When talk radio host Emma Lloyd advises one of her listeners to break up with her boyfriend, the jilted ex sets about getting his revenge HD ( Comedy, Romance )

  • 3 months ago
When talk radio host Emma Lloyd advises one of her listeners to break up with her boyfriend, the jilted ex sets about getting his revenge HD ( Comedy, Romance )
00:00:00Next caller. Sophia of Astoria, you're on the air.
00:00:04Hi. Hi, am I on?
00:00:06Yeah, yeah, here we are. Let's go.
00:00:08I'm supposed to be getting married this weekend and I'm having second thoughts?
00:00:13Second, third, fourth?
00:00:15What do you mean?
00:00:16Well, have you been thinking about calling this off for a while?
00:00:19Well, I took your online compatibility test.
00:00:22And you scored a 12?
00:00:24Okay, that test helps predict long-term compatibility, caller.
00:00:28You're right to consider this very, very carefully.
00:00:3243% of marriages end in divorce, alright?
00:00:37You don't want that.
00:00:38How long have you known this guy?
00:00:39About five months. But he's a really good guy and all.
00:00:43Five months?
00:00:45Sophia, are you scared of being alone?
00:00:49I guess so, maybe, yeah.
00:00:51Because you know what's scarier than being alone?
00:00:54You know what's worse?
00:00:56Being alone with the wrong guy for the rest of your life.
00:00:59You got it?
00:01:00Doesn't sound like your average case of pre-wedding jitters.
00:01:03Wait, are you saying I should call off the wedding?
00:01:06I'm running out of time, caller.
00:01:08But you know deep inside what you need to do.
00:01:13Thank you for calling. Good luck.
00:01:26Knock, knock.
00:01:28Who's there?
00:01:29This is your publisher speaking.
00:01:31I don't want any.
00:01:34Read him and weep.
00:01:36Oh, really?
00:01:38There's only one way to find out.
00:01:40No, no, no. I'm too nervous to read it.
00:01:45The doctor is in.
00:01:47The first book from local talk radio sensation Dr. Emma Lloyd,
00:01:51Real Love, establishes Lloyd as the latest coja of modern romance.
00:01:55The latest what? What do they call me?
00:01:57Coja, apparently.
00:01:58I don't know what that means. Do you know what that means?
00:02:00I don't even know how to spell it.
00:02:03What kind of word is coja?
00:02:06I mean, it's a show I love, really.
00:02:09For a popular magazine to review a self-help book
00:02:12and pull out a word like coja.
00:02:14From the Turkish hoka.
00:02:16A, a title of respect for a teacher.
00:02:19B, a wise man.
00:02:20Or woman.
00:02:22Or C, a subsect of ancient Ismaili assassins.
00:02:27Let's go with A, for teacher, shall we?
00:02:29I don't know. No, the assassin thing.
00:02:31I wouldn't throw that out.
00:02:33I just love those people from New York Magazine.
00:02:35They're a bona fide geniuses.
00:02:36Do you think I should write them a thank you note?
00:02:38Well, some of those fruit baskets.
00:02:39People seem to love fruit.
00:02:41I love fruit.
00:02:42Yeah, well, that's why I'm marrying you.
00:02:44My coja.
00:02:46We're not done yet?
00:02:47We're not done yet?
00:02:48Come on.
00:02:49All right.
00:02:50I got it.
00:02:52That's it.
00:02:53Dr. Lloyd's analysis of love's do's and don'ts
00:02:55is both insightful and trenchant.
00:02:58What the hell does that mean?
00:02:59Is that some kind of fancy word for full of shit?
00:03:02Direct and incisive action.
00:03:03Give me a break.
00:03:04I'm already in.
00:03:06I saw it on Jeopardy.
00:03:07I mean, why don't they just say,
00:03:08read the book, ruin your life?
00:03:09Why don't they just say that?
00:03:16Why don't you read the sports page to us, huh?
00:03:18Physical gifts can offer such insightful observations
00:03:20as the human heart is a thing of wonder.
00:03:23Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:03:25One o'clock.
00:03:26She is chicken soup for the heart.
00:03:27Oh, my ass.
00:03:30Hey, Sophia.
00:03:33Here we go.
00:03:34Hey, I'm reading about that very nice lady
00:03:36that helped me plunge a knife through my heart.
00:03:38Very trenchant stuff.
00:03:39I can't talk right now because I got to be someplace.
00:03:42Oh, come on.
00:03:43We'll give you a ride.
00:03:44Bella, stop the truck.
00:03:47Soph, come on.
00:03:49You haven't returned any of my calls.
00:03:51Well, I've been busy.
00:03:53Sophia, give the guy a break.
00:03:55Talk to him.
00:03:57I can't.
00:03:58Oh, don't do that, Soph.
00:04:00Come out here.
00:04:04Please come out here so that we can talk.
00:04:08No, no, no.
00:04:09Not you, sir.
00:04:10You can put your hands down.
00:04:13We don't arrest people.
00:04:14No, we'll hose you down, though.
00:04:16Soph, I'm not going to go anywhere
00:04:19until you come out here.
00:04:28I don't understand.
00:04:30You know, one minute we're getting married
00:04:32and we're talking about names for our kids,
00:04:34and the next, because of some fruitcake.
00:04:36He's a doctor.
00:04:37Of what, Soph?
00:04:39Of what?
00:04:40Talk to me.
00:04:43Patrick, it's over.
00:04:45I'm sorry.
00:04:48It's over.
00:04:52I gotta go.
00:04:59All right, show's over, folks.
00:05:01Let's keep it moving, huh?
00:05:02What are you looking at?
00:05:04I met someone I really like,
00:05:06but all my friends tell me he's wrong for me.
00:05:08What do your friends say?
00:05:09That we have nothing in common.
00:05:11It's just the sex.
00:05:12I'm just running away
00:05:13from many more appropriate men who pursue me
00:05:16because I'm afraid of the real thing.
00:05:18So they say.
00:05:40It's Patrick.
00:05:42Oh, Patrick.
00:05:43Hello, Patrick.
00:05:44Oh, Patrick.
00:05:47Leave the man alone.
00:05:49Can you not see that his heart is broken?
00:05:52How can he eat when the woman that he loved
00:05:55abandoned him forever,
00:05:57virtually without explanation,
00:05:59and may be, at this very moment,
00:06:02cock-holding him with some other man?
00:06:13Good night, everybody.
00:06:15Cock-holding him?
00:06:16What does that mean?
00:06:18What does that mean?
00:06:19Love words.
00:06:52I'll be right with you.
00:06:54I'm just giving Ann Coulter's frequent flyer mouse
00:06:56to Michael Moore.
00:06:57AJ, come on, man.
00:06:58This hacking's getting out of hand.
00:07:00You know, you're in some serious trouble here.
00:07:01Too late.
00:07:02Bon voyage, Mr. Moore.
00:07:04You see that clipping on the love doctor's wedding plans?
00:07:07Yeah, who in their right mind
00:07:08is gonna marry a woman like that?
00:07:10Whoever we want.
00:07:11What do you mean?
00:07:13Check this out.
00:07:18Who's that?
00:07:19It's her.
00:07:20The love doctor?
00:07:21I got it off her birth certificate.
00:07:23Oh, I don't know about this, AJ.
00:07:26What are you talking about?
00:07:28All you ever do is walk around muttering
00:07:30about, like, giving her a piece of your mind
00:07:32or letting her have it or fixing her wagon.
00:07:34Okay, for one, I've never said fix her wagon.
00:07:37Well, if you've moved on, that's different.
00:07:40I'm happy you finally put this behind you.
00:07:42All right, wait, whoa.
00:07:47Maybe me telling her how I feel
00:07:49and holding her accountable
00:07:50would be, you know, important for my growth or whatever.
00:07:54What do you think?
00:07:55What am I, your yogi?
00:07:57I thought you just wanted a little payback.
00:08:04Let's do it.
00:08:07Oh, no.
00:08:08You're married.
00:08:13I'm what?
00:08:14Already married.
00:08:16According to who?
00:08:17According to whom?
00:08:18The state of New York.
00:08:20That's impossible.
00:08:21Yes, there must be some mistake.
00:08:22I have never been married.
00:08:23You must have the wrong Emma Lloyd.
00:08:26Emmaline Willing Lloyd.
00:08:30Your real name is Emmaline?
00:08:32Apparently, there are a lot of things you don't know about her.
00:08:34How do we fix this?
00:08:36Annulment forms.
00:08:37Fill them out, have them notarized, bring them back.
00:08:41I can't believe I didn't know that.
00:08:43And your husband needs to sign them, too.
00:08:47I don't have a husband.
00:08:48Then who is Patrick Thomas Sullivan of Astoria, New York?
00:08:52Who is he?
00:08:53I don't know.
00:08:54He's your husband.
00:08:56Address is right there.
00:09:00Don't worry.
00:09:01I know a lawyer who can sort this out quietly.
00:09:02I'm sure that won't be necessary.
00:09:04I'm afraid it will, darling.
00:09:05I've got a book to launch.
00:09:06Yours, I might add.
00:09:07Richard, you don't really think I'm married.
00:09:09No, no, no.
00:09:10It's not that.
00:09:11It's just the timing of this could not be worse.
00:09:13I know.
00:09:14You know, I'm in the middle of recalling 70,000 copies of a very moving memoir
00:09:17by a new author that we've trumpeted as an ex, Maya Angelou,
00:09:20who turns out to have plagiarized, guess who?
00:09:22Maya Angelou.
00:09:23I forgot about that one.
00:09:24Well, I didn't.
00:09:25And now the headline,
00:09:26Love, Doctor, a Polygamist, just flashed before my eyes.
00:09:29Hold these.
00:09:31And on top of everything else, there's the Bollenbecker takeover.
00:09:34And you know, they haven't announced which publishers they'll be keeping
00:09:36and which publishers they'll be dumping.
00:09:37So one self-help author who can't seem to help herself
00:09:40from being already married and having the books could be history.
00:09:43Darling, I understand completely.
00:09:45Trust me.
00:09:46I'll take care of it.
00:09:47Everything will be fine.
00:09:48Oh, no, darling.
00:09:51Not even chalky.
00:09:56You don't need this.
00:09:57No, you're absolutely right.
00:09:58Of course, it's a moment of weakness.
00:10:02Go get them.
00:10:05Bye, sweetie.
00:10:59Excuse me.
00:11:00You're not Patrick Sullivan, are you?
00:11:03You are?
00:11:06May I help you?
00:11:07I hope so.
00:11:08Is this 230133rd Street?
00:11:10Yes, it is.
00:11:11I'm looking for someone who's supposed to live here
00:11:13by the unlikely name of Patrick Sullivan.
00:11:16Where are you?
00:11:21Keep going, darling lady.
00:11:23Keep going.
00:11:35Excuse me.
00:11:38Excuse me, sir.
00:11:46Hey, I'm sorry.
00:11:47No, no, no.
00:11:48It's fine.
00:11:49It's fine.
00:11:50Um, can you tell me where I can find Patrick Sullivan?
00:12:02I couldn't get that lady out of the car.
00:12:04She's got 500 pounds.
00:12:05Yeah, and she knocked you in the head with your skillet.
00:12:07A frying pan.
00:12:11You're not going to believe this,
00:12:12but that home-wrecking lady from the radio
00:12:14just walked in here.
00:12:15Oh, I believe you.
00:12:16Can I help you?
00:12:17I'm so screwed.
00:12:18I'm looking for Patrick Sullivan.
00:12:19I was told at the fire station he might be here.
00:12:21Right over there.
00:12:22He just looked over here.
00:12:24What are you having?
00:12:25Um, whatever he's having.
00:12:27Yeah, bring him right over.
00:12:28He's walking right this way.
00:12:31He's taking his coat off.
00:12:32How do you do?
00:12:33He just looked at me again.
00:12:35He's coming over here.
00:12:37He's coming right for me.
00:12:38What does he want?
00:12:42Patrick Sullivan?
00:12:44You're not an easy man to find.
00:12:46I'm Emma Lloyd.
00:12:47I think something of you.
00:12:48Help me out here, huh?
00:12:50Hey, I dropped my chalk.
00:12:52I'm Patrick Sullivan.
00:12:53This is my opponent, Larry Burleson.
00:12:55Oh, Mr. Sullivan.
00:12:57Mr. Burleson, how do you do?
00:12:58I'm here for the oddest of reasons.
00:13:00Oh, we all are, sweetheart.
00:13:01You are.
00:13:02This mine?
00:13:04Do you mind if I interrupt your game for just a moment?
00:13:05Yeah, knock yourself out.
00:13:06No, no, no, I didn't mean...
00:13:07Well, you don't play?
00:13:08Well, yes, I can, actually.
00:13:09Then you have strikes.
00:13:10Down the hatch.
00:13:11No, no, Mr. Sullivan, I'm here to...
00:13:12Well, you don't drink.
00:13:13You don't play pool.
00:13:14Perhaps I can get you an herbal tea.
00:13:18Not in the corner.
00:13:24Tony, we're going to need another round over here.
00:13:26Mr. Sullivan.
00:13:28Something very unfortunate has happened,
00:13:29and it could really make a mess of my life.
00:13:31I'm sorry to hear that.
00:13:32No, no, no, no, no.
00:13:33It's certainly not your fault.
00:13:34It's still your shot.
00:13:35Um, all right.
00:13:37Well, how can I explain?
00:13:38You see, um, uh, I'm about to be married.
00:13:42Oh, that was too bad.
00:13:44Congratulations on the whole other thing.
00:13:46Hey, hey, everybody, we got a bride in our midst.
00:13:48Tony, we need another round over here.
00:13:50Thank you.
00:13:51No, that won't be necessary.
00:13:52Oh, no, it's necessary.
00:13:53I feel a toast coming on.
00:13:55Wait a second.
00:13:57I know you.
00:13:58Excuse me?
00:13:59Yeah, yeah.
00:14:00Real love with Dr. Emma Lloyd.
00:14:02You're that lady I hear on the radio.
00:14:04Yes, of course.
00:14:05Yeah, you found me out.
00:14:06Have you ever been on television?
00:14:08Um, no, but I have a book coming out.
00:14:10I love television.
00:14:11You know, my girlfriend, she never misses your show.
00:14:13Oh, well, has it been helpful in your relationship?
00:14:16Oh, you have no idea.
00:14:18It's completely changed our lives.
00:14:20Oh, really?
00:14:22That is so nice to hear.
00:14:23All right, here you go.
00:14:24To the bride and ever-changing life.
00:14:27To the bride.
00:14:28To the bride.
00:14:31Mr. Sullivan, as I was saying,
00:14:33you see, I'm about to be married.
00:14:35Hey, you should be careful about that.
00:14:37You know 43% of marriages end in divorce.
00:14:39That's right, that's right.
00:14:40It's all about picking the right partner.
00:14:42That's so true.
00:14:43It's so true.
00:14:44In order to do that, my fiancé Richard and I,
00:14:46we need a licensor in the state of New York, and you will...
00:14:48You remember Richie from this bitch?
00:14:49Nice asshole, come on.
00:14:50Right, so on an otherwise perfectly lovely morning,
00:14:52we go down to City Hall, and...
00:14:54Tamara and Richie!
00:14:55Emma and Richie!
00:14:58And I don't want any more.
00:15:00What did I ever tell you?
00:15:01Hey, you're right.
00:15:02You probably didn't want Richie to see you all hammered
00:15:03before your wedding night.
00:15:04Hey, Tony, why don't you give me that herbal tea over here?
00:15:06Herbal tea coming up.
00:15:08One for me, too.
00:15:10Very funny, Mr. Sullivan.
00:15:12Very funny.
00:15:13I'll have you know I don't get drunk.
00:15:15Oh, you don't?
00:15:16No, my father taught me a very good trick
00:15:18in regard to holding one's liquor.
00:15:19You simply recite the president's names in order.
00:15:23Forwards or backwards?
00:15:25Watch and learn, gentlemen.
00:15:26To Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.
00:15:40Do you think maybe we should pour you into a cab at this point?
00:15:43Maybe your fiancé's getting a little worried.
00:15:45Oh, yes, that's right.
00:15:46That is exactly what I came to talk to you about.
00:15:50Yes, Mr. Sullivan, it seems we're married.
00:15:52Come again?
00:15:55are married!
00:15:57Don't you marry in rich?
00:16:00Come over here.
00:16:02Uh, yes, it seems that we...
00:16:04I mean, we...
00:16:06are the innocent victims of a glitch.
00:16:08Some computer somewhere, some house,
00:16:10or damn, has married us.
00:16:13A glitch?
00:16:15I'll say a big one.
00:16:17Oh, boy.
00:16:18So, um, if you'd just be...
00:16:22so kind as to sign these papers, I...
00:16:27Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:16:33Oh, Washington, Madison,
00:16:35Madison, Adamson.
00:16:37Oh, you're a fireman.
00:16:39Indeed I am.
00:16:40I always liked you guys.
00:16:45The bikes are out now.
00:17:24Sorry about that.
00:18:36Oh, boy.
00:18:38Oh, my God!
00:18:44Hey, hello.
00:18:53Come on.
00:18:54Oh, no!
00:19:03Oh, my God!
00:19:06Oh, my God!
00:19:13Oh, my God!
00:19:51Good morning, Dr. Lloyd.
00:19:53Good morning.
00:19:57Oh, yeah.
00:20:08Oh, my!
00:20:10I need the emergency outfit.
00:20:12The emergency outfit, the outfit I keep for emergencies. I need it.
00:20:14Richard called six-and-a-half times.
00:20:15The last time he hung up, I think he knew he was looking a little desperate.
00:20:18Is he worried about the Ballenbecher takeover?
00:20:20Can you get it for me, please?
00:20:21On the phone?
00:20:22Why'd you do that?
00:20:23Because it's fun.
00:20:24The outfit?
00:20:25Not here.
00:20:26I had a date.
00:20:28Did you know that we're not even remotely the same size?
00:20:31Richard, aspirin, coffee.
00:20:33Oh, and your father?
00:20:35Please hold.
00:20:36Richard, line one.
00:20:38Richard, sweetheart, I am so sorry I didn't call.
00:20:41I was already in Queens and so I thought I'd stay at my father's and go over wedding stuff.
00:20:46And he brought you in this morning with your mom's wedding dress?
00:20:50He brought me back in this morning with my mom's wedding dress.
00:20:53And your father's here.
00:20:54She knows that.
00:20:55It's beautiful.
00:20:57Yes, I found Sullivan.
00:20:59Coffee while we're here?
00:21:00Of course.
00:21:01I'd love some.
00:21:03I've got the papers.
00:21:04I'll be right back.
00:21:05I'd love some.
00:21:07I've got the papers.
00:21:08You're welcome.
00:21:09No, not on me.
00:21:10Do you know where the coffee filter thing is?
00:21:12I don't work here.
00:21:13I know.
00:21:14They have to be notarized.
00:21:15Oh, sure.
00:21:16Don't worry about anything.
00:21:17I have everything under control.
00:21:18You have enough on your plate without having to worry about this.
00:21:21No, don't!
00:21:23Your husband would like a few words with you?
00:21:26Patrick Sullivan.
00:21:27Sweetheart, can you hold please?
00:21:32Not a word.
00:21:35Hey, you there?
00:21:37Ah, Mr. Sullivan?
00:21:38Yeah, hey.
00:21:39Let me get to the point.
00:21:40I believe I left some very important documents in your...
00:21:42Richard, phone.
00:21:44Can you just hold on one teeny tiny little second?
00:21:46Yeah, of course.
00:21:47Don't go away.
00:21:48Richard, sweetheart, I am so sorry to keep you holding.
00:21:53Emma, what's going on?
00:21:54I'll explain everything at the cake tasting.
00:21:56I forgot my coat.
00:21:57But you promised.
00:21:58Oh, yeah.
00:21:59All right.
00:22:05Mr. Sullivan?
00:22:06Mr. Sullivan!
00:22:07Dr. Lloyd's office.
00:22:08Wilder here.
00:22:09Mr. Sullivan, hello?
00:22:11It's your father on two?
00:22:12Got to run, darling.
00:22:13See you later.
00:22:14Aren't you going to wait for your coffee, Wilder?
00:22:16Nobody's got that kind of time.
00:22:17I don't know what you think you're smirking about, Wilder.
00:22:20No, no, no, honey.
00:22:21I'm just glad to see you're having some fun.
00:22:23Does it look like I'm having fun?
00:22:25You drove all the way in just to bring Mom's dress?
00:22:29Well, actually, I was hoping to lure you over to Bemelman's
00:22:33for a banana split like the old days.
00:22:35Bemelman's has been closed for ten years.
00:22:37Ah, well.
00:22:38Timing's always been a little off.
00:22:40Don't keep your husbands waiting.
00:22:43It's not what you think.
00:22:44Yeah, I know.
00:22:45Mr. Sullivan?
00:22:46Hey, hey.
00:22:47Thank you so much for calling back.
00:22:50Excuse me?
00:22:51What do you want?
00:22:52Car's downstairs.
00:22:53You're late.
00:22:54Mr. Sullivan?
00:22:56About last night.
00:22:57What exactly happened?
00:22:59Well, I'll tell you this.
00:23:00You did one hell of a remittance.
00:23:02It was quite a night.
00:23:03Well, that doesn't sound like me at all.
00:23:05And that wasn't even the good part.
00:23:06What do you mean it wasn't the good part?
00:23:08I'm here, I'm here.
00:23:10Hey, I'm losing you.
00:23:12Can you hear me now?
00:23:13Look, forget last night.
00:23:15What I want is a rather large stack of papers
00:23:17that I need you to sign.
00:23:18I've got them right here.
00:23:19You do?
00:23:21You made my day.
00:23:23Thank you.
00:23:24You know, I know a notary not far from here.
00:23:26Right now?
00:23:27I just had this appointment.
00:23:28It took me three months to get.
00:23:29That sounds important.
00:23:30It is.
00:23:31It's a cake tasting.
00:23:32Like I said, important stuff.
00:23:33It's the wedding cake.
00:23:34And she's Marilyn Hershfield.
00:23:36She's a very respected cake maker.
00:23:37These appointments are very hard.
00:23:38I love cake.
00:23:39What are you doing?
00:23:40Well, scoot over.
00:23:42This cake is fantastic.
00:23:44Shh, please, please.
00:23:46Hey, can I get another slice of this one, please?
00:23:48I believe you've already tried the buttercream, sir.
00:23:50It's not me.
00:23:51It's my fiancée.
00:23:52She's on the fence about the buttercream.
00:23:54I am not.
00:23:55Hey, excuse me.
00:23:56Can I sit back there, do you?
00:23:57Yeah, sure.
00:23:58So after this, we go to the notary, right?
00:23:59Yeah, absolutely.
00:24:00Hey, how much is this?
00:24:01It's free, sir.
00:24:03It's free.
00:24:04Here you are, sir.
00:24:05There's my milk.
00:24:06Would you like a sip?
00:24:07No, thank you.
00:24:08I'm not six.
00:24:09Holy crap.
00:24:10Cake down.
00:24:11I need a spoon.
00:24:12Oh, don't worry about it.
00:24:13I got this.
00:24:14And here we have our dark Belgian chocolate
00:24:15with vanilla mousse torte.
00:24:16Thank you.
00:24:17That's awesome.
00:24:19Oh, my God.
00:24:20You know, if you mix these two together,
00:24:21it tastes just like a ring ding.
00:24:22Baby, you've got to try this.
00:24:23No, no, no.
00:24:24Yeah, he's not your baby.
00:24:25No, no, no.
00:24:33It's yummy.
00:24:34It's super duper.
00:24:49Just one more glass of milk, please.
00:24:51At it, girl.
00:24:52Milk for my bride.
00:24:53In fact, milk's all around.
00:24:55Milk's all around.
00:24:56Hey, where are you ladies from?
00:25:01You must really like cake.
00:25:02Yeah, you got to try this.
00:25:03And mix these two together.
00:25:05Hey, hey.
00:25:06Can we get some ring ding things
00:25:07for the gals over here, please?
00:25:08Darling, I am certain that everyone
00:25:10is being attentive to you.
00:25:11Baby, I've got this covered.
00:25:12Don't you worry about it?
00:25:13Who are you?
00:25:14What a handful you've got there.
00:25:16Thank you, girls.
00:25:17That he is.
00:25:19Impulsive, unpredictable, you never
00:25:21know what he's going to do next.
00:25:23Full of surprises.
00:25:25But that's the fun of it, though, isn't it?
00:25:27Of course it is.
00:25:29It is, trust me.
00:25:30Oh, it reminds me of my husband when we first met.
00:25:34Everybody thought we were a total mismatch,
00:25:36but we had so much fun, and we still do 25 years later.
00:25:42Hey, what are you ladies talking about over here?
00:25:44I know, we're talking about the men in our lives.
00:25:46Ah, boys.
00:25:47Never mind.
00:25:48How did you two meet?
00:25:52Oh, honey, you tell the story.
00:25:54You tell it a lot better than I do.
00:25:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:25:57No, you tell it.
00:25:59You're the good teller of it.
00:26:02All right, all right, sure.
00:26:04You ladies ever heard of pro wrestling?
00:26:08Oh, he's such a kidder, kidder.
00:26:11It was a, um, a blind date.
00:26:14Yeah, yeah, yeah, we were fixed up.
00:26:17Yes, that's right, fixed up, but not with each other.
00:26:19It was two separate blind dates in the same bar.
00:26:23Both going terribly.
00:26:25It makes you think about those people who set us up.
00:26:27Susie and Alan.
00:26:28Susie and Alan.
00:26:29What the hell did they know?
00:26:30I don't know.
00:26:32Anyway, I guess he noticed me.
00:26:34Well, I mean, come on, look at her.
00:26:37A guy would have to be blind.
00:26:39Noticed me suffering on my bad date,
00:26:43and then the band started playing this song,
00:26:45and it was my favorite song.
00:26:47And suddenly, he was next to me, and he asked me to dance,
00:26:49and I said yes.
00:26:55What was the song?
00:26:58Oh, this song.
00:27:01Overnight scenes, dinner and wine, Saturday girls.
00:27:06I was never in love, never had the time.
00:27:10Honey, every woman in the world.
00:27:12Every woman in the world.
00:27:13Laughing myself to sleep, waking up lonely.
00:27:17I needed someone to hold me, oh.
00:27:22Girl, you're every woman in the world to me.
00:27:28You're my fantasy, you're my reality.
00:27:32That's it.
00:27:33That's the song.
00:27:34Thank you.
00:27:42Man, that was totally off the top of my head, huh?
00:27:44Known each other for two hours, and we already got a song.
00:27:48We don't have a song.
00:27:50How long is this going to take?
00:28:02Emma Lloyd?
00:28:03Deepak Manam Chachavedi.
00:28:05Mr. Manam Chatter?
00:28:07Mr. Deep.
00:28:08I recognize you.
00:28:09You're the passed out lady that Patrick
00:28:10carries around sometimes.
00:28:12Yes, that would be me.
00:28:15Very little song.
00:28:16Oh, how very thoughtful.
00:28:20Do we have to do this right now?
00:28:26It's not unlike a ring ding.
00:28:27I don't want to tell you about the ring ding.
00:28:29Yes, and I'm sure you'd really love a glass of milk with that,
00:28:31but I have to get home and change for my book party.
00:28:34So if you don't mind, Mr. Deep.
00:28:35Don't rush me, young lady.
00:28:36I'm an ordinary public.
00:28:37I took a test.
00:28:38OK, I'm sorry.
00:28:40How long do you think this will take?
00:28:42Let's just review, hmm?
00:28:45Signatures, check.
00:28:50Dates, check.
00:28:54Well, now all you need is my seal,
00:28:55and you'll be on your way in 10 minutes.
00:28:58An hour.
00:29:00A year.
00:29:02It'll take as long as it takes.
00:29:03Who can say?
00:29:04Well, is there anything you can do to hurry this up?
00:29:06I mean, I don't mind paying extra.
00:29:08Trying to bribe a public official?
00:29:10This is ridiculous.
00:29:11I'm late.
00:29:12I'm late, and I'll, uh, I'll send a messenger in the morning.
00:29:15I'm sure that will be more than enough time.
00:29:17Oh, and Mark, I could just bring you by the office.
00:29:18Oh, no.
00:29:19I will send a messenger.
00:29:21Thank you, Mr. Sullivan, for your cooperation.
00:29:24Well, thank you for thanking me, Mrs. Sullivan.
00:29:28A year?
00:29:30Look, you've had your fun, but this is too far.
00:29:32You should be ashamed, a nice lady like that.
00:29:34I just, I wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine,
00:29:37period, and then I, I, I don't know.
00:29:41She's starting to grow on me.
00:29:42No, look, no growing, OK?
00:29:44No, no growing on anyone by anyone.
00:29:47No knees weakened.
00:29:49No shines taken to none of it.
00:29:52Not on my watch.
00:29:54Now go.
00:29:56You and Ajay have caused enough trouble.
00:30:01Dr. Lloyd, this way, please.
00:30:03Over here, please.
00:30:04Dr. Lloyd?
00:30:05Dr. Lloyd, this camera, please.
00:30:07Smile, please.
00:30:08Oh, beautiful.
00:30:09Thank you very much.
00:30:10I'm relieved to say so.
00:30:12Thank you.
00:30:13Very nice.
00:30:14Thank you very much.
00:30:15Come on.
00:30:16This way, please.
00:30:18Where's Richard?
00:30:19Right over there.
00:30:24Not too shabby, eh?
00:30:25No, no.
00:30:27Signed, please.
00:30:28Mr. Brody?
00:30:29Dr. Lloyd?
00:30:30I have so much to tell you.
00:30:32Did you get the papers?
00:30:33Um, they're at the notary.
00:30:35We'll talk about that later.
00:30:36Carl Bollenbeck is here.
00:30:37Make that up to him.
00:30:39No, he wasn't coming.
00:30:40He's off his course.
00:30:41He was coming.
00:30:42Is that good or bad, do you think?
00:30:43Oh, how can it be bad?
00:30:44He hasn't even met you.
00:30:45You look stunning.
00:30:47What happened to your head?
00:30:48Oh, this bird accident.
00:30:49A pigeon flew into me.
00:30:50I'll, I'll just take care of it.
00:30:52Oh, yes.
00:30:54Oh, yes, hi.
00:30:55Nice to see you, Dr. Bannon.
00:30:56Hi, Judy.
00:30:57Nice to see you.
00:31:03No sooner did we leave you than, bang,
00:31:05I see your picture big on a bus.
00:31:07Oh, from the cake tasting.
00:31:09I felt so foolish.
00:31:11I went and bought your book immediately.
00:31:13Oh, that was unnecessary.
00:31:15And later, I was reading your very sensible observation
00:31:18and your clinical judgments.
00:31:20I think of things.
00:31:21Well, I'm sure some people find them very useful.
00:31:23But I was surprised that a helpless romantic
00:31:25can give such practical advice.
00:31:29Oh, yes, you.
00:31:30Hopelessly helpless.
00:31:31But let me finish.
00:31:32So, my husband, Carl, returns to the home.
00:31:35And on top of his paper, there is the invitation
00:31:38to this very party.
00:31:40Isn't this amazing?
00:31:42When you say Carl, do you mean Carl Ballenbecker?
00:31:46It's a small world, isn't it?
00:31:50Like a marble.
00:31:51Or a gumball.
00:31:52I had to drive Carl by the ear to come here.
00:31:55Oh, well, it is a girly book.
00:31:57Oh, no, it's not that.
00:31:58Carl can be very girly.
00:31:59Only that he doesn't like to socialize
00:32:01with someone whose company intends to liquidate.
00:32:09Yes, but we can fix that.
00:32:11After this party,
00:32:12you and the rest of the family
00:32:14can go to the library.
00:32:16After this party,
00:32:17you and Richard will join us for dinner.
00:32:20If Carl sees the man I saw,
00:32:22Abingdon Port will be safe, I'm sure.
00:32:25Oh, well, that is unbelievably kind of you.
00:32:30But you see,
00:32:31Richard and I made plans,
00:32:32and so we're supposed to...
00:32:33There's only one thing
00:32:34you're supposed to do, Emma,
00:32:35and it's to bring your fiancé to dinner.
00:32:37Let's find Richard.
00:32:38Carl is waking.
00:32:39Oh, oh, my husband hates you,
00:32:41but you saved our marriage.
00:32:43Do you mind?
00:32:44Not at all.
00:32:45Um, who shall I make it out to?
00:32:47To Richard.
00:32:54Thank you.
00:32:56Oh, hey, hey, Emma.
00:32:57I brought the papers.
00:32:58Richard, sweetheart.
00:33:00Please go with me on this.
00:33:02Do you remember me?
00:33:03Oh, yes, I do.
00:33:04Oh, yes, I do.
00:33:05Oh, yes, I do.
00:33:06Oh, yes, I do.
00:33:07Oh, yes, I do.
00:33:08Do you remember Greta Bollenbecker?
00:33:10It's a cake lady.
00:33:12It's a small world.
00:33:13So small.
00:33:14Constantly shrinking.
00:33:15It must be the global warming.
00:33:17I want to introduce her to my husband.
00:33:19Her husband, Carl,
00:33:20is Carl Bollenbecker
00:33:21of the Bollenbecker Group,
00:33:22which just acquired Richard's
00:33:23Europe publishing house,
00:33:24and he's thinking
00:33:25of dumping you,
00:33:27and it.
00:33:28Wait, I want a publishing house?
00:33:29Yes, and you're my fiancé,
00:33:30so please,
00:33:31just focus,
00:33:33Got it?
00:33:34This is him.
00:33:35You must be the cake dunker.
00:33:37You got me.
00:33:38That's my Richard.
00:33:41Casual Fridays?
00:33:43I actually just came
00:33:44from soccer practice.
00:33:45You play football?
00:33:46Well, no,
00:33:47it's Podolski.
00:33:49Well, nothing can beat Podolski.
00:33:51I own his team
00:33:52and we just have
00:33:53magnificent pain in the ass.
00:33:54What a genius.
00:33:55You own
00:33:56the Baron Munchin Club?
00:33:57Why don't you use Closet more
00:33:58on defense?
00:33:59He's been totally underutilized.
00:34:01that's what I told him.
00:34:02He's a genius.
00:34:03He's a genius.
00:34:05that's what I told
00:34:06that stupid coach.
00:34:08gotta go.
00:34:09Unless we agree.
00:34:10Excuse me,
00:34:11Mr. Bonnenbecker,
00:34:12my name's...
00:34:14Jesus, Emma,
00:34:15what the hell?
00:34:17We give each other
00:34:18these little handnuggies.
00:34:19This is my brother,
00:34:21Your name is Carl as well?
00:34:22This is a small world.
00:34:23Yes, teeny,
00:34:24like a gimlet.
00:34:26my tiny,
00:34:27teeny little brother,
00:34:28but not small.
00:34:32but not by much.
00:34:33How's it going, bro?
00:34:36I'm sorry.
00:34:37I'm suddenly so very thirsty.
00:34:41This is Carl Bonnenbecker,
00:34:42and I'm Greta,
00:34:43his wife.
00:34:44And we're so charmed
00:34:45by your sister.
00:34:46And your outspoken fiancée
00:34:47who seems to find fault
00:34:48with every player
00:34:49in the Bundesliga.
00:34:51but not Podolski.
00:34:52But never Podolski.
00:34:54you sound English,
00:34:55but your sister...
00:34:56It's incredible
00:34:57this name, man.
00:34:59but we wrote that.
00:35:00Can I have
00:35:01a look?
00:35:02I'm sorry.
00:35:05Ha, ha, ha!
00:35:08Who's that man
00:35:09out there pretending to be me?
00:35:10I've explained everything.
00:35:11He's wearing sweatpants.
00:35:12That's Sullivan.
00:35:14you're stress-eating.
00:35:15I'm not.
00:35:16I wasn't at my father's
00:35:17last night.
00:35:18I was with Sullivan.
00:35:19Not with him,
00:35:20with him,
00:35:21but passed out
00:35:22in his apartment,
00:35:24That sounds worse than it is.
00:35:25I assure you,
00:35:26I was fully clothed.
00:35:27Beyond that,
00:35:28I'm not really certain
00:35:29of anything,
00:35:30except that he showed up
00:35:31at the taste-tasting
00:35:32he was supposed to go to
00:35:33because you're so busy.
00:35:34Get back
00:35:35to the Bollenbecker.
00:35:36If I'm not,
00:35:37if I'm just...
00:35:38Get back.
00:35:39Right, fine.
00:35:41at the taste-tasting,
00:35:42there was this sweet lady
00:35:43and she thought
00:35:44Sullivan was my fiancé
00:35:45and I just
00:35:46couldn't disappoint her.
00:35:47But this lady
00:35:48wasn't sweet at all.
00:35:49She was
00:35:51which I didn't know.
00:35:53you certainly know now.
00:35:56I do,
00:35:57but had I known,
00:35:58I wouldn't have,
00:35:59but the whole thing
00:36:01He's a singer?
00:36:02No, no, no, no, no.
00:36:03He's a fireman.
00:36:05are you sure you want that?
00:36:07yes, I am.
00:36:08But what is he doing here?
00:36:10apparently he came
00:36:11to bring me
00:36:12the notarized papers,
00:36:13but then
00:36:14there was Mrs. Bollenbecker
00:36:15and, of course,
00:36:16I'm Emma Lloyd
00:36:17and so
00:36:18he's my fiancé.
00:36:19And I am
00:36:20tiny brother Charles.
00:36:22I'm terribly sorry,
00:36:24oh, look,
00:36:25mini cupcakes.
00:36:26Look, Emma,
00:36:27I only got about
00:36:28half of what you're saying,
00:36:30I can make it
00:36:31be cleaned up
00:36:32quite easily,
00:36:33so before you harpoon
00:36:34what is left of my reputation,
00:36:35I am going to go in there
00:36:36No, no, no,
00:36:37no, no,
00:36:38you can't.
00:36:39They're going to exterminate you.
00:36:41Not you,
00:36:42Abington Books,
00:36:43not exterminate,
00:36:47that's it,
00:36:49chop it up in little pieces,
00:36:50sell it all off,
00:36:51everything must go.
00:36:52That's why
00:36:53Carl wasn't coming.
00:36:54But he did come.
00:36:55Because Mrs. B
00:36:56made him come.
00:36:57She made him come
00:36:58so he could meet you.
00:36:59All right,
00:37:00let me think now.
00:37:01Manu has so many entities,
00:37:02I can buy at least
00:37:03another year
00:37:04before our paths
00:37:05have to cross,
00:37:06so we just have to
00:37:07get through this.
00:37:08What are we talking about?
00:37:09A few more minutes, right?
00:37:10And a dinner,
00:37:12It was Mrs. B's idea
00:37:13so that Carl
00:37:14could get to know you
00:37:15a little better.
00:37:16He's gone.
00:37:18No, Sullivan,
00:37:19he's gone.
00:37:20But the dinner.
00:37:21Get him there.
00:37:23Is Sullivan
00:37:24even in here?
00:37:25I don't see
00:37:26how he'd fit.
00:37:27Not now,
00:37:32Find the lioness within.
00:37:34now you've read my book.
00:37:37Mr. Sullivan,
00:37:38Emma Lloyd here.
00:37:39Here's the deal.
00:37:41My entire career
00:37:42and my marriage
00:37:43to Richard
00:37:45are at stake here.
00:37:49I need you.
00:37:50I really need you.
00:38:14Oh my God.
00:38:16Oh my God!
00:38:18You got hit
00:38:19by a cab?
00:38:20Good, nice touch.
00:38:21What hospital
00:38:22are you in?
00:38:23I'll be right there.
00:38:24He was hit
00:38:25by a cab.
00:38:26Who was hit
00:38:27by a cab?
00:38:28Who's that?
00:38:30That's Sullivan.
00:38:32so it was only your foot.
00:38:33My foot!
00:38:34And you're fine,
00:38:35you promise?
00:38:36Emma, was that you?
00:38:39he got a cab,
00:38:40ran over his foot.
00:38:43Okay, catch a break.
00:38:44Drink lots of cocoa.
00:38:45Bye bye, darling.
00:38:48I was beginning
00:38:49to think a man
00:38:50who would leave
00:38:51his fiancee
00:38:53for so long
00:38:54might not be
00:38:55as charming
00:38:56as I imagined.
00:38:58no matter.
00:39:00join us for dessert.
00:39:04I know how important
00:39:05this dinner is
00:39:06to my future
00:39:07with the Bollenbecker group.
00:39:10I've got this
00:39:11family thing.
00:39:12And where I come from,
00:39:13family comes first.
00:39:15I'm just here
00:39:17invite you
00:39:18to dinner.
00:39:20It could be
00:39:21a lot of fun.
00:39:23Two family!
00:39:25Two family!
00:39:45Come, darling.
00:39:51I'm telling you,
00:39:52take this seat.
00:39:59Hey, nice craft
00:40:00for you today, man.
00:40:05What's with all the white people?
00:40:06Party trashes.
00:40:08You mean that one?
00:40:11that one's for me.
00:40:12You want to come with me?
00:40:15Get up there.
00:40:18Move it!
00:40:28Namah Swaha
00:40:57Ayusya Magram
00:41:10All the joy
00:41:11before me
00:41:12I don't know what you said there.
00:41:14It's real.
00:41:18My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:41:20I just eat tight slats.
00:41:26Check your menu for hidden messages, ladies.
00:41:30See, it's part of the tradition.
00:41:32Back when marriages were arranged,
00:41:34the groom would search his bride's painted body on their wedding night
00:41:36just to find his initials.
00:41:38Yeah, that's naughty.
00:41:42I don't know what you said there.
00:41:44It's real.
00:41:46My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:41:48I just eat tight slats.
00:41:50It's real.
00:41:52My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:41:54I just eat tight slats.
00:41:56It's real.
00:41:58My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:00I just eat tight slats.
00:42:02It's real.
00:42:04My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:06I just eat tight slats.
00:42:08It's real.
00:42:10I just eat tight slats.
00:42:12It's real.
00:42:14My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:16I just eat tight slats.
00:42:18It's real.
00:42:20My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:22I just eat tight slats.
00:42:24It's real.
00:42:26My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:28I just eat tight slats.
00:42:30It's real.
00:42:32My lovely husband snores all the time.
00:42:34I just eat tight slats.
00:42:36It's real.
00:42:38It's real.
00:42:42It's real.
00:42:44It's real.
00:42:46It's real.
00:42:48Wow, how did you do that?
00:43:05Did I happen to say thank you?
00:43:07You did, and you're welcome.
00:43:13You're not the person I thought you were, Patrick Sullivan.
00:43:16Likewise, Dr. Morse.
00:43:22I can't. I have to go.
00:43:34Wilder, it's me. Can you come get me?
00:44:05Got any beer?
00:44:08You did good tonight.
00:44:23You gotta tell her, man.
00:44:25Girls are way into honesty.
00:44:29All right. Good night, you two.
00:44:35Honestly, Wilder, I mean, what am I doing?
00:44:38I'm running around Queens in the middle of the night,
00:44:40thrashing Indian bar mitzvahs,
00:44:42two weeks before my wedding with a man who is technically my husband.
00:44:46Beats me, Ann.
00:44:48Would you like another one?
00:44:52Extra eggs.
00:44:53Thank you, Daddy.
00:44:56I wish Mom were here.
00:44:57Yeah, me too.
00:44:58She'd know exactly what to tell you, wouldn't she?
00:45:01You're doing all right, actually.
00:45:04You still make a mean breakfast.
00:45:06I will second that. He also makes amazing smoothies.
00:45:09Is there still time for one?
00:45:13Lauren, this is Emma.
00:45:14Emma! Oh, my God.
00:45:16My mom loves you.
00:45:18I listen to your show, too, but I don't have a radio.
00:45:21Which reminds me, is there a mall around here?
00:45:23Or, like, a Best Buy or something?
00:45:25Oh, it's a Toys R Us.
00:45:27Maybe they'll have something for her.
00:45:29Nice to meet you.
00:45:31It's been real.
00:45:33Excuse us.
00:45:35Is there something wrong with you?
00:45:37No, no, nothing.
00:45:38I'm just late, and I have to go meet Richard, so...
00:45:41Don't jump to conclusions, all right?
00:45:45Thanks for breakfast, Wilder.
00:45:47Sorry I can't stick around for the smoothie.
00:45:49You don't know everything there is to know, by the way.
00:45:53Like some things never get old, and, um...
00:45:56My car's here.
00:45:57Look, this time you're really wrong, Emma.
00:46:00You are.
00:46:04Goodbye, Wilder.
00:46:06Bye, sweetheart.
00:46:09Daddy loves you, nonetheless.
00:46:19The gulf tea white is stylish, but, um...
00:46:22I just... It's been done.
00:46:24And it's not as common as the picket fence white,
00:46:27which is safe, but I just feel it's a bit boring.
00:46:30You see, the Navajo white is bolder,
00:46:32but it's sort of in-your-face white.
00:46:34I don't know. Um...
00:46:35They all look the same to me.
00:46:37Hmm. In what way?
00:46:39In that they're all white.
00:46:41Yes, but different. I mean, wildly different.
00:46:46Are you not going to ask me about last night?
00:46:49Well, I assumed it went pretty well.
00:46:51The Bollenbecker group just renewed my contract
00:46:53another five years, thanks to you.
00:46:55Now, all we need to do is file those papers,
00:46:57and we've got this whole thing behind us.
00:46:59Um, well...
00:47:05I don't have the papers.
00:47:08What's going on, then?
00:47:10I don't know.
00:47:11He had them at the book signing,
00:47:13and then somewhere between the dinner and the Upanayana...
00:47:16Indian bar mitzvah, don't ask.
00:47:18I misplaced them. Don't worry.
00:47:20I had them in my hands. Don't worry about it.
00:47:22It's so unlikely.
00:47:24It's all right.
00:47:25I'm going to take care of everything from now on.
00:47:30Here's the thing. A white lie is still a lie.
00:47:32I mean, maybe a subtler shade of truth,
00:47:34but anyone who's really looking can see it painted on the wall.
00:47:37So you're saying I should tell him the truth.
00:47:39What I'm saying is that a cream-colored,
00:47:41ivory-hued, math-finished half-truth
00:47:43will erode the foundation of your relationship.
00:47:47I know you're getting married soon, right?
00:47:50Yep. That's right.
00:47:52Your fiancé must be a lucky man
00:47:54to know he has you to keep him honest.
00:47:56We're both very lucky.
00:47:59Brother Carl.
00:48:01Didn't know you played.
00:48:03Let's drop the bullshit, shall we?
00:48:05It's Richard. Richard Braxton, as you well know.
00:48:08Patrick Sullivan, as you well know.
00:48:10Without a word, practically family.
00:48:13You behave like a real gentleman over a rather odd period.
00:48:17Emma tells me you did me a good turn last night.
00:48:19I appreciate that.
00:48:20It was fun.
00:48:22Now I'm afraid I have to play the spoilsport
00:48:24and just ask for those papers so we can go our separate ways.
00:48:27I'll bring them by the office.
00:48:28No, that's not going to happen.
00:48:30Why's that?
00:48:31She and I have a life together which doesn't include you,
00:48:33and I want to keep it that way.
00:48:35So I'm asking you, man-to-man,
00:48:37not to see her, call her, text her.
00:48:40I'm not much for texter.
00:48:43Well, somebody in your circle
00:48:45seems to have a gift for technology.
00:48:48What do you mean?
00:48:50The more I look into this glitch, as Emma calls it,
00:48:53the less accidental it seems.
00:48:55You might be technologically challenged,
00:48:57but can you think of anyone close to you
00:48:59who might be able to pull this off?
00:49:03Not off the top of my head, no.
00:49:08Well, I intend to find out who did this.
00:49:41What's so wrong with him?
00:49:49You've all been there.
00:49:50Stop something.
00:49:52Sounds like a crush.
00:49:53Since you're a grown woman,
00:49:54let's call an infatuation.
00:49:56It's a far bigger problem than what you have now.
00:49:58You're dreaming. Wake up, girls.
00:50:00Do you share the same vision for the future?
00:50:03And you have to ask yourself the questions, okay?
00:50:05A smart, successful, beautiful woman
00:50:07cannot live on her knees alone.
00:50:09You may think that kids
00:50:10have the same commonalities as you, Richard,
00:50:12but they definitely have come back.
00:50:14Please take a look at the Pedagogy of Persistence
00:50:16back in Chapter 7 in the new part of your book.
00:50:19Thank you, Jennifer.
00:50:20Thank you, Colin.
00:50:24Hi, you're on the air.
00:50:25I'm reading your book, too, Dr. Boyd.
00:50:27Would you call this a self-help book,
00:50:29or does that term offend?
00:50:31Not in the least.
00:50:32Who does it help, exactly?
00:50:35Well, it...
00:50:38See, the thing is,
00:50:39I haven't gotten to the helpful part yet.
00:50:43Perhaps you're a slow reader.
00:50:45You see, it doesn't tell you
00:50:46how to find somebody to love
00:50:48or how you get somebody to love you back.
00:50:51All it does is tell you
00:50:52what's wrong with the person you're in love with,
00:50:54and that, to me, well, that's not very helpful.
00:50:57Well, perhaps it is you
00:50:58who are wrong for the person
00:50:59you think you are right for.
00:51:00Did you think of that, Collar?
00:51:01What is it you think you know about me
00:51:03that would make you say that?
00:51:04I don't know anything about you.
00:51:06Yeah, you bet you don't.
00:51:07That's right, I don't,
00:51:08but since you called, here's some advice.
00:51:10Maybe instead of blaming others for your problems,
00:51:12you should consider looking at yourself.
00:51:14I'm looking right at my problem.
00:51:16Well, stop fogging up the mirror.
00:51:21Did you just hang up on a caller?
00:51:24No, no, no,
00:51:25I did not just hang up on a caller.
00:51:27No, hello? Hello?
00:51:30I think we've been disconnected.
00:51:32It must be those cell phones,
00:51:34those nasty cell phones.
00:51:35Well, thanks to my caller for calling,
00:51:38and I will be seeing you tomorrow
00:51:40for the next Real Love with Dr. Emma Lloyd.
00:51:48Are you crazy?
00:51:49How dare you come to my place of work
00:51:50and make prank calls?
00:51:51No, I was just flipping through this thing,
00:51:53and I thought it was so full of crap
00:51:54that maybe I ought to freaking call in.
00:51:56Oh, I see you actually bought my book.
00:51:58No, I stole it from your party, excuse me.
00:52:00You stole it, that makes sense.
00:52:02Yeah, and I took your little compatibility quiz.
00:52:04Really? How did you do?
00:52:05Well, according to this,
00:52:06my lifestyle is wholly unsuitable
00:52:08to any freak who would buy or write a book like this.
00:52:10I'm surprised those tests don't lie.
00:52:13New York City Fire Department, ladies and gentlemen,
00:52:15official business.
00:52:16I ask you to please exit the elevator.
00:52:18Come on, ladies.
00:52:19Sir, thank you.
00:52:20What are you doing?
00:52:23Is that really what you think of me?
00:52:28I don't think of you.
00:52:31Must be unsuitable.
00:52:33Must be unsuitable.
00:52:54Hey, security, what's the story with the elevators?
00:52:56Oh, Lord.
00:52:58My wife loves her show.
00:53:00Papo, delivery.
00:53:02I can't even get a guy to hold the door for me.
00:53:04Ma'am, I'd like to ask you to step back, please.
00:53:06Fix the focus on that, please.
00:53:08I'll zoom it in a little bit for you.
00:53:10There you go.
00:53:13All right, I've had enough of this.
00:53:15Excuse me, sir, doctor.
00:53:20I'm going to have to ask you to please stop.
00:53:22Stop what you're doing,
00:53:23come down to the lobby immediately.
00:53:26Stop it.
00:53:27Stop it now, please.
00:53:31Stop it.
00:53:58Sorry about that.
00:53:59Which part exactly?
00:54:00That new thing.
00:54:01Oh, I just got caught up.
00:54:02Carried away.
00:54:03Lost our heads.
00:54:07I'm getting married.
00:54:15You love him?
00:54:17I only ask this because,
00:54:20being that I'm your husband and you're my wife,
00:54:23I have this vested interest in seeing you happy.
00:54:27I want to be happy.
00:54:29Don't you?
00:54:31What is happiness, anyway?
00:54:36I don't know.
00:54:38Tell me, you wrote the book.
00:54:40I guess I don't know.
00:54:57It's nice being married to you.
00:55:00You too.
00:55:06Bye, Emma.
00:55:58I'm sorry I'm late.
00:56:00I know, I'm always so prompt.
00:56:02Relax, don't worry.
00:56:03When I arrived,
00:56:04I told them to bring the drinks in ten minutes.
00:56:07How's that for timing?
00:56:08Oh, what a day.
00:56:09You have no idea.
00:56:10Actually, I kind of do.
00:56:13I heard your show today.
00:56:15That was Sullivan, I take it?
00:56:18The good news is,
00:56:20I'm going to be a part of it.
00:56:22You're going to be a part of it?
00:56:25The good news is,
00:56:27I got the papers.
00:56:29Everything but page 127,
00:56:31and I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
00:56:33We'll never see him again.
00:56:35So why don't you look happy?
00:56:37I am.
00:56:41Well, I've got something that might cheer you up.
00:56:44Harry Winston finished our rings.
00:56:47Want to have a look?
00:56:52The circle of eternity came out great, don't you think?
00:56:58I did mine wrong.
00:57:00What are you talking about? It's perfect.
00:57:02It says, do I, do I, do I, not I do, I do, I do.
00:57:16You know, Em,
00:57:17I think you're under a tremendous amount of stress at the moment.
00:57:20What stress, Richard? I just don't know.
00:57:23I'm really confused.
00:57:25Well, I'm not confused, Em.
00:57:27I know exactly what I want.
00:57:29I think you and I are the perfect team.
00:57:32Never doubted it for a moment.
00:57:34But I am not going to talk you into marrying me.
00:57:38So I suggest you take a few days and figure out what it is you want.
00:57:41In fact, why don't we begin that right now?
00:57:47Yeah, we had a really nice time, you know?
00:57:50Good conversation.
00:57:52He was kind of sweet and funny, but I don't know.
00:57:54There was something missing.
00:57:55There was no...
00:57:58Yeah, caller, let me tell you something about sparks.
00:58:01Sparks cause fires, and fires will burn your house down.
00:58:05So if you keep searching for good old Sparky, you know,
00:58:07you're sure to get burned.
00:58:09Trust me on that, okay?
00:58:19Oh, I'm so hungry.
00:58:23Your girlfriend's wearing my robe!
00:58:26Actually, this girlfriend's daughter is wearing your robe.
00:58:30Hello, Emma.
00:58:32Aren't you my...
00:58:36So, um, why the big secret?
00:58:39Well, I wanted to tell you, but your father thought you were crazy.
00:58:43Well, I wanted to tell you, but your father thought
00:58:46you wouldn't hire me as the caterer if you knew we were dating.
00:58:49Dating? Is that what you're calling?
00:58:51Well, that, or this is an elaborate ruse of yours
00:58:53to get out of paying my bill.
00:58:55You've been worth every penny of it, huh?
00:58:57There you go again.
00:58:59Always saying the perfect thing.
00:59:01We've been together for almost a year.
00:59:04Why didn't you tell me?
00:59:06Well, you've met so many women over the years,
00:59:08I thought maybe I'd hold off on this introduction
00:59:10until we were sure of each other.
00:59:12Are we?
00:59:13Well, I am.
00:59:15I can't even keep track of all the things I've misunderstood.
00:59:26I know I never asked you, but, um,
00:59:29what do you think of Richard?
00:59:31Do you like him?
00:59:33Well, sure, honey, what's not to like?
00:59:35I mean, he's perfect, isn't he?
00:59:38Is that a compliment?
00:59:40Compliments from me?
00:59:42I've never told you how to live or who to date.
00:59:45That's always been in your department, right?
00:59:48So what if I'm losing my footing in my department
00:59:51and I'm asking for a second opinion?
00:59:55Well, I think Richard is a good, safe bet, you know?
01:00:01I mean, he's exactly the kind of guy
01:00:03that you've always gravitated toward
01:00:05and advised other women to pursue, isn't he?
01:00:09He's exactly the type of fellow
01:00:11that my brand of fatherhood pushed you into.
01:00:14Look, honey, I mean, I've made some big mistakes in my life,
01:00:19some real whoppers, but if I hadn't,
01:00:21I probably wouldn't have been able to recognize
01:00:23the real thing when it came along.
01:00:25You don't have to be so right all the time, you know?
01:00:29It's okay to make a couple mistakes.
01:00:42Oh, Emma!
01:00:44You're drenched. Come, darling.
01:00:46Move, she has to eat something.
01:00:49Can't you see that she's not here to eat
01:00:51or watch telly or chit-chat?
01:00:53She's come for the man she loves.
01:00:56You all with your come-come and your sit-sit and your eat-eat,
01:01:00you're standing in the course of true love.
01:01:02Stand aside, I say!
01:01:04Through the beads up the stairs, two flights.
01:01:08Two flights.
01:01:21Yeah, it's raining.
01:01:23I figured you'd have a day off.
01:01:27Come in.
01:01:30All right.
01:01:34Let me get you some dry clothes.
01:01:43I think I called off my wedding.
01:01:52Emma, I need to tell you something.
01:02:03You can wait.
01:02:29I love you.
01:03:04How's it going in there, babe?
01:03:08We're having toast.
01:03:10Be out in a minute.
01:03:30You're my fantasy.
01:03:34My reality.
01:03:41Every woman in the world.
01:03:45What is this?
01:03:46And this? And this?
01:03:48What are you, some kind of thick stalker?
01:03:50No, Emma, it's not what you think.
01:03:53Emma, it's not what you think.
01:03:55It's not what you think.
01:03:57It's not what you think.
01:03:59Emma, wait.
01:04:00I can't believe this.
01:04:01I saw the invitation.
01:04:02So you're married?
01:04:03No, I'm not married.
01:04:06Stay away from me.
01:04:09Emma, I can explain.
01:04:12That this was no accident?
01:04:13There was no glitch?
01:04:14No, you.
01:04:15You are the glitch.
01:04:16You Googled me.
01:04:17Invaded my life.
01:04:18Invaded my privacy.
01:04:20Ruined my relationship.
01:04:22I almost called off my wedding for you.
01:04:25I trusted you.
01:04:27I had sex with you.
01:04:28I wish you were some sort of con man,
01:04:30scam artist, deranged man.
01:04:32Emma, you know what?
01:04:33Don't flatter yourself.
01:04:34What have I done?
01:04:36I mean, Richard warned me about you.
01:04:37I warn people about men like you every day.
01:04:39All right, stop.
01:04:40Come on, stop.
01:04:41I'm worse than my own callers.
01:04:42Emma, stop!
01:04:43Thank you.
01:04:45Can I show you something?
01:04:52You know her?
01:04:55No, I don't.
01:04:56Yeah, you don't.
01:04:57Come here.
01:05:00That's Sophia.
01:05:02As in, you're cordially invited to the marriage
01:05:04of Patrick Thomas Sullivan and
01:05:05Sophia Edelia Maria Chichagua.
01:05:08She's Dominican.
01:05:09We met on the job.
01:05:10You know, she almost blew up a building
01:05:11polishing those goddamn nails of hers.
01:05:13I carried her down 15 flights of stairs
01:05:15and sat next to her hospital bed until she woke up.
01:05:18What does this have to do with me?
01:05:19Did I mention she was a really big fan of your show?
01:05:22Listened to it every day.
01:05:23In fact, one day she called in.
01:05:25You probably don't remember.
01:05:27No, I don't.
01:05:29You told her to call off the wedding, Emma.
01:05:31Patrick, how could you?
01:05:32Someone you don't know and can't even remember
01:05:34and you changed her life and mine forever.
01:05:38I guess I wanted to educate you about that.
01:05:41About what it's like to have your life
01:05:42ripped out from under you.
01:05:45I wanted to knock you down, Opeg.
01:05:50You did.
01:05:52Emma, I...
01:05:53Goodbye, Patrick.
01:06:23It's beautiful.
01:06:26Just thinking how it's too big for me without you here.
01:06:33Are you here?
01:06:38I feel happy.
01:06:41Does it mean you still want to get married?
01:06:45I do.
01:06:47I do.
01:06:49I do.
01:06:50I do.
01:06:52As many of you have heard, I'm getting married.
01:06:56People keep asking me if I'm nervous.
01:06:58Well, I'm not.
01:07:00My eyes are open and what I see is
01:07:02not the man of my dreams, but the man of my reality.
01:07:05He's who he says he is.
01:07:07There where he's supposed to be.
01:07:09If you want to close your eyes, hold your breath and jump in,
01:07:12try the high diving board at the YMCA.
01:07:17There is an entire generation of men and women roaming New York City
01:07:20in search of the holy grail dream partner.
01:07:24But until we learn the difference between romantic love and real love,
01:07:29we're just searching in vain for something that doesn't even exist.
01:07:34Here we are.
01:07:36Till next time.
01:07:47I know more than I knew before.
01:07:52I know more than I knew before.
01:07:57I didn't rest, I didn't stop.
01:08:03Did we fight or did we talk?
01:08:09Ooh, I'll be the one who breaks the silence.
01:08:14You have to ask yourself serious questions.
01:08:16I don't even feel they have anything to hide.
01:08:17Are you with fire? You're gonna get burned.
01:08:19Is he responsible? Is he dependable?
01:08:20I can't trust what you merely lust.
01:08:22Does he give you a stable universe?
01:08:23Your love has to be earned, not yearned.
01:08:26You gotta stop obsessing about this old girlfriend of his, okay?
01:08:28Got it?
01:08:29All right.
01:08:30Next caller.
01:08:31Hard decision.
01:08:32Am I right?
01:08:33Well, caller.
01:08:34Trust me on that, all right?
01:08:35Next caller.
01:08:36Based on what?
01:08:37What? Trust me on that one, okay?
01:08:39I don't know.
01:08:40What do you want from me?
01:08:41But real love is just a theory, right?
01:08:43Yeah, a theory, yes.
01:08:44But based on ten years of research and study,
01:08:46a sociological, psychosexual, statistical analysis
01:08:49of men and women and their relationships, okay?
01:08:53Yeah, but what if you're wrong?
01:08:56Hello? You still there?
01:09:15Take that one.
01:09:16Thank you.
01:09:17She needs to take that one.
01:09:19Your time is 15 minutes after the hour,
01:09:21and you're listening to Real Love with me, Dr. Emma Lloyd.
01:09:26Yeah, we've got time for one more caller.
01:09:28We've got...
01:09:29Patrick of Astoria.
01:09:36Patrick of Astoria.
01:09:38Oh, really?
01:09:39Because I thought for a second you weren't gonna put me through.
01:09:42I thought for a second you weren't gonna put me through.
01:09:44There are thousands of people listening, Patrick from Astoria.
01:09:46Let's not waste their time. How can I help you?
01:09:48Okay, there's...
01:09:50There's this girl that I'm falling for.
01:09:54That I have fallen for.
01:09:57And, uh, well, the trick is she's getting married tomorrow.
01:10:01And if that's what she really wants, then I'm happy for her.
01:10:04That's very generous of you, Patrick from Astoria.
01:10:07There's one other thing that she doesn't know.
01:10:11We're almost out of time, Patrick.
01:10:13The thing that I didn't tell her is, um...
01:10:16The thing she doesn't know...
01:10:18Come on.
01:10:20...is that I love her.
01:10:22You know, I, uh, I look at her and I see...
01:10:25I see my whole life.
01:10:27And I just thought she should know that.
01:10:30I'm afraid that's all the time we have, caller, for tonight.
01:10:34This is Dr. Emma Lloyd.
01:10:37And you're listening to Real Love.
01:10:39Where's she going? Where's she going?
01:10:41Get in there.
01:10:43Okay, let's see.
01:10:45We got, um, Chuck on line four is looking for his soul mate.
01:10:49And Maria on line two just got dumped.
01:10:52So, Chuck.
01:10:55Say what's up to Maria.
01:10:56How you doing, Maria?
01:11:01Do you really like it?
01:11:03Perfect. You're perfect.
01:11:05I'm fucked.
01:11:07It's an interesting segue.
01:11:11Did you listen to the show last night?
01:11:14He loves me.
01:11:15Yeah, I know.
01:11:16The entire Tri-State area knows.
01:11:18The car is here.
01:11:20The car is here.
01:11:22The car is here.
01:11:24The car is here.
01:11:26The car is here.
01:11:28What am I going to do?
01:11:30Well, first thing, you should fire her.
01:11:32I heard that.
01:11:33Your sister at the keyhole.
01:11:35That's what you always wanted, huh?
01:11:37I did, didn't I?
01:11:39Instead, you got you and me.
01:11:41We didn't do too badly, did we?
01:11:43We were a disaster.
01:11:45Yeah, we were.
01:11:50But I see a comeback in the making.
01:12:01You know, for a guy who's waited this long to marry my daughter,
01:12:04you're sure he's cutting it close, don't you think?
01:12:07Do you know how I know I love you?
01:12:10Because nothing in the world would make me drag you to the altar again.
01:12:14No, we don't want to impress our luck, do we?
01:12:17I should go see how Em is doing.
01:12:19Let me know if he gets here.
01:12:25I'm sorry.
01:12:31Just take it off, Marcy. It's crooked.
01:12:33Let me try.
01:12:36So this goes like this.
01:12:41And this goes here.
01:12:45Here comes the bride.
01:12:48I can't do this.
01:12:55Excuse me, ladies. Could I just have a moment?
01:13:19Wow. Look at you.
01:13:23Seems kind of silly, though.
01:13:25Me in this dress, veil, bridesmaids.
01:13:30It's like some sort of play or something.
01:13:32No, you don't look silly.
01:13:37Well, you look extremely not silly and handsome yourself.
01:13:43I'm sorry I'm late. I had to go back to the city and get something for you.
01:13:56You forgot to file them?
01:14:00You should know by now I'm not really the forgetful type.
01:14:04No, no, you're not.
01:14:06No, no, you're not.
01:14:09Ever since you gave me these, I've been putting off filing them for some reason.
01:14:15Why do you think that is?
01:14:20I love you, Em.
01:14:23I'm clever enough to know when I've lost.
01:14:29I should have asked you to marry me a long time ago.
01:14:33Or maybe we just missed our moment.
01:14:38If you married me today, you'd always be looking over your shoulder.
01:14:42Never be completely happy.
01:14:48You need to be happier.
01:14:49I can't stand this.
01:14:55You'll be all right.
01:14:58You'll be all right.
01:15:01As long as we can get past that angry mob out there.
01:15:04Oh, yeah. Them.
01:15:07I'll handle this.
01:15:11No, not really.
01:15:13In fact, this time you should worry. I have no plan.
01:15:25Come on. Help me up.
01:15:27Help me up.
01:15:29Give me that candle.
01:15:35Would you just wait until I've left the room? I might need the suit again.
01:15:58Come on.
01:16:01Come out.
01:16:08This is 41. This is Great Neck Dispatch.
01:16:10We've got a fire alarm and sprinkler activation at St. Paul's Church.
01:16:14Great Neck? It's not even in our district.
01:16:18I know it's out of your district, but here's the thing.
01:16:21You guys have sort of been requested.
01:16:28Come on.
01:16:341, 2, 3, go!
01:16:47All right.
01:16:49Watch your step.
01:16:57Watch your step.
01:17:06How you doing?
01:17:08I had to talk to you.
01:17:16You know, you could have just called.
01:17:22So, what's up?
01:17:42When I was a kid, I used to have a hard time believing in happy endings.
01:17:47The heroine always seemed to ride off into the sunset with what I thought was the wrong guy.
01:17:52One day my dad found me crying.
01:17:54I was watching The Lady and the Tramp and he asked me what was wrong.
01:17:57I said, Dad, those two dogs don't stand a chance.
01:18:02They're wrong for each other. They have nothing in common.
01:18:05The movie's going to end and they're going to break up and be heartbroken forever.
01:18:09He pulled me in close and he said to me, Em,
01:18:12sometimes when you're really in love, you just don't sweat the small stuff.
01:18:18So, are you saying we should run away together?
01:18:21Woman, are you insane?
01:18:23I'm old enough to be his mother.
01:18:24Wait till he gets out of high school and then call back.
01:18:26Who is this?
01:18:27Good day to you, madam.
01:18:28You said you were going to be on your best behavior.
01:18:30I don't know how you do this and these people, they drive me crazy.
01:18:33Won't happen again.
01:18:34Okay, where was I?
01:18:35Don't sweat the small stuff.
01:18:38Well, I guess I didn't appreciate my father's advice for a long time.
01:18:41You kind of have to figure out those things for yourself.
01:18:44But, enough about me.
01:18:45It's quarter past the hour and now for a word from our sponsors.
01:18:49This is Dr. Emma Lloyd.
01:18:50You're listening to Real Love.
01:18:52Please don't go away.
01:18:58Haven't you got any cats to pull out of trees?
01:19:02That only happens in cartoons, Mrs. Sullivan, as you well know.
01:19:05Indeed I do, Mr. Sullivan.
01:19:07What can I do for you?
01:19:08I don't know.
01:19:09I just happened to be in the neighborhood.
01:19:10Thought I'd stop by and say hello.
01:19:13Why don't you come in for a second?
01:19:16I can't leave my desk.
01:19:17I have to be back in a few seconds.
01:19:18Come on.
01:19:19They can wait.
01:19:20Just stand up and walk towards me.
01:19:24You didn't come to see me at all, did you?
01:19:27Of course I did.
01:19:48In your memory
01:19:52The breath
01:19:55The breath
01:19:58We're back in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:20:04This is Dr. Emma Lloyd.
01:20:06We're back with Real Love.
01:20:07Susie from Morningside Heights, you're on the air.
01:20:18Real Love
