Watch Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor the Movie English Dubbed

  • 3 months ago


00:01:29Complete sector T successfully secured waiting further orders
00:01:34officer speaking standby for second labor drop
00:01:590-1 to command ship enemy labor located coordinates 5301
00:02:05Range 1.2 kilometer
00:02:40Commanding officer to unit one continue your advance southwest prepare for attack with visual contact established all units stand by
00:05:27Today sees the completion of the foundations of Kisarazu Island together with its sister man-made island Kawasaki to
00:05:34Kisarazu is central to Tokyo's development plan
00:05:37The distance between the two islands is 15 kilometers and the bridge that will eventually span the gap between them will require an outstanding
00:05:45feat of engineering
00:05:46But on completion Tokyo will possess a system of sluice gates that will maintain the efficiency of its drainage system by using the force of the
00:05:55Even more important will be the contribution to the solution of the land shortage problem
00:06:00As we enter the 21st century no less than
00:06:0345,000 hectares of newly created land will result from this unique engineering masterpiece a truly historic achievement
00:06:12Operation Babylon the plan of the city fathers is that Tokyo become an example to compare with that pearl of the Old Testament
00:06:18the Babylon of modern-day Japan
00:06:21This vast construction project the greatest of the century has not been completed without the odd hiccup
00:06:25However, the wide-ranging use of laborers enabled these to be overcome
00:06:30the necessary underwater construction extremely complex technologically would not have been feasible without the extensive use of labors and
00:06:37Even above ground or should I say above water?
00:06:40Labors have been productively and cost-effectively employed in bringing the project to its present stage
00:06:46The development of specialized labors which has seen advances over the whole field of robotics has produced some surprising not always welcome results
00:06:54For example the term labor sabotage has entered our language and
00:06:58Examples of rogue laborers which have indeed sabotage human creative effort though
00:07:02Thankfully still rare have nevertheless become too frequent to be ignored
00:07:07Specialist scientists are devoting an ever-increasing proportion of time and resource to combating this potential danger
00:07:13We're lucky to have with us this morning two of the brightest stars in this field, huh?
00:07:19You are two of the brightest stars in the field, aren't you?
00:07:23And as I speak we're approaching the ark and what an imposing sight it is
00:07:29500 meters long and rising a hundred and fifty meters above the waterline a large part of its massive interior is devoted to labor design
00:07:37manufacture and
00:07:39You have any idea why they named it the ark how would I know the number of labors that have passed through the ark is
00:07:45No less than three thousand six hundred
00:07:48Okay, I think we've solved the problem in system. Oh five the displays working perfectly now
00:07:55Sound okay, no problems. Well, no problems
00:07:59We can't cure anyhow
00:08:00The engineers at Shinohara industries are pretty good and killed most of the bugs at the plant
00:08:04By the time we double-check their checks every last circle be guaranteed over a hundred percent
00:08:08Your pal Shige may be a software genius
00:08:10But some of us know our jobs as well
00:08:12So you can tell him to calm down and I promise him the new labors will be delivered on time with all the technical
00:08:17Falls under control
00:08:21Wait Shinobu two members of the second section have just landed and are on their way to see you division 10 why?
00:08:35Wasn't it worth it making the trip here to see the best labor in the world. Oh
00:08:39Well, I suppose so but couldn't they made it look friendlier. What I
00:08:44Persuaded captain Godot to give us the day off to come here to see this labor. Now. You say you're not interested
00:08:49I wasn't interested. Okay, that's it for today
00:09:02Saw my Shinohara and Noah Izumi reporting for a labor inspection, sir. It isn't sir
00:09:07It's ma'am, but you can call me Shinobu
00:09:11Thank you, sir
00:09:11We were invited to inspect your latest labors and come out on the radio chopper the maintenance teams following us by speedboat to take us
00:09:19Tell us ma'am will type 0 be ready for delivery by the projected date, you know about labor 0 obviously
00:09:25You would as part of Godot's team
00:09:27Do you want to inspect the zeroes pilot system? Not the mrs. Umi sounds if she's particularly impressed
00:09:34Well, you just have to open your big mouth as usual don't think she goes in for the jokes much
00:09:39I'll have to be more careful. It's true though. It doesn't look friendly at all another labored think it does
00:09:45Why are they calling it the type 0
00:09:48Because it's both first and last the last of the 98 series
00:09:52But it's the first labor to be specifically designed to incorporate the HOS. What's HOS?
00:09:57You don't really know very much. Do you for a labor operative?
00:10:01It's the software controlling labor action and movement efficiency. It's brain core. You mean it's OS
00:10:07It used to be that but a guy at Shinohara heavy industries has built in a new revolutionary procedure
00:10:12OS the operating system in the old labors is enlarged by over 30%
00:10:16And so their efficiencies increased by the same a hyper operating system
00:10:20It's a brand new concept labors are becoming a new breed with the HO system sounds pretty good
00:10:25But even these type 0 labors are still gonna depend on human intelligence and courage
00:10:37Hey, they sure didn't waste any time, okay, let's go
00:10:55You look at the size of this everything here is scaled to labor size
00:11:01Hey you guys we don't have time to admire the view
00:11:11Shinobu ma'am, can I ask something that I find a bit puzzling?
00:11:14You better talk to someone on staff here who knows more than I do about the place
00:11:17I just wondered why they decided to bring type 0 here to work on
00:11:23You know, the New York Police Department took delivery of three zero types some months ago on a trial basis
00:11:28And it seems they had certain teething troubles
00:11:30Well, what did they expect with an idiot like Kanaka running the development team
00:11:34so Shige was sent to the states to supervise the
00:11:37Investigation and he reported that all labors should be checked out thoroughly with operatives for any possible signs of operational faults as the ark is
00:11:44Owned by Shinohara heavy industries and our division of vehicle operatives is based nearby. It seemed the ideal site
00:11:49What have you discovered so far?
00:11:51Nothing. Nothing has yet emerged that gives us cause for concern
00:11:55But if she gays worrying it means there has to be a damn good reason so we're checking
00:12:12You're extending for sections training program
00:12:15I was given to understand my guys would be here next week and then two weeks leave that was the idea
00:12:20But unfortunately, I've had to change plans as a result section 1 will continue training on labor type 0 for a further week minimum
00:12:27I think you owe me a word of explanation, sir
00:12:30And in any case in my opinion second section isn't competent to protect the city by itself considering the overtime that you're demanding of them
00:12:43I'm sorry, the chief has sent me this order personally. I happen to know the reason why it has to be enforced. That's great
00:12:50Well, I don't and I'm going straight to the chief to ask him to return First Division to active patrol duty under my command again
00:12:56Stop right there
00:12:59I'm gonna tell you something which is not to go beyond these four walls
00:13:03Three days ago a prototype labor of the 7th Division's Defense Force Battalion
00:13:08Suddenly went on the rampage during a normal scheduled wind tunnel test
00:13:11It broke out of the laboratory and got off the base through the perimeter wire
00:13:15It took a combined army and top airborne labor force operation to finally stop it in its tracks
00:13:19No one knows why it went berserk and by the time they'd shot it up
00:13:23There was damn little left to investigate except useless bits of scrap
00:13:26What's that got to do with section ones training program?
00:13:28The labor was made by Shinohara heavy industries and it was equipped with the same new operating system
00:13:33the HOS
00:13:34Currently being installed in the zero type and though the military tried to conceal the fact when the labor was immobilized
00:13:40Its cockpit was empty. Are you beginning to see the implications now captain?
00:13:44It looks as if this new technology is leading us into unknown territory where so far at least it seems as if we're not totally
00:13:51in control
00:13:54Give me a break
00:13:58Why do I deserve this
00:14:01Kind of weak little wimps. Are you the reason you joined the force to begin with is to protect the place?
00:14:06So that's exactly what we'll do till the captain has given us the green light and sent us on leave and who's gonna protect my
00:14:10Rights to an uninterrupted night's sleep. The police don't have right. What a dumb thing to say
00:14:15I've only been home three times in two months and that makes for certain conjugal problems
00:14:20Believe me, then you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place
00:14:23I suppose Oda's got a point and we've just got to do it
00:14:26But you know, there've been more calls than normal in the last weeks
00:14:58Repeat do not panic. The area is to be evacuated in an orderly way
00:15:05Some kind of sideshow or something
00:15:07Get the hell out of here
00:15:15Terry Blossom 12 to section 2 commander target labor is identified in Gassabushi construction company's pirates who found
00:15:23Cutting a path in a straight line southeast from International Street moving at a speed of approximately four kilometers per hour
00:15:31You know, I keep on going along your present route toward the river and see if you can stop it at the bridge
00:15:36Okay, captain. Oh dad pursue and destroy put that labor out of action count on it that mother
00:15:44Remember the saving lives our first priority. Oh, oh, did she when I need a lecture? I'll let you know
00:15:51Shouldn't you give him a straight order not to file? I'm sure it'll act sensibly raise him
00:16:16Labor's a yatsubishi tyrant 2000. So be doubly careful a Noah
00:16:23Punch I wish I could get out of assignments like this
00:16:38Was gonna go easy on you because you're a tax man, but I'm not taking insults
00:17:14The white knight from section twos back on his feet squaring up
00:17:17There's a series of forearm jolts to the power pack that have tyrant reeling back
00:17:23And the tyrant sends white knight flying with a kick to the groin, but the white knights up again with a transverse stranglehold
00:17:33Coming this way Noah stand by hey you guys do something about the pilot
00:17:39Goddamn thing just won't lie down
00:17:42Get the pilot out
00:17:47Oh time use the electric drive
00:17:51Go for the ram you did left side of its chest one hit should be enough
00:17:56That's cut you down to size mission completed captain
00:18:24Trailers one and two ready to make pickup
00:18:36Hit the cooling tank he stopped the rogue labor God knows what he's done to himself
00:18:47Scrub it down then give it a blast of heat check all circuits and every last program
00:18:52Yes, sir. What happened that damn fool who piloted my labor in the drink. They're defrosting him in the bath
00:18:56I'll warm him up when I see him sir. I can't explain it a tyrant 2000
00:19:03That's been completely reliable suddenly rejects pilot control and takes off on its own
00:19:07I can't explain it either, but that was the way that it happened
00:19:11I saw it and of course trigger happy Oda wrecked it so badly that there's nothing left to investigate
00:19:15Maybe we're just overreacting we've all become exhausted with all the missions. We've done overreacting or not
00:19:21We've got to find the reason what did the pilot have to report nothing at all of any help a routine project
00:19:26And it moved off suddenly out of control
00:19:28He would say exactly that if he caused this morning's chaos and panic cap
00:19:32And I doubt if it's as simple as that up to two months ago
00:19:35We hadn't met this kind of trouble and suddenly we get 22 cases. I have to tell you the section starting to get a little nervous
00:19:44Where all your report put the blame what I report isn't necessarily what the guys at the top will be willing to release for public
00:19:51They'll go along with the manufacturers assurance that a system's fault could never cause a modern labor to go on the rampage
00:19:57Because government and big business have got too much at stake. I'm willing to bet you a month's pay
00:20:01They'll put it down conveniently to pilot error
00:20:04They're not gonna threaten the whole program because a section of mobile cops is getting a little nervous
00:20:15Dream on Azuma. It's my last bag and I'm dying of starvation
00:20:18Well, when you finish stuffing your face, I want you to get together all the mission briefing and debriefing reports for the last month
00:20:24Huh? Okay, but what do you want him for chop-chop?
00:20:30Can I get into the fridge you mean the mainframe yeah
00:20:35Okay, but log it
00:20:38You really have learned how to make the guys in your section do what you want them to you're pretty good at it yourself
00:20:44But let's stick with our labor problem captain got a call for you a detective called Matsui
00:20:49Great put it through to my office should she who's this Matsui? Anyhow best cop on the force?
00:22:23Want Shigeo Shiba of the Tokyo City Police
00:22:27I'm with the special vehicle division section 2
00:22:31Not there. Oh, yes, Kanuka Clancy
00:22:44You're working late Noah if you're coming in come in and close the door
00:22:49You should be getting some sleep. You can call us at any time
00:22:55Goes for you as well. Yeah
00:23:13They're beautiful
00:23:16They're a bit small, but I don't have the time to give them the care tomatoes need you'd ask me
00:23:21You should have been a gardener not a cop. You got green fingers, huh? Well, it fills in the time off
00:23:26Don't pick any that are still a bit green. Just take the red ones. Okay, didn't you say Azuma was coming along to help?
00:23:32He's all talk, but then when it comes to delivering he's with Captain Koto. That's why he couldn't make it
00:23:38He was up all night working on something. I don't know what oh, you're always so curious
00:23:43I'm surprised you didn't get it out of him. Hey, do you mind if I give the captain some tomatoes as well? I
00:23:50Cross reference repair reports that various mechanics had submitted on labors
00:23:54They've worked on with factory specifications that come with the labors when they're newly delivered
00:23:58Just one factor was common to every case that came up all the labors that have given us trouble that can't be explained
00:24:04We're equipped with a hyper operating system
00:24:07But the HOS is now installed in over 80% of all the labors currently in operation if it was a hundred percent
00:24:13It wouldn't change the fact that it's the only common factor
00:24:16There's another thing there have been cases of labors running wild for around the last two months and that's precisely the time the HO system
00:24:22Has been in service. That's too much of a coincidence for us to ignore
00:24:26I came to the unlikely but only possible conclusion that the HOS must have a defect in its program
00:24:31And so the factory must open its data bank for inspection
00:24:36That all you can say the trouble is Shinohara heavy industries made a vast investment to develop this system along with the government
00:24:42So spread the word the program is defective in some unspecified area and we're gonna put that company out of business
00:24:48I'd be surprised to hear they'd be willing to cooperate and killing themselves off because of this evidence
00:24:53Even so in my experience
00:24:55They're a pretty responsible outfit and they'd move heaven and earth to get rid of a bug but captain no no butts
00:25:00Let's suppose you've got something and there is some tie-up between the rogue labors that have run amok and the hyper op system
00:25:06Then say we find that the program the company produced is bug free
00:25:13The only possible explanation then would be that the tendency for labors equipped with the HOS to malfunction has been deliberately
00:25:20Programmed into the system afterwards
00:25:31Perhaps you should read this preliminary report from detective Matsui
00:25:35Personnel profile on mr. Oichi Hoba Hoba
00:25:38Hoba designed the program for the hyper system just about alone. Oh, you know about him
00:25:43Beyond the fact that he's a programming genius who ran the HOS development for Shinohara industries. There's not a lot we do know
00:25:51He's 30 give or take a few years
00:25:53He studied in America at MIT then came home in 97 accepting a job with Shinohara's labor systems team
00:25:59President Oichi Hoba was a member of the HOS development team
00:26:03Systems team present address unknown previous address to be checked and followed up next of kin unknown
00:26:08No medical or police records found so far. What's the point of this?
00:26:12Naturally, I went first to the Shinohara heavy industries personnel computer
00:26:16But unfortunately every reference to Hoba was erased same thing at the University in City Hall
00:26:21That seems a touch fishy to me
00:26:23Aren't you making a mountain out of a molehill wouldn't it be simpler to find him and question him? Yes, it would
00:26:29What does that mean why don't we dead a gang of steel workers were present and they gave us an eyewitness account
00:26:35He jumped off the ark seems that his body wasn't found. So I've only got these few molehills to work on
00:26:48We're ten steps behind on this one. We're only starting to get clues on problems with the HOS
00:26:53If only we'd made the connection a bit sooner. Oh
00:26:57What the hell whether this was a design fault or someone deliberately introduced a bug to the system doesn't matter one goddamn
00:27:04The thought of an army of labors running amok is a pretty horrific
00:27:07Prospect and one I really want to avoid so responsibility for the labors malfunction can wait anything to say
00:27:13What's that face supposed to mean? I've just realized you knew the hyper OS was flawed right from the start
00:27:18You let me make a fool of myself with a clever detective work. I was so proud of well
00:27:22There's still a lot. We don't know for example, what triggers a labors malfunction think you could stop sulking and go to work on that
00:27:28Yes, captain. One more thing. I don't want this conversation repeated outside of this room understood. Yes, but but why?
00:27:38Don't be stupid son a month ago
00:27:41Shige was ordered by labor command to update all our own Ingram 98s to hyper operating system grade
00:27:46Shit until we know about the HOS one way or another we have to consider our 98s vulnerable
00:27:53But we still have to answer emergency calls made on us. I don't want the section put under any extra stress
00:27:58I'm gonna go out to the Shinohara plant. What's the point of that? They employ an old pal of mine
00:28:04I'd like to speak with don't worry go to I won't hurt your investigation
00:28:08Captain I'd like to go with him. Take a look round. If you screw up, you'll be in big trouble. Yes, captain
00:28:20You drop that there
00:28:25Hey, are you coming or not? Hang on
00:28:30You sure it's okay to let Azuma go why because I'm not he'll get back tonight
00:28:34And I can back up pilot Azumi should she have to go on a mission? I didn't mean that
00:28:39It's just the boy gets emotional whenever Shinohara industries gets mentioned. Of course that gets picked up by the section as well
00:28:45It's pretty tough for him
00:28:47His father runs the biggest labor assembly plant in the world while he's a labor operative and the pair of them aren't even on speaking
00:28:56Anyway, he was the one who suggested going not me much as I like the idea. I wouldn't have ordered him to go there
00:29:16Had to build a plant here because we couldn't cope with the Babylon project which increased the demand
00:29:21Enormously and we also sell labors to a lot of other countries. So we're in pretty good commercial state. I have to say I'm impressed
00:29:28Yes, we're all very impressed. I come in here every day, but I'm still knocked out by
00:29:3450 years ago. Shinohara and I started up in business together transporting truck parts for the occupation forces
00:29:41Then we started making machine tools the year Azuma was born
00:29:44We started dabbling in industrial robots. The result is these labors rolling off the line
00:29:50But now the firm I build doesn't need me anymore
00:29:53I did my best to try and get to grips with new computer technology
00:29:56But I know I'm way in over my head though. They call me the boss here
00:30:00I'm just a fake a dummy who doesn't know what he should do with his time
00:30:03I know it's the position that I'm in as well
00:30:06I run our labor repair department and know less about the latest software than most of the new boys
00:30:12We're just out of school as for Shige and whiz kids of his caliber. I'm not even alive
00:30:16Ah, you're just trying to make me feel better
00:30:19No, I wouldn't do that to a master of machinery who's forgotten more than I'll ever know but one thing we do know
00:30:25It's always the same. It doesn't matter what newfangled inventions are made
00:30:29It finally boils down to this
00:30:31Machines are no better than those who make them when men build them, right?
00:30:34Then the machines perform right when they screw up then the invention goes mad
00:30:39And that's why I'm here to ask one straight question, but I want an equally straight no bullshit answer
00:30:45We're both old hands we both understand what it means for us to foul up the hyper-operating system jutsu Yama
00:30:53Is it safe tell me straight? Is it safe to operate?
00:30:58Hey, what sort of questions that my company's flagship product that's being sold worldwide and we haven't had one complaint yet
00:31:06Every company using it reports a big success
00:31:09Productivity on the Babylon projects up by a third of which is what I asked
00:31:15Is it safe without the shadow of a doubt we wouldn't have marketed it otherwise
00:31:31Okay, copy a couple more to go
00:31:41The HOS master disk
00:32:59The system's out of control we're facing complete chaos
00:33:03We do that everything will shut down turn off the mains make it quick and if we're lucky we might salvage something if we don't
00:33:09We'll be risking the whole operation. We'll lose everything on the frame
00:33:21Never thought it would run to that
00:33:22Have you left any clues that could link the thing to you not as far as I know
00:33:26But jitsu Yama's bound to have known that my father used to allow me computer access
00:33:30So we must have known it was me then I'd better not go and visit the old liar again still
00:33:34I got what I came for I now know something seriously wrong with that damned HOS program
00:33:40Even though they might have contained it in the plants internal system
00:33:43But we haven't got any evidence of what's going on with the labors
00:33:46They've sold and sent out given that who knows what degree of chaos
00:33:49They'll cause I could take a guess and besides. It's just a matter of time until this unholy news gets around
00:33:55What do you think that's gonna do for morale in our labor crews? We've got to sort this out without wasting time, right?
00:36:40Look at that skyline
00:36:42Huh? Oh, yeah, just as we saw from Hobas other apartments as well, but what about it?
00:36:48I mean, that's modern-day Tokyo for you skyscrapers and smog. I
00:36:53Just can't begin to see what this hope is all about a labor programmer at his level has to pull in a fairly decent salary
00:37:00Yet he lived in a succession of old run-down
00:37:03Apartments 26 different ones in two years
00:37:05It takes a lot of clever maneuvering to cover your tracks in a place like Tokyo
00:37:10Most of the rooms he used have been demolished and the remainder that are left standing or empty and derelict and that leaves no one
00:37:16Around who can answer questions?
00:37:18Even that doesn't make any sense to me
00:37:20Let's say that you wanted to disappear and get rid of all the computer data
00:37:23Which your last employer had on file and all your medical computer records
00:37:27I don't think somehow you'd leave addresses behind at the mail sorting offices where anybody could go and find them
00:37:33careless of him unless
00:37:36You two guys through with this place time's going by yeah, go ahead knock it down
00:37:57Maybe it was that huh?
00:37:58Perhaps it was a part of his plan to deliberately leave us from place to place to show us something
00:38:04What do you mean? Show us what I don't understand you
00:38:08I'm not sure I do myself, but I don't think Hobart did anything without some reason
00:38:15You know what I'm not happy about how much time we're taking with him cool off and stop worrying about it
00:38:22It's all cleared by the chief's office. Yeah, but who gave the orders?
00:38:26Detectives shouldn't be running errands for a guy in a special vehicles division. I mean this what's his name some kind of God is he?
00:38:32Captain Godot is a sharp guy. He says there's something you'll listen to him. Well if he's all that sharp
00:38:37Why is he just a captain in the special vehicles division that proves? He's sharp. It's what he wants to be
00:38:45Let's get going I don't get it
00:38:57Want to show you the areas where labors have gone on the rampage in the last two months three
00:39:02Concentrations the Riverside redevelopment area the central Shinjuku area and Arioka Harbor City
00:39:09Doesn't surprise me. There's a lot of labors working in those three areas
00:39:12So I'd have expected that that was my first reaction as well, but this is where the labors are actually located
00:39:19I see
00:39:21Interesting the disposition of labors around Tokyo is pretty even and pretty widespread
00:39:25But the destructive rampages of all being confined to those three circles on display
00:39:29Which means that there's some force in those three particular pockets that somehow activates them, so what can it be I?
00:39:36Programmed in everything that might have an effect, but the information. I've got is too vague
00:39:40I can't think of any more data to program in that'll take us further. I
00:39:44Need a better computer brain. I wish she get was here
00:39:48You haven't had any sleep for 48 hours Azuma. Go get some rest
00:39:53I can't captain not yet
00:39:55Suppose one of our own in room 98 suddenly goes berserk at least go and get some air and take a shower, huh?
00:40:02Yesterday's dream is today's blueprint and step-by-step is becoming tomorrow's reality
00:40:08We're moving steadily into a prosperous new century
00:40:11the Babylon project the challenge of the future
00:40:22To give you all one
00:40:26Great manners here Azuma. I managed to keep one for you boy. Oh boy. Just what I wanted eat it Azuma
00:40:33You look as if you could do with a big dose of vitamins
00:40:36You wouldn't have something that's more substantial, huh?
00:40:43What's the matter I wash them really carefully
00:40:49No, uh you weren't
00:40:53I want to talk to you Azuma. What's going on here? Just calm down. We're gonna have dinner together. Wait a second
00:41:12Captain Godot told me I was to have a shower and find some air
00:41:15I took the shower and we're out for the air now
00:41:17Maybe but even so the scooter belongs to the base and you didn't get permission to go off on it
00:41:22We're both still in uniform and we aren't wearing helmets either. It's all fine. I've checked the roster board
00:41:29We're allocated 24 hours off duty. Well, what if they have an emergency stop worrying?
00:41:33I'm not but how could they find us if there was one? What do you think we have at the moment?
00:41:39Azuma you're impossible. No, I'm not
00:41:46You go
00:41:48The super deluxe 20-inch ethnic special ingredient pizza for two. It's huge
00:41:54Are you certain we're okay in this place? We're sort of conspicuous sitting munching pizza in uniform. It'll be fine
00:41:59Just don't drop pepperoni down your vest. Don't tease me right then. I'm starving and I love pizza
00:42:06Hmm tell me why did you suddenly invite me out when you never did before? Oh, I just wanted to
00:42:15Tell me now what have you been having trouble with Alphonse recently?
00:42:23So that's why you asked me out
00:42:25Why why do you ask I was wondering whether the new system's all right
00:42:30Alphonse always runs perfectly
00:42:32Sakaki and the other mechanics are always saying he's their favorite labor in the division
00:42:37Listen Alphonse will do what I tell him
00:42:40He he won't run amok. I promise he won't go on the rampage like the others
00:43:00So you were listening at the office
00:43:04Look it'll all be okay
00:43:07Alphonse won't go crazy. I guarantee it you can't Noah and the only person who could guarantee it is dead
00:43:13I've been trying as hard as I can to come up with a solution
00:43:16But everything I've tried on the computer has drawn a complete blank. Why can't we reinstate the operating system?
00:43:21He had then there'll be no danger anymore
00:43:23But the system can only be changed by engineers at the factory. They won't admit there's a fault with a hyper o system
00:43:29At least not if we can't get cast-iron proof that that's really the reason the labor started malfunctioning
00:43:34but if we don't do something soon Alphonse might go on the rampage and I really love him then they'd have to destroy him and
00:43:40I don't want that to happen to him. I know that if he did go mad, they'd have to demolish him
00:43:46No, give me time. I'll do everything I can but I need time. I don't want to see Alphonse destroyed
00:43:56Though you annoy me Azuma, I think we make a good team
00:43:59Noah, you just pilot Alphonse and leave the thinking to me as soon me
00:44:03You're always so goddamn sure of yourself is sickening. Shut up and eat your pizza before it gets cold
00:44:08Azuma that big German Shepherd looks just like Alphonse. Huh, dear old Alphonse the first the dog
00:44:14They gave me on my eighth birthday. So your labor is really the second Alphonse in your life. Not quite
00:44:20He's my third. The second Alphonse was a pet cat. Look at it. Will you wonder what's up with it? Huh?
00:44:27Maybe you can hear something, you know dogs can hear all sorts of things that humans can't
00:44:31But dogs can hear all sorts of things that humans can't
00:44:34Maybe you can hear something, you know dogs can hear all sorts of things that human ears can't pick up at all
00:44:39Maybe the winds making some sort of noise like that
00:44:43That might be it wind what's up? Why are you pulling a face? Is your pizza a bit too ethnic? Ah
00:44:53Sounds sounds human ears can't hear
00:44:57No, I've got no time to explain but I got to check something out that can't wait first
00:45:02You tell me I can't finish my dinner and now you're leaving me here
00:45:05I want you to go straight to the captain as soon as you get back to base. Tell him I'll be calling him later
00:45:10See ya
00:45:14You can't just leave me
00:45:30Tried to phone father before I came to you, but his secretary wouldn't put me through
00:45:34My mother can't help me because he's never at home and she doesn't see him herself. Well, he's a very busy man
00:45:41Sorry, the place is such a mess
00:45:43My daughter's just brought her son for a visit. You mean you're a grandfather came on that toy bike
00:45:48So no beer to drink, but I'll make you coffee. Okay, no coffee. Thanks
00:45:52What I really want is for you to tell me the sound frequency that makes labors go on the rampage
00:46:03We've got the sumitomo tower in Shinjuku the twin tower blocks in park town in the Bay Area
00:46:09These towers make whistling sounds when the wind is from the northwest at a particular speed
00:46:13We know it happens
00:46:14Even if human hearing can't pick it up
00:46:16Then there's heart bridge that spans the water from Shibura to diver where things might be the same a great high suspension bridge with cables
00:46:23Acting like harp strings sounds that people can't hear but a labor might pick them up with its sensor system
00:46:28I think that sound might be the trigger which makes labors run amok all these places use a large number of
00:46:34Construction labors around them and they're all within a rough circle where the recent rampages have been occurring
00:46:39I think that Hoba you sound deliberately as a trigger what he was doing this for isn't clear to me as yet
00:46:45Genius like him could work anywhere. He liked but I think I understand why he decided to come to Shinohara heavy industries
00:46:50He knew that if he could corner the market in new labors
00:46:53Then because of his greed father would turn a blind eye to the way hobo was planning to use them
00:46:57I think father's discovered the truth and that he can't face the world
00:47:02The HOS system is now installed in nearly every labor in the country if it's shown to be defective the company will collapse
00:47:10Fathers panicked that's why I can't reach him Azuma. Have you any idea what the consequences are for him? I can't help that
00:47:20If it hadn't been me discovering the truth someone would have stumbled onto it sometime or other
00:47:24You've got to go public on this no matter what unpleasant results it may have
00:47:29You have to stop the destruction whatever it costs the company
00:47:33We can't let your grandson grow up thinking labors are evil
00:47:58Come back
00:48:02I've solved it. Everything's gonna be fine. It was worth it leaving you to walk home alone
00:48:19Confined to your quarters for two weeks, which is letting you off lightly. I imagine you're aware of the rules you've broken
00:48:25I'm not major then I'll go through them absent from the base without leave
00:48:30Interrogating a civilian without authorization using the divisional computer for private purposes
00:48:35Appropriating a motor scooter riding set motor scooter without a helmet you beginning to get the drift
00:48:40Any one of these offenses would rate a severe punishment and I really ought to be thinking about kicking you off the force altogether
00:48:47Fortunately for you captain goto has informed me of some mitigating circumstances
00:48:52You should be grateful to him for covering your ass as usual dismissed sir permission to speak. I have proof that I should deny
00:49:01You just don't appreciate what this is all about. Do you I have no obligation to explain my actions to you
00:49:07But I'll say this much
00:49:08Your father the owner of Shinohara heavy
00:49:10Industries made a personal admission to the Minister of Trade that there's a serious fault in the hyper operating system
00:49:16The government called an emergency cabinet meeting and a quick decision was made
00:49:20All labors will immediately be recalled for the hyper o systems
00:49:25Installed to be replaced by the old o system in an effort not to damage commercial interests
00:49:30The cabinet has resolved to lighten the enormous cost of this refit with support from the Treasury
00:49:35But you can't punish me while the real criminal goes free
00:49:38They're gonna give you know, how are industries the money to clean up the shit? They've thrown all over Tokyo. That's not fair
00:49:44Where'd you get off telling me that I'm not acting fair when you could be locked up in jail for what you've done
00:50:03Know Asuma there's more ways than one to skin a cat
00:50:07Flying off the handle and making wild accusations doesn't get results
00:50:11How far do you think the government will go to protect Shinohara industries?
00:50:14It's main suppliers of labors for the Babylon project
00:50:17The government's got a big investment in the Babylon project if it goes down the government will fall with it
00:50:23So they'll make things as easy as they can for Shinohara industries and the destruction that's been caused will somehow be forgotten
00:50:29Hey, there's no need for you to look depressed. You've done well pinning the trouble down to the hyper system took a lot of brains
00:50:35It's a fine piece of detective work. Oh, it's a pity. It wasn't taken out
00:50:39How did Fukushima know I was riding that motor scooter without wearing a helmet a oh, that was me
00:50:45No, it told me and I passed the fact on to what well, thanks a lot. I
00:50:51Figured you were exhausted. You couldn't go on with the investigation and be on the duty roster, too
00:50:55So captain does that mean we haven't given up on it? I retract what I said about you having brains
00:51:01I don't believe we can halt the rampages just by calling the laborers in and putting back the operating system
00:51:06You really think Hoba didn't anticipate a simple answer like that and killed himself without taking precautions to stop us doesn't seem likely
00:51:14You always believed that Hoba planned this chaos every inch of the way. That's right. What do you think?
00:51:21It's scary, but I think so, too
00:51:26He's back. I thought you'd want to know
00:51:33Is that shirt to rebel invaders, well, you aren't exactly wearing regulation uniform
00:51:37Ha the major believes that I was naughty and gave me two weeks on suspension
00:51:42You go AWOL and break nearly every rule in the book
00:51:44I think I would have done more than just suspend you if only for letting down the team pretty rich from you
00:51:50Oh, now, when did you put the team before yourself?
00:51:53Hey settle down. Take it easy guys. You could show you're a little happier to see me back. So come on children
00:51:59No fighting, please. She gave the first thing you've got to do is rebuild our labors installing the old system in them
00:52:04She's right. She gave its vital that you make that your first job the old system. Yes in our 98 the old OS
00:52:13Don't just sit there she gave we can't risk using our labors with the HOS installed getting it out may not be the answer
00:52:19But we've got to try I never installed the hyper system in the first place. What but HQ ordered
00:52:25Yeah, but somehow I had a few doubts about this wonderful new hyper system
00:52:29So I reequipped with dummy disks and dumped the real ones
00:52:32Didn't you notice your labors handling was exactly the same after they'd been redesigned?
00:52:36No, the first morning I came here
00:52:38I was told by Sakaki never put some newfangled bits and pieces into a labor unless you're convinced. They're an improvement
00:52:44Well, I wasn't convinced your father's factory had been thorough enough with its testing program
00:52:48Of course, if anybody had discovered what I'd done
00:52:51They'd have fired me and lost the most brilliant software brain they had but no one caught me and I was right
00:52:56But how come that nobody ever told you?
00:53:00After all Godot knew he telephoned New York not all that long ago to hear what I had to suggest and I told captain Godot knew
00:53:07Just what I'd expect kept it to himself. So that assume it would slave his guts out to find a solution
00:53:13He used us like we're dummies. He can pull strings on. Yeah. Well, he sure pulled my strings
00:53:18I thought I was his ally working for the same goal, but she just used me
00:53:23Don't be too upset Azuma. Oh, no, I'm gonna kill you
00:54:38Chihoba look Matt's week. Yeah
00:54:49I'll look here. Can you decipher what it says? He bowed the heavens also and came down and
00:54:58Darkness was under his feet
00:55:02It's an Old Testament text, but I've forgotten which book
00:55:06Hoba may have taken it as the verse which inspired him to do what he did
00:55:09I'm trying to figure in what way it's relevant to the chaos, which he planned good question
00:55:14I don't think I can help you. You'll have to work that out yourself. Hope his trail stops here. It's the end of the road
00:55:22It's a strange part of the city about 20 years ago
00:55:26They got permission to redevelop it and started demolition then the authorities changed their minds and said nothing could be built here
00:55:33So it was left derelict and a sort of limbo
00:55:38You know the more I see of this city the weirder it is
00:55:41In the last weeks I've seen parts of the place that seemed almost as if times had no effect on them
00:55:46Parts which were as they'd always been and then without warning I'd be met by the sight of a building 50 floors high
00:55:53I'd swear that building wasn't there when I turned my back. I don't believe everything in the past is worth keeping forever
00:56:01But it's happening so fast that we get confused and feel like helpless babies
00:56:06This old beaten-up
00:56:07Quayside was once a wealthy suburb where guys came home in the evening and now in a few years the bay in front of us
00:56:13Will be filled and everything will be different
00:56:15This view will be just a relic of a remote distant past that no one remembers or cares about
00:56:20I don't mind that but I have my doubts. It'll be an improvement. I
00:56:25Wonder if that's the message that hobo was trying to leave behind him
00:56:30What is it mankind works toward what is it mankind wants in the end?
00:56:34I've got no answers an old man with a reputation for great wisdom wrote them down in the sand
00:56:39But then the wind wiped them cruelly away
00:56:44Not that way let it bite in its own good time. Well, I put you to a lot of trouble for nothing
00:57:02You've never told me what you make of this business about hobo I would say he was a frightening man evil and mysterious
00:57:10But hobo's dead his body's deep in the bay. So let's leave him and leave his message there. Yes
00:57:16Well, let's hope he allows us to do that. Take care
00:57:20They grow tomatoes off-duty crews grow tomatoes and the division mechanic spent time fishing
00:57:26You told me he's sharp sure his blazes isn't what I'd say about him that's your mistake son. He's the best
00:57:37Hey, you still think I'm reading too much into this what I'm not sure maybe
00:57:42But thank God you saw there were problems with the zero type labors early enough for us to insist on more tests
00:57:48I called Canuka in New York and asked her to check out hobo while he was at MIT. They nicknamed him a hova
00:57:55Hova which was what the Old Testament writers called God
00:57:59We agree hobo was a genius but taking God's name is a bit much but the name Jehovah's really mispronounced
00:58:05It should be Yahweh or Yahweh. I don't know which I'm not an expert, but Jehovah is a mistake
00:58:11That's become accepted in the course of time
00:58:15Apparently when they told hobo that he went crazy with anger
00:58:19I'm beginning to know him
00:58:20I'm beginning to respect how he felt every day by his window looking out over Tokyo the schemes
00:58:26he dreamed up seeing skyscrapers take over so many parts of a harsh impersonal city and
00:58:34Jehovah came down and saw the tower the people have built in the city
00:58:40And he created many languages so that one man could not understand another and God threw man back to the ground
00:58:50Lo the city was called Babel
00:58:57Isn't that all a bit far-fetched don't forget hobo chose to commit suicide by leaping from the ark biblical references are everywhere
00:59:04So we can't ignore the possibility that ultimately it's the Babylon project. He was after
00:59:09Babylon was a place of beauty a
00:59:12Powerful city, but evil God smote its people into dust that was hobo's message
00:59:17He will return to smite us down again unless we hear his word
00:59:22The 26 apartments hobo lived in were in areas where a zoom have found that rogue labors have been active
00:59:28There must be a connection
00:59:30That's we soon realized hobo wanted us to pursue him challenge
00:59:34He wouldn't make a stupid romantic gesture the thing that mattered to him was that we should see
00:59:40He must have had total confidence that his program couldn't be destroyed or he would never have killed himself without seeing it through
00:59:48Shall I tell you how I see him?
00:59:50Smiling or rather sneering implacably at the people of Tokyo as he stood on the ark cursed us and jumped
00:59:58Hey, have you noticed
01:00:00Whenever you talk about hobo, you get a strange almost maniacal glint in your eye. What am I in that deep?
01:00:06Not good
01:00:10Do you think a Suma and Shige can be trusted with a case that's this important they're a bright pair of kids
01:00:25I'm tired. I'm hungry who ain't okay. I fed in all we've got
01:00:35Here we go, hey, yep
01:00:41We sure that the parameters are sufficient if the pitch really is 10.2 Hertz
01:00:46We ought to be well covered if the effects confined to these small areas while the fuss sure
01:00:51It wouldn't be exactly pleasant, but we could handle it
01:01:04I'm sure it's bigger than this. What is it? We're missing. Come on. You're the genius. What haven't we put in?
01:01:09We've got to find hoboes input file his hyper o system source code if we could find that we could establish his
01:01:16Responsibility for the labors rampaging then we'd get a little help deciding what to do about it. No one will help. It's up to us
01:01:24Probably putting the old o system back to work in the labors is playing nuts. They'll only manage to spread the virus
01:01:33Thank you
01:01:36Something to eat I think it's time to take a break
01:01:39It's been a complete waste of time so far. Well, relax. I brought you a paper terrific. I
01:01:46Can check there's still a world out there. I feel like a two-year-old kid playing some fiendish computer game against God
01:01:54Make us some coffee Noah. Yes, please. I've only got instant. I'm afraid
01:02:09That's it Noah turn the kettle on again what just do it the way he orders me around
01:02:19It simply rattles a bit
01:02:29What are you doing resonance resonance
01:02:33Structures vibrating on the same frequency when they're marching across the bridge soldiers always break step because if they don't they set up
01:02:40Sympathetic vibrations, which will collapse the bridge. That's what we could have here sympathetic vibrations that reinforce and amplify one another
01:02:48Not much difference our original low frequency pitch was possibly just too weak
01:02:52We'd need to find a source that sends out its frequency with a lot more power
01:02:56Something like a skyscraper. Well suspension bridge. No ventilation shafts a tower under construction, maybe
01:03:03Ideally, we're looking at a tall very large structure without solid exterior walls a vast multi-story garage say with full standing platforms
01:03:11I can't think of anything like that in
01:03:29Ark it's perfect. Where did you get that? I copied it at the Shinohara plant
01:03:36We're gonna have to run this to include abnormal wind speeds
01:03:39In fact to be sure we have to introduce unlimited wind speed can't be done not on this little weakling
01:03:45Let's get into something stronger
01:03:48Okay, we're in business play
01:03:56I hope you both know what you're up to
01:04:16Come on we're talking the kind of typhoon you only get every hundred years
01:04:27The latest weather bulletin confirms that a typhoon is building up southwest of Japan and it's moving at 25 kilometers per hour
01:04:34Towards us at this time
01:04:36So we can reckon on its arrival in Tokyo Bay in about three days
01:04:40The typhoon is of exceptional force current estimates have put the likely wind speeds in an unprecedented 40 meters per second captain
01:04:47I think I've heard just about enough. I find your unsupported theory quite ridiculous
01:04:52Especially as it's come from a doubtful source a simulation run by a suspended labor operative working with a junior mechanic
01:04:58Surely you aren't seriously recommending to us that we take emergency action on the strength of that
01:05:03It's virtually certain the typhoon 19 will arrive in Tokyo in around three days
01:05:09We have no time to program and run a simulation in which you might have more confidence
01:05:14I accept that we're dealing with no more than a possibility, but I see no reason to distrust the simulation we have
01:05:20We know the typhoon will cause the arc to vibrate as it's built to do nearby high buildings will begin to be affected by
01:05:27Sympathetic frequency and this will in turn trigger malfunction mechanisms in every labor currently in Japan
01:05:32But the earth's crust could carry the vibrations to every country throughout the globe what we're facing gentlemen is catastrophe on a worldwide
01:05:40Scale with labors running amok wherever they're in service who will take the responsibility for a catastrophe that we have the power to prevent
01:05:48How we do it as a political decision
01:05:51None of the alternatives is pleasant
01:05:53But to do nothing is to invite the greatest disaster the world has seen since since Noah's Flood
01:06:00Captain goto every labor has now been called back to its base and is running with the old operating system
01:06:06Accepting your simulation and the diabolical scheme you ascribed a hobo
01:06:09Surely we might suppose that it will have also died when he jumped into the bay
01:06:13I've sent all our HOS program data across to MIT for their analysis, but I've had no reply yet
01:06:18However, their experts tell me that there's no way of being certain the virus each labor has been exposed to won't still be dormant
01:06:23In its system this may apply to to every system that has ever had even the simplest contact with the HOS and not merely to
01:06:29The labors we can try and divert the typhoon
01:06:32We can knock down every high building or possibly destroy all the labors in the world everyone
01:06:38The fourth option is well, I've already outlined the fourth
01:06:44Captain goto in my view the situation may not warrant the solutions you advocate
01:06:49No further labors will be commissioned. Of course until the typhoon has passed
01:06:53Those currently in service will be mothballed to zero power status until the immediate danger is over
01:06:59When the situation will be reviewed, that's all gentlemen
01:07:01Sir, I have to tell you that even when at zero power status
01:07:04There's a possibility labors will still pick up the low frequencies if I may remind you of our experience with the self-defense force labor
01:07:10Goto defense labor. I wasn't aware of any trouble of that kind
01:07:15Then perhaps I should brief you that's classified man
01:07:19May I remind you that if a typhoon inflicts damage then no politician can be held to account for the consequences of that
01:07:25It'd be an act of god and not of man
01:07:30Yes, of course i'm sure we understand one another sir, right
01:07:36Yes, sir, then we'll proceed on that basis
01:07:40You can't mean it we've got no choice so we use god as a fail-safe
01:07:44It'll be up to us to prove that hobo's scheme gave us no alternative
01:07:48If we don't do it, then we'll have to do it ourselves
01:07:50God is a failsafe. It'll be up to us to prove that hobo's scheme gave us no alternative
01:07:55If we can't the commissioner will deny the operation and put the blame on the typhoon and if the truth comes out
01:08:01He of course knew nothing about it
01:08:03Boy, what a wily old fox i'm sorry for him. You'd better feel sorry for us
01:08:08If it doesn't work as I plan we're all for the high jump
01:08:11Are you still prepared to go ahead? We'll be lost either way and as far as i'm concerned doing something is better than nothing
01:08:18Then it's go
01:08:21I've got some arrangements to make shinobu will stand in for me here. Yes, sir
01:08:30Azuma what's he look so worried about just that we're gonna blow up the ark
01:08:41I want those cables tied in place around the body and over the cockpit
01:08:44Come on you guys the extra program cards you ordered to come get them connected in a number three as quick as you can
01:08:50We're running out of time. They passed my request for the mma
01:08:55Get the prototype riot gun mounted up better still put in two of them, sir
01:09:00The prototype hasn't been certified just do it. Hurry satellite pictures show typhoon 19 coming steadily towards us
01:09:07It's expected that it will reach the mainland in about two days
01:09:10Unfortunately, there is i'm going to enjoy myself
01:09:15We're gonna have to use the ark's emergency systems that way we can start a controlled collapse
01:09:20So the control room inside the pillar is the objective we aim for past the robot guards they posted
01:09:27There's lots of them and they're mean little bastards
01:09:46The checklist on the labors is complete the trailer floats will take a couple of more hours
01:09:52How did you get clearance to use the x12?
01:09:54I made certain it hadn't been equipped with the hyper o system
01:09:57Then I talked to the general and explained we had a crisis. I couldn't go to detail about it
01:10:02Anyway, he gave it to me then I had to find a pilot and I finally located one in new york
01:10:07Yes, you guessed it
01:10:09She's okay. We need all the help going
01:10:21Pleasure or business business, what's your occupation labor pilot?
01:10:45Inflate trailer colors
01:10:55I've told you all what's expected of you tonight
01:10:58The ark's completely cleared and you'll find no trace of the human workforce best of luck and return safely
01:11:36It's not too late you can still call them back
01:11:39And when it's done, what'll happen if you can't prove what hoba did?
01:11:43We'll be called the greatest criminals in history
01:11:45But if we did nothing and let this whole city and maybe half the cities in the world be destroyed
01:11:51That would be a real crime
01:11:54The way I see it shinobu, we don't have the luxury of choice
01:11:59Whichever way we tried whatever we did. There'd be a heavy price to be paid
01:12:03Fail and the damage will be unimaginable
01:12:06Suppose we succeed then the babylon project will have lost its main base. It's very core and it won't survive
01:12:13Which means that whatever happens we've lost
01:12:16Hobas won i'm no match for him and by jumping he put the game beyond my reach
01:12:21He'd already won who the hell'd be a cop. It could be worse than anyway
01:12:27I've been told i'm pretty good at police work and that helps now. Where are you off to?
01:12:32The coast guard wasn't informed about tonight's operation and all hell will break loose here when the ark's been sunk
01:12:37There'll be lots of trigger happy soldiers in action. I wouldn't like second section to be shot up
01:12:42I gotta sort it out for them. Jeez. I'm tired
01:12:45I'll be glad when it's finally over
01:12:48godo, yes
01:12:51Nothing. See you have rescue team standing by
01:13:12There it is dead ahead 500 meters
01:13:56It's eerie without any people in this massive great thing
01:13:59So there may not be any people left, but there are plenty of guard robots here if you want some company
01:14:05Listen all of you try to avoid combat because the idea is to get to the control room and that's all
01:14:11Oda up front noah cover our asses. Let's keep a nice tight formation. Okay, let's go
01:14:25Watch out guard robot
01:14:30X guard robot now, isn't it?
01:15:00Five are behind us eight they're coming up fast
01:15:09Wait up get a move on eat that
01:15:19We're wasting time cease fire it's them or us asuma
01:15:23I'd rather it was them
01:15:25Stop complaining asuma. Every guard destroyed is one less to deal with later
01:15:30If you don't save up your ammunition we could be in very big trouble, okay, okay, well do it
01:15:55Control room ahead
01:16:08Let's go to work don't shout we all know what we're doing
01:16:12The guard robots must as well and there are plenty more around here
01:16:15Go for the emergency panel. You can shut the security systems down
01:16:23Okay, let's see
01:16:25I'll bet they can hear that alarm siren all over tokyo
01:16:29Well when the cops arrive to get us when the typhoon's eased up
01:16:32They'll have to decide if we're criminals they can send to prison and conveniently make into scapegoats or the world's top heroes
01:16:41All units do you read security system deactivated roger staying on watch out here
01:16:49Right back to work
01:16:53Listen hey
01:16:55There's somebody up in the top floor sub control there can't be anyone
01:17:01I'm sure of it. See there's definitely movement
01:17:15I don't believe what I see. Oh, but just can't be there must be an error in the computer
01:17:21Or some sort of trap damn right there's no power on up there so we can't radio them they wouldn't receive our message
01:17:28Then someone's got to go and check we've got no time. We don't have a lot left till the typhoon gets here
01:17:41Noah do you read me? What's the matter? We have a problem
01:17:45There may be someone in the sub control room on the top floor
01:17:49The computer id reads a jehovah what?
01:17:52It's a trap ignore it
01:17:55There's definitely something or someone there. Noah. Check it out
01:17:59Why me though? It's too dangerous outside of labor and we need someone with good judgment that rules out oda. Thanks a bunch
01:18:07Do it. Noah. I'll back you from here
01:18:12We're both on the same team as uma so don't desert me I won't okay
01:18:17Listen no, we can't wait for you to get down again. We gotta start dismantling the floors. You mean around me? Yep
01:18:30I gather you're into the hos file. Yeah, that's right, ma'am
01:18:34Just spoke to a pal at mit. He's managed to find a way. We've just begun to get some program data to evaluate
01:18:40How's it look pretty bad?
01:18:42No doubt about the fact that he put a strong virus into his program
01:18:46Even worse is the fact that the virus hasn't simply infected those memories that hoba accessed in person in the hos program
01:18:53Every computer memory that's come into contact with a hyper o system associated program is also infected
01:18:58That means it goes on spreading they're working to try to produce an effective vaccine against the virus
01:19:03Only the trouble is it's complex and there isn't much time
01:19:06Well, it would have been an advantage to be told this news before they boarded the ark
01:19:10Now we can't do anything to call our labors back
01:19:13Anyway, it proves hoba did plan this terrible chaos and we gotta stop him. So let him finish off the mission
01:19:18But hold on a minute
01:19:20You said that any contact with the hos would mean that the virus would pass on immediately
01:19:25They'll be relying on the ark computer that surely had contact with the ho system
01:19:32Level d block 5 30 seconds to purge 30 seconds to purge
01:19:38All personnel evacuate immediately
01:19:43Level d block 5 all personnel evacuate immediately
01:20:02Block d5 purged alphonse is heading towards d7
01:20:06Okay, next one. Let's have the code for d7 fpd
01:20:1070460 once noah's gone up a level
01:20:13There's no reason not to drop the external floors under her if we drop too many floors at once
01:20:18We might throw the entire structure off balance
01:20:20Don't worry if we simply purge the exposed windbreaks, we should be able to slow up the resonance effect. What's the wind speed?
01:20:2935 meters per second rising to 36 per second purge d7, right?
01:20:33Level d block 7 commencing purge level d block 7 commencing purge
01:21:38Right, what's the code for e2?
01:21:43It's begun
01:21:44D level at three five and seven
01:21:47C level two labor activity everywhere. Look
01:21:52The wind speed isn't up to 40 yet
01:21:54Maybe the simulation wasn't accurate or else the purge has created extra resonance
01:22:02Come and get me you bastards
01:22:06What's going on
01:22:07Rampaging labors on this level coming across the bridge. There's plenty of them. Otis fighting them off. Where's kanaka?
01:22:13She said she needed to find a weapon and left us here. What do we do now? Where is she?
01:22:19What's she doing?
01:22:20power on
01:22:22All systems normal
01:22:25Type zero standing by
01:22:30Kanaka don't do it. The type zero is too dangerous. Its protective system may have rejected the virus
01:22:35I realize it's a gamble, but we've got to take the risk, but it might take you over
01:22:40If we leave it, it might activate anyway, even ota can't stand up against all the labors
01:22:44He's trying to fight alone, but with the type zero I can go in and help go over and out
01:23:05Noah come in the situation's changed the labors are being activated sooner than expected
01:23:10We can't waste time rearm alphonse and take the shortest route to the sub control room. Hurry. Roger will do
01:25:12The wind speeds hit 40 sumo we can't afford to delay the final purge any longer come in noah come in
01:25:19There's a raven with a disc on his leg. I've got no time for that now. We need to know if there's anybody there
01:25:25No, at least nothing human. There's nothing human here
01:25:35There's no response the main computer must have been infected as well
01:25:46There are more and more labors coming at us too many to count
01:25:50And if they attack we can't hold them all off help us get the purge underway now
01:26:00The main computer is out, but there must be some other way
01:26:08There's got to be an emergency backup system that's independent of the computer. Yeah
01:26:15How do we get into the backup through all this chaos just hurry up
01:26:25It's located just under the sub control room at the top of the main shaft right behind noah
01:26:30Obviously our reward for going to rescue anybody in that room. Now. We've got access to the backup. We'll be able to complete the purge
01:26:38Take that you bastard
01:27:10It's the type zero
01:27:38We're going to purge all levels return to the control room
01:27:46Noah the backup system is activated by a percussion revolver that you'll find in the compartment on the main drum
01:27:5530 seconds after you activate all the floors in the ark will be purged
01:27:59We've no idea what will happen to the structure's balance. You'll have 30 seconds to get yourself back inside alphonse. He'll protect you
01:28:08Activate now noah roger
01:28:19Purge activated
01:31:15Somebody answer me
01:31:41I think i've had just about enough, huh?
01:31:52Don't shoot noah kanika's in the type zero
01:32:17Can you hear me
01:32:19Uh get out of there noah quick you can't defeat a type zero
01:32:25Can't you do anything to help me? What about the systems disk? No use i've already taken it out, but the thing's still running
01:32:32I think the virus has gotten into the sram and that's sustaining it
01:32:36Where's the sram back of the neck the same as the 98?
01:32:45Here we go
01:33:02Noah get out of there alphonse can't win
01:34:45I've done it. I've done it
01:34:49It's human
