MI5. Spooks S07 E04 - Episode #7.4

  • 2 months ago
00:00Alpha One, do you read me? There's been a complication.
00:06Don't tell me. Wrong sort of leads on the track.
00:09Not quite. Are you in position yet?
00:16Hornets to the ground, standby.
00:19We've just discovered your meter has extensive Al-Qaeda connections.
00:24Consider him a Level One asset.
00:30Total unacceptable erosion of civil liberties in the name of the War on Terror
00:35and the fact that the government has created the legal framework
00:38in which this can happen is shameful.
00:41We've just discovered your meter has extensive Al-Qaeda connections.
00:44Consider him a Level One asset.
00:49Third, the A48 National Express is a projectile.
00:52We've just discovered your meter has extensive Al-Qaeda connections.
00:55Calling Alpha One, we've been through the K-regime.
00:57We've been through the K-regime.
00:58We've been through the K-regime.
00:59Alpha One, do you read me?
01:00Do you read me?
01:01We've just discovered your meter has extensive Al-Qaeda connections.
01:04Consider him a Level One asset.
01:06His trains arrived. Expect hostile intelligence services to be present.
01:11Alpha One, do you read me?
01:27Eye contact. I've got him.
01:29Copy. Good luck.
01:41Thanks, Jess.
02:00Which platform for South End?
02:02Just behave normally and do exactly what I tell you.
02:05Walk forward towards the underground. Go.
02:14Go left.
02:25Go back. Go back. Move.
02:35Don't look back. Keep moving.
02:41Keep moving.
03:03Keep moving.
03:05We need to get out of here.
03:07It's alright.
03:11It's alright.
03:17What is it? What have you got for me?
03:20Mohammed Kordat?
03:23I want you to talk.
03:33Born in Afghanistan sometime in the mid-60s.
03:35Educated in Pakistan and Cambridge.
03:37In 2003 he was identified as the leader of a Pakistani terrorist organisation, The Path of Light.
03:41Two years ago he resurfaced as one of the brains behind Al-Qaeda.
03:44The US rates him as their third most wanted.
03:47Kordat has been positively linked to attacks in Spain, Algiers and Afghanistan.
03:51And we can assume that he was the paymaster for a lot more, including the recent London bombs.
03:55The man's ruthless and highly professional.
03:57Ran circles around Six and they lost him.
03:59Yes, he tracked three MI6 agents in Pakistan.
04:03And personally tortured them to death.
04:06Contact Aaron Payden. Was he trusted?
04:08Damascus station vouch for him.
04:10The SIM card. It's pay-as-you-go, disposable.
04:12It's available at any corner news station.
04:14There's one contact number in it. UK registered.
04:16Never been used. Impossible to trace.
04:18OK. Let's see what Kordat has to say for himself.
04:21Give me a couple of minutes.
04:29You OK?
04:33How did it go with the counsellor?
04:36You've had a tough year. Boss got up in the bomb.
04:39There's no shame in asking for help.
04:42I will. Promise.
04:44Do it. It helps.
04:46I can vouch for that.
05:11Tracing now.
05:24Mohammed Kordat.
05:26Who am I speaking to? Is this Harry Pearce?
05:28No, but Mr Pearce...
05:29Get me Harry Pearce.
05:31Harry Pearce speaking.
05:32I want to talk.
05:33A senior MI5 officer and Al-Qaeda's number three?
05:36I don't think that's going to be possible.
05:38I have certain intelligence that might be of interest to you.
05:41You will receive a text in one hour.
05:47Not long enough.
05:48The question is, why approach us now?
05:50Why not yesterday or next week?
05:52Because through their full bombs didn't go off.
05:54Yes, but Al-Qaeda still think last week was a success.
05:56That phone call could have been anyone. The whole thing could be a fake.
05:59To throw us. Confuse us. Make us look the wrong way.
06:01The fact is, someone thought that SIM card was worth killing for,
06:04and that tells us all we need to know.
06:05What have we got on the assassin?
06:06Shamil Osetek. Ukrainian.
06:08No known political affiliations. He's available to the highest bidder.
06:11And our last sighting, Slovenia.
06:14So he was brought in specially. By who?
06:16Take your pick. Syrians, Libyans, Iranians. My money's on the Russians.
06:20Your money's always on the Russians, Connie.
06:22Has Aram said anything?
06:23He's on the operating table. Not at his most chatty.
06:25Well, let's focus on Kordat now.
06:27We're not seriously considering talking to those bastards.
06:29We can't trust them.
06:31Sometimes you have to sup with the devil, Jo, just to find out what he wants.
06:34In the meantime, pull up everything we've got on Kordat.
06:36Can you trawl ferry an airline manifest?
06:38If he's in the UK, I want to know how the hell he got here without being flagged.
06:41Lucas, contact Elisabetta. Find out if the Russians are involved.
06:45Elisabetta's not a spy.
06:47No, but she can be manipulated.
06:50It's underway. Now all we do is watch and wait.
06:53If this happens, it will be an unprecedented chance for an accord.
06:56And after such an accord, peace may follow.
06:59Well, I'm glad the stakes aren't too high, or you'd be making me nervous.
07:02This wouldn't just be a coup for us, or MI5, or even Britain.
07:06Bringing Al-Qaeda to the negotiating table would save untold lives.
07:10But we take nothing for granted, Harry.
07:12Top MI5 man-killer.
07:14That's a very different sort of coup.
07:16It's a risk we have to take.
07:18We've been chasing the shadow of Al-Qaeda across the globe for years.
07:21This is too important an opportunity to let slip through our fingers.
07:29I imagine Dolby has something to say about this.
07:33Well, you know what a worrier he is.
07:34For the moment, we're keeping this strictly Section D.
07:36You can't seriously expect me to sanction a meeting with my own people.
07:39I'm not going to.
07:42You can't seriously expect me to sanction a meeting with Mohammed Kordad.
07:45Not after the last few days.
07:46It's an opportunity we have to take.
07:48It's an opportunity for the PM to cut my bollocks off.
07:50Well, you can join the choir.
07:51He's already banging on about a catastrophic failure of intelligence.
07:54We neutralised three out of four bombs.
07:56And the government's grateful, but you know the policy.
07:58We do not negotiate with terrorists, ever.
08:01With all due respect, Home Secretary, we're not in the House now.
08:04You know as well as I do, we started talking to the IRA in 1972.
08:07Don't quote history at me, Harry.
08:08This is entirely different, and you know it.
08:10If the Americans got whiff of this...
08:11They won't.
08:12...or the press got whiff of it, it won't just be me who'd be out of a job.
08:15The whole government could fall.
08:17And I think you can guess who we'd take with us.
08:18We cannot afford not to explore every avenue.
08:20Oh, please.
08:21Do you know what's going on out there?
08:23Kids who played football together are now fighting in the streets.
08:26If this goes on, we could see the Balkanisation of Britain.
08:28And they say the government spins.
08:30You want it without spin?
08:31We cannot win the war against terrorism, ever.
08:34We can contain it.
08:35We can prevent its worst consequences, but we can never defeat it.
08:39So when we get an offer to talk, however tentative, however precarious, we take it.
08:44We have to.
08:48Total deniability, do you understand?
09:30I haven't arranged to meet Lucas.
09:34This situation is becoming too dangerous.
09:36I think I should leave.
09:38Or somewhere safer.
09:39You'd really leave?
09:41Just for a while.
09:43What happened to your hand?
09:45Stroppy commuter.
09:47Ami went wrong. I was supposed to bring in a contact from Damascus.
09:49We were hoping for significant intel, but someone else had other plans.
09:53Is he OK?
09:54He'll never regain consciousness.
09:56Would have been you.
10:00I need you to do something for me, Vieta.
10:02Find out if the FSB have anything on him. His name is Aram Beda.
10:06I'm not due to meet them.
10:08Well, you're going to have to.
10:10Tell them that you've seen me, that things didn't go to plan with Beda, and that MI5 suspects Syrian involvement.
10:15Do they want to confirm or deny?
10:20It'll take a few hours.
10:23I'll wait.
10:25He'll be fine.
10:28Cordat's texted. The meet's on.
10:30The meet's on.
10:31So CO19 pick him up, right? It's not as easy as that, unfortunately. He's demanding an insurance policy.
10:36Our famous pain-in-the-arse human rights lawyer.
10:39Cordat wants him at the meeting. What's the no-show?
10:41There's no way Sam Stevens would agree to help MI5.
10:44Oh, he will if you ask him nicely.
10:50So sorry.
10:51It's all right. I'm fine.
10:54It's OK.
10:56Mr. Stevens, if you'd like a word.
10:59Who are you?
11:00A friend.
11:12So this is it. The lion's den.
11:15Just another office, Sam.
11:16Where breaking the law is commonplace.
11:18Thank you for coming in.
11:19I had a choice.
11:23So which particular case do you want to intimidate me over?
11:26The Tagorani brothers?
11:28The illegal detention and deportation of Hamid Kamir?
11:31The U.S. rendition of Assis Matanda that had your fingerprints all over it?
11:34Ultimately, Mr. Stevens, you and I share a common aim.
11:37To protect and uphold a free and democratic society.
11:40Only I do it in court and you do it riding roughshod over any legislation that doesn't suit.
11:44We need you to sign the Official Secrets Act.
11:47If I sign that and it gets into the public domain that I have, my reputation...
11:52We need your help.
11:53We need your help.
11:54We've been contacted by a senior figure within Al-Qaeda.
11:57He wants to negotiate.
11:59To be honest, we're not sure.
12:01But we have to take the risk that he's genuine.
12:03And you need me because...
12:05You are his insurance policy.
12:07The human rights lawyer with the best track record against MI5.
12:10Who better to protect his interests?
12:12I protect civil liberties, Sir Harry, not the interests of terrorists.
12:15I suspect he may not appreciate the legal nicety.
12:18So what do I get for my cooperation?
12:21That warm feeling of helping your country.
12:23Be a new experience for you.
12:25And who exactly are you?
12:27Recently, two police officers were blown apart by a terrorist bomb.
12:30You and I both know they won't be the last.
12:32This offer to negotiate could be nothing, probably is.
12:35But it could be the first step towards ending the war on terror.
12:38Now the question for you is, Sam.
12:40Do you want to be part of that?
12:42Or do you want to throw the opportunity away because your civil liberties have been infringed?
12:49It's your call.
12:52You'll be carrying a conventional GPS-GSM tracker.
12:56But we expect that to get picked up.
12:58So, you'll have these as well.
13:00Belt and braces.
13:01Ah, another belt.
13:02Malcolm, we don't have time. We have a meeting with Cordell in less than 20 minutes.
13:05When you shake hands, the ring transfers a microscopic layer of nanoparticles.
13:09These mix in with the natural oil of the skin and become absorbed into the stratum corneum, the pink bit.
13:14Meaning you can track him.
13:17The particles remain passive until they're activated by a burst of microwave radiation from a satellite,
13:21at which point they reflect the signal back for 10 milliseconds.
13:25Long enough to get a fix, but too short to get picked up by a scanner.
13:28What's the accuracy?
13:29Eight feet.
13:30The only downside, the interrogation is restricted to every 10 seconds, or there's the risk of a trace.
13:35You can't have too many belts.
13:36Should we be doing this?
13:37Second thoughts?
13:38Could just take him out, bring in CO-19.
13:40Great PR.
13:41Since when were we led by PR?
13:47That'll be Cordell with the coordinates.
13:49Can you read them out?
13:50It's 51.50295 North.
13:540.142264 East.
13:58He's taking him into the centre of town.
14:02And it's 0.65378 East.
14:08Elizabet has just found out who paid Aesthetic to make the hit.
14:11A faction within Al-Qaeda.
14:13They're trying to stop you from meeting Kordad.
14:15Where did this come from?
14:16Aesthetic himself, with a little help from the FSB.
14:19Be careful, he's a big shot.
14:21I'm not going to let him get away.
14:23I'm going to get him.
14:24I know.
14:25I'm going to get him.
14:26I'm going to get him.
14:27I'm going to get him.
14:28I'm going to get him.
14:29I'm going to get him.
14:30I'm going to get him.
14:31I'm going to get him.
14:32I'm going to get him.
14:33I'm going to get him.
14:34I'm going to get him.
14:35Be careful, Harry.
14:36They could try again.
14:37Thank you, Lucas.
14:43100 metres West.
14:47We can't let them go in there.
14:49It's OK.
14:50They're not alone.
15:01Keep close.
15:05Keep close.
15:31They've been taken.
15:32Lost visual.
15:37Lost visual.
15:38Switching to GPS tracker.
15:48Empty your pockets, please.
15:51Mr. Hordard, over there.
15:56Malcolm, update.
15:5975 metres North.
16:00Shark left.
16:05As predicted, we've lost communication.
16:07Lost him?
16:09Once Harry activates the ring, we'll be back on.
16:12Is this really necessary?
16:13Yes, it is.
16:15It was, too.
16:21Thanks, Lucas.
16:35We're ten yards away.
16:36Proceeding with caution.
16:42I think we've got them.
16:43Stand by.
16:45What happened back there?
16:48I thought I saw Boscord.
16:50Just now.
16:51Boscord's dead, Jack.
16:52Oh, I know.
16:53He's dead.
16:54I know he's dead.
16:55Don't worry.
16:56You sure?
16:58It's fine.
16:59You watch the door.
17:05You watch the door.
17:22Welcome to the front line.
17:28Multi-frequency radio interceptor.
17:30Long range.
17:31Very effective.
17:32No one will hear us.
17:34None of us can afford to be too cautious.
17:37Mr Stevens,
17:38I'm a great admirer of your work.
17:40It is not reciprocated.
17:43Mr Pierce, I assume?
17:46A colleague.
17:47Ros Myers, I believe.
17:50We do our research, too.
18:02What do you want?
18:05One step at a time, Mr Pierce.
18:08First, we need to establish trust.
18:10With a terrorist dedicated to destroying the West,
18:12it's going to be a stretch.
18:14One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
18:17Not in the British government's book.
18:19That'd be the book without the French Resistance
18:21or the International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War.
18:24Didn't your grandfather volunteer to fight fascism, Miss Myers?
18:28I seem to remember reading he died near Valencia.
18:30That was totally different.
18:31Young people prepared to die for their ideals.
18:35Not so very different.
18:38The anti-fascists had clear political objectives.
18:41You just want chaos.
18:44Are you a religious man, Mr Stevens?
18:47I am.
18:49And my religion does not sanction the use of violence for its own sake,
18:52despite what you might like to believe.
18:54And yet you kill innocent people.
18:56All wars have victims.
18:58These people are prepared to sacrifice their lives
19:01because they want to achieve specific political objectives.
19:05Justice for Palestine.
19:07An end to the corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia.
19:10America out of the Middle East.
19:13Are these such evil aims?
19:15Yes, if you're willing to kill indiscriminately.
19:17There are two dead in London a couple of days ago.
19:204,000 Palestinians murdered since 2000.
19:2237,000 injured.
19:243,500 permanently disabled.
19:26900 children slaughtered.
19:29Not to mention the 85,000 Iraqi civilians killed since the US invasion.
19:34You're winning.
19:35We both know I am not afraid of killing.
19:39And you're right not to trust me.
19:41It's your job.
19:44So I propose reciprocal tokens of sincerity.
19:48Today at 3 o'clock,
19:50the cell will carry out a military operation in London.
19:52A terrorist attack?
19:56Let's not fall out over semantics.
19:58Who's behind it?
19:59I have no idea.
20:01If I did, what's to stop you forcing it out of me?
20:04No disrespect, Mr Stephens,
20:05but I imagine even you wouldn't be adequate protection.
20:09If I wanted you dead, Ms Myers,
20:11your throat would already have been cut.
20:14I need more details.
20:16Get me what I want,
20:17and the bomb's location will be posted on this website.
20:22And in return?
20:23A statement from your Home Secretary
20:25and Hamid Dagour.
20:27The two released from Guantanamo Bay last month.
20:29Thanks to Mr Stephens.
20:31An agreed statement confirming they were wrongfully arrested,
20:34illegally incarcerated and tortured.
20:36And a guarantee that they will face no further charges in the UK.
20:39That is not within my power.
20:40Deliver the statement, Mr Pierce.
20:43And I'll deliver peace on the streets.
20:45And if I can't?
21:16You have three hours.
21:20They're alive. The ring's been activated.
21:22Now we can keep tabs on Cordad.
21:26Visual confirmed.
21:28OK, we've got intel from Cordad of a bomb attack in London at 3pm today.
21:33Do you want us to move in?
21:34Not yet. I need you to maintain a visual.
21:36Ascertain who he's meeting.
21:38Power contacts made.
21:39Connie, chat at all from GCHQ.
21:42All communications from known targets over the last three weeks.
21:44Lucas, find out what's happening about three o'clock.
21:47State visit, sporting events, conferences, anything could be a target.
21:51And get on to the PM's office.
21:52Need the diaries of everyone in the cabinet and shadow cabinet.
21:54Yeah, I'm on it.
21:55Thanks for your cooperation.
21:56That's it?
21:57We'll put the medal in the post.
22:09It won't float, Harry.
22:11I'm prepared to issue a statement to the effect that,
22:13in MI5's view, these men no longer pose a threat.
22:16Well, that's very big of you.
22:17But I'm the one who'd have to stand up in Parliament
22:19and read this out without being lynched.
22:22And the Americans would go ballistic.
22:24I mean, it's tantamount to saying they lied.
22:26We can't say it, Harry.
22:28I thought disengagement was number ten policy now.
22:30Drawing a line in the sand between Her Majesty's government and the White House.
22:33A line? Not a bloody great chasm.
22:36If Cordad is genuine, and there's an outside chance he could be,
22:40this is a unique opportunity.
22:42You could go down in history, Home Secretary.
22:47If it ever got out that we caved into blackmail,
22:50we caved into blackmail.
22:51This is a secret service.
22:53That's what Burgess said.
22:55On the other hand, if it ever got out that we could have prevented a terrorist attack
22:58yet did nothing, then history might not look so kindly on any of us.
23:04We don't have much time.
23:08Do you think he'll deliver?
23:10I think he will. He has to.
23:16We need to meet.
23:19That might be difficult.
23:20It's important.
23:22I think I've found a leak.
23:24There's someone else who knows about Sugarhorse.
23:32Roz, you take the car. I'll meet you back there.
23:34I need a breath of fresh air.
23:40Cordad's on the move, heading west.
23:43Cromwell Road approaching junction with Exhibition Road.
23:50Target's entered the B&O.
23:52What's he doing there?
23:54Could be a meet, or just the best place to disappear.
23:56Holiday crowds, multiple exits.
23:58Smart choice.
24:13He's heading north. You'll get visual any second.
24:17Nothing yet.
24:19What do you mean?
24:21Where are you?
24:22Sculpture Road.
24:23You should have him by now.
24:24He's not here.
24:26Cover all exits.
24:27No, I won't. Joe?
24:29Follow procedure.
24:31Checking north-east wing.
24:35Do you have visual?
24:39Do you?
24:42Please keep up.
24:44I'm relying on MI5 to keep me alive.
24:52An amazing building.
24:54Fitting epitaph to Prince Albert, don't you think?
24:58What's your view on the new education centre?
25:02What's your view on killing innocent people?
25:06Blowing up husbands and fathers?
25:09You know, 90% of the antiquities in Baghdad were destroyed during the invasion.
25:14Meanwhile, the Iraqi artefacts under this roof are handled so gently.
25:22You bomb with one hand, preserve with the other.
25:29Why is that, do you think?
25:36You disgust me.
25:39Of course. What would vice?
25:44Let it get personal, and it'll devour your soul.
26:05It's not a good time, Bernard.
26:07We've been sniffing at the wrong dog.
26:10I've been checking Richard Dalby's old vines,
26:14and there's no way that he could have leaked sugar blocks.
26:18It would have meant compromising missions which went on to be successful.
26:21Double bluff?
26:23No. Documents are clear, and so is Dalby.
26:26Doesn't make any sense.
26:28Everyone else is either dead or accounted for.
26:30Not quite.
26:33There is someone who was working with Hugo Prince at the time.
26:41There was a rumour that they were close.
26:45Nobody took it seriously.
26:48Just the usual gossip.
26:50Connie and Hugo?
26:52Cut quite a dash.
26:54Those days, we all did.
26:58I really don't believe it was Connie.
27:02But we have to check.
27:05For her sake, as well as our own.
27:11Don't worry. I'll make the necessary enquiries.
27:28We need to meet.
27:32Harry, there's no news from the Home Secretary, and Cordad's website's still blank.
27:35Connie, anything interesting from GCHQ?
27:37The usual internet tirades, but they're getting smarter.
27:39They know we monitor every website, so they keep the noise down.
27:41Lucas, what have you got?
27:43Right, the PM's going to check us at two.
27:44The Cabinet will be mostly back in their constituencies,
27:46and the Shadow Cabinet are decamping to Brighton for a mini-conference.
27:48The leader of the Lib Dems is opening a shoe factory in Leighton.
27:51East End safe, then?
27:53There's a Romanian trade mission at the DTI at three o'clock.
27:56A second-leg FA semi-final at Tottenham.
27:58And the Vienna Phil are doing a matinee at the Barbican.
28:00Apart from that, it's just a normal London afternoon.
28:02It doesn't have to be a high-profile target.
28:04Any bus, any tube will do. We're fighting blind.
28:06He's on.
28:07Following a thorough investigation by the security services,
28:10I am therefore now satisfied that there is insufficient evidence
28:14that either Ahmed Tajin or Taikur Hanini pose a threat to the United Kingdom.
28:20Consequently, I have instructed the CPS to drop further legal action
28:25with immediate effect.
28:27However, I reserve the right to pursue further investigations
28:31in the light of any new evidence that may be forthcoming.
28:40Is that enough?
28:41He's gone as far as he could.
28:42Malcolm, anything on the website?
28:46You've let me down, Mr Pierce.
28:48It's Kordad.
28:50I thought we had a deal.
28:52They're not facing any further charges. That's what you asked for.
28:55No mention of their innocence or their abduction.
28:57Or their illegal imprisonment by the CIA.
28:59He's gone further than any politician ever has.
29:02It's not what we agreed.
29:04I was hoping it would be close enough.
29:07I've kept my side of the bargain, Kordad.
29:09Identify the target.
29:10Sorry. Too late.
29:2395 minutes.
29:25Pick him up.
29:28Ben, status.
29:29We have visual.
29:31Connie, can you mobilize CO-19? I need them in their ASAP to pick up.
29:38Three exits to cover.
29:40If we choose the wrong one, Kordad will have disappeared before CO-19 get to the right one.
29:44I've got eyeball.
29:46Ros, we can take him, Ben and I.
29:47No, Jo, hang back. We can't afford to take any chances on this one.
29:52CO-19 are two minutes away. They want to know which exit.
29:55Target heading for Exhibition Road exit.
29:58Okay, CO-19 will pick up as soon as Kordad hits the street.
30:00Your orders are to maintain visual but to make no approach.
30:06Target due to arrive at street level in approximately five seconds.
30:23What's this? What's going on?
30:33Target has been successfully picked up. Returning to base.
30:38CO-19 hasn't arrived yet. They're 90 seconds away.
30:41Ben, are you sure the target was picked up?
30:44Malcolm, where is he?
30:45The signal's gone.
30:46Well, how can that be?
30:47Well, either he's somewhere microwaves can't reach or else they've chopped his hand off.
30:50We've got 90 minutes to detonation and the only person that can help us has just vanished.
30:53Someone snatched him. Who knew he was there?
30:55Al-Qaeda, FSB.
30:57Can you get on to Elisabetta? Squeeze hard.
30:59Malcolm, I want every inch of museum footage, likewise street coverage.
31:01I want to know who was following him, starting where.
31:03Do you really think it could be FSB?
31:05Well, we have to hope so. At least we've got some leverage with them.
31:13What are you playing at, Lucas?
31:15You lied to me.
31:17You said Bader died.
31:18He did.
31:19The man who cut your distation.
31:21He came to the FSB, gave them everything in exchange for safe passage.
31:24He says Bader couldn't possibly be dead.
31:26Well, he's wrong.
31:28They have someone at the hospital, Lucas.
31:30They know he survived.
31:32It was better that you didn't know.
31:34Because you don't trust me.
31:37Don't blame me, Lucas. Not again.
31:39I'm trying to protect you.
31:40Thank you.
31:41Now they know you lied and they think I did too.
31:43What else did Ossetic tell them?
31:49He told the FSB there's going to be a bomb here in London.
31:53They're ahead of us, Lucas. They have been the whole time.
31:57An FSB officer contacted the bombers.
31:59Persuaded them to bring the time forward by ten minutes.
32:03And they just told you this?
32:05It's a test.
32:06To see if they can still trust you.
32:08If only you know the real time, you have to decide do you tell MI5 or not.
32:13If the bomb goes off, you're one of theirs.
32:16If it doesn't, you're one of Harry's.
32:19You know what they'll do if they think that?
32:21They'll kill you. They'll kill us both.
32:24What will you do, Lucas?
32:31It's faint but still operative.
32:32Are you sure?
32:33There's only one way to find out. That's to ramp up the radiation burst.
32:36The only drawback is it'll destroy the particles.
32:38We've got one shot.
32:43Do it.
32:49Do it.
32:54Oh my God.
32:56They've got him.
33:12Harry Pearce.
33:13What can I do for you?
33:14You know the station. MI5's not supposed to know about what we're outside.
33:16We'd like our asset back.
33:17Tell the reception committee we're expected.
33:31Connie about?
33:33She's in the meeting room.
33:48Elizabetha says the FSB will kill us both if the bomb doesn't detonate.
33:51Do you trust Elizabetha?
33:56Then it's the Coventry dilemma all over again.
33:59In the Second World War, the British broke the Germans' Enigma Code.
34:03We knew everything they were planning to do,
34:05including the date of an attack on the city of Coventry.
34:09And we knew exactly what they were planning to do.
34:11The problem was, if Churchill ordered an evacuation,
34:13then the Germans would know we'd broken their code.
34:16If he didn't, then thousands of people would die.
34:20What did he do?
34:26On the night of November the 14th, 1940,
34:29515 German bombers blitzed Coventry.
34:33In the morning, thousands were dead.
34:36But the Germans didn't die.
34:38In the morning, thousands were dead.
34:41But we still had the code.
34:44And the code won us the war.
34:49Harry, we've been meaning to tell you about this place.
34:52Where is he?
34:53Excuse me, please don't play dumb, it really doesn't suit you.
34:56You've just snatched Mohammed Kordad of London Street in public.
35:00He is now in what I believe you call your hospitality suite.
35:03We'd like him back immediately.
35:05Harry, I have no idea what you're talking about.
35:08The thing is, Laura, there's going to be a bomb right here in London in the next half an hour,
35:11and the only person who can stop it is in your DIY dungeon downstairs,
35:14so we'd kind of like to have a chat with him, if that's okay with you.
35:17If we had him, and I am not saying that we do,
35:20we would, of course, share any intelligence which we would get from...
35:23Do you know what'll happen if another bomb goes off?
35:26Apart from innocent people dying, of course.
35:28London will go into free fall, city and all.
35:30Jeopardising this operation is not acceptable.
35:33I'll tell you what's not acceptable, Harry.
35:35Knowing that there's a key terrorist in town and not telling your closest ally.
35:39Do you have any idea how many US deaths Kordad's been responsible for?
35:43If it's deaths you're concerned about, hand him over.
35:46We'll get what you need from him, trust me.
35:51Amazing device. Even gets video.
35:55The vehicle that abducted Kordad, one of yours, I believe?
35:58That proves nothing.
36:00Networks will love it. British security services confirm
36:03the vehicle was registered to the US Embassy.
36:05CIA involvement is suspected.
36:07We deny everything.
36:08And who will they believe, us or the squeaky clean CIA?
36:15You're bluffing.
36:16Get me the number for Reuters.
36:22Okay, okay, okay.
36:26You can sit in on the interrogation.
36:28What, will he stick his head in a bucket of water? I don't think so, no.
36:31You really want to be tomorrow's headline, Laurie?
36:39Just you.
36:59I might have guessed.
37:01If you don't mind.
37:11I trusted you.
37:12You still should.
37:14I can get you out of here.
37:16Good cop, bad cop.
37:17I had nothing to do with this. I'll give you my word.
37:20That's worth a great deal.
37:21Listen to me. I leave here with nothing.
37:24You'll never see anything except the inside of a cell for the rest of your life.
37:27And I assure you, it will make this look like a luxury hotel suite.
37:31We all make sacrifices.
37:33You wanted to negotiate.
37:35We still can.
37:40What do you want?
37:58We're leaving. Uncuff him.
38:00This man is illegally detained.
38:02Uncuff him!
38:09You are making a big mistake, Harry.
38:12For both our sakes.
38:14I hope not.
38:19Thirty-eight minutes.
38:20Twenty-eight minutes.
38:21Time's just been brought forward.
38:22Reliable source.
38:23Markham, any news?
38:24Time's just been brought forward.
38:25Reliable source.
38:26Markham, any news on the bomb's location?
38:28Emergency services on full alert.
38:30Bomb squad, three teams on standby.
38:32If it's central London, they can be on the scene in under ten minutes.
38:34Let's hope they don't fancy the suburbs.
38:37We're running out of time, Cordad.
38:39I need to know the bomb's location.
38:55Where I look at it, you're either serious about working with us or you're not.
38:58You want respect?
39:00You're free to go.
39:14Think I'm crazy?
39:16That or genius.
39:26We're on. Cordad, send the details.
39:31Target's a restaurant called Quartermains, Victoria Street, SW1.
39:34Device under counter.
39:35Well, that's a division bell place.
39:37It'll be packed with MPs.
39:38Markham, get Harry on the phone.
39:39Do we have a problem?
39:44If we stop the bomb, Lucas' cover is blown, the Russians will kill him.
39:48If we don't, then dozens of people will die.
39:50Well, that's no choice at all.
39:51We cannot let the Russians have the advantage.
39:54Of course, there's always a third way.
39:55What's the third way?
39:56Ladies and gentlemen, this is the police, please don't panic.
40:25We have a gas leak in the kitchen.
40:26We need you to evacuate the building as soon as possible.
40:29Good news is there's no charge for what you've had so far.
40:31Sir, if your table could leave via the main entrance, that would be fantastic.
40:34Quick as you can. Thank you.
40:35Everybody else, can you follow my colleague, please?
40:37Quick as you can, please.
40:38Thank you, madam. Take care of your things.
40:39Follow my colleague, please.
40:40Straight down the barricade.
40:41Quick as you can, ladies and gentlemen.
40:42Thank you very much.
40:47Evac complete.
40:49So, what are you best at?
40:56Real thing or faking it?
40:58What do you think?
41:14You beauty.
41:15Ros, found it.
41:19It's not an IED, it's commercial.
41:21You ever dealt with anything like this before?
41:23No, I know a man who has.
41:25Malcolm, take a look at that.
41:28It looks like an IMZ-43.
41:31It's a plastic landmine, Italian design, later licensed to the Chinese.
41:35Fascinating. Any idea how to stop it going pop?
41:38Is there anything on the top of it, a weight of any sort?
41:42Are there any wires coming out?
41:45Two wires leading to something square.
41:49All right, they've replaced the pressure switch with a detonator of some sort.
41:52It may be on a timer, it may be remote.
41:54Whatever you do, do not pull those wires.
41:57Lewis, I just heard a young man.
42:06Malcolm, we've got two minutes.
42:08Can we make it?
42:11Is there a microwave?
42:14Does the restaurant have a microwave?
42:17Okay, Lucas, you need to lift up the mine and the detonator as gently as you can.
42:22Ros, open the microwave.
42:24Lucas, slide the mine and the detonator in.
42:27Are we going to cook it?
42:28A burst of microwaves should zap the control mechanism.
42:33Well, I have to admit I've never actually seen it done.
42:37Right, how long does your average Italian landmine take on full power?
42:42Twenty seconds should do it.
42:52Just let me get a word in.
43:41I love my travel.
43:55In the last hour, there's been an explosion at a central London restaurant.
43:59The incident occurred in Quartermains, Westminster, a favourite meeting place for MPs.
44:04In the last hour, there's been an explosion at a central London restaurant.
44:07The incident occurred in Quartermains, Westminster, a favourite meeting place for MPs.
44:11It's understood the restaurant was full at the time, but how many people were injured remains unclear.
44:16One eyewitness saw three ambulances in attendance and paramedics remain at the scene.
44:21Initial reports from the police saw that the explosion was caused by a faulty gas main.
44:25However, sources at the scene have privately questioned this version of events.
44:29London remains on high alert after the recent bomb attack in which two police officers died.
44:33Our reporter, Angus Morley, has more.
44:50Are you totally insane?
44:52You're finished, Terry. Buried.
44:54Thank you for that.
44:55First, you let a known terrorist walk freely round the streets of London.
44:58Then, when we catch him for you, you lose him so that he can go and blow up a bunch of innocent people.
45:02If you hadn't abducted him...
45:03Are you blaming me?
45:04Firstly, Laurie, we didn't lose Cordad. We let him go.
45:09Oh, well, this just gets better and better.
45:11Secondly, no one was hurt.
45:13Oh, really?
45:14You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV, Laurie. Not even British TV.
45:21You faked it?
45:25Where's Cordad now?
45:27I have no idea.
45:30We're meant to share, Harry.
45:33That's what special relationship means.
45:35And as soon as we have anything, you'll be the first to know.
45:39Now, if you'll excuse me, I have lives to protect, liberties to preserve.
45:44I'm sure you understand.
45:48You'll be hearing from me.
45:58You're a ruthless man, Mr Pearce, for letting the bomb explode.
46:01We all have to make impossible decisions. You and I are not so different.
46:05We are completely different.
46:08But unfortunately, we need each other.
46:11You've earned my trust.
46:13We need to meet. Come alone.
46:28You and I can do business, Mr Pearce. I think we've learned that much.
46:35The Taj-6.
46:37Third generation Iranian missile.
46:40Payload 3,000 kilograms, launch system land or sea.
46:43Meet your new enemy.
46:48Professionally manufactured, high-spec missiles, capable of striking any target within the UK.
46:54Who has these?
46:58And in return, you want?
47:01You're coming over?
47:03I'm afraid not.
47:05We can never be colleagues, Mr Pearce.
47:07But I hope, perhaps, we can be useful to one another.
47:11I don't understand.
47:12Let me be clear.
47:13My mission remains the same.
47:15Justice for Palestine, a corrupt, free Saudi Arabia, the US out of the Middle East.
47:19And I will do anything to achieve those aims.
47:24But if these are used, our cause will be put back decades, may never recover.
47:29I can't let that happen.
47:30So stop them.
47:31I can't.
47:32A man like you.
47:339-11 has galvanized a new generation, Mr Pearce.
47:36They think about tomorrow's headlines, not their history books.
47:39I can't stop them on my own.
47:42I need your help.
47:45You want me to help you?
47:46I need your help.
47:48You want me to eliminate elements within your own organization.
47:51That's why you've risked everything.
47:54It's either that, or all-out war.
47:58A war we both know neither of us can win.
48:02We both have dangerous friends.
48:05Perhaps between us, we can make sure they don't destroy the world.
48:12The future.
48:16The future.
48:37Hello, Lucas.
48:40I saw the news.
48:42Did people die?
48:45No, they didn't.
48:46We're very lucky.
48:49I'm so relieved.
48:51You have no idea.
48:52Me too.
48:54Me too.
48:57Thank you.
49:04God, I've missed you.
49:08I have to go.
49:16I love you.
49:28Everything alright?
49:30I'm fine.
49:33It's just a bit weird.
49:35It's all the face in the crowd.
49:37Yeah, well.
49:39If you ever want to talk, I'm always here.
49:42Thank you.
49:43I'm fine there, really. I promise.
49:49Night, Rose.
50:04What are we celebrating?
50:05Saving the free world.
50:07Well, don't stay up too late.
50:11Saving the free world?
50:13I'll drink to that.
50:18You know, we might be able to work with Kordat.
50:21It'll be a long, bumpy road, but with a new resident in the White House, who knows?
50:25This could be the beginning of the beginning of the end.
50:28Yeah, yeah.
50:30Do you know why people chink glasses before they drink?
50:33Apparently it's attached to an old fear that an enemy might poison your drink.
50:37So crashing tankards together meant that a bit from either drink spilled into the other.
50:44Hugo Prince told me that.
50:47Back in the day.
50:49You and he were quite close, weren't you?
50:52Me and Hugo? Hardly knew him.
50:55I remember he was always very highly spoken of.
51:03There's something you should see.
51:05There's been a fatal plane crash in what American sources are claiming to be a suicide bombing.
51:10Airport security tapes picked up one man suspected of being among the passengers.
51:14Mohammed Kordat is thought to have been travelling on the flight and has been under investigation...
51:18Where did this happen?
51:19The Ural Mountains, northern Kazakhstan.
51:21Where the Americans just happened to have an airbase.
51:23Why do we bother?
51:25Because it would be a lot worse if we didn't.
51:26Would it?
51:27You know it would.
51:28And the Tajir missile's still out there.
51:31Call Lucas. Get Joe and Ben back on the grid.
51:34So the Americans have done it again.
51:37God defend me from my friends.
51:39From my enemies I can defend myself.
