Watch Love Hina Spring Movie English Dubbed

  • 3 months ago


00:00Wow he confessed his love for you well what did he say he said that we might
00:26not be in the same class together next year so he wants an answer from me by
00:30then and what are you gonna say what do you mean it's the first time anyone's
00:35ever said they loved me and I never thought about dating before tell me is
00:43this boy handsome he's on the soccer team how nice or is there somebody else
00:48who you love well then why haven't you told this someone how you feel about him
00:56Tokyo you after I pass the secondary exams tomorrow I'll be a Tokyo you
01:16student and then I'll wait why am I going to all this effort to get accepted
01:21into Tokyo University if I actually do make it in then what then hey Taro are
01:30you awake huh have you got some time to talk a while uh yeah sure
01:37tomorrow's it last test are you ready yeah I guess what about you Naru oh I'm
02:04set then we'll both ace it together right huh uh-huh right me you and Mutsumi
02:12oh hey I'm Keitaro you remember that little girl you made your promise to I
02:18wonder who it was ah the promise well maybe you're the girl I made the promise
02:24to Naru yeah I thought it was me too I mean maybe it could be me
02:34Keitaro what am I gonna say to him that some other guy admitted his love for me
02:40I can't say that to him but
02:51Naru I know this is gonna seem weird to you but I feel that something like I
02:55don't know fate has brought us together where'd that come from you shouldn't say
03:01stuff like that
03:12oh my glasses not you have me ah shinobu oh I'm awfully sorry really I came to
03:26talk I didn't intend to walk in on you of course I never expected that the two
03:30of you would be kissing what Naru and Keitaro were caught smooching with one another
03:34oh were they huh they're screwing around for the exam Keitaro you fiend I'll cut you down
03:40don't get too carried away now
03:59all right then this is the moment of truth I'm gonna give him my oh my look at you both
04:28what were you two doing late last night nothing
04:33be sure to read the instructions on the question sheet very carefully please begin now
04:41I understand this everything all right yes four years of hard work have finally paid off
05:00now if I can only score over 80 on the English exam from hell wait wait wait calm down chill
05:06now the total score for my preliminary exams was
05:10okay the first day I got oh yes no doubt about it at this right in the coming spring
05:26you finally come through on your promise
05:31oh the groom may now kiss the bride Keitaro Naru I mean Naru
05:43you can't keep all that happiness to yourself you guys
05:47it's time we find out if you're truly worthy of Naru
06:04oh you pack a hell of a punch Keitaro
06:09I know now that I can entrust Naru to you just be sure to make her happy okay
06:22this time no glasses
06:28oh man I gotta watch it hey don't stop there for a second you have five more minutes huh
06:33no no wait a second just hold on
06:50Keitaro how'd you do well for me it went without a hitch no anemic fainting hey Keitaro
06:58he's not here um maybe he's in the boys room huh what what the heck is this
07:08this is seriously too dangerous right no one sane would do it
07:13Keitaro you're to blame for this because you kidnapped Naru
07:20what's done is done yeah hey Keitaro check it out it's a job listing from the bulletin board
07:27at our university manual labor overseas no experience required term subject to change
07:32now ain't that fishy what the heck kind of job is it anyway
07:39hey Keitaro
07:45this must be the ship now I'm really fed up with myself I gotta leave my lousy life behind
07:53go overseas to the middle of nowhere start over from scratch
08:08maybe I'll start from scratch in another place those here about the job listing come aboard
08:13we're about to sail wait stop please let me get mine I want to get up let me get up I don't want
08:20to be here oh well why should I care anymore Keitaro is that you
08:40Santa we're bound for an island called perrara something according to my mentor there's a
08:47possibility that this place is where the ancient turtle civilization originated
08:51so we're going to do some excavating boy you seem awfully depressed what's wrong
08:59well I um think I blew my chance of getting into Tokyo U
09:03I drifted off into fantasy mode during the most crucial part of the test
09:09hey will you please just hear me out here Keitaro why not give the digging a go
09:15I'll make sure you're well paid who knows you and your shovel may turn up something
09:24all right even if I don't go to Tokyo U I can lead a manly life like Seta excavating all over
09:30the globe well in that case I won't be needing these anymore goodbye Tokyo U goodbye Hinata
09:39Apartments goodbye Naru
09:53boy huh there's something on the back
10:10oh I can't just forget about them all those memories no way
10:19no wait no no come back come back
10:32aren't you in a hurry we're still quite a ways off from perrara something island
10:37no it can't be
10:47let's go to Tokyo U together sure promise promise promise me I promise
11:02promise promise
11:10shinobu shinobu
11:22where am I
11:54must I I don't like doing this but well if it's Haruka I might not
12:01hey I want nothing to do with your twisted fantasies geek huh Naru come on help us please
12:07I swear we don't know anything about this really go ahead show them no mercy
12:14where did that fool go what about the promise he made to me or doesn't he care anymore ready
12:21hello Hinata Apartments oh Seta hey I'm a little busy huh Keitaro what
12:33what's going on what's it about is Keitaro with you right now Seta where is that idiot and what's
12:38he up to come on tell me already huh I thought I saw him fall into the sea but apparently he made
12:44it to this island yeah it's impressive that he got here at all a long way to swim I tell you
12:50Seta where is this island you're on it's called Parara something or other it's in the middle of
12:56the Pacific Ocean about Seta Naru hey what are you doing Naru you're packing you're not going
13:10after him are you oh it's Keitaro I bet he ran off like he did last year
13:21oh Mutsumi hi um aren't you interested in finding out if we got into the university
13:30could you find out for the both of us I've got to go find that knucklehead and bring him back
13:44you want to go too don't you well I bet Keitaro would be happier if Naru went all by herself
13:50to go and get him hmm sure is a wacky contraption you got here you're behaving kind of wacky
14:00yourself he's a friend hmm yeah right friends well we're getting pretty close
14:09I'm guessing that this is Pararaculous island oh Waitama you little stowaway
14:16oh it's a migrating flock of hot springs turtles where'd they come from how am I supposed to know
14:24I can't see that's it we're turning back we can't fly through this huh where are we we are um
14:30over Pararaculous island hey wait I'm bringing that good for nothing back home no matter what
14:36thank you
14:48guess my screen time is over in this one for now
15:06someone pinched me it must be a dream after four long years I finally did it I meant
15:11Keitaro Naru I finally did it I really did it oh no you don't have to wait
15:24there it is Naru's name look at that Naru qualified as well
15:31oh if only Naru was here with us I'm so happy for her all right it's time we headed home everybody
15:38but we can't go yet you forgot we still have Keitaro why should we trouble ourselves he fled
15:44after realizing his own failure besides we don't have his exam call his number is on it
15:51I remember his application number I think
16:46he said you can do anything if you don't give up that's why I'm not going to run away either
16:51yeah seems pretty clear that this is the Pararaculous island Seta was talking about
17:00now even Naru's MIA what's the deal I wonder if something could have happened
17:22I want to be the first one to say congratulations to my sister
17:35because if we go by ourselves we'll be in trouble when we come back but we are best friends right
17:43haha you're right okay let's find those guys and get them back yeah
17:54stop right there just like we figured with nothing to go on what possible help could you children be
18:00of overseas surely Naru will bring Keitaro home safely so put aside your concern yes but what if
18:08don't come back huh come now you can accomplish anything if you set your heart to it that's what
18:18Keitaro said to me hey Shinobu press the button on your toy body this
18:28that's a top of three
18:51oh that's so oh it's about time that we go
18:57what you've prepared for travel you staying
19:01no I'm concerned about Naru too but there's just one problem
19:06I don't have enough for an airline ticket I gotta plan it'll work
19:25the series is finished my long-awaited dream to circumnavigate the world embarks now
19:35what's going on what is this Mr. Akamatsu we're gonna temporarily
19:39commandeer your deluxe yacht and chart a course for Pirarucu this island all right you what but
19:44it's the first vacation I've had you mean you don't want to help us is that what you're saying
19:49spit it out I'm um I'm uh oh come on please I'm no good at delivering long lines
20:08what's going on
20:26la la la
20:30la la la
20:57what is it Tama wait Tama why you what are you doing
21:10that girl's name is Nyamo she's the granddaughter of my mentor in archaeology a man I owe a lot to
21:16oh really where is he he passed away or to be more accurate he went missing you see about 10
21:22years ago he set off to discover Pararantas the lost city of an ancient turtle civilization
21:27somewhere among these islands here he hasn't been heard of since and after he disappeared
21:34Nyamo ran off to live in the jungle but it looks as though she's grown very fond of Keitaro
21:40well I have to go now Naru these islands are filled with unexplored jungle heaven knows what
21:45might be don't worry yourself about me worry about someone you've neglected hey
21:52hmm wow you got it all wrong oh I don't know what to say that was a while back
22:00when Haruka was much younger I remember when Sarah's mother was still with us
22:16there this ought to be enough to get us across the desert
22:20oh hmm hey your promise is good don't worry I know you'll keep it my promise
22:31I've been looking everywhere and I finally found you Keitaro it's Naru time to go come back here
22:38you coward the water
22:48a desert
22:53Keitaro will you stop already why are you dragging that girl into the desert I have to
22:59we're going to investigate some mysterious jungle that's supposed to be somewhere on
23:02the other side of this forsaken wasteland the question is what are you doing here
23:08don't you think about anyone but yourself
23:28let's go back we have to find out if we got into Tokyo U
23:33oh I blew it there's no point in me going back you'll never know for sure unless you go right
23:39wrong I know I screwed up I've got I gotta forget about Tokyo U and Naru
23:55oh no Naru oh my god
24:03this is Paroraculus Island what should we do now how should we look for them
24:11shinobu that's when this comes in handy but isn't that turtle radar I have modified it
24:18to pick up a signal for Naru and Keitaro too see huh we found them
24:24so this is Paroraculus I wonder if they have any good sake kitsune we didn't come here for
24:48that you know thanks for all your help Mr. Akamatsu
25:04thank you there's no more water and we're too weak to walk another step either
25:12sorry yeah I'm sorry too for saying I should forget about you that would be impossible
25:19huh oh Naru oh so uh do you think you passed the exam or not I don't know yet
25:28I didn't check yet oh I see
25:34Keitaro what happened
25:42I failed in all the answers in five minutes I know I couldn't have passed that's why I feel
25:47so horrible and I was too ashamed to face anyone I see you have some nerve calling yourself a man
26:17a mirage of Tokyo you that's not a mirage what she's speaking in English no wait that's the
26:28that's the
26:47wow it's real the mystery jungle
27:00ha ha ha hey Naru
27:14hey you're laughing you're uh Miyamo right
27:20we need dry clothes
27:21oh Keitaro oh wow leafy swimwear this is simply out of necessity don't get any big ideas pal
27:36that's impossible wow those fish look good
27:55Keitaro huh
28:00I heard from Seta that Miyamo's grandfather passed away yeah he set out to explore the interior of
28:07this island in search of Parurantis home of the ancient turtle civilization people think he
28:13perished looking for it Miyamo said she made a promise with her grandfather that the two of them
28:19would search for Parurantis together when she grew up now she's trying to find Parurantis on her own
28:27Miyamo has complete faith that her grandfather is waiting for her there a promise yeah that's right
28:36keeping a promise so when I heard about that it wasn't very hard for me to empathize with her
28:42I botched my promise about getting into Tokyo you that's why I'm so determined to help Miyamo
28:49I feel I have to help her realize her dream you understand huh Naru are you angry with me
28:57that's a beautiful story were you going to keep this all to yourself why didn't you share it with
29:02me earlier because you know how sentimental I get when it comes to promises right well I'm gonna
29:07help we're gonna find Parurantis together but what about Tokyo you and finding out if you passed
29:13don't worry about that or don't you want me to go with you well of course I do I'm ecstatic but I
29:25hmm but Naru Keitaro
29:33promise huh
29:55oh it's a reading there it's coming from that chocolate you mean that's where they are
30:12huh what in the world can that be five seven hundreds on the scope are you sure
30:25it's an army of K-Turtles or of Naru's no the most sensible answer would be an army of turtles
31:02she looks like me
31:13it's all right they just want to play don't be afraid
31:19hmm oh there you are Miyamo come on let's go
31:26wait Keitaro my voice what a time to lose it
31:32are you sure it was that loser maybe it was a dream if Naru and Keitaro aren't stranded and
31:40they're on this island because they choose to be I'm just thinking that we shouldn't be chasing
31:45after them anymore but why because we might be interfering here and what if those turtles
31:50decide to launch another attack okay either way it's fine with me don't give up
31:57either way it's fine with me don't give up I know we can do anything if we try
32:05isn't that something Keitaro once told you he screwed up on his exam and ran away what
32:11a role model it proves that sometimes trying isn't enough don't give up Shinobu
32:25oh no no no don't get me wrong I'm concerned about Keitaro and Naru
32:33but the real reason I'm here isn't for them I came here to see things through
32:46oh Shinobu
32:48wait a second hey
33:39no one knows you like your best friend
33:48not remember all the words to the song that lives on in my heart
33:56but I know I can depend on you and you'll be there to sing me every part
34:08we don't have to sing about the past we'll share our promises forever more
34:16we can tell each other anything but that is what our friends are for
34:25when we're apart and very far away somehow I feel like I am close to you
34:34there's so many things you say and do that make me know you feel the same way too
34:43when we're apart and very far away somehow I feel like I am close to you
34:52there's so many things you say and do that make me know you feel the same way too
34:59too no one knows you like your very best friend and we'll be best friends till the very end
35:14a dead end
35:18but we were so close we came so far tell me why
35:50so this is Parurontes
36:19there's nothing around here except for the shrine we saw
36:22I would assume that Nyamu's grandfather not having found what he was looking for
36:25left from here in search of Parurontes once again
36:30you're going aren't you huh
36:34even though it's Nyamu's dream I've sort of come to consider it my personal quest also
36:39and I just might stumble across ruins even Sata never heard of
36:43then maybe I'll go with you what Naru what do you mean you want to come with me
36:49you have Tokyo U waiting but I I may not have made it this year what that evening before we
36:56took our exams I couldn't get any sleep because of well you know what you had said to me
37:02I had no idea how I did that's why I wanted you to come with me
37:07you know I'm not sure if I want to go back to Japan now and face the truth because well if I
37:14failed the entrance exam then there's nothing more left for me
37:19but if I could go with you and Nyamu while you're pursuing your dream well maybe
37:35what's that Nyamu get away from there
37:44what are you guys doing here secret art
37:58Naru are you okay doofus brain get crackin
38:02I'm not sure what's happening but go Kentaro we'll back you up don't do that
38:13oh no get away you're a post-op reptile
38:33you turn it off no Nyamu that's dangerous
38:37get down from there please Nyamu that was the girl
40:07oh so that's how they migrate
40:24so that was the scoop I get it now what a heartwarming story that's why Kentaro and I
40:30plan to go with Nyamu and help search for Pararatis and her grandfather then take me
40:35with you well if you're going Naru then so am I yeah it seems you'll need a bodyguard for this
40:41adventure huh but are you sure it's a bit selfish of you to keep this dream all to yourself well
40:49we've come this far besides we're talking ruins with luck we might find treasure and priceless
40:54artifacts then let's get going everyone stop Nyamu man she's raring to go wait a minute Nyamu
41:04what's the matter
41:08she doesn't want us to come
41:11but why I don't understand why we can't go because this is Nyamu's dream it's her personal
41:19journey and from here on she'll have to go alone all by herself no Nyamu believes if she tries hard
41:26enough she can do anything oh Shinobu too so we're we're just left behind I'm sure that it
41:34would be a wonderful experience but it's not our dream to fulfill Seta has his dream Nyamu her
41:40promise and we shouldn't try to claim theirs and make them our own because you see we have our own
41:47dreams to dream and our own promises to keep all we have to do is find them for ourselves someday
41:52because there's nothing we can't accomplish that's right Kitaro we thank you Nyamu Shinobu
42:00but even if I failed this time I'll keep on trying to make it to Tokyo U what do you mean
42:07Naru oh come to think of it we still haven't told them yet dorks Naru congratulations
42:16you passed your test
42:19and you have also been accepted into Tokyo U Kitaro
42:26well you made it pal congratulations
42:30you're in you're in
42:34Kitaro Kitaro
42:48I really passed
43:00uh before you celebrate you need to submit your enrollment paperwork by tomorrow otherwise your
43:10acceptance might be nullified tomorrow but that's tomorrow we'll take Akamatsu's yacht
43:17our boat won't be fast enough to the airport at once wait I haven't got my passport we'll
43:23check you on his baggage you're not me Nyamu I'm not as strong as you
43:33but I'm surrounded by all these wonderful people
43:37if you ever get lonely anytime please come to the Hinata apartments come on
43:43I'm sorry but I like someone else
43:55uh um he's in love with someone else but I don't hold it against him and I want to
44:01continue liking him this way at least for for a while maybe
44:41hey Naru we owe it all to you Shinobu thank you for everything
44:45I've got to ask you something Naru um I want you to answer me honestly okay
44:51how do you really feel about Kitaro well he's nothing more to me than someone I am
45:05well the truth is that big jerk
45:08is someone who I really really really really really love a lot
