Opal Hunters S04 E06

  • 3 months ago
Travel to Australia, and watch this real life documentary, of people mining the Opal gemstone.

See our other videos, for the latest, HIGHEST QUALITY episodes of the Australian series Aussie Gold Hunters, Gem Hunters Down Under and MORE!


00:00On Outback Opal Hunters,
00:03Last chance to find a bit of open before it gets too hot.
00:05The Boulder Boys risk their only excavator.
00:09Chasing an opal legend.
00:10Dad found 240,000 probably where that big rock is.
00:14Chamberlain! We got a car!
00:18The Bushmen hit a dead end.
00:20What do we do, Les?
00:21Completely friggin' gone.
00:24And disaster.
00:25No, no, no!
00:27And the Young Guns
00:30Face the fury of the Outback.
00:32Oi! Close up all the house!
00:34Oh my God.
00:59Hello! Hello!
01:01He's got the blower going.
01:04Get on ya, Les!
01:05So we can keep on digging.
01:08In Sheep Yards Opal Field, New South Wales,
01:11after a series of mechanical breakdowns,
01:13Bushmen Rod Manning and Les Walsh are finally mining.
01:17This one here, Les, doesn't pull out a big lump of colour.
01:20We've got to make a decision, I think.
01:28What do you think?
01:30Nothing there.
01:31Nothing there, is there?
01:33It's getting worse, isn't it?
01:36I think it's nearly all gone.
01:38You hate stopping.
01:40You always think that when you stop,
01:42another inch and you would have hit it.
01:45Well, what do we do, Les?
01:47Because that's completely gone.
01:52Over halfway to their season target,
01:54Rod and Les are struggling to find elusive black opal,
01:5815 metres below ground in their Bondi claim.
02:03At up to $43,000 a gram,
02:05it's worth 500 times more than gold.
02:09With gold, you can see the veins that it runs in.
02:12You see lots of things with diamonds.
02:14I know, you know, no-one knows where opal is.
02:16It's a mystery.
02:18Hang on, hang on.
02:20We've got oil everywhere.
02:23The season's been pretty hard bloody grind.
02:26You know, everything that we've had's broken down at one stage.
02:30But that is opal mining, you know.
02:32It's harsh conditions out here
02:34and the machinery has just as hard a life as we do.
02:38Hello, doll.
02:39Hello, how are you?
02:40All right.
02:41We've had a few little just life problems, you know.
02:44Amanda's had some pretty major problems with her leg.
02:49She can't move much.
02:51She's in a lot of pain.
02:53It's a bit of a concern and you do think about it.
02:58It puts more pressure on us
03:00because she's got to go to appointments,
03:02which is a 700km drive, which is money.
03:05If she does have to go and have an operation,
03:07there's more money there.
03:09So we need to hit our target
03:13and we need to probably go a little bit more than our target.
03:17It got pretty hard in here too.
03:19It's completely frigging gone.
03:21Do you reckon I can talk you into going in here?
03:25Yeah, I reckon.
03:26Here's where I'd like to go.
03:28Yeah, go through here and see what it says.
03:33We're going to duck over to this other side.
03:35It's sort of opposite where the colour ran on this side.
03:38Hopefully it'll continue through over that side.
03:41To move the 12-year-old two-tonne digger,
03:44Rod has to use the hydraulic digging arm
03:46to lever it through the tunnel.
03:48They're pretty weighty
03:49and it's real easy to dig at a tip because it's so short.
04:01It's in that frigging hole.
04:05No, no, no!
04:07No, no, no!
04:15Bug into this soft ground here in the floor.
04:20Oh, that hurt.
04:34This year hasn't been a bad year.
04:35We've had some good finds, we've had some not-so-good ones.
04:39But the season ain't over.
04:44In Opelton, Queensland,
04:45Boulder Boys Aaron Grotchen and Ron Selig
04:48are facing temperatures of over 40 degrees
04:51as they close in on their $100,000 season target
04:55on Aaron's late father's claim, Dragonfly.
05:00Do this little bit here for me.
05:02Where, mate?
05:03Just there.
05:05I'm watching.
05:06There's a rock there.
05:12I've been digging these leases for the last three years
05:15since Dad passed away.
05:17Missile fire a bit too.
05:20There's a few spots where I'd like to continue
05:22where Dad followed the fault,
05:24and I always get in Opel.
05:26And there's still virgin ground there,
05:27so it needs to be dug.
05:29Well, this week Aaron would like to check out
05:32three different areas.
05:33Bit slippery, mate.
05:34They're related to his dad and what his dad dug,
05:37so he wants to finish it off in his own mind
05:40and finish it off for his father.
05:43He wants to be able to find that one big rock
05:46like his dad used to find.
05:49Opelton is famous for rare veins of boulder opal
05:53worth up to $20,000 a gram
05:55found inside rocks scattered through underground faults.
05:59On Dragonfly, a major fault and several minor ones
06:03run right through the claim.
06:05Aaron's plan is to target three areas on these faults
06:09where he believes his father found opal decades ago.
06:12It's worth a go. Plenty of rock.
06:14Well, I'll give it a go.
06:17The first is an area between two outcrops
06:20with signs of the fault running through it.
06:22You've got to be on the ball, mate, on these levels
06:25because they're not set,
06:26they're just rocks here, there and everywhere.
06:30We've got to go through a bit more.
06:31A bit more?
06:32Yeah, yeah.
06:33I think you need that red stain and run, eh, on rocks.
06:35It's... Yeah, it would look that way, yeah.
06:45Hard levels to read, eh?
06:47Well, then we've got a problem.
06:50Very messy ground.
06:53See, there's rocks there, there's rocks there.
06:55This is just all over the show.
06:58Even though there was a little bit of colour in the rocks,
07:01once we actually got stuck into it,
07:03didn't have clay under the level to capture the stones.
07:12Boulder opal forms when silica-rich water
07:15trickling through sandstone
07:17settles in cracks in brown ironstone boulders.
07:20But only one boulder in 100 will contain any opal.
07:27Sort of dead ground, eh?
07:28There's boulders out there, but there's not much.
07:30We're going to go broke digging there.
07:34Too messy, isn't it?
07:36Yeah, it is.
07:39We're going now around to the other side.
07:42No good wasting fuel.
07:44If you can see, it's not going to pan out.
07:47Aaron and Ron's second spot is on the other side of the ridge.
07:52I'm going to drive the machine up the top,
07:54strip about 15 foot off it,
07:56then we're going to come chase them big boulders in
07:58and see how we go.
07:59You just don't know what can happen.
08:12The season is coming to an end.
08:14We've only got a month or two left
08:16before temperatures hit 50 degrees.
08:18So it's going to be absolutely crucial
08:20that this week we find some opal.
08:22If we don't find anything,
08:23then we're going to be in serious trouble.
08:25And I'm already starting to doubt
08:27whether we're going to make our season target.
08:31If we can't nail this,
08:33it's not looking good for the young guns.
08:36Rookie team The Young Guns are hunting crystal opal
08:40worth up to $25,000 a gram.
08:43But short on cash after their first three months of mining,
08:47pressure is mounting.
08:49Absolutely nothing coming out of the walls of the mines.
08:53We just keep finding more dirt and rocks.
08:56It's like a constant, constant struggle.
08:59Ozzy, you can't grab it?
09:00You can't grab it? Yeah, mate.
09:01I'll go up and grab it.
09:02It's going to take a little bit of time to shift this dirt
09:05that we've just made.
09:06But, you know, just got to keep moving dirt.
09:08Keep moving forward.
09:09Hey, guys.
09:10What's up?
09:12What's up?
09:13Giant dust storm out there.
09:15A huge one, yeah.
09:19Oh, my God.
09:23It blows up all the house.
09:26We've just got to close everything up,
09:28otherwise our whole house is going to be full of dust.
09:31Got to take the window shut.
09:33It's not just the dust, it's the wind as well,
09:35so we've got to make sure everything's not moving around too much.
09:41High temperatures combined with dry conditions
09:44create dust storms,
09:46with winds reaching speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour.
09:50This one's full on.
09:52I don't think we can do anything right now.
09:54I guess we're just going to have to wait this out.
09:58It never ends.
10:00What next?
10:08All right.
10:09Well, it looks like it's cleared up a bit.
10:11We'll head down and have a look at the mine.
10:13We'll go chuck some fuel in the genny, get it started up.
10:16Yeah, sounds good.
10:17Meet you down there.
10:18Get the first bucket out.
10:22Come back down, boys.
10:24Don't worry about that.
10:26What's up?
10:33Oh, dude, in the engine bay, it's absolutely chocked.
10:38We've just got a heap of, I don't know,
10:40root fallout straight on top of the genger,
10:43and I guess that wind coming down has dried stuff out
10:46and made it fall in a bit.
10:48Oh, this is going to be a nightmare to clean up.
10:53There's another bit falling down right now.
10:55Yeah, we didn't need this first thing in the morning.
10:57It's going to be a fair bit of work
10:58just to get all these rocks off it and clean it all out.
11:01We don't want anything going through the radiator
11:03and the fans or anything like that,
11:05so it's going to be a bit of a job.
11:10The Yungung's entire operation depends on the Kanga loader,
11:14on hire for $200 a day.
11:16The Kanga, we're responsible for it.
11:18We're very concerned that all the moving parts,
11:21the engine bay, all dirt had made its way into there
11:24and fallen into those areas,
11:26which is not good for machinery, you know?
11:30Our biggest concern is rocks going through
11:32any of the fans and stuff like that,
11:34so we've just really taken it piece by piece
11:37and just taken out every little rock that we can.
11:39I mean, if we wreck this machine, you know,
11:41then we essentially owe them a machine,
11:43so it's absolutely ridiculous.
11:45Like, we can't afford to spend $25,000
11:48replacing something that we've broken.
11:50That is a lot of dust.
11:59So we're just about ready to get rock and rolling again
12:03and get back into it after another setback.
12:12We're back in business, boys.
12:21No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
12:27What the...going on down here?
12:2915 metres underground at their Bondi claim.
12:33I just tipped the...over.
12:36Rod and Les' overturned two-tonne digger
12:39has brought their mining operation to a halt.
12:42Where the nine-inch come down, the ground's real soft.
12:47One of the wheels just tipped into the soft stuff
12:50and over she went.
12:52Think Christ, Les wasn't over the other side there
12:54cos he'd have been a goner.
12:58Nothing we can do about it.
13:00Stand her up and back into her.
13:02And back into her.
13:04What do you reckon?
13:05Drop a sling down the nine-inch?
13:07Higher, you see.
13:08That's right, in line too.
13:10They're generally buggers to stand up when they're like that,
13:13but we were just lucky that there was a nine-inch hole
13:16in the right spot,
13:18so we could drop a chain down that nine-inch.
13:22Oh, Jesus!
13:23Hook that to the top of the digger
13:25and slowly bring it up back onto its legs.
13:28Just a minute!
13:39She's not slipping on that bottom leg, Les?
13:45Yeah, just get it up a little bit further.
13:54She's the right way up.
13:56Well, that's better, Les.
13:58It could have been a lot bloody worse.
14:01Look at me frigging elbow!
14:06What the bloody hell were we doing, Les, before all that?
14:09We were trying to shift it back down there.
14:12Yeah, we've wasted all bloody morning
14:14getting this back on its feet,
14:16so it's time to start mining.
14:22It's always a bit exciting when you start a new drive.
14:25You don't know what's going to be in there
14:27or where you're going to hit it.
14:29We haven't been across this way,
14:31so we'll have a look across this way and see what happens.
14:36The new spot where we started in,
14:38plenty of action in there.
14:39You know, I've got nice seams running where they should be.
14:42Bloody good-looking dirt in there, Les.
14:44Yeah, it's looking really good.
14:50Bloody hell.
14:52What's gone wrong?
14:53We're losing a fair bit of hydraulic oil from somewhere.
14:56This? Yeah.
14:58Without hydraulic oil, the digger arm can't operate.
15:02Well, that's going to be a fun fix.
15:05900km to the north-west.
15:10Dad and his mate Joe found 240,000,
15:13probably where that big rock is.
15:15That's where I want to finish this job.
15:18Aaron is driving hard to fulfil his late dad's Opal dream.
15:23They got a nice pocket close to where we're digging now.
15:26That's 240,000.
15:27That was 15 years ago, so it's probably half a million now.
15:31To reach the Opal level,
15:33Aaron must first remove four metres of overburden
15:36whilst being careful not to undermine his excavator
15:39and risk a rollover.
15:46All right.
15:47Now, that's enough to have a look.
15:49I'll make a little ramp down.
15:51We'll go down and you get into it.
15:54Aaron's next move is a precarious one.
15:56He must drive the 35-tonne excavator
15:59down the loose dirt ramp to the bottom of the pit.
16:02We've got about four metres to go down,
16:05and he's making a ramp.
16:07He'd want it at about 20 degrees, Frank.
16:10We'll see how he goes.
16:27Aaron's got the excavator down.
16:29We've got a bit of a track going up and down now,
16:31so that'll make it easier.
16:33And now he's starting to dig down to the actual level.
16:47It's good, eh?
16:48Well, look at it.
16:49It looks different now, eh, once you open it up.
16:51It's a messy-looking level, too.
16:54We're taking a little bite out of it.
17:00It's as bad as the other side.
17:02It's too mixed up.
17:03There's no defining levels.
17:06It's a band, but it's not really a level.
17:14You're wasting fuel.
17:16It doesn't look real good.
17:17That's the same as the other side.
17:21Well, let's get out of here.
17:22Get into a fresh bit that might have a bit more promise.
17:26Darren's quest to continue his father's legacy on Dragonfly
17:30is turning into an uphill battle.
17:33Yeah, you'll go right digging there.
17:44Right now we're just doing a little bit of a make-safe,
17:47pulling off all the really loose bits of the roof,
17:50just so they obviously don't fall on us.
17:53Oh, my eyes!
17:54A massive dust storm...
17:56Oi! Close up all the house!
17:58..has dried out the roof of the young gun's 100-year-old mine,
18:02putting it at risk of collapse,
18:04and team leader Jamin must make it safe
18:07before their opal hunt can restart.
18:11We're only taking away the stuff that's going to come down.
18:14Anything hard, like over in this area here,
18:16we just want to leave it,
18:17because that gives us a nice, solid bit of roof.
18:20All right.
18:21But with the end of the season in sight,
18:24the young guns are struggling to make ends meet.
18:27We're nearing the end of the season.
18:29We've got a month or two left
18:30before those temperatures soar up to 50 degrees.
18:33We've not got much time left.
18:35We really need to find something to get us where we need to be.
18:41I mean, it's not really about finding millions,
18:43it's about being able to actually live comfortably out here, you know?
18:46Barely got a change of clothes now.
18:48Don't have enough money to wash clothes,
18:50but, yeah, we're getting kind of sick of all this dirt.
18:54I don't really know if I can handle much more of this.
19:04That's a shaft. That's a shaft.
19:07Yo, J, come down here.
19:09What's up?
19:12It's going to fit another shaft.
19:14Serious? Yep.
19:16In another setback,
19:18the mineshaft contains tonnes of worthless dirt
19:21that will take days to shift.
19:23I think we just leave it for now,
19:25and we'll just chop in that side of the wall there.
19:27I don't want to keep shifting dirt that's been looked through.
19:30There's no money in that.
19:34We need to be finding stuff.
19:36We can't be digging through dirt that's just, you know,
19:38clearing out a shaft that's just full of dirt,
19:41and there's going to be no overwind.
19:43So we've cracked into some old workings up here.
19:47We've got this little smudge mark here from a candle.
19:50So the old timers in here,
19:52which is, like, we're talking, like, 100 years ago,
19:55no electricity or anything.
19:56All they had was a little handpick.
19:58You know, it would have been much more of a struggle
20:00than what we're doing, but we're moving heaps more dirt.
20:05Here we go. A little bit of trace.
20:07You can see this little bit up here.
20:10Holy moly, that's actually nice.
20:12So they probably dug through,
20:14but with their little lights, with their little candles,
20:16they wouldn't have been able to see
20:18the kind of little bits and pieces around.
20:20This is really, really awesome,
20:22because there's actually some opal in here.
20:24And we haven't seen opal in a while.
20:26Hey, boys, come up here.
20:28What do you mean? Some opal?
20:30Yeah. It's only a little, but it's actually got a bit of colour.
20:34Finally some opal.
20:36That's really good.
20:43It's coming out of there now.
20:4515 metres below ground,
20:47Rod and Les' digger is hemorrhaging hydraulic fluid.
20:52Ah, yeah.
20:55Tastes like... Yeah, it does, that oil.
20:58Without the two-tonne digger,
21:00they'll be forced to return to hand tools.
21:03I'm not sure. I think it's the connection with the elbow.
21:06It might be loose.
21:08We're not real sure what it is.
21:10But for now, it's only going to get worse.
21:12It's already spraying.
21:14Hopefully it's just the nut that's come loose.
21:16Otherwise, the elbow's probably cracked,
21:18as I felt, and dropped her over.
21:21You all right?
21:23Do you know what it is?
21:25It's not going to be as easy as it...
21:27End of the tube split.
21:29Cracked on the weld. Wonderful.
21:31End of the ram here,
21:33underneath here,
21:35and it's getting worse,
21:37so oil's too bloody dear to waste.
21:39When the digger broke,
21:41you sort of know it's game over
21:43until you can fix it.
21:45We're not going any further with this thing, Les.
21:47And that's more than a quick fix, mate.
21:52This is showing nice promise.
21:54I mean, we've only just started in here.
21:56We're getting twinkles all over the place.
21:58Do you want to have a bloody half-hour
22:00dig with the jackhammer
22:02and just see if we can...
22:04I'd have liked to have got a little further forward in there.
22:17There's a fair bit of activity up here.
22:19I'd be kind of surprised if this don't do something.
22:27I've got a few glints of colour up here, Les.
22:29Bring that bloody tray up here, mate.
22:32Hold her up under there.
22:38There's a bit of colour in that, Les.
22:40A little bit of colour.
22:42Any money?
22:46Only what it cleans up like.
22:51That's a nice shiny bit.
22:53Tell you what, mate,
22:55we need to get this bloody digger going.
22:57This is developing in here real nice.
22:59Yeah, that's not a bad bit in there, call it that.
23:01The further you go in there, hopefully the better it'll get.
23:04So for now, all we need is some quick dollars
23:06to get the digger up and running.
23:08Without the digger,
23:10the Bushman's operation has slowed to a crawl.
23:12And for Rod,
23:14it's about to get even tougher.
23:1774-year-old partner Les
23:19must leave for a vital medical check-up
23:22350 kilometres away.
23:26So what time is your appointment tomorrow?
23:2811 o'clock, I think.
23:30You want anything in town?
23:32Need a digger.
23:34Yeah, right.
23:39I think me dad was digging here about 30 years ago.
23:42So we're just seeing if it's running more this way,
23:44a bit of luck we can pick up a lead and start it in place.
23:47It's hotting up on Dragonfly Clay,
23:50with Aaron's father's old leads turning up nothing
23:53and costing the Boulder Boys hundreds of dollars in fuel.
23:57He knew what he was doing.
23:58Where he told me to dig around the shaft,
24:00that's where there's opal.
24:01As we're getting away, we're not getting onto anything decent.
24:04Their last chance site
24:06is an old area known as The Cut.
24:09Strip the top off and we can get into it.
24:11Looks all right, eh?
24:13Well, look, the sandstone's pinching out here, you see?
24:17All right, so that's got chances there.
24:19Last chance to find a bit of it before it gets too hot, Rod.
24:22All right, man.
24:24With their season target almost in reach,
24:27everything rests on Aaron's dad's final location.
24:31It is opal ground.
24:33We've just got to see what we can find.
24:36Hopefully we get some nice rocks.
24:55Rod, how do I put my pipe?
24:57Yeah, I think you should.
25:01It's nice and moist, Aaron.
25:03There's our level there, eh?
25:05All right.
25:10We've got a few butterflies down in The Cut.
25:13Usually when we've got butterflies, we get opal.
25:19Yeah, Rod, I want a bit of colour here, mate.
25:21Like a pipe or something.
25:23It's very nice, blue.
25:25It's like a pipe, eh? Well, it is.
25:27Yeah, I reckon we saw that, eh?
25:29You don't know what's up in the centre of it.
25:31No, you don't.
25:32We'll keep going, eh?
25:33All right, man.
25:37All right, boys, we've got some colour.
25:40Got colour.
25:41Hey, that's a good sign.
25:42Oh, yeah.
25:43Nearly gem.
25:44Nice, blue, electric.
25:46Looks all right.
25:48Do this little bit here for me.
25:54All right.
25:55We've got colour.
25:57It's got a line running through it.
25:59Blue to green there.
26:01It could be loaded, that end.
26:02Oi, Rod.
26:03Bit of purple.
26:05You beauty.
26:08Bit more up.
26:09There you go.
26:10It's got a little bit of electric in it.
26:12If it makes it into a line here somewhere.
26:14Yeah, yeah.
26:15There needs a saw, mate.
26:17Oi, Rod.
26:18More colour.
26:19That's fantastical.
26:23We've got a car.
26:26Now, that is nice colour, Rod.
26:27Hey, look at that red in that.
26:29They all need a saw, eh?
26:31Should be able to split it, eh?
26:33Hey, Rod, that's nice colour.
26:35Good on you, Rod.
26:37Lucky Rod strikes again, mate.
26:39All right, well, come on.
26:40Let's have an early day, Rod.
26:41We'll cut this up.
26:44Lovely, Rod.
26:45That ain't a bad morning's work, mate.
26:59Any keys, mate?
27:00Oh, no, thanks.
27:01Good luck with it?
27:03Bring us and let us know how you went.
27:05I'll do that.
27:06We've got to go to Dubbo to see the heart specialist down there
27:09for a check-up and see what he's got to say.
27:13Les's visit to the doctor is a 700km round trip,
27:17leaving Rod to mine alone.
27:21If Les happens to go to Dubbo for the doctor's appointment,
27:24it steps your workload up a little bit.
27:27Without Les or a working digger,
27:29Rod's only option is a mine
27:31where he and Les recently found good opal.
27:35The maze.
27:36Hundreds of metres of unstable tunnels.
27:40I've got a little column I want to dig out.
27:43I just want to dig in a little bit because I found a bit of colour.
27:50It's called a maze for a reason.
27:52You can get lost down there very, very easily.
27:55Where am I?
27:57And it's a horrible feeling when you get lost underground.
28:00You can wander around underground for frigging hours
28:04trying to find a way out.
28:06This is where we were working the other day.
28:11This is where we took the columns out.
28:15They were out here before we took them out.
28:19The rock columns or pillars are vital for holding up the roof.
28:23That's not a bad thing, that, you know.
28:26While they could still contain good opal,
28:29mining them risks a fatal roof collapse.
28:37Pillar bashing is probably one of the most dangerous things
28:40you can do mining.
28:43Not too bad.
28:45This pillar that I'm working on now,
28:48that's all that holds the roof up.
28:51If something happens, there's no-one to go for help.
28:56But we need opal.
29:03Frig, it's nice ground here.
29:06A little bit of green up in there,
29:08but it might turn into something.
29:15Oh, ho, ho, ho!
29:17It's bigger, that's cheesy.
29:19Look at that.
29:21How good's this?
29:23I've taken our frigging half a bucket of dirt.
29:26That's good money.
29:28There's more in the wall, so...
29:30Oh, happy, happy, happy.
29:32Happy, happy, happy.
29:34That's a week's pay just there.
29:36Oh, it's starting to get exciting.
29:39Beautiful colour all the way around.
29:42Another couple of grand.
29:44Now, how good's this?
29:46Straight in the bank.
29:48You know, lately, everywhere we dig,
29:50we're getting a little bit of colour, so, yeah.
29:53Hope it continues.
30:02See that?
30:04That's $100 stone right there.
30:08In their first season mining...
30:10You got that other little stone?
30:12..the Young Guns have finally hit a promising opal scene.
30:14Slow and easy, slow and steady.
30:16Finds the opal.
30:22I'm just getting covered in dirt, eh?
30:24Yep, me too.
30:26Ooh, is that a bit up there?
30:28What have we got?
30:30Look at that.
30:34That's ridiculous.
30:36That's, like, gem-grade opal.
30:38Look at that thing.
30:40That's wild.
30:42That's wild, dude.
30:44That's some nice green-blue, gem-grade opal.
30:46Let's hope.
30:48Let's keep digging this, and we'll see what happens.
30:54Oh, hear that? That's a big crack.
30:56Oh, there's a bit of green up in the wall.
30:58See that?
31:00Oh, yes.
31:02Dude, look at that bit in the bucket, dude.
31:06What the hell?
31:08There's, like, dead-set 20 pieces just down there.
31:12Oh, there's 20 on the other side!
31:14My hands are literally shaking.
31:16Look at that!
31:18That's a nugget! Look at the size of that!
31:22We just broke through a whole big seam.
31:24It's actually... Dude, it's thicker.
31:26Look at that. Holy... Look at that.
31:28Look at that!
31:30There's, like, handfuls of it!
31:32Yeah, baby! Yeah!
31:34This is so beyond anything
31:36that we've found before.
31:38Holy moly.
31:40So there's that bit of trace in the wall that we're following,
31:42and we just dropped that whole shelf down,
31:44and it just went bang.
31:46Look at that!
31:48That's incredible. We just pulled out a massive pocket.
31:50I mean, look at this stuff.
31:52I mean, it's absolutely...
31:54You know, it's so validating. It's so good.
31:56Like, I've really friggin' needed this this week.
31:58It makes it all friggin' worth it, you know?
32:00Come on, let's go get it in the tumble.
32:02I want to see what we've got
32:04as soon as possible.
32:06Do not spill that!
32:08There's, like, no tomorrow.
32:10It's the biggest find
32:12of their short careers.
32:14But to discover its true value,
32:16there is an important step
32:18to take.
32:20Yeah, dude, let's have a look.
32:22All right, you know the drill, boys.
32:24Chuck it on.
32:26All right.
32:28Put her on there. There we go.
32:30Washing the clay-covered stones
32:32in water overnight will reveal
32:34just how much opal they've found.
32:36Now, unfortunately,
32:38we have to wait for, like, 12 hours.
32:40It's just going to be pure wonder
32:42what will actually come out of the other side.
32:44Dude, there's some nice colour.
32:46Just stand and wash and wait.
33:00Hey, Les. How you going, mate?
33:02How are you, mate?
33:04After a 700-kilometre round trip,
33:06Les is back from the doctors.
33:08What'd the vet say?
33:10He'd give me another six months.
33:12Six months? Well, we should hit our fortune
33:14in six months, I'd reckon, wouldn't you?
33:16Well, I hope so.
33:18You got it on it yesterday.
33:20Yeah, well, that's good.
33:22I got a little bit while you were away.
33:24All right, eh?
33:26With a clean bill of health,
33:28Rod's opal hole from the maze
33:30is a welcome surprise for Les.
33:32Oh, that's nice.
33:34Got a bit of red in her, eh?
33:36Oh, yeah.
33:38Nice pieces in there.
33:40A couple of real nice pieces, actually.
33:42Yes, you can get a stone out of that.
33:44After all the breakdowns
33:46that was bloody good.
33:52Rod has arranged a meeting
33:54with a local opal buyer.
33:56I'm not going to do too much
33:58because she's a cutter and she'll want to cut them.
34:00So I'm just trying to get them to look
34:02as pretty as they can.
34:04Cleaning up the rough stones
34:06on a grinding wheel gives a better chance
34:08of getting a higher price.
34:10Oh, that's a nice piece.
34:12That's a nice piece, that.
34:14Nice little stone, isn't it?
34:16That's a nice little green in it.
34:18It's just all flashy.
34:20Now what we've got to do is decide on a price.
34:22I'm going to ask for eight.
34:26And then our lowest price will be, say, five.
34:28Yep, yeah.
34:30If we get five or six for this,
34:32I reckon we're going to come pretty close
34:34to our season total.
34:36For a bloody change.
34:38The Bushman's stones
34:40are mainly crystal opal
34:42with good greens and blues.
34:44They're rough but rubbed clean
34:46and there's approximately 15 grams.
34:48Rod and Les are hoping to get
34:50between $5,000 and $6,000 for them.
34:52OK, Jenny.
34:56How are you, mate?
34:58Good? Yeah, good.
35:00Nice day for it.
35:02An experienced buyer, Jenny Tolo,
35:04has been dealing opals for 20 years.
35:06You know, going into a sale,
35:08you've got to have a bit of anticipation
35:10because this is what it's all about, you know.
35:12Grab a seat there, Jenny.
35:14It all comes down to when that buyer
35:16walks through your door,
35:18how much they're going to give you for it.
35:20Well, this is what I've got, Jenny.
35:22Rough from down the maze.
35:24And this is a little bit I got
35:26from our mother mine that I rubbed yesterday.
35:28Mm, looking good.
35:30Yeah, it's a nice colour in there.
35:32Let me have a closer look at this.
35:34Sure, it's got nice colour
35:36but they're only going to cut little stones.
35:42So what are you asking for this again?
35:44I want an eight and a half for it.
35:50I more like six.
35:52Nah, unless it built me up the back of the head
35:54if I give it to you for six, Rhi.
35:58Seriously, eight's a bit too steep.
36:00This is beautiful colour.
36:02I'm not knocking it.
36:04I'm lucky to find stuff like this.
36:06The only thing is I'm going to end up
36:08with smaller pieces, you see.
36:12I tell you what, the lowest,
36:14and this is me rock bottom,
36:16the lowest I'll do is six-three.
36:18I think six-three is...
36:20I won't go any lower than six-three.
36:22Well, I reckon it's worth a little bit more
36:24but we'll come to the...
36:28No, I think that's fair.
36:32Thank you.
36:34It was a bit more than we wanted
36:36so we were real happy with the sale
36:38and she was happy to pay that.
36:40You only need a couple of good stones
36:42and you're right back in there.
36:44The sale brings the Bushmen
36:46within reach of their season target.
36:48Everything's sort of turning around for us.
36:50If Lady Luck stays with us
36:52for a little bit longer
36:54we're going to do all right.
37:03Well, we've found a little bit of opal.
37:05Cut it up, see if we can get some surprises.
37:07Be good.
37:09Aaron's gamble chasing his late father's old leads
37:11has turned up promising stones.
37:13Bye, mate. You know what you're doing.
37:15But to discover their true value
37:17the stones must first be split
37:19on the diamond tip cutting wheel.
37:21Do what you can do, Ron.
37:26If the opal runs right through the rocks
37:28it could more than triple their price.
37:30Put another one through that one, I reckon.
37:32All right.
37:34Cut too close to the opal
37:36and Ron could render the stone worthless.
37:38We're just grinding the sides down
37:40to see how big the stone's going to be.
37:44It's running there, you can tell.
37:46Well, it is running all the way
37:48so what we've got to do is split him.
37:51Splitting a seam can mean
37:53they get two opals from one rock
37:55instantly doubling its value.
37:57Split him.
37:59All right.
38:01See if it will split.
38:03There you go.
38:05That was a good little surprise, wasn't it?
38:07That was a surprise.
38:09That split good too, Ron.
38:11Yeah, mate.
38:13Bloody hell, look.
38:17Nice electric gem, green.
38:19Beautiful, isn't it?
38:21That's our pipe we found.
38:23What do you reckon, Ron?
38:25Well, how do you get two stones out of that?
38:27It comes through the guts.
38:37Told you.
38:41That's the better stuff, Ron.
38:43Well, that's our king stone.
38:45Nice red in it, isn't it?
38:47That's two of them, eh?
38:49That's that other surprise that we got.
38:51That is, isn't it, really?
38:53This one was very good, I thought.
38:55There you go, mate.
38:57That's earrings.
38:59That's got a couple of nice ones, eh?
39:01So they're our king stones, really.
39:05Bear opal is boulder opal
39:07with rich greens and blues.
39:09It's still in the rough
39:11but they have two kilos
39:13making its value approximately $4,800.
39:17Well done, mate.
39:19Well done, mate.
39:21The boys have passed their season target
39:23with six weeks' mining still to go.
39:27Good on you, Ron.
39:29It does feel good following Dad.
39:31It's good to finish the job, you know?
39:33It would have been good if he was here
39:35to show me a bit. He would have said,
39:37don't dig there, don't do this.
39:39That's rubbish. This is good.
39:41But the year ain't over, so anything can happen.
39:53Here we go.
39:55Our moment of truth.
39:57We are very excited.
39:59For the young guns,
40:01a disappointing season so far
40:03all rests on the results
40:05of 12 hours washing their stones
40:07in a homemade tumbler.
40:11Look at this.
40:13Holy moly.
40:15There it comes.
40:17That'll do for today, then.
40:25Dude, look at those colours.
40:29Look at that.
40:31That's enormous.
40:35That is beautiful, boys.
40:39It's like a mountain of hope.
40:41Holy moly.
40:43The mountain of a day.
40:45Dude, that stone alone is probably
40:47two or three grand.
40:49What the hell?
40:51Reds, greens, blues.
40:53Damn. Holy...
40:55There's definitely thousands of dollars
40:57here, like right here.
40:59Look at that.
41:01Look at that. That is, like, ridiculous.
41:03Jesus Christ. I don't know how much something
41:05like this would even go for. This is just
41:07ridiculous. I reckon it'll make your dad jealous.
41:09For sure. Opal doesn't get
41:11nicer than that. Here we go.
41:13Dad, what's going on?
41:15Hey, Jay. Hey, fellas.
41:17We've got something pretty cool to show you this morning.
41:19Jayman's dad, Graham Doughton,
41:21is one of Whitecliffe's
41:23foremost opal valuers.
41:25Yeah, we thought we'd better bring this one to the professional.
41:27Oh, wow.
41:29That's actually really good stuff now.
41:31Oh, that is
41:33actually gem, that one.
41:35That's the best stuff there, for sure.
41:37Yeah, look, that is really
41:39beautiful Whitecliffe's crystal there.
41:43The young gun's find is
41:45crystal opal.
41:47Two centimetre thick, it is
41:49highly desirable for high-end
41:51jewellery. It has
41:53clear blues and greens. It's in the
41:55rough, and once cut,
41:57they will have 30 grams.
41:59When I look around,
42:01just looking at the
42:03quantities that you've got,
42:05I think
42:07just as a bit of a rough ballpark,
42:09you know, you're probably looking at least
42:17Well done.
42:19That's hectic. That is so good.
42:21That is unbelievable.
42:23You guys start to make a bit of a go of it now.
42:25Doing well. Absolutely.
42:27You must be feeling relieved.
42:29It's great, yeah.
42:31Well done. Power to you guys. That's massive.
42:33So, what do you reckon? You reckon
42:35we're real opal miners now?
42:37You've still got a bit to go now.
42:39You've still got a bit to go now.
42:41There's still
42:43a few things, you know, to learn.
42:45Yeah, yeah. So, what do you reckon, boys? You're sticking
42:47around for the rest of the season?
42:49The big
42:51one's coming, boys. This is just
42:53one of them. The little fish today,
42:55the million dollars might be next week.
43:03With this haul valued at
43:05$20,000, their
43:07total is now over
43:15Cheers, boys.
43:21We did it, boys.