:15That's what I'm going to call this place.
20:17I like it.
20:18It's going to be the heart of the village
20:20and it is going to be the best thing that ever happened to Hollyoaks.
20:23And when the house is done, you can move in?
20:26I was thinking...
20:28we could move in.
20:34What was that?
20:41Someone's locked the door.
20:43Open the door!
20:51Minnie, please remember to wash your hands.
20:53I want pink hiding in the wraps.
20:55Oh, no.
20:59Oh! Hurry up!
21:01Uncle Scott's finally home.
21:03He must have forgotten his keys.
21:12Thanks, Maxine.
21:14I need to do this.
21:22Steve says that you got away from him.
21:26Is that what happened?
21:30That's what happened.
21:34It's good.
21:38One more thing.
21:40I'm not going to tell you.
21:42I'm not going to tell you.
21:45One more thing.
21:48Message from Warren.
21:51Say hello to Fraser.
22:03It's Warren.
22:10Get your grabby little mitts off my husband.
22:15And as invigorating as face-planting into an ice-cold paddling pool might be,
22:20there are other ways of freshening things up.
22:23Some new stuff to watch, perhaps.
22:25So here's a personalised pick-and-mix for your telly tastebuds.
22:45Look at this.
22:47I know!
22:50Can I ask you a serious question?
22:52Yeah? Anything.
22:55I'll see you out.