My Husband Killed Me Then I Won The Megaball ( PART 2 FINALE )

  • 2 months ago
My Husband Killed Me Then I Won The Megaball ( PART 2 FINALE )
00:00You're right, Eason's having financial trouble. He's applying for a bank loan, but it still
00:17needs to be evaluated. What are the chances he gets approved, do you think? It's possible.
00:23He borrowed against his villa, which is around eight million. Then I'll make sure it doesn't
00:27get approved. Doria, there's something different about you. You're not like before. People
00:36change. Especially after divorce. Wait, what do you mean like before? Wait, what do you
00:50mean like before? Uh, Doria, no, it's nothing. Anyways, thank you for helping me with that.
00:57Oh, and I'm looking to buy a house. I can move out soon. I like having you around. You
01:03don't have to move out. Of course I have to move out. What if you get a girlfriend? I
01:08don't want to call a cop on you. I'm not going to get a girlfriend. Oh my God, a boyfriend
01:15then? I already have someone I like, and it's not going to interfere with you living with
01:22me. Really? But... Doria, don't worry about it. You bitch, how dare you call me? I lost
01:43my baby because of you. You destroyed my life. You should have thought of that before you
01:48decided to be a homewrecker and sleep with your boss. You must be very happy to see me
01:54like this. I have nothing now. No job, no boyfriend, and no baby. I'll tell you what,
02:00Jessica. I will give you a large amount of money for you to go and start a new life somewhere
02:06You help me take down Ethan Wilson. Deal. Do you know of any good reporters?
02:21Help me end him faster. God, I'm so glad I'm on your side. What do you mean I can't return this
02:30bag? I just bought it two days ago. Miss Wilson, you know we don't do returns. I'd be happy to
02:38exchange it for you. I don't want an exchange. I want to return this. Oh, Miss Cummins, you're
02:43here. Here to return the bag? Ethan's company is going broke, isn't it? That's okay, Lauren. I
02:54could buy the bag from you. How dare you? How dare I? Let's be real here, Lauren. What do you think
03:01would happen if I told the press about his affair with Jessica? Do you think any bank would give him
03:06a loan then? You fucking cunt. Help! Assault! Miss Wilson, are you okay? Call the cops. It was
03:24her. She did this to me. She pushed me and then hit me. Arrest her. Arrest that bitch. When I came
03:32in... Miss Cummins, do you have anything to say? Wouldn't it be easier if you check the surveillance
03:40footage first?
03:54Miss Wilson, you said Miss Cummins assaulted you. Are you lying to a police officer? Should I call my
04:07lawyer if I want to press charges? Press charges? You? You've abused me for five years without any
04:14consequences, Lauren. That ends today. Welcome to reality. Would you excuse me, please? Hey, look,
04:42the show's on. Wilson Group, one of the city's top employers, has recently been hit with financial
04:50meltdown. According to credible sources, the company's CEO, Eason Wilson, is accused of marital
04:56infidelity and domestic abuse. Lauren Wilson, mother of Mr. Wilson, is currently in jail for
05:01assault. Her bail is set at $20,000. Will this be the fall of the Wilson family? Stay tuned. We'll be
05:07back right after the commercial break. This is amazing. Let's go out and celebrate tonight. I'll
05:13call Emma. Yeah, sounds good. I'm up for anything. Let's pick the most expensive restaurant in the
05:18city. My treat. I have to meet with a client today, but text me the address. I'll be there
05:24tonight. Okay, I will see you later then. Hello, ladies. Good evening. Can I see your membership
05:38card, please? You guys require a membership? Yes, this is a private lounge. We don't take walk-ins.
05:45Whoa, I heard this place is expensive, but I didn't know they required a membership as well.
05:49I'm sorry, ladies. I can't let you in if you're not a member. Fine, how do I become a member? The
05:55annual fee is $50,000. That's insane. Okay, get me a membership, please. I'm sorry, you have to
06:03apply online. We have a strict vetting process. I know there's some affordable restaurants across
06:08the street. May I suggest you two try elsewhere? They're with me. Sorry I'm late, ladies.
06:16Traffic was horrible. Mr. Snyder, welcome in. This way.
06:24God, you came just on time. That was so embarrassing. That manager guy was professionally
06:30condescending. I'm more curious about you, Elijah. Why do you have a membership here? I meet with
06:35high-profile clients. This place is very strict with who they let in. It's become my go-to spa.
06:42This place is nice. I like it. You do?
06:47Yeah, it's good business. Clearly, they're making money.
06:52Anyways, let's drink, guys. We have lots to celebrate. To Adoria! To Adoria.
07:05Oh my god, he's an actor. I just shot a movie. He's brilliant.
07:18Oh, hey, Adoria. Hey, Elijah. Heading to work?
07:22Um, uh, yeah, uh, yeah. Just, uh, wanted to give you something before I head out.
07:30Cool. I'm going house hunting today. Probably won't be back until late.
07:34Oh, yeah. Take your time. Don't feel rushed or anything.
07:37I mean, I've bothered you for long enough.
07:41Right. Um, anyway, I wanted to give you this.
07:47You said you liked the lounge, so I spoke with the owner and bought it for you.
07:51You bought it for me? I can't accept this.
07:56Sharing the lottery with me is your call. How I spend the money is my call.
08:01I bought the lounge and put it under your name. That's just how it's gonna be.
08:12I, um, I'm gonna be late. I'll see you later.
08:21Elijah Snyder is clearly in love with you. You think so?
08:28I know so. What man is gonna buy you a 50 million dollar lounge if he isn't in love with you?
08:34Gosh, that means I have to move out ASAP.
08:37Elijah's a catch. You should give it a try. And by it, I mean his dick.
08:43Have you seen his hand? It looks so huge.
08:46First of all, you're nasty. Second of all, I'm just not ready to jump in a relationship with him.
08:53You don't need to jump into a relationship with him.
08:55I'm just saying, you should be open to the idea. Give it a shot, you know?
09:00I'll think about it. Make sure you do.
09:03Anyways, let's get you a new dress tonight.
09:07The high school reunion party. I told you about it.
09:10You finally got rid of Eason. Now let's go have some fun.
09:16You should dress like this more often. You are one sexy mama.
09:23Oh my god, I don't even know what to say.
09:26You're so gorgeous, you just never present yourself.
09:29Where are we even going tonight? Are you sure this is okay?
09:33You are not going to believe this. Do you remember Andrew Zimmerman?
09:37Andrew Zimmerman? Oh wait, is he the guy that asked me out to prom like three times?
09:43That guy can't take no for an answer.
09:46I avoid him like the plague.
09:47Well, he's dating Lydia Thompson now and apparently he's pretty wealthy.
09:52You remember that private lounge Elijah just bought you?
09:55That's where we're going tonight.
09:58We're going to my lounge?
10:01That should be interesting.
10:04Miss Cummins, Miss Taylor. Miss Cummins, I just got official notice that you will be the new owner of the lounge.
10:11I, uh, I hope my behavior before didn't upset you.
10:16That's okay. You were just doing your job. We're here for the student reunion.
10:20Right, Mr. Zimmerman's room. Please follow me.
10:26I heard Adoria is coming tonight. Didn't she just get a divorce?
10:31Yeah, her husband cheated on her and divorced her ass.
10:34Eason Wilson, I think his name is.
10:37His company also went down, so she's probably broke as fuck.
10:41Looks like little Miss Perfect got a wake-up call.
10:43I wouldn't come if I were her.
10:45How embarrassing. Not to mention she's been a housewife for the past five years.
10:51The only place that'll hire her is McDonald's.
10:56Right, in front of my house.
11:00Right, in your baby?
11:01Yeah, she always thought she was so much better than everyone else. Look at her now.
11:15Hey, guys.
11:20Andrew, I saw this place online.
11:22I need a membership to get in, and it's super expensive.
11:26Don't have to worry about it. Wear whatever you'd like. My treat.
11:30Adoria, you've probably never been to such a high-end place like this.
11:35Do you need me to explain the menu to you?
11:39It's okay. I'll have them order.
11:43Adoria, I heard about the divorce.
11:46You should have snatched me when you had the chance. I'm with Lydia now.
11:51I ordered a bottle of Opus One for the table.
11:56Oh my gosh, I love Opus One. It's my favorite.
12:00Baby, pour one for Adoria. She's probably never had it.
12:08I hope you can taste the difference.
12:10It's probably pretty different from what you're used to having.
12:15You're right. I usually don't drink California wine.
12:19Why don't we order a bottle of 1990 Romano Conti instead?
12:23That's $20,000 fucking dollars per bottle.
12:32Seriously, Adoria? You want my boyfriend to buy you a $20,000 wine?
12:39Buy it yourself.
12:41Of course not. It's my treat.
12:44Isn't your ex-husband broke?
12:47You're going to blow $20,000 on a bottle of wine.
12:55Hello? It's Adoria.
12:57Could you please bring us a bottle of Romano Conti and 1990?
13:03Who are you even calling?
13:06General Manager.
13:08The General Manager?
13:10Doesn't this place have like a 50k membership fee?
13:12How could you possibly know the manager?
13:15Because she's pulling shit out of her ass.
13:20Ms. Cummins, here's your bottle of Romano Conti.
13:22If you're drinking tonight, should I prep a limo to wait for you?
13:26Wait, you actually know her?
13:32What do you mean, Mr. Zimmerman? Ms. Cummins owns this place.
13:42Adoria, you own this place?
13:46Why didn't you tell us earlier?
13:47Did you find yourself a sugar daddy?
13:49Excuse me? A sugar daddy?
13:52Yeah. How else would you be able to afford all of this?
13:57If it makes you sleep easier at night, sure. My sugar daddy got it for me.
14:04You still think you are so much better than us, don't you?
14:10It doesn't change the fact that you are a stay-at-home housewife for five years.
14:15And then got dumped by your own husband.
14:19Who says she was dumped?
14:23Adoria was the one who filed for divorce.
14:30Uh, Mr. Sunderer...
14:32You should get your facts checked before you start spewing nonsense.
14:37Mr. Zimmerman didn't think I would see you here.
14:41Who the hell are you?
14:43Shut it. He's our CEO's lawyer. They've been best friends since college.
14:47Mr. Zimmerman, the behavior I witnessed tonight is not a good look for you.
14:52I hear you're on track for a promotion to, what was it, VP?
14:56Maybe that deserves some reconsideration.
14:59Mr. Snyder, I can explain.
15:02Lydia, apologize to Adoria immediately.
15:05Why the hell should I apologize to her?
15:08That's okay. I don't need her apology.
15:11I just think it's funny even after all these years, you bunch have changed a bit.
15:18It's good to see you all.
15:20Come on, let's go.
15:31I'll go get the car.
15:36See? I told you he was into you.
15:41You don't need to worry about me. I'll call an Uber.
15:53How did you know I was here today?
15:55Emma texted me.
15:58Oh. Well, thank you for standing up for me. You really didn't have to do that.
16:04Adoria, I don't have to do many things. Why do you think I did them anyway?
16:11How long do you plan to avoid the subject?
16:17You must know how I feel about you.
16:19Elijah, you could find someone who...
18:10Good morning.
18:26Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?
18:31Adoria, do you really not remember me?
18:40Let me show you something.
18:46This is... Oh my god, I know this bracelet. I gave it to... Eli?
18:55But your last name is Snyder.
18:57Remember how I would always come to your house when my dad got violent?
19:03Well, my mom finally left him and married a great man.
19:06My stepfather. So I took his last name.
19:08Oh my god.
19:12Where were you all of these years?
19:15It's a long story.
19:16Well, why didn't you tell me sooner? I mean, you look so different. You were so chubby as a kid.
19:22Well, I wanted to see if you'd recognize me. I'm kind of sad you didn't, Adoria.
19:26I'm sorry. But hey, can you blame me? You're like a different person now.
19:32Okay, your turn.
19:33My turn what?
19:35Last time we were drinking, you said you wanted to tell me a secret.
19:38What is it?
19:45I want a divorce.
19:46You've been married to my son for five years and you can't even fucking get pregnant.
19:52Over my dead body.
19:56You should sign the divorce paper.
20:00Then I woke up and realized I went back in time.
20:04Do you think it was all a dream?
20:06No, it was too real to be a dream.
20:10Everything also happened exactly like before.
20:13That's also how I know the lottery numbers.
20:18Do you think I'm crazy?
20:19No, no, not at all. I'm just scared.
20:24It means in an alternate reality, I lost you forever.
20:31Come here.
20:33Why is that? What are you doing?
20:35Adoria, after I moved, my parents sent me to boarding school.
20:40And after that, I tried calling you, but I realized your number changed.
20:44Oh yeah, that's right.
20:46Yeah, and I went to law school and met Emma,
20:50realized you two were friends on her Facebook page, but your last name had changed too.
20:57And you realized I was already married.
21:01I hated myself every day after that.
21:04I kept thinking to myself, what if I had told you my feelings sooner?
21:09Why am I such a coward?
21:13But don't worry now.
21:17I got a second chance.
21:19I don't ever want to let you go.
21:33Ah, there you call me, you fucking bitch.
21:43I'm going to find you and kill you for ruining my fucking life.
21:47Oh, Eason, that's exactly why I'm calling.
21:51You calling just to fuck with me?
21:52I don't have time for that.
21:54I don't mean to gloat, but I found someone so much better than you.
21:59Oh, and don't bother looking for me.
22:01I left the country.
22:03I'm currently sitting on a nice little island living my best life.
22:07But I wanted to let you know something, just so we're clear.
22:12I didn't set you up, Eason.
22:13Adoria did.
22:15What did you just say?
22:17She gave me the money to retire on an island.
22:19In exchange, I talked to the press.
22:21I don't want you to hate the wrong person.
22:23Adoria planned this whole thing, not me.
22:30Adoria, I'm going to find you.
22:33And make you fucking pay.
22:40What about this one?
22:42Def not that one.
22:43I like the red one.
22:45Are you sure?
22:46This one is just so short.
22:48That's the whole point.
22:49You want to make Elijah's dick hard and ready.
22:52Jesus, Emma, you're disgusting.
22:55You know I'm right.
22:57So, how was it?
23:00How was what?
23:01The sex, duh.
23:03Was he big?
23:04How long did he last?
23:05I refuse to talk to you about this.
23:07I am meeting Elijah at his office.
23:10And then we're going on a date.
23:13I'm so happy for you.
23:15You deserve a good man like Elijah.
23:17I hope you two get married and fall in love with many babies.
23:21Come on, let's get you ready.
24:03Oh, your little boyfriend is calling, huh?
24:18Mr. Schneider.
24:21Where's Adoria?
24:22Oh, she's right here.
24:23Hi, baby, smile.
24:28What do you want?
24:29No, no, you don't get to talk.
24:30This is my time to ask questions, okay?
24:33Here's what I want.
24:35I want you to wire 500 million dollars to my offshore bank account.
24:40And then I'll leave the country and we'll pretend like...
24:42Shh, Adoria, please.
24:44I'm talking.
24:46I'll leave the country and we'll pretend like none of this ever fucking happened, okay?
24:49Ah, and if for some reason the money does not appear in my account tomorrow by 11 a.m...
25:01I will fucking kill her.
25:04Hey, um, if I give you someone's phone number, can you track it down for me?
25:23Well, it depends.
25:24Is it an iPhone?
25:26Is the phone on?
25:27Yeah, yeah, to both questions.
25:30It was on just like a minute ago.
25:33Send it my way, baby.
25:35I owe you a big one.
25:47You bastard!
25:53Is that the best that you could do?
25:55You hit like a girl!
25:58Wow, this Adoria is different.
26:00I like her.
26:00Where was she when we were married, huh?
26:02Maybe we would have lasted longer if you'd been like this.
26:05Marrying you was the biggest mistake of my life.
26:08You're not a man, Ethan.
26:10You disgust me!
26:11I'm not a man.
26:13Let me remind you how much of a fucking man I am.
26:16What are you doing, Ethan?
26:18Get the hell away from me!
26:19Let me remind you how much of a fucking man I am.
26:22What are you doing, Ethan?
26:24Get the hell away from me!
26:26Stay the fuck away from me!
26:28You fucking bitch!
26:30Oh, you bastard.
26:32You're gonna pay for that.
26:44Adoria, are you okay?
26:47I'm fine.
26:48I'm okay.
26:55How did you find me?
26:56I had someone track your phone.
26:58Come on, let's get you out of here.
27:00What about him?
27:02I already called the police.
27:02They're on their way.
27:07Don't take another step or I'll fucking shoot.
27:14Ethan, put down the gun.
27:15You've got nowhere to run.
27:16The police are already on their way.
27:18If I'm going down, I'm taking you two with me.
27:23Don't do this, Ethan.
27:26You should have thought about that before you ruined my life.
27:28I have nothing.
27:29You took everything.
27:30My career, my reputation.
27:32You were the one who killed me first.
27:35You killed me.
27:36And then I woke up and I traveled back in time to before I died.
27:40That is how I know everything.
27:42Are you fucking insane, Adoria?
27:45That is how I know about the lottery ticket.
27:47That is how I know that you were cheating on me with Jessica.
27:50And you want to know what else I know?
27:54Put down the gun, Ethan.
27:57I know something that will help you get back up.
28:09I know a secret.
28:14Okay, well then spit it out.
28:18I know that.
28:26No, no, no, no, not this again.
28:36No, no, no, no, not this again.
28:40Hey, hey, hey, hey.
28:42No, no, get away.
28:44Are you okay?
28:44What is wrong, Adoria?
28:47Hey, look at me, Adoria.
28:52You are stuck with me forever.
28:57Adoria, hey.
29:02Elijah, thank God it was just a dream.
29:05Oh my God, are you okay?
29:07What happened?
29:08Ethan's gun grazed me, but I managed to knock him out until the police arrived.
29:12You fainted right after that.
29:13I had the worst dream ever.
29:15I dreamt that I went back in time.
29:18I thought that I died again.
29:19It's over, Adoria.
29:22Ethan's in jail and he will be for a very long time.
29:25No one is ever going to hurt you again.
29:30But Ethan knows my secret.
29:33Do you think he'll tell the authorities?
29:34Who's going to believe a kidnapper?
29:37Don't worry, Adoria.
29:40We won.
29:45We won.
29:49Hey, remember when we were kids and I would always show you that magic trick?
29:55Oh yeah, the magic coin trick?
29:57You were so bad at it.
29:59Five times out of ten, the coin would fall out.
30:02Okay, well, do you want to see it again?
30:05I swear I got better at it.
30:09Show me what you got, Mr. Wannabe Magician.
30:12Ouch, okay.
30:13See, there's nothing in my hands.
30:26Adoria, I lost you once in this lifetime.
30:39I don't want to lose you again.
30:41Will you please-
30:41Yes, yes, yes!
30:43I didn't even ask you anything yet.
30:44You asked me at least a hundred times when we were kids.
30:47My answer has always been the same.
30:55Oh, you are so good.
31:10Really? I haven't drawn anything in so long.
31:15Probably not since college.
31:17So, what's your next step, Ms. Billionaire?
31:22I think I want to pick up jewelry making again.
31:25Of all my dreams, you know?
31:27I've always wanted to do this.
31:29You're not going to be a housewife this time.
31:31I love Elijah to death, but I don't think I ever want to give my career for a man again.
31:37Elijah's great, and he supports me fully on this.
31:41I agree, because being a housewife only invites opportunities for skanks like Jessica.
31:47By the way, what happened to her?
31:50I gave her a million dollars for her to start a life somewhere else,
31:54in exchange for her to talk to the press.
31:57So she's just out there living her life after being a homewrecker?
32:02Do you believe in karma?
32:09Because I do.
32:17Baby, baby, baby, baby, Jessica.
32:19Jessica, this is my family heirloom.
32:25It's worth 20 million dollars, and I want you to have it.
32:32Come here.
32:32Yeah, nice.
32:37Oh my gosh, baby!
32:39I love it!
32:43So look, the thing is, is that I gotta fly out tomorrow for an emergency meeting with
32:47my family in Israel.
32:50Like I told you before, we've got some dangerous enemies.
32:53When will you be back?
32:55Will you be okay?
32:56Maybe a week, maybe a month.
32:58It really just depends on how serious the situation is.
33:02Can I come with you?
33:04No, no, no, no.
33:05It's too dangerous.
33:07Look, this is my bodyguard, Peter.
33:11He was attacked last night.
33:13He's still in the ICU.
33:14The diamond industry is cutthroat.
33:18I can't risk you getting hurt.
33:22Look, the thing is, is that my card has been frozen.
33:28So if you could just help me get through this, and once I fix the issue, I'll pay you back.
33:40Of course!
33:42Okay, good girl.
33:45But promise me, you'll be back soon.
33:49Baby, baby, baby, you got me.
33:51I'm not going anywhere.
33:55Fuck, Simon, pick up!
34:04Miss Brown, your payment is late for two days.
34:07We have to end your stay with us.
34:10I'll have the money today!
34:12Miss Brown, then please pay the bill by 2 p.m.
34:24Miss Brown, Miss Brown.
34:31Is this your boyfriend?
34:32Yes, that's Simon.
34:36I'm sorry.
34:37What is that famous Tinder comment, Simon Laverre?
34:40He counts the amount of money, usually with the same story.
34:44Did he tell his life's in grave danger from his diamond empire?
34:48Yes, oh my god, he gave me this diamond necklace.
34:57The same.
34:58What's the same?
34:59Unfortunately, Miss Brown, you're a third one this year.
35:12No, no, he would not do this, no!
35:26Sweetheart, come listen to the news.
35:29They're announcing Eason's sentencing today.
35:33Eason Wilson, former CEO of the Wilson Group, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison
35:38for financial fraud, tax evasion, kidnapping, and aggravated assault.
35:42This marks an official end of the once thriving company, the Wilson Group.
35:48Good always triumphs over evil.
35:50And love always conquers all.
36:00I think my water just broke.
36:03Um, okay, okay, oh god, okay.
36:06We get the keys.
36:07We gotta get the keys.
36:09You packed your bag, right?
36:10Yes, yes, go get it, it's in the kitchen.
36:29I'm surprised that we still managed to circle the sun.
36:33We should all be dead and buried with the damage we've done.
36:37Only watch it for the weather, and at least let's hope for a sun.
36:44Don't tell me this goes on forever, the weather ain't for everyone.
