• last year
Today's reading shows two messages that I have recorded before, you can find them here:

Transformation: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8z1nwq


Mirrored Souls: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x909ami
00:00Hello beautiful soul, welcome.
00:09It's time for another moment of peace and serenity.
00:18It's time to be here and now, and it's time to feel that you are loved infinitely.
00:33We all are loved infinitely, no matter what happens, no matter how it looks like on the
00:48The being that we are knows that we are pure love, and we only want to be in love, because
01:03nothing else really matters.
01:07And no matter what is happening in the world, we also always have our own world.
01:21We are our own world, and when we can find peace within, there is nothing to be afraid
01:41Today I have my crystals here with me.
01:46They are raw, they are not shaped or polished.
01:53Here is a simple and beautiful rose quartz.
01:59I just had to smile, because I have also a bigger rose quartz, but it looks very similar
02:09with this little one.
02:16We have clear quartz in the middle, clarity, purity, white light.
02:35And we have a lovely amethyst, with its lavender color, who helps us through all the changes
02:52and transformations in our life.
02:55I really appreciate the power of this crystal, also of the other ones, but I am so grateful,
03:09because amethyst always helped me through so much, even headache and other stuff.
03:20I am so grateful for the gifts of this earth, so let's take a moment to thank the earth
03:28for everything that she provides us with, because it is not a matter of course that
03:39we are gifted with so many blessings that come from the earth, and we should be very
03:45mindful that we don't take too much from her and we also give back to her, give her
03:56our gratitude, our love and appreciation.
04:02We wouldn't be here without her, so thank you so much mother earth, thank you for everything,
04:13that you have given to me in this lifetime, that you have helped me to keep my body alive
04:24and healthy.
04:29Thank you.
04:40Let's raise the awareness of how important it is to be mindful and thankful with our
04:49beautiful earth.
04:52She is more than just a planet, she is a huge being, she is loving us unconditionally and
05:00we should love her too.
05:08I have no idea which cards I want to use today, but I think the main message is peace, serenity,
05:26a deep trust for life that has often been shaken.
05:35Our foundations have often been disrupted.
05:44We have been through a lot, each and every one of us, and we can be proud of ourselves
05:51that we have made it until this here and now, until this day, and there are more beautiful
06:02things to come, but when we look back, we see how much we have grown, how much we have
06:09had to endure and to overcome, and we should be really compassionate with ourselves and
06:20others, but sometimes we forget ourselves in the process, so I want to remind you how
06:30beautiful you are, how much you have grown and how much you have learned through all
06:39the experiences that you have been through.
06:54I have now a deck of cards in my hands, here they are, a big deck, the cosmic reading cards,
07:09I love them very much, they are special and unique and we will see which message we have
07:18for this day.
07:31I'm also so grateful for all the artists and spiritual teachers who have created all these
07:42decks and all the wisdom that was gathered throughout the years, and that is also coming
07:51back today in this time of change, I can do it like that, thank you so much for all the
08:10wisdom that is available to us, we are all part of this, our consciousness is connected,
08:22and we have access to so many valuable life experiences that other people have been going
08:33through and have learned from, so today I want to honor that, I want to honor each and
08:40every one of us, and also myself, we are all in this together, we are all in this together,
08:54so let's share the love and the appreciation for each other, it's a transformation card,
09:20ok, it is like in the last reading, I'm going to put this card aside, because I have done a whole
09:32reading on this card, and I will link it down below, so if you want to listen to the message
09:39of transformation, feel free to look below this video, and you will find a link to this,
09:48where I spoke about it in detail, but right now, we will see what else wants to come through
10:01today, thank you, everything is changing all the time, change is constantly happening,
10:12with every breath we are changing, our body is changing with every breath, we can let go of the
10:27heaviness, we can let go of everything that is weighing us down, because we are beings of love
10:36and light, and we want to come back to our wholeness, to our blissful state of being,
10:51yeah, thank you, unbelievable, this is unbelievable, oh my god, this is the second card that came
11:18up earlier in the reading, so I will give you another link to this beautiful message,
11:27the mirrored souls, I am so speechless, this is so special today, this is so special,
11:37the transformation card and the mirrored souls, I have talked about this before, it is all there in my library,
11:48and you have access to it, ok, oh my god, this is so special, thank you spirit for showing me,
12:00for helping me to understand that all is well, all is heard and seen, all that I have been through is valid,
12:12and also your experiences are so precious, my dear one, spirit is here, spirit has our back,
12:25it is all happening now, thank you, so once again, I am asking for a message for the highest good of all,
12:39in the here and now moment, ok, limitless, we are limitless, it is time to see that,
13:08wow, we are so much more, we have no idea how powerful and beautiful we are, but we will find out,
13:31ok, let's go with this card,
13:43can you see this properly?
14:00the rose quartz goes to the left, to the mirrored souls, the amethyst goes into the transformation card,
14:15and the clear quartz goes here, clarity is on its way, wow, good, let's have a little read here, card number 20,
14:34limitless, don't conform to the beliefs of others, live your own truth and share this with the world with love,
14:52through this card limiting beliefs and conformity are being addressed,
15:01it is so easy to get caught up in the material world with its illusionary expectations,
15:10false sense of security and living our lives in what society deems as perfect societal bubbles,
15:23people get lost in the game and falsity of their everyday monotonous existence,
15:34living a life to the expectations of society is just as restricting as living a life in prison,
15:46there is only so much room you have available to move freely before the walls of the cell are felt,
15:59if you were drawn to this card you are being asked to reflect on your life and the walls that inhibit you,
16:12these walls are made up of limiting beliefs that prevent you from following your heart and reaching your dreams,
16:25limiting beliefs that stem from childhood experiences and expectations which keep you locked in an invisible cell,
16:42dear one, do not let the limiting beliefs and expectations of yourself and others confine you,
16:53you were not born to be imprisoned, you were born to truly live and experience this life in all its blazing glory,
17:09reach for the stars and follow your dreams,
17:15you have the strength and courage within you to break away from societal expectations and follow your own guidance and intuition,
17:32it is time to truly acknowledge the magnificent soul you are and break free from the binds that have held you back,
17:47you will be amazed by your own power and motivation,
17:54the affirmation here is, I am ready to create a life of my own choosing,
18:03wow, this really speaks to me, I am ready to create a life of my own choosing,
18:13the associated chakras are the base, the sacral and the solar plexus chakra,
18:26and yeah, I also noticed this red cloak,
18:34it is also about grounding in, grounding our light, bringing it fully and completely into our physical body,
18:46bringing it down and keeping our energy right where it belongs,
19:01it belongs to us and we are able to heal ourselves in so many ways,
19:13but we have to keep the energy first within us,
19:20sometimes, and I have also experienced this, our energy gets scattered,
19:29and also when we put our attention onto various different things,
19:40it can happen that there is some kind of lack felt, as if we don't have enough energy for ourselves,
19:53but we can always stop and take a step back from this, whatever situation it is,
20:01and just breathe again, just go into a little retreat and just take the time to breathe again,
20:14and to call back our energy,
20:20everyone is responsible for their own life and so are we,
20:27so we can take our power back from places and people that are not beneficial to us,
20:39because they all have their own lives to live,
20:44we can help best when we are well with ourselves and we are healthy and vibrant,
20:56we can only be a light to others if we are well resting in ourselves,
21:07and that's often forgotten,
21:10but I'm here to remind you and take all the time you need to replenish yourself,
21:18to recover from whatever was difficult,
21:26put yourself first in your life,
21:30when I read, I am ready to create a life of my own choosing,
21:37I first have to know who I am and what I really want,
21:43that's what I get from this card,
21:46you will find out in meditation, in prayer and in epiphanies you get throughout your days,
21:56and the universe is so vast and you can see all these rays in every different direction,
22:04it is like a tunnel of lights which is also expanding,
22:08so you have access to everything that you need right now,
22:13near and far, all is with you, all is here to help you,
22:20all is well when you open up and listen,
22:27and the heart is also highlighted, it is like a star,
22:30your heart knows the way, it is the compass,
22:34it always was the best compass for your life,
22:38and you know that, I know that you know that,
22:43somehow I know,
22:46I am so full of love right now and I thank you so much for listening,
22:51I won't add anything to this because it speaks for itself,
22:56and I am so proud of you, I am so proud of you,
23:04I am so, so proud of you,
23:08you have done so well,
23:12thank you for listening,
23:17sending you all my love and gratitude,
23:23thank you,
23:27be well, be safe, be happy,
23:32until next time, bye.
