Treated a Broke, Starving Girl to Ramen, Then She Rolls in with Big Cash…

  • 2 months ago
Treated a Broke, Starving Girl to Ramen, Then She Rolls in with Big Cash…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Three special ramens, order up!
00:03Ahahaha! Appreciate that I'm devouring this!
00:08It's weird how something this tasty isn't catching on.
00:12For real! Let's throw some takoyaki on top!
00:16No way!
00:18My name's Takeru Miki, 27 years old, running this ramen joint.
00:23But let me tell you, our regulars are just Otakuda, Ron, and Lily, high schoolers from around here.
00:31Ramen shop Takeru is my joint.
00:34Finally opened a few years back after grinding since my school days.
00:38I revamped an old house into a combo store and living space.
00:42But, the sales have been pretty tough.
00:45Of course, I'm confident in the taste, but in the food business, that alone isn't enough.
00:52Might be about time to call it quits, huh?
00:56Um, excuse me?
00:58Whoa! Hi there!
01:00Sorry, didn't mean to startle you.
01:03Um, what kind of place is this?
01:06What else? It's a ramen joint.
01:12Then I'll have one of those, please.
01:14Uh, sure.
01:16In pajamas at this hour, something's fishy, huh?
01:20And that's how I ended up making ramen for this mysterious girl.
01:25Little did I know, this one bowl would flip my life upside down.
01:30I-is this... ramen?
01:33First time trying it!
01:37I heard rumors, but never knew it'd be this delicious!
01:41Man, she's kinda strange.
01:44Oh, want an extra serving?
01:49You mean, like, you can do that?
01:52Yeah, sure.
01:54So, what's up? What brings you here at this ungodly hour?
01:58Well, you see...
02:00I had a fight with my father.
02:03Just a trivial thing, but...
02:05Oh, I had those days when I was young.
02:08Oh, sorry for blabbing about my life like this.
02:12Nah, I used to argue with my folks a lot, too.
02:16But sticking to yourself's the way to go, no regrets.
02:21So believe in yourself and charge ahead.
02:24Today's meal's on me.
02:26And feel free to drop by whenever you're in a bind.
02:29Geez, why do I sound like I'm preaching?
02:32Oh my god!
02:34A real prince was right here!
02:38Oh no! I'll definitely repay this favor!
02:41Still a weird one.
02:43Well, I guess I'll try a bit harder.
02:47Months later.
02:49Even though I said that, the place was still deserted that day.
02:53As I was stressing out, I heard a car stop in front of the shop.
02:57Gramps! Here it is!
02:59What the...
03:01Oh, I've been wanting to see you, Takeru.
03:04Oh, you're that...
03:06Well, I came to repay you for that time.
03:11I didn't ask about the price back then,
03:14so I thought about the value on my own, and it's about this much.
03:18Nah, our bowls are eight.
03:21If it's 80 grand, I got it.
03:23No, eight bucks!
03:25My ramen isn't that expensive!
03:28So, can you explain to me what's going on,
03:31starting from that limo there, yeah?
03:34Well then, Gramps, the letter from my dad?
03:37Yes, ma'am.
03:39Wait, huh? What's this?
03:42To the young man of the ramen place,
03:44yielding to Mari's passion,
03:47I'll leave it to you for a while.
03:49From Juzo Nakasone.
03:51What? Juzo Nakasone?
03:55Turns out, she's Mari Nakasone,
03:58the daughter of a global tycoon.
04:00Raised well by her dad,
04:02but they clashed over her future on her 20th birthday.
04:06And for the past few months,
04:08she's been persuading her dad every day,
04:10finally getting permission, but...
04:13Please let me stay at your place?
04:17After trying other ramen restaurants since then,
04:20this place was the best!
04:22Plus, I...
04:23Hold up! Even if you say that...
04:26Oh, come on! What's the problem?
04:30We're regulars here. Nice seeing ya!
04:33I don't need no comrades.
04:35But if you're familiar, I might consider it.
04:38She's got 8th grader syndrome, so just ignore her.
04:42Don't say that!
04:44N-nice seeing you all.
04:46Don't just decide things on your own!
04:50So, pushed by the energy of the three regulars,
04:53I decided to hire her as a part-timer for now.
04:57Gramps took the money home,
04:59and while I was busy explaining stuff about the shop,
05:02it was already closing time.
05:04So, take down the curtain last, and we're done.
05:07Hmm? Oh!
05:09Could it be today you didn't let any customers in for me?
05:13Nah, they just didn't show up.
05:15Just swing by whenever you feel like it,
05:17cause I think it'll still be quiet.
05:20Anyway, today's...
05:24Did you come here to live?
05:26I told my dad I'm not coming home for a while.
05:29You serious?
05:31Calm down, Takeru.
05:32She's a princess.
05:34If she sees the upstairs room, she'll probably bail.
05:38So, how about it?
05:40This is the life of a 27-year-old single self-employed dude.
05:46This is the Japanese-style room I've been dreaming of!
05:50It's amazing!
05:53Seems she spent her childhood in Europe,
05:56and her family home was all Western.
05:58Influenced by anime she watched as a kid,
06:01she longed for classical Japan.
06:05Oh, right!
06:07Wanna take a bath first?
06:09Or dinner?
06:14Wh-what are you doing?
06:16Grant said this is the Japanese way of welcoming your husband.
06:20That's a prototype Japanese style!
06:23But since it's come to this,
06:25can't just kick her out, huh?
06:27A few minutes later...
06:29Can you sleep there?
06:31Uh, yeah!
06:32To make delicious ramen,
06:34this much training is necessary.
06:38Looking forward to tomorrow!
06:40Hope lots of customers come!
06:44But it's not popular,
06:46and I think it'll go under soon.
06:48Not really something to say on the first day, but...
06:53There's no way such a tasty restaurant would go under!
06:57Whoa, did she just roll over?
06:59I was truly saved by that one ball!
07:02Have confidence!
07:05I'll do something about it!
07:08W-what are you gonna do?
07:18You're sleeping here?
07:21Next day, barely slept.
07:23And when I wake up, she's nowhere to be found.
07:26Probably got fed up and split.
07:30Maybe had a crazy long dream or something.
07:34Hey, good morning, Takeru!
07:40How is it?
07:41This is...
07:42No good?
07:44N-no, definitely keep it up!
07:46Alright, so I asked Gramps to get a hundred roses!
07:50Oh no, you don't need to do that.
07:54Maybe she woke up early and decorated?
07:57Nah, I can't focus at all.
08:00Are you okay?
08:02Yeah, just cut myself a bit.
08:04What are you doing?
08:12Gramps used to say spit could heal wounds back in the day.
08:15I said Gramps's ideas are outdated!
08:18And let go already!
08:21Takeru, can I get a-
08:24Oh, um, sorry to interrupt.
08:28Don't think that kind of lovey-dovey thing is allowed in front of me!
08:34You're quite the catch, huh?
08:37N-no, it's not like that!
08:41After somehow clearing up the misunderstanding,
08:44the three of them helped Mari with the decorations inside the shop.
08:48Thanks to them, the gloominess vanished,
08:51and most importantly, she was happily laughing.
08:54Takeru, I'm glad I came here after all!
08:59During my study abroad, I didn't have many friends.
09:02So doing this lively stuff like this is my first time.
09:06Is that so?
09:08Takeru, you really are-
09:12Takeru, we've got something for you too!
09:15What's this?
09:17With this, success is guaranteed!
09:20Don't get what to do with it!
09:24From then on, maybe thanks to Mari's brightness,
09:27customers started coming in.
09:29She even made her own flyers and handed them out in front of the shop.
09:33Seeing her like that, I naturally regained my motivation.
09:37Honestly, at first, I thought she'd bail real quick.
09:41But she's working so hard.
09:44Hey there, working here, huh?
09:47Let's hang out together!
09:49I-I'm on the clock, so...
09:52Jeez, but there are two of them.
09:55I want to avoid a fight, but...
09:58Then let us eat ramen next to you!
10:01You can feed us, right?
10:05My lovely customers.
10:08As the owner, I'll feed you guys.
10:12Oh, what's wrong?
10:14If it's me, I can provide more than just feeding you.
10:17This guy's insane!
10:20Haha, didn't know it'd actually work.
10:23Hi, Kiryu!
10:25You always come to my rescue, don't you?
10:31Why don't you just call me babe?
10:34Okay now!
10:35Anyway, let's get in!
10:37It seriously looks like a sketchy joint if we do this out here!
10:41From then on, thanks to her, the shop flourished, and I kept refining my flavors.
10:46She became indispensable for both the shop and me.
10:50But at the same time, a conflict was brewing.
10:53It's been about half a year since Mari came.
10:56I wonder if it's okay to let her stay here forever?
11:00First off, I should probably introduce myself to her parents.
11:04But her dad is that Juzo Nakasone.
11:07But can't leave things like this.
11:10Kakeru, can you serve your ramen at our party?
11:16We throw a huge one at our place every year, and people from all around the world come.
11:22Of course I'm not forcing you, but...
11:25Nah, I'll do it.
11:27Actually, I wanna do it.
11:31I'll help out too, of course!
11:33So I geared up for the party, delving into more flavor experiments.
11:38Surely mega-rich people would gather.
11:41At times, I tried dabbling in luxury ingredients, but in the end, I decided to stick with my original special ramen.
11:49If Mari praised the taste, her parents would surely...
11:53Then the day of the party arrived.
11:56Voices of excitement were already coming from the super mansion, and my legs were trembling.
12:02But can't run away now.
12:04Oh, Kakeru!
12:07We've been waiting for you.
12:09She looks so beautiful. Guess she really is a rich girl.
12:14Please, please. We've set up a special stage for you.
12:21Worked on this all night yesterday.
12:24Wow, this is amazing!
12:26But still, kinda out of place.
12:29I know everything you've been working so hard on until today, so stand proud.
12:35Thanks. Alright, let's give it a shot!
12:40And so, we started serving ramen to the participants.
12:43I was worried if it would suit the taste of the wealthy, but it was well-received by foreigners.
12:49And most importantly, Mari's happy face made me the happiest.
12:54Kakeru, leave this to me, so go around and enjoy yourself.
12:58Thanks, taking you up on that. Gonna check things out a bit.
13:02Sure. Over there, we've got everything from the best steaks to shark fin.
13:09Of course, what I wanted to find wasn't a steak, but...
13:14Mari's father, Juzo Nakasone.
13:17However, he was nowhere to be found.
13:20Planning to go together with her later, I returned to the shop.
13:23What the heck is this?
13:25Way too out of place, huh?
13:29Who are these drunkards? Don't look like Mari's acquaintances.
13:34The daughter of Nakasone is involved in a place like this?
13:38Guess she hit rock bottom!
13:41Maybe she got caught by some weird dude.
13:44Poor thing.
13:46The pitiful ones are you two.
13:50Judging the taste of Takeru's ramen just by looks.
13:54And saying I hit rock bottom?
13:56Nope. It's the opposite. Takeru taught me a lot.
14:02That's why Takeru is my-
14:05Hey, Mari! You okay?
14:08T-Takeru? Just a bit dizzy.
14:12Pulling an all-nighter isn't cool.
14:14What? You're that Takeru guy?
14:18This lame dude making ramen ain't gonna be tasty.
14:23If you don't like it, no need to eat.
14:27What's with that look?
14:29I don't know how rich you guys are, but my ramen-
14:33Or rather, our ramen isn't that cheap.
14:36I see.
14:39Was looking forward to seeing what kind of guy you are.
14:43Now I know.
14:45Certainly, there's enough reason for my daughter to fall for you.
14:49Nice to meet you, young man of the ramen shop.
14:54Bit late for greetings, huh?
14:56I'm Mari's father, Juzo Nakasone.
14:59The ramen was really good. Thanks for the meal.
15:03T-Thank you!
15:05By the way...
15:07Who invited you guys?
15:10Uh, it was, like, a friend of a friend.
15:14Of a friend?
15:20Mari, you okay? Your dad showed up.
15:23You really are my prince.
15:27Oh, you didn't know.
15:29Mari turned down an engagement with a European prince and came to you.
15:36Apparently, Juzo suggested a marriage proposal with a European prince, thinking Mari would be pleased.
15:43But Mari misunderstood and thought she would be forced into marriage.
15:47Yes, the minor quarrel with her dad she mentioned when she first came to the shop was about this.
15:54What's so minor about this?
15:57But after running away, I realized my own weakness.
16:01At that time, the one who gave me kind words was you, Takeru.
16:07It was love at first sight.
16:09My true prince was right here.
16:13Sorry, but I'm not a prince. Just a ramen shop owner.
16:19But if even someone like me is okay, Mari, will you stay with me forever?
16:25I'll work hard to become a real prince someday.
16:30Of course, my prince.
16:34Takeru, counting on you with Mari!
16:37Yes, sir!
16:38By the way, are you interested in going overseas?
16:44Afterwards, Juzo not only approved of our relationship, but also suggested expanding ramen shop Takeru overseas.
16:52Investors who attended the party were apparently impressed with the taste, and he offered full support with funds.
16:59With an immediate yes, our ramen quickly spread all over the world.
17:04Everything other than the taste is in their hands, so I'm still here.
17:12All thanks to my familiar.
17:15I knew it would turn out like this from the beginning.
17:20Well then, see you soon!
17:23After all, running a small shop like this suits me, and more than anything.
17:32Good job today.
17:34So, wanna take a bath?
17:37Eat dinner?
17:39Or... me?
17:44Of course you, Mari!
17:46I've become inseparable from Mari at this point.
