Les Moomins 55 - La seconde jeunesse

  • 2 months ago


00:00We found them at the end of the valley They think nothing but laughing
00:18There is the party every day They are all overflowing with love
00:24Vladimourine, Vladimourine
00:30They speak the language of flowers And they only listen to their hearts
00:36So open your arms to them You will not regret it
00:41Vladimourine, Vladimourine
00:47Vladimourine, Vladimourine
00:52Vladimourine, Vladimourine
01:16Vladimourine, Vladimourine
01:21Vladimourine, Vladimourine
01:26Vladimourine, Vladimourine
01:32One day in the valley of the mummies an unimaginable event took place
01:39As usual, Daddy Moumine went out for a walk
01:43But what was unusual was that he'd forgotten his hat
01:51Is that Daddy I see over there?
01:54Yes, that's him
01:56So what could he have done with his hat?
02:00Daddy! Daddy!
02:05Oh! His hat's here
02:11So Pipeau, how's it going?
02:13I'm fine, thanks
02:15What about you?
02:17I'm fine, thanks
02:19What about you?
02:21I'm fine, thanks
02:23What about you?
02:25I'm fine, thanks
02:27So Pipeau, how's it going?
02:29No, not at the moment, I'm waiting
02:35Darling, you seem to be in a hurry this morning
02:37Where are you going in such a hurry? Tell me!
02:40I'm going for my morning walk, Mum
02:43Oh, it's you, Moumine!
02:45You took me for Daddy, I'm going to bring him his hat, he forgot it on his way out
02:49It's the first time that something like this happens to him
02:52That's true, I'm going to try and catch him
02:58Hey Pipeau, do you know the last one?
03:00Daddy went out without his hat this morning
03:22Ah, the cool air of the morning
03:32No way! It can't be!
03:34My hat isn't on my head anymore!
03:37Where did it go?
03:39I lost it on my way out, that's the only explanation
03:43It must have fallen without me noticing
03:45Quick, I need to go and look for it before someone finds it and takes it away
03:50But there's one thing that I can't understand
03:53How did my hat fall without me noticing?
03:57Oh, could it be the age?
04:00If I haven't noticed anything, does that mean I'm starting to get old?
04:15Are you Daddy, Moumine?
04:17Of course I am!
04:19I wasn't sure. Without your hat, you looked a lot like Moumine
04:24Speaking of my hat, have you seen it by any chance?
04:27No, I haven't seen it. Do I have to understand that you've lost it?
04:31I'm afraid of it
04:32But it's terrible
04:33What are you talking about? I suddenly realised that it wasn't on my head anymore
04:37That's ridiculous!
04:38How can you wear a hat on your head and not notice that you've lost it?
04:42That's impossible
04:45Well, you've got proof that it is
04:47Yes, that's right. However, it's very strange
04:51Are you sure that you've put it on your head?
04:54Or could I have put it on my feet?
04:57Don't get angry. I'm just trying to understand by making assumptions
05:02Well, your assumptions are completely ridiculous
05:06Where do you put your hat if not on your head?
05:09You've got me wrong. I just wanted to make sure that you'd gone out with your hat, that's all
05:15Do you think that I've become cheeky enough to have forgotten it?
05:18No, I didn't say that. Calm down
05:21Anyway, we all forget things and it's natural
05:24I like what I was saying. You find me ridiculous
05:27No, I didn't say that
05:28Dad! Dad, are you there?
05:32My word, it looks like my hat
05:35And it's Moumine who's underneath
05:37Oh, Dad!
05:39I've been looking for you for an hour
05:43You went out without your hat
05:45I had forgotten it, didn't I?
05:47Exactly. It was left on the floor in your bedroom
05:51What a hypocrite!
05:53But yes, you're right. I remember that I hadn't taken it
05:56I had other worries in mind this morning. Thank you for bringing it to me
06:00Well, now you're reassured, aren't you?
06:02You can see that you hadn't lost it for good
06:06It was a forgotten item
06:08Not at all, but where do you think you're going?
06:10You didn't forget my hat, but I was preoccupied
06:13I didn't think about putting it on
06:15And that's all. Is that clear?
06:17I'm not a fool
06:18Of course not. I'd even say that you're very young
06:21Do you know that you're very well preserved?
06:24Good. And now, goodbye, dear friend
06:26I'll leave you to your business and I wish you a good day
06:29See you soon. Goodbye
06:31But he's right. I had forgotten my hat
06:35It's the first time that's happened to me
06:41What have I done with the matches?
06:49Tell me something
06:51Yes, what do you want to know?
06:53Have you been forgetting things that you never thought you'd forget?
06:57Oh, of course not!
06:59I'm not forgetting anything
07:01I'm not forgetting anything
07:03I'm not forgetting anything
07:05I'm not forgetting anything
07:07I'm not forgetting anything
07:09Oh yes, it happens to me very often
07:11I've always been very distracted, you know that
07:13It happens to you too?
07:15That's wonderful!
07:17Tell me, what have you forgotten recently?
07:19Let me think. I suppose it was things, little things that didn't matter
07:23The proof is that I don't remember them anymore
07:26It's normal, my dear
07:28How can you expect me to remember things that I've forgotten because I've forgotten them?
07:32You mean that you've forgotten everything that you've forgotten?
07:35They're exactly the same symptoms as mine
07:38But that's very worrying
07:40Is it serious?
07:41Yes, it's very serious
07:43For children, it's even disastrous
07:45What will they become if you and I are already becoming naughty?
07:49And what will happen to our house?
07:51And my manuscripts, which no one else will take care of but me, will never be able to finish
07:56I have to react
07:57If my mummy loses her mind, I have to stay alert
08:00It's up to me to keep my head in the game
08:03so that I can take care of her and raise the children
08:07But how can I stay young?
08:09Look at my face, it's already covered in wrinkles
08:13Even if I close my eyes so that I can't see them, it's useless because I can't feel them
08:20How can I fix the outrage of time?
08:28The only way to not become senile is to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body
08:33As far as my mind is concerned, I think I can say that it's perfectly healthy
08:37Well, at least until now
08:39And if my mind is healthy, then it's my body that's at fault
08:49Very well
08:51Now I'll do some exercise to stay in good shape
08:58I'll do it every day and I'll have eternal youth
09:01I'll accomplish new things every day to stimulate my mind
09:05One, two, one, two, hop!
09:09Back to work
09:25If I don't have my head, I'm sure I can do it
09:31I don't know of a more stupid exercise than this one
10:11Is everything alright, Dad?
10:12What's going on, my dear?
10:14Nothing at all, don't worry
10:16Everything's fine
10:17I don't think so
10:19It looks like he's got problems
10:20Can I come in?
10:21No, stay where you are
10:25I'm tidying up the room
10:28As soon as I'm done, you can come in
10:59Oh no!
11:06I'm thirsty
11:29Moumine! Wake up, Moumine!
11:36Is that you, Dad?
11:39You can't be having fun eating all by yourself, can you?
11:42If you took your meals in a slightly different way, you wouldn't be all alone
11:45No doubt, but I'm hungry
11:47I'm hungry too
11:48I'm hungry too
11:49I'm hungry too
11:50I'm hungry too
11:51I'm hungry too
11:52I'm hungry too
11:53I'm hungry too
11:54I'm hungry too
11:55I'm hungry too
11:56I'm hungry too
11:57No doubt, but I decided not to eat during the day
12:00But why, Dad?
12:03I have to change my habits
12:05and that's why I'll sleep during the day and stay awake at night
12:09Do you really have to change your habits?
12:12It's necessary
12:13I have to break the monotony of my daily life
12:16What does that mean?
12:18I have enough routine
12:20Every day is the same
12:21I get up, I wash, I have lunch, I do my homework and in the evening I eat
12:25And then I go back to bed, waiting to start all over again the next day.
12:31When the next day comes, I get up, I wash myself, etc., etc.
12:35And what if you took your bath in the evening instead of washing yourself in the morning?
12:39That wouldn't change much.
12:41But life needs a radical change, you understand?
12:44Here, by the way, it's written here.
12:46In chapter 6 of this book of advice, the author says this,
12:49the smallest change in our way of living will be beneficial.
12:54It's possible, but taking the day for the night is not a small change, don't you think?
12:59I recognize with you that it is an important change.
13:02But if the smallest change can make me rejuvenate,
13:05then a total upheaval like this one will make me a completely new being.
13:09Do you think you can rejuvenate?
13:11Of course I can, a little patience.
13:13In a month or so, the whole Moomin Valley will think I'm your brother.
13:19Wouldn't that please you?
13:21If you don't play hide-and-seek with me, it's no use.
13:25Well, I'm going to bed.
13:27Good night, Dad, because I'm tired.
13:29Good night.
13:30I wish you good luck and above all, good courage.
13:32Thank you.
13:33I'm a little worried about this story.
13:35If he rejuvenates to the point that we are taken for brothers,
13:38then I won't be able to call him my dad anymore.
13:44Moomin encouraged me to pursue my efforts.
13:46I must not disappoint him.
13:51Very well, let's get back to work.
14:08What are you doing?
14:10That's not how you play hide-and-seek, Royo.
14:12Well, I decided to do it like this.
14:14It's much more fun than jumping like you and the others.
14:17You know?
14:18Like this?
14:21Very good.
14:24I'm going to try it too.
14:30I can't stop!
14:34It's Daddy Moomin!
14:39What are you doing here?
14:41Let's play hide-and-seek in your shed.
14:43You know that for me, day is night.
14:45So don't talk to me about hide-and-seek, please.
14:47I'm trying to sleep.
14:48In that case, you'll have to sleep in your bed.
14:50It's true that I'll be more comfortable,
14:52but I won't take advantage of the sun,
14:54which is essential for my health.
14:56And sleeping in a bed is a habit that must be changed.
14:59Sometimes I wonder if Daddy Moomin is really right.
15:02What is she saying?
15:03Well, this is not the time to discuss.
15:05I have to find a quiet place to finish my night.
15:07Otherwise, I'll sleep tonight.
15:11Try not to make too much noise until sunset, please.
15:15Good night.
15:17Good night, Daddy. Get some rest.
15:19Do all people become naughty like him as they age?
15:22Or is Daddy Moomin an exception?
15:24I don't know, but I wouldn't like to become like him anyway.
15:27I don't understand what's happening to him.
15:34I'm tired to death.
15:36Did you have a good walk, darling?
15:39Good night.
15:41I'm going to sleep.
15:44Indeed, he looks very tired to me.
15:59Mum, where are you going like that?
16:01I'm going to pick flowers for the house.
16:03If you have nothing better to do, come and help me.
16:05I'll need a little help.
16:07Yes, I'll be right there.
16:09But where are you going, Moomin?
16:11We're going to pick flowers.
16:13You only have to come if you want to.
16:21I'm staying here. There are quite a lot of them, Cops.
16:24Well, then you'll be all alone here, you big, hairy rat.
16:32There are four of us to help you, Ira.
16:34That will be perfect. You're very helpful.
16:37We're going to bring back a lot of beautiful bouquets.
16:39Yes, that would be great.
16:40By the way, I'm thinking of something.
16:42Each of us should pick as many flowers as possible.
16:44Be careful what you say.
16:46If you ask for as many flowers as possible,
16:48we'll pick all the flowers in the meadow if that's what you want.
16:51Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking of you.
16:55Why are you surprised?
16:57I think the five of us can do it.
16:59I know it's a lot of work,
17:01but it's enough to put in a little, isn't it?
17:03Very well. I also think it's quite possible.
17:06It's just that we'll have to get organised.
17:08We'll need boxes and baskets to put the flowers in
17:11and also a cart to transport them.
17:13Don't forget the sandwiches and drinks.
17:16Listen, we'll take care of all that.
17:18But first, tell us why we have to pick all these flowers.
17:22That's part of my plan. I can't tell you anything else.
17:27The next day
17:37I think we can go now
17:39Yes, let's go.
17:40If you're all ready, we'll be able to go back home.
17:46I think Daddy Moumine's exercising too much, don't you?
17:49Yes, and I don't think it's reasonable.
17:52I don't know what's happening to him, but I find him very strange at the moment.
17:56I noticed that he always seemed to have his mind elsewhere.
18:00What are you talking about? He's become invisible.
18:03That's why I've decided to shake him up a bit my way.
18:06I think I'm starting to understand why you had us pick all these flowers.
18:11I hope your plan will work out.
18:22The next day
18:52What if I rested here for a few moments?
19:22The next day
19:38It's only been a few days, and I thought I'd just rest a little.
19:44I'm freezing. I never thought I'd fall asleep.
19:48Right, now to bed.
19:50The problem is, I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep again after a whole night of sleep.
19:56But if I don't sleep, I'll never be in shape tonight to do my exercises.
20:01Oh dear, what a life!
20:20The next day
20:28I can't believe it! Tell me I'm dreaming!
20:41It's a deal. I'm ready to bet that this is Mummy Moumine's idea.
20:45Bravo! You win!
20:47I wouldn't have been able to surprise you on my own.
20:49It was for me. Well, to be surprised, I was surprised. That's the least I can say.
20:54I believe you. We thought you'd seen a ghost.
20:58What are you talking about? It's shocking to see the house covered in flowers, isn't it?
21:02Oh yes, between us, I think it's a really fantastic idea.
21:06Yes, because we gave it a lot of thought, you know.
21:09All these flowers give our nice old house a fairy-like look.
21:13Come and see how pretty it is.
21:17It's so pretty!
21:23Can I ask you a question?
21:25Well, I'm listening.
21:27I'd like you to tell me frankly why you did all this.
21:30My dear, you don't get it. If I did that, it was simply because I wanted to.
21:35Are you sure that was the only reason?
21:37In fact, there's another reason.
21:39I wanted to show you all the beautiful things we see during the day so that you'd give up living at night.
21:45And you succeeded.
21:48From that day on, Papa Moumine went back to a normal life.
21:52Because how can you continue to sleep through the day when you have a house entirely covered in wonderful flowers?
22:15Ils sont si gentils, ils changent notre vie
22:19Ce sont nos amis, de jour à de nuit
22:23Les Moumines
22:26Les Moumines
22:30Venez avec moi, ils sont tous là-bas
22:34Les Moumines
22:37Ils vous enchanteront avec leur chanson
22:41Les Moumines
22:45Ils sont si gentils, ils changent notre vie
22:48Ce sont nos amis, de jour à de nuit
22:52Les Moumines
22:56Les Moumines
22:59Les Moumines
