V S01E01

  • 3 months ago


00:46Do you feel that
00:56Yeah, mom, yeah, you're in big trouble no huge I'm not kidding. Yeah, I know
01:17Good morning Roy morning father Jack
01:20Foreclosures are on the rise up another 6% in the last month alone and housing prices continue to fall
01:37Thanks for coming in so early, oh, it's a pleasure, you know, it's the only time I can make it down here don't even mention
01:44Right look excited. You got the ring. Oh
02:05She is gonna like this, isn't she she's gonna love it
02:09You know, I was gonna do the whole get down on one knee thing. That's not too corny
02:13Knees a classic can't go wrong with a knee
02:17Knee it is good
02:25Don't know
02:28Morning Haley. Hey
02:33You pitch Freddy my idea he loved it thought it was a great take on the vice president. Let me guess
02:39He wants Martinez to do it. They love you and all hey
02:44It's cool. I get it
02:46Shut up Chad and read the news
02:54How exactly did you get into a fight
02:57Crashing a party in Soho. So you snuck out in the middle of night to go to a party rose-branded dumbass idea
03:03Who's a dumbass? Where are you?
03:09Coming to get you I'll just take my bike home
04:39Stay where you are
04:42Tyler Tyler stay where you are. I'm coming
04:46I gotta go. I'm not going anywhere
06:16Hovering over the major cities of the world on Ryan pick up
06:22The sheer mass of the ships moving through New York in LA was enough to block both cities for a mile and
06:27Norad is now confirming the first jets to encounter the spacecrafts
06:31experienced full electrical failure
06:33Dude, this is Independence Day, which was a ripoff of any number of alien invasion predecessors
06:40Thank God
06:47I need to get nobody's getting
06:57You let me in there I can find I'm not gonna tell you again turn around nobody's getting to turn around
08:27Don't be frightened
08:29We need no
08:31Please accept our apologies. We're truly anguished by the turmoil our arrival has caused
08:38This is a momentous day
08:40Until now we believed we were the only intelligent life in the universe
08:45We're overjoyed to find that we're not alone
08:49My name is Anna and I am the leader of my people
08:54We're delighted to meet you
08:56But we need your help
08:59We're far from home. He was a woman's one door. He don't mean you hope to survive
09:04This is a monster. I see more disponible. Yeah, I'm done. So let's have
09:09me talk
09:15I'll take the nausea. They're related to sad. LA is a
09:19political because
09:22After we've replenished ourselves and shared with you what we can
09:25We will leave you hopefully better than we found you
09:30We look forward to getting to know our new friends. There will be more communication with your world's leaders in the hours to come
09:37until then
09:39We are of peace
10:09We're all God's creatures that's how the Vatican explains existence of aliens. Yes
10:14They decided that in a day. Yes
10:17Rattles, thanks to God's creatures to doesn't mean they're good for us have faith in our leaders Jack
10:21I do father just that there's not a lot of scripture on the subject meaning
10:27I'm at a loss to explain how God and aliens exist in the same world. Are you what do you want to do?
10:32Jack called the Vatican and question their position. No, I just I
10:36Don't know what to do. All we can do is pray and minister to our congregation
10:40Our congregation amounts to two bag babies a heroin addict and Roy that may be father Landry, but we will minister to any size
11:07Dude dude, that is so cool. I was right there man. I was right underneath that. Oh, why don't I come with you man?
11:11They're calling themselves the visitors
11:15Visitors are old friends who dropped by for a drink. Did you see that? We got a compsat alert today?
11:21No, I was a little busy looking at the spaceships outside my window
11:24You're looking at terrorist alerts the chatter among terrorist cells worldwide dropped like a rock when the V showed up except for one of the
11:31Cells we've been tracking their chatter instead of falling off it actually spiked. So what you think there's a connection between the two
11:37We intercept an uncoated message from them as of yesterday. They're suddenly looking to acquire large amounts of c4
11:44Why do that unless you're going after a target like say us while we're distracted?
11:51Databases I'll put together a profile on them. Thank you. You're watching
12:01Hey, how are you with all of this are you and Tyler? Okay, we're fine. Did you hear from the ex?
12:08He yeah, he left a message. He wanted us to know he's okay
12:14I'm not bitter. It's fine. Feel good. Hey
12:18You know that I'm here for you anything you need
12:20We'll hit the ground running tomorrow
12:23Go be a mom you rock
12:29Mom it's starting
12:39She's hot I know right right here guys
12:44This is an inspiring moment for us all
12:47Mankind and visitors coming together
12:51We are honored by your friendship
12:54We will cherish it
12:56nurture it and
12:58Never abandon it
13:00We are of peace always
13:16Our scientists say it's impossible our scientists can explain it that's not an answer. Why don't you explain it?
13:21Why don't you show some respect?
13:26Do you have a question
13:28Yeah, I have a question is there such a thing as an ugly visitor I
13:35Don't understand. Oh you all seem to be what we consider attractive
13:40Thank you
13:42You're not so bad yourself
13:56It was a truly remarkable moment in the midst of all the chaos and yes
14:00Even hostility from some came something unexpected from our new friends the sense of humor
14:06Should the press be so tough on the bees they did just get here after all when we come back
14:11I'll be joined by a panel of media experts to discuss that and much much more stay with us. We'll be right back. I
14:19Want him
14:37It's been three weeks since the visitors arrival yet thousands are still flocking to see the motherships in person as a result
14:44Most cities find themselves in the midst of a mini economic boom
14:49Tourism spending on the merchandise
14:55The newly opened visitor healing centers are drawing huge crowds
14:59people afflicted with one of the 65 ailments that these can cure are jamming the centers hoping for their own personal miracle and
15:07Government officials have begun talks to open visitor embassies, but not everyone likes the idea
15:12Violent protests denouncing the bees have broken out in numerous host cities and more demonstrations are planned in the days to come
15:22We finally got a real lead on ourselves
15:24Marcel I've heard that one before this is a good one. It's my coffee
15:31A truck suspected of hauling drugs was impounded by NYPD last night
15:35They search for residue no drugs, but they did find traces
15:41For uh-huh see this the truck came from here on Long Island nice field trip, can I drive?
15:54Silos are empty
15:56We're still searching the grounds, but I gotta tell you this feels like another dead-end. Yeah, what's this 20?
16:01Lease we've had on this cell so far every one of them's fallen through uh-huh
16:08Look at the stop photo. Yeah, that's our truck. What is the white truck doing parked in front of that shack?
17:23Think we can rule out suicide
17:37See if I
17:46Yes, right I need your help
17:51How'd you get this number?
17:54I'm not that guy anymore. Don't call me again
18:03Hey ready for lunch, oh, yeah
18:10What if that was important she thought there was nothing more important
18:26How'd you get tickets dude I can't believe we're about to see the inside of a freaking spaceship
18:37I'll only take about two minutes. So hang on tight and enjoy the ride
19:13Unbelievable man
19:44Step this way, please
20:14Welcome to the New York mothership. My name is Lisa
20:30The examiner says the body's been dead less than a day, but he was tortured before he was killed
20:35They've been printing fake docs passports IDs best fakes I've ever seen
20:40It's major operation, but no one was here. They cleared out like they knew we were coming
20:46We get the prints off the victim see if we can get his ID
20:58Our ability to manipulate gravity is essential for long-term space travel
21:04Did you check
21:20Oh, dude, if he goes coming over here be cool
21:25Having a good time. I'm a great time
21:28Have you heard about our new peace ambassador program peace ambassador program
21:33Yeah, you sign up hang out with V's learn about our culture and you act as V ambassadors in your own communities
21:40You even get a uniform. It says here. You have to be 18 years old to join
21:4617 you can still join you just need your parents signature
21:49Yeah, well, that's a kind of a tough sell right now. My parents don't even know we're here. It's too bad
21:56I just got assigned to the New York chapter
22:00Could have spent some time together
22:16We're all so quick to jump on the bandwagon and ride on the bandwagon it's it sounds like fun
22:27But before we get on let us at least make sure it is sturdy and sound
22:37Let us at least examine it to really make sure it is something that we want to climb aboard
22:45No one is saying don't trust the visitors
22:49Don't they need to earn our trust
22:52It's something we all need to think about
22:59Thought we were clear about this Jack people need to hear the bees are part of God's plan
23:04They hear it from you father. They need to hear it from you, too. I
23:08Thank God for the visitors every day Jack this church stood empty for years now
23:13Look at it. The visitors are not driving people away from God. They're driving people back to God people are scared father
23:20That's why they come but they come and that's the blessing in disguise
23:23It bothers me that they showed up right we needed them the most the world's in bad shape father who wouldn't welcome a savior right now
23:32I agree. They're a godsend and we should be grateful, but that's the danger
23:38Under the right conditions and with enough time gratitude can morph into worship
23:43or worse
23:50Thought you priest types and like to see something
23:58Heal me I
24:02Got no pain my god Roy. It's amazing. Yeah
24:14Hi, come here for a second
24:19Principal sent me this link to this awesome video
24:27What are you doing on my account check it out
24:37First and foremost the fact that you're tagging now
24:41So proud I called Brandon's folks to kind of you know, spread the joy they weren't surprised
24:46They say that you two are obsessed with the V's
24:49I'm not obsessed really because this looks very obsessive to me text instant messages
24:55And here's an entire page about how to spread their word through tagging. Those aren't even my links Brandon sent them to me
25:01Oh, well, that's okay then Brandon sent them to you
25:04So you're gonna do whatever Brandon or the V's or whoever tells you to do you have to think for yourself?
25:09I do think for myself
25:10Tagging someone's property because a website tells you to is thinking for yourself call it tagging
25:16But you know what the V's they call it spreading hope
25:24Okay, okay
25:27You have to talk to me
25:30You and me we talk what's going on with you
25:34Is because your dad is because he left
25:41You're blaming him
25:46At least he has an excuse to be out of touch with his kid
25:51He left me I
25:53Did not leave I am here for you
25:58When you're here
26:20There is man of the hour hello, mr. Decker. Hello
26:26What's going on Freddy? You've been spying on me
26:28What's going on Freddy? You've been selected for
26:32Anna would like to do a live broadcast from the ship an intimate one-on-one to help ease the protests against us
26:39She'd like you to do the interview
26:59It's no one
27:02No one yes, no
27:05You've been getting a lot of calls from
27:08No one
27:09It's nothing
27:13We don't do this you and me keep secrets
27:17Talk to me
27:19What's going on
27:22What's going on
27:24Just don't read things into things, okay
27:31So pretty I
27:34Forgot my spoon. Yeah
27:42What do you know another fake one
27:46It's all the case yet Sherlock
27:49Not one name not one photo not anything from these passports matches anyone in our system. How can you not find this guy?
27:55He's very creepy. If only creepy were a biometric parameter in our facial recognition software
28:00It's kind of sexy when you talk off-computer. I am absolutely
28:05What's this?
28:08ID'd our victim from the silo. His name is Owen Chapman. This is a search warrant for his house
28:32Knew we were coming again. Someone tipped him off
28:41Who are you calling Owen Owen our victim Owen?
28:57To all attending tonight location 4400 pier Avenue in Brooklyn 10 p.m
29:01Pass code if you're new be prepared for the test any info you can share about this cell is important
29:08Owen's going to a meeting about a sleeper cell if you have info about a sleeper cell you call the cops
29:14You don't go to a meeting
29:29Stay away from me Georgie Ryan, please. Look I told you I'm not that guy anymore. Okay, stop calling me. We need your help
29:36Who's we it's about 25 of us. We've only met a couple times that we're still recruiting again
29:42You're trying that again after all those people got killed the last time. We're being a lot more careful this time
29:46Please you gotta help us. Look, I'm about to get engaged. Okay, I'm not gonna put my fiancee at risk
29:51If I get involved it puts her at risk, and I'm not gonna let that happen. So you just gonna sit there on the sidelines
29:57You know how many lives are at stake. She doesn't know about my past
30:04I'd like to keep it that way
30:07That's what we're meeting if you change your mind or grow conscience
30:22I liked your sermon the other day. You're right to question the V's
30:30Are you all right, I know the real reason they're here father and I am NOT the only one
30:36The real reason the V's are gonna obliterate us. Ah, you're right. I
30:42Was coming to see you the V's did let me give you some help
30:46Take this and go to this address and give it to the people there. All right, all the information's inside
30:54Promise me. Okay, please it's important
31:00I'm gonna get you some help right back
31:29Thanks again for choosing me to do this I'm really excited so are we
31:33Do you have any questions before we go to air? No
31:37Just be sure not to ask anything that would paint us in a negative light
31:40Excuse me, don't ask any questions that would portray us negatively ask ones like you did when we first met. I
31:49Think there's a mistake
31:51I'm a journalist. It's my job to ask questions, even if they make the other person uncomfortable
31:58That was not my understanding standing by to go to air
32:02Afraid I don't have a choice
32:05This interview is now canceled. Whoa. Whoa, hang on. Hang on
32:14This is just how it's done I
32:16Swear, I'll be fair. You'll need to be more than fair if you want to proceed
32:21two minutes to air
32:23We can't be seen in a negative light
32:30This interview would elevate your career wouldn't it? Mr. Decker?
32:35Don't you want to elevate your career?
32:51You don't even know what this meeting is and you're just gonna go in like you're invited
32:54I expecting people they haven't met before so yeah, this is stupid. Why don't we call for backup?
33:00You know, I because you think that there's a mole tipping off ourselves a closed-loop. It's just you and me
33:05All right, then I'm coming in with you. No, it's a bad idea. I need you to watch the perimeter
33:08I will be back in 30 minutes. If I'm not you can call in the Cavalry
33:24Here for the meeting
33:41This is a word-of-mouth group you're here because someone we trust
33:46personally referred you
33:48This is how we do things. This woman is a doctor
33:53She'll be injecting a small dose of anesthetic into each of you
33:58Aesthetic for what?
34:03Good evening and welcome
34:05Tonight prime focus with Chad Decker is proud to present an up-close and personal interview with Anna the visitor high commander
34:13On behalf of all of us. I want to thank you for this opportunity to get to know you a little better
34:18Thank you, Chad, and please feel free to ask anything and everything. I'm here to discuss all topics without reserve
34:44Want you to confirm that you see skull bone take a good look at it. It's important
34:54You're next
34:56What is life like?
34:58We come from a place of great beauty
35:00vast cities massive oceans
35:03Much like Earth though. Unlike you we don't divide ourselves into countries. We're one united people
35:10You've all passed the test
35:12Test for what?
35:14To ensure that you're not a visitor
35:19Order to walk among us they disguised their appearance by cloning human flesh over their own reptilian skin. I
35:26Thought everyone here was up to speed
35:29But the visitors didn't just get here. They've been here for years
35:34You said we're the only other intelligent life you've encountered in your travels. Yes
35:40Humanity is a rare gift
35:42One we hold in the highest regard for decades
35:45They've been implementing a plan that will result in the extermination of every man woman and child on the face of this earth
35:52We're honored and privileged to be able to assist mankind with our knowledge and technology
35:57Truth be told it stirs great emotion in us
36:01So you are emotional beings we are
36:04But we've evolved to quickly process and expel all negative feelings
36:09Happiness we've learned comes from tranquility and peace these posing as humans
36:15Established themselves in all facets of life would be business
36:21Religion the military it took years and once embedded among us they set out to cause worldwide
36:32Unnecessary wars
36:35Economic meltdown faith twisted into extremism if you could speak to the protesters, what would you say?
36:42That embracing change is never easy
36:45But the reward for doing so can be far greater than anything you can imagine
36:54Tonight we're announcing the expansion of our healing centers
36:57The goal is to open one in every major city across the world
37:01The final stage of the visitors plan began with them revealing themselves to us
37:09They gain trust with the promises friendship and technology
37:13And of course all they're really doing is positioning themselves as the saviors of mankind
37:19The intent goes beyond just healing
37:22We want to provide complete medical services to all
37:27you're talking about
37:30Universal health care. I believe that's what you call it. Yes
37:35By the time people figure this out, it'll be too late they'll take over
37:42Unless we can stop
37:46And I see the looks
37:49It's the first time hearing this for some of you
37:53You think we're crazy
37:58Do you have any proof, you know other than scary stories being passed around the internet
38:04Who are you?
38:05Who referred you?
38:08Doesn't matter
38:09I'm leaving. Wait, wait, I have proof. I think it's a bunch of photos supposedly visitors living on earth
38:32This guy is a visitor, yeah
38:36This guy is a terrorist he's part of a sleeper cell that's what I've been trying to tell you
38:44Sleeper cell visitors. Yeah a sleeper cell of visitors
38:58Did a brave thing coming here tonight
39:03I'm so brave. Why am I scared to death? I think that makes you human
39:09America Jack
41:52Was wrong to walk away from this Georgie
41:55You were right to fight
41:58There's others out there like me the traitors deserters
42:05With help
42:08All right
42:11Where you going I
42:14Gotta go tell Val I'm leaving
42:19Not safe for it to be around me anymore
42:22Mr. Decker, mr. Decker, may I have a word with you, please?
42:31Loved you. I'm sure she did
42:34She wants you to know we intend to call on you again
42:37She trusts you. Yeah, I'm not so sure I trust her
42:42Look I'm sorry for the misunderstanding tonight, but you did the right thing
42:47Compromising one's principles for the greater good is not a shameful act. It's a noble one
42:52Really? I find that hard to believe your people are easily threatened what you did tonight went a long way toward reassuring them
43:00What's the harm?
43:02She backed me into a corner. She could have chosen anyone to interview her. She chose you
43:09We would like to continue with the arrangement whenever Anna has something significant to say
43:14We would like her to say it through you
43:19Unless you have an aversion to a worldwide audience hanging on your every word
44:06Hate myself
44:11You just you kept getting these calls from no one and I
44:16Thought there was somebody else I
44:20Looked around and I found this
44:23You're gonna ask me to marry
44:30I was even gonna get down on one knee
44:36You still love me
44:40More than you'll ever know
44:47I don't know who to trust anymore. I can't get the image of Dale just lying there on my head
45:03What do we do now
45:09We help build a resistance we recruit bring more into the fold
45:20We have to be careful, we'll be careful, but we have to fight no, we'll fight
45:29But they have a big head start
45:32They're arming themselves with the most
45:36Powerful weapon out there. Yeah, what's that?
45:47Erica would be weapon
45:56To the dawn of a new day
47:06That's awesome