Wake up Pregnant part 2

  • 3 months ago
Wake up Pregnant part 2
00:00yo Marty you got some balls calling me where's my money I got it just had to
00:08dip into my mother's account and sell some of her shit Jesus man some son you
00:13are she'll be fine same place now I'm at Freddy's hot new bartender just started
00:25just works afternoons maybe come and flash that Stanton money and name at the
00:33broad end you might be able to buy your way into her bed I think I will
00:42surprise Isaac what are you doing here I got us reservations at that new type
00:54place you said you were craving it unless you got other plans oh I was
01:02going to go to the gym I promised my friend that I'd be there all right prior
01:07reservations take residence yeah sorry I noticed that your tires are low I'm
01:13gonna refill them for you I want you to take my car all right thank you
01:21going to the gym huh what else
01:36Quentin I will end on my car I want you to keep tabs on her I just want to make
01:41sure that she's safe Miller you're coming in Saturday night I can't I told
01:47you when I applied I can only do afternoons it's the only way I can keep
01:51this job secret from Isaac don't care show up Saturday or don't you bother
01:57showing up again I'm taking my break you just got back and I still don't know
02:02where everything is does it look like I care asshole hey sweet cheeks my buddy
02:11wants the most expensive bottle Freddy's got neat and you know go ahead
02:17and put yourself one too gorgeous I can't drink on the job Alaska would
02:21drink with us probably why I'm here and she's not I insist I really can't you
02:41really can't refuse me excuse me he's a stand sweet cheeks big name big money
02:48you know what he says goes around here you can't afford to displease me enjoy
02:57your drinks gentlemen that's around with the wrong woman Marty that's around
03:16with the wrong woman Marty where Isaac what the fuck you bastard get off now
03:21you can't learn to touch what's mine but yours she's hey I didn't know that she
03:26was yours Isaac are you all right no I'm pissed we were just messing out the
03:39new bartender yeah it was a joke you call this a joke a joke
03:48must have dropped it when I was taking my vitamins earlier there should be a
03:51problem if you drink it drink up bro
04:01you know actually I'm good I think I should just drink it or I'll call the
04:05cops for testing happy share the last name with the rapist no it's vitamins
04:19you still let him get away with this I'm not quit call the police should be
04:25able to get a sample what fell on the ground on it the fuck you said you
04:29wouldn't let you rape another woman no I don't think so
04:33your ugly whore was practically begging for it so we'll see who's begging this
04:39is for me and my baby probably tired you should go to bed early and you're
04:59not no you're angry of course I'm angry if I didn't track your car
05:08Martin you're angry with me
05:20why did you lie to me you wouldn't let me help you pay for the nursery I
05:26thought we already talked about this I saw how much everything cost it's too
05:31much I can't accept it I didn't know who my father was until I was six my
05:46mom and I didn't have very much but she did her best when she died I found
05:51messages on her phone I blinked them down he didn't want to acknowledge me
05:58only went tell the proof was in his face he did the richest man on this
06:03side of the country and I had to fight for scraps food clothes my education
06:10place at his company I just wanted him to acknowledge me and tell me he was
06:19sorry for all the things that he did that he was proud of me that he loved me
06:29no fuck died he loved me everything he didn't say a word
06:38I think not don't you understand I don't want my child to be anything like me I
06:49don't want my child to be anything like me I will be like you you're sweet
06:59wonderful kind I wanted to kill Martin what he was about to do to you I didn't
07:08say push on
07:11you're generous too is it a fault want to give everything and do everything for
07:19the ones you love John Miller I love you I want to give you everything
07:27if it's going to make you unhappy
07:39what I want Isaac it's for you to take
08:01I was in pain I won't argue with you about paying for the nursery anymore but
08:15I want to keep working I wasn't I just don't like being in this big house
08:30doing nothing you're making a brand new human being inside of you
08:40I think you're doing enough already you know what I mean you can do whatever you
08:50just be safe darling sweet child I am sorry that it took so long for me to
08:59fulfill but I had to sell some of my jewelry and then I realized that that
09:04some of it went missing this is all that bastard Isaac's fault and it's ugly
09:08horse they will pay for their slander my darling and the false evidence will
09:20come to light soon enough then she and Isaac and that disgusting parasite can
09:27all just rot in prison together she's pregnant oh right I remember now it's
09:37supposedly Isaac's but he refused to say if it was confirmed via paternity test
09:44so the bastard makes a bastard he took something from us mother so why don't we
09:53take something from him
10:06you Don right I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day the wrong foot
10:14open your mouth you drugged me why aren't you in jail the toxicology hasn't
10:21gone back yet and I think that they will find that there are my associates
10:24pills let me fucking go easy now I just think since you could potentially be my
10:39future sister-in-law we should get to know each other a little bit better
10:43don't you think don't you think you think I'm stupid enough to fall for your
10:52little game I know your history with Isaac you and your twisted mother think
10:58he stole from you now you want to take me from him he took something from us
11:02mother so why don't we take something from him well newsflash I got some
11:08trophy to be one no of course not and you know prize either I can see why
11:14Isaac's dad chose him over you you fucking bitch now get out of here before
11:19I call the cops again this isn't over
11:28it's your turn whatever you do don't leave Isaac's house today and don't look
11:37at the news either
11:47billionaire Isaac Stanton is victim of an elaborate cuckolding scheme
11:51orchestrated by his pregnant girlfriend her numbers at work were always
11:55impressive suspiciously so wouldn't put it past her to be providing some extra
12:01customer service behind the scenes what you know that isn't true that woman
12:07came out of nowhere and claimed she was pregnant of course Isaac couldn't leave
12:11her alone after hearing that I think wouldn't even entertain the idea of
12:16getting a paternity test she's got him wrapped around her little finger makes
12:22me wonder how many other guys she's been stringing along we need to talk
12:35Isaac first let me explain none of this is true I know you do this has Martin and
12:44my stepmother written all over it shareholders of Stanton Industries are
12:47now expressing concern whether Isaac's poor judgment will affect his business
12:52decisions as well can they really do something to you
12:55no but it's possible Isaac I don't like all of this negative publicity maybe we
13:00should put some distance the hell I will the best thing that ever happened to me
13:04I'm not letting it go this easily hey I can take care of this things gonna
13:10happen to us mom can't find out about Isaac but at least she doesn't follow
13:15the news or know I have a new name what are you planning to do well first I'm
13:24gonna have to pay my family a visit and I'm coming with you after what Martin did
13:32to you you still call them your family after how they treat you they're all the
13:37family that I have oh that's not true that's why I'm coming to remind you are
13:44you including yourself as part of my family but you never said the words back
13:49I love you
14:00shit one second Quentin this better be important you need to come to the company
14:07right now because your shitty family's here and it brought a whole press
14:12conference with them everyone knows my late husband was not in his right mind
14:21when he drafted his last will there's no reason why he would choose his fair child
14:29over his own legitimate son yes no other reason than the fact that your son is an
14:37imbecile with a gambling addiction as well as a would-be rapist mr. Martin is
14:42that true Martin will not be a topic of discussion I am the one who invited the
14:49press therefore I will choose the topics Nadine you should have never called the
14:55press why not I have a very important announcement to make I can no longer
15:01stand by and watch all my husband's good work give it over to not one but two broadsters I
15:14am going to immediately contest my husband's will what you wretched bastard what are you
15:24laughing at like I said stepmother you should have never called the press and you're about
15:30to find out why there is a very good reason why my father didn't leave you or Martin anything in
15:38the world yeah because you brainwashed him and robbed my son of his inheritance correct your
15:46son not my father's what that is ridiculous it seems like before he died he figured it out and
15:57he changed the will mother is this true no this oh you know it's really funny that you
16:05make fun of me for being a bastard child Marty you're actually one yourself mr. Martin do you
16:18know who your biological father is and now that you're revealed as a cheater how do you plan on
16:22getting your husband I only did what any woman would do just like that I say hey now leave Dawn
16:33out of this she has nothing to do with it she's nothing like you what do you call her by a real
16:39name Isaac what are you talking about oh you don't know she's just been playing you all along
16:49hadn't she no that's that's not true I know who you are Diane Rosario you have quite a famous
17:00mother don't you sorry oh you're that woman's daughter Don excuse me Diane Rosario is it true
17:11you're related to Evelyn Rosario how many husbands does your mother have to go through before being
17:16imprisoned by her last my mother was convicted of manslaughter not murder are you planning on
17:21following in her footsteps and offing Isaac Stanton how could you even say that okay that's
17:26enough no more questions listen everybody out of course she is the apple doesn't fall too far from
17:33the tree I'm sorry this is why I didn't want us to get too close Oh Don Quinton call an ambulance
17:49just breathe the baby's gonna be okay who cares if that parasite dies mother you don't even know
18:00if it is who says that I don't you two will never see a cent of the Stanton money
18:11well I still have the trust fund that your father gave me he didn't leave you anything I created the
18:21trust and as of now I'm revoking everything anything left to you property or cash keep
18:27it and that's last time I checked was it very much oh I just made a big mistake I'm sorry I think
18:41it's getting worse I'm not the driving I'm just gonna take too long I think we're family you know
18:47you made it clear that we're not I have a new one I choose her if anything happens to Don or
18:56the baby believe me poverty will be the least of your worries just breathe please just hold on hold on
19:15Isaac the baby has did the doctor say anything they ran tests and scans on you but they haven't
19:25told me anything yet I'm sorry that I lied to you about my name you had your reasons
19:31besides I already know I'll make sure my stuff is out by this week what are you talking about
19:37as if I care who your mother is being associated with me has hurt your reputation and that's if I
19:44care about my reputation what about the company company I don't need anything that's gonna hold
19:50me back from the things that actually matter the only thing that matters in this life Don
19:54is you and our baby you are the family that I choose even after knowing my family you met my
20:05family right we can handle anything that comes our way my mother she she's different both of
20:16you are already sitting excellent I have news news am I gonna lose my baby your placenta detached
20:28from the uterine wall if the separation were any worse you would have right now it's only partial
20:34how did this happen what can we do to make sure it doesn't get any worse high blood pressure can
20:42be a factor smeller have you been experiencing any unusual stress recently I'll prescribe
20:51something for you but you'll also need to be on constant bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy
20:56and avoid stress I'll ensure it if all goes well miss Miller you and your baby girl fine baby girl
21:12congratulations Don we're gonna have a daughter a little girl I'll have to redo the nursery
21:27girls like pink right maybe purple I'm gonna buy her the best dollhouse wait what if she's not the
21:34girly type I'll get her a science set and a dollhouse we're gonna have to come up with names
21:41don't be silly you'll never after me of course mom Diane you awful thing I'm too young to be a
21:51grandmother but I see it comes with certain benefits how about you introduce us we're
21:59gonna be family after all mom I go by Don now too good for the name I gave you no I just
22:10Diane Don it doesn't matter what matters is if you've been keeping secrets from me your own
22:16mother do you know how hard I am Don situation is delicate I think it's okay if you came to bother
22:23her I'll have you removed Isaac of course but that's why I'm here my poor baby what's happened
22:34to you don't you worry mommy's here for you now for good I've hired all the help that Don needs
22:42nonsense who else can provide better care for her daughter than her own mother say yes we're
22:51all telling the truth you're a baby killer yes mom you're right wonderful so when can I move in
23:05ah not bad I could use a bit more of I can't wait to redecorate oh no no no that sofa has got to go
23:17are you sure about this yeah she's my mom she's not gonna hurt you right
23:29at least not physically I'll have eyes on her regardless I heard a nurse and
23:38homemade look after you when I can come great references
23:42Dora sorry to bother you I'm just making sure everything is okay with lunch sorry pumpkin
23:56mom what did you do I fired her what oh and your nurse to my valuables were found in their
24:08things can you believe it people these days so now it's just you and me this isn't my suit oh
24:21you mean the one on the stove I ate it all that's from a can I found in the cabinet
24:27although it looked a little old and dusty I think maybe that's really baby doll I'm impressed you
24:36tied down a man richer than God can he can cook so you did take after me no I didn't trap Isaac
24:45I am nothing like you still think you're better than me you and I are the same no you're worse
24:55mom please don't I bet he would have been so handsome how old would he be 18 he'd be graduating
25:05high school wonder what college he would have picked stop stop right no college for your little
25:16brother because you killed him if you hadn't startled me that day I wouldn't have fallen
25:35and miscarry so eat before you cause another fuck you I'm sick and tired of being blamed
25:43for what happened to my brother it was an accident I was seven what happened when you were seven
25:55what's going on here just a little mishap dear normal unless you want Isaac to know
26:03everything do you think he'd treat you the same if he knew do you think he'd trust you
26:10with a baby let you keep it once he knows you murdered another everything's fine I'm
26:20just a little clumsy you're home early the credit card I gave you surprise you're finally using it
26:33hasn't been feeling well I convinced her to indulge in a little retail therapy is that so
26:49just wanted to buy a few things treat myself I'm glad you deserve it seems like you haven't
26:58much to eat I'm gonna go make something else I'm gonna go with you the doctor said I should
27:04be taking smallpox besides there's a smell in here that's bothering me mom can you clean all
27:14this up me you expect me to clean didn't you say you wanted to help your daughter you fired
27:21everyone else who else is gonna do it she fired my staff she can't do that she said one of them
27:43stole something she would have found a reason to get rid of them anyway I'll cut everyone a severance
27:49check I think letting her stay here was a mistake she's my mom you never mentioned that you had a
28:04brother I was supposed to but my mom had a miscarriage at six months I'd like to talk about
28:13I need you to look into Evelyn Rosario's past find out everything job history education medical
28:23records and find out who her OB was 20 years ago the one who treated her when she was pregnant
28:29do I even want to know what this is me helping you you need to leverage yourself better considering
28:43your newly limited capabilities you gave me a whole binder filled with below job tips Oh
28:52handed boob jobs too I personally bookmarked the techniques that I had the most success with
28:59who's the last time you fucked that man we are not having this conversation I'm doing it for
29:07you sweetheart men have needs you mean you're doing this for you Isaac is nothing but a meal
29:14ticket to you he's our meal ticket and I'm not gonna let you mess this up by letting him stray
29:22get second sweetheart hope you have good gag control yeah you're disgusting I'm not having
29:30this conversation with you I'm going out I can't even stand to look at you right you're gonna
29:37regret this it's not like I can fuck him myself or something's holding me up at the office I'll
29:58be home late welcome home oh it's you what the fuck you're back earlier than expected this is for
30:14Isaac isn't it are you insane do you actually think that you could seduce him wearing my negligee
30:23all men are dogs honey not Isaac so naive I thought I raised you better darn it now I have
30:33to edit this out redo everything before he gets back you're recording were you planning on
30:40blackmailing him even if he didn't fuck me I would have figured out something else I'm doing this
30:46for us having a baby is wonderful but child support ends at 18 you need to do more to keep
30:54your man collar no mom if you won't stop I'll make you stop so Evelyn was never pregnant never
31:14her doctor never treated her for any pregnancy although he did post by her records and put
31:20together bogus sonograms with her name around time when she was supposedly pregnant with
31:24Don's brother Don's real mother uncertain I need more time to track her down so what happened to
31:32Evie's last husband and his death she claimed it was self-defense she submitted photos of bruises
31:37and medical records to the court don't save guy will post about her medical records suspicious
31:45way I need to go Don isn't safe no mom if you don't stop I'll make you stop now is not the
32:01time to develop a backbone remember how you owe me what you took from me that wasn't my fault you
32:11killed your brother ruined my body preventing me from having any other children making you my only
32:17child so now you're all I have just like I'm all you have wrong I have Isaac now and I won't let
32:30you manipulate him I'll tell him go ahead tell him whatever you want even if he takes the baby
32:40let him but it's the opposite of what you want isn't it losing access to Isaac so you're willing
32:48to give up your baby just like that if it means she'll never meet you yes the cards are finally
32:55in my hands now mom you need me to get to him now I want you to take your shit get the fuck out of
33:34I need a time to research research what you insane bitch how not to go back to prison for
33:41this it looks like if I hit you right here I could cause permanent brain damage but the least
33:47likelihood of death isn't that nice here just one or two good tracks I'll put you right into
33:53the anatomic state before you know it the baby will be here grandma will welcome her with open
33:59you're psychotic
34:06this is your fault you'd only listen to me we wouldn't have to do this hi you're trying to
34:16reach Don Miller I'm not able to get to the phone right now don't like this why is she
34:22not answering fuck you you expect me to clean
35:03mom don't do this you need me one piece you'd risk the baby a grieving mother bonding with
35:14the man that should have been her son-in-law over sheer loss you just need to die first not
35:43this is all on you
35:46all on you
35:49fuck don't are you okay hey but the baby there's no blood you're gonna be okay
36:03when call the police somebody to ambulance okay hurry you said you're gonna be late
36:15make it I'm sorry I got here as fast I could you don't have a brother what
36:23Ellen was never pregnant she's uh she's not your mother
36:36thank god because the thought of being called grandma made me sick
36:43why pretend why all these lives what is all of this for
36:47the money she's a liar you can't believe her please tell me about my brother my dear
36:59sweet henry wanted a baby so badly so I faked it still had the imaginary baby problem
37:07good thing I had you the perfect skin
37:10good so all this time the guilt made you so easy to work with you know what
37:21this is for everyone you hurt me and my baby I hope you rot in prison
37:31it's okay hey
37:40I didn't mean to fall asleep
37:53I can't blame you after everything the day got done I should have been there for you
38:01I'm okay Isaac the baby is okay Evelyn's gonna pay for this she's not gonna get a light sentence
38:09found a recording in our room they caught everything God thinks she said what you said
38:21wasn't that easy to leave me no it killed me saying that but if I had to choose between staying
38:30and keeping you and the baby safe I would always choose the second option
38:34I'm the one that's supposed to protect you not the other way around
38:37you've protected me enough it's time for me to return the favor
38:45I love you Isaac
38:55I'm really getting sick of being in these hospital rooms well it seems to be your thing
39:03how'd a bat get there Isaac I know it's not the dream proposal but you are my dream
39:15I want to wake up to you every morning with our children playing
39:22Dawn will you marry me
39:26will you marry me yes
39:37the beginning of our love story had a rocky start and an even rockier middle
39:43oh look your mommy's on her way but it's the ending that matters an end that led me to Isaac
39:52and my baby girl predictably Isaac and I didn't name her after my quote unquote mother instead we
40:00named her after his dearly beloved we're gathered here today to celebrate the union of Dawn Miller
40:07and Isaac Stanton this better be worth all the soup
40:22it's not a perfect story but it's our story
