Isnogud - 11. Der Unglücksdiamant Weltraumzauber

  • 2 months ago


00:00It's, it's, it's no good, it's, it's, it's no good, it's, it's no good, it's, it's no good, it's, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's
00:30no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
01:00And here the cake for the weekly birthday!
01:27How about a little firework? What do you think about it, Tunichgut?
01:34A little unusual for a birthday.
01:36I'm sorry, good people. I beg you, help a poor beggar. I'm sorry.
01:41A beggar? I forbade begging in this city. Tunichgut, let's throw the beggar into the dumps. That's a waste of time.
01:47Shh! Calm down. We wanted to go for a walk in Cognito.
01:50The beggar is not an ordinary ogre like you in Cognito.
01:53You can't lock him up. Have mercy on him. He just wants to give away his diamonds.
01:58He's crazy.
02:00Ha! Am I as stupid as I look?
02:03But people refuse to give away their diamonds. Why?
02:05Because this wonderful diamond brings bad luck. He's cursed.
02:08A cursed diamond, sir?
02:10Really. Most interesting. We have a nice gift for our caliph.
02:14So, so, your diamond brings bad luck. Tell us exactly.
02:17Yes, that's how it is, unfortunately. So you already know.
02:20Come on, tell me the whole story.
02:22Not too long ago, I was very, very rich.
02:25It's not a lie when I say even immensely rich.
02:28Back then, I lived happily ever after.
02:31I had a palace of pure gold and ivory.
02:34But one day, I made the big mistake of wanting to feed a stranger for a short while.
02:40I've already distributed enough alms today. Get lost!
02:47Well, this stranger wasn't a beggar. He was a terrible sorcerer.
02:53Take this diamond, you greedy beggar.
02:56Is this an advertisement for me, beggar?
02:59No, this wonderful diamond is cursed. It will bring you bad luck at all times, you greedy beggar.
03:05I just giggled mercilessly.
03:08Ha ha ha ha!
03:11But the very next day, there was a great fire in the palace of rubble and ashes.
03:16Soon, my wives, children and servants fled and took all my possessions.
03:26I was left alone with nothing but the diamond of misfortune.
03:33Since then, all the misery of this world has fallen on me, poor me.
03:40Ha ha ha ha!
03:42Ha ha ha ha!
03:45That's great! Why don't you just throw this piece of junk away?
03:49I'm not allowed to do that.
03:51The sorcerer said that if I did that, I would never get rid of the misfortune.
03:57The only way to break the spell is to pass on the diamond, to give it away.
04:02Take the diamond, noble stranger, and play a hearty game with it with your friends.
04:07All right.
04:08But you must be totally crazy.
04:10Oh no, I'm not. Give the thing to my servant.
04:12But, sir, oh no, oh no!
04:14You're pretty torn.
04:15Ha ha! I'm free! I'm saved!
04:21Do you believe the nonsense the beggar told you, beggar?
04:25Whether I do it or not is completely unimportant, considering the fact that you have the diamond.
04:31Well, in any case, we'll give the diamond of misfortune to the caliph.
04:34And if it works, I'll be the caliph instead of the caliph.
04:36And if it goes wrong, then...
04:38Don't do it! Where are you?
04:40Here, beggar.
04:42It works! I'll be the caliph instead of the caliph! It worked!
04:49Did you see that, sir? The earth has opened up and I fell in.
04:53It doesn't matter. No reason to play crazy. We don't want to waste any more time.
04:56We'll honor the pretty little one with my predecessor right away.
05:02Don't do it! Could you maybe stop stopping us?
05:05I might come forward faster if you took the cursed diamond, sir.
05:11Don't do mine! He won't give you a chance to steal the show.
05:23More butter, cook!
05:25Don't do it!
05:27Don't worry, sir! I'm coming, sir! I'm coming!
05:31You're welcome, noble Grand Vizier.
05:40Oh dear, the Grand Vizier.
05:42That's it. We're back in the palace. Now all trouble has an end.
05:45Honor and glory to our enlightened Grand Vizier.
05:49Oh, what was that?
05:55Here, sit down, my dear.
05:58Do you at least have the diamond, you unlucky rascal?
06:01Oh, I see you still have it with you.
06:12What's up with Isenoblade?
06:14I don't know.
06:16What's up with Isenogood? Why isn't he here yet?
06:20He was seen in the city this morning.
06:22Completely incognito, O light of the Orient.
06:24He was probably looking for a birthday present for you incognito.
06:29The good hearted Isenogood.
06:31A birthday present and incognito. He's too kind.
06:39Give me the diamond! I'll hand it over to the Caliph right away.
06:44What could he have in mind, dear?
06:46Well, we'll have to start without him.
06:48The birthday party may begin.
06:52Maybe the gong will bring him to us.
06:54Honor and glory to our great Caliph.
06:58Honor and glory to the birth child of our Caliph.
07:04Hurry up, they've already started.
07:08Completely broken, what a mess.
07:10Eternal glory and eternal honor to our Caliph who has today's birthday.
07:18Happy birthday, boss.
07:22Oh, don't do that, kick in the damn door.
07:24You had a tank door installed.
07:26Open the door, that's an order.
07:33Do you finally want to open, you cursed door?
07:37If you think that such little things can stop me, you're wrong.
07:41I'll find a way out.
07:53Come on in again.
07:54When you opened the window, there was a draft.
07:56The tank door opened.
07:58Too late, I'm almost there.
08:01The accident earlier stopped me quite a bit.
08:04I didn't expect that to happen to me.
08:06Now I'm stupidly too late.
08:19He's there, Captain.
08:20Finally, it was about time. Where have you been, you idiot?
08:23We've been waiting for this load.
08:25We'll light the anchor in a minute.
08:26I'm completely innocent of that. I had a traffic accident.
08:34Where am I?
08:36I knew you'd say something like that.
08:38What a stupid question you're asking.
08:40You're sitting on a huge load of plaster in the loading deck, what else?
08:43And where's your fare bill now?
08:45I don't have one, I didn't want to see it.
08:47Here's a blind passenger.
08:49Grab him and put him in chains.
08:51Wait, I can pay for the trip.
08:53How about this magnificent diamond, Captain?
08:55The man owns the diamond of misfortune.
08:57Oh, you're in the picture, Captain.
08:59Yes, bad luck for you.
09:02The very first owner of this diamond
09:04was the father of my third wife,
09:06and she told us the story of the diamond.
09:12We'll know in a minute.
09:14Everyone get off the ship.
09:16Good work, little one, bravo.
09:18Better stick to the father of your third wife.
09:20Let's see what he has to say.
09:22Hey, Captain, it's time for a soup.
09:24Yes, indeed.
09:26Then let's put on our straw hats
09:28and see who's the lucky one.
09:30Who's the lucky one?
09:36Do we even have straw hats on board?
09:38Of course we do, sir.
09:40They're part of the equipment of the rescue box.
09:42Did you forget that?
09:51How delightful, our blind passenger is on board.
09:53I hope, boys, you thought of enough mustard.
09:55Yes, sir, mustard is here.
09:57It's also part of the standard equipment
10:00of the rescue box.
10:02Wait a second, I have to warn you.
10:04I'm as tough as leather, and I also taste very bitter.
10:06Land in sight.
10:10There's a palace.
10:14I'm sure I'll meet people
10:16who don't know the diamond
10:18and I'll get rid of him.
10:20What a beggar.
10:22What a pleasant surprise.
10:24To the father of my third wife.
10:30Hey, open up, I'm still here.
10:32You don't think I want to take
10:34the diamond back, do you?
10:36I just wanted to ask you
10:38for some food, sir.
10:40I've already distributed enough almonds for today.
10:42Get out of here.
10:44And don't forget to leave a piece
10:46for my good is no good.
10:53Thirst, I'm thirsty and hungry.
10:57A wall jump here in the middle of the desert.
10:59I don't think you should
11:01overdo it, okay?
11:08It's a shame that my good is no good
11:10isn't here yet.
11:12Light the fire.
11:14You never know, maybe the good will show up
11:16at this moment.
11:18By Allah, I did it.
11:54I've had enough of this.
11:56Just look at my wonderful vegetables.
11:58Fresh, delicious meat.
12:00My fruits are the best.
12:02Okay, you're a traffic signal.
12:04Hang yourself somewhere else.
12:08One more word and you're lying
12:10on the carpet.
12:12Say that again and I'll destroy you, rat.
12:14I'll repeat it as often as you want.
12:16You're a loser, shut up.
12:20Good, I warned you.
12:23You're a loser, shut up.
12:31You're right.
12:33Not in a dog.
12:35I'm allergic to dog fur.
12:37Turn me back and I'll bite you.
12:39No, no, be good.
12:41I'll bite you.
12:49I finally want to become a caliph
12:51instead of a caliph.
12:53I can't stand it anymore,
12:55just dreaming about it.
12:57Come in.
12:59Why are you bothering me?
13:01A piece of cake, sir.
13:03Full of fresh cream,
13:05just the way you like it.
13:07I don't want a cake.
13:09I'm not hungry at all.
13:11I just want to become a caliph
13:13instead of a caliph.
13:15You're depressed, sir.
13:18I'm destroyed.
13:20I'm not doing well.
13:22I'm running out of ideas.
13:24Isn't that terrible?
13:30Oh yes, I know.
13:32You have to relax.
13:34But I can't turn it off.
13:36What's stopping you?
13:38Are you deaf?
13:40Can't you hear the noise outside?
13:42What I need is a lonely island.
13:44There won't be a lonely island
13:46We have something better for that.
13:48The loneliest desert in the world.
13:50And right in front of our door.
13:52I'm not doing well.
13:54What's the matter?
13:56It's getting worse than before.
13:58I'm getting more and more depressed.
14:00Oh, I know.
14:02It's not an island,
14:04but it's damn quiet and good for meditation.
14:08And hopefully the peace of the desert
14:10will help me come up with new ideas
14:12on how to become a caliph instead of a caliph.
14:15It doesn't seem to be that quiet.
14:17Can you hear that noise?
14:19Noise, you say? Where?
14:25Look above us!
14:27We're disappearing!
14:45That's unbelievable.
14:47Can a tortured citizen
14:49of Baghdad get anywhere
14:51not even in the middle of the desert?
14:53Ha ha ha!
14:55A small step for me,
14:57but a big leap for our Mars-ness.
15:01You can get out,
15:03but don't forget the flag!
15:05Understood. I'll bring it.
15:09This celestial body is very impressive.
15:13The ground is made of small grains,
15:15just like on our beaches.
15:17Yes, but there's no vegetation here.
15:19The planet seems to be empty and deserted.
15:21These two faggots
15:23aren't quite right in the head, are they?
15:25Hey, you two carnival birds!
15:27Can't you keep that away from us?
15:31The Earth is inhabited after all.
15:33Let's try to get in touch with them.
15:35We'll ask the one who looks like
15:37you're the head of the Earth's inhabitants.
15:40Hello, sir.
15:42We're Mars-inhabitants and...
15:44Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
15:46Are you done with your nonsense?
15:48Magicians and other fat phenomena
15:50have been here before us.
15:52Yes, even before us, you understand?
15:54Very strange. He doesn't look like the head.
15:56He has much less hair.
15:58What are we going to do now?
16:00We'll greet you in your own way.
16:02Hello, friendly Earth-inhabitants.
16:04We'd like to ask you a few questions.
16:06Of course we're here on a peaceful note, Earth-inhabitants.
16:08Where do we get these two gawkers from?
16:10Will be done immediately, sir.
16:12Watch out, they make a hostile impression.
16:14But what's that supposed to mean?
16:18What have you done? Where is my servant?
16:20Do not do well!
16:22I've just put him in another space-time from now on.
16:24He's somewhere in another time.
16:26In another space-time?
16:38Believe us, we're terribly sorry, sir.
16:40Your thing there, what do you get for it?
16:42My space-time syringe?
16:44It's unsellable.
16:46Let's say 100,000 piasters.
16:48275,000 cherry tarts.
16:54You can't sell your space-time syringe.
16:56It doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the Vasa.
16:58Yes, you're right.
17:00I'm sorry. Too bad, I can't sell it to you.
17:04300,000 cherry tarts.
17:07Think of the Vasa and the flag and the mission.
17:09You're right, the Vasa.
17:11What am I supposed to do?
17:13500,000 cherry tarts!
17:15Shut up, you're disturbing me when I'm thinking.
17:17No, such a world.
17:19Another one, but world remains world.
17:21Listen, all we want is to visit your planet
17:23and ask some questions.
17:27All right, I'll take you to our caliph.
17:29A maliph?
17:31Oh no, a caliph.
17:33A very dangerous caliph.
17:35Don't forget to take your little thing with you.
17:39Now I can do it.
17:41Finally I'll be a caliph instead of a caliph.
17:43What did you just say?
17:45Nothing special, nothing important.
17:47Don't you think we could stand out too much?
17:51You don't care.
17:53Glory and honor to the great Grand Vizier
17:55and his companions.
17:59I can't believe it.
18:01I just saw Isnu Dingsda laughing.
18:04Isnu Dingsda, the Grand Vizier.
18:06He smiled at me.
18:08This time no one will ruin my plan.
18:10I'll be a caliph instead of a caliph.
18:12Very strange.
18:14This earthling keeps saying the same thing over and over again.
18:16Tell us, is this your caliph?
18:20Do you have the charm nozzle?
18:22It's called space-time spray nozzle.
18:24Oh, if he's happy, he can be dangerous.
18:26Then don't hesitate, spray him into space-time.
18:30No problem.
18:32We'll move him.
18:34And I'll be a caliph instead of a caliph.
18:36Come on, guys.
18:38Oh, rulers of the believers of the Orient.
18:40Oh, wonder of the universe.
18:42Oh, full-horn of all virtues and morals.
18:44I bring you two overwhelming magicians.
18:46Two what?
18:48Two overwhelming magicians.
18:50You three are too funny.
18:52Oh, good Isnu.
18:54Magicians don't overwhelm me anymore.
18:56And as far as comedy is concerned, I find it boring.
18:58Besides, I'm tired.
19:01Oh, rulers of the believers of the Orient.
19:03Come here, you two.
19:05Well, what do you think?
19:07We wish you a good day, friendly caliph.
19:09You're right.
19:11They're really pretty funny.
19:13Be careful, guys.
19:15If he smiles like he just did, he'll be dangerous.
19:17We have intensive training behind us.
19:19We are able to see dangers in the eye.
19:21But we still have to fulfill our mission.
19:23Caliph, please answer a few questions
19:25without getting upset.
19:27Are you going through eggs?
19:29Don't worry about that.
19:31I'm telling you, he's dangerous.
19:33Who's dangerous, good Isnugut?
19:35Him. You.
19:37Nonsense. Don't get involved.
19:39Very strange.
19:41It's probably true that he's hostile to us.
19:43Get your things in motion.
19:45We mustn't take any unavoidable risks.
19:47Ah, finally it's starting.
19:49Hey, you didn't just want to...
19:53But where did my good Isnugut go?
19:56But, but what?
19:58It's great that you're here too, sir.
20:00Sing with us. It's fun.
20:09We thank you for this conversation, great caliph.
20:12We now return to our planet.
20:14This is the beginning of a wonderful friendship
20:16between the coming generations.
20:18Our country and your people.
20:20It was a great pleasure for me.
20:22However, I must tell my good Isnugut
20:24that it is very impolite
20:26to just disappear without a word.
20:40I just don't understand
20:42why this little hostile creature
20:44keeps repeating,
20:46I want to be caliph instead of the caliph.
20:48I think I understand what you mean.
20:51That brings me to a great idea.
20:53An idea? What kind of idea?
20:55Just wait and you'll see.
21:05Welcome to our home planet.
21:07In the Rose Club, we show our countrymen
21:09the greetings of the earthlings.
21:13We must immediately report
21:15to the great caliph.
21:17Oh, great caliph,
21:19glory of the planet Mars!
21:21Miracle of the unspeakable great universe!
21:23Full of all-galactic grace!
21:25Well, my good Isnugut,
21:27did everything go well?
21:29How was it?
21:31Fantastic, wonderful.
21:33We were able to see a lot
21:35of the earthlings.
21:37But what are you doing, Isnugut?
21:39What are you doing?
21:41I did it!
21:43I am the great caliph instead of the caliph!
21:46I don't get it. You too?
21:48Ah, my dear Isnugut,
21:50I only did it for you.
21:52Who got it?
21:54He's the great caliph instead of the great caliph
21:56and I'm still not a caliph
21:58instead of the caliph.
22:00That's so mean!
22:18Gut is
