The Poly robocar the Second season of Our secret base Episode 6

  • 2 months ago


00:07Their squad is very braven
00:13And they hurry to those
00:15To whom troubles came
00:19Their strong friendship
00:25And they're always together
00:28Their service is not easy
00:31Poli! He is braver and faster than everyone
00:34Roy! There is no one stronger
00:37Ember! He is smarter and kinder than everyone
00:40Heli! He flies in the clouds
00:43Higher than everyone
00:45Very brave is their detachment
00:51And they are in a hurry to those
00:54With whom the trouble happened
00:57Their strong friendship
01:03And they are together forever
01:06Together forever
01:28Day has begun!
01:36Hello! Great weather for games!
01:40And for patrolling!
01:42That's right! Contact me if something happens!
01:46Bye, friends!
01:54Minnie! Faster!
01:56If you don't hurry, the big guys will take the whole playground!
02:00I'm already leaving!
02:02Minnie! You drive the road, look to the left, then to the right!
02:06Yes, yes, I know!
02:09I wish you a good time!
02:17Oh! The playground is already occupied!
02:20I told you! You need to hurry! It's all because of you!
02:24Wait here!
02:27Excuse me!
02:28When will you finish playing?
02:31We just want to play too!
02:34Very sorry!
02:35But the fact is that we have just arrived and want to play at will!
02:40Kids! Go to the other playground! I saw that no one plays there!
02:45Really? Let's go there!
02:50Listen! You played here yesterday and the day before yesterday!
02:54Could you play in your yard?
02:58I think it will be difficult!
03:00There are a lot of trees and building materials in our yard!
03:03There is nowhere to play!
03:05Will you wait a little?
03:07How long?
03:09Well, maybe one hour, two hours ...
03:13That's it!
03:14Enough! Let's go!
03:16... four hours, five hours ...
03:18We play quietly, but still everyone is busy!
03:25It seems that everything is clean!
03:27Oh! What is it?
03:34Wow! I did not know that there is such a place!
03:40Guys! You must see this place!
03:42I send you coordinates! Come quickly!
03:53Why did we not know about this house?
03:56How did we miss it?
03:58There used to be a lot of trees here!
04:00Then the typhoon fell on the trees and this house appeared!
04:03Guys! Let's go in!
04:09Let's go!
04:15Oh! I don't like it!
04:17This house is very old!
04:20Be very careful!
04:22I propose to start an investigation!
04:39Troy! Watch out!
04:42Troy! Are you okay?
04:44Yes! It's really dangerous here!
04:47I think we better leave!
04:49On the way back, we must definitely close the road here!
04:55Rodie! Maybe it's enough to look!
04:58Look! There is not even a road here!
05:01Yes, Rodie! I'm tired!
05:03Well, no! I will find our own playground!
05:07You can come back if you want!
05:09Oh! What is it?
05:17That's cool!
05:19Let's look there?
05:29Oh! How great!
05:31I'm a little scared!
05:33Come on!
05:34It looks like a pirate base!
05:37No! No pirates!
05:39I will decorate everything and it will be a castle!
05:41Okay! From now on, this is our secret place!
05:45Secret place?
05:48But we must not tell anyone where it is!
05:54Let's swear?
06:00Okay, Mr. Builder!
06:02Good night!
06:05Mr. Builder has already checked this house!
06:07He is in such a state that it must be demolished!
06:10Right! It is impossible to repair it!
06:13And when will they demolish it?
06:16He said that tomorrow morning!
06:18Perhaps then it is better for us to be there to follow everyone!
06:22I think you're right! This place is really very dangerous!
06:26And now I want to say that you are all great!
06:29I wish you good luck tomorrow!
06:31Thank you very much!
06:38Son! Dad is going to work!
06:41Kiss dad!
06:44Come on!
06:46Take care of yourself!
06:48Okay! You take care of yourself too!
06:52Mini, do I have to keep it in my mouth?
06:55Of course! You should look like a little child!
06:58Like an eight-year-old baby!
07:00Okay! I can!
07:03It seems that someone is here!
07:06Quiet! Let's wait until he leaves!
07:10What is it? What's going on?
07:21Let's take it to the other side!
07:27What's going on?
07:29Stop it! Stop it right now!
07:33Rody, can you explain what you're doing here?
07:36Mini and Benny are in this house!
07:38What did you say?
07:40Mini! Benny! Do you hear me?
07:43Guys, respond! The oath is canceled!
07:50They are alive!
07:54Yes, the rescue service is listening!
07:56Ah, Mr. Builder!
07:58It can't be!
08:01Rescue team!
08:02Guys! Urgent call!
08:04Mr. Builder saved the old house!
08:06But for some reason Benny and Mini turned up there!
08:09What? I got it! I'm going there right now!
08:12Let's go!
08:20Guys, hold on a little longer!
08:22The rescuers are already coming!
08:25Oh, it's them!
08:28Mr. Builder!
08:52Mr. Builder!
08:53Bobby, hurry up!
08:55Hallie, look how we get inside!
09:00Give it to us!
09:02Step aside, please!
09:03Yes, step aside, guys!
09:09Found it!
09:10Problem! The entrance is blocked by a column!
09:13We can't get in there!
09:15I got it! Hallie, you keep looking,
09:17and we'll try to get in here!
09:20Roy, lift this part to open the passage for us!
09:24Can you?
09:25I'll try!
09:26Okay, while Roy holds it,
09:28I'll go inside and clear the way!
09:31Amber, you have to get the kids out of there!
09:41Got it!
09:49Amber, come on in!
09:57Are you okay?
09:59Okay, let's get out of here!
10:05Paulie, the house is about to collapse!
10:07Hurry up!
10:09Hurry up, guys!
10:11Come on!
10:15Paulie, come out!
10:17I'm coming!
10:24I'm coming!
10:38Forgive us!
10:40We knew we shouldn't have come here,
10:43but we didn't have a place to play!
10:45Got it!
10:47If I knew this would happen,
10:49I would have let you play!
10:51Forgive me!
10:53I think we need to find a place
10:55where the kids can play in peace!
10:57Are there any free places left where we can play?
11:01Of course!
11:02I've already found one!
11:04But we'll need Mr. Builder's help!
11:07I'll help you, don't even doubt it!
11:10Just tell me where it will be!
11:12I suggest we set up a playground right here!
11:16Right here? A playground?
11:20Especially since the kids live nearby!
11:23When we set up the playground,
11:25it will be a great playground!
11:27We'll make a small hut here,
11:29and a field for playing ball,
11:31and a lot of other good things!
11:35Oh, that's so cool!
11:37Can we go in and take a look?
11:40Of course!
11:44That's so cool!
11:46Look! A phone for urgent calls!
11:49It seems they really like it!
11:52Thank you, Mr. Builder!
11:54You're welcome!
11:55I just tried to do what Hallie suggested!
11:58Hallie, that was a great idea!
12:01Thank you!
12:03Hey, Hallie! Mr. Builder!
12:05That's a great place!
12:07Thank you!
12:08You're welcome!
12:09Can I play here sometimes?
12:12You're welcome!
12:13This is our place, got it?
12:16Calm down!
12:17I won't take him away from you!
12:19Can I play?
12:22Please, I beg you!
12:51And they are always together
12:53Even though their service is not easy
12:58He is braver and faster than everyone
13:01There is no one stronger
13:04He is smarter and kinder than everyone
13:07He flies in the clouds
13:09Higher than everyone
13:17And they are in a hurry
13:19Who is in trouble
13:23Their strong friendship
13:29And they are always together
13:32In the world of everyone
13:44Thank you for watching!
