Never Divorce a Secret Billionaire Heiress 2 of 2

  • 2 months ago
00:00My pleasure, Ms. Powell. Our boss trusts that you will make this project a success.
00:11Congratulations, Ms. Powell.
00:14I can't believe that CMS decided to work with us.
00:18I think you'll make a great CEO.
00:22What a day!
00:25I can't believe that project just came to me.
00:27Joyce, of course that project didn't just magically land on your lap.
00:32Oh my gosh, you really don't know?
00:35Crazy Mabel Studios is owned by the Pope family.
00:38Your fiancé is definitely behind this, girl.
00:54Thanks for asking me out.
00:57I didn't think you'd ever talk to me again.
01:00Well, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the plan.
01:03Well, I wouldn't blame you.
01:07I do owe you an apology.
01:11I'm listening.
01:15I wasn't comfortable marrying a woman I'd never met.
01:22So you wanted to spy on me?
01:24I was trying to get to know you.
01:27You know, we could have just gotten to know each other the normal way.
01:30You have a point there.
01:33I hope you like my apology gift.
01:36The project?
01:38You know, I would have really liked to earn that on my own.
01:41But you did earn it yourself.
01:44I've seen you at work. I trust your ability.
01:47You know, it's actually a relief that my fiancé is you.
01:54Mind if I try?
02:30It's my birthday today.
02:33I was wondering if you would want to come out and celebrate with me.
02:37Happy birthday.
02:39But I'm sorry, Selina, I can't.
02:41Oh. Okay.
02:44Are you busy with work?
02:47Maybe we could celebrate another time.
02:54I've already contacted a real estate agent.
02:58He'll help you find a new place.
03:00I'll cover all your expenses, but I no longer want you in my house.
03:06Is this about Joyce?
03:09Tristan, why can't you get over her?
03:11She has a fiancé.
03:14Why can't you be with me?
03:17Selina, I'm forever grateful for your father saving my life.
03:21And I'll support you financially for as long as you need.
03:25But there's no future between us.
03:28And I don't want to have this conversation again.
03:44Yes, it's me.
03:47I have something I need you to do for me.
04:15Mr. Pope.
04:17Did you get my photo?
04:18This woman just drugged the drink of your guest from last night.
04:21What? Joyce?
04:23Where is she?
04:25She's in the bathroom right now, at a restaurant.
04:27I don't care what you do, don't let her drink it.
04:49I'm so sorry.
04:52Just watch where you're going.
04:54Do you know how expensive this handbag is?
04:56I'm so sorry.
04:57Worth more than your month's rent.
04:59This is complimentary, on the house.
05:03You ladies enjoy.
05:13I'm sorry.
05:17what's so urgent that you needed to talk to me?
05:22moving out of Tristan's place.
05:24I thought you should know.
05:26I don't care if you move in or out of his place.
05:32Look, I
05:34just wanted to say sorry for all the things that I've done over the years.
05:38I'm moving out of the state.
05:39I'm moving out of the state.
05:45To new beginnings.
06:07Yeah, I found her.
06:09Yeah, this chick's definitely drugged.
06:12Alright, I got her.
06:29What the fuck happened last night?!
06:32You wanted to get a drugged chick's face fucked up, right?
06:35My guy said they took care of it.
06:46I'm Selena.
06:50I saw your girlfriend me post.
06:54Stage four pancreatic cancer.
07:00Only three months left to live.
07:07I want you to do something for me.
07:10In return,
07:13I'll give you $50,000 to your wife and kids.
07:36Tristan, no!
07:43I need an ambulance.
07:45I need an ambulance!
08:02You did this to my son!
08:07This has nothing to do with Joyce.
08:15How is my son?
08:16Is he okay?
08:18Dr. Nelson, is Tristan okay?
08:20The patient is in stable condition.
08:26I'm afraid I have some bad news.
08:30What is it?
08:32His spine is...
08:34The damage is extensive.
08:37He may never walk again.
08:39Dr. Nelson, you are the best doctor in the city.
08:42There has to be something that you can do.
08:44Joyce, you know you're like a granddaughter to me.
08:48I won't lie to you.
08:50Right now, the best we can hope for
08:53is a miracle.
09:20You're here.
09:22How are you?
09:27Why did you save me?
09:30I finally stopped loving you.
09:32I finally moved on.
09:34You just had to go and do this again.
09:37You had to go and
09:39save me again.
09:42Save you again?
09:49Thank you
09:51for saving my fiancée.
09:54I can give you anything you want in return.
09:56Just name it.
09:57I don't want anything.
09:59I didn't save her for you.
10:01I saved her because I love her.
10:06Oh, sir, I'm so sorry
10:09for what my husband has done.
10:11Please don't sue us.
10:13We really have no money.
10:17I'm sure he would come by
10:19because if he wasn't in a coma...
10:21Mrs. Hart is the wife of that driver, Mr. Beckett.
10:25I'm so sorry.
10:27I have no idea what to do.
10:30I have no idea
10:32why Larry would think he could drive away.
10:35He should have been staying at the hospital.
10:37Mr. Hart has been staying at our hospital for
10:40about a year.
10:45Larry needs treatment for pancreatic cancer.
10:48I don't know why he'd come home
10:50and try to get the car.
10:51He could have just called me.
10:53Mrs. Hart,
10:54maybe we should come back another time.
10:57The patient needs to rest.
10:58Mr. Hart, I'm so sorry.
11:06Will you tell us once Mr. Hart wakes up from his coma?
11:33What happened to your face?
11:35Nothing. It's just a scratch.
11:42How could this have happened?
11:44It's Joyce. It's her fault.
11:47I know you worry about me.
11:50But you can't blame Joyce for this.
11:53But there's
11:55something strange about this.
11:58What's strange?
12:01I don't know.
12:03Something feels unnatural.
12:07But don't worry.
12:08We'll talk to the driver when he wakes up.
12:11Larry Hart is awake?
12:15We'll be right over.
12:41I'm sorry.
12:43I did as you asked.
12:45But that man,
12:46he jumped out from the middle of nowhere.
12:49Do you know what you did?
12:51You turned the love of my life into a cripple.
12:54I couldn't.
12:56I'm sorry.
12:58Are you still going to pay me?
13:01I really need the money.
13:02I don't have much longer to live.
13:04My wife and my kids,
13:06they need the money.
13:07I'll pay you.
13:10Thank you.
13:12Your funeral expenses.
13:17I'm going to live much longer anyways.
13:21I'm the only man who can keep this secret as a token.
13:38You've heard?
13:40We came as soon as we heard he woke up.
13:42How could he just die?
13:44It can't be a coincidence.
13:45Someone wanted him dead.
13:48I saw your girlfriend in the hallway.
13:50What's her name?
13:53She's dead.
13:55She's dead?
13:56She's dead.
13:57She's dead.
13:58She's dead.
13:59She's dead.
14:00She's dead.
14:01She's dead.
14:02She's dead.
14:03She's dead.
14:04She's dead.
14:05She's dead.
14:07She's not my girlfriend.
14:08And what are you trying to say?
14:09You think she has something to do with this?
14:11That's exactly what I'm trying to say.
14:13I don't think so.
14:14You know, Selina's a lot of things,
14:15but she's not a murderer.
14:18Let me pull some strings.
14:20See if we can get the security footage of the hallways.
14:32We don't know what she did in there.
14:34Look, I hate to agree,
14:36but I don't think Selina has it in her to actually kill someone.
14:39I might know a different version of her.
14:42That day she was at the restaurant that my family owns,
14:44my manager caught her spiking Joyce's drink.
14:48Joyce, why didn't you tell me?
14:49Tell you what?
14:50I was fine.
14:51Nothing happened.
14:52That's because I had the manager make sure you didn't drink it.
14:55I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up.
14:57Point is,
14:58I wouldn't be surprised if this woman is behind everything.
15:02Let's find out.
15:20How are you feeling?
15:24Why were you in Larry Hart's hospital room?
15:29What do you mean?
15:31I know you were in there.
15:32Why'd you go see him?
15:34I just wanted to see the guy who did this to you.
15:38Have you really gotten used to lying to me?
15:43I'm not lying.
15:45We grew up together.
15:46You really think I can't tell when you're lying?
15:50Just be honest with me.
15:52Just tell me the truth.
15:55And I'll marry you.
16:03You'll marry me?
16:05If you tell me the truth.
16:08And if you still want to be with me.
16:10Of course I want to be with you.
16:13Why wouldn't I?
16:14I'm going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
16:19I would stay with you no matter what.
16:22I mean, I'm the one who made you like this,
16:23so I should be the one who takes care of you.
16:27What do you mean?
16:29Tristan, please.
16:30Don't be mad.
16:31I'll tell you everything, okay?
16:35I asked the driver to hit Joyce.
16:39What if I had known that he was going to hit you?
16:40I wouldn't have done it.
16:43So did you go kill him last night?
16:46Don't lie to me against Selina.
16:55I did.
17:02I did.
17:12We've recorded everything you said.
17:14The police are on their way.
17:19You set me up.
17:21And you and you.
17:24How could you?
17:25Selina, what happened to you?
17:27You're not the girl I used to know anymore.
17:29What happened to me?
17:33You are what happened to me.
17:37I loved you my whole life, Tristan.
17:43You should have married me.
17:46And my life was perfect before she came here.
17:50Look at her.
17:53She has a rich family.
17:55A family.
17:56She has a rich family.
17:58A fiance.
18:00And she has your love.
18:04What do I have?
18:10I have nothing.
18:14It doesn't have to be this way.
18:17I'm the only one
18:19who has loved you,
18:23And you set me up.
18:27How could you?
18:31You say that you love him,
18:32but he's going to spend the rest of his life
18:33in a wheelchair because of you.
18:37Is that what you wanted?
18:57I think I want to be alone.
19:00If you two don't mind.
19:03We probably won't see each other again.
19:06What are you talking about?
19:11I know I've been pestering you for a while.
19:14But I won't anymore.
19:18You deserve something better.
19:19I'm not walking away.
19:20You saved my life.
19:22You lost your legs for me.
19:23Just think of it as
19:25the price for my redemption
19:27for how I treated you during our marriage.
19:32Joyce is my fiance.
19:34I will take care of her.
19:38We'll get you the best medical experts for your legs.
19:41And you can always reach out
19:42if the Becketts have any trouble in the business.
20:16I can't marry you.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:19I still love Tristan.
20:23We can all do what I promised.
20:26We can take care of him.
20:27You don't have to leave me.
20:31I don't want you stuck with me because of guilt.
20:34You deserve a good man.
20:36You are a good man.
20:40And I'm not doing this out of guilt.
20:42But what about me?
20:44I'm sorry, Liam.
20:47But there's only space in my heart for one.
20:49I see.
20:55You won.
21:11You know I may never walk again.
21:15I know.
21:16I can't take you
21:17bungee jumping or skiing.
21:20It's not like you did any of that before.
21:23You're right.
21:26I'm sorry.
21:29I'm sorry for everything I put you through.
21:33I wasn't a good husband before.
21:40Do you know why I fell in love with you?
21:44Do you remember one time you were at the beach
21:48and you saved a girl from drowning?
21:54Well, wait.
21:55That was a decade ago.
21:59That girl was me.
22:05Well, wait.
22:06That was a decade ago.
22:10That girl was me.
22:11Are you okay?
22:15Are you okay?
22:16I didn't get your name then, but
22:19I saw you at a business party
22:22and I recognized you.
22:24I remember that party.
22:26I was wondering why you were staring at me the whole time.
22:28Selena was your date.
22:30I may have been a little jealous.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I was jealous.
22:43And then that accident happened.
22:48Joyce, what are you doing here?
22:50I got you coffee.
22:52I was thinking we could go see a movie.
22:55Joyce, I don't have time for a relationship right now.
23:08I'll be right there.
23:09I have to go.
23:12I'm RH negative.
23:17Will you come to the hospital with me?
23:21If you marry me,
23:23I'll help you with Selena whenever you want.
23:33If I had just helped you then,
23:35maybe you wouldn't have hated me for so long.
23:39If I had just faced my feelings,
23:42none of this would have happened.
23:44Well, it's all in the past now.
23:48Let's face the future.
23:53Tristan, what are you doing?
23:59Don't leave me again.
24:01Why not?
24:02I don't care.
24:06I love you, Joyce.
24:09I love you too, Tristan.
24:37I'll let you in.
24:39You're Butler?
24:41Okay, just because I said that we could give this a try
24:44doesn't mean you can come into my house whenever you want.
24:46Oh, come on.
24:47I got you a gift.
24:48I want to show you.
24:51What is it?
24:53Come with me and find out.
24:54It's a surprise.
25:03why am I staring at a fridge?
25:07I got you a new fridge.
25:10Is this your idea of romantic?
25:14Open it.
25:36all my life I've done what my family's wanted.
25:39I've even sacrificed relationships for business alliances.
25:43But then I met you.
25:46And for the first time in forever,
25:48I was happy to do what my family wants.
25:52You don't mind that I'm divorced?
25:56The past is the past.
25:58We all have skeletons in our homes.
26:00The past is the past.
26:02We all have skeletons in our closet.
26:05I care about the future.
26:07Our future.
26:10I promise to take care of you.
26:13Will you give me the chance?
26:22Okay, Liam.
26:25Really, Joyce?
26:49Congratulations, Will.
26:50Oh, man.
26:51Congratulations, Joyce.
26:56Thank you.
26:57I know we need to find you a man.
27:00How's that going?
27:01Well, there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you.
27:05What is that face? I know that face.
27:12No fucking way.
27:16Dating my best friend?
27:18Since when?
27:20I need all of the deets.
27:21Maybe later, but first there's someone here to see you.
27:30Here, a wedding gift.
27:34I didn't expect you to come.
27:36Wouldn't miss it for the world.
27:38Believe it or not, Joyce, I'm happy for you.
27:41How's your leg?
27:43Doctors say it might be able to stand in the future.
27:50Hey, Liam.
27:51I'm not here to steal the bride.
27:53I wouldn't let you anyways.
27:54I just came to give my blessings.
27:56Treat her well.
27:58Don't treat her the way I did.
28:01I won't.