• 2 months ago
00:00The next day
00:05I'm so tired.
00:08The maid practice was so hard.
00:17Good night, Towa-chan.
00:24No! That was just a habit!
00:26You forgot something important.
00:28Huh? What is it?
00:30I summon the devil!
00:59Good morning.
01:01Good morning.
01:03Good morning.
01:05Good morning.
01:07Good morning.
01:09Good morning.
01:11Good morning.
01:13Good morning.
01:15Good morning.
01:17Good morning.
01:19Good morning.
01:21Good morning.
01:23Good morning.
01:25Good morning.
01:27Good morning.
01:29Good morning.
01:31Good morning.
01:33Good morning.
01:35Good morning.
01:37Good morning.
01:39Good morning.
01:41Good morning.
01:43Good morning.
01:45Good morning.
01:47Good morning.
01:49Good morning.
01:51Good morning.
01:53Good morning.
01:55Good morning.
01:57Good morning.
01:59Good morning.
02:01Good morning.
02:03Good morning.
02:05Good morning.
02:09So, did everyone wake up to summon the devil?
02:14Yeah, Lily-chan said she really wanted to do it.
02:18I'm fine with it, but...
02:20Towa-chan, your eyes are turning into 3D!
02:25If I had forgotten until now, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
02:28You wouldn't have been able to do it?
02:30Why did you go to Okaken training camp?
02:32It's not Okaken, though.
02:34Do you know how to do it?
02:36I know.
02:37It's all written here.
02:39I failed when I did it with Hisui before.
02:43I think I'm getting better at summoning because there are more people this time.
02:47That's suspicious.
02:49But I'm glad.
02:50I don't think I'll succeed.
02:52Isn't it good?
02:53It might be fun to make memories like this.
02:56That's true.
02:57It's like a substitute for a test of courage.
03:00Then, I'd like to do my best with the famous Elohim Essaim method this time.
03:07Elohim Essaim is a famous spell, isn't it?
03:10Yeah, I've heard of it before.
03:13It's easy to do.
03:15Elohim, Essaim, listen to my call.
03:19We all chant it three times in a row.
03:24Actually, I don't know what's coming.
03:27Isn't the devil coming?
03:30In general, it's introduced as a way to summon the devil.
03:35To put it roughly, it's a word that refers to all spiritual beings.
03:41It's not a devil, it's a spirit.
03:44I think there's going to be an entity that wants to come here to summon the other party.
03:52An entity that wants to come here?
03:55It's starting to feel like it.
03:58I don't think there's going to be anything.
04:02I'm getting nervous.
04:04Hey, Lily.
04:06Don't you need something like a sacrifice?
04:10As expected of Noel.
04:13Before the spell, I have to pull out the black clay that has never hatched an egg.
04:20You can't do that.
04:24I feel sorry for it, so I'm going to go with the chicken cookie baked in black.
04:30Why do you think you can do that?
04:34Then, prepare for the ritual.
04:43Then please face east and chant.
04:47Elohim, Esaim, hear my call.
04:52Elohim, Esaim, hear my call.
04:57Elohim, Esaim, hear my call.
05:04What is this?
05:06Something might really come.
05:09Elohim, Esaim, hear my call.
05:39It really came out! It was only for a moment!
05:41It really came out, right? It had wings, right?
05:44An angel! Isn't it an angel?
05:48Shintaro, that was...
05:51Yeah, it was Shiyu.
05:54Wow, you can really do this kind of ritual.
05:57Yeah, but why did it disappear right away?
06:04Because there was already an angel here.
06:08Um, I'm sorry.
06:11You don't have to apologize, but...
06:13Anyway, I know that the summoning will succeed.
06:17Yeah, let's definitely try again.
06:20Nana, in other words, you're in!
06:22I'm so moved that I don't care if I'm in!
06:25Huh? I'm a little...
06:27I don't care what it is, I want to call it!
06:31I want to do the occult gathering!
06:33Let's do our best!
06:40I've already done a lot of occult gathering.
06:45Let's call a UFO this time!
06:47A ghost! I want a ghost!
06:49Don't plug it in!
06:52A hallucination?
06:56Somehow, I woke up.
06:59I can't sleep like this.
07:02Let's do something, Shintaro!
07:04Like fireworks!
07:06Noel Castle, nice idea.
07:08What's a firework?
07:10Um, when you light a fire, it glows.
07:15It's beautiful when it pops!
07:18Oh, there's one that goes boom!
07:21Shua-shua, pachi-pachi, do-doon?
07:24Well, fireworks are fun, but...
07:27I didn't prepare it.
07:30Here it is.
07:43Let's make a fire!
07:45Eri-chan, it's dangerous, so be careful.
07:49Which one should I choose?
07:51The one that pops a lot!
07:54Well, Toa-chan, let's do this first.
07:58The other way around.
08:00I'll light the fluttering one.
08:03Don't point it at people.
08:08Huh? It's not lit.
08:10Shua-shua, pachi-pachi, do-doon?
08:20It's lit!
08:24What if it explodes?
08:26Don't worry.
08:28I'm still scared.
08:30Then I'll hold it.
08:37Toa-chan, you're not scared anymore, right?
08:51It's beautiful.
09:01It's a little burnt.
09:06Tsumugi, hurry up.
09:08Yes, Izumi-san.
09:12No, Noel!
09:14I'm sorry, I'm not used to it yet.
09:17It's okay if you understand.
09:19Tsumugi, are you okay with this?
09:21Shintaro, can you light Tsumugi's fire?
09:25Yes, of course.
09:28You go first, Noel.
09:31It's nothing to be shy about.
09:33But Tsutsumi-san and Noel-chan, did you call each other by name before?
09:38Yeah, the other day.
09:41Because we're friends.
09:44But Noel, didn't Toa-chan and Lily-chan call you by name before?
09:49Oh, because you copied Shintaro's way of calling you?
09:54It's a little weird.
09:57By the way, don't Tsumugi and Shintaro call each other by name?
10:01They should call each other by name.
10:03Noel, Noel, is it finally time to call each other by name?
10:16Then I'll call Tokumitsu...
10:24Hmm, Tsutsumi-san already sounds like Tsutsumi-san.
10:31That's not it!
10:33Then I'll light the fire.
10:35Oh, okay.
10:41This is the distance between Tokumitsu and me.
10:46It's not very close, but it's not too far either.
10:55This is fine.
10:59Not yet.
11:17Ultimate Saint Fire Relief Special
11:19Ultimate Saint Fire Relief Special
11:22Lily-chan, that's dangerous!
11:25Let's write a heart together!
11:27It's cute and JK-like!
11:30What's JK?
11:47Summer Vacation
11:49Summer Vacation
11:51It's the best!
12:01We're here!
12:03Towa-chan, you're in a good mood.
12:05Are you looking forward to seeing the Sky Tree?
12:07Yes! I'm looking forward to the Sky Tree, but I'm also very happy.
12:12Because I'll be with Shintaro-sama all day today!
12:18An angel?
12:20It was an angel!
12:25It's huge!
12:27Wow, it's huge!
12:29Yeah, it's a lot bigger than I thought.
12:32I heard it's the tallest radio tower in the world.
12:36What's a radio tower?
12:39You know those TV shows you watch all the time?
12:42It's like a radio that delivers that to your house.
12:48Thank you for everything.
12:51Towa-chan, you're a TV girl.
12:54Let's go to the observation deck.
13:02It's like the shopping mall we went to the other day.
13:05It's crowded.
13:07There's a lot of people wearing yukata.
13:10It's like the festival everyone went to.
13:14They're renting it over there.
13:18Do you want to try it on?
13:28Shintaro-sama, how do I look?
13:32Do I look good?
13:35You look good.
13:37You look good.
13:39You look really good.
13:44You look really cute.
13:47Thank you.
13:50Hey, look!
13:52She's so cute!
13:54She really is!
13:56I know, right?
13:58Wait, why do I feel like I'm bragging?
14:04The first observation deck is 2,100 yen.
14:08The second observation deck is 3,100 yen, too.
14:12Since we're here, let's go up to the top.
14:17It's closed!
14:20I should have checked in advance.
14:22Um, Shintaro-sama...
14:24Do you need money to go up?
14:30I'm not going up.
14:33I can buy 15 daikons for one person.
14:3630 daikons for two people.
14:38What's with that daikon calculation?
14:41It'll be fine.
14:42I'm working part-time for this occasion.
14:46Could it be that this yukata costs money, too?
14:49Well, that's...
14:53I'm taking it off!
14:54Wait, wait!
14:55You don't have to take it off!
14:57The money's fine!
14:58Besides, I...
15:00I wanted you to wear a yukata.
15:04I want to go up to the observation deck with you.
15:07So, it's fine.
15:10Thank you.
15:14What a sweet couple.
15:16What a sweet couple.
15:18They're both so cute!
15:20Thank you for coming today.
15:23This elevator will arrive at the first observation deck, which is 350 meters above the ground, in about 50 seconds.
15:32This is the first observation deck.
15:40This is amazing!
15:42I didn't expect the view to be this high!
15:44It's amazing!
15:46You're right.
15:47I think our house is over there.
15:50The book he's reading looks interesting.
15:57Is Doa-chan really that good-looking?
16:01She's normal, but...
16:03She's an angel.
16:06It's really amazing.
16:08There are people who made this.
16:13You're right.
16:20Oh, no!
16:23It's too high!
16:25I can't! I can't! I can't!
16:27You're afraid of heights, aren't you?
16:29Of course.
16:31But Shintaro isn't afraid of heights.
16:34You're right.
16:35High places have great scenery and feel great.
16:40Well, this is inside a building.
16:42I think places that are dangerous to fall into are scary.
16:46Dangerous to fall into?
16:48Oh, I see.
16:51Humans can't fly.
16:53If you fall, you'll die.
16:58Please be more afraid!
17:00It's dangerous!
17:03But even if I fall now,
17:05you'll save me, right?
17:07Of course.
17:08Then I don't have to be afraid.
17:11You're right.
17:13You're an honest girl.
17:19So cute!
17:30Come to think of it, there are a lot of people with big luggage.
17:34It's already summer vacation.
17:36There must be people who are on a vacation.
17:40It's like going home to spend time with family at home.
17:44With family...
17:46With family...
17:49I'll show this to Grandma later!
17:52I can't wait to see Grandma!
17:54Yeah, I can't wait!
17:56Shintaro-sama, aren't you lonely because you can't see your family?
18:00Well, everyone's overseas.
18:04How about you, Towa-chan?
18:05Aren't you lonely because you can't see everyone in the Heavens?
18:09I'd be happy if I could see them,
18:11but I don't feel lonely.
18:14Shintaro-sama is with me.
18:16Me too.
18:17I forgot how lonely I was when Towa-chan came.
18:24It's getting late.
18:26Let's eat lunch outside.
18:29Towa-chan, does your leg hurt?
18:32Let me take care of your sprained ankle.
18:34It's okay.
18:35It's a little swollen.
18:37It's a little swollen!
18:39Towa-chan, let's go!
18:42Let's go.
19:00It's been a while.
19:35I got lost.
19:43What is this?
19:45I can't let go of it,
19:47so I feel like I can hold hands with it.
19:52It feels weird when I'm far away.
20:00I had a lot of fun today.
20:02I'm glad. I had a lot of fun too.
20:05It's a shame that we couldn't go to the observatory on the top floor.
20:10Let's buy a train ticket for dinner.
20:13Let's eat at my place.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:18I had a lot of fun,
20:20so it's kind of lonely to go home.
20:24We just started summer vacation,
20:27so we promised to go to more places.
20:32That's right.
20:34I was going to give it to you when I got home.
20:38This is for you.
20:46You didn't need it?
20:51Thank you.
20:55I want to give you something in return.
20:58It's okay.
20:59You always do a lot for me.
21:05Shintaro-sama, come here.
21:11There's no one here, right?
21:15Shintaro-sama, close your eyes.
21:20Don't move.
21:32Wait, is this...
21:34A butterfly!?
21:37Wait, that's a little too soon!
21:44A butterfly!
21:45There's a butterfly in the air!
21:52It's okay, Shintaro-sama.
21:54You won't fall.
21:57Is this an angelic power?
22:00Um, it's a thank you.
22:02From Snow Dome.
22:08It's so amazing, I don't know what to say.
22:12So this is the world Towa-chan was looking at.
22:16I haven't been to such a high place since I came to Earth.
22:26When I came to Earth, I was very excited, but I was also anxious.
22:42But thanks to Shintaro-sama, I was able to go to many places.
22:46I met Tsumugi-san, Noel-san, Ririshika-san, and Issei-san.
22:52I was able to understand the fun, kindness, and magnificence of the world on Earth.
22:59I'm really glad I met you, Shintaro-sama.
23:08But I still have to learn about humans.
23:13So please continue to take care of me.
23:18Me too. Let's go home.
23:51Don't I look really cool right now?
23:54No, you don't.
23:58Manager, please excuse me.
24:01Good work, Tokumitsu-kun.
24:11I was strangely busy today, but I'm glad I managed to get through it.
24:21Oh, it's you guys. Hello.
24:27Then, Motome.
24:30My name is Tokumitsu Shintaro.
24:33I've always thought I was an ordinary 16-year-old who wasn't particularly unhappy or happy.
24:41But right now, I'm probably...
24:50...a 16-year-old who's particularly happy and a little unusual.
24:56I'm home, Towa-chan.
24:59Welcome home, Shintaro-sama.
25:02I'm home, Towa-chan.
25:05Welcome home, Shintaro-sama.