My Husband Killed Me Then I Won The Megaball ( PART 1 )

  • 2 months ago
My Husband Killed Me Then I Won The Megaball ( PART 1 )
00:00Sign the paper, then get fucking lost.
00:03I have a spare room. You could stay with me.
00:06So if I win the Megaball after I sign this, you'll have to share it with him.
00:11Wait, what?
00:12The Megaball is...
00:16Oh my god! You just fucking won! You just won!
00:23You've abused me for five years without any consequences, Warren.
00:26That ends today.
00:29Fucking her is like fucking a dead fish.
00:32You'll be born soon enough.
00:36I'm going to find you and make you fucking pay.
00:41Get the hell away from me!
00:43I want a divorce.
00:46Are you out of your mind? I mean, you have no job experience. You have nothing.
00:51I'm gonna start a new life, Ethan.
00:53And I'm going to make you pay for killing me.
00:58You'd pay everything.
01:01You should have signed the divorce papers when you had the chance.
01:05Now look at what you made me do.
01:07That's right. You only have yourself to blame, you stupid bitch.
01:12Welcome to the Megaball.
01:14Now at a whopping 2.2 billion dollars, the biggest in history.
01:20The first winning number is... two.
01:36It's... it's a week before my death.
01:40Did... did I travel back in time?
01:45Well, you know what? This is actually perfect.
01:49I was going to ask for a divorce, but you beat me to it.
01:53Great. So we're on the same page.
01:55Yeah. I want to tell you something else, too.
01:58I found somebody new.
02:01Let me guess. It's Jessica.
02:04And she's pregnant with your baby.
02:13Jessica is pregnant!
02:16You've been married to my son for five years,
02:19and you can't even fucking get pregnant.
02:22You are useless.
02:24Ethan, I want a divorce.
02:27Sign the papers. Get lost.
02:29It's not going to happen.
02:33I will not have a grandbaby out of wedlock.
02:37Now sign the fucking papers and get the hell out of my family.
02:41I'm sorry, Adoria. Looks like you're just not good enough.
02:45Divorce... over my dead body.
02:54Right on time. Exactly like before.
02:57Speak of the devil.
02:59Your mother should be walking in with Jessica any second now.
03:02How would you know that?
03:06That ballet guy had no clue.
03:09Adoria, get up and go make us some tea.
03:12Can't you see we have a guest?
03:14Make tea? For Ethan's secretary?
03:17You must be out of your mind.
03:20How dare you speak to me that way?
03:23It's okay, Mrs. Wilson.
03:25You don't need to get angry over someone like her.
03:28I don't know how you found out, Adoria,
03:31but I'm actually glad you did.
03:33It saved me from a whole bunch of useless tears and nagging.
03:36Let's just get it over with, okay?
03:38Sign the paper and then get fucking lost.
03:41I'll sign it
03:43after my lawyer takes a look at it.
03:48I'm not paying for your fucking lawyer.
03:51Baby, she's probably just stalling for time
03:54because she knows she'll be on the street once you divorce her.
03:57Not only do I have a lawyer,
04:00he happens to be one of the best in the country.
04:04You actually might have heard of him.
04:06Elijah Snyder.
04:09No wonder Eason can't stand you.
04:12You're full of shit.
04:30I'm Elijah Snyder.
04:34Adoria's lawyer.
04:39Adoria, this form is very straightforward.
04:42You can sign it.
04:44So once we get divorced,
04:46our finances are going to be separate, correct?
04:49Why are you asking about money?
04:51I'm not going to pay any alimony if that's what she's getting at.
04:54So if I win the Mega Ball after I sign this,
04:57do I have to share it with him?
04:59Okay, now I see why you're willing to sign the divorce papers.
05:02You've gone bonkers.
05:04Adoria, stop fantasizing about the Mega Ball.
05:07Okay, look, I have a check here.
05:09$10,000, okay?
05:12Why don't you take this,
05:14go find yourself a nice motel room somewhere,
05:17and get settled, okay?
05:18I can't have you on the streets.
05:20A homeless ex-wife is a bad luck for me.
05:22No, if you win the Mega Ball after you sign this agreement,
05:25it's all yours.
05:26I can help you get more compensation.
05:28$10,000 won't hold up in court.
05:30It's fine. Let's just get this over with.
05:38You're not going to pack your shit?
05:41I'll be generous and give you a few hours.
05:43You clearly like secondhand things.
05:48Keep it. It's all yours.
05:54Mr. Snyder, thank you for showing up on such short notice.
05:58Oh, please, just call me Elijah.
06:00And no worries, any friend of Emma's is a friend of mine.
06:03Do you need help with anything else?
06:05Actually, yes.
06:08Do you have any cash?
06:10Can I borrow $10?
06:13Of course, but just $10?
06:30You are really confident about this Mega Ball, huh?
06:33Of course. After divorcing that two-timing asshole,
06:36I'm bound for some good luck, right?
06:39And congrats, Mr. Snyder.
06:41You have now invested in the largest Mega Ball winning ever.
06:45$2.2 billion.
06:52All right, I have filed your last name change with the state.
06:56And you're all good to go, Miss Cummins.
07:04And are you sure you still want to donate the $10,000 check to charity?
07:07Yes. Donate it to the Children's Cancer Fund, please.
07:13I know this is none of my business, but you don't have a job right now.
07:19But I have the Mega Ball, don't I?
07:21I admire your optimism, but realistically speaking...
07:25I'll be fine.
07:26Anyways, I should get going.
07:28I'm going to crash with Emma for a few days until I find my own place.
07:32Oh, she's calling right now.
07:35Hey, Emma. I'm with Elijah. What's up?
07:38Adoria, I'm so sorry.
07:41My boss is batshit crazy and is forcing me to stay in Vegas for a few more days
07:45until the project is complete. I won't make it back today.
07:48That's okay. I'll just find a hotel.
07:51I have a spare room. You could stay with me.
07:56Wait. You've known this whole time Eason was the one with the problem?
08:01Yeah. He has azoospermia.
08:04It's a condition where your sperm count is zero.
08:07I wanted to save him face, so I always said it was my problem.
08:11Then why didn't you tell him when you signed the divorce agreement?
08:14Where's the fun if I tell him now?
08:16A scumbag and a homewrecker, they deserve each other.
08:22You are so right.
08:25You should wait until he raises the kid as his own.
08:28That'll show him. Wait.
08:30What are you wearing? Is that Elijah's shirt?
08:34Oh, this? Yeah, he gave these to me because I didn't pack any clothes.
08:39You know, Elijah is Forbes 30 under 30.
08:44Not only is he top lawyer, he's rich as fuck, but also single.
08:50And? You're single. He's single.
08:54You two are living together. Can I be any more obvious?
08:58Emma, control yourself.
09:01I really don't want to jump into a new relationship right now.
09:08Not until I get my revenge first on the man who killed me.
09:21Oh, hey, you're up.
09:27Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.
09:32You got a little something there.
09:39Here, let me get it for you.
09:42Oh, thank you.
09:48Here, let me get it for you.
09:55Anyway, I got you some clothes and essential items for tonight.
10:01So we're going out to dinner.
10:03Oh, my gosh, Elijah, you've already done so much for me.
10:06We just met. I promise you I will pay you back.
10:11Just met?
10:14She really doesn't remember me at all.
10:17Lunch was amazing. I haven't had a good meal like that in a long time. Thank you.
10:23Really? Eason's pretty wealthy. Figured he'd take you.
10:28Sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up.
10:30That's OK. I know what you're probably thinking. I'm a housewife. My ex-husband's rich.
10:35I was probably living the life.
10:38That was not the case.
10:44The truth is, I married Eason out of college and I gave up my career for him.
10:50I cooked and I cleaned. I took care of everything, even for his mother.
10:57I thought we were equal. He made the money. I took care of the family.
11:02I couldn't be more wrong. He didn't appreciate my efforts.
11:07Him and his mother took everything for granted.
11:13I'm sorry. I didn't know.
11:19It's OK. It's all in the past now. The present and the future is the only thing that matters.
11:35No wonder you wanted a divorce. You whored yourself out to your own lawyer.
11:40Mr. Wilson, watch your words. I could sue you for slander.
11:43Then sue me. I'm not scared of you.
11:46Don't worry, baby. If our big-shot lawyer wants your sloppy seconds, then let him.
11:50Sloppy seconds? Isn't that your favorite, Jessica?
11:54You bitch.
11:55Come on, Elijah. Let's not waste our breath on these two.
12:00You know, don't worry, Mr. Snyder. Fucking her is like fucking a dead fish.
12:06You'll be bored soon enough.
12:08What did you just fucking say?
12:10You just fucking heard me.
12:12Elijah! No!
12:15No! No! Elijah! No! No! Stop!
12:20If you ever disrespect the Dory again, I'll fucking destroy you.
12:24Got it?
12:25Oh, I got it.
12:32Oh, I got it.
12:36Ow, that hurts.
12:39Now you know it hurts? You should have thought of that before you punched Eason in the face.
12:45Are you upset that I punched him?
12:48Of course I'm upset. What if that scumbag hurt you? Or worse, what if he sued you?
12:55Don't worry, I'm a pretty good lawyer.
12:57I didn't know that lawyers use their fists.
13:02Depends on for who.
13:07There, all better. Don't touch water for a few days.
13:16Thank you.
13:23Thank you, Elijah. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for everything.
13:31Hey. Thanks. You're up early today.
13:35Wanted to catch you before you left. By the way, today's the day.
13:40What day?
13:41The Megaball opens tonight.
13:53What would you do different if you won a billion dollars?
13:58Nothing. I wouldn't change a thing.
14:01Oh, come on. That is such a lame answer.
14:05What about buy a yacht and retire on a tropical island?
14:10No, I'm not interested in that.
14:14I have everything I want right in front of me.
14:18Welcome to the Megaball.
14:19The show's about to start.
14:23Welcome to the Megaball.
14:25Now at a whopping 2.2 billion dollars, the biggest in history.
14:29The first winning number is...
14:35The next would be...
14:45Wait, what?
14:55Holy shit. Okay, so you have those five lined up. All you need is the...
14:58The Megaball is...
15:05Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my...
15:08Doria! You just won! You fucking won! You just won!
15:12No, Elijah.
15:15We won.
15:23We have a winner.
15:25One ticket.
15:26Eason, are you seeing this?
15:27Showed in California.
15:29That looks like a Doria.
15:302.2 billion.
15:32Just one winning ticket.
15:34It's the world's largest prize ever.
15:362.2 billion dollars.
15:42I know you won the Megaball, Doria.
15:45And I want half of it.
15:47I'll come by tomorrow.
15:49Let's discuss it then.
15:52The fish has taken the bait.
15:55The Megaball was won after the divorce, so you won't get a penny.
15:58She bought the ticket with the money that I gave her.
16:00Actually, she borrowed ten dollars from me to purchase the ticket.
16:05That ten thousand dollars?
16:07I donated it to the Children's Cancer Fund.
16:10They said thank you.
16:15You fucking bitch!
16:17Mr. Wilson!
16:18Sit down.
16:20No need to get worked up over a barren woman.
16:22Who cares if she won a billion dollars?
16:24It doesn't change the fact that she can't produce a child.
16:28First of all, Lauren, a woman's worth isn't determined by her ability to have kids.
16:34It's a shame you really still think that.
16:37It just goes to show how uneducated and backwards you are.
16:41Second of all, are you really pregnant with Eason's baby?
16:45How dare you?
16:47Of course I'm pregnant with Eason's baby.
16:49Stop hating just because you can't get pregnant.
16:51What are you trying to say, Adoria?
16:53Take a look for yourself.
16:56Let me spell it out for you, Eason.
16:58You're the one with the problems, not me.
17:01So really, whose baby is Jessica carrying?
17:10So really, whose baby is Jessica carrying?
17:14Oh my God.
17:16What the fuck are you trying to say, Adoria?
17:19I don't believe this bullshit, okay?
17:21You're trying to scheme to get in between us.
17:23It's not going to work.
17:25That's right, Eason. Don't listen to a word she says.
17:27She's just jealous that I can get pregnant and she can't.
17:31Why don't we take a paternity test then?
17:34With the technology these days, all we really need is a little blood draw from Jessica.
17:47I mean...
17:49What if it hurts the baby?
17:52Sounds to me like you're scared of the paternity test, Jessica.
17:56Why can't we do the paternity test, Jessica?
17:58Don't listen to her.
18:00Adoria, we should go.
18:02We still have some lottery paperwork to get through.
18:04Goodbye, Eason.
18:05I really hope that the truth doesn't hurt you too much.
18:09Okay, listen to me.
18:12What are you doing?
18:14I can't explain.
18:15You can't fucking explain that.
18:18Today was probably the most satisfying thing I've seen in a long time.
18:23Revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge.
18:27I'm not done yet.
18:30Whoa, maybe ease up on the wine there.
18:33What? I'm happy.
18:35You have no idea how happy I am.
18:38It's my second chance to live.
18:40I am reborn.
18:41Well, you are a billionaire now. That's a whole new life.
18:44You are too.
18:47About that.
18:49I can't take half the lottery, Adoria.
18:52It's all yours.
18:54No. You can, and you will.
18:58You were the first person to help me.
19:00You didn't charge me for any legal fees.
19:03You gave me a place to stay.
19:05You gave me cash for the lottery ticket.
19:09I've been meaning to ask.
19:12It seems like you knew the lottery numbers by heart.
19:17What, are you psychic or something?
19:20Elijah, I have to tell you a secret.
19:24What's the secret, Adoria?
19:28The secret is...
19:44You have no idea how long I've waited to be in her life again.
19:51I got a second chance.
19:54I'm not gonna waste it.
20:06Bitch, wake up!
20:08Oh my god!
20:09Bitch, wake up!
20:11I'm sorry, I couldn't keep her out.
20:13Emma, you're back!
20:15Yeah, of course I'm back! You won a billion fucking dollars!
20:19I rushed here as soon as I got off my flight.
20:21Bitch, take me shopping!
20:23Okay, okay, okay.
20:25Where are we going?
20:26Oh my god, let's go to Melrose.
20:28Let's go to the YSL store.
20:30Can we please get a mimosa first?
20:33Can we please get a mimosa first?
20:35Of course!
20:36My head is going to crack out my dome.
20:40Oh my god, let's go!
20:42Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go.
20:44It's like five minutes.
20:45No! We gotta go!
20:47But it's five minutes!
21:04On. On.
21:09Holy shit! This bag is 60k!
21:13You're really gonna buy it for me?
21:14Of course! This bag is so cute.
21:18It's an excellent choice. It's limited edition.
21:21It's the only one we have like it in the entire store.
21:24Here's my card. Call me if you need anything, anytime.
21:27Oh, please. A country bumpkin like you does not deserve a bag like this.
21:34Miss Wilson, you're here.
21:36That bag is 60k, Lauren.
21:38Are you sure that you can afford it?
21:40What are you insinuating?
21:42Of course I'll take it.
21:44Come on, Emma.
21:46I will buy you something even nicer.
21:50Please, sit.
21:53Can you put it on two cards?
22:03Today has been the best day ever!
22:07Other than that little incident with your ex-mother-in-law.
22:10Everything's perfect!
22:13Didn't you hear Lauren say put the bag on two credit cards?
22:17Yeah, so?
22:19Well, Eason isn't a billionaire, but he's still very wealthy.
22:24That means they're having financial trouble.
22:27Oh, you're right.
22:30Hey, Doria. I got you your favorite for dinner. Dim sum.
22:35Oh, Emma. You're still here.
22:38Did you want to stay for dinner?
22:42Nope. Not hungry. I'm out of here.
22:50Hey, Elijah.
22:54Can you help me with something?