VeggieTales: Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue (Widescreen)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hi, kids. Welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato.
00:04And I'm late for my book club.
00:06Uh, book club?
00:08Hi, everyone. Sorry about that.
00:10It's okay. We started without you.
00:12Discussing the book?
00:13No, eating the snacks.
00:15And they were delicious.
00:16I would put them on par with the snacks from two months ago,
00:19but they paled in comparison to the snacks from last month.
00:23What are you guys reading?
00:25It's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
00:28Oh, that's a classic. What did you think?
00:34Personally, I found the book riveting.
00:36Full of flawed characters and classic American humor.
00:43What's this? Norm's notes?
00:46Condensed outlines of books for the vegetable on the go.
00:49You didn't read the book?
00:51You just read notes about the book?
00:53Do you guys allow this?
00:56It does make everything go a lot faster.
00:59Norm's got notes on every book you could ever want.
01:01War and Peace took me 15 minutes.
01:03I found it riveting.
01:05Full of flawed characters and classic Russian pathos.
01:09I hate to interrupt, but Larry, we've got a letter to answer.
01:13Oh, right. Who's it from?
01:15This one comes to us from Zachary Alexander in Glen Allen, Virginia.
01:20How long is it?
01:21Just one page.
01:22Oh, I'm sure I'll find it riveting.
01:24Right. It says,
01:26Dear Bob and Larry, there's a kid in my school named Joseph
01:30who gets made fun of a lot.
01:32I feel really bad for him, but I'm afraid if I help him out,
01:35I'll get made fun of too.
01:37I guess I'm just not sure if I should get involved.
01:40What do you think?
01:41I think that's enough reading for the day.
01:43Yes! Who brought dessert?
01:45It was my turn!
01:47Well, Zachary, I think you've got a real problem.
01:51Sometimes the best thing to do is...
01:53is to watch this story about Huckleberry Larry.
01:57Uh, Huckleberry Larry?
01:59We couldn't get the rights to Finn.
02:01Wait a minute.
02:02Are you saying we can watch the story from our book club?
02:05That's right.
02:06That's three minutes of my life I'll never get back.
02:24Oh, hello there.
02:26Glad you could stop by.
02:28I'm Clark Wayne, a storyteller.
02:30It's a perfect night for a story, don't you think?
02:33A story set on the big river?
02:38Yes, the Mississippi River,
02:40from the woods of northern Minnesota to New Orleans.
02:43They say a drop of water that falls into Lake Itasca way up here
02:47will be in the Gulf of Mexico 90 days later.
02:51Of course, most people like to get down the river a little quicker than that.
02:55This is a story about just such a fella.
02:58And to tell it, we're going to have to take a little trip down the old river ourselves.
03:03Hello, Chateau.
03:06Not a soul out here at night.
03:08We should have the river all to ourselves.
03:14Oh, the mighty Mississippi
03:17It's flowing strong and wide
03:20It's me and you in an old canoe
03:23With a trusty Indian guide
03:25Yeah, I'm a trusty Indian guide
03:29I prefer ze term Native American.
03:31Did you say something?
03:35Gonna take a trip on the mighty Mississippi
03:37Gonna take a little trippy on the mighty Mississippi
03:42Must be a slumber party.
03:44Gonna take a trip on the Mississippi
03:46Gonna take a little trippy on the mighty Mississippi
03:49Gonna take a trip on the Mississippi
03:51Gonna take a little trippy on the mighty Mississippi
03:53The mighty Mississippi
03:55It's flowing strong and wide
03:57It's just me and you in an old canoe
04:00With a trusty Indian...
04:01Oh, I'm sorry.
04:03With my trusty Native American guide
04:08Gonna take a trip on the Mississippi
04:10Gonna take a little trippy on the mighty Mississippi
04:12Gonna take a trip...
04:13Not so loud, Chateau.
04:15This is where our story starts.
04:21Dooley and Son's Lumber Camp.
04:24That's Mr. Dooley himself.
04:26He was in the tree removal business.
04:28In fact, Dooley had a way of removing anything
04:31or anyone who lumbered in his way.
04:34Get it? Lumber?
04:38Better! Harder! Faster!
04:41We're loggers! We're loggers!
04:43And for Pete's sake, no singing!
04:47What seems to be the holdup, Otto?
04:49Oh, we're having a bit of trouble with this big one.
04:53Call Big Jim.
04:56Now, Otto.
05:02Big Jim, strong as an ox and twice as tall,
05:06struck fear into anyone that laid eyes on him.
05:10He was so tough, he could...
05:13Do I know you?
05:15Oh, don't mind me. I'm just the narrator.
05:20Get a move on, Big Jim.
05:22I'm not paying you to stand around all day.
05:24Actually, you're not paying him at all.
05:27Oh, yeah. That's right, isn't it?
05:31Unlike the other loggers, Big Jim was not an employee
05:34of Dooley and Son's Inc.
05:36Five years ago, he was caught in Elk River, Minnesota
05:39with 1,100 pounds of stolen turkey jerky.
05:43As a sole witness, Mr. Dooley testified against Jim in court.
05:47Jim didn't go to prison.
05:49He was, however, sentenced to three years of community service
05:53at, of all places, Dooley and Son's Lumber Camp.
05:59Good work, Big Jim.
06:01Here, have some jerky.
06:06Mr. Dooley, there's been an accident.
06:09What happened?
06:11It's Silverstein. He got a splinter.
06:13A splinter?
06:15Sorry, there's not much time.
06:19Hey, you there, keep an eye on Big Jim.
06:21There are times when fate reaches down
06:24and grabs you by the lapels.
06:26This was one of those times.
06:28The logger in question, Steve,
06:30was not the sharpest blade in the sawmill.
06:33What Dooley said was,
06:35keep an eye on Big Jim.
06:37What Steve heard was,
06:39please run into town and get me a strawberry smoothie.
06:42Which is exactly what he did.
06:46For Big Jim, the cookie of opportunity
06:49was clearly on the table.
06:51He grabbed it.
06:57Huh? Where's Big Jim?
07:01Hey, why didn't you stop him?
07:04Oh, I'm the narrator.
07:06I'm not supposed to get involved.
07:35Was that your dog barking?
07:37No, that was Steve.
07:39He likes to bark when we chase things.
08:14Well, that's just great.
08:19Is that a smoothie?
08:30Not every day on the Mississippi was quite so exciting,
08:34nor every situation so rife with turmoil.
08:38Take this scene, for example.
08:41That there green fella is Uncle Bear Larry,
08:45though most folks just call him Huck.
08:48And the red guy is Tomato Sawyer.
08:51Most folks just call him Tom,
08:53since, well, Tomato seems a little obvious.
08:56These two happy bachelors are homesteading.
09:00What's homesteading?
09:02Well, when the U.S. government settled the West,
09:05they cut it into little pieces of land called homesteads.
09:09Now, if you could live on a piece of land
09:12for five years without starving or getting run off by bears,
09:16the government would give it to you.
09:18These fellas have been living on their homesteads
09:21for four years, 362 days.
09:23Yep, come Friday, just three days away,
09:26this land will be theirs.
09:28Three more days, Huck, and this land will be ours.
09:31Coming true.
09:32Can I borrow some more nails?
09:34Sure thing, they're in my tent, behind the record collection.
09:37Once I own this land and finish my theme park,
09:40I'll be selling tickets and turkey jerky
09:42to all the jerky-loving folks on the riverboats.
09:44I'm gonna call it Jerkyland.
09:46Mr. Jerky will be my mascot.
09:48Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that.
09:51Where'd you say the nails were?
09:53Behind all the records.
09:55Now, before MP3 players,
09:57there's a circular vinyl disc called...
10:00Oh, forget it.
10:02You and your obscure music.
10:04Bobby Roberts and his Happy Monkey?
10:07Mama Bell and Little Jimmy?
10:09Mama Bell and Little Jimmy are not obscure.
10:11They sold over a million albums
10:13before Little Jimmy disappeared five years ago.
10:17You know, Huck,
10:18the theme park business is very capital-intensive.
10:21It's hard to make any money in it.
10:23I'm not in it for the money, Tom.
10:27Hey, have you thought any more
10:29about joining me in my new business?
10:31There's a lot of action in tax preparation.
10:34I still don't know what that is.
10:36Well, I'm gonna help people prepare
10:38their federal tax returns each year.
10:40It's very complicated,
10:41but I've got a good head for numbers.
10:43I'm sure you could pick it up, too.
10:46Could you give me a hand?
10:48Sure. Always glad to help a friend.
10:50You know, there isn't a single tax preparer
10:53on the Mississippi anywhere
10:55between Minnesota and New Orleans.
10:57The market is wide open.
10:59What the tomato may have missed in his business plan
11:02is that this is 1904,
11:04and the federal income tax
11:06will not be established until 1913.
11:09For the next nine years,
11:11he will, in fact, have the market all to himself.
11:14What he will not have is customers.
11:17Stay still!
11:18Am I to the...
11:19I could tell him this,
11:21but as the narrator, technically speaking,
11:24I'm not supposed to get involved.
11:26Who's that guy?
11:27I think it was Colonel Sanders.
11:30Bark, bark, bark!
11:32Bark, bark, bark!
11:34Where's your dog?
11:36Oh, that's Steve.
11:38He likes to bark.
11:40We're looking for a man,
11:42a dangerous man.
11:44Have you seen him?
11:47Wrong poster.
11:50No, I don't think so.
11:52Well, think harder.
11:54He tore up a factory with his bare hands,
11:57and he's headed your way.
12:00This is a signal flare.
12:02If you see him, set this off,
12:04and we'll come running.
12:06Why did he tear up the factory?
12:08He was looking for something.
12:11Turkey jerky.
12:20What are we going to do now?
12:22We're going to Muscatine.
12:25But we've got to get back to camp.
12:27The boys won't know what to do without us.
12:32What are we supposed to do without them?
12:35We could say...
12:38Some in our vintage and some in our cops
12:40While others run delis or bicycle shops
12:42We fancy our flannel and extra long socks
12:44We'd only be happy with this job because
12:47We're loggers, we're loggers
12:55You got the flare?
12:56Yes, it's right here in my tent.
12:58You got the matches?
12:59Yes, I have the matches.
13:01But honestly, why would he come here?
13:03We don't have any turkey jerky.
13:05No, but we're gonna as soon as I open Jerkyland.
13:08Well, sure, but nobody knows that now.
13:12Do they?
13:15Do they, Huck?
13:17I might have put up a sign or two.
13:20Or 29.
13:2129 signs?
13:24Along the river.
13:30It's advertising, Tom.
13:32My amusement park for dummies book says I have to do it.
13:35Well, does it tell you what to do when your advertising
13:38Attracts a homicidal turkey jerky loving maniac?
13:41Does it?
13:42I don't know.
13:43I'm only on chapter three.
13:46What was that?
13:51It's just birds.
13:52Okay, we need to come up with a plan.
13:54We need to take down all those signs.
13:57We need to build a fort with cannons.
14:00We need, say, 60 to 70 tall pine trees and iron ore for the cannons.
14:08He's right behind me, isn't he?
14:22Do you know the way to Zane, Louie?
14:24I want to zing with my mama.
14:27We don't have any turkey jerky.
14:29I haven't bought my inventory yet.
14:31I don't like turkey jerky.
14:34Well, of course you don't.
14:36None of us like turkey jerky.
14:39Do we, Huck?
14:40I love turkey jerky.
14:42Put me on the whole thing.
14:44Signal flare.
14:48So, you aren't looking for turkey jerky.
14:52You just want to zing with your mama.
14:56In Zane, Louie.
14:57She said, meet me in Zane, Louie, Louie.
15:01But your name is Jim.
15:03My middle name is Louie.
15:07Signal flare.
15:09So tell me, Jim, Louie.
15:11Mama Belle called me Little Yimmy.
15:14Mama Belle and Little Yimmy?
15:16Well, sure.
15:18I could see why they'd call you Little Yimmy.
15:22Mama Belle and Little Yimmy.
15:24So, you were named after these guys?
15:29That's your mama?
15:31And me, Little Yimmy.
15:35That's you.
15:38I grew.
15:40Sure you did.
15:42At Gay the Air Flay.
15:51I'm just going to go put the record away now.
15:55In the other tent.
15:58Why don't you take a nap on your boat?
16:01Or whatever.
16:03And we'll go call for help.
16:07We have a signaling device.
16:11How do I light it?
16:13With the matches.
16:15Next to my books.
16:17Here they are.
16:19So rest well.
16:21Got it.
16:25Not in a tent!
16:36Thank you for helping me.
16:39It's the least we could do.
16:42You rest now.
16:44Help is on the way.
16:51What am I going to do for a tent now?
16:53I didn't know it was going to do that.
16:55What did you think it was going to do?
16:57The emotion of the moment was overwhelming.
17:00Wait, the reward.
17:03Hundred dollar reward.
17:05You could buy a new tent.
17:07And you'll have enough money to finish Jerky Land.
17:10This day has turned out all right after all.
17:14As long as Little Yimmy doesn't get hungry and eat us
17:17before that scary guy with the Steve dog gets here.
17:20You're right.
17:22Do you hear something?
17:24Sounds like singing.
17:27River, a-giggle with me.
17:30River, hear me and me.
17:33Wait a minute.
17:35Happy river, doot-doot.
17:38Happy river, doot-doot.
17:43Sing me a song as we cuddle up on the happy river.
17:47Happy river, doot-doot.
17:50No need to doubt as we cuddle up on the happy river.
17:55Happy river, doot-doot.
17:58Cottonfish, a-quiver, a-giggle with me.
18:01As we cuddle down the river, doot, my Yimmy and me.
18:05No need complaining, half the miles that are remaining.
18:09Happy river, doot-doot.
18:12Take my falutin' when the riverboat's a-tootin'.
18:16Happy river, doot-doot.
18:23He's telling the truth.
18:26He's Little Yimmy.
18:27That's him.
18:28But he's huge.
18:29He grew.
18:30It's him, I tell ya.
18:31No one else can sing with Mama Belle just like that.
18:34And we just called that scary guy and barking Steve to come take him back to whatever nasty place they came from.
18:40I don't know.
18:42We gotta help him get to St. Louis so he can sing with his mama.
18:45Wait a minute.
18:46He tore up a factory.
18:48He couldn't have.
18:49He's allergic to turkey jerky.
18:53Little Yimmy sings the I'm allergic to turkey jerky blues?
18:57It's the scary guy and barking Steve.
19:00Run, Little Yimmy.
19:03We gotta go wake him up.
19:05But the reward money.
19:07We gotta save Little Yimmy.
19:10Too late.
19:11They're here.
19:16All right, where is that big ox?
19:23I know Little Yimmy would try to get back to his mama someday.
19:28It is Little Yimmy.
19:29Hey, boss.
19:30Look at this.
19:32That's where they lit the signal flare.
19:34But where are they now?
19:38Big Jim?
19:39Is that you?
19:42Get back here.
19:43Come back here.
19:44Watch out for that tent.
19:46Big Jim.
19:47Go get him.
19:49I can't swim.
19:51Only doggy paddles.
19:54I'll track you down if it's the last thing I do.
20:01No, Little Yimmy.
20:02That's not your mama.
20:04But we're gonna find her for you.
20:05Aren't we, Tom?
20:07All Tom could think about was the $100 he just lost
20:11and the fact that if he wasn't back at that homestead by Friday
20:14when the man from the government showed up,
20:16he was gonna lose a whole lot more.
20:22You're on.
20:24What's my line?
20:26Just read the script.
20:28I don't have one.
20:30Larry, where's the script for the silly song?
20:34Don't tell me you forgot.
20:36I've got a song.
20:38You're a lifesaver.
20:44The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
20:46It lies atop a mound of snow
20:48High in the hills where the cold winds blow
20:50It's the biscuit of Zazamorandabow
20:53Come on! Let's go!
20:55The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
21:00Our bags are packed and ready to go
21:02Let's start the van and be gone
21:04Start the van and be gone
21:06Now our bags are all packed and we're ready to go
21:08Let's start the van and be gone
21:10Come on! Let's go!
21:12The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
21:14What did you say? We can't leave yet today?
21:16You've just got an errand to run.
21:18I just have to stop at the bank.
21:20You just have to stop at the bank?
21:22Well, if you insist, I suppose.
21:25We can deal with a minor delay.
21:27Deal with a minor delay.
21:29Say, Archibald, who made this biscuit anyway?
21:33Oh, I thought you'd never ask.
21:36Sir James McNab of the Guild of Doe
21:38He made the biscuit so long ago
21:40And the people, they travelled to see it glow
21:42On the mound of Zazamorandabow
21:45Come on! Let's go!
21:47The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
21:49Oh, what is it now? This isn't the way.
21:51I just need to stop for some goldfish food.
21:54You don't even have a goldfish.
21:56No, but I was thinking of getting one
21:58And I wouldn't want him to go hungry.
22:00Anybody need anything?
22:02Maybe a venti half-caff vanilla hazelnut latte?
22:05Hold the whipped cream.
22:07And maybe one of those little chocolate-covered graham crackers?
22:13So, Archie, what's so great about this biscuit anyway?
22:16Well, if you really want to know...
22:19The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
22:21Was lost to the world many years ago
22:23Until my great-uncle Archibald
22:25Stuffed his toe on the frozen dough
22:27Of the biscuit of Zazamorandabow
22:30Come on! Let's go!
22:32The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
22:34No, not again. It's just not fair.
22:36You've got to have a map.
22:38A what? A map.
22:39A what? A map.
22:40Oh, a map!
22:43The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
22:45The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
22:47The joy!
22:48The thrill!
22:49I drink!
22:50I spilled!
22:51The biscuit!
22:53The biscuit!
22:55The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
23:03Sausage gravy.
23:05Huh. I might have made a wrong turn.
23:08The biscuit of...
23:11Back to the van! Back to the van!
23:13It isn't too late. Let's go!
23:15So high in the hills where the cold winds blow
23:17The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
23:19We're almost there.
23:20Oh, isn't this great?
23:21Who needs to take a party break?
23:24I do!
23:27The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
23:29It lies in hops a mound of snow
23:31High in the hills where the cold winds blow
23:33The biscuit of Zazamorandabow
23:39I suppose this has been Silly Songs with Archie.
23:43Tune in next time to hear Larry say...
23:47I always thought you were the announcer.
23:50So did I.
24:08Huck? Huck?
24:10Good morning, Tom.
24:11Beautiful day, isn't it?
24:13How long was I sleeping?
24:15Where are we?
24:16I figure we're coming up on...
24:18Hold on.
24:22Coming up on Davenport.
24:23And we're making good time.
24:25Making good time?
24:26We're making terrible time because
24:28we're not supposed to be going anywhere!
24:30We gotta get back to...
24:31Quick, follow me.
24:32It's important to keep the raft balanced.
24:35On account of Little Yimmy being so...
24:39We've gotta get off this raft
24:41and get back to our campsite before...
24:46Before the government man gets there
24:48and decides we starved or got run off by bears!
24:51Look, Tom, I have it all figured out.
24:53A couple hours ahead is a little town called Muscatine.
24:56So we can hop off there
24:57and put Little Yimmy on the train to St. Louis.
24:59We can walk back home by Thursday.
25:01Plenty of time.
25:04Okay, Huck Muscatine.
25:06But no further.
25:10It is a lovely day on the river.
25:27When you're slipping down the Mississippi
25:31There ain't no need for getting lippy
25:34Laze in the sun or take a dippy
25:37The fishing's always due
25:42Just grab a pole and drag a liner
25:46Lie on back, there's nothing finer
25:49A big head carp or a red fin shiner
25:52Abiding like they should
25:57Well, the river is my neighbor
26:00Excuse me, this is the narrator's song.
26:04Oh, I thought you were the chicken guy.
26:08Not a word, Chato.
26:11Well, the river is my neighbor
26:14And the river is my friend
26:17You'll find another story
26:20Hiding round each river bend
26:24That's right.
26:26So take me down the Mississippi
26:29Your hair is long, it needs a clippy
26:33Bring a coat, the night's getting iffy
26:36On this you can depend
26:39Oh, the river, she's my friend
26:49Crooked letter! Crooked letter!
26:50I! Crooked letter! Crooked letter!
26:51I! Humpback! Humpback!
26:55Must be a slumber party.
27:02So the bad man in the mask dumped the jerky in your hands?
27:05Right when the police showed up?
27:07Yes. That's why I spent five years at the lumber camp.
27:11But you only had to serve three years.
27:13Mr. Dooley thought I couldn't count.
27:16That's nice.
27:17Shouldn't we be coming up on...
27:21There it is!
27:25Okay, Jim. We're gonna...
27:27You're going to put me on a train to St. Louis
27:30Then you're walking home to meet the government man by Thursday.
27:36Right. That's right.
27:38Huck, run up ahead and look for the train station while I tie up the raft.
27:42Aye, aye, Captain Tom.
27:43Secure the area and pick up some donuts.
27:47Everyone deserves donuts for a job well done.
27:53Excuse me, sir.
27:54Would you happen to know where I can find a train station
27:56conveniently located next to a bakery?
27:59You head down the street yonder, young fella.
28:02Thank you.
28:04Wow. What a great town.
28:06This place has got it all.
28:08Friendly town people. Shopping.
28:10Baby with a signal flare.
28:29Excuse me.
28:34Really sorry about that.
28:35Excuse me.
28:37Is there something I can help you with, sonny?
28:44So, you play any football in high school?
28:48You got the size for it.
28:50No. I was in musicals.
28:54Tom! Tom!
29:07We gotta get out of here!
29:09What are you doing?
29:10Huck, what's going on?
29:12Beware the babies!
29:18Ooh, pretty.
29:22Maybe no one noticed.
29:28They all know about Jim.
29:29The posters are everywhere.
29:31Even the babies have signal flares.
29:33The babies?
29:35Yeah, Tom. The babies!
29:39No! Huck, I said I'd go to Muscatine. That's it.
29:42I did my part.
29:44We gotta get back home or we'll lose everything.
29:47I know.
29:48Do you want to be bachelors living in tents for another five years?
29:53But I want to help little Yimmy find his mama.
30:00Let's just get back on the river and think this over.
30:11Come back with my donuts, you thieves!
30:14And my good faker, your own signs and free samples!
30:19It also said, take one!
30:21Simply a rounding error on my part.
30:25You accept my apologies as graciously as I have accepted your free samples!
30:34It's back here!
30:35It's back here!
30:38Looks like these two rascals are in a heap of trouble.
30:42I wonder what Tom, Huck and Jim are up to.
30:55That was close.
30:56Yeah, real close.
30:58Oh dear.
31:00Good day, gentlemen.
31:02Our vessel is proving herself less than seaworthy.
31:05Might we come aboard?
31:07Absolutely not.
31:09No more helping.
31:12There could be a donut in it for you.
31:17You're really a king and a duke?
31:20Of what?
31:21Well, my good tomato, you are looking at the King of Memphis.
31:26And my good friend here, the Duke of New Orleans.
31:30Pleased to meet you.
31:31But we don't have royalty in America.
31:33Obviously, you've never been to the South.
31:36And who might your prodigious compatriot be?
31:40I'm sorry?
31:41Who's the big guy?
31:42Oh, that's Jim.
31:44As in... Big Jim?
31:48Do you know the way to St. Louis?
31:51I want to sing with my mama.
31:54St. Louis? That's the site of the World's Fair.
31:57Is that where your mama is?
31:59Meet me in St. Louis, Louis.
32:02Meet me at the fair.
32:04I love that song.
32:05Meet me in St. Louis, Louis.
32:08I thought his name was Jim.
32:09His middle name is Louis.
32:11I will be your Susan Lucher.
32:13What town are we coming up on next, Duke?
32:15I don't know.
32:17I'll tell you what, friends.
32:19Since you were so kind as to snatch us from the river's icy jaws,
32:23the Duke and I will escort your large compatriot down to St. Louis.
32:26And as a token of gratitude,
32:28we will give each of you ten dollars for train fare
32:31back north to wherever you came from.
32:34Did you hear that, Huck?
32:36Train fare back up north.
32:37They'll take little Yimmy to St. Louis,
32:39and we can get back to our homesteads on time.
32:42Put us ashore at whatever town we come to next,
32:46and we'll telegraph ahead and let your mama know
32:49that we're on our way to the fair.
32:58Where are they?
32:59They've been gone almost an hour.
33:01If we leave right now, we still might be able to make it back
33:04before the government man shows up.
33:07Uh, yeah.
33:08Look, Tom, I've been thinking.
33:10Maybe we should ride along, just to be safe.
33:13Have you forgotten about my tax office?
33:16And Jerky Land?
33:18Isn't that what you've always wanted?
33:22But I want to help little Yimmy, too.
33:24I've got news for you.
33:26I didn't hurt little Yimmy.
33:28I'm not the one who sent him up the river away from his mama.
33:31I didn't hurt him, so I shouldn't have to help him.
33:34Sometimes not helping is the same as hurting.
33:38What? That makes no sense.
33:40Ooh, ooh.
33:42If we see someone who needs help, and we can help them,
33:45I think that's what God wants us to do.
33:47But you...
33:48I'm going to make sure little Yimmy finds his mama.
33:54I say, good news, friends.
33:56Everything is arranged.
33:58The telegram is on its way,
34:00and here is your $10 for train fare.
34:05I'm going to make sure little Yimmy finds his mama.
34:08Is that more important than the last five years of hard work?
34:12The situation is under control.
34:14The Duke and I are skilled...
34:17raft drivers.
34:20I'm going to make sure little Yimmy finds his mama.
34:24Then you'll be by yourself.
34:35Goodbye, Huckleberry Larry.
34:38Goodbye, Tomato Sawyer.
34:44I'm sorry, Huck.
34:47Let's go find your mama.
34:50No point both of us losing our land.
34:53Besides, I'm sure little Yimmy will be fine.
35:06May I help you?
35:08Oh, yes.
35:10I need a ticket.
35:12North to Dubuque or south to St. Louis?
35:23Excuse me, sir.
35:25Could you hand me my fishing pole?
35:27I didn't knock it down.
35:29Besides, I'm not supposed to get involved.
35:32Well, of all the...
35:37My lucky fishing pole!
35:39That guy could have helped me.
35:41Listen, buddy, I hope you learn someday
35:44that not helping someone
35:46can be the same thing as hurting them.
35:50Not helping.
35:53Little Yimmy.
35:55That'll be $5.07.
35:58Here's 10 bucks.
36:00I'm going south to St. Louis.
36:02Hang on, little Yimmy.
36:04Help is on the way.
36:14Yes, it looked like everyone was headed
36:16for the St. Louis World's Fair.
36:19What? Where'd you want the story to end?
36:21The parking lot of a Kentucky Fried Chicken?
36:24Trust me, this'll be fun.
36:26Oh, here comes little Yimmy, Huck,
36:28and those two rascals now.
36:32Most of this was built in my honor, you know.
36:34What, me being the king and all?
36:36Yeah, me too.
36:38It's time to find your mama, little Yimmy.
36:40But first, we need to lose the pickle.
36:43I thought he was a cucumber.
36:45Oh, look at the log ride.
36:49Ah, yes.
36:51Why, Huck, if you look closely,
36:53you'll see my name engraved in that log.
36:55I don't see anything.
36:57Lean a little further. You'll see it.
36:59No, I still don't...
37:03Oh, there's so much to see here.
37:06Please remain seated
37:08while the vehicle is in motion.
37:10Are you okay?
37:12Don't worry, little Yimmy.
37:14We'll find your mama in a minute.
37:16Oh, look, little Yimmy.
37:18Here comes your mama now.
37:20There he is.
37:22It's Big Jim, the Turkey Jerky Bandit.
37:26You're coming back with me, Big Jim,
37:28for a long, long time.
37:30Leave him alone.
37:34Ahem, before we turn him over,
37:36there is the issue of reward.
37:38Ha-ha! He's all yours.
37:44Get back here!
37:46Where do you think you're going?
37:50Little Yimmy, where are you going?
37:52I'm coming to help you.
37:54Oh, that's okay.
37:56I'm doing fine.
38:04I'll help you, Huck.
38:06I'm good.
38:08Thanks, little Yimmy.
38:10That's my meal ticket.
38:12Otto, get me a flare.
38:16Oh, dear.
38:20Fire in the hole!
38:30Goodbye, mother.
38:32Goodbye, father.
38:34Goodbye, turkey jerky.
38:36Oh, mama!
38:52You forgot about your good friend,
38:56And your lucky fishing pole.
38:58I'm sorry, Huck.
39:00You were right all along.
39:02And it's not easy.
39:04I forgive you, Tom.
39:06Little Yimmy!
39:12Do you know the way to St. Louis?
39:14Straight down.
39:18He's on the Ferris wheel.
39:20He's on the Ferris wheel.
39:22Follow me.
39:30He's headed for the amphitheater!
39:38The river is blue
39:40Because it's full of my tears
39:42Poor little Yimmy
39:44Can't see him in years
39:46I wish I could
39:50Hi, little Yimmy.
39:52Hi, mama.
39:54Little Yimmy?
40:00Little Yimmy!
40:04Little Yimmy.
40:06Not so fast!
40:08That guard is a wanted criminal!
40:10My Yimmy?
40:12That fella belongs to me!
40:22Officer! Hey, officer!
40:24Someone run off with all my turkey jerky!
40:28I was going to come back and pay you
40:30for every last stick!
40:32Officers, I suggest you
40:34re-examine the Elk River turkey jerky case.
40:36We have a new suspect.
40:40Gotta go.
40:44May I?
40:46Be my guest.
40:52I thought you couldn't get involved!
40:54Well, that's just it.
40:56When you see that someone needs help
40:58and you know you can help them,
41:00you just have to get involved.
41:02Sing me a song
41:04as we paddle along
41:06Happy River
41:08So things ended up pretty well.
41:10Mama Belle and little Yimmy
41:12were making music again.
41:14Why, they even released a new album.
41:16Codfish with a red giggle
41:18and three eyes
41:20Happy River
41:22Just my Yimmy and me
41:24We ate half a loon
41:26when the river bowed to two
41:28Happy River
41:32I heard the food table was down here.
41:34Oh, good.
41:36You know, I'm so hungry
41:38I could eat a whole...
41:42Huh? You guys?
41:44Get back here with my donuts!
41:46Those aren't even our donuts!
41:50Everything worked out pretty well.
41:52Wait a minute.
41:54What about me and Huck?
41:56We've got nothing left except one tent
41:58and a broken fishing pole.
42:00It's a lucky fishing pole.
42:02He's got a point.
42:04Come to think of it,
42:06I got a nice piece of land down by the river.
42:08I hardly use it,
42:10except strumming my banjo on the dock.
42:12You want to set up your businesses there?
42:14Isn't that where you raise your chickens?
42:16Word, Chato.
42:18It's chicken-free. You interested?
42:20Well, sure we are.
42:22I'll have a tax preparation office up in no time.
42:24Oh, yeah.
42:26I've been meaning to talk to you about that.
42:28No need complaining
42:30I've got miles that are remaining
42:32Happy River
42:38Like sister and brother
42:40We'll be helping one another
42:42The burden we're bearing
42:44Happy River
42:50Personally, I found this story riveting,
42:52full of flawed characters
42:54and classic American humor.
42:56I enjoyed how the author
42:58intertwined complicated moral dilemmas
43:00with light-hearted vegetable frivolity.
43:04It's time to talk about
43:06what we learned today.
43:08What we learned today
43:10Take a look
43:12What happened to the song?
43:14Norm's notes version.
43:16For the vegetable on the go.
43:18Let's see if Qwerty has a verse for us today.
43:22Very funny, Qwerty.
43:26Ah, James 4.17
43:28If you know what is right to do,
43:30but you do not do it,
43:32you sin.
43:34So, the Bible tells us that
43:36not doing the right thing is the same thing
43:38as doing the wrong thing.
43:40Uh, yeah, Larry, I think that's right.
43:42When you know what you should do
43:44and don't do it,
43:46you're actually doing something wrong.
43:48That's what I said.
43:50I know that's what you said.
43:52Because that's what the Bible says.
43:54Yes. Anyway, Zachary,
43:56it's wrong for the kids at school
43:58to make fun of Joseph,
44:00but it's also wrong to see it happening
44:02and not do anything about it.
44:04The other kids know that it's not nice
44:06to make fun of other people
44:08because it hurts their feelings.
44:10Tell your parents or a teacher what's going on
44:12and they can help, too.
44:14And even though it'll be hard,
44:16you can feel good knowing that you're doing
44:18the right thing by helping Joseph.
44:20Just like Huck knew the right thing to do
44:22was to help little Yimmy.
44:24If he wouldn't have helped him,
44:26he would have been doing the wrong thing.
44:28That's right, Larry. Nice story.
44:30Thanks, Bob.
44:32I second the motion.
44:34All those in favor, say mm.
44:40The umps have it.
44:42Remember, kids, God made you special.
44:44And he loves you very much.
44:46You shouldn't talk with your mouth full.
