The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - Bedtime Story Animation Best Children Classics HD

  • 3 months ago


00:00The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
00:10Where is that boy now?
00:13Tom! Tom! Where are you hiding? Tom!
00:18Tom never answered when he was called,
00:22and his aunt was constantly running about looking for him.
00:31There you are! Where do you think you're going?
00:36Tom, you naughty boy! I told you not to eat the jam!
00:39I didn't! It wasn't me!
00:41Really? What's that around your mouth then?
00:45Lying is a sin, Tom! I will have to punish you for this!
00:49Look behind you!
00:52Time to go!
00:56Oh well, maybe I should be glad that he could grow up so cheerful and carefree even without his parents.
01:03But I'll have to make him do some chores as punishment on Saturday.
01:10Hey! Get out of my way!
01:13No, you get out of my way!
01:15My brother will come after you!
01:17Oh yeah? Well, my brother is bigger and meaner than your brother!
01:22Tom didn't actually have a brother, so he ended up fighting Joe himself.
01:31You! I'll get you for this!
01:33Oh, I'm so scared! What are you going to do?
01:37You'll see next time!
01:40Now my clothes are all muddy, my aunt will be furious!
01:44Maybe if I sneak in while she's asleep!
01:49Slowly, slowly.
01:54She'll find out anyway, I guess. But better later than sooner!
02:04Don't forget about your punishment on Saturday!
02:07She gets me every time!
02:12Oh no! I can't paint all of this!
02:19That Saturday, Tom's aunt made him paint the fence.
02:24But I can't! What about the marble competition and swimming in the stream and playing war?
02:31I have no time for this fence!
02:37But Tom did not despair for long. He had a plan to get himself out of the annoying task.
02:43That's right! That's it!
02:51Hey Tom, are you being punished again?
02:56Like this? Like that?
03:02Tom, have you gone deaf? What are you doing there?
03:06Oh, I'm sorry. I was so deeply absorbed in my work, I didn't hear you.
03:13Isn't that interesting?
03:16It is filled with hidden excitement that you are not ready to appreciate.
03:22That's not true. Being punished isn't supposed to be fun.
03:26Punished? I am making art!
03:31Why, certainly! How many boys do you see out painting fences?
03:36Can you imagine what would happen if anyone could just take a brush and paint a fence?
03:45Only one in a thousand can do it, right?
03:51Really? Maybe I can try it too.
03:56You? How do you know you're ready?
03:59I don't think so.
04:01I just want to try. I think I can do it right. Please let me try.
04:07Yeah, I want to try too.
04:10Very well, but you have to pay.
04:15The other children gave Tom marbles and toys, and he let them paint the fence.
04:22The work was done in no time, because everyone wanted to have a try.
04:33I'm a genius!
04:38Look, Aunt! I'm done painting the fence. Can I go play now?
04:43What? So fast? You're not lying to me again, are you?
04:48No. Come and see. It's all painted.
04:52Well, alright.
04:59It is true! You've done an excellent job.
05:04It is true! You've done an excellent job.
05:08How does he do it?
05:14What am I going to do with him?
05:17One day, Tom, his friend Huckleberry Finn, and Joe, who used to be an enemy but had become a friend, all got together.
05:25They came up with a plan to have some adventures.
05:28Let's be pirates!
05:32They all thought it was a great idea.
05:35Huck lived all alone with no parents or guardians.
05:39Joe was angry with this mother for unfairly punishing him for stealing some cream.
05:47My mother doesn't appreciate me! I need to get away!
05:51I don't want to get up early in the morning and go to school anymore!
05:55Well, I've got no one to run away from, but I just want to play pirates with you, okay?
06:01How about it?
06:05The three boys made a pact to be pirates together,
06:10and snuck out in the middle of the night to cross the river on a raft.
06:17They found an uninhabited island.
06:23So much fun!
06:27The boys yelled and ran around as much as they wanted.
06:31They went to bed only when they were tired, woke when they wanted to, and caught some fish in the river when they felt hungry.
06:39They were having such an amazing time that they didn't even realize that their raft had been carried away by the current.
06:50I wonder what my aunt is doing now.
06:54My mom must be worrying about me now.
06:59Hey, what's that?
07:02Let's go and see!
07:07It was a small steamboat that was sailing around the river firing off cannonballs.
07:13After a while, it turned and sailed away from the island.
07:18Oh, I know! They're looking for someone who's drowned!
07:22The cannon shots will make the body come to the surface!
07:25But who has drowned? Do you think?
07:29They're looking for us!
07:37The boys were very excited at the thought that the entire village was looking for them.
07:44They would be heroes now!
07:49Tom and his friends wanted to go back right away, but they couldn't leave without the raft.
07:55They decided to send Tom ahead to the village, as he was the best swimmer.
08:00He swam right to the borders of Illinois and hid in a small boat connected to a steamboat.
08:07He felt just like a real pirate!
08:12When Tom approached the village, he saw the white fence he had painted with his friends,
08:17and his heart began to flutter.
08:22I'm home!
08:28Oh, Tommy was such a good boy. He was naughty, but he had a good heart.
08:37I should have believed Joe when he said he didn't eat the cream!
08:46And now, we'll never see those boys again.
08:56They're gone now. Let's have a memorial service at the church on Sunday.
09:01I hope they rest in peace.
09:07Oh, no.
09:09Tom hurried back to the island and told his friends all about what he had seen and heard at the village.
09:15We have to go back now. I want my mommy!
09:19I want to go back, too. I kind of like the village, actually.
09:24We will, but we must choose the right time.
09:29On Sunday, all the villagers gathered at the local church to mourn for the three lost boys.
09:44Everyone was touched by the tragedy.
09:50These three boys were naughty, but their hearts were pure and good.
09:56Boys are boys, and they just wanted to play.
09:59Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here for this sad occasion on this day.
10:17Oh, Tom!
10:19Oh, Tommy!
10:21Oh, Joe!
10:37Look, Aunt! I brought Huck back, too!
10:44Oh, come here. You are such a brave boy, Huckleberry.
10:50These boys have played a very nasty trick, but let us welcome and forgive them as they're back home safe and sound.
11:00Of course!
11:03That day, everyone was happy, and Tom and his friends were surrounded by the love and friendship of the villagers.
11:12Tom knew he would be punished for running away.
11:17But tonight, he went to bed dreaming of new adventures.
11:48Little Red Riding Hood
12:04Don Quixote
12:10Hansel and Gretel
12:18Little Women
12:26Ivan the Fool
12:32The Prince and the Pauper
12:40Tom hurried back to the island and told his friends all about what he had seen and heard at the village.
12:45We have to go back now. I want my mommy!
12:49I want to go back, too. I kind of like the village, actually.
12:54We will, but we must choose the right time.
13:05On Sunday, all the villagers gathered at the local church to mourn for the three lost boys.
13:15Everyone was touched by the tragedy.
13:21These three boys were naughty, but their hearts were pure and good.
13:26Boys are boys, and they just wanted to play.
13:30Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here for this sad occasion on this day.
13:45Oh, Tom!
13:48Oh, Tommy!
13:51Oh, Joe!
14:00Oh, Tom!
14:09Oh, come here. You are such a brave boy, Huckleberry.
14:19These boys have played a very nasty trick, but let us welcome and forgive them as they're back home safe and sound.
14:28Of course!
14:31That day, everyone was happy, and Tom and his friends were surrounded by the love and friendship of the villagers.
14:41Tom knew he would be punished for running away.
14:46But tonight, he went to bed dreaming of new adventures.
15:01Jack and the Beanstalk
15:06Puss in Boots
15:13The Frog Prince
15:19Little Red Riding Hood
15:32Don Quixote
15:37He swam right to the borders of Illinois, and hid in a small boat connected to a steamboat.
15:44He felt just like a real pirate.
15:48When Tom approached the village, he saw the white fence he had painted with his friends, and his heart began to flutter.
15:58I'm home.
16:05Oh, Tommy was such a good boy. He was naughty, but he had a good heart.
16:13I should have believed Joe when he said he didn't eat the cream.
16:19And now, we'll never see those boys again.
16:29They're gone now. Let's have a memorial service at the church on Sunday.
16:34I hope they rest in peace.
16:38I hope they rest in peace.
16:47Tom hurried back to the island and told his friends all about what he had seen and heard at the village.
16:52We have to go back now. I want my mommy.
16:56I want to go back, too. I kind of like the village, actually.
17:01We will, but we must choose the right time.
17:08The other children gave Tom marbles and toys, and he let them paint the fence.
17:14The work was done in no time, because everyone wanted to have a try.
17:25I'm a genius!
17:31Look, Aunt! I'm done painting the fence. Can I go play now?
17:36What? So fast? You're not lying to me again, are you?
17:41No. Come and see. It's all painted.
17:46Well, all right.
17:53It is true! You've done an excellent job!
17:57How does he do it?
18:01What am I going to do with him?
18:05One day, Tom, his friend Huckleberry Finn, and Joe, who used to be an enemy but had become a friend, all got together.
18:13They came up with a plan to have some adventures.
18:16Let's be pirates!
18:20They all thought it was a great idea.
18:24Huck lived all alone with no parents or guardians.
18:28Joe was angry with his mother for unfairly punishing him for stealing some cream.
