
  • 3 months ago


00:01Tony Conroy.
00:02So this is what you're doing now, driving a cab?
00:05You lost your job because your face didn't fit.
00:07There must have been something more to it than that, Tony.
00:10Get out!
00:11Steve, my ex.
00:12Someone knocked him over and left him lying in the road.
00:15Sorry, do you know the victim?
00:17Listen, I'm sending that fella around.
00:19I think he knows about the other thing.
00:21So, me and you, we'll sort it out, yeah?
00:23When I'm talking to you lot on the radio,
00:25it feels like two old mates putting the world to rights over a couple of pints.
00:35We trust each other.
00:37We get each other.
00:39It's indelible, it's unbreakable.
00:42If I could be that person, then I could talk to the victim.
00:46Now follow the pen with your eyes, please.
00:53Tony, promise you won't harm Cheryl?
00:58Let's get this red sex right.
01:00We'll have to sort that wound and sort her out.
01:03Someone will be around, Cheryl.
01:21Don't stand there in the light.
01:23Do something.
01:24Do something.
01:26Do something.
01:36Do something.
01:37Do something.
02:05Mr Conroy?
02:07Oh, God.
02:09It is.
02:10It's me, Mina.
02:19Mina Zeng.
02:21You remember me?
02:23Of course I do.
02:26What happened?
02:27Did you fall?
02:32No, I got jumped.
02:34I think they were after me float.
02:38I'm a taxi driver.
02:40A taxi driver?
02:44All right.
02:51So, you're not teaching anymore?
02:57No, I...
03:00I left St Kev's.
03:04I know.
03:05I heard.
03:08Erm, have you phoned anyone?
03:10Let them know you're here?
03:13Well, is there someone you want me to call?
03:16Mrs Conroy?
03:21I'm going to give you a little local to numb the area around the wound.
03:26Don't worry.
03:27You won't feel a thing.
03:32You're okay?
03:37See you.
03:42Just behind you.
03:52Just wait till I tell Lucy Thompson I saw Mr Conroy.
03:56You remember Lucy, don't you?
03:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:58She set her hair on fire with a Bunsen burner.
04:02God, that was hilarious.
04:07All done.
04:08Try and keep that dry, okay?
04:11You might want to get yourself a shower cap.
04:13Thanks, Mina.
04:26You don't mind me saying, but it looks like you haven't slept in ages.
04:31Well, I work nights.
04:37You were such a boss teacher, you know.
04:44Me being a nurse is all down to you.
04:48I never thought I had it in me, but you convinced me I could do it.
04:54And no wares have passed me science GCSEs without your support.
04:59You believed in me when no-one else did.
05:02Myself included.
05:05Hey, it's okay.
05:08I'm sorry.
05:09You've got nothing to be sorry about.
05:11I'm sorry, Mina. I'm so sorry.
05:16What happened,
05:18it wasn't...
05:21You're a good man.
05:29You don't understand.
05:30You don't understand.
05:33It's all right. You've had a fright.
05:36And it's hitting you now, cos the adrenaline's wearing off.
05:41Take a deep breath.
05:44That's it.
05:49You okay?
05:50Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
05:52You sure there's no-one I can call?
05:56Well, Rosa, I suppose.
05:58Is she a friend?
06:00Do you want me to call her?
06:02No, no, it's okay. I'll do it.
06:04Thanks anyway.
06:06Later. I'll be back in a bit.
06:3010 minutes.
06:44Hello again, Mr Conroy.
06:46Second time in two days.
06:52Maybe it's just a coincidence, or...
06:55maybe there's something more to it.
07:00I'm sorry.
07:03Your car was in the area where Stephen Murray was run over,
07:07and the following day you were beaten up.
07:15I don't want to jump to conclusions,
07:17but you'll understand why I'm starting to wonder if there's a link.
07:23Is there something you're not telling me, Mr Conroy?
07:30Mr Conroy?
07:32They were on the rob.
07:34Did they ask for money?
07:36Okay, what did they say?
07:38Give us the fucking money.
07:40And did you?
07:42I didn't have anything to give.
07:44Well, if I was going to rob a cabbie,
07:46I'd do it at the end of the night, not the middle of the day.
07:54I said, if I was going to rob a cabbie, I'd do it...
07:56Don't feel too clever.
07:57Mr Conroy, are you okay?
07:58I feel sick.
07:59I'll get something.
08:00I'm going to be sick.
08:02Okay, this way.
08:03Which place I need, I just need a...
08:04This way, okay.
08:10Can I just get past you there?
08:12Go on, we're going to go right here.
08:16This way, this way, this way.
08:22Deep breaths.
08:25That's it.
08:28Am I okay to leave you?
08:30Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:31I'll be close by.
08:33All right.
08:40How is he?
08:41He's fine.
08:42Seemed on edge to me.
08:44He's in shock.
08:46He's got my card.
08:48Tell him as soon as he's out to call me.
09:04Are there ever any circumstances where it's acceptable to take the law into your own hands and meet our justice?
09:11We're all capable of losing it.
09:14Myself as much as the next person.
09:22Oh, Mr Conroy.
09:27You're going to be all right.
09:34Have you spoken to Rosa?
09:37Not yet.
09:40Try and think of your happy place, eh?
09:44That's what you told me when I was having a tough time with my friends in year 11.
09:48Happy place, yeah?
09:51A pub.
09:53A river.
09:57Two muckers having a pint on a sunny day.
10:00Hey, I'm coming if you're buying.
10:04Right, let's get you cleaned up, get you down.
10:07I'll give you the minute.
10:10Follow me back to the room when you're ready.
10:17Two old mates down the local boozer in front of a roaring fire.
10:24Putting the world to rights.
10:27Over a couple of pints.
10:54Help me up.
10:55We've been sat here for a while.
10:57Oh, I know.
11:02I know, right.
11:53So they just pulled him out of his cab in broad daylight.
11:58He wasn't having any of it, Lawrence, and he wouldn't hand over any of his takings.
12:02Wait, so hang on, what, he got a kicking for his troubles?
12:05That's outrageous. And Darren asked where the police actually were when this was going on.
12:11Tony, you know, deadbeat.
12:15Yeah, well, it's been a rough few days for both of us.
12:18You must be tired as well.
12:21Do you want me to hang around? I can sit on the sofa.
12:26No, why don't you go home? Get a proper night's sleep in your own bed.
12:31Will you be OK?
12:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just want to get my head down.
12:35Are you sure?
12:37Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow when I feel a bit more worthy.
12:41Erm, I'll get you a taxi.
12:43No, it's OK. I'll pick one up outside.
12:45Well, let me pay at least.
12:51Try and get a good sleep.
12:53Yeah, I'll try.
12:59See you tomorrow.
13:01See you tomorrow.
13:12Thanks again.
13:13Thanks again.
13:15It's OK.
13:17No problem.
13:26You know, I've just been thinking about all the wonderful words of support I've had from you guys over the last few weeks about my news of the cancer.
13:36We're all one big family, Lawrence.
13:38Exactly, which is why we need to help that poor cabbie out.
13:43One of the lads said it's a fella called Tony, does the make on it.
13:46By all accounts, he's only been on the couch a few months.
13:49Hang on, ex-teacher Tony?
13:52Oh, that really breaks my heart. I mean, he's a really good mate, you know.
13:55Oh, the poor man. And he won't be able to work for a few weeks, will he?
13:59Yeah, and that's a few weeks he won't be earning soon.
14:02And that's the reason I'm phoning in really, Lawrence.
14:05You know, I want to pledge my first house taken tonight to Tony.
14:08It's not much, but I might just keep the gold until he gets back on his feet, mate.
14:13You guys, you never, ever cease to amaze me.
14:17What is it about this city, Barry, eh?
14:20About its people, the warmth, solidarity.
14:24It's one of our own, isn't it? And we look after our own.
14:28Too bloody right we do, mate.
14:29Which is why I'm going to pledge my first house earnings to Tony as well.
14:35He's one of the good guys, you know. He's an absolute true...
14:40...decent bloke, and my mate, Tony, the cabbie.
14:45And if you're listening, Tony, give us some fun.
14:50Oh, and just as a heads up, we here at Night Talk will be taking the night off on Friday night.
14:55Because I'm going to be out and about on the tiles, drinking a few bubbles with my mates.
14:59And before you ask, yes, it is a bit of a landmark birthday.
15:03I'm not talking rubbish.
15:17Rob, can I have a word, mate?
15:21You need to go to bed.
15:23You need to get away from here now.
15:25Mate, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
15:28There's over 2,000 acme cabs in Liverpool, right? That's over 2,000 fellas.
15:32All on the same radio frequency, all got each other's back, yeah?
15:36Now, if I was going to rob anyone, I would think twice about robbing a cab.
15:42What are you saying?
15:44I'm saying I'll think you're full of shit.
15:46Hey, what's even worse is you're up to your neck in it.
15:49They know who you are now.
15:50They know who you are now.
15:52They know the number of your cab and don't think that they won't be coming back because these fellas...
15:56These fellas?
15:57Yeah, you know what I mean. They're swords, they're ruthless.
16:00The city, the city, it's crawling with them.
16:02Now, please, please, just do one.
16:04While you've got the chance, just do one because you're not...
16:07You're not cut out for any of this.
16:09Not cut out for what?
16:11Look, I've told you, haven't I?
16:13And someone like you, it is...
16:15Listen, I heard one of the lads on the radio.
16:17He said that some of the drivers keep something under their seats just in case.
16:21Oh, no. No, no, no.
16:23What, a weapon?
16:25You mean a weapon?
16:26Yeah, it's like an insurance policy, you know.
16:28Where can I get hold of one of those?
16:30Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony.
16:32You just keep digging and digging and digging that great big fucking hole you're in.
16:36Look, it was only two months ago that you were...
16:39You were teaching the kids.
16:41You were teaching the kids and now you're talking about...
16:43Come on, you're talking about getting too old.
16:45What am I supposed to do, eh?
16:47You get in your cab.
16:49You drive away and you don't stop.
16:52Please just go.
16:54Before you or someone else ends up on a slab in a morgue.
17:17Two ninety-nine, mate.
17:47Come on.
18:17Come on.
18:48I think Conor, he got the message.
18:51He didn't.
18:53We need his address, lad.
18:58No way.
19:00No fucking way.
19:02Yes way, lad.
19:04Steve's wound up in the hospital because of that prick.
19:08This isn't going away.
19:10You know,
19:12there isn't a doctor in this country.
19:15There isn't a doctor in this country that prescribed this gear.
19:20So tell us where he lives
19:22and the next six months are on us.
19:25And then everyone's happy.
19:44Come on, Conor.
20:36It's obviously been a very difficult time for you, mate.
20:39And I'm guessing it's still quite raw.
20:43You lost your job because your face didn't fit.
20:47I think there must have been something more to it than that, Tony.
20:53He's one of the good guys, you know.
20:55He's an absolute trooper.
20:57You couldn't meet a more decent bloke than my mate,
21:00Tony the Cabby.
21:08So science fiction's your thing.
21:12Saw the books on your shelf?
21:17Let me guess.
21:19Takes you to another place.
21:21Yeah, I suppose so.
21:24Frank Herbert, Ray Bradbury.
21:27How else do you think I became a science nerd?
21:33I always wanted to be a teacher like you.
21:36And then my mum became ill.
21:46It's not too late to be a teacher, you know.
21:50We'll see.
21:53Those qualities you talked about when we went out to dinner that night.
21:58You got them all.
22:03Plus you're selfless.
22:10And you've got integrity.
22:17Which is why I owe you the truth.
22:21About what?
22:30I saw something on the news.
22:37He got into me cab that night and I drove him into town.
22:41I know.
22:43You already told me.
22:48But later I went back to find him.
22:52What? Why?
22:54I was frightened he was going to hurt you.
22:56And I wanted to stop him.
22:59And then I saw him.
23:02Standing there.
23:03And then I saw him.
23:06Standing at the roadside.
23:07But I drove past.
23:13And then I turned the cab around.
23:25He must have thought I was going to stop.
23:29Because he stepped to the edge of the pavement.
23:34But I didn't stop.
23:38I put my foot down.
23:43And I ran over him.
23:46No. No.
23:49I left him there lying in the road.
23:53And the fellas that beat me up.
23:57They were his friends.
24:03I'm sorry.
24:07But I thought he was going to hurt you.
24:10And I wanted to protect you.
24:12So you did it for me.
24:14You did it in my name.
24:16I was scared. I didn't know what to do.
24:19I didn't want to let you down.
24:21Let me down?
24:24Like I let the others down.
24:29I'm sorry.
24:33I'm sorry.
24:44I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
25:04Hello, Jimmy?
25:06Hi, Jimmy. It's Rob.
25:08Hi, mate.
25:09I'm sorry to bother you, mate.
25:10I got your number off one of the lads.
25:12Oh, yeah?
25:13You know, I do nights with Tony.
25:15And I know that you and him share a cab.
25:18Yeah, I've got a little present for him.
25:20That's good to hear.
25:21Yeah, but I don't have his address.
25:23You haven't got his address, have you?
25:25Yeah, hang on.
25:26I've got it here somewhere, mate.
25:27Oh, mate. Hang on. Hang on.
25:28Yeah, I appreciate this, pal.
25:29He didn't deserve to get the shit kicked out of him.
25:31He's a great lad, Tony.
25:32Oh, yeah, yeah.
25:35Yeah, he's great, man.
25:38He's a hero, isn't he?
25:39That he is, mate.
25:40Did I say 26?
25:41Yeah, 26.
25:42Yeah, it's your own way.
25:45Thanks, Jimmy.
25:46All right, catch you later.
25:47Good stuff.
25:57All right, catch you later.
25:58Good stuff. Thanks, Jimmy.
25:59Ta-ra, mate.
26:00Ta-ra. Ta-ra.
26:13Go and just wait there for a second, mate.
26:15I am so glad you called in, mate,
26:17because it gives me the chance to tell you about our incredible corners.
26:21They have pledged you nearly two grand.
26:24To help you get back on your feet.
26:26And that's incredibly generous of them.
26:28And I'm very grateful to everyone who called in.
26:33But I can't take people's money.
26:35Hey, listen, mate, stop right there. Do you hear me?
26:38You deserve it, Tony.
26:41You deserve every single penny, mate.
26:44Mate, I can't take it.
26:47You know, people don't want you worrying about paying the bills.
26:49Lawrence, I'm back out on a job.
26:52I'm back at work.
26:53Oh, Tony, look, listen.
26:56You listen to me, Lawrence.
27:00I need to keep working. I need to keep busy.
27:02I can't afford to dwell.
27:04I can't afford to sit around thinking about things.
27:08That won't work for me. That just won't work.
27:10I hear you, mate. I hear you.
27:12Besides, there's plenty worse off than me,
27:14so I'd like you to give that money to a food bank or something now.
27:18No, no, no arguments, OK?
27:20Oh, mate.
27:27You've got me thinking.
27:29Oh, God.
27:32You know what, Tony?
27:34You know what, mate?
27:36You truly are the best.
27:38No, sod that. No, sod that.
27:40Listen, you're a hero, yeah?
27:42You're a bloody hero.
27:43You are, I don't know, a Gary Cooper, a John Wayne, a Clint Eastwood.
27:47You're a Rooster Cockburn, Butch Cassidy.
27:49You're a man who does things his way.
27:53A man who stands alone.
27:55You know, but most of all, you're a man
27:58that I am insanely proud to call my friend.
28:04And I'm proud to call you a mate, Lawrence.
28:12Tony, you have to promise me one thing, though, mate, all right?
28:16Promise me you're going to find some time for yourself tonight,
28:19even if it's just ten minutes, sitting there doing absolutely nothing,
28:22so you can remember how many people out there are thinking about you
28:26and are rooting for you.
28:28You're OK, mate, I promise.
28:30Good. You take care of yourself, my friend.
28:33And stay strong.
28:37And you, mate.
28:40And on that, folks, we are going to take a break.
30:10Oh, no.
31:23Come on, Mr Conroy, it's the police.
31:28Mr Conroy, we know you're in there.
31:30Come on, go to the door.
31:32Are you in there, Mr Conroy?
31:56It's Tony. Leave a message.
31:58Mr Conroy, it's DS Marshall again.
32:02Look, I know you're in some kind of trouble.
32:05I'd strongly urge you to come into the station tonight so we can talk.
32:11Steam Lottie is dead.
32:13This is now a murder investigation.
32:41Hi there, you're through to Night Talk.
32:43We're taking a well-earned break tonight, but please leave a message.
32:47We want to hear what you have to say and we are always here to listen.
33:09Stopping in the cab.
33:12Hello, mate. Coles. Coles, please, yeah?
33:15It's just off Padham Street. Padham Street.
33:18Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no problem.
33:23No, put...
33:25Put me through to the manager now.
33:28Don't even think about putting me on hold, mate.
33:36Jesus Christ.
33:38Oh, there he is.
33:40Ah, the elusive Gianfranco, the man who wants to push my tapes by now.
33:44No, mate, no, shush, listen.
33:47Staffing shortages are your problem, not mine, right?
33:50So unless you want me to cancel my table, I then promptly will cancel you.
33:55Cos I'm absolutely positive my thousands of listeners
33:57are going to be absolutely fascinated to hear
33:59how you've ruined and fucked me about on my birthday.
34:07Well, that would be lovely.
34:09And a nice complimentary bottle of champagne on the ride. Sweet.
34:12All right, mate, yeah. All right, great.
34:15Yeah, I'll see you in five, yeah.
34:22This is mad.
34:25Lawrence, thank Christ.
34:29I've been driving around not knowing what to do.
34:31Oh, am I glad to see you, mate.
34:35Sorry to un-hurt you, mate.
34:38Lawrence, is...
34:40Is this Tony?
34:42Is this Tony?
34:44Hey, it's the one and only.
34:47It's the lovely Linda.
34:51Yes, it's a birthday boy. Yes, darling.
34:53Listen, I ain't going to be drinking boots off tonight, Queen.
34:56Yeah, cos we are going to get absolutely munted.
35:02I'm sure the fizz is going to taste just as lovely from your Louboutins, yeah.
35:05Oh, no, wait, Linda, what's cool and hangs up?
35:12It's me, it's Tony.
35:14You know, from the radio, used to be a teacher.
35:16We speak all the time.
35:18Yes, yeah, course we do, mate, yeah.
35:22I'm in trouble, mate, big trouble.
35:24I've done something really stupid.
35:29I've lost everything.
35:31Yeah, now, everything, you know, I don't know what I'm going to do.
35:34But you're here now.
35:36I know you're going to help me, you know.
35:38Tell me how to get out of this mess.
35:40Er, Tony.
35:42Tony, can I ask a massive favour, please?
35:44Yeah, yeah, of course.
35:45Yeah, can we just, erm, can we save this for the show on Monday, yeah?
35:51Monday? Yeah, Monday.
35:56I'm not sure I'm going to make it to Monday.
35:58I think you probably can, mate.
36:01No, you don't understand.
36:03I do understand.
36:05I do understand, Tony.
36:07You know, tonight is my birthday, it's my big one.
36:10Yeah, it's my night off.
36:12So, please, yeah?
36:14Save it for the show on Monday.
36:16Lawrence, there's no-one else.
36:19Fuck is wrong with you people?
36:26Tony, now, listen.
36:28I've asked you politely, haven't I?
36:31Please, save this for the show on Monday.
36:35Yeah, I know, but we're friends.
36:37Friends? You mean like my 10,000 other best mates?
36:40Yeah. You what?
36:43Listen, where are we going? We're going to Coles.
36:46We're going to go and see the people I choose to hang out with,
36:49you know, my real friends.
36:51But I thought... You thought what?
36:54You know, two mockers, erm, having a pint.
36:57Having a pint down at the pub, yeah. No, Tony.
37:00No, listen.
37:02You used to be a teacher, didn't you?
37:04Yeah. So don't be so bloody stupid, mate.
37:08What is it, £8.20?
37:11Seriously, brother.
37:13Get a life.
37:15Keep the change.
37:17Get yourself something nice.
37:26Oi, oi!
37:28Oi, oi!
37:58Happy birthday to you.
38:00Happy birthday to you.
38:02Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:04Happy birthday to you.
38:06Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:08Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:10Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:12Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:14Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:16Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:18Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:20Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:22Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:24Happy birthday, dear Robert.
38:36That I could be that person they could talk to,
38:39and listen.
38:42I could be that friend in need.
38:49Yes, there is a bond,
38:51a genuine bond, between me and my kids.
38:56It's indelible, it's unbreakable, because I have a feeling,
38:58and correct me if I'm wrong, that we trust each other.
39:03We get each other.
39:12But the thing is,
39:14when I talk to you lot on the radio,
39:18I genuinely forget that I'm live on air.
39:26Now it feels like two old mates
39:30down the pub,
39:32in front of a roaring fire,
39:34putting the world to rights over a couple of pints.
40:15You're on double yellows.
40:17Yeah, I'm just waiting on a fare.
40:23Looks like they're wrapping up.
40:35Not too long, OK?
40:38OK, mate. Thanks for that.
41:15Get out, will ya?
43:05You used to be a teacher, didn't you?
43:08So don't be so bloody stupid, mate.
43:11Get on away from me.
43:19I promised myself that I'd never put my trust in anyone ever again.
43:23I'd resign myself to me fate, being lost on me own.
43:26But then you came along.
43:28I've some information about Stephen Murray.
43:35Get off! What happens now?
43:37Got people there. They're outside.