Isnogud - 15. Wahl im Kalifat Das Wachsfigurenkabinett

  • 2 months ago


00:00It's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:20it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:29it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:32it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:34it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:35it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:36it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
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00:38it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
00:59it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
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01:21good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good,
01:22it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
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02:44it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's
02:49no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
02:54good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
02:57good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:02good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
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03:12it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's
03:17no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:22good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:27good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:32good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:37good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:42good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no good, it's no
03:52I'll show you how to convince a rabbit that it's a chicken.
04:09That's the man I need. Come on, let's go backstage.
04:13Better not, sir.
04:17Wizard, I want to use your skills.
04:20You must have a rabbit that should convince a...
04:23Oh no, but a caliph.
04:36Can you convince a caliph to vote for me?
04:40I can even convince him to lay eggs for you. That's easy.
04:44The caliph pays too much attention to existing laws.
04:47He would never object to a public democratic election process.
04:51Get out of here, you bastard.
04:53And I would become caliph instead of caliph.
04:58Just a moment. What is your program?
05:01To vote for everyone who doesn't agree with me.
05:04Well, your program definitely restricts the playing field.
05:08Nevertheless, it is sufficient as the basis of our political understanding.
05:12By the way, sir, I will of course become a high-ranking officer.
05:16Of course.
05:18After all, I need a young, hard-working team
05:21that supports me in our joint efforts for progress.
05:26As a wizard? As a high-ranking officer?
05:29Impossible! Never!
05:33Comrades and fakirs, I have just learned
05:36that the caliph has decided to vote for another caliph than me.
05:39He has decided to vote for Ismugud,
05:42this repulsive high-ranking officer.
05:45He collaborates with our worst enemies, the wizards.
05:48We cannot accept such a thing.
05:55Comrades, we have to convince the caliph to vote for me.
06:00And I promise you,
06:02if I become caliph, I will remove everything that is not threadbare.
06:07A three-fold vote for Fakzibilis, our future caliph!
06:26What? Another candidate?
06:29And on top of that a fakir, a shameful, mean fakir!
06:33I will punish him mercilessly!
06:36A fakir? No, wait!
06:39That would be just right for him, sir.
06:42We have to do something immediately.
06:50Good, the problem is solved.
06:53Now we have to take care of the caliph.
06:56Don't be fooled.
06:58What do you mean?
07:00The fakirs are hateful, extremely dangerous beings.
07:03If the caliph is influenced by the opposition,
07:06they will destroy my magic power at the moment of the vote.
07:09My power would be zero and that would have a devastating effect.
07:13Believe me!
07:17This stupid magician made us think with his magical powers.
07:21Now we need the help of the genies.
07:24The genies don't interfere in politics.
07:26Then I have to try to convince them.
07:29So, what is the reason for calling me?
07:32Genie, you know the fact that the fake magicians
07:36have formed an alliance with the miserable isogut.
07:41I suggest that we also form an alliance.
07:44After all, it was the magicians who condemned you
07:47to live in lamps or in bottles, potatoes or other stuff.
07:56Stay away from potatoes or other stuff!
08:00This is your only chance for revenge!
08:03Go help the fakirs to fight the enemies!
08:05Believe him!
08:07We'll get to the final decision together and be victorious!
08:14Buy the hair-slide and use it every day!
08:17You won't believe this, your hair changes into coconut florets.
08:20Buy those secrets!
08:22Imported papyrus!
08:23Cheaper war is nowhere in the caliphate!
08:27We want Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
08:32We want Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
08:38What is the danger?
08:40I don't know, but the public opinion is as twisted as you can hear.
08:44Twisted? What are you waiting for? Change it immediately!
08:50We want Isnogut! We want Isnogut!
09:00We want Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
09:07We want Isnogut! We want Isnogut!
09:16We want Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
09:22Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
09:30We want Aximilist! We want Aximilist!
09:36Sir, I warned you. Now we have a civil war.
09:40You have to calm them down, or the caliph will cancel the election.
09:45There is only one way to stop the opposition.
09:54Tunnels! You just turned them all!
09:57That was the only way. Tunnels are the only thing that Chinis are afraid of.
10:01Tunnels can't distinguish between the parties. They are just standing around.
10:07Sir, someone is knocking on the door.
10:11Genie, we want your leader! I want to see him kneel in front of my own feet!
10:17Sorcerer, free me from the undead!
10:33My dear friend, let's leave them to their indifference.
10:39I leave the country and prefer to be safe.
10:50O ruler of the believers, it is time again that you fulfill your election duty.
11:03Alpussa Harun
11:05Alpussa Harun
11:07Alpussa Harun has voted. I declare the election in the caliphate over.
11:12The caliph Alpussa Harun has been confirmed with overwhelming majority in his office.
11:18With over one hundred percent.
11:22Now I have to wait another ten years until the next election in the caliphate.
11:28Don't worry, sir. We will find something for you.
11:31Unless the little fish eat you first.
11:34You too.
12:00What is this? Why don't they greet me?
12:05These are wax figures, sir.
12:08It is a great honor for me, O Grand Vizier, that you have agreed to invite me to my modest but magical exhibition hall.
12:15Oh, really? Well, let's have a look.
12:18Please come this way.
12:20Aladdin, Sindbad, the brave sailor, Sheherazade, who tells the caliph Maharun Al-Rashid a thousand and one stories.
12:35And here is something even more amazing.
12:38Alibaba and the forty robbers. They look so real that you think you are dreaming.
12:44Well, to be honest, my dear, the whole thing ...
12:47Wait a minute. You haven't seen everything yet. Come on.
12:56Here we are. And now the top attraction of the museum.
13:00The hall of the previous and future murderers.
13:03Previous and future?
13:05Yes. With this we enter the magical area of ​​my museum.
13:09All the figures that are collected here represent the cruelest and most famous murderers that ever existed.
13:15Past and future.
13:19Oh, that's fantastic.
13:21I knew you would like that.
13:27And you really believe that if they could come to life, they would help me?
13:30You already know who to get rid of and you already know who to become?
13:33There is a way to bring them to life, Grand Vizier.
13:36Is this supposed to be a joke?
13:38Not at all. There is a magic formula that brings my wax figures to life.
13:42A magic formula? What kind of magic formula?
13:45Grand Vizier, if you want to experience it, you have to pay a small fee.
13:50Just a word, sir.
13:54How much do you want?
13:56One million piastas.
14:00Bar, please.
14:03And you are sure that Monopoly is the name of the new bank of Baghdad?
14:07What is it, says the magic formula?
14:09You look the wax figure directly in the eyes and say to her, you have very pretty eyes, do you know that?
14:15Oh really? And I can choose them?
14:17Of course, as many as you want.
14:20But on one condition.
14:22The museum closes at 7 p.m.
14:24Then all the wax figures have to be back in the museum in their places.
14:28If not, the consequences will be more than unhealthy for you, Grand Vizier.
14:32Yes, yes.
14:33Aha! What a beautiful copy of a caliph killer.
14:39You have very pretty eyes, do you know that?
14:50I had imagined that the answer would be different.
14:54I had imagined that the answer would be different.
15:03Where is he? Where is he hiding?
15:05He's gone, sir. Why doesn't he just give up?
15:08That doesn't matter. Forget him. I'll choose another killer for him.
15:15Oh, he looks nice and brutal. Who is that?
15:18That's Brutus, sir. The man who killed Caesar.
15:23You have very pretty eyes, do you know that?
15:27Salve, little man. Salve also to the great man.
15:31You gave me life. How can I thank you for that?
15:34By killing the caliph for me.
15:37A dictator? I'm specialized in that.
15:41You can't fail him. The palace is right around the corner.
15:45Unbelievable! This professional will kill the caliph for me.
15:49And then I'll finally...
15:51My Jupiter, the world hasn't seen that yet.
15:53In your city you live extremely dangerously.
15:55In front of the door there is a colossus,
15:57who lets his clutches suck down everything that can be reached.
16:00But you're a murderer. Why do you let yourself be...
16:02I'm an expert for state supervisors.
16:04I would never touch an idiot with a clutch.
16:07You're going out again right away.
16:09Did I wake you up to life or not?
16:11I don't call that anything. Life.
16:13Oh, they don't run all over the place.
16:15You're right. I'll look for another one.
16:23Al Capone.
16:25You have very pretty eyes, you know that?
16:29I think you look good too.
16:31You don't seem to be one of the inferior ones.
16:34Our caliph is waiting to be murdered,
16:36but the guy in front of the door won't let anyone out.
16:38I'll take care of it.
16:41Listen, buddy.
16:43We could solve this in a friendly way.
16:45What do you think about sharing the profits?
16:52I see we both understand each other perfectly.
16:54What do you think about sharing the city?
16:56I'll take over the north, and you'll take over the south.
17:07This guy really wants war.
17:09Wake up my gang.
17:11Your gang?
17:12What else? The guys in the front.
17:15Oh, Frank the Killer, Pistol Joe, Gunner Sam, Machine Gun Lou.
17:20Oh, man.
17:21Well, you have very pretty eyes, you know that?
17:28Okay, friends.
17:30There's a gang we need to teach a lesson. Follow me.
17:33Okay, boss.
17:35But what about the caliph?
17:38First, let's get rid of the opposition, kid.
17:45I'll try another one.
17:50Don't worry.
17:51My lips are getting harder and harder.
17:53But it doesn't matter.
17:55Jack the Ripper.
17:56He'll be accused of murdering women.
17:58At least.
18:00You have very pretty eyes, you know that?
18:04My lord, I've been told that before.
18:07There's a harmless, fat guy who has to get out of the way.
18:11A man?
18:12But I only deal with beautiful women, my lord.
18:15Women have nothing to do with this story.
18:17No, how terrible. A woman-hater.
18:20Oh, yes.
18:21She's often called a woman-hater.
18:24Who? You mean...
18:26Hey, you don't have to...
18:27This guy, David.
18:29Do you have anything against him?
18:32What a beauty.
18:34This face, this look.
18:37Oh, what a figure.
18:40Lucrezia Bortia, professional poisoner.
18:42Do you even listen to me when I'm talking to you?
18:45You have very pretty eyes, you know that?
18:50In your way, you're also quite attractive, Bluebeard.
18:53Hey, listen!
18:54It costs me a million piastres to use this magic formula.
18:58No, it's too loud for me here.
19:00Come with me.
19:01We'll look for a quiet corner and have dinner together.
19:04Just the two of us.
19:06But with pleasure.
19:08I'll cook for you.
19:10I'm a master of healthy cuisine.
19:12And I'll mix you a Bortia special cocktail.
19:16Oh, get out of my sight!
19:18As you wish.
19:19Very sensitive, this little...
19:24I have to admit that they are much more accessible as long as they are made of wax.
19:28Do you agree?
19:29Give me my money back.
19:30I didn't tell you because of your pretty eyes that you have pretty eyes.
19:33That's out of the question, sir.
19:35Because this question is not up for debate at all.
19:37And what's up for debate, director?
19:39It's almost 7 o'clock, dear Grand Vizier, and...
19:43And if you don't bring me my pensioners back in full,
19:46you'll be turned into a wax figure.
19:48What? No!
19:50And no magic formula in the world can give you back your life.
19:53So stay, Grand Vizier.
19:56Don't do it!
19:57Don't do it!
19:58Help me!
19:59I have to collect them all again.
20:00Don't do it!
20:03Where is the guy?
20:04Where did he go?
20:05But he's never here when you need him.
20:11Top quality.
20:12Will last forever.
20:25Hey, you!
20:26You have to go back to the museum right now.
20:28Do you understand?
20:29Nonsense, little one.
20:30I have to shoot here now.
20:31I have to shoot.
20:34I've been conned.
20:35Half of my gang ran over to the swinging trolley.
20:38Got it?
20:39I'll be back, but only if the guy comes back, too.
20:42I will not allow him to control half of the city, little one.
20:45I have to think of my good reputation.
20:48All right, all right.
20:49I'll talk to him right away.
20:55Come on, hurry up.
20:56You have to go back right now.
20:58I'll explain it to you later.
21:15I'll be right there.
21:17My knives are as sharp as ever.
21:19And I have a good reason.
21:21I'll be right there.
21:22My knives are as sharp as ever.
21:24And I have a cocktail ready for you.
21:26What does a public outcry mean?
21:29Why am I naked under a blue curtain?
21:31That's a toga.
21:32You brain-burnt idiots.
21:34A toga.
21:44It's exactly 7 o'clock.
21:46All museums will be closed immediately.
21:49With the exhibition that I have left, I will probably go bankrupt.
21:53Don't cry, director.
21:55You don't have to pay me for cleaning.
22:09It's a nice change to experience my master so calmly.
22:12Can you believe me?
22:23Good is.
22:25Is no good.
22:29Is no good.
22:53Good is no good.
22:57Is no good.
23:01Is no good.
23:02Auf geht's.
23:04Good is no good.
