Popeye, der Seefahrer - 35. Popeyes Wasserzirkus Popeyes Olympiade

  • 3 months ago


00:00I'm strong to soothe a fennage, cause I eat space fennage.
00:17There, I'll give you all the juice.
00:21Just a minute.
00:32There's any more.
00:35Oh, what do you know?
00:46What's going on there?
00:51I'm strong to soothe a fennage, cause I eat space fennage.
00:55I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
01:05I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
01:14Okay, Bluto, make sure all my water friends are ready in time.
01:18And make sure there's always enough fish to feed them during the show, okay?
01:23Aye, aye, boss.
01:29I should be the star of this show instead of the one and only Popeye the Sailor Man.
01:34Garderobe, if anything messes up the show and makes Popeye look bad, I could easily take his place.
01:43And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to our opening act, Miss Olivia and her two dolphins, who will amaze you with their water skiing tricks.
01:57Darling, if she sees this, she's going to overdo it.
02:10Ah, Popeye, help me!
02:13A hot and very stupid fish is trying to eat us!
02:19Why do I always get the dirty end of my dirty tricks?
02:26And now I'd like to introduce you to Popeye and his dressed-up robot.
02:30Or should it be the other way around?
02:40That will surely get him off his high pedestal.
02:49What's going on here?
02:53Teeny, our giant whale is standing on top of the tower, ready to perform a sensational jump into the depths.
03:05If I'm not mistaken, this jump is supposed to be a real belly landing.
03:12Well, somehow the worm is in here today, but the show must go on.
03:32Ladies and gentlemen, please look forward to seeing Ollie the Kraken and his dancing tentacles.
03:42I must be one step ahead of these dancing tentacles.
03:47I'm going to catch them cold.
04:02If they think they can put me on ice, they're wrong.
04:08I have a shaking eel here, which distributes electric shocks with a voltage of up to 500 volts.
04:22I'm going to blow it away from the stage with this air hose.
04:27I'm going to bring this 1000-watt light bulb to the light with the eel's current,
04:33by holding it in my mouth.
04:49Help me! Open up! Let me in!
04:57Well done, my boy!
05:01Oh, no! Help!
05:10Okay, Olivia, the air is back in. Come out!
05:13Oh, really? That's your luck?
05:16If I can't be the star of this show, then there's no show at all.
05:30I think Pluto did all this on purpose.
05:33Oh, what a mess!
05:36Oh, my goodness, if only I could get close to my spinach.
05:46Thank you, my feathered friend.
06:06Help! Let us go!
06:08Wait a minute, my friend, you can experience something when Popeye comes.
06:12I'm going to ask the fish if they've ever seen sunshine.
06:21Popeye, quick! The sharks are circling around us! Help!
06:27Oh, man!
06:32That was really close!
07:05What are you doing?
07:15My stomach!
07:17I still have stomach-ache pills from last time.
07:19But first I have to ask Uncle Popeye.
07:22Very sensible. Only a real doctor can prescribe you medicine.
07:26And my pills aren't good for Popeye?
07:28Exactly. The medicine the doctor gives you is only for you.
07:32Think about it.
07:34Don't take any chances. Consult the doctor first.
07:37Popeye the Sailor!
08:02Popeye the Sailor
08:15Greetings, sports friends, and welcome to Greece, the land of classical beauty.
08:21And since we're talking about classical beauty, here comes Miss Olivia Oyl,
08:26the embodiment of grace and beauty.
08:30She carries the torch for the opening of the World Championship in the stadium.
08:44With this, our little darling has just ignited the Olympic fire.
08:49So, let the competition begin!
08:54Olivia, I'm going to win the ten gold medals for you.
08:58Don't talk nonsense. I'm going to win.
09:01You won't.
09:02I will.
09:03I'm going to beat you with tied hands.
09:05What you can do, I can do even better.
09:08Oh yeah?
09:09Enough! If anyone wins this gold medal, it's me!
09:15You must be joking, Olivia. You're forgetting that you're a girl.
09:20Yes, you just need to be beautiful, little one.
09:24Girls are not allowed here.
09:26Oh yeah?
09:27According to the rules.
09:30Am I right, Bimby?
09:31Without a doubt, Miss Oyl. You just need enough strength and speed.
09:36Please get ready for the first discipline.
09:40All athletes, attention! The first discipline is the brain race.
09:47I'm ready.
09:51The starting line has become a stop line.
09:57There's too much going on here.
10:10Goodbye, Bluto.
10:14What? Oh my goodness. I'm so excited.
10:21I'm coming!
10:39So it's a tie between Miss Oyl and Popeye, the sailor.
10:45Congratulations, Olivia.
10:47Likewise, Popeye. But where's Bluto?
10:50Well, he can't decide for any direction.
10:55Please get ready for the spear throw.
11:00You mean, for the rocket spear throw.
11:03I'm going to do these things a little fast.
11:07If everything is ready, you can throw.
11:10Oh my goodness, that's a heavy device.
11:13Then we'll exchange the spear, Olivia. Mine looks lighter.
11:17Oh, thank you, Popeye.
11:25A very unusual throw.
11:30Now I'm going to hit her. I'll fire this thing out of sight.
11:35Now I'm going to hit her. I'll fire this thing out of sight.
11:43Popeye, these ruins are our ruins.
11:49And the winner is...
11:52Miss Olivia Oyl with a record throw of 7 kilometers.
11:56She beats Popeye by 1 centimeter.
11:58Congratulations, Olivia.
12:01I failed.
12:05Everything ready?
12:07A light-colored helmet.
12:11And a rearview mirror.
12:13And remember, always leave your hands on the steering wheel.
12:17And watch where you're going.
12:20Watch out for amazing things that could happen.
12:24Have fun driving.
12:26But remember safety first.
12:28But remember safety first.
12:30Says Popeye the Sailor.
12:36Next up is the hammer throw.
12:39Good luck, Olivia.
12:41Oh, thank you, but I'd rather have some muscles.
12:49Wake up, my sweet Tasmanian spring beans.
12:58Let's see how stupid you can get with this.
13:12This unique throw brings Miss Oyl in the lead for the first time.
13:17Where's my hammer?
13:19Here it is, buddy.
13:21Thank you, Bluto.
13:26Why are you so nervous?
13:28Oh, my goodness.
13:30Stay down.
13:35A record throw.
13:37Let's see if Popeye can beat her.
13:40Why not?
13:41Now I'm in full speed.
13:52Oh, that's a shame.
13:54Popeye just catapulted himself out of the competition.
14:00Be quiet.
14:01Be quiet, I said.
14:03It looks like we're turning again.
14:12And the winner is...
14:19Now we have an exciting competition.
14:21Let's continue with the disco dance.
14:24Hey, that's just child's play.
14:28Betting that I win and you lose?
14:35Here, you garden dwarf, try this again.
14:45Oh, poor Popeye.
14:47Is he really destroyed on the floor?
14:51And now Bluto's disco is in the air.
14:54It looks like a perfect throw,
14:56but unfortunately in the wrong direction.
15:03See, that's what happens when you cheat, Bluto.
15:06And now watch this.
15:10I will give Olivia a helping hand.
15:12Let's see who wins.
15:21Miss Olivia wins the disco throw by a hair's breadth.
15:28The last discipline.
15:30The final long-distance run
15:32will decide the winner of this championship.
15:35Runners, ready.
15:37And may the best win.
15:39Die beste.
15:40Ach ja, oder die beste.
15:48Ach du meine Güte, wo sind die alle hin?
15:58Bitte nach ihnen, Madame Oehl.
16:01Oh, welchen kann man hier?
16:03Ich nehm dir den Wind aus den Segeln, Knirps.
16:10Das wird ihn eine Weile aufhalten.
16:14Oh, wär nicht gut, wenn Olivia mich in den Armen einer anderen Frau sehe.
16:18Entschuldigen Sie mich, Madame.
16:27Oh, Mann, da kommt ja Popeye.
16:30Ach ja.
16:33Das wird ihn ein wenig bremsen.
16:40Schöner roter Ton.
16:42Der Stein hart trocknet.
16:46Jetzt reicht's mir aber.
16:48Allmählich fang ich an, rot zu sehen.
16:50Oh, nein.
16:51Popeye ist angeschmiert worden.
16:53Und wenn ich ihn anhalte, um ihm zu helfen,
16:55verliere ich den Zehnkampf.
16:57Wie ich sagte, meine Schönste.
16:59Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass du Zweite wirst, nach mir.
17:03Nein, vielen Dank.
17:05Popeye ist mir wichtiger als eine Goldmedaille.
17:09Ha, und damit hab ich gewonnen.
17:12Verflixt und zugelehnt.
17:13Nicht nur, dass ich eine Tontaube bin,
17:15obendrein hab ich auch noch den Spinat in meinem Matrosenanzug vergessen.
17:19Keine Sorge, Popeye.
17:20Die Sache baden wir zusammen aus.
17:25Oh, Popeye.
17:26Das Wasser ist alle, bevor du aus dem Schlamm raus bist.
17:29Geht in Ordnung.
17:30Lauf schon los.
17:31Ich werde nachkommen.
17:33Na, schön, Popeye.
17:34Aber beeil dich.
17:35Schätze, ich muss es jetzt machen.
17:37Schätze, ich muss es auf die harte Tour machen.
17:51Hurra, da kommt er, Popeye.
17:54Hm, kommen die also doch noch.
17:57Die brauchen eine Umleitung, um ihre überschüssigen Kräfte abzubauen.
18:03Die haben die Strecke wohl über das Spinatfeld verlegt.
18:08Ich bin zu ausgepumpt, um weiterzumachen.
18:12Ich hab getan, was ich konnte.
18:14Jetzt kann ich nicht mehr weiter.
18:18Ich bin am Ende.
18:28Ich bin auch nicht am Ende.
18:30Ich fang grad erst an.
18:32Nach dem Essen soll man zwar ruhen, aber ich hab noch was zu tun.
18:44Alle an Bord, zum großen Spinat-Export.
18:49Ahoi, Bluto.
18:50Kommst du noch mit?
18:52Na, sowas.
18:53Ich hab das Gefühl, ich häng in der Luft.
18:55Da ist ja schon die Ziellinie.
18:57Oh, nein.
19:09Damit ist der Wettkampf abgeschlossen.
19:11Und der Sieger des Zehnkampfes ist...
19:13Tja, wer hat denn nun eigentlich gewonnen?
19:19Olivia und Popeye.
19:25Oh, Popeye, du hast die Goldmedaille für uns gewonnen.
19:29Ich bin wieder Erster.
19:30Ja, er ist unser Bester.
19:32Ich bin Popeye, der Seemann.