MI5. Spooks S09 E03 - Episode #9.3

  • 3 months ago
00:00The vehicle's stopping.
00:24The AFF are moving towards the lock-up.
00:50Victor, the AFF are entering the building.
01:41Yes, we found him.
01:59Lie down!
02:04I'll take care of him.
02:21Home Secretary, if you could spare us a couple of minutes.
02:23I have Ruth Evershed with me, our Russian analyst.
02:25Good evening, Home Secretary.
02:26We've intercepted an email to the AFF cell in London.
02:29We think they're trying to acquire a WMD.
02:31It's a nerve agent called paroxysibine.
02:32It was developed in the 60s from an algae.
02:34Both we and the Russians worked on derivatives.
02:36It was banned, wasn't it?
02:37We signed a treaty with Khrushchev.
02:38All samples were destroyed.
02:39The email claims one wasn't.
02:41That it's in Kazakhstan and the AFF plan to use it against Russian troops.
02:45Have you told Moscow?
02:46You're asking me to share intelligence with the FSB?
02:49With people who've spent the last 50 years trying to destroy us?
02:51It's all in the past now, Harry.
02:53Russia's an ally. We do business with them.
02:54There's a risk Russia could acquire the paroxysibine for itself.
02:57Well, send one of your officers to witness the operation.
03:00I'm secretary with all due respect.
03:01I'm not interested, Harry, in your old-fashioned beliefs.
03:04Either do the job or get out of the way and let someone else do it for you.
03:08Tower, are you getting this?
03:30Yep, got it.
03:58Lucas, have some vodka with me.
04:01It's the real thing. None of that crap made in your country.
04:05Bottoms up.
04:07To many more cooperations, I hope.
04:12What's going on?
04:17No! No!
04:22Lucas, my friend, they are terrorists!
04:24They were here to steal a paroxysibine!
04:29This was not part of the deal!
04:34Get this footage to the Home Secretary.
04:36Show him what full cooperation with the Russians really looks like.
04:40Sir, I think you should take a look at this.
04:42There's another AFF member.
04:45Shall I alert Lucas?
04:48We can't just let him go.
04:51Ten-go-one. We have the position of an extra.
04:53The man just lost his country.
04:54I won't be responsible for him losing his life, too.
04:58Harry, are you sure about this?
05:00Doubting my judgment.
05:03No, no, I'm just saying...
05:05We've done what was asked. That's an end to it.
05:07Relations between Russia and the former Soviet state of Kazakhstan are fraught today.
05:11After the murder of 23 ethnic Russians in the northwest town of Pazur,
05:15Moscow is pointing the finger at the Kazakhstan Freedom Front
05:18and accusing the Kazakhstan government of turning a blind eye.
05:21A little while ago, I spoke to William Towers, the Home Secretary,
05:24and asked him about Britain's response to these recent events.
05:27Home Secretary, today you banned the Kazakhstan Freedom Front from London after 15 years.
05:31Why did you do that?
05:32It was quite a simple decision, Kirsty.
05:34We cannot tolerate in this country any organisation which supports ethnic cleansing.
05:37But you know, Home Secretary, the AFF has denied any involvement in these murders.
05:42You're simply caving into pressure from Moscow.
05:45Our course of action is determined by Britain's stand on human rights.
05:48It's as simple as that.
05:57The United Nations.
06:03Are they going to attack you?
06:05I don't know. This is the end. It's all over.
06:08They were waiting for us. The British were there too.
06:11They're working together.
06:15This is the end.
06:18The door to Siberia is still in London.
06:23You have to go there.
06:25It's a big country.
06:27It will help you.
06:29I can't.
06:30I can't take it anymore.
06:32Do you love your country?
06:38I'm doing this for you, Aziz.
06:41And you?
06:42I'm an old man.
06:44They won't hurt me.
06:46Go, go!
07:16A small gesture of our appreciation.
07:19You're a favourite, I believe.
07:21You are very well informed.
07:23Please, walk with me.
07:27I wanted to thank you personally for your help with our Azakhstani friends.
07:30I noticed it didn't stop you invading anyway.
07:33Russia is simply protecting the interests of its citizens.
07:36Just as you did in the Falklands.
07:38Of course, the two are identical.
07:40There is one small detail.
07:42An insurgent appears to have slipped through the net.
07:45A man called Aziz Aybek.
07:48You weren't aware of this?
07:50I was told MI5 had the Azakhstani operation under satellite surveillance.
07:54You know how unreliable electronic intelligence can be.
07:57Cloud cover, microwave interference, even sunspots.
08:00They all take their toll.
08:02Of course. Their own kind of sun.
08:04Unfortunately, Aybek's escape has now become a more serious matter.
08:08For all of us.
08:10We believe he's on his way to London to acquire a second sample of paraxoxibine.
08:14That's impossible.
08:16Everything was destroyed in the 60s.
08:19As it was in Russia.
08:21Nevertheless, as we both know, some survived.
08:25Where is this second sample supposed to be?
08:27Here, in London.
08:29Unfortunately, our source was unable to be more specific.
08:33He's no longer available to answer questions.
08:35Some things never change.
08:37I have to differ.
08:38Our countries now vote together in U.N.U.
08:40and I freely pass information between us.
08:43It is a new world, Sir Harry.
08:46We'd appreciate him being returned to us at the earliest opportunity.
08:50Weather permitting, of course.
08:52We are not in the business of doing the FSB's dirty work for them.
08:56Aybek is a desperate man.
08:58He will have worked out who helped us in Kazakhstan.
09:01I can assure you he won't hesitate to use this weapon in London.
09:05Any more than he would in Moscow.
09:07Common enemies need common friends.
09:09Sir Harry.
09:12We have new guidelines about accepting gifts from foreign government officials.
09:16I'm sure you understand.
09:36It's me.
09:39I thought you'd hang up.
09:42Just leave me alone, John.
09:45I want to see you again.
09:47I want to tell you everything.
09:51I don't want to see you.
09:53I don't believe you.
09:54I'm texting you my address.
09:56Whatever happens, I'm not going to disappear again.
10:09As is Aybek, one of the founding members of the AFF in Kazakhstan.
10:13A geography teacher for ten years, he was radicalised in the 90s
10:16after his brother was imprisoned for anti-Soviet propaganda.
10:19The brother later died in a Soviet gulag.
10:23Aybek's last known sighting, according to the Russians,
10:26Lake Vrul, Kazakhstan.
10:28The Russians are telling us there's a loose end.
10:30They claim Aybek is coming here to acquire peroxiscybin, which is impossible.
10:35So what's the real reason?
10:36Moscow's determined to discredit the AFF.
10:38The more they do so, the more international support they'll get
10:40for their invasion of Kazakhstan.
10:42Catching a known terrorist on UK soil would play into that.
10:45What better than to have the British intelligence do all the grunt work?
10:50So our task is to determine whether Aybek really is a threat
10:53and head off a potential PR coup for Moscow.
10:56OK, Beth, distribute Aybek's details Europe-wide, notify all ports of entry.
10:59Dimitri, get on to known sympathisers of the AFF in the UK.
11:03Ruth, can you dig up everything on the original peroxiscybin project?
11:06OK, that's it. Thank you.
11:13Go ahead, Ruth. I know you want to say it. I told you so.
11:17If Aybek is a threat and the Home Secretary realises we let him go...
11:20I can deal with towers.
11:22It isn't just towers. We have to have a strategy.
11:26I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Ruth.
11:29The Home Secretary wants to see you. It's urgent.
11:33I've just had the Russian ambassador on the phone.
11:35He thinks you're an obstructive, pompous dinosaur.
11:38Very diplomatic.
11:39And you know what? I'm inclined to agree.
11:41All he was asking for was some cooperation in the war against terror.
11:44But we weren't using that phrase any more.
11:46For God's sake!
11:47The only reason the Russians want Aybek is to justify their invasion of Kazakhstan.
11:51It is not the job of British intelligence to aid in that objective.
11:54The Russians believe he'll use it here,
11:56and your job is to apprehend terrorists.
11:58If you're not up to it, just say the word.
12:01The Russians want a man on the grid.
12:04I'm sorry?
12:05They need reassurance.
12:07An FSB officer at Thames House? That's absurd.
12:09There's a real threat here, and your Russian expert agrees.
12:13You've spoken to Ruth?
12:15She's an advisor, Harry. That's what she's there for, to give me advice.
12:18I told the ambassador it won't be a problem.
12:20So don't let it be.
12:22The Home Secretary asked me to pass on his thanks.
12:25He's grateful for your help.
12:28In future, Ruth, I'd appreciate it if you'd come to me before going behind my back.
12:32What was I supposed to do?
12:34He asked me for my opinion, so I gave it to him.
12:37Oh, no, this is ridiculous.
12:39Harry, we have to work together.
12:41We are working together, Ruth. This is what it looks like.
12:45Victor's arriving shortly. Here's his report on paroxysibin.
12:52Sir Harry Pearce. I'm honoured.
12:56Has he been screened?
13:00And the most thoroughly, if I may say so.
13:02Get him fixed up. Meeting room. Ten minutes.
13:05Any news on Ivek?
13:07Nothing so far.
13:08This is the original KGB report on paroxysibin.
13:11Symptoms start with convulsions, involuntary urinations, and defecations.
13:17Death by asphyxiation follows within two hours.
13:20Paroxysibin is contagious.
13:23It would take three days to infect a million people.
13:26In less than a week, it could infect the population of Moscow or London.
13:30Any antidotes?
13:32Research stopped after the ban. There is no known treatment.
13:35Is it easily transportable?
13:37To remain inactive, it needs to be kept at minus nine degrees Celsius.
13:40Once it comes into contact with air, it vaporises and produces a colourless, odourless gas.
13:45It's our assessment that if Ivek acquires paroxysibin, he will attempt to use it in the UK.
13:49Why would he do that?
13:51Because Russia and Great Britain are allies, Sir Harry.
13:54We work together on the Azakstan mission.
13:56As far as the AFF is concerned, that makes you a legitimate target.
14:02French security just reported that Ivek boarded a Eurostar first thing this morning.
14:06They estimate he's already been in London for over an hour.
14:08When the French intel came in, I ran a probability logarithm, predicting possible locations of Ivek.
14:13I'm resectioning a live facial recall.
14:19That's him.
14:20What's that he's carrying? Get in closer.
14:23I can try a thermal analysis.
14:27It's lined with some sort of insulator. He's keeping it below freezing.
14:30Then he has the paroxysibin.
14:33We have to stop him before he releases it.
14:39Got him on CCTV. East side, Trafalgar Square.
14:44He'll head for a crowded area to get maximum exposure for the release.
14:57CM19 on foot alert.
15:00Target approaching junction with Charing Cross.
15:02Approaching destination. Tarek, any more information on the target?
15:04800 metres from possible interception point.
15:09Change of plan. Target is entering Charing Cross underground.
15:12Tango 1, Tango 2, take the east Charing Cross entrance.
15:14Tango 3, Tango 4, Lintel Street.
15:16Dimitri, fix up that way. Beth, with me.
15:19We have to work on the principle that he's going to release it.
15:23Tarek, give me directions.
15:27Charing Cross, two underground lines, nine exits onto four different streets,
15:30four internal level six platforms.
15:33I have access to the CCTV.
15:35Tango 1 and 2 have reached the east entrance.
15:40He's going to release it on the tube.
15:43Seal the entrances. No one in, no one out.
15:45There are thousands of people down there. They'll be trapped.
15:47If he releases the peroxide now, they're as good as dead anyway.
15:49We have to contain the damage.
15:57I have visual. Target on the Bakerloo line, second level concourse.
16:03Upper entrance, eastbound platform.
16:05Tango 3, Tango 4, Tango 5, Tango 6, Tango 7, Tango 8, Tango 9, Tango 10.
16:15I've lost him in the crowd. Do you have a visual?
16:21Alpha 1 negative.
16:29Alpha 2, no visual.
16:36Do you have a visual? We need to stop him before that train moves.
16:48I can't find him. He must be on the train.
16:50Is he on?
16:51Negative in this carriage.
16:53Is he on?
16:54I've got eyeball on target.
16:57Has he got the package?
17:06Can we take him out?
17:10Negative. I do not have a clean line of sight.
17:15Target's on the run. He must have seen us.
17:29Stop him! Stop him! Move!
17:32Target's made a drop.
17:34I'll take care of it. Go, go, go.
17:36Security services, clear the platform, please.
17:50Package retrieved.
17:51Is it intact?
17:52If it broke on impact, we have 40 seconds until contamination.
17:55Trains are on hold. Code red.
17:57Beth, we need to know if the canister is broken.
18:16Beth, is it broken?
18:20There's nothing here.
18:21The bag's been picked up.
18:22It's broken.
18:25There's nothing here.
18:26The bag's been prepped, but there's no peroxide,
18:28but he must have been on his way to get it.
18:30Then he still is.
18:36He's gone. Regroup.
18:38Tarek, check the vicinity. He can't have gone far.
18:43OK, starting a localised search.
18:52Found him.
18:54Target identified near Central University Science Block, Norton Place.
18:57You're only half a mile away.
18:59They're two minutes away. He's at Central University.
19:02What have I done?
19:03Now's not the time for self-reflection.
19:23Come on.
19:41Tarek, I see O-19 over here. Seal off all exits.
19:45Dimitri, stay here. Beth, first floor. You, with me.
19:53Come on.
20:08Dr Kirby?
20:10My name is Aziz Aybek. I'm a friend of Professor Mosheva.
20:13Did he call you about me?
20:15Professor Mosheva is dead.
20:20He'd better come in.
20:23How did Professor Mosheva die?
20:25A traffic accident.
20:27This can't be true.
20:29Did you know him well?
20:32He was a good man.
20:34I'm sure.
20:36What exactly is it you want, Mr Aybek?
20:39Professor Mosheva told me about Paroxysibin.
20:44He told me about the sample he hid, and the one you had.
20:48It was to be last resort, of course. Never mind.
20:51But if the Russians knew we had it...
20:53I have no idea what you're talking about.
20:57I'd like you to leave now.
20:58You are our only hope, Dr Kirby.
21:00Without you, my country will be destroyed.
21:02I don't want to have to call security.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:14Me also.
21:21We have to assume that Aybek is still trying to acquire the Paroxysibin.
21:25It needs to be stored at below zero.
21:27There must be a lab in the building. Anywhere with a suitable freezer.
21:30Dozens. It's the main science block for the university.
21:32Check the faculty list.
21:33See if any of them were involved in the original Paroxysibin research team.
21:52Come on!
21:56Meg, your daughter. You care about her?
21:59I will find her, Dr Kirby, and kill her.
22:02Tell me where the Paroxysibin is being stored.
22:07No faculty or student cross-matches. I'm widening out to family and friends.
22:10I've got something.
22:12There's an S Kirby on the sixth floor.
22:15A Dr Kirby worked at Portion Down in the 60s.
22:17He worked on the Paroxysibin project.
22:19Aybek's got to be there.
22:20Sixth floor, office 18.
22:22Lucas, take the stairs. Dimitri, cover the lift.
22:25Clear the area now! Move! Move!
23:05Meg, it's happened.
23:07No, no, no, I'm fine, I'm fine.
23:09You know what's necessary.
23:13And a few too.
23:50Aybek's gone.
23:51Get an ambulance down here now. Room 618.
24:00Is that Meg?
24:01Yeah, who's this?
24:02My name is Aziz. I am student of your father.
24:05Something terrible has happened. I don't know what to do.
24:08What's happened?
24:09I came for tutorial and he was on the floor.
24:11He told me he has been attacked and I must call you.
24:14Okay, let me talk to him.
24:16They have taken him to hospital.
24:18He gave me an envelope that I must give to you in person.
24:21Come here, now.
24:22Do you know the address?
24:23Moment, please.
24:26What has Kirby said?
24:27But he didn't tell him.
24:29Do you believe him?
24:30He's in a pretty bad way. I don't see why he'd lie.
24:32Any traces in the labs?
24:33CR19 are reporting they're clean.
24:35Bring him in.
24:37Now you see why we deal with these people the way we do.
24:50How's my father?
24:52May I come in?
24:54Yeah, yeah.
25:05I'm not going to lie to you, Meg.
25:07There is no envelope.
25:08Your father has been taken by Russian secret service.
25:11They want something called paroxysm.
25:14They want something called paroxysipin.
25:16I don't understand.
25:20I think you do, Meg.
25:22You must take me to where it is.
25:25This is ridiculous. I want you to go.
25:35What do you do, Meg? Your job?
25:38Nothing. I'm a...
25:40I'm a secretary.
25:42Meg Kirby.
25:45Faculty of Molecular Biology.
25:54Paroxysipin was never intended to be a weapon.
25:57But once its potential as a nerve agent was recognized,
26:00all other avenues of research were shut down.
26:02Until the 64 Treaty.
26:04We were told to wipe paroxysipin off the face of the Earth.
26:08I couldn't agree with that.
26:09I couldn't agree with that.
26:10It was a unique organism.
26:12And we'd hardly scratched the surface of its potential.
26:15Who knows what benefits it might bring.
26:17So you kept some back?
26:20And Professor Omishaba?
26:22He felt the same way.
26:23We agreed to do what we could to preserve paroxysipin for posterity.
26:27Him and Azakstan, me here.
26:29It was the right thing to do.
26:35Things have changed.
26:36We need to know where you're keeping the sample, Dr Kirby.
26:39So you can start research on a cure for cancer.
26:41So we can prevent a known terrorist from acquiring a nerve agent.
26:44He won't find it.
26:46Ibek is a resourceful man.
26:48He found the sample in Azakstan, and he found you.
26:51That was different. He had help. And I'm not Professor Omishaba.
26:54He won't give up until he finds it. Don't you understand that?
26:58The sample is quite safe.
27:00And when he does find it, and uses it here or in Azakstan,
27:04or in Russia, are you prepared to accept responsibility for the thousands of lives it will take?
27:08He will not find it.
27:10You're willing to risk it falling into the wrong hands?
27:12I'm not willing for it to fall into any hands.
27:23I am not a violent man.
27:26That's good news.
27:30But this isn't about me.
27:33Aziz, I can't tell you what you want to know.
27:37Do you understand? I can't.
27:42You will tell me.
28:18Just tell me. Please.
28:33You're what? Sixty-two? Sixty-three?
28:36You can't live forever.
28:38You must have made a plan B.
28:40What if you got knocked down?
28:42Posterity's not much use when you're lying under a bus.
28:45You must have told someone else.
28:47I told no one.
28:48I don't believe you.
28:50You're free to believe as you wish, Mr. Pierce. It doesn't alter the facts.
28:53You're concerned about what would happen to the paroxysibin if you told us where it was.
28:58What if we gave you our word that it would be taken to Porton Down and stored safely?
29:02Your word means nothing, however well-intentioned.
29:06People move on, regimes change. In a few years, weapons research would start all over again.
29:11We could guarantee its destruction. You could witness it.
29:13The last thing I want is for paroxysibin to be destroyed.
29:17You don't trust us to keep it. You don't trust us to destroy it.
29:20Meanwhile, you're willing to risk a ruthless terrorist getting his hands on it.
29:23I've told you the sample is quite safe.
29:25Don't be so bloody naive.
29:36Don't go! I lost my father! Don't go! Don't go!
29:44CCTV's got nothing on Ibeg. I bet he's sticking to side streets.
29:47Or he's gone to ground.
29:49Storing paroxysibin needs uninterruptible electricity supply.
29:52We should be checking anywhere with such a facility.
29:54OK, Beth, get on to the utility company, see what they can give us.
29:57Dimitri, run a trace on all associates of Dr Kirby from the 60s and check out his family.
30:01If he didn't talk, Ibeg may try someone else.
30:03Someone's calling Kirby's mobile.
30:07Tariq, do a cell site analysis. Beth, get us to Harry now.
30:15OK, put me through. Hello?
30:19Who is this? I need to speak to Dr Kirby.
30:22I'm afraid Dr Kirby's been admitted to hospital. I'm his registrar, Dr Henley.
30:27I'm Dr Kirby's daughter. I need to speak to him. It's urgent.
30:30I'm afraid that's not possible.
30:32No, please. It's very important.
30:35Hang on a second. I'll see what I can do.
30:48We have an address. You have a call.
30:56Dad. Dad, it's me.
30:59Meg. You OK?
31:04I'm with a man called Aziz Ibeg.
31:09I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
31:11No, it's OK.
31:12It's OK.
31:16I'm sorry.
31:19Back to him, server.
31:23Back to him, server.
31:26Back to him, server.
31:27What did you say?
31:28Back to him, server.
31:29Get away!
31:31If you want to see your daughter alive, you will tell me where Brooke...
31:39Back to him, server.
31:41Keep the faith.
31:46What did you say to him? What's it mean?
31:49It means you've lost.
31:59Meg's apartment is the second floor of the old flour mill.
32:02ETA one minute, Lucas.
32:04Tell me.
32:34It's OK.
32:58It's OK.
33:02It's OK.
33:05I didn't tell him.
33:10I didn't tell him.
33:14I have to talk to my father.
33:19Of course.
33:30I didn't tell him anything.
33:34I know.
33:36But you're going to tell me.
33:58Don't move.
34:05I think we need to have a talk.
34:10Get him back to the grid.
34:20What happened?
34:23I tried everything I could.
34:26It's my fault.
34:28She fell unconscious after you left.
34:31I couldn't bring her back.
34:32I'm sorry.
34:37Did she say anything?
34:44Hi, Beck.
34:45He got away.
34:47Back to square one, then.
34:50Yeah, back to square one.
34:56He murdered her, Harry.
34:58Are you sure about this?
35:00When I left the room, Meg was definitely alive.
35:02Victor claims she slipped into unconsciousness.
35:04I called the morgue and there are no signs of a ligature.
35:06But if he drowned her, the post-mortem results would look the same.
35:12Harry, our Russia intercept team has intel.
35:14There's an order for a medivac flight, London to Moscow.
35:17And the paroxysibin must be readmitted to cryogenic storage within 72 hours.
35:22They've been using us to track her, Beck.
35:25They want the paroxysibin for themselves.
35:28It appears I have allowed us to be played by Moscow right from the start.
35:33Well, not right from the start, Harry.
35:35It wasn't why you let Ibeck go.
35:37But by allowing him to escape, I did the Russians a favour.
35:40And I have to admit, that was my mistake.
35:45A mistake of judgement, maybe.
35:48But not a mistake of judgement.
35:51I'm sorry, Harry.
35:53A mistake of judgement, maybe.
35:56But not of decency.
36:01Sometimes you have to do what's necessary, Harry.
36:14Dr Kirby.
36:17Is it about Meg?
36:19I'm afraid so.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:26How did she die?
36:28She drowned. She was drowned.
36:43I'm afraid she told Ibeck what he needed to know.
36:47No, never.
36:48One of our officers was with her.
36:50Before she died, she told her.
36:55No one could blame her.
36:57Even a trained officer in those circumstances would only last a few hours.
37:02We can still save the paroxysibin.
37:04And stop the man who did this, Stephen.
37:06Bring him to justice.
37:07But not without your help.
37:09You have to tell us where the sample is.
37:18You have a choice, Ibeck.
37:20I have no choice.
37:23It's finished.
37:25My country is under Russian control.
37:29I could not stop them.
37:30Don't give up so easily.
37:34Time to make yourself useful.
37:36We have a plan.
37:45You have to say this is the perfect place.
37:47Uninterrupted electricity, industrial freezers.
37:54You know Walt Disney had his head frozen.
37:56It's kept under the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland.
38:00Victor, you really need to get out more.
38:02Let's do this.
38:17Uninterrupted electricity.
38:48Tonight, Lucas, I would like to take you out to dinner, to celebrate.
38:52Our aid package is on its way.
38:54I thought perhaps Claridge's.
38:55You know their FSB has a ghost account there.
38:57Copy that.
38:58Come on, Victor, bring your camera.
39:00Aren't we going to follow them?
39:01Change of plan.
39:02That was not the deal, Lucas.
39:04I need to witness the paroxysibin being destroyed.
39:06Oh, you will.
39:18Oh, my God!
39:32Convoy on the move. Backup in position.
39:34Copy. Port and Donner where?
39:48A decoy. MI5 never ceases to impress.
39:52Ibex is still out there. We can't afford to take any chances.
40:17Let's go.
40:18I know Claridge has lost its Michelin star this year,
40:21but for me it's still a best restaurant.
40:26Get in! Get in!
40:47Get in!
41:47Get in!
42:17Get in!
42:30Drop your gun!
42:32Are you out of your mind?
42:34Are you ready to die for my country?
42:36I am.
42:38Give me the paroxysibin, Ibex!
42:40So that you can never be the ruler of this country!
42:43Give me the paroxysibin!
42:45All right.
42:47All right.
43:01Now you pay.
43:08Victor, put it down.
43:10It's a war, Lucas.
43:12If you don't like it, look the other way.
43:14Please! I did everything you asked! Stop him!
43:20What have you been doing, huh?
43:22We don't make deals with terrorists.
43:31It was a loose end.
43:33For all of us.
43:34So are you.
43:39Don't be ridiculous, Beth.
43:42Meg Kirby was alive when I left the room.
43:44You killed her.
43:46Lucas, tell the new recruit how the real world works.
43:50I already have.
44:06Are you ready to die for my country?
44:08Kill it, Doc!
44:11A couple of bullets.
44:12I think you're supposed to speak.
44:24Victor, look at me.
44:25Stay with me.
44:29Terry, call an ambulance.
44:32Help's on its way. You're gonna be fine.
44:35Come on.
44:36Come on!
44:39Bullets again.
44:43Dimitri, Ibeka's escaped with the peroxisibin.
45:02He died trying to protect us all.
45:11On behalf of British intelligence,
45:13I would like to present Victor Berinchik
45:15with this posthumous McGough medal.
45:19I'm honoured to receive this, Sir Harry.
45:21Victor had dedicated his life to peace
45:24and in the end lost it to the same cause.
45:28This honour would have meant a great deal to him.
45:30Thank you.
45:31I'd like to assure you personally, Ambassador,
45:33that we're doing all we can to retrieve the stolen peroxisibin.
45:36Isn't that right, Harry?
45:38Of course.
45:40Thank you so much for coming, Ambassador.
45:53Bloody cock-up.
45:56Letting Ibeka escape with the peroxisibin.
45:58I understand the Azakhstani government
46:00have persuaded the Russians to withdraw.
46:02Didn't have much choice, did they?
46:03Not with the other side possessing the peroxisibin.
46:05Not with the other side possessing a WMD.
46:08I suppose not.
46:13Well, get out, Harry.
46:15Home Secretary.
46:25John, they're going to kill me.
46:30Why, whose life did you ruin this time?
46:32You've changed.
46:33Why can't you believe it in me?
46:36Listen, I just need a file.
46:38It's in Five's archive.
46:39It's called Albany.
46:41Look at me, John.
46:43I just want out.
46:44I want to get this over with and disappear.
46:47You know what that feels like.
46:48Yeah, I know what that feels like.
46:51And I want you to disappear as well,
46:52but I'm not going to help you to do it.
46:55Have you told Harry Pierce what we did?
46:59Don't make me use what I know.
47:04Come on, then.
47:06In fact, I'll help you to do it.
47:09Tell him now.
47:19Thought not.
47:34Thank you for seeing us.
47:35Did I have a choice?
47:38Your daughter did not break her promise, Dr. Kirby.
47:41An officer was with her when she died.
47:43She kept the faith, to the very end.
47:49You lied to me.
47:52I'm sorry.
47:53It was necessary.
47:55So some crackpot terrorist organization could get hold of it.
47:59And on the other hand,
48:00another terrorist organization could get hold of it.
48:02Another success for British intelligence.
48:05I realize you are a highly principled man, Dr. Kirby.
48:07Spare me platitudes, please.
48:09I am therefore going to tell you something which I probably shouldn't.
48:12The paroxysibin, your paroxysibin,
48:15was taken under armed guard to Porton Down,
48:18where it will be kept in secure storage.
48:22But the newspaper reports, they're not always accurate.
48:26And the AFF?
48:28They have nothing?
48:29They have what they need.
48:30Russia's belief that they possess the power to strike back.
48:44The driver will take you home.
48:56If he talks, you'll lose your job.
49:00You'll lose everything.
49:04He won't talk, though. He's an honorable man.
49:08You can't know that for sure, Harry.
49:10Sometimes you have to give a man a chance, Ruth.
49:14To show you who he really is.
49:20I'm sorry.
49:22I'm sorry.
49:23I'm sorry.
49:48You lie to me, and I swear you will never see me again.
49:53Come in.
50:09Why did you let me believe you were dead?
50:13All right.
50:15I went to prison for eight years. Is that good enough?
50:20Why? Did you kill someone?
50:23Did you hurt someone then?
50:27I suppose you're innocent.
50:35Why did you decide to turn up there?
50:43A photograph.
50:45Of you.
50:46Of you.
50:49All those years I spent trying to forget.
50:53It just fell away.
50:55I had to see you.
50:59Is that true?
51:04Every word.
51:13I don't even know you anymore.
51:17Yeah, you do.
51:21I've forgotten.
51:25Close your eyes.
51:28You'll remember.
51:35Close your eyes.
51:46Close your eyes.