• 3 months ago
Featuring The Boogeyman, Charlie Haas, Hernandez, a Cage Match and more
00:00I am, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury, I am the fury
00:30Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it is here, the cage match tonight on SWE Fury, it is
00:37going to be Moonshine Mantell, Max Castellanos, they are finally squaring off in the steel
00:42cage, this ominous reminder behind us, Kevin Sullivan.
00:45The horrible thing for me is these are two of the most talented young guys in the history
00:51of the wrestling business meeting in a steel cage.
00:54It's going to be carnage, it's going to be blood, it's going to be guts, and one of them
01:01is going to come out of here hurt by the winner.
01:05The guy left in the ring, I'm not so sure where he goes from there.
01:10No telling, but that's our main event tonight, and let's take a look now and go back in time
01:15just a little bit to see how we came to this point.
01:25Ryan Moonshine Mantell running out while Castellanos is making his entrance.
01:32Oh, wait a minute, they're going outside.
01:34This is absolutely ridiculous.
01:37I don't think these guys care, he just gave him a hip toss under the dirt out there.
01:42He just smashed him between the door of that brick building.
01:47Castellanos has a steel chair lining up, Ryan Moonshine Mantell.
01:55Max Castellanos, I've seen photos of the injuries that Moonshine Mantell sustained caused by you.
02:01That fight went all over the place in San Antonio, how are you after that?
02:05I feel great, I look great.
02:07Here's the thing, Moonshine, where is he at?
02:10He's probably in the hospital, huh?
02:11With the neck brace, trying to get some sympathy from everybody.
02:15Max Castellanos is the next biggest thing in SWE Fury.
02:19And once I'm done with Moonshine Mantell, I'm going to the top.
02:23How am I feeling right now?
02:24How am I feeling after Max Castellanos tried to take my head off and end my career?
02:30You know the thing?
02:31You might not know this, I know the people out there, they don't know this.
02:34When Max was getting started, I was there to help him along the way.
02:38I was the guy holding his hand along the way, helping him train,
02:41getting him bookings, riding up and down the road,
02:44showing him a better way and teaching him along the way.
02:49So you sit here and you ask me how do I feel
02:52when the guy who I mentored the last few years tried to end my career?
02:58I'd say I'm a little pissed off.
03:00What the hell was that?
03:02Did you hear that?
03:03What the hell?
03:04Wait a minute.
03:05Hold on.
03:06Get over here and look at this.
03:08We need cameras over here.
03:10There's something going on.
03:11I just heard something blow up behind us out here, behind the announce table.
03:16It's Moonshine Mantell and Max Castellanos.
03:19He's got the monitor.
03:21Tony is trying to save him.
03:25Wait a minute.
03:26He hit him with the monitor.
03:27This is out of control here right now.
03:29Teddy, step in and stop this.
03:33Where's the officials?
03:34We've got to stop this.
03:35Don't put Teddy Long in the middle of this.
03:37I'll put Teddy in the middle because this is going way too far.
03:43Good grief.
03:46He just broke a freaking TV over his back.
03:49Don't do this.
03:51Do not do this.
03:53Castellanos has his head precariously in that chair.
03:57What is he going to do here?
03:59Please don't do this.
04:00Don't do it.
04:01Off with his head.
04:03Whoa, whoa, whoa.
04:04Wait a minute.
04:05Mantell coming from underneath.
04:07I hate to say it, but throw it at him.
04:11What does he have here?
04:13What does he have?
04:14A glass?
04:15Is that a glass?
04:17What is that?
04:19That's a bottle of bleach.
04:21He's spraying bleach in his eyes.
04:24He's spraying bleach in his eyes.
04:27Do we not have anybody who can stop this thing?
04:31What is that?
04:32Do you see that?
04:34Castellanos has got that water fluid.
04:36What is he doing with it?
04:38No, no, no.
04:40He's got a lighter.
04:42He's got a lighter.
04:43It's lit.
04:45Security is in.
04:46Security is in.
04:48Mantell is now up on the ring.
04:49Look out.
04:52Massive dive.
04:54Well, there you go.
04:55That's how we got here, ladies and gentlemen.
04:57And tonight at our main event, we've blocked out a huge block of time for the end of this show
05:02to see that finally take place, the steel cage here tonight in SWE Fury.
05:08To start things off, Charlie Haas is making his way to the ring with that real world title.
05:12We better get over to the commentary booth because we're getting things underway right now.
05:16And you know with Charlie, anything is possible.
05:19Making his way to the ring.
05:23From Edmont, Oklahoma, he is the reigning and defending SWE real world champion.
05:35This is Charlie Haas.
05:41And there's the man that carries the belt.
05:44Will he walk out of here tonight with that championship gold?
05:48Charlie Haas.
05:50He's the real world heavyweight champion.
05:55Charlie signed the rip up.
05:57There you go.
05:59Fans knew it was going to happen anyway.
06:02You could tell what was going to happen on the sign itself.
06:06Look at that guy, he's ready to go.
06:08I think he got nachos splashed on him last time.
06:18We brought a poncho to the show.
06:20Pretty clever.
06:24Haas was one of you.
06:32Charlie Haas, SWE Fury heavyweight champion.
06:42Going to be put to the test tonight.
06:46By Juan Hernandez.
06:50And I don't know if you can tell.
06:54As it lurks in the shadows in the background here at Eddie Dean's Ranch.
06:59But that steel cage is standing by.
07:03Ready to be assembled around the ring as our main event tonight.
07:07Is Ryan Mantell in the cage.
07:11With Max Castellanos.
07:15What a match that's going to be.
07:17Our first cage match here in SWE Fury.
07:21Will this finally, will this finally be the end?
07:25Of the madness between Mantell and Castellanos.
07:31I sure hope so.
07:33I think we all do.
07:39And here we have.
07:41The two tying up.
07:43Charlie Haas floating over now.
07:45And Roland Hernandez over close to the rope there.
07:49Not a good idea.
07:51That rope's ready.
07:54He refuses it to break the hold.
07:58The referee did a very good job there separating them.
08:02Charlie Haas getting in the face of Hernandez.
08:06Definitely got a few pounds on Haas.
08:10A lot of muscle.
08:12A lot of experience too.
08:16The crowd.
08:22Not showing any love at all for Charlie Haas.
08:26Of course he doesn't actually invite it when he comes out here.
08:30Noted last week that Charlie Haas seems to have
08:34returned to his amateur roots with his
08:38ring attire coming out of the traditional wrestling singlet
08:43as might be worn in a, whoa, wait a minute.
08:45Hernandez unfazed by that.
08:49He's behind Haas and there he is with a forearm shot.
08:53Two of them now.
08:55Hernandez ready to go.
08:57Uh oh.
08:59Oh wow, using that shirt to toss Haas across the ring.
09:07What a good way to break the momentum though.
09:09Charlie's a smart guy.
09:12Haas out there.
09:14He's got a hold of those ring steps now.
09:16What's he doing?
09:18Trying to pull those apart.
09:20Got frustrated with them.
09:22Hernandez, here he comes.
09:26Thought better of it.
09:28No sense in throwing yourself out there
09:32when Haas is alert and able to
09:34potentially move out of the way.
09:36And of course, maybe potentially
09:38Hernandez thinking of the fans
09:40as he comes in and tries to hit him
09:42with a couple of forearm shots.
09:44But he comes in with a little bit of help
09:46from Hernandez, Irish whip now
09:48and trips him.
09:50As he whips him, he trips him
09:52into that middle turnbuckle.
09:54Hernandez reeling from that one.
10:02Haas staying on him.
10:04Again, getting the big guy down.
10:06Stomping on him now.
10:10And sitting, but using the rope
10:12to pull a little extra weight
10:14into the jaw of Hernandez.
10:18Charlie makes up for any lack of size
10:20with the intensity.
10:26You know, there's a little bit of
10:28the air seems a little thick here tonight.
10:32This crowd is in nervous anticipation
10:34of what's going to happen later on
10:36when that steel cage is around the ring here.
10:40In this SWE Fury ring
10:42at Eddie Dean's Ranch.
10:44The final event to ever
10:46be held here
10:48taking place tonight.
10:50That cage match will be the final event
10:52ever here. It may be the final match
10:54for the two competitors.
10:56That's what I was going to say, Bob.
10:58It may be the final match
11:00for either one or both of them.
11:03Haas now. Forearm shots.
11:05Working Hernandez on the ropes.
11:11Hernandez coming back.
11:13Forearms of his own.
11:15Off the ropes. Back elbow
11:17from Charlie Haas.
11:21Haas back to those stomps again.
11:26You know, in the history of karate
11:28there's been a lot of people
11:30that have been in the ring
11:32in the history of cage matches.
11:34I mean, I know that there've been
11:36cage matches all down through
11:38wrestling history, but
11:40the violence that's been seen
11:42leading up to this cage match
11:44almost eclipses anything
11:46that could even happen in the cage.
11:48But every time you think you've seen
11:50the most violent thing
11:52out of Mantell and Castellanos
11:54they turn it up a notch.
11:56And wow! Did you see that?
11:58Hernandez flying over the top rope.
12:01Shoulder first into the head of Haas.
12:03Ready to go. Shoulder tackle there
12:05and a clothesline.
12:12Hernandez getting this crowd behind him
12:18Wow! Splashing into the corner
12:20on Haas there. That's a
12:22big man to come. Oh!
12:26That had to take a lot
12:28out of Charlie right there.
12:30About to crack a few ribs on the way down there
12:32of Charlie Haas.
12:34Hernandez gets him up.
12:36What's it going to be?
12:40What's it going to be?
12:42Oh! Good grief. Dropping down
12:44and Haas is back.
12:46Drilling into the shoulder
12:48of Hernandez.
12:50That was a count of only two, but
12:52do you realize how close we were to having a new champion?
12:56that was very, very
12:58close. I'd hate to be the
13:00referee in that position.
13:06A veteran of the ring.
13:08In here tonight. Taking on the
13:10Uh-oh. Bad move.
13:12Oh no. Haas is going
13:14for it. He's locking it in.
13:16Oh no! He's close to the ropes.
13:18Can Hernandez reach the ropes?
13:20That move is devastating.
13:22If he doesn't submit,
13:24he does. He submits.
13:26Ladies and gentlemen,
13:28your winner of the match by
13:32and still
13:36real world champion,
13:42You just don't want to get caught up
13:44in that hold, that submission
13:46maneuver. I tried to ask him,
13:48what do you call that thing?
13:50He just slammed the door in my face.
13:52He doesn't have a name apparently,
13:54but Charlie Haas continues to use it
13:56to mull through the talent here
13:58in SWE Fury.
14:02Ladies and gentlemen, we're back here
14:04on SWE Fury.
14:06Kevin Sullivan, Bob Mauldin here with you.
14:08I don't know why,
14:10but we're focused now on that door
14:12that a week ago,
14:16left and took Sula
14:18through, and here he comes now
14:20emerging from it again. The Boogeyman
14:22is going to join us here
14:24in SWE Fury. What is he
14:26doing here?
14:44Oh, look at the worms.
14:46Oh, he's hanging out of his mouth, Kevin Sullivan.
14:48What is he looking for?
14:50Look under him.
14:52Emerging from underneath
14:54Boogeyman. Is that Sula?
14:56Yes, it is. Oh, wow.
14:58Look at her.
15:00She's just as deranged as he is now.
15:02They're made in heaven.
15:06Boogeyman and Sula
15:08seem to have made themselves
15:10right at home there.
15:12Do they know that this place is going to be torn down in a week?
15:16What is she doing?
15:20Sula is taking
15:22one of the saddles.
15:28What has he done to her?
15:34If you'll remember, Boogeyman
15:36pulled her
15:38into that...
15:40What a strange,
15:42strange couple they are now.
15:46Here they are making their way
15:48to the ring
15:50as she's riding Boogeyman.
15:52Saddle and all.
15:56What is going
15:58on here?
16:00Looks like a party at your house
16:02on the weekends.
16:06They'd have called the cops at my house.
16:08This is unbelievable.
16:12I've seen a lot of strange things from Boogeyman
16:14in the years that he's been
16:16in professional wrestling,
16:18but this is by far the strangest.
16:20He's taken a mate, Kevin Sullivan.
16:22He certainly has.
16:24Sula is here
16:28with Boogeyman
16:30and it looks like
16:32they're a pair now.
16:38He's got his worm.
16:42Usually he reserves those
16:44that he beats.
16:52I think
16:54a section of our crowd
16:56is wearing worms now.
17:02beautiful and strange as she may be,
17:04she's now with Boogeyman
17:06and seems very much
17:08in a trance
17:10and very much
17:12under the spell,
17:14whatever it may be, of the Boogeyman.
17:18What is he throwing now?
17:32This entrance
17:34to the ring, a little mesmerizing to watch here.
17:38As they slowly make their way down
17:40the ramp, I don't really know how else
17:42to describe this.
17:46I think I'm going to stop crying
17:48much to the relief of our audience.
18:48Are they going to fight?
18:52I don't think so.
18:58This looks like a different ritual.
19:04This may be...
19:06We have to cut this out of the show and put it on HBO
19:20He's got a worm in his hand.
19:22What is she doing?
19:28It's not going to happen.
19:32She's just as sick as he is.
19:34Good grief.
19:36Look at her.
19:38You got the fever.
19:40Oh, good grief.
19:42Boogeyman's got her.
19:44She's totally under his spell.
19:46Oh, good grief. It's midnight special.
19:48What is he doing here?
19:50What's he doing?
19:52Well, he's putting a stop
19:54to whatever this
19:56strangeness is
19:58we've been watching here.
20:00He's doing the worm.
20:02You better watch it. Boogeyman will eat you.
20:04Wait a minute.
20:06Midnight special.
20:08Chokeslam. He's gone.
20:12And now he's asking for worms.
20:18This will not be
20:20the first time that midnight special
20:22has had to eat worms.
20:24He's got a big old handful of them right there.
20:26Oh, no.
20:28Oh, no, no, no.
20:30He's going to let Zula do the honors.
20:34I wasn't too keen
20:36on the presence of worms in the ring
20:38until midnight special showed up.
20:40Now I'm okay with it.
20:50Oh, God.
20:56Oh, good grief.
21:00Call the clean-in crew.
21:02Boogeyman's been here.
21:08And Zula,
21:10his new partner
21:12in crime.
21:14All right, ladies and gentlemen,
21:16we're back here on SWE Fury.
21:18Brittany Nicole is...
21:20Well, we were going to have Brittany Nicole
21:22here with us.
21:24And now Malaya.
21:26Making her way to the ring
21:28from the Dominican Republic.
21:30This is
21:32Marty Bell!
21:36Well, Brittany Nicole is joining us here
21:38to talk about this match.
21:40And instead,
21:42we're joined by Malaya.
21:44MDM is here.
21:46Which, of course, as we know,
21:48stands for Modern Day Mula.
21:50That's right, because I'm the last of my generation
21:52that still acts much like Mula was the last of hers.
21:56From Backstreet USA,
21:58this is
22:00the Backstreet Beauty,
22:06As you know,
22:08and one time she was our women's champion,
22:10Miranda Gordy is here tonight
22:12to take on...
22:14Marty Bell.
22:16And this is the first time
22:18we've seen Marty Bell here.
22:20Your thoughts on our former champion,
22:22Miranda Gordy,
22:24Malaya MDM.
22:26I don't have any thoughts on Miranda Gordy.
22:28She's not worth a thought.
22:30I'm sick and tired of second generation
22:32saying they can come in and live off their daddy's name.
22:34This is just ridiculous.
22:36I will say, Miranda Gordy
22:38seems to have made a name for herself
22:40as she came into SWE3.
22:42I mean, I guess you could have made
22:44that argument maybe a year ago,
22:46early on in her tenure here.
22:48She hasn't paid her dues yet.
22:50She hasn't earned my respect yet.
22:52Marty Bell, on the other hand, she's got 12 years in this business.
22:54She's been everywhere, worked everywhere.
22:56She's been champions everywhere.
22:58If there's a competitor
23:00out there that would gain my respect,
23:02it would be Marty Bell.
23:04Well, we are about to see her
23:06in action for the first time here
23:08in SWE Fury.
23:10Kevin, I notice you're being a little quiet
23:12on this subject here.
23:14Well, I'm watching this and
23:16she may have a point there.
23:18Yeah, I mean, experience does count for something
23:20here in SWE Fury.
23:22Marty Bell looks to be in great shape,
23:24but Miranda Gordy, definitely tough.
23:26Got that free bird blood
23:28running through her veins and she's
23:30taking it to Marty Bell right now
23:32as we start this match
23:34off here on SWE Fury.
23:36This is definitely a
23:38different side of Miranda from what I've been seeing.
23:42But there's the rookie.
23:46So do you think that was just a rookie mistake?
23:48I do.
23:50I think she underestimated Marty.
23:52Marty having
23:54Miranda all kinds of tying up,
23:56turns it into a pin, a count of only one.
23:58And Miranda goes, wow.
24:00Look at the tights. Using the tights there.
24:02That was kind of cool.
24:04I mean, that was totally illegal.
24:06I would never do something like that.
24:08No, absolutely not.
24:10Never saw you do anything like that.
24:12And Miranda Gordy, wow.
24:20I've got to ask you something.
24:22Yes, Kevin.
24:24There's got to be something Miranda has
24:28what I've noticed, second generation,
24:30something does rub off.
24:32But you're right. A lot of them come in
24:34with their father's
24:36name or mother's name
24:38and think they can just
24:40take over.
24:42This is going to be a test, don't you think?
24:44It's going to be a test of Miranda's abilities
24:46out here today. I mean, like I said,
24:48Marty's been around. She's a tough competitor.
24:50She's great at what she does. She knows her stuff.
24:52I'm not saying Miranda
24:54doesn't have talent. She's just young.
24:56And I think
25:00while she tries to make a name,
25:02she's doing the free bird thing.
25:04She's living off the Gordy name.
25:08I can understand that, but
25:10Blackjack Mulligan didn't
25:12play favorites for Kendall or
25:14Barry. I didn't ever see
25:16Dusky playing favorites for Dustin.
25:18I know Cora Combs
25:20never played favorites for Debbie Combs.
25:26we were all young at one time.
25:28I remember when you first started, but
25:30you paid your dues.
25:32So basically you're saying she didn't pay her dues.
25:34She hasn't paid her dues yet, no.
25:38You know,
25:40she got the SWE belt from Jazz,
25:42but Jazz has had a long
25:44career. Jazz worked
25:46ECW and worked with people that
25:48are of a caliber that
25:50isn't even out there anymore.
25:52So she was able to take
25:54advantage of some injuries that Jazz had and got
25:56the belt for SWE.
25:58But she lost to Christy James.
26:02she has yet to attain another title
26:04or get that
26:06title back.
26:08I'm not saying Miranda doesn't have a future.
26:10I'll enjoy seeing her grow
26:12and what she does in this industry.
26:14What she lacks
26:16in technical expertise in the ring,
26:18she definitely makes up for
26:20in brute strength, though. That's one of the things
26:22that really sets Miranda apart, is
26:24just the toughness, the physicality.
26:26While technically
26:28maybe not as polished, she definitely
26:30brings the fight.
26:32She's a good street girl. She's a good street fighter.
26:34You can tell she's tough, but
26:36there's a lot more to being out there
26:38than just being tough.
26:40I'm not going to underestimate her, but...
26:42Oh, wow. There she goes,
26:44locking her up, squeezing her, giving her that bear hug
26:46one more time. Oh, my gosh.
26:48And that's something you don't see very often
26:50in women's wrestling, a bear hug.
26:52Nope, you don't see that anymore.
26:54Oh, wow!
26:56Smashing her into that turnbuckle cover.
26:58There's the potential.
27:00There's the thought process.
27:02So you do see something in her.
27:08She gave Marty a chance. That's the rookie.
27:10And there you go.
27:12Marty took that chance
27:14and made the most of it.
27:16That's right.
27:22She's got it.
27:24Wait a minute. Blocks it.
27:26Comes back, forearm shot there.
27:28Very close.
27:30You've got to watch for those punches, but there she...
27:32Oh, wow. Beautiful move.
27:34That was awesome.
27:36That was a veteran's move.
27:38That was.
27:42How important is it to you
27:44the fact that Teddy Long
27:46implemented and has actually
27:48put on order a new
27:50women's TV title belt?
27:52You know, if I wind up with a belt
27:54around my waist, that's fine.
27:56I'm not here to attain belts.
27:58I'm here to make sure that
28:00the women going forward
28:02are worthy. There's no one like
28:04the veterans I had to work with out there. I'm it.
28:08Did you see that?
28:10Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match.
28:14The Bad Street Beauty.
28:18Now there's a little bit of a
28:20Bad Street Beauty that I can appreciate.
28:22I don't know.
28:24I hate to question the decision of one of our
28:26referees, but...
28:28Hey, if the ref didn't see it, she didn't do it.
28:32Marty went to roll her up.
28:34Miranda set back up,
28:36but I don't believe that because of Miranda's foot,
28:38both of her shoulders were down,
28:40and Marty Bell, I don't know, a questionable call there.
28:46Making their way
28:48to the ring.
28:50Accompanied by Nigel Rabbit
28:52of the Rabbit Empire.
28:54This is Crimson
28:56and Jack Stane,
28:58The War King!
29:16Well, there they are.
29:18They're back in SWE Fury.
29:20Last week,
29:22Randy Long welcoming them back
29:24and telling them they had a lot
29:26of work to do if they want to be
29:28in contention
29:30for those tag team titles.
29:32Jacks and Crimson are back
29:34here in SWE Fury,
29:36and they're here with Nigel Rabbit.
29:40What the hell are they thinking?
29:48Nigel beaming with pride.
29:50Look at him.
29:52It's like he just knows.
29:54He knows he's got a fair
29:56of winners there, I think.
29:58And this thing is getting underway.
30:00That entrance music hadn't
30:02even stopped. Jaden is out now.
30:04Asher's out.
30:06Right over the top rope.
30:08Well, the bell hasn't
30:10started. There's no bell.
30:12This thing isn't even a match yet.
30:14Referee Ben Scheinberg
30:16trying to get this thing started
30:18and does call for the bell.
30:20It rings now,
30:22and we do have a match,
30:24so in first is Jaden and Jacks
30:26coming in, so I guess
30:28they're going to start off and be
30:30our legal men.
30:34And here we go.
30:36Into the corner goes Jaden.
30:38Jacks in, ramming that shoulder
30:40into the midsection.
30:42Jaden firing up in the corner there.
30:44Forearms and back elbows
30:46going all around now
30:48as Jacks comes in with a headbutt
30:50to put a stop to all that nonsense.
30:52Oh, no.
30:54Crimson holding now.
30:56Oh, wow.
30:58Those ribs totally exposed
31:00and prone there.
31:02No way to protect himself.
31:04Jaden crumples into the corner.
31:06Look at that guy.
31:08He's huge.
31:10He's huge.
31:12Thick and muscular.
31:14He knows how to wrestle too.
31:16Good grief.
31:20Couple of elbows
31:22does nothing but anger Jackson.
31:26Throws him right in his corner.
31:28They've been keeping him in his corner.
31:36Normally we'd say
31:38don't worry about trash talking the camera
31:40but it seems like he has time
31:42as he's pretty well managed
31:44to decimate Jaden already
31:46in the early going of this match.
31:48Crimson the legal man now.
31:50They're working together though.
31:54Mowing over Jaden.
31:56Look at that guy.
31:58What a specimen.
32:00I think they took what Teddy said last week
32:02to heart.
32:04They knocked themselves up a lot.
32:06Good grief.
32:10That's over.
32:12It is over.
32:14It's over before it started.
32:18What a great showing.
32:20Crimson and Jax
32:22the War Kings.
32:26I'm guessing Adam Asher
32:28never recovered from that
32:30initial assault.
32:33And there you go.
32:35Making a statement.
32:37Crimson and Jax
32:39now a part of the Rabid Empire.
32:41I'm here with SWE Fury television champion
32:43Rodney Mack right now to get his thoughts
32:45on that steel cage match
32:47coming up later on tonight.
32:49Ryan Mantell, Max Castellanos
32:51squaring off inside the cage.
32:53Your thoughts sir.
32:55As everyone knows these two guys
32:57they've been at each other's throats.
32:59They've been beating each other all over Texas.
33:01Tonight it ends
33:03in a steel cage match.
33:05Which is one of the most deadliest
33:07and brutal matches
33:09in all of professional wrestling.
33:11And I can guarantee you
33:13tonight in that steel cage
33:17is going to get hurt.
33:27Ladies and gentlemen
33:29on his way to the ring
33:31from Mexico City, Mexico
33:33he is El Chingon
33:35de Texas
33:41Welcome back here to SWE Fury
33:43this thing is underway.
33:45These guys haven't even made it to the cage yet.
33:47Kevin Sullivan, Bob Mullin joined by Nigel Rabid.
33:49And this is exactly
33:51the problem that I've got with Moonshine Mantell.
33:53I mean for God's sake
33:55can't even let the man get
33:57to the cage, into the ring
33:59to do this proper cage match
34:01and already just
34:03Oh! Good grief!
34:05That chair
34:07that Castellanos brought out here
34:09wrapped in barbed wire
34:11being used
34:13as a weapon by Moonshine Ryan Mantell
34:15and this thing
34:17is I guess underway
34:19they're not even in the cage yet.
34:21I don't know that it could be considered on the way
34:23I mean don't you have to be in the cage
34:25for a cage match to start?
34:27I would think so. Kevin Sullivan the expert
34:29on this. Give us the best
34:31you can, the rules here
34:33Kevin Sullivan. You've got to be in the cage
34:35for the cage to start. Nigel is right about this
34:37but the horrible thing is
34:39these two are the brightest stars
34:41for the future of pro wrestling
34:43and one of them or both of them
34:45aren't going to be the same when they get out of this cage.
34:47That's a terribly
34:49sobering thought.
34:51Well now they are fighting
34:53outside the cage before they even
34:55have a chance to get in the ring
34:57and we've shown you
34:59how far this goes back
35:05let's not, you know
35:07fighting is one thing
35:09but Castellanos is used as
35:11weapons. Let's recount some
35:13things here. TVs
35:15leather straps
35:17bleach, you name it
35:19it's been used by Castellanos as a
35:21weapon. No, no, no, no
35:23Bob, don't forget he tried to light them on fire
35:25Okay, fire
35:27Fire. First of all
35:29the bleach is a cleansing agent
35:31he was trying to protect Moonshine Mantell
35:33from COVID-19. The president has said that too
35:35Yes, yes, it's a cleansing agent
35:37it protects against COVID-19
35:39that is exactly what Max Castellanos
35:41was doing, was trying to protect Moonshine
35:43Fire is also
35:45a cleansing agent for a
35:47viral disease
35:49No, all Max was doing was trying to protect
35:51Moonshine Mantell and this is
35:53the thanks that he's gotten for it. Can I make the
35:55most definitive statement right tonight
35:57this isn't sports
35:59entertainment. Uh, no
36:01this is a fight. This is Texas
36:05and Max is split up
36:07already and that's what I was
36:09worried about. This isn't gonna get
36:11it isn't gonna stop. It's gonna
36:13get worse as it goes on
36:17Mantell was thrown into those ring steps
36:19there. He might be bloodied on his own
36:21looks like a little bit there
36:23I can't tell
36:25No, not yet, but
36:27I think we're gonna get there real soon
36:29Oh no
36:31We're in the cage now
36:33This thing is underway officially ladies and gentlemen
36:37All we need is a bell to ring
36:39Where's Max going? Oh, Max is going to go
36:41get his chair
36:43Moonshine shouldn't have attacked from behind
36:47I thought he was gonna go ring the bell for us
36:49No, he's gonna be in the ring as well
36:53Oh! Spear
36:55and Mantell is back
36:59These two guys are fighting in the ring
37:01and now in the steel cage
37:03Oh, good grief
37:05Oh my goodness
37:07You know, that's how
37:09I lost the use of my right eye
37:11One of those prongs
37:13that stick up got me
37:18Head first
37:20into that steel cage
37:22My goodness, this is
37:26This is what it's come to guys
37:28And let's think about
37:30what we've seen
37:32I believe all three of us were there
37:34when Max Castellanos
37:36utilized bleach as a cleansing agent
37:38to protect Moonshine Mantell
37:40You have a
37:42way of distorting the truth
37:44that is unlike any I've ever heard
37:46Have you ever asked
37:48Max Castellanos why he used bleach?
37:50Did you ever once ask?
37:52The man couldn't see for a month
37:54He had to have an eye patch
37:56You couldn't see out of that eye for a month
37:58That's his fault for opening his eye
38:00You don't open your eyes underwater
38:02if you know the water is contaminated
38:04All Max was doing was trying to protect him
38:06He was around all of those people
38:08in Irving, Texas
38:10And you know about those people
38:12Oh, good grief
38:14Let's get back to what's going on in the ring
38:16which is Mantell
38:18running head first into that cage
38:20He was going for another spear
38:22and sidestepping
38:24and providing a little extra momentum
38:26was Castellanos
38:28Brilliant maneuver by Castellanos
38:30I hate to say disparaging words
38:32to the referee
38:34but that chair doesn't need to be in the ring
38:36does it?
38:38I mean, do you want to take it away
38:40from Max Castellanos?
38:42Not me
38:48Turnabout I guess is fair play
38:50Max Castellanos
38:52was just waffling the head
38:54of Moonshine Mantell
38:58Great sights and sounds
39:00brought to you by our great crew here
39:02in SWE Fury
39:04And Castellanos
39:08trying to make his way out
39:10up into the rafters here
39:12of Eddie Deen's Ranch
39:16A building that if they go ahead and tear it down
39:18tonight, it might actually help
39:24Last live event to be held
39:26in this building, folks
39:28And what a final hoorah it is for Eddie Deen's
39:32These guys are fighting at the top of the cage
39:36High above the fans here
39:38In downtown Dallas
39:40And what a fall
39:42The year isn't over yet and this is the feud of the year
39:44Maybe the feud of the decade
39:46These guys
39:48And the decade's barely started and I don't think
39:50I could argue against that
39:52I mean, this has been just amazing
39:56You know what the problem is?
39:58They're a mirror image of one another
40:02In several ways, I completely agree
40:06Castellanos using the great equalizer
40:12Bob, if you had to pick a winner
40:14who would you pick right now?
40:18I would say
40:20that Mantell is due
40:22a win
40:24but you probably made
40:26the best statement I've heard
40:28referring to these guys and it really
40:30it's kind of had me sitting over here and thought
40:32for quite a while
40:34These guys are mirror images of each other
40:36And maybe that therein lies
40:38the conflict, Kevin Sullivan
40:44You know what happens
40:46when you try to put the two positive sides
40:48of the magnet together
40:50They repel each other
40:52And that may be
40:56exactly what we're looking at right here
40:58Castellanos, Mantell
41:00Oh, wow
41:02Backstab right in the middle of the ring
41:04I mean, every move they make
41:06isn't a wrestling move
41:08to pin somebody
41:10It's to hurt
41:12I mean, his back is not going to be right
41:16Oh, now he's going for the chair
41:18This is, he's not
41:20He's trying to end the career
41:22They both are trying to end each other's career
41:24which is
41:26kind of sad
41:28Oh, good grief, right into the gut
41:30With the rim of that steel chair
41:34And it looks like still
41:36at least one wire
41:38that barbed wire
41:40that was brought to the ring by
41:42Castellanos, but turned quickly
41:44into a weapon by Mantell
41:46Double clothesline there
41:48These two men
41:52Fighting in the steel cage
41:54This crowd, every one of them
41:56on their feet
41:58I'll say that, Bob, look at them
42:00They're all in captive
42:02by this match
42:04as we are
42:06As fights, as feuds
42:08as these type of rivalries go
42:10the entire thing has been captivating
42:12It's been something that
42:14has drawn attention
42:16worldwide to SWE Fury
42:18You know, we brought in a lot of
42:20big stars over the past year
42:22but the thing that's brought in
42:24people to watch has been this feud
42:26between these two guys
42:28These two guys have been fighting
42:30and cutting a swatch all across Texas
42:32And tonight, hopefully
42:34hopefully, closing the book
42:36on this
42:38And they've elevated each other
42:42You know, we brought in a lot of
42:44big stars in SWE Fury, but these two
42:46men right here
42:48They are stars that made themselves
42:50within the ranks
42:52of SWE Fury
42:54I don't think anyone in their right mind
42:56can argue against that
42:58You're absolutely right, both of you
43:00This is
43:02People are going to say
43:04Well, I saw him when
43:08Spinebuster there by Mantell
43:10Beautiful exclamation point
43:14Good grief
43:16One, two
43:18We almost had a three count
43:20of pin right in the middle of the ring
43:22And I see that Mantell
43:24has a little bit more
43:26energy tonight than he's had
43:30He's really, really
43:32reaching in
43:34He wants this over with
43:36He wants to walk out and be the better man
43:38If I could point out too, guys
43:42You know, going for a clean win right there
43:44with a pin in the middle of the ring
43:46And in almost
43:48every instance we've seen
43:50Castellanos using some sort of weapon
43:52some sort of bleach, some sort of something
43:54to hurt and put
43:56Mantell out of the business
43:58I know these guys have been fighting
44:00But when it came to the match, Mantell tried to put an end to it
44:02there with a pin in the middle of the ring
44:04And then, of course, Castellanos
44:06doing the same thing there in return
44:08If you
44:10go back to when this originally started
44:12It started with a chair shot
44:14with Mantell's head
44:16against the ring post
44:18Took him out on a stretcher
44:20And he's taken injury after injury
44:22so has Max
44:24That's why I'm afraid
44:26that no matter what happens
44:28I said, this is like
44:30Ali Frazier, the third fight
44:32Neither one of them came out of here
44:36That ended both his careers
44:40Yes, a career-shortening match this is here in SWE Fury
44:44Not to disagree, but I want to point out
44:48slamming of the head
44:50Oh, look at this
44:52Beautiful reversal
44:54Oh, no
44:56No, no, no
44:58That's barbed wire
45:02Teal chair
45:04Barbed wire, two, three
45:06And the winner
45:08Ladies and gentlemen
45:10The winner of the match
45:20Ryan Mantell
45:22Coming out victorious tonight here
45:24Wait, wait
45:26Somebody's opening the cage door
45:28Who is that? I can't really tell
45:32That's Charlie Haas
45:34What is he doing?
45:36He's chaining
45:38He's chaining the cage door shut
45:40What is he doing?
45:42Why is he chaining the door shut?
45:44This doesn't bode well
45:50after fighting
45:52is trying to get
45:54back to his feet
45:56Castellanos is out there
45:58laid out on his back
46:00with barbed wire all stuck
46:02in his back
46:04What's going on here?
46:06Charlie Haas is stuck
46:08Charlie looks like he's sizing up Moonshine Mantell
46:12We're in a steel cage
46:14It's now locked
46:16Thanks to Charlie Haas
46:18Can someone come out here
46:20and stop this?
46:22This is not good
46:24Mantell just went through hell
46:26Oh no
46:28This isn't good
46:30Look, I've known Charlie for years
46:32This is not
46:34a good situation for Moonshine Mantell
46:36to be in
46:38He shouldn't be in the
46:40Wait a minute
46:42Oh, Rodney's here
46:44Who is that? Rodney Mack is in the ring now
46:46Rodney Mack is here
46:52And anticipated that
46:54Well, we've got Rodney Mack in the ring
46:56He pushes away Castellanos there
46:58Who's still reeling from that
47:00slam onto that chair
47:02wrapped in barbed wire
47:06What are these guys doing
47:08in the ring and what do they have to do with this?
47:10Rodney Mack
47:12in the ring
47:14seeming to
47:16back off Charlie Haas
47:18If there's anybody
47:20on the roster that could give Charlie
47:22a run for his money, it's going to be
47:24Rodney Mack
47:26Wow, he sold him off
47:28Charlie poking
47:30the beehive there
47:32Not so sure
47:34that's the right thing to do
47:38Wait a minute
47:44What the hell
47:46What the hell
47:48is he doing
47:50Rodney Mack goes in for a hug there
47:52and belly to belly
47:54Wait a minute
47:56What is going on
47:58What is this
48:00Come on
48:02Send somebody down
48:04This is not right
48:06Alex Moraga's down
48:12What is this crap
48:14They're trying to end this kid's career
48:16The three of them are trying to end this kid's career
48:20couldn't do it on his own
48:22Couldn't do it on his own
48:24He's taken the three of them
48:26Got two champs
48:28Look, let's be honest guys
48:30If there's anybody that has proven that he is a challenger
48:34Referee Soda Hendrickson
48:36to try to calm things down
48:38That doesn't take long to dispatch him there
48:40as Haas goes to kicking him
48:42Oh no
48:44Oh no
48:46Rodney Mack slamming the referee
48:50What is this
48:52What the hell is going on
48:54Look, if there is anybody
48:56that was a threat
48:58to the World Television Championship
49:00to the World Heavyweight Championship
49:02This is Moonshine Mantell
49:04This is just
49:06smart tactics
49:08They're trying to
49:10crush the serpent in the egg
49:12That's for sure
49:14We have a mess in the ring
49:16We have referees who were knocked out
49:18We have a beaten and battered
49:20Ryan Mantell
49:24We have Rodney Mack
49:26showing his true colors here tonight
49:28But let's not overlook one thing, Bob
49:30Mantell did win the match
49:32But he paid a very heavy
49:34heavy price
49:36I think these guys
49:40I don't know what joined them together
49:42except greed and envy
49:46Two of the deadly sins
49:48Mantell may have won the match tonight
49:50but I fear that whatever
49:52these three guys are doing together
49:54here in this ring has just started a war
50:00Oh, they're just stomping a mud hole
50:02with them
50:11It seems that Mantell is going to have to be
50:13carried out of here
50:15as these three guys in the ring
50:19Rodney Mack
50:21and Charlie Hoss
50:25Two of these guys are champions
50:27SWE Fury Heavyweight Champion
50:29And now what the
50:31Is that
50:33Selena De La Renta in the ring right now?
50:35What is she doing in there?
50:37Good evening ladies and gentlemen
50:41Please bow down
50:43and welcome
50:53What does that mean?
50:55What does it mean?
50:57What does it mean the three of them are together?
50:59What does it mean?
51:01Who are these people?
51:03What are they doing here?
51:05This is the
51:07the joining of the crazies
51:09Is this what it is?
51:11I don't know ladies and gentlemen
51:13I do hope to get some explanation from this
51:15If you all didn't understand what she said
51:17This is the baddest
51:19faction in pro wrestling
51:21right now
51:23De La Renta
51:25Rodney Mack, Mack Castellano
51:27You have
51:29The real world champion
51:31Charlie Hoss
51:35And you have the brains
51:37You have Selena
51:43Bow down
51:45Because we are known as
51:47The Privilege
