Locki Lockenbär - 07. Bankräuber und Bären

  • 2 months ago


00:00Mr. Peebly, Mr. Peebly, the bears aren't the ones in the cage, they must have sneaked out last night.
00:04Oh, really? But this time they won't be able to get out of the cage.
00:08Oh, I see.
00:10Here is a lolly for you, my little one.
00:12There, there, there.
00:14We thank you.
00:15Welcome to our beautiful zoo.
00:17Do you want such a pretty lolly?
00:19Yes, thank you.
00:21Oh, oh, Mr. Peebly, Mr. Peebly, the bears aren't the ones in the cage, they must have sneaked out last night.
00:27Oh, really? But this time they won't be able to get out of the cage.
00:31Here, you take over the slide and guard the main entrance, I'll go to the back entrance and watch over there.
00:37Oh, yes, I love lollies, I love everything.
00:41They aren't for you, they are for the children.
00:45You should watch out for the bears, don't let them catch you, otherwise I'll catch you, you little bitch.
00:50I understand.
00:56We have arrived, my little cute teddy bears.
00:59You are a teddy bear yourself.
01:01Yes, and one of the big ones.
01:03You should stay under the blanket.
01:05We'll go in now.
01:07Welcome to our zoo.
01:09Oh, thank you very, very much, sir.
01:11These are cute little babies.
01:13Kili, kili, kili.
01:14They should be shaved.
01:16Yes, the little ones are already very, very well developed for their age.
01:19One moment, you still have to get your lollies.
01:24A hard bear arm.
01:26These are the bears.
01:34In the Wonder Woman Zoo.
01:36We're the search and bear zoo.
01:39Stay at home every night, never go out or fight.
01:42Ah, we don't even fight.
01:44So don't yell.
01:47Bell, bell, here come the bears.
01:49Bell, bell, here come the bears.
01:51Bell, bell, here come the bears.
01:53Let's play.
01:55Bell, bell, here come the bears.
01:57Bell, bell, here come the bears.
01:59Bell, bell, here come the bears.
02:01Let's play.
02:10Don't yell.
02:12Bell, bell, here come the bears.
02:14Bell, bell, here come the bears.
02:16Bell, bell, here come the bears.
02:18Let's play.
02:19Hell, it's the hair bear bunch.
02:25Mr. Beebly, Mr. Beebly, I've got the bears.
02:36They ran straight into their cage.
02:44So, the evidence is destroyed.
02:46The bears are gone.
02:48The bears are gone.
02:50The bears are gone.
02:53So, the evidence is destroyed.
02:55We need an alibi.
02:56To the broom.
02:57And hurry, hurry, hurry.
02:59There you are, Mr. Beebly.
03:01Where else should we be, Botch?
03:03This is our home.
03:05You wanted to sneak past me.
03:07He was the mother.
03:08I was supposed to be the mother?
03:10I think Botch suffers from a mother complex.
03:12But the cave was absolutely empty, sir.
03:14Your head seems to be absolutely empty.
03:17We have work to do.
03:18The guests are waiting.
03:19Take a look around, gentlemen.
03:21And thank you again for the lollipops, Botch.
03:24Thank you very much.
03:25They taste delicious.
03:27You did a great job, boys.
03:31Let's see how you sneak out of here.
03:34Botch, from now on, you won't leave this cage out of sight.
03:38Does that mean I'll be deported, sir?
03:40If they escape you, I'll deport you personally,
03:43into a cage.
03:45The bars seem to be extremely stable.
03:47Am I right?
03:48If you're right, you're right.
03:50I was just about to say something like that.
03:52Hey, what are you doing?
03:55I just want to make our new home a little more comfortable.
03:59We're not home here.
04:00Compared to this cage, even the National Park is a paradise.
04:04I don't believe you.
04:05How did we get out of here?
04:06You don't trust your friend with leadership skills at all.
04:09Hopefully I didn't forget my fishing rod.
04:11What do you want to fish with a fishing rod in this old cage?
04:15A nice, thick, round key chain.
04:17And now, all of you, admire your master at the precise routing.
04:24That was a hit.
04:25Now I'll pull the key chain quickly ashore,
04:27and then it goes through the middle into the National Park.
04:31Hey, feeding the animals is forbidden.
04:37That went wrong.
04:38That went wrong.
04:46Everybody get up! Get out of the feathers!
04:49Get out of the feathers! Dalli, Dalli!
05:04Here's a delicious breakfast, cooked by me personally.
05:08To such a breakfast, there's only one thing to say in the jungle.
05:15Here's a delicious breakfast.
05:17If you think I'm going to eat that, you're even more stupid than a monkey.
05:23Guys, pack your things. We're leaving soon.
05:26We're going to the National Park.
05:28I'd like to believe you, but the cage is still closed.
05:30That's a small thing for someone like me.
05:33Here's your breakfast.
05:34You're lucky there's something left for you.
05:36That's disgusting. You can't eat that.
05:39That's very disgusting.
05:40Only a real gourmet can tell what's really good by the smell.
05:47That's very delicate, my dear.
05:49Really excellent.
05:51My congratulations to the cook.
05:53Thank you very much.
05:54I'm afraid he got it.
05:57Do you see how his eyes are shaking? He's very sick.
06:00Do me a favor and tell me one thing.
06:02What do you call this delicious meal?
06:05I call it Pampe.
06:07I'll tell you what, it's the best Pampe I've ever tasted.
06:10But if I'm honest, it can't be compared to my sauerkraut pizza.
06:15If you had this recipe, you'd be the most famous zoo chef in the world.
06:19The animals would do anything to get into your zoo.
06:22And you would be promoted on the spot.
06:25I absolutely must have the recipe.
06:27All right, I'll give it to you.
06:29But you have to let us in the kitchen so we can show you how it's done.
06:33I'll do it right away.
06:34Oh man, I can already smell this sauerkraut pizza.
06:40Tell me, what are you three up to?
06:42What are we up to?
06:43We're up to foaming the foam in the bowl.
06:46More glue.
06:47More wallpaper glue.
06:48And now the superglue.
06:50Can I finally cook now?
06:51Yes, but first you have to look like a real chef, right?
06:54So guys, now help the master in his chef's hat.
06:59Ui, ui, I bet now I'll finally get my promotion.
07:03I don't know if you'll get promoted, but you'll definitely get something.
07:07And now you have to put on your chef's hat.
07:11Hey, stop! I can't see anything anymore.
07:14Good, then the recipe was right.
07:16Farewell, Botch.
07:17Unfortunately, we can't stay for dinner.
07:19Ui, ui.
07:20Well, you freed us from the cage, but how do we get out of the zoo now?
07:25Why do you keep doubting my skills?
07:27This way!
07:29This is a great life here.
07:31First we get this pump for breakfast.
07:33And then we should blow up all these balloons.
07:36But I'm the king of the jungle.
07:41My dear friends, can we borrow your gas bottle in advance?
07:45I think someone wants to escape from the zoo again.
07:49You're right.
07:50Sit up, boys.
07:51When I give the command, you open the valve.
07:53Three, two, one, go!
07:58Fly towards freedom!
08:01At the rate you're going, fly towards something else.
08:06Hey, can't you steer this thing better?
08:09How? I'm a bear, not an astronaut.
08:11Hurry up, we're crossing the wall.
08:16Well, what did I tell you?
08:18The big escape was well planned and very simple.
08:20What do you mean, very simple?
08:22I have a headache.
08:23No one had the guts to break through your walls.
08:25All right, all right.
08:26But don't break my head again.
08:30Hey, throw on your motorcycle, Dickie, before Peewee shows up here.
08:37What are we waiting for? Let's go!
08:42Are you saying that the bears have escaped?
08:45Your gut tells me I'm not being supported.
08:47Your gut is right this time.
08:49What are you doing, Mr. Peewee?
08:50If we don't find the bears, this will be your new home.
08:54Come on, we have to hurry.
08:58What are you doing, Mr. Peewee?
09:00This is a whole new invention.
09:02A bear detector, right where the bears are.
09:06This machine will detect them.
09:08Donnerwetter, you're very clever.
09:11Now get going.
09:12Let's go.
09:15Guys, there's nothing but peace and quiet all around us.
09:22What was that?
09:24There must be someone nearby.
09:26Those are normal sounds of other animals.
09:28You've heard that in the zoo, haven't you?
09:32Yes, but they were all our friends.
09:34As long as I'm near you, you don't have to be afraid.
09:38I'm as smart as Winnetou, as strong as Old Shatterhand,
09:41and as brave as Lederstrumpf.
09:43Are you sitting on the tree up there?
09:45I'm just looking for a place where we can set up our camp.
09:49If the bears are nearby, my bear detector will find them immediately.
09:55There they are.
09:56Follow the beep.
09:58We're getting closer and closer.
10:01They're right in front of us.
10:04Oh, the big bear hut.
10:06It's just a wooden bear.
10:08Their machine doesn't work.
10:10Shut up and keep going, or your function will be disrupted.
10:17Hey, Locke, what if someone's already living in this house?
10:20He'll throw us out right away.
10:22Hey, don't make it three of us.
10:24We're the big actor bear squad.
10:27Now I get it.
10:28We're playing our piece, Three Bears in the Wilderness.
10:31Let's get started.
10:32I hope you can all read your lines.
10:35Help us!
10:36I'm hungry, very hungry.
10:38I'm thirsty.
10:40Give me water.
10:45Help us!
10:47I'm completely starved.
10:50Thirst is so bad.
10:52Just a few crumbs from your table.
10:55Just a warm, dry corner of your stable.
10:58Please have mercy on us.
11:00We're lost.
11:01We haven't eaten for ages.
11:05Wait a minute.
11:06I'm too young to die.
11:08Oh, this hunger, this hunger.
11:10Water, just a drop of water.
11:12A kingdom for a glass of water.
11:14All right, that's enough.
11:16The hut is empty.
11:18And if my over-developed sense of smell doesn't deceive me,
11:22I can smell the strong scent of...
11:27That's for me?
11:28I'm starving.
11:29I'm starving too.
11:33I don't see our special sauerkraut pizza,
11:35but this will do.
11:39You've just witnessed the invention of the special 3x3 double-decker sandwich.
11:44With a cucumber as the filling.
11:46And since I know that cucumbers are too heavy for you,
11:49I've prepared this huge chicken plate for you.
11:52Hey, I have a wish for you, Knochen.
11:54We have to break it.
11:55All right, but you have to make a wish too.
11:58Tell me what you just wished for.
12:00What I wished for?
12:01I wished for my sandwich to be mine.
12:12Hey, you snitches, did you hear that too?
12:14This bench was mine.
12:16I'm going to break it.
12:18I'm going to break it.
12:20Did you hear that too?
12:21This bench was a child's play.
12:23Yes, and this old hut is a great hiding place.
12:26Oh dear, these are bank robbers.
12:28Are they called the Clown Park Banks?
12:31Whenever I've robbed a bank, I get hungry.
12:34Let's put something between our teeth.
12:37What should we do now?
12:38Don't worry, guys.
12:40I've got an idea.
12:41And that would be?
12:42That we disappear from here immediately.
12:44Oh, damn it.
12:46Someone has locked the door.
12:48We have to hide.
12:50Someone has emptied our fridge.
12:53Maybe the dog is hiding in the living room.
12:55He's got nerves.
12:56He just wants to steal our food.
12:58Exactly, that's a pretty good idea.
13:00But there's no one in this room.
13:02Good for him.
13:03Otherwise I would make him cold.
13:06What did you just say?
13:08Nothing at all.
13:10Did you just say something?
13:13But there's still no one here.
13:15Whoever sneaked in here, he's gone.
13:17Come on, we want to count the money.
13:19Turn on the light.
13:21I've never noticed this strange lamp.
13:23How do you turn it on?
13:26Ah, it works.
13:28Come on, we want to count our money.
13:36One hundred.
13:37Two hundred.
13:38Three hundred.
13:41Your coughing doesn't sound good.
13:44Seven hundred.
13:45Eight hundred.
13:47Eight hundred.
13:48How much is that, you two?
13:51Four hundred.
13:53That's right, thank you.
13:54I didn't say anything.
13:55Who was it then?
13:57Let's hide the money.
13:58Yes, you're right.
14:05The bed bugger is still alive.
14:07I'll hit him in the head with the lamp.
14:09Yes, and I'll roast him with the big picture.
14:13Quite difficult for a lamp, isn't it?
14:15The lamp is also alive.
14:17The picture seems to be...
14:18Good thing, I think we've been discovered.
14:22Come on, get out of here.
14:23Who are you?
14:24Oh, we're just three bears on the hike.
14:27Well, then we want to go on hiking.
14:29You're not going anywhere.
14:31Except maybe into the sky of bears.
14:35There they are.
14:36Catch them.
14:37Damn bullies.
14:39So you thought you could catch us.
14:41You came just in time.
14:43These two bullies stole a lot of money.
14:45They are bank robbers.
14:46These are bank robbers?
14:48It's all your fault.
14:49Why do you let the bears escape from the zoo?
14:51Does that mean I'm not being promoted?
14:53Would you do me a favor?
14:55If you run away from here, please take him with you.
14:57Shut up.
14:58Louis, catch them.
15:00And if one moves, give him something on the hat.
15:05Come here.
15:06We have to think about what to do with them now.
15:09I'm coming.
15:10That will hold until we have decided.
15:13We have to think about what to do with them.
15:15What can we do?
15:16Always stay calm, Botch.
15:18Mr. Peevely, I think I have a solution to our problem.
15:22And? What does it look like?
15:24So if we pull out this post, the roof will fall on the criminals and they are trapped.
15:29And we are trapped too, you stupid man.
15:32That's a trifle for me.
15:35Oh no, stop this nonsense.
15:38Oh no.
15:40Someone will have to pay for this.
15:44Hey, they're running over there.
15:46You idiot, you almost killed us.
15:49Yes, almost killed us.
15:51Ungrateful is the world's reward.
15:53Quick, everyone in the canoe.
15:55Come on, we have to get out of here.
15:57Pull through, three, four.
16:02Hey, stop, stop, stop.
16:04I give the commands here.
16:06Yes, he gives the commands here.
16:09Pull through, three, four.
16:12Oh no, back there the two bank robbers are coming with a super fast motorboat.
16:17Pull through, three, four, four, four.
16:21We'll have them by the hook soon.
16:23The three, four, pull, pull.
16:25We're stuck by the hook, they got us.
16:27That means our legs are trapped.
16:29We have them by the hook.
16:31I think you're wrong, they have us by the hook.
16:34Pull through, three, four, four.
16:35The three, four, pull, pull, pull.
16:37Louis, watch out for the rocks.
16:41Watch out, Mr. Peebly.
16:42I think we're being visited.
16:44Oh, no.
16:47All right, then go on.
16:50Pull through, three, four.
16:54Oh, oh, I think we're sinking.
16:56Nonsense, three, four.
16:58Pull through, three, four.
17:05Foot runs very well, foot runs very well, foot runs very well.
17:10Foot runs very well, foot runs very well.
17:13George, turn off your stupid radio right now.
17:17Zookeepers are being trapped by bank robbers and fugitive bears.
17:21You are a hero, Peebly.
17:23Bank robbers and fugitive bears on one beach.
17:27That's part of my job, Mr. Zoo Director.
17:30Yes, that's part of our job, sir.
17:33It's a shame you didn't find the money.
17:35You'll get a $25,000 reward for that.
17:38What? A reward?
17:40I'm sorry to interrupt, sir,
17:42but Mr. Peebly seems to have forgotten
17:44that he did find the money.
17:46Give it to the Zoo Director.
17:48That's the loot, indeed.
17:50But how? Where did it come from?
17:52Congratulations, Mr. Peebly.
17:54Yes, but I... I...
17:56If I understand Mr. Peebly correctly,
17:58he intends to donate the reward to the zoo.
18:01He doesn't want the money for himself.
18:03But we could use a new color TV in our cave.
18:07Am I right, sir?
18:08Well, yes, I... A color TV?
18:11And, uh...
18:12Every night at 8 o'clock, Fruity Pizzas.
18:15That's very generous of you, Mr. Peebly.
18:17I like that. Really, I like that very much.
18:20Oh, oh.
18:21I'm finally being promoted, Mr. Peebly.
18:24Shut up!
18:30Can I have a little more ketchup on it, Mr. Peebly?
18:33This time, you three bears have really screwed me over.
18:36But I'll get you back.
18:38And if it's the very last thing I do...
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