Soulstar Readings

Hello and welcome to a space of peaceful and honest introspection serving the highest good of all loving beings. May you feel blessed & supported always ~ yours Leandra.
If you would like to contact me, please write to: (Ich spreche deutsch & englisch)
You are on the right path when your heart smiles and sings. Trust the signs, all is well.
last month
Spirit has your back and now we are able to see clearly which life we want to choose for ourselves.
last month
In the silence of your heart you know what to do. A wise decision during a transformative phase announces itself.
2 months ago
No one is to blame, we can see this different.
2 months ago
The paradigm shift within is on its way ~ Prepare to embrace the blessing of equality and balanced unconditional love.
2 months ago
Healing abandonment & isolation and allowing ourselves to receive all that is meant for us ~ A message from Archangel Gabriel
2 months ago
Inner contentment and the beauty of accepting and loving yourself as you are opens you up to the abundance of life.
2 months ago
Only YOU know what is TRUE for you. Know yourself, love yourself and go with what feels right for you.
2 months ago
Giving up is not an option ~ keeping HOPE alive even if we don't know what will be. You're not alone and you are loved.
2 months ago
Divine Inspiration, Initiation & Healing is moving you into your NEW BEGINNING and you rise up to the next level.
2 months ago
To become LOVE in action is everything that the SOUL really wants to achieve.
2 months ago
Bringing yourself to wholeness within allows you to BE steady (in) LOVE.
2 months ago
The power within ~ don't give it away, use it wisely and persevere ~ It will be worth it in the end.
2 months ago
A gift so beautiful ~ mirroring each other in a loving way
2 months ago
Serenity as an anchor in every situation and where do we find joy? Do we follow it?
2 months ago
Your unique vibration matters. You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are.
3 months ago
What do you really really want for yourself? Do you know that? Clear Intentions get you there.
3 months ago
Without exeption, you always deserve more love, not less.
3 months ago
There is always more than one way.
3 months ago
Calm awareness, no matter what is going on within and around you ~ weather any storm with self-care
3 months ago
Clear seperation from any abuse of power - leading an honourable life for the highest good of all - You are your own authority
3 months ago
What would LOVE do now? ~ A deep message about Divine unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and Self-acceptance ~
3 months ago
I joyfully blossom and I feel no fear ~ embracing renewal and beginnings
3 months ago
Practice daily what you are divinely guided towards ~ enjoy the process and allow yourself to receive..
3 months ago
Finding shelter in a restless world ~ A moment of peace before moving on.
3 months ago
I am a sovereign, conscious creator of my own life experience.
3 months ago
Become an alchemist of your thoughts ..
3 months ago
Gratitude and joy line your path ~ happiness is predestined for you.. Will you accept it?
4 months ago
Your Heart is innocent ~ loving your inner baby and inner child ~ grounding and ascending into pure unconditional love ~
4 months ago
Taking good care of yourself, finding out what is really important for you and aligning with a higher vibration allows you to feel so much better. ~ Choosing to enjoy this life as much as you can.
4 months ago