Opal Hunters S04 E09

  • 3 months ago
Travel to Australia, and watch this real life documentary, of people mining the Opal gemstone.

See our other videos, for the latest, HIGHEST QUALITY episodes of the Australian series Aussie Gold Hunters, Gem Hunters Down Under and MORE!


00:00On Outback Opal Hunters, a man down.
00:05This is really throwing a spanner in the works.
00:07The Young Guns risk an abandoned mine for a new source of opal.
00:12Are we insane?
00:13Chris and Oscar Geale battle their toughest ground yet.
00:16That's not working.
00:18And find another miner.
00:19That's not a bit of working, eh?
00:21Look here, look.
00:22Has beaten them to it.
00:24And the Poms' opal hunting dream...
00:27Carl, the tippet is stuck.
00:29Could be about to shatter.
00:31Can't everything just work for a day?
00:52Alright, we're pushing. We're pushing for the target.
00:54Alright, let's do it.
00:55Let's go down.
00:57In remote New South Wales, temperatures are pushing 40 degrees.
01:01The Young Guns, JC, Jamin and Noah,
01:04have just a few weeks to hit their target
01:07before extreme temperatures end their season.
01:10It's like an oven in there during the day
01:12and our machinery is starting to struggle a bit
01:15and we don't know how much longer it can take it.
01:19But there's been no sign of opal for two weeks.
01:22We came out to show people that we could actually do this
01:25and there is actually money in it,
01:26so we don't want to come back with nothing.
01:29The key is literally the more dirt you move,
01:31the better your chances are going to be.
01:34Move some dirt, boy.
01:38They're hunting Whitecliffe's famous pineapple opals,
01:41worth up to half a million dollars apiece.
01:44I mean, if we find one, that would be...
01:46It would literally be amazing.
01:47You know, there's nothing that could compare to that.
01:53Bloody hell.
01:54Having a bit of a rough day today.
01:56Everyone's just digging their... pretty much their hardest.
01:59We're taking it in shifts at the moment,
02:01so we just rotate out.
02:03Oh, no!
02:04So I'll jump in and have a bit of a dig as well.
02:08Get out of the way there, bro.
02:18Oi, what happened? Is it roofed?
02:21What? What, what, what, what, what?
02:23Where are you?
02:24Up here.
02:25What's happened?
02:27What's wrong? What's wrong?
02:28I've got nails through the foot.
02:30Look at that.
02:31Maybe one of those went through his foot or something.
02:40Dude, I don't know what to do right now.
02:42Do you want to just chuck him in the back?
02:44I think, yeah, I think we've just got to put him in the back.
02:47All right, Niles, let's go.
02:50Two kilometres from their mine is Jamin's parents' Opal base camp.
02:55Niles, how are you, mate? We're here. We just got here.
02:59I'll grab Mum.
03:01Take him over to this bench over here.
03:03Look at the foot. Look at the foot.
03:04What's going on?
03:05He's got a nail hanging out his foot.
03:07You have to leave it in there
03:08because you don't ever pull anything out like that.
03:10That's when the damage is done.
03:11I'm heading to town, so let's just go.
03:14Look, just...
03:16You're going to be all right. I'll take you in.
03:18You'll be all right.
03:19Sort your foot.
03:21Just watch your foot, watch your foot.
03:23Just watch your foot.
03:24OK, ready?
03:25Just keep your phone on you, all right? Just give us a call.
03:27The nearest hospital is 240 kilometres away in Broken Hill,
03:32and Noah will be out of action for an unknown period of time.
03:38This has really thrown a spanner in the works.
03:40It's kind of confusing now as to where we will go from here.
03:45To avoid conflict over any fines...
03:47Dude, look at those colours.
03:49..the Young Guns have an agreement
03:51not to set foot in their shared mine if one of them is ill or injured.
03:55Look at that.
03:56Look at that. That is, like, ridiculous.
03:58With Noah gone, their season has suddenly been thrown into doubt.
04:03We can't really do our mine without him.
04:05I don't want to be...
04:06Well, the thing is, like, we've all worked so hard
04:09to get that mine where it needs to be.
04:12You know, that's our team split up.
04:20I'm trying to really hope that this will be the end of our trouble.
04:23Yeah, as soon as we get out there,
04:25let's get out on the jackhammers
04:27and maybe drop the digger this afternoon, if not tomorrow morning.
04:30Yeah, hopefully drop the digger this afternoon.
04:32Anyway, just have to do the best we can.
04:35The Opal season is just weeks away from ending,
04:38but Chris Cheal and 18-year-old son Oscar
04:41have only just started their hunt.
04:43There's a lot riding on the next two weeks.
04:45It's stressful.
04:47There's debts there that I want to just tidy up, you know,
04:50and I'm probably going to need a miracle,
04:52but the miracle's not going to happen if I don't try.
04:55Australia's worst drought in a decade
04:58has destroyed Chris's grain trucking business,
05:01forcing him to return to hunting opal.
05:04With over 10 years of opal mining experience in the past,
05:07Chris knows the world's most valuable opal, black opal,
05:11worth up to $43,000 a gram,
05:14could offer a quick payday.
05:17You can get yourself 10 years in front financially.
05:20There's not many places in the world you can go and do that,
05:23and I couldn't think of anything better than digging with my son.
05:27All right, Chealsy, this is my claim, this one here.
05:29Yeah, 50 by 50 metres that way. Yep.
05:32Old mining friend Scott McMillan
05:34has subcontracted his claim to the Cheals
05:37for a 30% share of anything they find.
05:40The task now is to widen or bell out the mine shaft by hand
05:45to give their digger room to start tunnelling for opal.
05:50Right-o, mate. Let's get into it, eh?
05:52Let's go.
05:53We just start at the compressor, we'll start at the blower
05:56and start digging.
05:57We've got to get down there and make enough room for the digger,
06:00so I'd say we'd be taking turns hanging off the jackhammer
06:03Right-o, here we go.
06:07For Oscar, it's the first chance to work underground with his dad.
06:12As a young kid, I'd love to, you know, come out hanging off him
06:15and jump on the digger and go to tail-outs,
06:18and it kind of just seemed like it was ticking a lot of boxes
06:21for us to come out and work together.
06:24We'll just take the floor out, we'll take that out there,
06:27and then we'll come down on the floor,
06:29open that up a bit more, and we'll get up on there.
06:33I'll be lying to you if I said I wasn't stressed about it,
06:36but I just want to make the most of this opportunity
06:39and I want to find some money.
06:41We've just got bugger all time to do that.
06:43With just two weeks of their season left,
06:46the Cheels need to find $10,000 to cover their debts.
06:52I reckon we should have enough room.
06:54I feel confident we can get it in today anyway.
06:58Their two-tonne digger can carve through 10,000 kilograms of earth an hour,
07:03many times faster than they could by hand.
07:06To lower it down the 13-metre shaft,
07:08they've called on a local crane operator, Jack Pocock.
07:12G'day, Jack. Good to see you.
07:14Jack's going to be up top here on the crane most of the time.
07:16You've got to make sure the lifting gear's in A1 condition.
07:19I don't want much weight on it, just take the slack.
07:22That's it.
07:24Come towards me a little bit more, Dad.
07:26Sometimes the hole's a little bit crooked, you've got to keep an eye on it
07:29to make sure it's not dragging up against the wall
07:31and sometimes you're told that it's a bigger hole than what it is.
07:34You look pretty good.
07:38You all right?
07:40No, mate.
07:42We haven't taken enough out of room.
07:44We should have taken that little lip off there
07:46and we jammed up in here for space.
08:05Mining is physically one of the toughest things I've ever done
08:08and mentally at the moment it's incredibly difficult.
08:10I've talked to a lot of people around town
08:12and the advice that I'm getting back is that we are at the right level
08:15but we're just not seeing it, we're just not seeing the opal yet.
08:22Former primary school teacher Carl Grice
08:25and jeweller Mary Macmillan have sold everything
08:28and travelled 3,000 kilometres to hunt opal in remote New South Wales.
08:33Established in the 1880s, Whitecliffs is Australia's oldest opal field.
08:39We just like to do something that's a little bit different
08:41so we decided to jack in the stability of normal life.
08:45They've sunk $50,000 into a camper van
08:49that doubles as both workshop and home.
08:52The last $3,000 has been spent on basic tools
08:55and the lease to an abandoned mine.
08:58We chose Whitecliffs because we've seen some of the opal
09:01that comes from here and it's absolutely beautiful.
09:04Worth up to $25,000 a gram,
09:07Whitecliffs' crystal opal is coveted around the world.
09:11I love the colours, the way they dance
09:13and disappear and reappear in different lights.
09:15They really transform and they're really unique and individual
09:18and because I make custom jewellery
09:20I feel that they represent the person that I'm creating for perfectly
09:23because they're so unique.
09:25Mary's ability to make jewellery
09:27can increase the value of any stones they find tenfold.
09:31This is a partnership for Mary and I
09:33and the idea is that I find the opal and cut it and Mary sets it.
09:38Mining is a complete machine itself
09:40and everything's an essential cog in that.
09:42The jackhammer, the tipper and then Mary and I as well
09:45are all integral parts of that machine.
09:47If one part of that goes, the whole system breaks down.
09:50But as the end of their first season closes in,
09:53the novice team have barely made a dent in their target
09:56and are getting desperate.
09:57I need to be cracking on.
09:59I need to be cracking on into the opal ground.
10:02Opal, here we come.
10:13The jackhammer's not working.
10:25What are we going to do?
10:27I don't know, Mary.
10:29There aren't any jackhammer shops round here
10:31and I don't want to drive 1,300km to Dubwell to get a new one.
10:34It costs a fortune.
10:36I'm absolutely stuffed.
10:44This is proper old school.
10:46This is how the old boys did it.
10:48Hats off to them, they must have been fit blokes.
10:59The tipper is stuck.
11:01What? The tipper is stuck.
11:03It's stuck?
11:05Can everything just work for a day?
11:09I think it's stuck right at the top.
11:11It's just not coming back.
11:15I'm sick of everything breaking down every ten minutes.
11:18I just want to dig.
11:19I just want to dig for a day without something breaking down.
11:29We need to keep working.
11:30It's nearing the end of the season.
11:32We've got six weeks, one week closer
11:34and, you know, it's just one week we can't spare
11:36so we've really got to get to work as soon as possible
11:38and find another way to mine.
11:40Go and sort out some other odd jobs we can do, hey?
11:44Jamin and JC are in desperate need of a plan.
11:47With partner Noah out injured,
11:49they need a new location to hunt for opal.
11:52What options do we have?
11:53We don't really have much on the cards.
11:56Our best bet now is to go and see Pops.
11:58He's got some of the biggest knowledge in Whitecliffs
12:01about opal mining.
12:02You know, he lives and breathes it his whole life.
12:04You know, see what he reckons we should be checking out.
12:07Alright, here's Pops.
12:08Let's see what he's got for us, hey?
12:10How's it going, Pop?
12:11It's going alright.
12:12What are you guys up to?
12:14Oh, you know, just figuring out what our next step is.
12:17Jamin's grandfather, Pops, is a legendary local miner
12:21with nearly 50 years' experience.
12:23So we were just, yeah, coming over to see you
12:25and see if you've got any ideas
12:27about what we could get up to in the meantime.
12:29I suppose you could go down my old mine.
12:31I haven't been able to get down there for a while now
12:34till I get my leg fixed up,
12:35so you just want to go down there and have a look about.
12:38Have you pulled any opal out of the mine?
12:40Yeah, yeah.
12:43I'll tell you what.
12:44Somewhere around.
12:49Look at that.
12:51That's, to me, that mine.
12:52That is an enormous bit of posh.
12:55I don't think I've seen posh even that size before.
12:58Posh is low-value, colourless opal.
13:01It's a sign valuable rainbow opal could be nearby.
13:05It's there. I know it's there.
13:07There's still opals showing.
13:09And so, yeah, they should find it.
13:12It's just a matter of whether they apply themselves to it.
13:15Two kilometres out of town lies Pops' mine, the Mouse Trap.
13:20Jeez, look at that hole there.
13:21Right on the side of the road too.
13:23Almost two decades old, it hasn't been worked in over 13 years
13:27and its current condition is unknown.
13:29I think this is it.
13:30He said there was a ladder in place, so...
13:36Dude, how deep is that?
13:41That's deep.
13:42That's a big one.
13:43At least 40 foot.
13:44I still can't see the bottom.
13:46Yeah, neither.
13:47Alright, you want to go first?
13:49Yes, sure thing.
13:51I'll do the honours.
13:57How's it looking?
13:59Holy moly, it's massive.
14:02God, it's dusty.
14:03It hasn't been worked in a good while.
14:07I just missed a run.
14:08Are you down at the bottom yet?
14:10There's a bit of a drop.
14:12Yeah, I just got down.
14:15You good?
14:16Yeah, I'm coming down.
14:21Jeez, it is a bit of a climb, man.
14:23I reckon.
14:27Yeah, have a look at this.
14:28We've got some workings.
14:29Yeah, right.
14:31Jeez, look at all this.
14:35We've got an indoor swimming pool.
14:38That's going to be fun to play in.
14:39No way.
14:40The flooded mine has just made the young guns' hunt for Opal
14:44a whole lot tougher.
14:45Holy moly, man.
14:57Grabbed a Milwaukee jackhammer out of the toolbox on my ute.
15:0013 metres underground,
15:02father and son team Chris and Oscar Cheal have a two-tonne problem.
15:07The digger they need to get them to their $10,000 goal
15:11is stuck at the bottom of the mineshaft.
15:15It's not... We haven't taken enough out of room.
15:17We should have taken that little lip off there
15:19and we jammed up in here for space.
15:21Without the digger,
15:22the Cheal's mining operation will grind to a halt.
15:25Righto, coming down.
15:28To make it kind of fit properly,
15:30I had to jackhammer it out a few different bits.
15:33Jackhammering here because I didn't drill out quite high enough.
15:37Needed to get this digger fully operational.
15:44Hydraulically powered,
15:46it can carve through up to 10,000 kilograms of earth an hour.
15:51Now we're talking.
15:56How far do you want it?
15:57More or better.
16:01All right, nuts.
16:02I reckon that's perfect.
16:06There we are.
16:08Once in position, four hydraulic ramps...
16:11That's what we want.
16:12..lock it against the ceiling and floor.
16:14About time, eh? We got this thing going.
16:19I'm stoked.
16:20This is what we've been trying to get to, to this point,
16:22for the whole set-up.
16:24We've got the opportunity now to try and find a bit of hope.
16:27So, yeah, I'm open for it.
16:34Stand out of the way.
16:36We're a bit old workings, mate.
16:38That's old workings.
16:39Sounds like a fair bit of work's done in there, though,
16:42so good signs.
16:43So we'll open it up in there
16:45and we'll go in there for a look to see how much work's done.
16:51Long-lost abandoned mines can be a blessing or a curse.
16:54They've done a bit of work in here.
16:56Someone's added a little gouge in there.
16:59It could be a sign the area has promise.
17:02Falling within the boundary of their 50-by-50-metre claim,
17:06the tunnel is now theirs.
17:07What we want to do, because we fit these old workings,
17:10try and get this digger in here and clean this floor up.
17:12That's the plan today.
17:13That's what we want to try and do, is start knocking this out.
17:22I want to knock that out in there.
17:28It's hard there, eh?
17:35We really need something in the next couple of days
17:37for us to be able to keep working.
17:42Bit of shaves.
17:43Look at that crystal stuff.
17:45Looks like it's got a bit of colour in it.
17:48Bloody hell.
17:53Wally, we went through for a week.
17:57We actually did a hard one.
17:58Not bad.
18:10Oh, for...
18:12With the end of the mining season closing in,
18:14frustrations are growing for rookie team The Poms.
18:18Bloody bucket's stuck, Mary.
18:19As long as this bucket's not working, we can't get any dirt out.
18:22It's just a ball ache I don't need at the moment.
18:25Three metres high and extending 15 metres below ground,
18:29the tipper bucket can remove 60 kilograms of dirt at a time
18:33from the mine.
18:35Something's sticking somewhere, but I haven't got a clue what it is.
18:38Just be careful with your hands.
18:39Does it look like it's twisted to you?
18:41If you just stand at the end there, darling.
18:43No, it looks straight.
18:44No, it looks straight, so it's not that then.
18:47I might still have to give this a really hard pull
18:49just to release that bucket, though.
18:55Jesus Christ, what the...
18:56Bloody hell.
18:57What was that?
18:58That was a spring.
19:00You're joking.
19:01It flew straight past your head, Karl.
19:03Did it?
19:05Oh, brilliant.
19:06Great day.
19:07Could have been a lot worse.
19:08Actually worse.
19:09We've got a tipper that's not working
19:10and a jackhammer that's broken.
19:11It could have hit you.
19:12It could have hit you, Karl.
19:14I can see where it's come off.
19:15It's come off that left-hand side.
19:16Yeah, I can see, yeah.
19:18For fuck's sake.
19:21I need some help.
19:22Karl rings friend and neighbouring miner Adrian Porch.
19:26Adrian, how you doing, mate?
19:28Yeah, Karl, how you going?
19:29Oh, I think I've done something really bad in a past life, mate.
19:32I'm having the worst day.
19:34Bloody jackhammer packed up,
19:36and then the tipper's just literally thrown a spring
19:38and nearly taken my head off.
19:40I know.
19:41So I've no tipper and no jackhammer.
19:42Don't suppose you're about, are you?
19:44Can you just come and have a look at it for me?
19:45Because I've no idea what's going on, mate.
19:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:48Just give me a whirl and I'll come over.
19:51Oh, you're a star.
19:52Thanks, mate.
19:53We're so grateful for the community here
19:55because Adrian has kindly offered to come
19:58and help look at the tipper as well.
20:00So, yeah, it's just another validation
20:03of how lovely people are around here
20:05and how helpful they are.
20:07I'm having one of them days, buddy.
20:12Look at this.
20:13Lovely jumper.
20:14I shouldn't have given you any trouble.
20:15Oh, thanks, mate.
20:16Thank you.
20:17No, that's all right.
20:18Oh, you're a star, mate.
20:19Thanks for saving the day.
20:21Yeah, what do you reckon?
20:22Do you reckon it's fixable?
20:23Yeah, and I reckon we can get it back up there again
20:25so we can reattach it, yeah.
20:32It's hard watching Carl up there
20:35with this line of trucking around in the wind and stuff.
20:38I don't know, I reckon,
20:39but I'm pleased we've got someone here who knows what they're doing.
20:41Bring it back through the ladder.
20:43Oh, it's close.
20:44Hang on, hang on.
20:45Yeah, that's it, that's it.
20:47Yeah, that's it.
20:48Well done.
20:51Right, it looks a bit cockeyed,
20:53but we'll give it a go, eh?
20:54Yeah, give it a go.
21:06No, nailed it.
21:07Thanks, mate.
21:08No, it's all right.
21:09Thanks, mate.
21:10Glad I could help.
21:11Start mining Saturday.
21:13See you later on.
21:14Yeah, cheers, Adrian.
21:15See you.
21:16Let's get to it.
21:17Right, I'll get down there, then.
21:18While the POM's opal hunt is back on,
21:20struggling to make ends meet far from home
21:23is taking its toll on Mary.
21:27Hello, can you see me?
21:29I can see you.
21:31How are you?
21:32I'm OK, Mum.
21:33How are you?
21:35I know Mary's been finding it quite difficult
21:37being so far away from home.
21:39Lots of things have been happening back in the UK,
21:41of, you know, babies being born and weddings
21:43and things like that.
21:44How's the babies?
21:47Is she?
21:52And Mary's been in touch with all those people,
21:54but I think feeling that distance of not being there,
21:56not being part of it.
21:57I want to come home soon, I think,
21:59because I'm just missing you.
22:03OK, Mum.
22:09So I knew she was feeling a little homesick,
22:11but I didn't quite realise how deeply
22:13until she got off the call with her mum.
22:22You miss her a lot, don't you?
22:29You know, it's the longest time that I've been away for.
22:32At the end of the day, family is the most important thing,
22:35so it's important to honour that, I think.
22:47That is an Olympic swimming pool of water.
22:50Massive problem.
22:51We've gotten down into the mine
22:53and we found several parts of the mine filled with water.
22:57With partner Noah out of action,
22:59Noah and JC are hunting for opal in a disused flooded mine,
23:0350 metres long and 13 metres underground.
23:07So it's going to be a challenge to try and cross that,
23:10but it's something we're going to have to do
23:12if we want to get to the other side.
23:14All right. You good?
23:16Let's do it.
23:18Get in there, brother.
23:20Oh, my God, that is so cold.
23:22With its depth unknown,
23:24the water could contain abandoned tools,
23:26wire and metal that could seriously injure them.
23:29Dude, this is deep.
23:31This is insane, man.
23:36I've not seen anything yet.
23:39Not at all.
23:41I just want to check over at this corner.
23:47I don't know why we thought this was a good idea.
23:50It's not paying off at all.
23:52And it's cold.
23:55Are we insane?
23:57Dude, up here.
23:59Up there?
24:00Up here.
24:01Oh, God, there's some actual ground.
24:05I honestly thought it was going to run out
24:07and just be nothing,
24:09but the mine continues.
24:12I saw this, man.
24:14Get up there.
24:16Look at that.
24:17Man, there's got to be something
24:19after what we've just gone through to get to here.
24:21This is like good ground.
24:24Someone's had a bit of a gouge around here.
24:26Ooh, check this bra.
24:28Look at that.
24:30There's some opal running through the roof there.
24:32Oh, thank God we didn't go through all that cold for nothing.
24:35There's a bit of green and some purple.
24:38It's got a bit of colour or something.
24:40The ground's pretty bloody hard there, eh?
24:42We're going to have to go back through the water
24:44and we're going to have to bring tools back through that water.
24:46Oh, God.
24:48What do you reckon?
24:50Let's go get wet.
24:52You know what?
24:54We bring towels down next time.
24:56We found a bit of trace in the wall,
24:58so when you find trace, you've just got to chase it
25:00and, you know, hope it turns into something.
25:02It's always that day.
25:04You know, you can be poor in the morning
25:06and then by the afternoon you can be a millionaire.
25:08It's the type of day I want.
25:10I think our biggest challenge today is going to be, you know,
25:12running out of power.
25:14It's not worth, you know, risking your life
25:16and getting electrocuted.
25:18No, not at all.
25:20There's a hole right near the area.
25:22That's perfect.
25:24I think it's this one here.
25:26I guess we just take the chance,
25:28drop the cable down this one.
25:30If we're wrong, one of us is going to have to go back
25:32through the water and up the top again.
25:34Let's just hope this is the hole.
25:44I know you miss her.
25:46I can tell.
25:48I can feel it as well.
25:50I can see it's getting harder and harder as well.
25:56It feels a long way away sometimes, doesn't it?
25:58Yeah, it does, especially when you're in the middle of nowhere.
26:00Far from home,
26:02cracks are starting to appear
26:04in the Pom's Australian opal dream.
26:06It just broke my heart to see Mary that sad,
26:08so immediately I thought,
26:10well, we find Opal as quick as we can
26:12and get Mary on a plane home to see her family.
26:18But Carl and Mary
26:20haven't found a cent in Opal
26:22for over a month.
26:26That one's looking good.
26:28Is it? Yeah.
26:30This seam's thickening up.
26:32It is, isn't it? Yeah, it's getting a lot thicker.
26:34All of a sudden,
26:36you can see what's there.
26:44Come on, Mary, bring your eagle eyes down
26:46so you can see it.
26:50Oh, look.
26:52I just found that in the wall.
26:54That looks like potch. It does a bit.
26:56Because it's making it like...
26:58That looks almost like a shell, actually.
27:00When I'm scratching, it's making that...
27:02Yeah, that's silica.
27:04It's really, really silica, this stuff.
27:06The main ingredient in Opal,
27:08if the silica is deposited unevenly,
27:10it forms a colourless, worthless substance
27:12called potch.
27:14That looks like potch, Mary.
27:16It's a sign that valuable Opal
27:18might not be far away.
27:20Let's jackhammer it and see what happens.
27:30Oh, Mary. Yeah?
27:32Mary, have a look. Is it?
27:34Oh, wow. Have you found some?
27:36Yeah, look.
27:38It's a vein. It's all through here.
27:40Have you got the little point?
27:44Oh, my God, look at that colour.
27:46Look at that. Bloody.
27:48That's thick as well. That's really thick.
27:50Oh, there's loads more, Mary.
27:52Is there? Yeah, the vein runs all through here.
27:54Wow. Look at the size of that.
27:56Wow. Yeah.
27:58Oh, my God, look at the size of that.
28:00It's all through there as well, Mary.
28:02It goes all the way around to here, Karl.
28:04There's loads of it. Look at that.
28:06That's beautiful. Oh, that's stunning.
28:08Yeah, that's really nice.
28:10And it's still going. It's still coming out.
28:12This is brilliant. Oh, we've got purple, blue.
28:14Wow, Karl.
28:18Look at what we've got, Karl.
28:20Just look at this.
28:22That's the sound of money, that.
28:24That's the sound of a plane ticket, Mary.
28:26Let's go.
28:34You've got good eyes on you, mate.
28:36With just two weeks of the season left to find Opal,
28:38father and son team Chris and Oscar Cheal
28:40have broken into an old mine.
28:44Purple seam.
28:46Yeah, that's a good trace.
28:48With his trucking business on the rocks,
28:50Dad Chris desperately needs
28:52at least $10,000
28:54to help support his family.
28:56I'm back here to try and find
28:58some decent money because I want to get on top
29:00of the bills. I want to be able to provide
29:02for the kids. I'm just trying to give
29:04my kids the opportunities that I never had.
29:06Chris is gambling
29:08on finding highly prized
29:10black opal, so-called
29:12because of its black base.
29:14Best quality stones can be worth
29:16up to $43,000 a gram.
29:18This one stone
29:20is a clue there could be rich opal
29:22in the old mine.
29:24Makes me want to keep digging.
29:26Once we take this out, get the digger in here,
29:28that's when the real stuff happens.
29:30So I want to get to that point as soon as possible.
29:32To get their
29:342-tonne digger into the old tunnel,
29:36they must first lower the mine's
29:48Oscar, look here, look.
29:58That's so good.
30:00We've just come across a bit
30:02of opal in the floor.
30:04Really happy to see that.
30:08Oh, that's beautiful.
30:10It's on black too, bro.
30:18Oh, bro!
30:24Oh, that's beautiful.
30:26Look at that red.
30:28That's a purple-orange.
30:30Or a black.
30:34Double barred.
30:36I feel like the weight of the world's
30:38lifting off.
30:40No real feeling.
30:46All this floor
30:48most probably has got opal in it.
30:50Where we're standing here,
30:52this will all have to be taken out.
30:54There's opal in it. We've just proved that.
30:56Right-o, Oscar. Let's speed this up.
30:58We'll go and get this loaded.
31:00I'll keep the target out.
31:02A 140 horsepower
31:04suction tube called a blower
31:06sucks the opal-rich dirt out of the
31:08mine into their truck
31:10so it can be processed in their wash plant
31:1240 kilometres away.
31:20We're pretty excited
31:22because we don't know what's in there.
31:24We can see colour all through these.
31:26We'll wash them up and see what comes out
31:28in the tail once the clay's washed away
31:30from all the knobbies.
31:32Hopefully there's enough in it
31:34and I can just keep digging. That's what I'm looking for.
31:44Oh, I forgot how tall it was.
31:48With partner Noah
31:50out through injury,
31:52Damon and JC are chasing a seam
31:54of opal 13 metres underground
31:56in a flooded mine
31:58owned by Damon's grandfather, Pops.
32:02That was good. Here's our cable.
32:04Is that it? That's it.
32:06You nailed it, mate.
32:08Absolutely nailed it.
32:10It's just up this way.
32:12There it is. There's our flash.
32:18Stop, stop, stop.
32:22Oh my God. JC, look.
32:24That's red. Look, there's a little bit of red.
32:26There's a bit of a red sparkle.
32:28Good spot. That is gnarly, bro.
32:30That's the cream of the crop
32:32when it comes to opal. That's what you want.
32:34You see red, you know you're on the money.
32:36And it's looking kind of thick as well.
32:38Let's get it.
32:48You ready? Yeah, I'm in.
32:50One, two, pop it.
32:56Let's have a look.
32:58Definitely got potential, this one here.
33:00That's a boy. That might be the best one
33:02so far, that stone. That's good.
33:10Where did that come from?
33:12Very nice. What?
33:14Jeez, these seams are running
33:16all over the place. You got it?
33:18Look at that little bit.
33:20There we go. Jeez.
33:22That's colour. That is the colour.
33:24Hell yeah.
33:28Is there a bigger bit up in there?
33:30That's pretty cool.
33:32Look at that bit right there.
33:34That's some crystal green opal.
33:36That's the colour we want.
33:42You got this?
33:44Dude, look at that.
33:46Look at that colour.
33:48Look at that stone.
33:50That is a rock right there.
33:52That's going straight on the queen's finger.
33:54That is worth doing
33:56just about anything for, I'd say.
33:58We're seeing some really brilliant colours
34:00come out of the ground, which is fantastic.
34:02It's why we're here. It's what we're looking for.
34:04Opal like this can change your life if you find enough of it.
34:06This has really turned it around, big time.
34:08This has turned into some really serious
34:10colour. Good size on it as well.
34:12I'm ecstatic.
34:14This is what we want.
34:16That's bloody beautiful.
34:26I'll put it on here, yeah?
34:28Let's have a look.
34:30After weeks of hard labour,
34:32British couple Carl and Mary have finally
34:34hit a rich seam of opal that could
34:36turn their fortunes around.
34:38Look at that colour.
34:40Look at that.
34:42Oh, gorgeous.
34:44Look at that.
34:46A bit of purple crystal there.
34:48That's beautiful.
34:50Oh, that's perfect.
34:52It's all the way through.
34:56I knew it was there.
34:58It was just looking more and more like her.
35:00I felt it in my bones.
35:02This has got to be worth thousands rather than hundreds.
35:04I think so, just because of how much is here.
35:06For homesick Mary,
35:08there's now hope she can see her family.
35:10Looking at the opal there,
35:12obviously I think I'd need a little help from someone
35:14who's got a bit more expert eye,
35:16but I reckon there is enough there for
35:18a plane ticket for me to go back to England.
35:20We're going to take the opal
35:22to Macca, who's a local legend.
35:24He knows what he's talking about when it comes to opal,
35:26and we're hoping he'll give us an evaluation
35:28and an appraisal of it.
35:30Good to see you, mate.
35:32Veteran opal miner John Macca-McCaskill
35:34is a local legend
35:36with 30 years experience.
35:38Good on you.
35:40We've given it a good scrub and a wash
35:42so we can try and see as much colour as we can.
35:44Oh, that's great because
35:46you've cleaned that up well.
35:48Yeah, and it's good.
35:50It's good
35:52white clus opal.
35:54It's got that nice sound to it.
35:56Good stuff.
35:58You've probably got
36:00eight or nine ounces maybe.
36:04Hey, it's just the better side of ten.
36:06Oh, that's good.
36:08It's pretty clean.
36:10There's no rubbish in it,
36:12so Mary can
36:16So you've got the chance to be able to
36:18do that and increase the value.
36:22Just say you were cutting it to size and not
36:26you'd expect to probably get at
36:30two, two, two, two, two, two, two, two,
36:32two, two, two, two.
36:34Yeah, it means you've entered the
36:36many thousands, like 28,000,
36:3830,000 minimum.
36:40Good on you kids.
36:42You've done well.
36:44Carl and Mary's opal is
36:46crystal opal with translucent
36:48blues and greens. The stones
36:50are in the rough, but Mary's jewellery
36:52making skills could transform them
36:54into pieces worth up to
36:56$30,000. In just
36:58a week's time, we find they've made a huge
37:00leap from $7,900
37:02to almost $38,000.
37:04Exciting, huh?
37:06That's amazing.
37:08That's a ticket home and then some.
37:10We realise that we've made, you know,
37:12potentially a good amount of money, but also
37:14that means that I can afford a plane ticket now
37:16to go back and see my family, so
37:18although I'm sad to be leaving Carl
37:22Love you. Love you too, sweetheart.
37:24I think it's important that I go back and see my
37:26family and hopefully Carl can find some opal in the meantime
37:28to show me for when I get back.
37:32On the one hand, I was really excited
37:34that Mary was able to go back and spend
37:36some time with her family.
37:38But on the other hand,
37:40selfishly, there was a big gap where
37:42she was and I knew I was going to miss her.
37:48It's a case of me holding the fort here until Mary returns
37:50and hopefully that fort will be
37:52sparkling with opal by the time she does.
38:00Very nice.
38:02Look at that colour.
38:04Young Guns,
38:06Jamin and JC, are cleaning the
38:08excess clay off their find
38:10before washing it to reveal its
38:12true value.
38:14Alright, let's chuck those in
38:16and let's see what we've got.
38:18Is that clean?
38:22That's good.
38:24Is that clean?
38:28Let's chuck some water in it.
38:32That's it.
38:34We'll come back and
38:36check that tomorrow.
38:38Yeah, we'll come back and check it tomorrow.
38:40There is a couple of nice bits in there.
38:44After losing partner
38:46Noah to injury and still
38:48$14,000 short of their target,
38:50they'll need this find to pay off
38:52to keep their season on track.
38:54Let's see what we've got.
38:56What have we got?
38:58Big old moment of truth.
39:06Oh, there's some colour there.
39:10That's beautiful.
39:12Oh, look at that one. That's got colour.
39:18Have you got some of that water still?
39:22This is the high-grade stuff. This is the low-grade stuff that's weaker.
39:24We've only got about an ounce of each.
39:26I reckon as a total, we're looking at
39:30$4,000 for the lot.
39:32Mate! Look at that colour.
39:34Jamin and JC
39:36have found crystal opal
39:38with blues, greens, and
39:40flashes of valuable red.
39:42Whilst there's over 50 grams,
39:44it's still in the rough, making it worth
39:46an estimated $4,000,
39:48bringing their total
39:50to over $49,000.
39:52Oh, there he is.
39:54There he is!
39:56How's it going, mate?
39:58How's your foot?
40:00Yeah, it doesn't hurt so much anymore.
40:02Had an x-ray, and it wasn't as bad as
40:04it kind of felt.
40:06It didn't actually go through anything.
40:08Oh, that's good. Well, look what you bloody missed out on.
40:10Let me flip the camera up.
40:12Look at that.
40:14And look how big they are.
40:16I've seen that stuff.
40:18I'm jealous now.
40:20Yeah, I bet you are.
40:22Hurry up and get that foot bandaged and get on your way back.
40:24Hobble back to us.
40:26We need you.
40:28I'm stinging for it.
40:30Alright, brother. We'll see you soon.
40:32See ya, mate.
40:34That's it, man. Good job.
40:36Killed it.
40:46Yeah, it's cleaned up good.
40:48In desperate need of at least $10,000
40:50to pay mounting debts,
40:52Oscar Cheal and Dad Chris
40:54are about to find out if their first
40:56truckload from an abandoned mine has
40:58paid off.
41:00I'll spin him in reverse and send her down.
41:02I think he's only probably going to be one foot.
41:04Owner of the claim, Scott, is there to help
41:06and claim his 30% cut.
41:08Let's do it. She's ready, mate.
41:12It should come out fairly clean anyway.
41:14But if there's no opal
41:16in this load, the father and son
41:18team will just sink deeper into debt
41:20and could be forced to stop
41:22mining altogether.
41:26Push it down, mate.
41:28There's splashes everywhere, mate.
41:32Bloody hell.
41:34It's everywhere.
41:36Far out.
41:42Oh, just look at the colour in that.
41:44Everywhere you freaking look.
41:46Oh, mate. Everywhere you look, there's colour.
41:48Look at the knobbing everywhere.
41:56Everywhere you look, mate.
41:58Really, really bright greenstone
42:00there for me.
42:02Beautiful little clean crystal.
42:04One truckload and it was just
42:06everywhere you looked, there was colour.
42:12A lot of it's hitting colour, isn't it?
42:18This is why we do it.
42:24We've got some opal.
42:26I've never ever seen a toilet like that before.
42:28With two weeks remaining
42:30before the summer heat
42:32ends the season, Chris and rookie son
42:34Oscar have hit the jackpot
42:36with a stunning haul of classic
42:38Lightning Ridge black opal.
42:42With purple, turquoise,
42:44green, yellow and orange.
42:48I reckon it's
42:50a long time coming.
42:52There's definitely
42:54worth more than ten grand there when you look
42:56at it like that.
42:58A hundred percent.
43:00Well, there's our season target
43:02out the window, eh?
43:04Worth $30,000,
43:06their $21,000
43:08share means they've smashed their
43:10season target.
43:12First game, mate. Let's go.
43:14He's seen something that a lot of miners never see
43:16and he's only been at it a week
43:18and I think he's been shot up the arse with a rainbow.
43:20You want to stay able,
43:22mate, or what?
43:24You might be my good luck charm, mate.
43:26You may be.
43:28This whole experience is
43:30going to be something I'll look back on
43:32throughout my whole life and smile.
43:34Especially with him,
43:36it's something we've been able to do together.