Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for the Skinny Badass Girl Next Door, And Then

  • 3 months ago
Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for the Skinny Badass Girl Next Door, And Then
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Leo Ogawa, 28, working as a chef at this western-style restaurant.
00:06My dream?
00:07Of course, running my own place someday.
00:10But got these little issues.
00:12Hey, Ai, good morning!
00:15Ugh, ignoring me again.
00:19That's because things aren't going smoothly with Ai Kimura, the girl next door who's
00:2424 and living alone.
00:26We used to say hi and chat a bit, but probably that's the cause.
00:32Man, every day's really fulfilling.
00:36Having dreams makes life so nice and fun, huh?
00:39What are you talking about?
00:44Ever since then, she's been avoiding me.
00:47Well, she's just a neighbor, so I guess I don't really have to worry about it.
00:52That's what I thought, but...
00:55Is it just me, or is Ai getting thinner?
00:58Hey, have you been eating lately?
01:01Psh, mind your own business!
01:04Yeah, bringing up someone's eating habits doesn't feel good, huh?
01:09But despite that, Ai kept getting thinner and thinner.
01:14Then after a while, Ai looks like she's really not feeling well.
01:19Hey, Ai, listen.
01:25Alright, that's it!
01:27Hey, if you're hungry, come over and have some food at my place.
01:32You're gonna pass out any time.
01:33What the-?
01:34What's with the sudden offer?
01:37It's none of your business!
01:40Even if you say that-
01:41Shut up, just stop!
01:45I'm hungry and have no energy for this!
01:50J-just come over for now!
01:55Ten minutes later.
01:56Here, eat up, just made some soup.
01:59It's leftovers, but it's good.
02:02Wow, it does look really good!
02:06I don't usually accept handouts.
02:09You gotta eat or you'll pass out again!
02:13Come on, finish it before it gets cold.
02:16I'll eat it!
02:19After that, I finish the soup.
02:21Thanks for this.
02:23I owe you one.
02:25Hey, why were you so hungry?
02:27Well, since you treated me, I feel obliged to explain.
02:33Actually, I'm currently unemployed and strapped for cash.
02:39But what about unemployment benefits?
02:42My family relies on those for living expenses.
02:49It's tough at home, being a single parent household with lots of siblings.
02:54They're scraping by on my money, but the company I used to work for went bankrupt.
03:00Considering the amount of money my family needs, I can't compromise on my salary.
03:05So finding a new job has been tough.
03:08I'm keeping it a secret from my family and cutting down on my own expenses for them.
03:14Ai, thinking so much about your family!
03:18If I find a job, I can pay you back, but...
03:22Then how about applying for a part-time job at the western-style restaurant where I work?
03:28But I can't keep relying on you like this.
03:31We're short-staffed in the dining area right now.
03:34It'd make me really happy if you'd join.
03:37If you apply, you owe me nothing.
03:39What do you say?
03:42If that's the case.
03:45So the next day, I started working at the western-style restaurant where I work.
03:52I'll wash these dishes.
03:54She's a good worker. Always working hard.
03:58Nice. Looks like boss likes her too.
04:01Alright, Ai. How about trying your hand at making a salad next?
04:06You got it!
04:08Sweet response! Maybe she's got chops in the kitchen too!
04:14But then...
04:16Why does this salad taste like garbage?
04:20Yeah, looks exactly as it is in the recipe, but...
04:24What? Is it that bad?
04:27Well, this place is small, and we're short-staffed.
04:31If you can't handle salads and sides, even if you're good at other stuff...
04:36So... am I rejected?
04:39Hold up! Let me teach her how to cook, please!
04:43Let her stay and learn here!
04:47Um, please!
04:49I promise I'll prove that I can cook properly!
04:53Fine. Let's give it a trial period.
04:56During that time, get your cooking skills up.
04:59Got it! I'll do my best!
05:02And so, Ai's cooking bootcamp began.
05:05Started making something simple in my room, but...
05:09Stop right there!
05:12What? I'm in the zone!
05:15What's that in your hand?
05:18Chili pepper?
05:20Why are you putting that hot chili pepper in the onion dressing?
05:24Oh, I mean... I thought it'd add a kick!
05:29Nope! You don't have to do that! Stick to the recipe!
05:34But this is way tastier!
05:37I mean... never got to cook at home, so...
05:42Am I really that bad at cooking?
05:44Oh! The mystery of the bad salad revealed!
05:48Her taste buds are whack! Gotta fix that!
05:51First step...
05:54Few minutes later...
05:56Try this! Made it myself!
05:58Looks kinda similar to mine. What's the difference?
06:06Not too spicy...
06:08The sweetness of the onion balances out the vinegar's sourness, and it tastes nice!
06:14What... what is this?
06:16Um... it's cuz your taste's unique.
06:20Let's start with flavors most people like.
06:23Hey! The way you say that!
06:26Well, if I can learn this tasty seasoning, it's worth it!
06:31Let's do this!
06:33Reluctantly, I went along with my suggestion.
06:38After that, we started cooking and eating the same dishes,
06:41so she could learn my style while getting seasoning tips.
06:45But I wasn't too thrilled.
06:47My cooking sucks, huh?
06:50You don't have to force yourself to eat it.
06:53Nah, it's not that bad.
06:56Just this spaghetti's a bit strong.
06:59Adjust the salt and it'll be fine.
07:01What? Really?
07:03Yeah, nobody starts out as a cooking pro.
07:07We'll get there bit by bit.
07:09Got it!
07:13Your cooking's bomb!
07:15This rich tomato ketchup flavor's killer!
07:18Even my mom can't whip up spaghetti this good!
07:22Oh, really?
07:24Like, seriously, you're awesome!
07:27Being able to whip up stuff like this, you're a genius!
07:30I wanna be able to cook like this too!
07:34Getting praise for my cooking happens a lot.
07:38But having someone eat it like it's so delicious makes me kinda shy.
07:44From then on, I took her training seriously.
07:47As she did, I started to gain weight.
07:50Today's hamburger steak is my masterpiece!
07:54I'm gonna make sure you say it's good for sure!
07:58The cooking looks delicious, but she's also back to her old shape.
08:04She looks good in an apron.
08:06Oh, it's good! This is definitely a passing grade!
08:10But not just at my restaurant. Any restaurant would hire you on the spot!
08:14Yes, I passed!
08:16Come on, eat more!
08:18Nah, I'm...
08:20Huh? Still not liking the flavor?
08:24It's not that.
08:26Ugh, then what is it?
08:29Ugh, it's embarrassing, but I can't let her stop here.
08:34I have to keep getting better.
08:36It's nothing! Well then...
08:38It's so good!
08:40Yes! I wanted to hear those words from you!
08:44Haha, I'm really glad.
08:47Ugh, I never thought I'd be able to cook something this good.
08:52And you even helped me to get a job.
08:55But still, I've been acting rude this whole time.
08:59I'm sorry.
09:03My family's poor, and I've been through a lot of harassment.
09:07So I didn't want people to look down on me and became a delinquent.
09:11But I just ended up fighting at school.
09:14At least as an apology for causing trouble to my family.
09:17I graduated and lived on my own while sending money.
09:20But then the company went bankrupt.
09:23That's when you said it.
09:26Man, every day is really fulfilling!
09:30Having dreams makes life so nice and fun, huh?
09:34What are you talking about?
09:36It's not like everyone can pursue their dreams.
09:39I was pissed off.
09:41Because I had a lot on my plate.
09:44I'm sorry.
09:46No, I should be sorry too.
09:48I couldn't watch my words.
09:50I should have been more careful.
09:52No, you didn't know my reasons.
09:55So it was just me being mad.
09:59I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.
10:02No, I can't understand how you feel, Ai.
10:06After graduating from culinary school, I couldn't find a place to train.
10:10So I was just scraping by with part-time jobs.
10:14And then the current manager helped me out.
10:17And I finally became a full-fledged chef.
10:20I see.
10:22You went through a lot too.
10:24And yet I was only thinking about myself.
10:28When you're desperate, you can only see yourself.
10:31So we're all the same.
10:33Leo, thank you.
10:36Thanks to you, Leo.
10:38I found a dream.
10:40I want to cook even better dishes like you!
10:43That's my dream now.
10:45Then let's work hard on your cooking training.
10:50And so we worked hard on Ai's cooking training.
10:53As a result...
10:56This is good enough. You're hired.
10:59Thank you so much!
11:02Ai was officially hired after the manager knew how capable she was.
11:07Beautiful Ai turned into our top-notch store clerk in no time.
11:12Ai, you're looking cute today!
11:16It's all thanks to our chef whipping up delicious meals.
11:19Oh, that's Leo, right?
11:22Who knows?
11:26Talking like that during work...
11:28I'm just speaking the truth.
11:30Yeah, but...
11:32Ai's got me all shook with her comments like this.
11:38When we're heading home...
11:40I'm tired.
11:42Then we gotta recharge! Come on!
11:45Hey, why the hug?
11:48Just returning the energy you gave me with your cooking.
11:53Whoa! Something soft's touching me!
11:57And even at home, she was still doing things to get my heart racing.
12:04Yep! Your cooking will always be the best!
12:08Well, thanks.
12:10Hey, if we got married...
12:13I'd get to eat delicious meals like this every day, huh?
12:19That'd be amazing.
12:21Ai, what are you...
12:23I really love your cooking.
12:26Shall we get married?
12:29What? Hold on.
12:31You can't decide on a spouse based just on cooking skills.
12:35You gotta check if you share the same values or if you're compatible with that person.
12:40I was just kidding.
12:43Why are you taking it so seriously?
12:47Girls shouldn't casually say stuff like that to guys!
12:51Okay, got it?
12:53S-sorry. Went too far.
12:57It's fine, as long as you get it.
13:00So, you don't like jokes like that.
13:04Well, makes sense.
13:07My heart was racing.
13:09This is way too intense for someone like me with no love experience.
13:14Since then, Ai's been on my mind.
13:18Um, Leo, is this seasoning okay?
13:22Sorry, I'm busy. Ask the manager.
13:26Uh, okay.
13:28Aw man, can't even look her in the eye!
13:32I was busy, so I held back from tasting each other's dishes, but...
13:37Hey, Leo.
13:40You don't have to keep up with my cooking training anymore.
13:45You seem really busy lately and I don't want to be a burden.
13:48Thanks for everything.
13:50Let's keep it professional at work from now on.
13:53Uh, yeah. Sounds good.
13:56The seasoning's perfect now, so...
13:58I guess we don't need the training anymore.
14:03But that night...
14:05Usually this is the time to eat Ai's cooking.
14:09It feels kinda bland.
14:11I was really looking forward to eating with Ai.
14:14However, a few days later...
14:18I want to quit the job.
14:20What? What do you mean?
14:22Actually, I got a full-time job at a company.
14:25Got hired.
14:27No way! You said making delicious food was your dream!
14:31Making delicious food is my dream.
14:35But I can do that even when I'm not working.
14:39It pays better and I can send more money to my family.
14:42Ai, I guess you've made up your decision.
14:47Okay. It's sad that you're leaving, but it's your life.
14:52Apologies for any inconvenience.
14:55Thanks for everything.
14:57It's all good. Follow your own path.
15:01If I made up her mind, then there's nothing more for me to say.
15:05All I can do is see her off.
15:08With that in mind, I suggested to the manager to hold a farewell party for Ai.
15:12After thorough preparation, the day arrived, but...
15:18Weird. We're supposed to close in the afternoon for the farewell, but...
15:22She's supposed to be here by now. She's late.
15:26I'm gonna go see what's going on.
15:28Alright. Got it.
15:3130 minutes later
15:34Ai? It's me, Leo. But is everything okay?
15:39Sorry, I'm just not feeling well.
15:43Huh? Something's off.
15:46Um, were you crying?
15:48Oh, I was, um...
15:52I've had enough!
15:54I don't want to split with the manager or with you, Leo!
15:57Hey, Ai!
16:00Shut up! Do you understand who caused this mess?
16:04I want you to take responsibility seriously!
16:10Later, I calmed Ai down and went to talk with her in her room.
16:15I've relied on you for so long. I don't know how to say goodbye.
16:21And also, I... I don't want to be away from you, Leo!
16:26Because I like you!
16:30But I know I can't just rely on you all the time.
16:33That's why I decided to give up cooking training, find a new job, and leave the store.
16:38But I just can't!
16:41I want to cook together with you, Leo.
16:45Yeah, I feel the same way.
16:48I've felt really lonely since we stopped having meals together.
16:53I realized for the first time that I'm into you.
16:57Huh? Does that mean...
17:01Yeah, I like you too.
17:04Jeez, you could have said that sooner!
17:08Oh, hey!
17:10I've been agonizing over this one-sided crush for ages!
17:14From today on, let's cook together and share meals every day!
17:19Isn't that the same as before?
17:22That's all I want!
17:24And so, we started dating.
17:27Afterward, we returned to the store and reported everything to the manager.
17:32But seriously, why were you so late?
17:35I even opened the champagne I bought for this day!
17:39Sorry, boss.
17:40We'll make it up to you.
17:42It's fine.
17:45But I, you decided not to quit, right?
17:47So, it's all good!
17:51Cheers to I staying with us!
17:53And to the lovey-dovey couple!
17:56How did you...
17:58Did you think I hadn't noticed?
17:59Just get married already!
18:03After that, I apologized to the new company she was supposed to join
18:07and continued working at our place as before.
18:10Her mother remarried, and it seems like she doesn't need financial support anymore.
18:16So, let's use my part-time pay as startup funds for the store!
18:20Huh? But...
18:22Oh, no need to worry about that.
18:24I'll pass this store on to you, Leo.
18:26So, I'll use your money for the two of you to get married.
18:32Hey, boss!
18:35Many days have passed since then.
18:38I'm home!
18:40Oh, hey!
18:42We're still working together at this store,
18:44cherishing these important days with our family.
18:47We plan to continue doing so.
18:50Hi! It's me, Leo!
18:54Thanks for watching my channel!
18:57I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
