Popeye, der Seefahrer - 21. Wir fahren zelten Spaghetti Mafia

  • 2 months ago


00:00I'm strong to do the finish, cause I ain't face finish.
00:21Here I'll get you.
00:24It's just a finish.
00:35There's anymore.
00:46Oh, what do you know.
00:49What's going on there?
00:54I'm strong to do the finish, cause I ain't face finish.
00:58I'm up by the sail of man.
01:18I'm up by the sail of man.
01:23Oh, it's Uncle Popeye, guys.
01:27Welcome, Uncle Popeye.
01:30Slow down, guys. Always with the quiet.
01:33We'll be on the boat soon, so nothing like going to the weekend.
01:37But Uncle Popeye, we always go sailing.
01:40We want to go camping.
01:42That's right, Popeye.
01:43Uncle Popeye talked to me and we decided that it would be a lot of fun to go camping.
01:48So you land rats want to go camping?
01:51I guess you're outnumbered.
01:55So out into the wild.
02:01It looks as good as anywhere else here, guys.
02:14Come on, everyone on deck.
02:17We want to set up a camp, don't we?
02:20Olivia, Olivia, where are you?
02:22Popeye, get me down here.
02:25Ahoy, Olivia. We don't have time to look for bird nests now.
02:29We have to set up the camp.
02:35Oh, Popeye.
02:38Well, I'll set up the tent while you take care of the other things.
02:46To set up the tent, pull the cord.
02:51Ugh, who turned off the light?
02:54To set up the tent, pull the cord twice.
03:07Don't worry, Uncle Popeye. We'll save you.
03:17For a moment, I thought I was back on my boat.
03:22Oh, Popeye, stop fooling around and set up the rest of the equipment.
03:28Hey, what are you doing?
03:31Oh, Popeye, stop fooling around and set up the rest of the equipment.
03:35Hey, what are you doing?
03:38Don't worry, Uncle Popeye. We'll save you.
03:42When setting up the tent, you really have to go up and down.
03:46Nothing wrong with having the boat out first.
03:49Popeye, if you don't have anything to do, you can finish the food.
03:53It's all in the bag next to the suitcase.
03:56Of course, Olivia.
03:58Hmm, ready-to-eat. What do they think this is?
04:02Just pour the contents of the bag into boiling water.
04:08What a mess! A royal meal.
04:12Food is ready, boys!
04:20Well, Walter, it's not just ready, it's gone right away.
04:24We're hungry, Uncle Popeye.
04:29Don't worry, boys. Uncle Popeye will show you how to survive on land.
04:34So, follow me.
04:37Set up the plates and hold the fire burning.
04:41And now, comrades, get ready.
04:50Now, get the outboard, comrades.
04:55This fish has lost a lot of weight.
04:58And we're still hungry.
05:02This can't be a hallucination. There were fish hanging there.
05:07Oh, Popeye, what are you doing?
05:10Here, boys, I made you something so you won't starve.
05:14The sun is tiring me out. After a little nap, I'll be fit again.
05:25Oh, it's no use. I can't sleep.
05:29I can go to my nephews and Olivia.
05:32It's getting late, boys. We'd rather turn around.
05:36Oh, God, I don't know what to tell you, boys.
05:39We've made a mistake. Popeye!
05:42Help us, Popeye! Help us!
05:45Oh, my God, you've made a mistake!
05:48A mission, Popeye! I'm coming, Olivia! I'm coming, boys!
05:51Popeye will save you! Hopefully.
05:54It's time for emergency measures.
05:57Thank God, I have my can of spinach.
06:00Oh, my God, that's all I have.
06:04But that's not enough, damn it!
06:08Aha, the secret has been revealed.
06:11Come here, my bear, this is my spinach.
06:14Come here, dear bear, and give it to me.
06:16Give it to me.
06:19I beg you just once, dear bear.
06:22Give me the spinach.
06:25Of course, I won't just take the spinach away from you.
06:29I'm in charge today. Come on, let's trade.
06:42So see you later, my dear. Have a nice day.
06:53I'm coming, Olivia! I'm coming, boys! Popeye will save you!
06:58Look, boys, there's something coming!
07:01Oh, Popeye, thank God you're here!
07:04I'm sorry I was so mean to you, Popeye.
07:08We don't want to go home, Uncle Popeye.
07:11We have to go on your boat.
07:13We are who we are, and because we are...
07:17...Popeye the Sailor!
07:27Hey, kids, do you want a drink?
07:30That's a lot of fun!
07:33Come on!
07:36It's a shame that Mr. Nono thinks he has to drink alcohol to have fun.
07:41Nothing can make one as crazy as alcoholic stuff,
07:44says Popeye the Sailor.
08:33Do you really think they're coming, Papa?
08:36Italy is far away from America.
08:39Our nephew is going to get us in trouble, Mama.
08:47Aunt Pasta!
08:50Popeye, Olivia, nice to see you.
08:53We came as fast as we could.
08:56Your letter was about a treasure.
08:59Have you ever heard of Leonardo Gorgonzola?
09:02The great wild boar?
09:05His winged artichoke is world-famous.
09:08In his will, he gave us his masterpiece,
09:11the mask of Gorgonzola.
09:14A mask of pure gold with eyes of emerald.
09:17Where is this mask?
09:20That's the problem. Leonardo knew that his half-nephew,
09:23Vini Tortoni, would try to steal it, so he hid it.
09:26The only clue is this shopping list.
09:29Let's see.
09:32Shopping list number two.
09:35A pizza San Marco, medium-sized, and a whole cheese.
09:38The list sounds like a menu.
09:41We'll get it for you, Aunt Pasta.
09:44Vini Tortoni hired a big American treasure hunter
09:47to find the mask.
09:50Who could that be?
09:53My deceitful uncle wanted to steal
09:56nothing from me, nothing from you.
09:59But Vini Tortoni won't let him.
10:02I'll get this shopping list and the mask.
10:05I'll smell it.
10:14Let's see.
10:17Here is linguine number one.
10:20I'll cook this spaghetti in quick-dry cement.
10:23It will stay on.
10:26Oh, buddy, I'll pack your stuff.
10:29That's Pluto.
10:33I'll take this noodle-thief Plüvel.
10:36I'll get him.
10:39This spaghetti will get you dry.
10:44Oh, Popeye,
10:47this spaghetti will be hard as stone.
10:50They must be al dente.
10:53Popeye, he's running away.
10:56See you later, alligator.
11:03I'll get this Rambolini
11:06and make him into a Tortellini.
11:09That was a trick.
11:12Popeye won't stop me.
11:15He should take a dip.
11:24I want to get out of here.
11:27We saved our shopping list.
11:29Look, Popeye.
11:32Linguine 8412.
11:35It looks like a phone number.
11:38It's a Pizzeria Schiefertum.
11:41The next on the list is a Pizza San Marco.
11:44Our next stop must be the Pizzeria Schiefertum.
11:53This is a terrible service.
11:56Where is the waiter?
11:59Go get the list.
12:02Don't worry, he'll like my pizza cutter.
12:06Here's your waiter, Peperoni.
12:09We'd like a medium-sized Pizza San Marco.
12:12No, no, signore.
12:15First the music, then the food.
12:21Eat the list, monkey.
12:24Oh, this music gives me...
12:26Oh, they're pulling me off my chair.
12:29I've got it.
12:32I'll try again.
12:35I've been moved.
12:38That's enough, my dear.
12:41Stop it.
12:45That Paganini.
12:48He's lying there.
12:51Don't you think so, Olivia?
12:53Where's the list?
12:56Something must have gone wrong.
12:59Don't worry.
13:02We'll make you a pizza that will fill your hands.
13:05Then you can grab the list.
13:08A medium-sized Pizza San Marco with cheese.
13:11Extra cheese.
13:14That's the funniest pizza I've ever seen.
13:17Oh, he's got the list.
13:20What's that? I'm stuck.
13:23Let's see if I can get this thing off.
13:31I'm not stupid enough to hang around here.
13:34Attention! I'm going full throttle now, friends.
13:38Oh, I'm getting dizzy.
13:41Waiter! The list!
13:47Peppi, the pizza stays here.
13:50I just want to know where Bluto is.
13:54Now we've ordered a Pizza San Marco,
13:57but I still don't see any sign of him.
14:00Dad, look!
14:03There's a dial on the pizza crust.
14:06What does a clock with two o'clock
14:09have to do with a Pizza San Marco?
14:12That's it! The clock on the Piazza San Marco
14:15only strikes at nine o'clock and two o'clock.
14:18Let's go.
14:20Ice cold ice.
14:23Two strawberries, please.
14:26Coming right up, Pop.
14:29Hey, what's going on here?
14:32You two are bird food.
14:35Popeye, we're bird food.
14:38Oh, darn it. The birds are coming.
14:41I hope there won't be a lot of trouble.
14:46Hey, didn't you forget something?
14:48What is it, Uncle Popeye?
14:51Your helmet, elbow pads, and shoes.
14:54Oh, yes. Thank you.
14:57Safety is just a matter of common sense.
15:00Oh, my God.
15:03Never skateboard on the street, Peepeye.
15:06You don't want to get hurt,
15:09drive safely, says Popeye the Sailor.
15:19Hurry, Popeye!
15:22It's almost two o'clock.
15:25We have to be on the bell tower
15:28when it strikes two o'clock.
15:31When the bell strikes, I'll strike, too.
15:34They're moving.
15:37And so will I.
15:40I'm going to be nine o'clock.
15:43I'm going to be nine o'clock.
15:45I'm going to be nine o'clock.
15:51Oh, dear father,
15:54it looks like the boys have struck.
15:57We'd better go back.
16:05Oh, Popeye, my savior!
16:12Here, Pluto, catch!
16:16Three points for one strike.
16:20Have you got the list?
16:23No, I haven't.
16:26The figures aren't moving anymore, Popeye.
16:29It's already two o'clock.
16:32Yes, we've messed it all up.
16:35Look at this.
16:38Something's written here.
16:41My verses make you wise,
16:43but it's engraved in the hammer.
16:46A self-made printing press.
16:49Try a whistle.
16:52What does Dr. Gonzola mean by that?
16:55Take a gondola ride through Venice.
16:58Visit the canals and the whistle bridge.
17:01I think I've got it, Popeye.
17:04We have to try to find this bridge.
17:07We'll take a gondola ride.
17:10The whistle bridge has to be here somewhere.
17:13Come on!
17:16Hey, where are you going?
17:23Hey, where are you going?
17:32This was a palace of the rulers of Venice.
17:36It must be abandoned now.
17:39Look, Popeye, an underground room for storing cheese.
17:43It's unreachable.
17:46This is the last thing on Gonzola's shopping list.
17:49A whole bag of cheese.
17:52Take it as a last greeting.
17:55Thanks, buddy. We'll do it from here.
17:58Pull on the carpet, Winnie.
18:01Thanks for stopping by.
18:04Come on, Bluto, we're going to look for the cheese.
18:07We can't leave the treasure to him. I'll call for help.
18:10It's jammed. It must be torn.
18:13It's jammed. We're under water.
18:18Great, we only have a little bit of air left.
18:28This mask has to be here somewhere.
18:31Think of our agreement. I get half of everything.
18:36That's half of you.
18:39This cheese has to be down here.
18:42There are a few cheeses here, sailor.
18:51He got away from me.
19:00Popeye, this is the cheese we're looking for.
19:02Popeye, this is the cheese we're looking for.
19:07It seems to be an older model.
19:10The mask of Gorgonzola.
19:13Then his name was L.G., so Leonardo Gorgonzola.
19:16He wrote the initials on the cheese.
19:19But Bluto was in front of us.
19:24Here's the mask, Aunt Pasta.
19:27You two are wonderful. But what about Winnie the Pooh?
19:29I think you saw him last time.
19:32Great work, Bluto. Here's half of you.
19:37Yes, that's how it is with Gorgonzola.
19:44Where are Popeye and Pee-Pie?
19:47Today is the day of the move. They didn't have breakfast to start early.
19:50They don't seem to be in good shape.
19:52We'll help you.
19:53We'll help you.
19:59We tried, but something was missing.
20:02Of course, something is always missing without a good breakfast.
20:05Remember, your day only succeeds if you start with breakfast,
20:08says Popeye the Sailor.
20:23THE END
