Wo ist Walter - 08. Geschichte aus dem Steinzeitalter

  • 2 months ago


00:00for a real criminal case you need a killer, a victim and a dynamic detective duo
00:11we'd rather stay in the background
00:17hands up!
00:19I'm scared
00:21and a hot trail
00:24all in all a very interesting case
00:29the case of Shirley Holmes
00:31today at 8.40pm on KiKA
00:46where is Walter?
00:49where is Walter?
00:52do you see him?
00:55where is Walter?
00:58where is Walter?
01:02where is Walter?
01:08where is Walter?
01:10where is Walter?
01:13do you see him?
01:18where is Walter?
01:29where is Walter?
01:32where is Walter?
01:34there he is
01:40greetings, Walter friends
01:42oh, we're not in Walter's house, what's going on here, where are we?
01:45wow, I wonder why wizard Whitebeard sends us an urgent message to visit him
01:50phew, I'm relieved
01:52for a moment I thought someone had stolen our show
01:55it's the first time that Whitebeard hasn't come to my house
01:59maybe he got sick, wow
02:01I don't know
02:08so this must be his house, wow
02:10wizard Whitebeard, are you home?
02:12a cave, how stylish
02:14what wizard would live in this hole?
02:18yippee, a beautiful cave, Whitebeard
02:22oh, how are you, Walter?
02:25what are you doing here?
02:27I received an urgent message
02:29oh, what urgent message?
02:31this one
02:33oh, excuse me, ladies, excuse me, but I have to look at this
02:40I tell you, women love me, I don't know why that is, but I think it could be dancing
02:45well, let's see
02:47yes, this is a personal invitation to my party and we're just wasting time
02:53come on, let's have fun, lambada for everyone, come on
03:07oh man, Whitebeard
03:10oh man, are these cave drawings from prehistoric times, Whitebeard?
03:15hello, Whitebeard
03:17oh yes, of course, it's cave art, you should take a closer look
03:22I've always wanted to go back to the Stone Age
03:26come with me, wow
03:31oh, and by the way, take this with you
03:36oh yes, and this list too
03:38oh, then it must be extremely important to you
03:40oh yes, it is, you're making fun of me
03:42I tell you, this is a reminder that you bring me some sauce powder
03:46oh, I tell you, this party is going to be great, how are you, baby, good?
03:50I'm fine, we're on our way to the Stone Age
03:57I wonder what happened to Terwal, he should be here by now
04:01he should be here
04:08ah, are you enjoying the party, Terwal?
04:11let's just go to another country, shall we?
04:16take a look at this monkey, this one is also very thoughtful
04:20welcome to the land of cave dwellers, friends of the forest
04:23take a look at a rustle holding a tree trunk
04:27a rock painting exhibition
04:29and a baseball player throwing around
04:35ah, prehistoric garden construction of the finest
04:45ah, grr, grr, grr, is it still not time for lunch?
04:51all right, all right, now get out of the way
04:56I'll leave the lunch signal on
04:59hey, hey, you fat man
05:05a mouse!
05:07a mouse!
05:13sometimes I hate this job
05:20ah, lunch break
05:24hey, you, keep working, did you hear? keep working!
05:28no one said lunch break
05:33you know, I'm starting to like this place
05:36why, you wretch?
05:38because I know how to set a new record
05:41I've been here for a minute
05:43and I haven't been beaten, sprayed or run over yet
05:55hello, I'm Walter and this is my dog, Wow
05:58we come from the future
06:00oh, so you heard that?
06:02oh, you come from the future, that's really good
06:05what is the future?
06:07well, the future is something that hasn't happened yet
06:10oh, that's really helpful
06:12could I ask you something about this future, which is very important?
06:16of course
06:17what do I eat tomorrow for dinner?
06:19it helps to plan in advance
06:21I'll be happy to help you, but first tell me who you are
06:24well, I'm Skonk, the village leader
06:27well, it definitely seems to be a nice place to live
06:31oh yes, we are the most advanced tribe in the country
06:34uh, not the tribe over there
06:37I call it the wheel
06:40you drive
06:48look at that, everyone knows that the wheel will never work
06:53I mean, we are the first tribe that has ever had animals working for it
06:57but they are not happy
06:59how do you know that?
07:05well, now that you mention it, I feel a little hostility
07:09you can say that loudly
07:12the animals build great things for us, like this open-air theater
07:17but now that they are so unhappy, the theater will probably never be finished
07:22how long have the animals been working for you?
07:25since Karne came to town and sold us
07:29did someone call me?
07:31I bet you want to see my new invention, right?
07:34of course we want
07:46I call it toast
07:48yes, exactly, toast
07:51oh man
07:52I knew you would like it
07:54and what do you think of my latest invention?
07:56the automatic toothbrush
08:02then you no longer have an embarrassing tar pit breath
08:06yes, that's much better
08:08the fresh, minty smell of boiling lava
08:11is it possible that the animals earn too little money?
08:14are you kidding?
08:16they earn so much money that I become rich
08:19I mean, they become rich
08:21yes, that's how it is
08:22yes, but Karne, I don't think they like to work for us
08:25well, I don't understand that
08:27someone has to pay them
08:29yes, exactly
08:30I'm sure they're really happy here
08:33so you should stop letting people push you around
08:37at the moment there is a stranger in town
08:40he wants the cavemen to hit you even harder than ever before
08:44hey, you're a stranger
08:48I meant the other stranger
08:52and what can we do about it?
08:54I would like to suggest that you fight
08:57yes, are you sure about that?
08:59the people have always been very nice to me
09:03stop it now, forget it
09:05we're going to fight now because we don't get paid well enough
09:11follow me
09:12we fight
09:14we fight
09:16we fight
09:19if you follow Walter, I'll get his magic wand
09:28nothing can spoil this moment for me
09:32what do you say to that?
09:33there's always a night watchman in the crowd
09:36I'm sorry, but I have terrible hearing loss
09:39and what about your elbow?
09:42thank you
09:45you're welcome
09:49we don't like how we're being treated
09:51we have decided to fight
09:54but what is a fight?
09:56one moment, I'll ask
10:00what is a fight?
10:02it's when you start working again when you pay more
10:09it means we start working again when you pay us more
10:13it means we start working again when you pay us more
10:24what is it? I thought you were paying them well, Karl
10:27yes, I am
10:29so you can forget it
10:31yes, exactly, forget it
10:34good, then we will fight
10:37oh no, that's terrible
10:39Walter, what are we going to do now?
10:42where is Walter?
10:44where is Walter?
10:46by the way, you know what?
10:48I'm being paid far too little
10:50maybe I should fight too
10:53I don't think so
10:55who are you?
10:56your replacement while you fight
11:00he's serious
11:02that's a disgrace
11:04I like my voice much more
11:07hey, get out of here
11:11excuse me, where was I?
11:13ah yes, there is Walter
11:28No, I'm here
11:32that must be Walter's great-great-great-great-great
11:35well, you know, great-grandfather
11:39an ordinary but intelligent race
11:41which inhabited the earth during the last part of the 20th century
11:44isn't that right, Spark?
11:48pretty duckling
11:50you know, you look just like me
11:52so if you really should be a ancestor of the Waltinis
11:55then you also know our ancient family name
11:58but of course I know it
12:01one, two, three
12:10yes, you really are my ancestor
12:14we should better go now
12:16as you know, the Walters are great collectors
12:19yes, that's right
12:20what are you collecting?
12:26nice guy
12:27but he should shave his back
12:30you think?
12:31oh Walter, our animals ran away
12:34they want to fight
12:36oh, it's terrible
12:37who will mow our lawn?
12:38who will finish our theater?
12:40who will manicure us?
12:42no manicure?
12:43oh dear, then it will be really serious
12:46that's true
12:47we want to do everything
12:48why don't you just pay the animals a little more money?
12:52are you crazy?
12:53even more money?
12:55but I would like to put an extra bone on their load
12:59I'm sure we can fix this
13:01maybe if I talk to them
13:03slow down buddy
13:05don't be so hasty
13:07they want to talk to me
13:09yes, that's right
13:10your old buddy Kahn will not calm you down
13:18oh please
13:19I'm sure they feel better now
13:22yes, that's right
13:24well, good to know
13:25let's go and say goodbye
13:27cavemen and horses
13:28cavemen and horses
13:29cavemen and horses
13:30cavemen and horses
13:31cavemen and horses
13:32cavemen and horses
13:33cavemen and horses
13:35hello buddy
13:36you look like an unpleasant guy
13:38who makes people cry with his piss
13:40let's do it together
13:41and get rid of this Walter
13:43and why should I do that?
13:45well, I'm a shepherd
13:47and you're a shepherd
13:48that's our fate, yes, exactly
13:51besides, the doctor prescribed me
13:53bed rest until the end of this film
13:55I know that feeling
13:56I'll do it
13:57I thought it was good for you to know
13:59that the other stranger will try
14:01to prevent your fight
14:05Lou will be done with this annoying Fritz
14:08oh really?
14:09who is Lou?
14:14I think we already know each other
14:16it looks like the animals
14:17would actually fight each other
14:20what do you mean fight each other?
14:21to sit on you
14:22is probably more correct
14:25that's enough
14:26that was your last joke
14:27I'll finish you off once and for all
14:29oh Lou
14:35Lou and I are friends
14:45guess who is well prepared
14:47and will land safely
14:49oh yes, sure
14:51in this cozy lava crater
14:59stupid people, unfair
15:01stupid people, unfair
15:02stupid people, unfair
15:04stupid people, unfair
15:06I wanted to talk to you
15:07about your problems
15:10aren't you the stranger
15:11who caused all these problems?
15:14well, yes
15:15I'm pretty strange, right Wawao?
15:17oh yes, that's right
15:18tell me a good reason
15:20why I shouldn't
15:21hit you on the ground
15:23because he is the star
15:24of our show
15:25and if you do that
15:26this movie will never
15:27be shown on TV
15:28we don't care about TV at all
15:30we haven't even seen
15:31a TV show
15:33worry about this idiot Lou
15:41well Wawao
15:42I don't think
15:43I've ever seen
15:44an angry attacking mammoth
15:47just look at this razor-sharp
15:48punch scene
15:49how they shine in the sun
15:54oh oh Walter friends
15:55it looks bad for our heroes
15:59if Lou does his will
16:00this episode could end early
16:02well, if that's the case
16:03I can grab my surfboard
16:04and go to the beach
16:10no time to dream
16:11Walter friends
16:12it's terrible
16:13our heroes are about
16:14to be trampled
16:15by an attacking mammoth
16:16no we won't
16:17look at this
16:19I can't believe it
16:21how did you stop
16:22the mammoth from attacking
16:23I took away
16:24his credit card
16:30oh oh
16:31it looks like
16:32Lou's luck
16:33fell into the pit
16:34he looks like
16:35a bunny in the pit
16:36bunny in the pit
16:37I'm weird again
16:41I'm stuck
16:46a real
16:48tar pit
16:52I'm sinking
16:59I think
17:00the midday signal
17:01can free Lou
17:05I'll do it
17:10hey Lou
17:17I'll never
17:18get used to this
17:22you did it
17:23I'll never
17:24get you stuck again
17:25don't thank me
17:26but the midday signal
17:29thank you
17:30you're welcome
17:32but why don't you
17:33talk to the villagers
17:34about your strike
17:35I'm sure
17:36you can solve it
17:38the people here
17:39in the village
17:40are not as nice
17:41as you are
17:42they will be
17:43in 30,000 years
17:44well hopefully
17:46let's go
17:54the evil
17:58is doing
17:59what he can
18:04that's my specialty
18:05we have to
18:06do something
18:07without the animals
18:08our village
18:09will fall apart
18:10such nonsense
18:17it will take
18:18a bit of work
18:19but don't forget
18:20Walter is the one
18:21who gives you
18:22a hard time
18:23with the animals
18:24hey yes
18:25you're right
18:26we didn't have
18:27a hard time
18:28with the animals
18:29before Walter came
18:32we will teach him
18:33to disturb
18:34our peace
18:37we will
18:38trample all strangers
18:39who come into the village
18:40is that right
18:46I mean
18:48and also
18:49we can
18:50finish it
18:54then the animals
18:55will come back
18:56to beg
18:58they will beg
18:59they will beg
19:00for work
19:02let's do it
19:04let's do it
19:10I learned
19:11my lesson
19:12in this episode
19:13I will go
19:14to the village
19:15of the spirits
19:21at least
19:22they did not
19:23invented the steam roller
19:29there he is
19:32the stranger
19:35the other
19:41what a pity
19:42I acted
19:43It's worth animals, but we're going to build it ourselves now.
19:46We don't need you anymore.
19:57Don't worry about it.
19:59A little squelching didn't do anyone any harm.
20:01I know that for sure.
20:02Lou, would you help us?
20:06Oh, come on, please. Do it for me.
20:09Very well then.
20:10Lou is a really nice guy. You just have to get to know him.
20:21Well, if Lou helps, I think we should do the same.
20:34Look, the animals are saving our canvas.
20:37What are we supposed to do now?
20:39Well, you could give him a hand.
20:41No way!
20:43Forget it!
20:44Not a chance!
20:45Not with those stupid animals!
20:47That's how I see it!
21:10We did it!
21:11Yes, we really did it.
21:13Only my back hurts again.
21:15Oh, I'm sorry, but you were a great help.
21:18What do we have to do for you to come back and work for us again?
21:21Well, you could try to pay us again, damn it!
21:25But I thought Kahn was supposed to pay your wages.
21:29That's what I wanted.
21:31Yes, but I have a person in my family who has a medical problem.
21:37Oh, you have?
21:39Oh, no!
21:40There's another one coming!
21:43Oh, no!
21:46It's strange.
21:47I don't feel so good since Walter showed up.
21:51Believe me, you'll get used to it.
21:57Welcome to the Caveman Theater.
21:59Please hand over your cranes to the wardrobe.
22:02Thank you.
22:13The new theater is a great success, Walter,
22:16but I still feel like something is missing.
22:21The corn that Weissbart gave me.
22:24Oh, tell me, what's that for?
22:26Very simple.
22:27For popcorn.
22:33Popcorn is good.
22:39Where's Walter?
22:40Is he digging for a stone?
22:42Or is he looking for a stone bud?
22:44Excuse me, I just wanted to get something from the Stone Age.
22:47There's Walter!
22:48I thought I told you to disappear!
22:50Why disappear?
22:51I want to say something, too.
22:53Why do you always...
22:55Now I'm a...
22:57Get out of here!
23:00Well, see you next time, Walter friends.
23:03I don't want it to become a habit
23:05that I have to appear here with just a few words.
23:15Here we go.
23:16Where, where, where, where is Walter?
23:24Where, where, where, where, where is Walter?
23:26Where is Walter?
23:28Where, where...
23:30Where is Walter?
23:33Where is Walter?
23:36We have on the third place, as we just said,
23:39Mireille Mathieu.
23:40Last time we said that she is in America,
23:42there is a show together with Dean Martin,
23:44and we are very happy about it,
23:46that we now hopefully get two things to work tonight.
23:49One, that we can get rid of the MAZ tape,
23:51the mechanical recording,
23:53purely technically, that it works exactly.
23:55And secondly, that we get a phone call in the next few minutes
23:58with Los Angeles to chat a little with her.
24:00And finally, for you, ladies and gentlemen,
24:02a recording of Mireille Mathieu and Dean Martin.
24:06The title, Don't Fats Me In.
