Romana Poleggi (Pro Vita), ‘Vogliamo portare nelle scuole la verità sullo sviluppo della vita’

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Pro Vita e famiglia ha lanciato una petizione perché nelle scuole, medie e superiori, venga illustrato come si sviluppa un bambino, dal giorno del concepimento fino alla nascita”. Ad annunciarlo è Francesca Romana Poleggi, del comitato direttivo Pro Vita & Famiglia, la Onlus che ha lanciato una campagna di sensibilizzazione contro l’aborto con la proiezione del video ‘Baby Olivia’ nelle principali piazze italiane. Il filmato che mostra le fasi gestazionali nel grembo materno, è stato realizzato dall’associazione pro-life americana Live Action, nel 2021, è ora rilanciato da Pro Vita & Famiglia a partire da piazza del Popolo a Roma.


00:00Olivia is a child in her mother's womb, and unfortunately it has happened to me several times to have to debate with adults, adults, competent people who argue that it cannot be said that there is a child in the mother's womb, because it is a discriminatory, excluding language and so on.
00:27When instead it is simply the pure reality. What is in the mother's womb? A artichoke? A horse? There is a child.
00:35So, it is a banality that unfortunately we have to remember. And if the ignorance on this fact, the detachment from the reality of the adults is so serious, let's imagine the young people.
00:53As a teacher, I realize in schools that young people are on the brink of these notions, notions of science.
01:02And then, here's what ProvideFamilia, on the occasion of the campaign Simply Human and the screening of this video of Bebbi Olivia in the squares of Italy, has launched a petition to the Minister of Education,
01:16because in the science program of schools, at least middle and higher, it is illustrated in a technical, complete and truthful way, how a child develops from the day of conception until birth.
01:37Because from the day of conception, from when there is a zigote of a cell, there is a human being with its unique and unrepeatable DNA.
01:48So, we need a lot of sexual education in schools, which we know very well to be done in an ideological way and very often counterproductive, because it obtains the opposite results to those that were wanted to pursue.
02:02Well, this is the first sexual education, scientific education on the reality, on the truth of what is the birth and wonder of the development of a human being in the maternal womb.
