VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella (Widescreen)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hi kids, and welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato.
00:06Uh, Larry, what's with the bag?
00:09Uh, Larry who?
00:11Larry who? Larry, you!
00:13The cucumber has left the building.
00:15Larry, quit goofing around. Everybody knows it's you.
00:18They do?
00:19Well, yeah.
00:21Oh, Bob, I'm so ashamed. I don't want the kids to see me like this.
00:25Like what?
00:27Like this.
00:28Larry, you look fine. What are you ashamed about?
00:31Before the show, I stopped for lunch at Burger Bell.
00:35Well, I ordered the four-piece nuggets with fries in the milk.
00:39And it came with a toy, but I couldn't get it out of the wrapper. I think it's a wind-up chihuahua.
00:45Well, just before I dipped my first nugget, I bowed my head and sang a little song, thanking God for my yummy lunch.
00:51My mom and dad always taught me to thank God for my food.
00:54Well, that's great.
00:55It went, God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our nuggets.
01:03Larry, this is a lovely story, but I still don't know why...
01:07They laughed at me, Bob.
01:08What? Who laughed at you?
01:10The kids in the other booth. They laughed at me for singing over my nuggets.
01:14Well, that wasn't nice.
01:15No, it wasn't. And now I'm doomed to a life of shame.
01:19Larry, you are not doomed to a life of shame. Singing or praying over a meal is nothing to be embarrassed about.
01:26But they laughed at me.
01:29I'm thinking we might shift gears today.
01:32Joey, from Philadelphia, we'll get to your question on the next show.
01:36I think today we need to tell a story that's going to help Larry out.
01:40A story from me?
01:41This requires immediate attention.
01:43Thanks, Joey. I owe you one.
02:01He'll never find me in here.
02:0340, 41, 42, 43.
02:08This is the best hiding place ever.
02:12Gummy worms. My favorite.
02:15This way, boys.
02:17You said we were gone fishing.
02:19Yeah, what's in the bag?
02:20Gotta close, boys. I've already made my catch.
02:26You're good. You caught pre-mounted pickerel.
02:29No, silly. This is the famous muskie of 47.
02:34The muskie of 47? That's Farmer Brown's record-breaking catch. It's been missing for a week. They must have taken it.
02:40Is that one of them singing fish?
02:43Can you catch me?
02:46It's the Academy Award for trophy fish.
02:49And now it's mine.
02:53Not if I can help it. I'm going to return that mounted muskellunge to its rightful owner.
02:58Oh, yeah? Says who?
03:00Says Minnesota Kuk.
03:02Well, goody two shoes, Minnesota Kuk. Catch us if you can.
03:1368, 69, 70, 71, 72...
03:26I'll have to remember that trick.
03:31Catch of the day!
03:3593, 94, 95...
03:51This isn't funny. I'm just trying to do the right thing.
03:56Can you catch me?
04:15Can you catch me?
04:21Can you catch me?
05:00I don't even know why I tried to rescue that thing.
05:10Martin, if one more person, or fish, ever laughs at me again, I'm going to quit.
05:16Um, Minnesota, I have someone who...
05:18I don't like being laughed at, Martin.
05:20Min, I think you need to just take a deep breath and calm down a bit.
05:26There, that's better. Now don't you feel more calm?
05:29I'd like to introduce you to...
05:32You can let it out now.
05:34I'd like to introduce you...
05:36Mail call! What's this? A package from my old buddy, Professor Rattan?
05:40Cool! Stamps from Mexico.
05:43To Minnesota Kuk. Keep away from wicker.
05:46Remind me not to go to Pier 1.
05:48Who are you?
05:49Min, I'd like to introduce you to...
05:51Humphrey Muffet.
05:52Yes, and Mr. Muffet, this is...
05:55Minnesota Kuk. We meet at last.
05:57That's Kuk.
05:58That's what I said.
05:59No, you said Kuk, like crazy. It's Kuk, as in cucumber.
06:04No, it's...
06:05But you said...
06:06Just call me Min.
06:07As in minimum?
06:08As in Minnesota.
06:09That's M-N.
06:10What's M-N?
06:11Short for Minnesota.
06:12I'm tall for my age.
06:15Anyway, Mr. Muffet has a quest for you.
06:18Well, it better not involve anything embarrassing,
06:21because I don't want to be laughed at anymore.
06:23Oh, no, nothing like that.
06:24You see, in my backyard, I'm building a Bible-themed goldfish pond.
06:31That's it. I'm out of here.
06:32No, wait, Min. Hear him out.
06:34He's loopy.
06:35No, he's eccentric.
06:37What's the difference?
06:38He's rich.
06:39Eccentric is loopy with money.
06:42Uh-huh. I made my fortune from a poem I wrote about my daughter.
06:46Perhaps you've heard of it?
06:47Muffet? As in Little Miss?
06:50So, what exactly is a tuffet?
06:52I don't know. It's the only thing I could think of that rhymes with Muffet.
06:57Please, just hear me out.
06:58Okay. What's the deal?
07:00As I was saying, I'm building a Bible-themed goldfish pond in my backyard,
07:05and at its center, I want Noah's Ark.
07:08The real one.
07:10Noah's Ark?
07:11You know, the enormous boat that God told Noah to build with gopher wood
07:15to save him and his family from the flood.
07:18Oh, that ark.
07:19God gave Noah specific instructions how big the ark should be
07:23so he could fit all the animals and his family inside.
07:26I plan to fill the ark with two of every kind of animal,
07:29except the really stinky ones.
07:31Then I can charge everyone to come and see it.
07:33It'll be like a floating zoo.
07:36Uh, it seems to me that something this historic belongs in a museum,
07:39not in your backyard.
07:41Sorry, Mr. Muffet.
07:42You and your curds and whale just have to find somebody else.
07:45Oh, but I did find somebody else, Mr. Minnesota.
07:48However, he's been missing for several days.
07:51I fear he may be lost.
07:53Well, that's what you get for hiring non-professionals.
07:55Who'd you send?
07:56Professor Rattan.
07:58Professor Rattan?
08:00The guy that used to be my enemy but is now my friend Professor Rattan?
08:03The guy who just sent me a reel of film from Mexico?
08:06That Professor Rattan?
08:07Nope, different one.
08:09Of course that Professor Rattan.
08:12He followed an ancient instruction book.
08:14An instruction book? Where'd he get it?
08:18Too bad I don't have that instruction book.
08:20Actually, I thought ahead to make an extra copy.
08:23It's important to read and follow the instructions exactly as they are written.
08:28This is strange.
08:30It says the first clue lies at the pyramids in Mexico.
08:34What? In Mexico?
08:36That's ridiculous! The Ark isn't in Mexico.
08:39It's most likely in...
08:42Oh, sorry. No laughing.
08:45Well then, Mexico, huh?
08:47Rattan just sent me a package from Mexico.
08:50And I've got a friend to visit south of the border.
08:52That's right. Julia opened another ice cream shop, didn't she?
08:56It's more of a cart.
08:58Off to Mexico I go!
09:00Are you sure you want to do this, Min?
09:02It sounds a little risky.
09:04Rattan might be in trouble.
09:05It's the right thing to do.
09:07Be careful, Mr. Minnesota.
09:09There might be other people looking for the Ark as well.
09:13Dangerous people.
09:15Oh, you found my flashlight. Thanks.
09:27No sweat, Mr. Muffet.
09:28I'm going to find the Ark and my friend Rattan, no matter what I have to face.
09:32No fear.
09:35I'd know that scream anywhere.
09:39I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream.
09:43What brings you to Alpez, the ancient city of candy dispensers?
09:47Looking for a friend.
09:49I'm touched. So, you're finally ready to take me up on my offer?
09:53What offer's that?
09:54To perform with me at my musical theater.
09:57Me? Sing and dance? In front of people? No way. They'll laugh.
10:02But Min...
10:03No, Julia. I'm here for a bigger reason. Can you help me?
10:06Well, I don't know. After all, ice cream and theater are my life.
10:10I don't think I could leave it.
10:12But I need to find Rattan. He's lost and the trail starts here.
10:15Rattan? Lost? I just got a postcard from him. Now where did I put it?
10:20A postcard? Hmm. I got a can of film that doesn't like wicker furniture.
10:25He was just here. I took him to see the pyramid.
10:28Can you take me there? He found a clue that I need to see.
10:32Sing for us, por favor.
10:35Well, Min, you want to join me in a little song?
10:38Oh, come on, Julia. Don't make me do this.
10:41One sunny and hot summer day
10:43To Mexico I pushed my wagon painted bright green
10:47I raised a cabana, I rang my campana
10:50And gave all the children their ice cream
10:53Para la niña, for the girls
10:57Helado de piña, pineapple ice cream
11:00Para la señora, for the lady
11:03Helado de mora, raspberry
11:06Para el chico Andres, for little Andy
11:09Un helado de hummus, ice cream with nuts
11:12Para toda la cuadrilla, for the rest of the group
11:15Un helado de vainilla, vanilla
11:18Take it, Min!
11:20Para la niña, that's you
11:23Helado de piña, what's that, pineapple?
11:26Para la señora, hummus
11:29Un helado de mora, raspberry
11:32Hello, chico Andres
11:35Um, helado con nuts
11:37Wait! Para toda la cuadrilla
11:41Un helado de vainilla
11:43That's vanilla, I guess
11:45That's it. I'm done. I don't have time to sing and dance.
11:48Rutan may be in trouble.
11:50Sorry, niños. We'll have to finish this later.
11:53Come back, señor. We will sing the dance of the cucumber.
11:56Come back.
11:58As you see, we're rumored to have gold at the bottom.
12:01Okay, Martin. We're here. What do I do?
12:04Well, what do the instructions say?
12:07The answer to the clue you seek lies up the stairs of rock.
12:11Whence on the right step chance a peak at two past twelve o'clock.
12:16P.S. You have to walk backwards up the pyramid.
12:19What? Backwards?
12:21Oh, this is silly, Martin. I'm not going to do this. People will laugh at me.
12:25Remember how Noah had to do things that seemed silly to the people around him?
12:29The Bible says there was no rain and no water nearby,
12:33so building a giant boat seemed really strange to his neighbors.
12:37I'm sure he got lots of laughs, but he obeyed God's instructions.
12:41Remember, Min. You're doing the right thing helping your friend.
12:45Do you know what the Bible calls people who do the right thing?
12:49Right thing doers?
12:51No. Righteous. Like Noah was righteous.
12:54Oh, okay.
12:56Min, that guy over there has been spying on us all morning.
13:00Don't you think that's suspicious?
13:02Not as suspicious as climbing up a pyramid backwards.
13:05It's almost noon now. Let's see if we can get this done by lunch.
13:08Pyramids make me hungry.
13:11You know. Food pyramid. Sweets on top.
13:24Six steps up.
13:26Three steps down.
13:28Two steps up.
13:30One step down.
13:32Four steps up.
13:34And five steps up?
13:36Why not just say nine steps up?
13:38This is the silliest thing I've ever done.
13:40Mommy, why is that cucumber hopping backwards?
13:43Don't stare, son. That's just their way.
13:46Six steps up.
13:47This isn't working. I don't see anything and we're just getting laughed at.
13:51Just stick with it, Min. There must be a good reason.
13:57Five steps up.
13:59Two steps down.
14:01It's nearly noon, Min. We should see something soon.
14:04I can't stand it anymore, Julia. I'm not hopping backwards up one more step.
14:08But Min, if you don't follow the instructions, what can you learn?
14:12What can I learn? I've learned if you don't want to be laughed at, you just have to do what everybody else does.
14:22Oh, I wonder if that's the clue. What a beautiful umbrella.
14:27A what?
14:31Min! Help me!
14:52I'll never catch him on foot. I need a shortcut.
15:05It's unbelievable how you can keep up with a speeding truck by swinging on vines.
15:16Hi there. I'm closer than I appear.
15:30Martin. Martin. Come in, Martin.
15:32Hi, Min. I'm here. What's going on?
15:34They've got Julia, Martin. And I'm left holding the bag.
15:37What? Who took her? Where? Why?
15:39I don't know. I don't know. And I don't know.
15:42Well, what did you see?
15:44Not much since I was bouncing down a pyramid at the time.
15:47Just a potato with a sack and a truck with a funny red flag painted on the back.
15:50A red flag?
15:51Yeah. I'll send you a picture. And... what's this?
15:56Martin! It's a postcard from Rattan. Looks like he made it all the way to Iraq.
16:00Hi, Julia. Having a great time. Tomorrow I leave for the small village of Erezurum.
16:06Erezurum? Where's that?
16:08Don't know. While I work on that, here's some more about Noah.
16:12After Noah and his sons finished building the ark,
16:15God told him to gather two of every kind of animal to put inside.
16:19Even the stinky ones?
16:20Even the stinky ones. He didn't have any friends left except for his family.
16:25Everyone laughed at him all the more, but he knew it would be worth it
16:29because God promised it would. And God doesn't lie.
16:32Well, so far this trip has been a bust.
16:34I've lost two friends and got laughed at for climbing up the stairs backwards.
16:38And I didn't even find out anything.
16:40Hold on, Min. I just got something on that village.
16:42The word Erezurum is Turkish for a hard place.
16:46So Ratan is somewhere between Iraq and a hard place.
16:52That red flag is the ancient banner for the Ottoman Empire.
16:55That's modern day Turkey.
16:57The Bible says that after the flood dried up, the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.
17:02That's Turkey.
17:03A whole mountain made out of turkey?
17:05No, Min. Mount Ararat is in Turkey, the country.
17:09And that's probably where Ratan and Julia are too.
17:12Oh, right. Turkey.
17:14Well, Turkey, prepare to be served.
17:22I love taking candy from children.
17:26I smile when they blubber and cry.
17:29My heart weeps for joy when I break their new toys.
17:33I'm just an ordinary supervillain kind of guy.
17:43Hello, Ratan.
17:45Hello, Wicker.
17:55Alright, let's see. What do I do next?
17:57Nice purse, ma'am.
18:00No, this isn't mine. I'm holding it for a friend. It's a favor.
18:06Come on, guys. Come on, just...
18:09Hey! That's mine!
18:11Stop! Stop! Thief! Call the police!
18:15That guy stole my book! Stop!
18:18He's fast.
18:20Oh, man. Now I've lost the instruction book too.
18:24You're Wicked.
18:27That's why they always called me Wicked Wicker as a child.
18:32And as I recall, your nickname was Watan Watan.
18:37That was long before I knew that I should be following God's commands, not yours.
18:42I don't need you on my side anymore.
18:45You see, I am gathering an army.
18:48An army of potato soldiers that do exactly as I tell them.
18:54So, my evil twin brother has an evil plan to steal Noah's Ark.
19:01Let's not be silly. You and I both know that the real treasure is Noah's Umbrella.
19:11Yes! Soon the Umbrella of Noah shall be mine!
19:16Even as children, you and I were always looking for the Umbrella, ever since we saw the clues in the film.
19:23The film?
19:24The film. Where is it? I need every last clue.
19:27I'll never tell. Besides, you'll never find the Umbrella without the instruction book.
19:33And I'll never give it to you.
19:36Actually, I've taken care of that.
19:40Nothing can stop me now. Enjoy your company.
19:46Watan, are you alright? Who was that?
19:49That is my wicked brother Wicker.
19:51Wicker? Wicked?
19:52And Wily.
19:53Wily and Wicked?
19:54Yes. Wicker is Wicked and Wily.
19:57Yes, Wily Wicked. He's a Wily, Wily, Wily and Wicked wascle.
20:02As I was saying, he's after Noah's Umbrella, a source of amazing power. We have to stop him. What are you doing here?
20:09I was kidnapped when Min and I were at the Pyramid.
20:12Minnesota Duke? Is he here?
20:14No. He has no idea where we are. And he missed the clue about the Umbrella.
20:18Rats. Then we have to escape without his help. But how?
20:24One girl's hairpin is another girl's get-out-of-jail-free card.
20:30Well, you happen to have an untied gourd card, too?
20:38Watan! Watan! You're alright!
20:40Who? What?
20:41I'm so glad I found you!
20:42Watan? No, I'm... Oh.
20:47Yes, Watan. That's me alright. And you must be...
20:51Tired. Very tired. Listen, you have to help me find Julia.
20:54Listen, my friend. Everything is hunky-dory here. As you can see, I'm fine and dandy. You can just go home now.
21:01But the Ark! We have to find it. I think the potatoes are after it, too.
21:05The Ark? Oh yes, the Ark. Now go away.
21:09Oh, and I brought this along.
21:11The secret film about Noah!
21:14Maybe this woob can help me. I'll get him to do all the dangerous parts.
21:19Yes, then, my friend. Let me show you what I've found so far.
21:30That is one useful hairpin.
21:32Thank you. What is this place?
21:34It's an old movie theater. Wicker likes old movies.
21:37Oh, so do I. And long walks on the beach. And kittens!
21:44Let's just find a way out of here.
21:48I'm so glad you showed up. Perhaps you can help me understand the clues in this ancient film.
21:54I'll do what I can, Ratan. After all, friends help each other out.
21:58Yes, we are friends, you and I.
22:01Ratan, that's me. Wait here while I load the projector.
22:04Oh, and make yourself useful. Pull that rope.
22:18Wow, cool!
22:21Min, you're here!
22:23Julia! Ratan, you found Julia! Thank you!
22:26Oh, here's your purse.
22:28Thank you.
22:29Minnesota, do you know what this is?
22:31Sure, it's a secret film about Noah.
22:33Exactly! Close the curtain before somebody else sees it.
22:36But you said that...
22:37I gotta go turn off that projector. Julia, come with me.
22:42What are you doing?
22:44Exactly what you said. I'm closing the curtain.
22:46We just missed the critical part!
22:50What? I can't trust this old wiring!
22:53Now open that curtain! I'll be right back!
23:00Come on, let's go!
23:01Wait a second. What's so important about this film?
23:06It's said to reveal...
23:09It's said to reveal the secret of Noah's umbrella.
23:14Umbrella? Why an umbrella? Will it lead us to the Ark?
23:21Hey! Wait here! Use your phone to call for help!
23:25The army! The navy! The Canadian Maltese!
23:30I almost forgot about this.
23:32What is that?
23:33My cell, like you told me.
23:35Sorry, no cell phones in the theater.
23:45This will fix him, but good! Let's go!
23:48What do the instructions say to do next?
23:50Well, the book got pickpocketed, you see, and then it's...
23:53That's okay! I have the original!
23:57Now, did you get the clue about where to find the umbrella?
24:01The what?
24:02That's the clue you missed at the pyramid.
24:04Oh. Well, maybe the instructions have another clue.
24:08See here? We need to go to the Come On In.
24:11It's the oldest hotel in Turkey, built on the Cliffs of Ararat.
24:15Look, it says you'll need to perform this vocalized melody,
24:19accompanied with successive steps.
24:21At least there's nothing silly like a song and dance routine.
24:25Yeah, nothing like that.
24:29What are we waiting for?
24:30I thought you were going to tell me to open up the curtain again.
24:34Fine. Follow me.
24:38I said, follow me!
24:45Evil twin.
24:47Oh, that's a relief. For a minute I thought...
24:50Evil twin!
24:52After them!
24:54Quick, over here!
24:56Find some fire bits and...
24:58Where are they?
24:59Oh, this is really frustrating!
25:04Minnesota Duke, I'll get you yet!
25:10We should lock it.
25:12Gotcha covered.
25:24I can't believe it, Min.
25:26We're finally going to do a vocalized melody,
25:29accompanied with successive steps.
25:31Good thing no one will be watching.
25:37Here, I'll get you started.
25:42The Lord told Noah to build him an arky-arky.
25:47The Lord told Noah to build him an arky-arky.
25:52Build it out of coffer-barky-barky.
25:57Arky children of the Lord.
26:01Julia, they're laughing!
26:03Keep it up! You're doing great!
26:06The animals, they came in.
26:08They came in, like toosies-toosies.
26:11Animals, they came in.
26:13They came in, like toosies-toosies.
26:16Elephants and kangaroosies-roosies.
26:22Keep dancing! I'll take a verse!
26:25It rained and poured for forty long daisies-daisies.
26:29Rained and poured for forty long daisies-daisies.
26:33Nearly drove those animals crazy-crazy.
26:37Children of the Lord.
26:40I don't want to do this anymore!
26:42No, keep going!
26:43You have to step on the tiles in the right order!
26:46We have to keep the umbrella from wicker!
26:48Two, three, four!
26:49The sun, it came out and dried up the landy-landy.
26:53The sun, it came out and dried up the landy-landy.
26:57Everything was fine and dandy-dandy.
27:01No, everything's not fine and dandy!
27:04Nobody makes me look silly!
27:06No, you did that yourself.
27:11Everybody out!
27:12Okay, not you, Fwee.
27:18It's not about the lyrics or the rhythm.
27:21It's about pressing the tiles in the correct order.
27:25Allow me!
27:27Then wicker, he laughed at.
27:29The cuke from Minnesota soda.
27:31Got so mad, he made him explode-explode.
27:43What's happening?
27:44I think those tiles triggered an ancient trap door.
27:53Let's go!
27:54That tunnel must lead to Noah's umbrella.
27:56Hold your horses!
27:58You and your friends are going in the bird feeder.
28:06Now this is the end, my dangling doppelganger!
28:10What'd he call me?
28:11That was intended for me.
28:14You'll never get away with this!
28:16He's right!
28:17You'll never find the Ark!
28:19Silly Pickle.
28:20I don't want the Ark.
28:21It's the umbrella I'm after.
28:24Just the umbrella?
28:25It's not just any umbrella.
28:27Noah's umbrella is the source of unspeakable power.
28:31Didn't you see the film?
28:33Whenever Noah opened that polka-dotted parasol,
28:36the rain started.
28:38It controls the world's weather.
28:41Now I, too, shall have that power.
28:44I will make it rain in the desert!
28:47For a price.
28:49Good heavens.
28:50I shouldn't have shown him the film.
28:52Now if you will excuse me,
28:54I have to set this ticking clock device in motion
28:57before I weave you to your doom!
29:12I hate cliffhangers.
29:15And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry,
29:18the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song.
29:28And what would you like to drink?
29:30I'll just have water, please.
29:32And could I have it in a glass this time?
29:37Let me check my records.
29:39Just as I suspected.
29:41Good thing I stopped and checked it.
29:43My pad is stained and blotted
29:45from liquids you spilled on it.
29:47I'm afraid the jig is up.
29:49You must use a sippy cup.
29:54Don't bring me a sippy cup.
29:56Haven't spilled since yesterday.
29:58Water won't stain anyway.
30:00Bring a mug, bring a jug.
30:02Just don't bring...
30:04a sippy cup.
30:05Let me check with the busboy.
30:08Is he the one?
30:10It's you!
30:11Every time I fill it,
30:13he turns around and spills it.
30:15I've bought a hundred blotters
30:17cause you can't hold your waters.
30:19This time I'm not mopping up!
30:21You must use a sippy cup.
30:25Don't bring me a sippy cup.
30:27They'll be making fun of me.
30:29Put a pail in front of me.
30:30Bring a mug, bring a jug.
30:32Just don't bring...
30:34a sippy cup.
30:36Well, I could ask the maître d'.
30:40This is impossible.
30:42He puddles up on café.
30:44You take me for a fool?
30:45A restaurant's not a pool.
30:47Take his glass and lock it up.
30:50The pickle gets a sippy cup.
30:56Don't bring me a sippy cup.
30:57This time I'm not gonna spill.
30:59I'm pretty sure he will.
31:01Spilling soda's not a crime.
31:02If it is, I'll do time.
31:04Just don't bring...
31:06a sippy cup.
31:14Order, order in the court.
31:16I judge you the clumsiest sort.
31:18By the dictates of our laws,
31:21I sentence you to safety straws.
31:30It's the governor.
31:31Yes, I see.
31:33Very well.
31:34Thank you, governor.
31:37Give me back that sippy cup.
31:39You've been granted sippy's day.
31:42This must be my lucky day.
31:44This must be his lucky day.
31:48Bring a mug, bring a jug.
31:50I'll bring an absorbent rug.
31:52You don't need...
31:55a sippy cup.
31:57Compliments of the house.
31:59Grape juice.
32:01Grape juice.
32:18This has been Silly Songs with Laddie.
32:21Tune in next time to hear Laddie say...
32:24I'll take that sippy cup.
32:27So, Minnesota.
32:29What are we going to do now?
32:31I got nothing.
32:33It seems like everything I do just gets me laughed at.
32:36You know what it's like being a punchline?
32:38Is that all you think about, Min?
32:40Being laughed at?
32:41Well, yeah.
32:43You're doing the right thing.
32:45You're helping your friends.
32:47The Bible says when we do the right things,
32:49God's favor surrounds us like a shield.
32:52Noah was doing what God asked him to do.
32:55He was a righteous man.
32:57A right-doer.
32:58Just like you.
32:59When Noah did what was right,
33:01he felt God smiling at him,
33:03and he could ignore all the laughing.
33:05God's favor covered him like a shield.
33:08So, if I think about God smiling at me,
33:11I can ignore the laughing?
33:13When you're doing what's right,
33:15God's smile covers you up.
33:17I hate to break up this teachable moment,
33:20but we got trouble!
33:22It looks like we're at the end of our rope.
33:27This is why I never leave home without it.
33:30Min, be careful.
33:32Don't worry, Julia.
33:34I've got it all under control.
33:57See? Told ya.
33:59Hey, grab some of these boards.
34:09It's the way to the umbrella.
34:11Look! Tater tracks!
34:30Hey, follow those guys!
35:00Now I have you right where I want you.
35:05And where is that?
35:07Right here, ready to do my bidding.
35:10Why are we whispering?
35:12We're whispering because the slightest noise
35:15might twiggle an avalanche
35:17right over your friends' heads.
35:20Right next to my champion, Yodeler.
35:31You will never see them again unless...
35:34Unless what?
35:36Unless you, Minnesota,
35:38will cross over into the great unknown
35:41and bring back that bumber chute.
35:45You must purloin the parasol.
35:49Go get the umbrella.
35:51Why didn't you say so?
35:52Minnesota, take the instruction book.
35:55There are three tests,
35:57and the book has clues to pass them.
36:00Tests? I mean, tests?
36:02Nobody said anything about a test.
36:04I believe I just did.
36:11Be careful, men.
36:19Join the crowd, or help the poor.
36:22Make your choice. Don't cross before.
36:25The easy way may not be best.
36:28Do what's right to pass the test.
36:31Well, I'm not sure how this will help me get across,
36:34but it seems helping this poor man
36:37is the right thing to do.
36:39I'm not sure how this will help me get across,
36:42but it seems helping this poor man
36:45is the right thing to do.
36:48Oh, yeah, ask the statue for help.
36:51That's a great idea!
36:55This is hilarious!
37:00I know you're smiling at me,
37:02so what they say doesn't matter.
37:06Thank you, kind sir.
37:21I'm not giving anything to that beggar.
37:24Let's go the easy way.
37:28I'm not giving anything to that beggar.
37:31Let's go the easy way.
37:50Anyone got any spare change?
37:58Before you eat, you should say thanks
38:01for mac and cheese or beans and franks.
38:04Your friends may laugh, but that's all right.
38:07A thankful heart is God's delight.
38:11What's this? You give up already?
38:14What's this? You give up already?
38:22Hmm, little stale, but not bad for a fourth hour.
38:25Hmm, little stale, but not bad for a fourth hour.
38:40I wonder what happened to the third test.
38:55Which umbrella do you pick?
38:58You must choose just one.
39:01If you pick well, that's just swell.
39:04Pick wrong, then curtains, you're done.
39:07Aw, man, now I wish I had seen that clue at the pyramid.
39:10If only I hadn't been too embarrassed to follow the directions.
39:13Hmm, this looks familiar.
39:21Wait, that was just a cartoon.
39:25What did the umbrella clue look like?
39:36Hmm, checkered.
39:43This is it.
39:45I'll take that widow gem off your hands now.
39:48But, Wicker, it's not going to do anything, is it?
39:51It's time to demonstrate what this widow baby can do.
40:05I don't understand.
40:07Noah's umbrella didn't bring the rain, God did.
40:10You can't believe everything you see in cartoons, you know.
40:14Well, some cartoons can be quite educational.
40:17But not that one.
40:19Did you get your secret plan from a cartoon?
40:22No! Wayne! I demand, Wayne!
40:25Where's my precipitation?
40:28Wayne, I tell you, wait for me!
40:31It'll work, it'll work.
40:36I'm out of here.
40:38There is no mark, because I'm falling apart.
40:49Watch out! Watch out!
41:20Mr. Muffet, how did you...
41:22I have lots of frequent flyer miles.
41:25Who are these guys?
41:27When y'all didn't come back, I hired these fellas.
41:30Mounties? And Turkey?
41:32It sounded delicious.
41:34But the joke is on you. The umbrella is a dud.
41:38I know the umbrella doesn't do anything.
41:40I was hoping we'd find the Ark here.
41:43But I guess no one will be finding that Ark any time soon.
41:46If my sources are correct, though,
41:48that umbrella contains an even greater treasure.
41:53Surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous.
41:56You surround them with your favor, as with a shield.
41:59I couldn't agree more.
42:03You were right, Julia.
42:05When I focused on doing the right thing,
42:07I couldn't even hear those guys making fun of me.
42:09I could feel God smiling.
42:11And nothing else mattered.
42:13You're a good Eggman.
42:15I'm real proud of you.
42:17It still would have been nice to find that Ark.
42:20It's probably rotted away after thousands of years under the snow.
42:24I guess we'll never know.
42:28Arise and shine and give God the glory, glory.
42:32Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.
42:36Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.
42:40Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.
42:44Children of the Lord.
42:52Wow, Bob. That was great.
42:54Did you change bags?
42:57Your bag is smiling. It wasn't smiling before.
42:59I don't know what you're talking about.
43:01The way Minnesota Cute came to Rattan's rescue,
43:03doing what was right, no matter what other people thought,
43:06that was great.
43:08Larry, will you please take the bag off your head?
43:10I'd rather not.
43:11Come on, Larry. Stop goofing around.
43:13We have a show to wrap up.
43:15Bob, I said I'd rather not.
43:17Ah! What happened?
43:19Your bag changed expressions again.
43:25Can we get on with this, please?
43:27Oh, all right.
43:28But I want my bag back after the show.
43:30Fine. Let's see if Cordy has a verse for us today.
43:35Ha ha. Very funny.
43:37And so what we have learned applies to our lives today.
43:42God has a lot to say in His book.
43:47You see, we know that God's Word is for everyone.
43:51And now that our song is done, we'll take a look.
43:59Being afraid of people can get you into trouble.
44:02But if you trust in the Lord, you will be safe.
44:07When Minnesota was worried about what everyone else thought of him,
44:10it made it hard for him to do the right things.
44:13Once he remembered how much God loved him
44:16and that God was smiling down on him,
44:18ignoring the teasing of others became much easier.
44:22Great story, Bob.
44:23So if I decide I want to sing a song and thank God for my food,
44:27I don't need to be ashamed and worry about what other people think.
44:30It just matters what God thinks.
44:32That's right, Larry.
44:33Hi, guys. I feel really happy, and I don't know why.
44:37Oh, boy.
44:39Always remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much.
44:45Isn't that bag cool?
44:47I just really love you guys.
