Sisters in Solidarity Toronto - Cancel KKKolonial Day - Healing walk + rally

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00**Bell ringing**
00:00:30My name is Craig Saint-Denis and I live here in Toronto.
00:00:36A lot of people tend to forget that Canada is the youngest nation here on Turtle Island.
00:00:44A lot of people also tend to forget that in the early stages of Canada between 1867 and 1885
00:00:55Canada won the war along with 18 nations in the First Nations in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
00:01:02History is a very boring subject I know and it's dry.
00:01:08But that's the truth of it.
00:01:10They took those First Nations kids and the 18 kids in an effort to kill the Indians in the South.
00:01:20I come from those last governments of Louis Riel and I'm proof of the genetics that you're getting for.
00:01:32You see they thought they could free us out.
00:01:35But I'm red at heart.
00:01:45Every child matters.
00:01:50Search them landfills.
00:01:56There's no pride in genocide.
00:02:01And you see I can get into the geography too.
00:02:04You see we've got a sea here in Canada, it's called the Arctic Sea.
00:02:08And we've got a river, it's called the Red River.
00:02:15So when I say from the river to the sea, Palestine and Turtle Island will be free.
00:02:59Now I live everywhere and nowhere.
00:03:04Today I'm going to be introducing our speakers.
00:03:07Starting with one of my Indies.
00:03:10He's the founder and sister in solidarity in Toronto.
00:03:18A matriarch, a warrior from three to four living in occupied Toronto for the last 17 years.
00:03:24And also my ex-sister in Toronto.
00:03:29Hi, we need someone in here to work the speaker system because we don't know how.
00:03:41Which means Thunderbird.
00:03:50I'm sorry, I'm trying to feel sick. It's been a month.
00:03:53So, I'm kind of nervous, but that's okay.
00:04:04I had a speech and it just went out the door because that's who I am.
00:04:09I'm kind of a weirdo, eh?
00:04:11I just wanted to say two things from a matriarchal sister.
00:04:18And from a Skobaywish that works for one of our clan mothers.
00:04:22This is Skobaywish from a clan mother.
00:04:24So, I wanted to...
00:04:26They wanted to say something.
00:04:29In what was...
00:04:32We're coming back.
00:04:3410,000 strong.
00:04:36As Anishinaabe.
00:04:38As First Nation Métis and Inuit people.
00:04:40We are still here.
00:04:43Our children are being recovered.
00:04:46Our nations are only getting stronger.
00:04:49A nation built on a body of babies is not worth celebrating.
00:05:02I'm reading marriage first.
00:05:06And I'm nervous. I'm shaking.
00:05:10Don't be nervous. We love you.
00:05:13This is from a Skobaywish.
00:05:15From Isabel, an international clan mother.
00:05:19This is her Skobaywish and she says...
00:05:21We are still here.
00:05:23We are strong together.
00:05:25We will always be here.
00:05:27Our spirits and our ancestors stand together in unity.
00:05:31Always now and forever.
00:05:33In the time immemorial.
00:05:36The clanocide ends.
00:05:39The end of our beings.
00:05:41As we are growing in unity.
00:05:43Now it's won.
00:05:45Our struggle is all our struggle.
00:05:49And your liberation is mine and yours too.
00:05:59Standing in solidarity is the only way we can live and live for liberation for all.
00:06:13I'm so nervous.
00:06:15Can everybody close their eyes?
00:06:17I'm just going to picture you all naked.
00:06:22So, again my name is Beneci.
00:06:26My government name is Idina.
00:06:30And I'm an Indian residential school survivor.
00:06:34I was an Indian residential school from when I was 5 years old until I was 13.
00:06:40I am a genocidal survivor.
00:06:44I'm a fifth intergenerational residential school survivor.
00:06:49I was in residential school.
00:06:52My brother was in residential school.
00:06:54My mother was in residential school.
00:06:57My grandmother and my great grandmother.
00:07:01And we were in the Indian residential school.
00:07:05And all of us still lived.
00:07:07But my mother isn't here.
00:07:09One of my brothers passed away in there, unfortunately.
00:07:13And that's due to colonial genocide.
00:07:16That's due to ethnic cleansing.
00:07:19We, as First Nation, are the true, sovereign royalty to this land that you stand on.
00:07:29This is First Nation land.
00:07:33Land back.
00:07:38So, when I came out of that Indian residential school, I came out a very angry teen.
00:07:45I remember all too frequently.
00:07:49I still get flashbacks.
00:07:51I suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:07:55Complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:07:59From the age of 5 until I was 13, I was brutalized in there every way that you can think.
00:08:07What 5-year-old child should, you know, where their innocence was taken as a little girl,
00:08:14you know, by grown men and grown women.
00:08:19And I'm not the only one that suffered.
00:08:23There were so much other little boys and girls, you know, that perished in those schools.
00:08:29I was one of the survivors.
00:08:32I am a failed Indian residential school survivor.
00:08:38I am a matriarch.
00:08:40**Sigh** I'm just shaking.
00:08:54I was having a panic attack before I came here.
00:08:57You know, because I know I had to speak on my traumas as a child.
00:09:05You know, and my kids suffered, you know, from parenting skills that I didn't have.
00:09:14You know, my kids were traumatized as well as little boys and little girls.
00:09:21You know, because in that time when they needed me most, you know, the most crucial times in their life,
00:09:29I wasn't the mother that I could have been due to intergenerational trauma and trauma.
00:09:37You know, I now stand with my little son, he's here somewhere, my little Bucky.
00:09:42You know, he's a little warrior too.
00:09:45You know, he's kind of misunderstood, but he has a good heart.
00:09:48You know, I have two daughters that are in prison, that are in prison for murder.
00:09:55They were involved with the gang life, crystal meth, you know, drugs.
00:10:02They were also part of the Millennium Scoop.
00:10:04They were taken from me, you know, as a young mother here in Toronto.
00:10:09And through that system, they were human sex trafficked.
00:10:16Right now, they sit behind Grand Valley Institute maximum security prison walls
00:10:25and Edmonton max security prison walls.
00:10:28They too are little matriarchs in the making.
00:10:31They're warriors.
00:10:32They're advocates for women and men, indigenous, that sit behind prison walls.
00:10:38My daughter's name is Cherise Justice Rain, Sutherland KCS.
00:10:43My daughter's Katrina.
00:10:45Shailen, Katrina, Sutherland KCS.
00:10:49And they advocate for women, specifically, that sit behind those walls.
00:10:55They sit on hunger strikes.
00:10:57They have fasts.
00:10:58They've been fasting and hunger striking for the Palestinian movement.
00:11:02Because they say, Mom, those are our relations.
00:11:05Those are our brothers and our sisters, our cousins.
00:11:08They are interconnected.
00:11:10What they are going through now is what we went through.
00:11:14They will survive, just like us.
00:11:17But we have to stand strong and fiercely in solidarity of the indigenous people of our land.
00:11:26Marry it back!
00:11:34Marry it back!
00:11:37I'm just going to have some beesh.
00:11:46I don't know what else to say.
00:11:48I did have a speech.
00:11:50But I kind of called it a day.
00:11:53Did my red makeup go off my face?
00:11:59I don't know what else to say.
00:12:01When time comes, as we're walking and when we make our stops,
00:12:05here and there, I will say a few words here and there.
00:12:08I just wanted to really thank you all.
00:12:11You know, I honor you all for coming here and standing in solidarity with us.
00:12:16You all are warriors.
00:12:18You all are revolutionaries.
00:12:20You all are people that are going to set our freedom for the people.
00:12:27You are the ones that are going to liberate us from the oppressive hands of these diabolical corporate entities.
00:12:39And their minions, the Toronto City Police.
00:12:42Shame on you!
00:12:45So that's all I have to say for now.
00:12:48I don't know.
00:12:49Coco will be up here.
00:12:50I'm shaking.
00:12:51Thank you again.
00:13:00Our next speaker.
00:13:02I am so sorry if I mispronounce the name.
00:13:08Okay, never mind.
00:13:09We're going to do that at a different stop.
00:13:17I've been doing activism for quite a long time.
00:13:21And I've come to the conclusion.
00:13:28Land back!
00:13:32Land back!
00:13:39Why are we speaking reconciliation?
00:13:46How can you reconciliate with your abuser?
00:13:52How do you reconciliate with your abuser?
00:14:00You can't.
00:14:01The real story.
00:14:03The real story.
00:14:05Get it from Benisi.
00:14:07Get it from people like myself.
00:14:11Get it from the elders.
00:14:13And hear the truth of economic genocide.
00:14:22You do economic genocide.
00:14:25You will create cultural genocide.
00:14:33It's about the removal of a people off the land.
00:14:39So that they can have access to the mineral.
00:14:43The trees.
00:14:45The water.
00:14:46The gold.
00:14:47The oil.
00:14:51Economic genocide will create cultural genocide.
00:14:56And it's still happening today.
00:15:00Whether it be grassy narrows.
00:15:04Nova Scotia fishing dispute.
00:15:11Missing murdered native women.
00:15:16Boiled water advisory.
00:15:22KK Canada belongs in international criminal court.
00:15:31And United Nations.
00:15:38KKK Canada shows a pattern of criminal behavior towards First Nations.
00:15:53Ever since contact, all it has been is take, take, take.
00:16:04So what we and you and people like myself and others have been listening to is the propaganda machine.
00:16:14The propaganda machine that says First Nations are very well taken care of.
00:16:25So if we're well taken care of, how come we're still under the water boil advisory?
00:16:35And how come missing murdered native women's cases still go uninvestigated?
00:16:44My mother was murdered and I tried to tell everybody about it.
00:16:50I told lawyers, I told police, I told media, and I probably told you.
00:16:56And you know what? Nothing was done about it.
00:17:02And you know why? Because Indian pain is big business.
00:17:10You're going to need hospitals. You're going to need lawyers. You're going to need jail guards.
00:17:17You're going to need prisons. You're going to need hospitals.
00:17:21You're going to need a whole lot of things for Indian pain.
00:17:28This is why we're here today.
00:17:31Indian pain, man. This is what it looks like.
00:17:37And you know what? They're not scared of First Nations.
00:17:44Who they're scared of is our allies and our brothers and sisters that are with us here today.
00:17:56A big shout out to our allies and supporters.
00:17:59Miigwech, miigwech on behalf of First Nations people across Turtle Island.
00:18:31Belonging and empire making in Savannah.
00:18:34She works for the Sudan Solidarity Collective which supports the regional aid networks in Sudan.
00:18:39Does political education and organizes around issues impacting Saudi people in Canada and beyond.
00:18:56Hello everyone, my name is Mistina Amin and I represent the Sudan Solidarity Collective.
00:19:12Thank you for including Sudan in your organizing.
00:19:16The war in Sudan has received very little mainstream media attention.
00:19:22And when it does, it is framed as a far away civil war that has nothing to do with us.
00:19:30But we are here today to call out and oppose Canada's role in genocide.
00:19:35From Turtle Island, to Palestine, to the Darfur region of Sudan.
00:19:45The reason this war is considered far away is about the racist assumption that war is somehow a natural way of being for us as Sudanese.
00:19:55And when the media does focus on Sudan, we see images of starving black bodies make the front page of the New York Times
00:20:03with no analysis of the local and external forces like the IMF and World Bank
00:20:08that have produced famine in a country once touted the breadbasket of the region.
00:20:15So the first point I want to make is that war is never a natural state of being.
00:20:20War is big business for local and international state and corporate elites
00:20:25for whom the far away of wars in places like Sudan is a constructive convenience
00:20:30providing cover for their extractive profit making and war crimes.
00:20:37There are no wars in 2024 that most of us living here in the settler colonies of North America are not somehow connected to.
00:20:45Whether through our tax dollars, our pension funds, our university endowments,
00:20:50the banks we deposit our money in, the cell phones we use and so on.
00:20:54Especially in relation to the Congo.
00:20:59Second, this war in Sudan is not a civil war or a proxy war but a counter-revolutionary war
00:21:05that has killed an estimated 150,000 people
00:21:08and that continues because of the role external actors including Canadian companies have played
00:21:14in sustaining it to protect their interests.
00:21:19On one side of this war in Sudan we have the rapid support forces
00:21:22responsible for the genocide in Darfur that began 20 years ago
00:21:26whose leaders control much of the illicit gold trade in the country
00:21:30which gets funneled through the gold markets of the UAE and sold to Russia and other countries.
00:21:34The UAE provides critical military support to the RSF as it extracts our gold.
00:21:42On the other hand we have the Sudanese army and its allied Islamists
00:21:46led by General Burhan who has close ties to Egypt's Sisi.
00:21:49The army controls almost 70% of Sudan's economy and used this wealth
00:21:54to construct a repressive police state that was backed by Gulf financing.
00:22:01The Saudis and Emiratis have paid Sudanese military elites
00:22:0427 billion dollars over the last 20 years to steal our land.
00:22:11This is why there is a famine.
00:22:13To them we say we want our land back.
00:22:19There are Canadian companies implicated as well.
00:22:23The RSF paid Montreal based PR company Dickens and Madsen
00:22:27headed by an Israeli intelligence officer Millions
00:22:30to clean up their image after committing a massacre against revolutionaries in 2019.
00:22:37There are Canadian weapons manufacturing companies providing components
00:22:41for some of the explosive devices that have killed my own loved ones.
00:22:47In October of 2021 after the RSF and army staged a coup to crush the revolution
00:22:53the Canadian company Orca Gold recently bought up by an Australian company
00:22:57signed an all-time million dollar deal to exploit gold
00:23:00with the same war criminals now waging this war.
00:23:05I was just in Denende in the northwest for a solidarity gathering.
00:23:12Some of the same mining companies that were fueling state violence in parts of Africa
00:23:16are now exploiting indigenous land and labor
00:23:19and contaminating vital water sources in Denende.
00:23:24The companies claim that extracting minerals like diamonds, cobalt, coltan and gold
00:23:29in indigenous territories makes them no longer conflict minerals.
00:23:35But what could be more violent than extracting minerals
00:23:38and contaminating soil and water from stolen indigenous lands
00:23:42that the Canadian state refuses to give back.
00:23:47This is how indigenous self-determination in North America
00:23:51and the global struggle to demilitarize and abolish the cops
00:23:55is tied to the struggle for a liberated Sudan and Congo.
00:24:02From Darfur to Turtle Island these are not just conflict minerals
00:24:06they are genocide minerals.
00:24:10The RSF received 200 million from the European Union in 2014
00:24:14to stop the migration of East Africans into Europe.
00:24:17Egyptian authorities are now using EU funded security forces
00:24:21to deport Sudanese refugees.
00:24:25This is the deadly violence of borders and border regimes that we must abolish.
00:24:31The war in Sudan has produced the largest internal displacement crisis in the world.
00:24:36Over 10 million people have been forced to flee their homes.
00:24:39The Canadian state initiated a visa to allow Sudanese refugees
00:24:44to reunite with their Canadian citizen relatives but capped it at 3,250.
00:24:52Its financial and bureaucratic requirements make eligibility almost impossible
00:24:56and the process is so long that the first Sudanese person receiving this visa
00:25:00is arriving in 2025.
00:25:05This amounts to a ban on Sudanese refugees who do not have family in Canada
00:25:10and we call out the Canadian government's hypocrisy
00:25:13for instituting a refugee ban on stolen land.
00:25:19There have been no free expedited visas issued for Sudanese refugees in Canada or elsewhere
00:25:25even though the blueprint for these visa programs exists for Europeans fleeing war.
00:25:32Beyond anti-black racism, this is about the ways Canadian corporations
00:25:37are profiting from genocide from Darfur to Palestine to the Congo to Turtle Island.
00:25:45This is why we call for an end to Canada's deadly profit making and complicity in genocide.
00:25:51We say hands off Sudan and Congo and land back.
00:25:58The last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to teach you a chant.
00:26:01Free the people, free the land from Turtle Island to Sudan.
00:26:05Free the people.
00:26:07**Speaking in Swahili**
00:26:21**Speaking in Swahili**
00:26:40I'm speaking in my language, introducing myself.
00:26:44My name is Manisha Kaveh, I'm from Thunder Bay.
00:26:47I'm here for the orange t-shirt and I'm here for everything.
00:26:53I'm here for land.
00:26:56I wanted to say something about this.
00:26:59I did the march the first few days and I heard some stuff that really bothered me.
00:27:06And I just want to say if people are unhappy being in Canada or this land
00:27:16maybe they shouldn't be here.
00:27:21Because what I heard when I was marching, I didn't like it and I'm not going to repeat it.
00:27:26It was just that it really bothered me.
00:27:29And if people are unhappy in this indigenous land then maybe you shouldn't be here.
00:27:36And that's what I say because this is the land my grandmother raised me.
00:27:40Not in Toronto but somewhere in the Thunder Bay area after I was born.
00:27:45And my grandmother raised me right to my adulthood.
00:27:50Then she left me and I do all the work now.
00:27:54Because she wanted me to grow up and become something, not become something
00:27:59but to fight for the land that we have.
00:28:02And it's for the children.
00:28:04We have to save the children.
00:28:06The children are going to take over the land we give them.
00:28:09That they're raised on.
00:28:11They're going to take over our lives and take care of us and they're going to keep on moving.
00:28:16I am always for the kids and the children.
00:28:19And I fight for youth also.
00:28:23Youth walks with me all over wherever I go.
00:28:26And I really like them because they give me that power to kind of talk a little bit about what's going on.
00:28:35I do not like what people do to each other either.
00:28:38And if you're...
00:28:41Well, I follow the 7th generation which I added 8.
00:28:47I did some teaching about the 8th fire.
00:28:53It's about the Canada Goose who traveled back and forth to Canada wherever they come from.
00:28:59And what in my mind they said was I am Canada Goose.
00:29:04I come back and forth.
00:29:06We come here to help.
00:29:08We come here to die.
00:29:10We come here to feed.
00:29:12Feed the First Nation.
00:29:14That's the way it was from the beginning.
00:29:16And we survived.
00:29:18And they keep on coming and they keep on going.
00:29:20That's why I like the Canada Goose as to represent my life.
00:29:25I don't know about anybody else.
00:29:27But Canada Goose is about forgiveness.
00:29:31There are 7 teachings.
00:29:33I added one more which becomes 8 teachings.
00:29:37And that's Canada Goose.
00:29:40I love everybody.
00:29:41It doesn't matter what happens.
00:29:43I just love everybody.
00:29:44I'm a loving kind of person.
00:29:46And anything can go on.
00:29:47I'll just keep on loving.
00:29:48But I'll keep on fighting too.
00:29:50There's both things I can do.
00:29:53And I am here to follow you people, to walk with you, to love you guys,
00:29:59to be the people for the babies.
00:30:02The orange T-shirt babies.
00:30:04We need them.
00:30:06We have to fight for them.
00:30:07We have to stand for them.
00:30:09We have to teach them.
00:30:11We have to teach them to love themselves.
00:30:13If you can't love yourself, then you can't teach nobody.
00:30:16It doesn't work.
00:30:18That's all I have to say.
00:30:20And thank you very much for allowing me to speak here.
00:30:24I am here for you.
00:30:25Wherever you are, follow me and we'll go places.
00:30:30Thank you very much.
00:30:51Scoot it.
00:30:52Scoot it.
00:30:53Scoot it.
00:30:55We're the one.
00:30:59We don't know you.
00:31:00My name is Joan Twins.
00:31:02I'm from the Treaty 6 territory.
00:31:05West Cochise, Alberta, America.
00:31:08I'm true-spirited, happy, and happy every fucking day.
00:31:16I'd like to acknowledge the Four Directions, the Four Sacred Medicines,
00:31:21our higher power that created the great mystery,
00:31:24and all the little children that never made it home.
00:31:29We want to acknowledge the little ones on these lands
00:31:34that still have to be found too.
00:31:38Shame on these fucking Canadians.
00:31:44I'm a product of the residential school in West Cochise.
00:31:47I was there two years, and I was scoot.
00:31:51That's when I started losing my Cree language, Plains Cree.
00:31:55I spoke it fluently before I was scoot.
00:31:58And so anyways, as time went on, I ended up on the streets of the West.
00:32:05And if you've been out to Alberta, BC, you know,
00:32:09you haven't seen racism unless you've been on those lands.
00:32:13And Saskatchewan is another province that's very racist against Indigenous people.
00:32:19You know, I'm an Indian woman. I was an Indian girl.
00:32:23And I was told I was an Indian. I will always be an Indian.
00:32:27I'm not Aboriginal. I'm not Indigenous.
00:32:30I'm not First Nations. I'm not First Peoples.
00:32:33I've always fucking been here.
00:32:40So, remember that.
00:32:43You're not First People. You're not First.
00:32:45You've always been here. You never left. We never left.
00:32:50Remember, we're all spirits, first and foremost, before that vessel that you carry.
00:32:57When you go to home on that western doorway,
00:33:01you leave that vessel here, that shell that's on loan,
00:33:05while you're on this physical world.
00:33:08You don't take it with you.
00:33:12You take your spirit, because you came in the spirit.
00:33:16And you leave the spirit, 24-7.
00:33:21And these are old, old teachings that's been passed on to us
00:33:25from many, many generations ago,
00:33:28not something that I Googled on Google.
00:33:33I'm not a commercialized Indian or a tokenized Indian.
00:33:39You can't buy me.
00:33:41Look at all what the money has done to your fucking land,
00:33:44right here in El Toronto.
00:33:47Look at all these high buildings for what?
00:33:50Look at all the homeless, the houseless people right here on your streets.
00:33:57Shame on Olivia Chow.
00:34:00Shame on Gerald.
00:34:02Shame on Ford.
00:34:05If I had my way, you know what?
00:34:09I would fucking turn them over my knees and spank them hard.
00:34:18You know, I like insulting these politicians, eh?
00:34:21Because it's the politicians that are corrupted, not us.
00:34:25Not the criminals that are in prison.
00:34:27You know, right now...
00:34:29Donate her up. Donate her up.
00:34:32Listen, I'm going to keep talking to my...
00:34:37She's worried about a streetcar.
00:34:40Well, the streetcar will run.
00:34:42If you just give us some time.
00:34:47I don't have to move. You're on my land.
00:34:52You move. You move. You move.
00:34:56You move your fucking ass out of here. You're on my land.
00:35:03Remember that. Where you're from, you're on Indian land.
00:35:10Never forget that.
00:35:12Every fucking morning when you wake up till you go to sleep,
00:35:15remember you're on fucking Indian land.
00:35:23You know what? I'm going to tell you something, eh?
00:35:25We are not weak.
00:35:29We are strong.
00:35:31We'll get you down.
00:35:37When I speak, I think of Crazy Horse.
00:35:40Sentinel. Geronimo.
00:35:43Those are the warrior chiefs.
00:35:46And you know what? We've got to keep fighting.
00:35:48Because what are we doing?
00:35:50Fucking sitting down and sucking it up?
00:35:53Fuck no fucking more.
00:35:59Because, you know what?
00:36:01They're right here with us.
00:36:03They're saying, keep going.
00:36:05Keep going.
00:36:07Keep moving forward. Push back harder.
00:36:10Hey, of course, we push back harder.
00:36:19Search landfills.
00:36:23Two-spirit. Trans.
00:36:26Also, every child matters.
00:36:29Every person matters.
00:36:31If you have a golden heart like we do.
00:36:37I just want to acknowledge the little people that are here with us.
00:36:40They are walking with us.
00:36:42They are our future generation.
00:36:45And all the young people,
00:36:47you're our seven generations forward.
00:36:49And then seven generations forward after that.
00:36:52We have to learn from the seven generations from behind us
00:36:56in order to move forward for the next seven generations.
00:36:59Who gives a fuck what's going to happen in 14 years?
00:37:02Think about what's going to happen tomorrow.
00:37:08Don't be sleeping on the job.
00:37:10Don't sleep on the job.
00:37:12Because, you know what?
00:37:14They are trying to steal more land,
00:37:16sell land that doesn't even fucking belong to them.
00:37:23Israel sucks big dicks.
00:37:31I have a lot of family, but you know what?
00:37:34I oppose people that kill innocent people,
00:37:38innocent children,
00:37:40innocent women, elders, people,
00:37:43defenseless people.
00:37:46Shame on Israel.
00:37:50Free Palestine.
00:37:57We are free.
00:37:58We will always be free
00:38:00because we are still fucking here.
00:38:06Okay, okay, you know what?
00:38:08We're going to move this up a little bit.
00:38:11But you know what?
00:38:12I could have shared a little more,
00:38:13but I don't want to bore you with my intoxicated life.
00:38:17I was smoking some good cannabis.
00:38:22Smoked weed.
00:38:25Never say no to weed.
00:38:28Yeah, I was smoking.
00:38:30Look at all this.
00:38:32You got going on here.
00:38:34We blocked every fucking intersection.
00:38:37Wow, good for you, man.
00:38:39This is what I do.
00:38:44That's what we're saying.
00:38:46Let's go forward.
00:39:07We participated in a delegation of Palestinians to Treaty 3
00:39:11organized by Anishinaabe Palestine Resistance.
00:39:28We are so grateful for our indigenous sisters and kin
00:39:32for making space for us.
00:39:35As Palestinians and indigenous communities,
00:39:39we have witnessed world end over and over again.
00:39:43As the settler colonial entities of Canada and Israel
00:39:47are attempting to annihilate our people,
00:39:50poison our communities,
00:39:52and devise our lands and waters,
00:39:54we recognize that our work together is not new.
00:40:01It is vital now more than ever
00:40:03as we witness continued climate catastrophes
00:40:06and multiple genocides worldwide.
00:40:09Our resistance is rooted in the plight of our ancestors.
00:40:13We must honor their efforts
00:40:15and build on their joint resistance.
00:40:22We remember that during the Katastaki resistance in the 1990s,
00:40:26Mohawk land defenders learned from the First Intifada.
00:40:30We know that Palestinian activists were among allies
00:40:34at the 78-day blockade
00:40:36to resist Canadian government-sanctioned land theft and dispossession.
00:40:43Members of AIM visited with Palestinian resistance leaders
00:40:47in Beirut in the 1970s
00:40:50and were also present to support Anishinaabe lands
00:40:53and were also present to support Anishinaabe land defenders
00:40:57who occupied Anishinaabe Park 15 years ago.
00:41:03Earlier this month, the three of us witnessed
00:41:06the continuation of this profound legacy.
00:41:09We participated in a Palestinian delegation to Treaty 3,
00:41:13organized by the Anishinaabe-Palestinian Alliance
00:41:16and our Anishinaabe relatives Tiana and Quail.
00:41:19We participated in ceremonies
00:41:21connected with elders and knowledge keepers
00:41:24and learned about resistance in Treaty 3.
00:41:27Importantly, we deepened our relationships with each other
00:41:30as Palestinian and Anishinaabe
00:41:33and with the ancestral lands of our Anishinaabe kin.
00:41:42I just have a very quick, very important announcement.
00:41:45So while we were not all able to get to the water,
00:41:48there was a grandmother with her big long stick
00:41:51and her medicine and a little group
00:41:54made it to the waterfront to do a ceremony today.
00:42:00They went right by. You should have seen it.
00:42:02It was like watching the queen walk.
00:42:04Well, not the queen there, but you know what I mean.
00:42:06Like walking. She went for it.
00:42:10Free the people! Free the people!
00:42:14A few lessons that we learned during our delegation.
00:42:18Firstly, we learned our indigenous and Palestinian solidarity work
00:42:24must be rooted in relationships.
00:42:26Land back is rooted in our rightful relationships to lands and waters.
00:42:31And coming together as we built a sweat lodge at Manitou Rapids
00:42:36and visited Judy da Silva at Gresti Narrows,
00:42:39we held one another's grief in ways we have not been able to
00:42:43in the past nine months and engaged in collective world making.
00:42:51Our constellating experiences, struggles, and hopes for the future
00:42:54informed the way that we come together, not if we come together.
00:42:59This work is not easy, and at times it's messy and it's frustrating,
00:43:03but that's also what made us so raw and so real.
00:43:07Our relationship building helps us to recognize the way
00:43:11pieces of ourselves and our communities and our lands and our waters
00:43:14live inside one another.
00:43:16We are so grateful for our Anishinaabekin for bringing us closer to Palestine.
00:43:22We also recognize how the health of our peoples is inextricably tied
00:43:26to the health of our lands.
00:43:28Health is also embodied and deeply grounded in the spiritual.
00:43:32The delegation met with leaders and pastors of the longest-running
00:43:36logging blockade to protect some of the last clean waters
00:43:40at Gresti Narrows.
00:43:42We are so grateful for our Anishinaabekin for bringing us closer to Palestine.
00:43:52Mercury poisoning of sacred waters from upstream paper mills
00:43:56continues to poison and affect our Anishinaabekin and communities.
00:44:04We also learned about the occupation of Anishinaabe Park,
00:44:08which was also directly related to issues around health and police violence.
00:44:16The occupation of Anishinaabekin and communities
00:44:20The occupation also centered Midewin ceremony as a commitment
00:44:24to ground their organizing in the ways of their people.
00:44:27For Anishinaabeg, ceremony and spirit are vital material lifelines.
00:44:32We had the honor of witnessing Midewin ceremony and listening
00:44:36to the creation stories from elders on our first day,
00:44:39which set forth our own commitment to healing.
00:44:42We affirmed that healing ourselves, our lands, and our communities
00:44:47is a necessity in our collective struggle toward land back and right of return.
00:44:58And then next, we remembered the children, our future.
00:45:03Settler colonial states and their cowardice target our children
00:45:08as an attack on our futures.
00:45:11When so-called Canada stole and continues to steal
00:45:15indigenous children from their families and homelands
00:45:19through residential schools, which became the Sixties Scoop
00:45:22and now the Millennials Scoop,
00:45:24this is an attack on indigenous futures.
00:45:31In Gaza, where over 14,000 children have been killed,
00:45:3517,000 are believed to be unaccompanied,
00:45:42and another 4,000 are missing, likely under the rubble.
00:45:49And while schools and hospitals continue to be targeted,
00:45:53this is an attack on Palestinian futures.
00:46:00One of our biggest guides and teachers was a three-year-old Anishinaabeg child,
00:46:05raised in her ways and deeply attuned to creation.
00:46:09She showed us what was missing within ourselves.
00:46:14We affirmed that the resistance also means creating better worlds
00:46:19for our children to grow up in.
00:46:22Rooted in our cultures, identities, and the land,
00:46:25may we continue to dream for freedom for our children.
00:46:30It is no doubt that Treaty 3 brought us closer to Palestine.
00:46:34Witnessing our kin know their homelands intimately
00:46:38and be embraced in return by all of creation,
00:46:42we found ourselves as Palestinians,
00:46:45who yearned to step foot on Palestine's soil,
00:46:49feel closer to her than ever before.
00:46:52We exchanged Arabic and Hebrew,
00:46:55We exchanged Arabic and Anishinaabemowin words with no hesitation.
00:47:00We sang prisoner songs to the river at grassy narrows.
00:47:04We prayed together. We cried together.
00:47:08We cooked together.
00:47:10And when in doubt, we threw salt out on everything that we cooked.
00:47:17And we asked questions about liberation,
00:47:20And we asked questions about liberation,
00:47:23only the spirits in our ancestors' meeting in Treaty 3 could guide us through.
00:47:29We received signs from bears, from pelicans,
00:47:32eagles, turtles, the water, thunderbirds,
00:47:35and even tornadoes,
00:47:37that we knew that we were doing exactly what we were meant to be doing,
00:47:43reaching toward each other,
00:47:46building bonds across lifetimes,
00:47:49centering the land, the children,
00:47:52the spirits in everything that we do.
00:47:57We know that our colonizers attack most what they fear and do not understand.
00:48:04We know that our relationships is in a realm beyond what these pigs could ever understand.
00:48:13Our relationships, for that reason, are one of our most powerful weapons.
00:48:20Relationships are often all that we have,
00:48:24and deepening our connections to each other, to the land,
00:48:28and to spirit is the work of worldbuilding.
00:48:32It is land back.
00:48:34Let me say that again, it is land back.
00:48:37It is the right of return.
00:48:41It is the right of return.
00:48:49It is knowing with our deepest conviction that nothing is ever truly lost.
00:48:56No martyr, no child, no ceremony, no song, no story is ever truly lost.
00:49:05That there will be a day where we know the land, our stories, our languages with no hesitation.
00:49:12That once this world ends, the only rubble left will be that of empire.
00:49:22And we will have planted the seeds to build anew.
00:49:27Our stories will continue to be alive and imbued with spirit.
00:49:32Our children will no longer have to write with their blood.
00:49:36Instead, the children will outlast these settler colonial states and these pigs over here.
00:49:43They will outlive them.
00:49:45They will rewrite the meaning of this world with their living.
00:49:49Glory to our martyrs, to our children, to our grandparents, to our land, to our water.
00:49:57Thank you.
00:50:03Green, green, Toronto.
00:50:07Green, green.
00:50:09And we always make our way to the water with no problems.
00:50:13And they told me not twice, but four times, the reason we cannot go to the water is because Palestinians are walking with us.
00:50:24Shame on Toronto City Police.
00:50:28Shame on you colonizers.
00:50:32This is not your land.
00:50:34You don't belong here.
00:50:53We are sisters in solidarity.
00:50:58We are matriarchs.
00:51:00We are genocidal survivors.
00:51:02We are Indian residential school survivors.
00:51:06And throughout the years, we've always done this walk, this healing and water walk, and this rallying.
00:51:14And we're always going to the water.
00:51:18But this time, we are not allowed to go to the water in this healing and water walk.
00:51:25And you know why that is?
00:51:27Because we have our fellow brothers and sisters, Palestinians, walking with us.
00:51:36Today, at date, there is a genocide that's happening in Palestine.
00:51:43They're walking with our people.
00:51:46They're walking with first nation people, Mexican people, and Indian people, as human beings.
00:51:54And because they walk with us, we are not allowed to go to the water.
00:52:00Shame on the fucking police.
00:52:07I have a poem that I would like to share with you all.
00:52:11It was a time when I was a recovering heroin addict.
00:52:18Now for 17 years.
00:52:20And I was a sex trafficking survivor.
00:52:24From when I was a little girl until I was a teen.
00:52:28And in that time, they make you complicit to what you go through.
00:52:33And they shoot you after drugs.
00:52:35And that's how I became an addict.
00:52:37So I wrote a poem.
00:52:39And I'm going to share it with you.
00:52:41I just got to find it.
00:52:45Just because.
00:52:48My life.
00:52:51And I wrote this.
00:52:53Throughout my addiction.
00:52:55My heroin addiction.
00:52:57Writing is what heals me.
00:52:59And that gives me that strength.
00:53:01And helps me to story tell.
00:53:03Of who I am.
00:53:05And not only me.
00:53:07All Indian residential school survivors.
00:53:09And descendants of K-school survivors.
00:53:12Sixties school survivors.
00:53:14Genocidal survivors.
00:53:17And the descendants of.
00:53:19So this is how Thunderbird writes.
00:53:21That's my life.
00:53:26I stumble in darkness.
00:53:28I fall in failure.
00:53:30I slip up and hope up for that numbing fix.
00:53:33For those spirits with the diabolical tricks.
00:53:37In the gutter.
00:53:38I continue life with only being able to stutter.
00:53:41My veins are tainted.
00:53:44As the pain numbs.
00:53:46I slip up into that unwanted abyss.
00:53:49I sit and yearn.
00:53:52Of being able to sit with those.
00:53:54In that sky world.
00:53:58In that sky.
00:53:59Fuck no.
00:54:00I get back up.
00:54:02To endure this task.
00:54:04As fear shatters over you.
00:54:07An unwanted disease.
00:54:09I cough and spit up.
00:54:10Rough and tough.
00:54:12Nothing left to do but worry your ass.
00:54:15Fading into that ground unknown.
00:54:17I'm flying high.
00:54:19Not disturbed.
00:54:21Emotion of immensity.
00:54:23Spiritually not hurt.
00:54:25How absurd.
00:54:28I'm dying alone.
00:54:30I will not accept your sympathy.
00:54:33There is no compromising.
00:54:35In the victimization of my race.
00:54:39And biological warfare.
00:54:41My ladies of justified warriors.
00:54:43Incarcerate me.
00:54:44This unjust system.
00:54:46Faileth my people.
00:54:47What would they say?
00:54:49A God-given right to murder a child.
00:54:52Man or wife.
00:54:53Of indigenous pride.
00:54:55What a joke.
00:55:00I'm sorry.
00:55:06That's the emotion.
00:55:07Of your dirty mind.
00:55:12With not even.
00:55:13Any real or right solution.
00:55:15Repressions of my being.
00:55:17Telling me my choice.
00:55:19To this life.
00:55:20While handing me oppression.
00:55:22And nothing but strife.
00:55:24Fuck you though.
00:55:26I'm going to choose.
00:55:28And fail your assimilation.
00:55:31My name.
00:55:33And I shall even.
00:55:35With the grace and destiny.
00:55:36In the palm of my hand.
00:55:38Be it good.
00:55:39Or bad ass.
00:55:40I will continue.
00:55:41This life.
00:55:42To not only exist.
00:55:43Within my mind.
00:55:44Body and soul.
00:55:47Really right.
00:55:48Still tied to my chest.
00:55:49To those fraudulent.
00:55:51Surrounding my life.
00:55:52I beg.
00:55:54I won't allow.
00:55:55The malicious beast.
00:55:56To obliterate.
00:55:57All that I've endured.
00:55:58With the wrongs.
00:55:59And the flaws.
00:56:00Of my life.
00:56:01I will.
00:56:02I will.
00:56:03I will.
00:56:04I will.
00:56:05I will.
00:56:06I will.
00:56:07I will.
00:56:08I will.
00:56:09I will.
00:56:10I will.
00:56:11I will.
00:56:12I will.
00:56:13I will.
00:56:14I will.
00:56:15I will.
00:56:16I will.
00:56:17I will.
00:56:18I will.
00:56:19I will.
00:56:20I will.
00:56:21I will.
00:56:22I will.
00:56:23I will.
00:56:24I will.
00:56:25I will.
00:56:26I will.
00:56:27I will.
00:56:28I will.
00:56:29I will.
00:56:30I will.
00:56:31I will.
00:56:32I will.
00:56:33I will.
00:56:34I will.
00:56:35I will.
00:56:36I will.
00:56:37I will.
00:56:38I will.
00:56:39I will.
00:56:40I will.
00:56:41I will.
00:56:42I will.
00:56:43I will.
00:56:44I will.
00:56:45I will.
00:56:46I will.
00:56:47I will.
00:56:48I will.
00:56:49I will.
00:56:50I will.
00:56:51I will.
00:56:52I will.
00:56:53I will.
00:56:54I will.
00:56:55I will.
00:56:56I will.
00:56:57I will.
00:56:58I will.
00:56:59I will.
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00:57:01I will.
00:57:02I will.
00:57:03I will.
00:57:04I will.
00:57:05I will.
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01:01:23I will.
01:01:24I will.
01:01:25I will.
01:01:26I will.
01:01:27I will.
01:01:28I will.
01:01:29I will.
01:01:30I will.
01:01:31I will.
01:01:32I will.
01:01:33I will.
01:01:34I will.
01:01:35I will.
01:01:36I will.
01:01:37I will.
01:01:38I will.
01:01:39I will.
01:01:40I will.
01:01:41I will.
01:01:42I will.
01:01:43I will.
01:01:44I will.
01:01:45I will.
01:01:46I will.
01:01:47I will.
01:01:48I will.
01:01:49I will.
01:01:50I will.
01:01:51I will.
01:01:52I will.
01:01:53I will.
01:01:54I will.
01:01:55I will.
01:01:56I will.
01:01:57I will.
01:01:58I will.
01:01:59I will.
01:02:00I will.
01:02:01I will.
01:02:02I will.
01:02:03I will.
01:02:04I will.
01:02:05I will.
01:02:06I will.
01:02:07I will.
01:02:08I will.
01:02:09I will.
01:02:10I will.
01:02:11I will.
01:02:12I will.
01:02:13I will.
01:02:14I will.
01:02:15I will.
01:02:16I will.
01:02:17I will.
01:02:18I will.
01:02:19I will.
01:02:20I will.
01:02:21I will.
01:02:22I will.
01:02:23I will.
01:02:24I will.
01:02:25I will.
01:02:26I will.
01:02:27I will.
01:02:28I will.
01:02:29I will.
01:02:30I will.
01:02:31I will.
01:02:32I will.
01:02:33I will.
01:02:34I will.
01:02:35I will.
01:02:36I will.
01:02:37I will.
01:02:38I will.
01:02:39I will.
01:02:40I will.
01:02:41I will.
01:02:42I will.
01:02:43I will.
01:02:44I will.
01:02:45I will.
01:02:46I will.
01:02:47I will.
01:02:48I will.
01:02:49I will.
01:02:50I will.
01:02:51I will.
01:02:52I will.
01:02:53I will.
01:02:54I will.
01:02:55I will.
01:02:56I will.
01:02:57I will.
01:02:58I will.
01:02:59I will.
01:03:00I will.
01:03:01I will.
01:03:02I will.
01:03:03I will.
01:03:04I will.
01:03:05I will.
01:03:06I will.
01:03:07I will.
01:03:08I will.
01:03:09I will.
01:03:10I will.
01:03:11I will.
01:03:12I will.
01:03:13I will.
01:03:14I will.
01:03:15I will.
01:03:16I will.
01:03:17I will.
01:03:18I will.
01:03:19I will.
01:03:20I will.
01:03:21I will.
01:03:22I will.
01:03:23I will.
01:03:24I will.
01:03:25I will.
01:03:26I will.
01:03:27I will.
01:03:28I will.
01:03:29I will.
01:03:30I will.
01:03:31I will.
01:03:32I will.
01:03:33I will.
01:03:34I will.
01:03:35I will.
01:03:36I will.
01:03:37I will.
01:03:38I will.
01:03:39I will.
01:03:40I will.
01:03:41I will.
01:03:42I will.
01:03:43I will.
01:03:44I will.
01:03:45I will.
01:03:46I will.
01:03:47I will.
01:03:48I will.
01:03:49I will.
01:03:50I will.
01:03:51I will.
01:03:52I will.
01:03:53I will.
01:03:54I will.
01:03:55I will.
01:03:56I will.
01:03:57I will.
01:03:58I will.
01:03:59I will.
01:04:00I will.
01:04:01I will.
01:04:02I will.
01:04:03I will.
01:04:04I will.
01:04:05I will.
01:04:06I will.
01:04:07I will.
01:04:08I will.
01:04:09I will.
01:04:10I will.
01:04:11I will.
01:04:12I will.
01:04:13I will.
01:04:14I will.
01:04:15I will.
01:04:16I will.
01:04:17I will.
01:04:18I will.
01:04:19I will.
01:04:20I will.
01:04:21I will.
01:04:22I will.
01:04:23I will.
01:04:24I will.
01:04:25I will.
01:04:26I will.
01:04:27I will.
01:04:28I will.
01:04:29I will.
01:04:30I will.
01:04:31I will.
01:04:32I will.
01:04:33I will.
01:04:34I will.
01:04:35I will.
01:04:36I will.
01:04:37I will.
01:04:38I will.
01:04:39I will.
01:04:40I will.
01:04:41I will.
01:04:42I will.
01:04:43I will.
01:04:44I will.
01:04:45I will.
01:04:46I will.
01:04:47I will.
01:04:48I will.
01:04:49I will.
01:04:50I will.
01:04:51I will.
01:04:52I will.
01:04:53I will.
01:04:54I will.
01:04:55I will.
01:04:56I will.
01:04:57I will.
01:04:58I will.
01:04:59I will.
01:05:00I will.
01:05:01I will.
01:05:02I will.
01:05:03I will.
01:05:04I will.
01:05:05I will.
01:05:06I will.
01:05:07I will.
01:05:08I will.
01:05:09I will.
01:05:10I will.
01:05:11I will.
01:05:12I will.
01:05:13I will.
01:05:14I will.
01:05:15I will.
01:05:16I will.
01:05:17I will.
01:05:18I will.
01:05:19I will.
01:05:20I will.
01:05:21I will.
01:05:22I will.
01:05:23I will.
01:05:24I will.
01:05:25I will.
01:05:26I will.
01:05:27I will.
01:05:28I will.
01:05:29I will.
01:05:30I will.
01:05:31I will.
01:05:32I will.
01:05:33I will.
01:05:34I will.
01:05:35I will.
01:05:36I will.
01:05:37I will.
01:05:38I will.
01:05:39I will.
01:05:40I will.
01:05:41I will.
01:05:42I will.
01:05:43I will.
01:05:44I will.
01:05:45I will.
01:05:46I will.
01:05:47I will.
01:05:48I will.
01:05:49I will.
01:05:50I will.
01:05:51I will.
01:05:52I will.
01:05:53I will.
01:05:54I will.
01:05:55I will.
01:05:56I will.
01:05:57I will.
01:05:58I will.
01:05:59I will.
01:06:00I will.
01:06:01I will.
01:06:02I will.
01:06:03I will.
01:06:04I will.
01:06:05I will.
01:06:06I will.
01:06:07I will.
01:06:08I will.
01:06:09I will.
01:06:10I will.
01:06:11I will.
01:06:12I will.
01:06:13I will.
01:06:14I will.
01:06:15I will.
01:06:16I will.
01:06:17I will.
01:06:18I will.
01:06:19I will.
01:06:20I will.
01:06:21I will.
01:06:22I will.
01:06:23I will.
01:06:24I will.
01:06:25I will.
01:06:26I will.
01:06:27I will.
01:06:28I will.
01:06:29I will.
01:06:30I will.
01:06:31I will.
01:06:32I will.
01:06:33I will.
01:06:34I will.
01:06:35I will.
01:06:36I will.
01:06:37I will.
01:06:38I will.
01:06:39I will.
01:06:40I will.
01:06:41I will.
01:06:42I will.
01:06:43I will.
01:06:44I will.
01:06:45I will.
01:06:46I will.
01:06:47I will.
01:06:48I will.
01:06:49I will.
01:06:50I will.
01:06:51I will.
01:06:52I will.
01:06:53I will.
01:06:54I will.
01:06:55I will.
01:06:56I will.
01:06:57I will.
01:06:58I will.
01:06:59I will.
01:07:00I will.
01:07:01I will.
01:07:02I will.
01:07:03I will.
01:07:04I will.
01:07:05I will.
01:07:06I will.
01:07:07I will.
01:07:08I will.
01:07:09I will.
01:07:10I will.
01:07:11I will.
01:07:12I will.
01:07:13I will.
01:07:14I will.
01:07:15I will.
01:07:16I will.
01:07:17I will.
01:07:18I will.
01:07:19I will.
01:07:20I will.
01:07:21I will.
01:07:22I will.
01:07:23I will.
01:07:24I will.
01:07:25I will.
01:07:26I will.
01:07:27I will.
01:07:28I will.
01:07:29I will.
01:07:30I will.
01:07:31I will.
01:07:32I will.
01:07:33I will.
01:07:34I will.
01:07:35I will.
01:07:36I will.
01:07:37I will.
01:07:38I will.
01:07:39I will.
01:07:40I will.
01:07:41I will.
01:07:42I will.
01:07:43I will.
01:07:44I will.
01:07:45I will.
01:07:46I will.
01:07:47I will.
01:07:48I will.
01:07:49I will.
01:07:50I will.
01:07:51I will.
01:07:52I will.
01:07:53I will.
01:07:54I will.
01:07:55I will.
01:07:56I will.
01:07:57I will.
01:07:58I will.
01:07:59I will.
01:08:00I will.
01:08:01I will.
01:08:02I will.
01:08:03I will.
01:08:04I will.
01:08:05I will.
01:08:06I will.
01:08:07I will.
01:08:08I will.
01:08:09I will.
01:08:10I will.
01:08:11I will.
01:08:12I will.
01:08:13I will.
01:08:14I will.
01:08:15I will.
01:08:16I will.
01:08:17I will.
01:08:18I will.
01:08:19I will.
01:08:20I will.
01:08:21I will.
01:08:22I will.
01:08:23I will.
01:08:24I will.
01:08:25I will.
01:08:26I will.
01:08:27I will.
01:08:28I will.
01:08:29I will.
01:08:30I will.
01:08:31I will.
01:08:32I will.
01:08:33I will.
01:08:34I will.
01:08:35I will.
01:08:36I will.
01:08:37I will.
01:08:38I will.
01:08:39I will.
01:08:40I will.
01:08:41I will.
01:08:42I will.
01:08:43I will.
01:08:44I will.
01:08:45I will.
01:08:46I will.
01:08:47I will.
01:08:48I will.
01:08:49I will.
01:08:50I will.
01:08:51I will.
01:08:52I will.
01:08:53I will.
01:08:54I will.
01:08:55I will.
01:08:56I will.
01:08:57I will.
01:08:58I will.
01:08:59I will.
01:09:00I will.
01:09:01I will.
01:09:02I will.
01:09:03I will.
01:09:04I will.
01:09:05I will.
01:09:06I will.
01:09:07I will.
01:09:08I will.
01:09:09I will.
01:09:10I will.
01:09:11I will.
01:09:12I will.
01:09:13I will.
01:09:14I will.
01:09:15I will.
01:09:16I will.
01:09:17I will.
01:09:18I will.
01:09:19I will.
01:09:20I will.
01:09:21I will.
01:09:22I will.
01:09:23I will.
01:09:24I will.
01:09:25I will.
01:09:26I will.
01:09:27I will.
01:09:28I will.
01:09:29I will.
01:09:30I will.
01:09:31I will.
01:09:32I will.
01:09:33I will.
01:09:34I will.
01:09:35I will.
01:09:36I will.
01:09:37I will.
01:09:38I will.
01:09:39I will.
01:09:40I will.
01:09:41I will.
01:09:42I will.
01:09:43I will.
01:09:44I will.
01:09:45I will.
01:09:46I will.
01:09:47I will.
01:09:48I will.
01:09:49I will.
01:09:50I will.
01:09:51I will.
01:09:52I will.
01:09:53I will.
01:09:54I will.
01:09:55I will.
01:09:56I will.
01:09:57I will.
01:09:58I will.
01:09:59I will.
01:10:00I will.
01:10:01I will.
01:10:02I will.
01:10:03I will.
01:10:04I will.
01:10:05I will.
01:10:06I will.
01:10:07I will.
01:10:08I will.
01:10:09I will.
01:10:10I will.
01:10:11I will.
01:10:12I will.
01:10:13I will.
01:10:14I will.
01:10:15I will.
01:10:16I will.
01:10:17I will.
01:10:18I will.
01:10:19I will.
01:10:20I will.
01:10:21I will.
01:10:22I will.
01:10:23I will.
01:10:24I will.
01:10:25I will.
01:10:26I will.
01:10:27I will.
01:10:28I will.
01:10:29I will.
01:10:30I will.
01:10:31I will.
01:10:32I will.
01:10:33I will.
01:10:34I will.
01:10:35I will.
01:10:36I will.
01:10:37I will.
01:10:38I will.
01:10:39I will.
01:10:40I will.
01:10:41I will.
01:10:42I will.
01:10:43I will.
01:10:44I will.
01:10:45I will.
01:10:46I will.
01:10:47I will.
01:10:48I will.
01:10:49I will.
01:10:50I will.
01:10:51I will.
01:10:52I will.
01:10:53I will.
01:10:54I will.
01:10:55I will.
01:10:56I will.
01:10:57I will.
01:10:58I will.
01:10:59I will.
01:11:00I will.
01:11:01I will.
01:11:02I will.
01:11:03I will.
01:11:04I will.
01:11:05I will.
01:11:06I will.
01:11:07I will.
01:11:08I will.
01:11:09I will.
01:11:10I will.
01:11:11I will.
01:11:12I will.
01:11:13I will.
01:11:14I will.
01:11:15I will.
01:11:16I will.
01:11:17I will.
01:11:18I will.
01:11:19I will.
01:11:20I will.
01:11:21I will.
01:11:22I will.
01:11:23I will.
01:11:24I will.
01:11:25I will.
01:11:26I will.
01:11:27I will.
01:11:28I will.
01:11:29I will.
01:11:30I will.
01:11:31I will.
01:11:32I will.
01:11:33I will.
01:11:34I will.
01:11:35I will.
01:11:36I will.
01:11:37I will.
01:11:38I will.
01:11:39I will.
01:11:40I will.
01:11:41I will.
01:11:42I will.
01:11:43I will.
01:11:44I will.
01:11:45I will.
01:11:46I will.
01:11:47I will.
01:11:48I will.
01:11:49I will.
01:11:50I will.
01:11:51I will.
01:11:52I will.
01:11:53I will.
01:11:54I will.
01:11:55I will.
01:11:56I will.
01:11:57I will.
01:11:58I will.
01:11:59I will.
01:12:00I will.
01:12:01I will.
01:12:02I will.
01:12:03I will.
01:12:04I will.
01:12:05I will.
01:12:06I will.
01:12:07I will.
01:12:08I will.
01:12:09I will.
01:12:10I will.
01:12:11I will.
01:12:12I will.
01:12:13I will.
01:12:14I will.
01:12:15I will.
01:12:16I will.
01:12:17I will.
01:12:18I will.
01:12:19I will.
01:12:20I will.
01:12:21I will.
01:12:22I will.
01:12:23I will.
01:12:24I will.
01:12:25I will.
01:12:26I will.
01:12:27I will.
01:12:28I will.
01:12:29I will.
01:12:30I will.
01:12:31I will.
01:12:32I will.
01:12:33I will.
01:12:34I will.
01:12:35I will.
01:12:36I will.
01:12:37I will.
01:12:38I will.
01:12:39I will.
01:12:40I will.
01:12:41I will.
01:12:42I will.
01:12:43I will.
01:12:44I will.
01:12:45I will.
01:12:46I will.
01:12:47I will.
01:12:48I will.
01:12:49I will.
01:12:50I will.
01:12:51I will.
01:12:52I will.
01:12:53I will.
01:12:54I will.
01:12:55I will.
01:12:56I will.
01:12:57I will.
01:12:58I will.
01:12:59I will.
01:13:00I will.
01:13:01I will.
01:13:02I will.
01:13:03I will.
01:13:04I will.
01:13:05I will.
01:13:06I will.
01:13:07I will.
01:13:08I will.
01:13:09I will.
01:13:10I will.
01:13:11I will.
01:13:12I will.
01:13:13I will.
01:13:14I will.
01:13:15I will.
01:13:16I will.
01:13:17I will.
01:13:18I will.
01:13:19I will.
01:13:20I will.
01:13:21I will.
01:13:22I will.
01:13:23I will.
01:13:24I will.
01:13:25I will.
01:13:26I will.
01:13:27I will.
01:13:28I will.
01:13:29I will.
01:13:30I will.
01:13:31I will.
01:13:32I will.
01:13:33I will.
01:13:34I will.
01:13:35I will.
01:13:36I will.
01:13:37I will.
01:13:38I will.
01:13:39I will.
01:13:40I will.
01:13:41I will.
01:13:42I will.
01:13:43I will.
01:13:44I will.
01:13:45I will.
01:13:46I will.
01:13:47I will.
01:13:48I will.
01:13:49I will.
01:13:50I will.
01:13:51I will.
01:13:52I will.
01:13:53I will.
01:13:54I will.
01:13:55I will.
01:13:56I will.
01:13:57I will.
01:13:58I will.
01:13:59I will.
01:14:00I will.
01:14:01I will.
01:14:02I will.
01:14:03I will.
01:14:04I will.
01:14:05I will.
01:14:06I will.
01:14:07I will.
01:14:08I will.
01:14:09I will.
01:14:10I will.
01:14:11I will.
01:14:12I will.
01:14:13I will.
01:14:14I will.
01:14:15I will.
01:14:16I will.
01:14:17I will.
01:14:18I will.
01:14:19I will.
01:14:20I will.
01:14:21I will.
01:14:22I will.
01:14:23I will.
01:14:24I will.
01:14:25I will.
01:14:26I will.
01:14:27I will.
01:14:28I will.
01:14:29I will.
01:14:30I will.
01:14:31I will.
01:14:32I will.
01:14:33I will.
01:14:34I will.
01:14:35I will.
01:14:36I will.
01:14:37I will.
01:14:38I will.
01:14:39I will.
01:14:40I will.
01:14:41I will.
01:14:42I will.
01:14:43I will.
01:14:44I will.
01:14:45I will.
01:14:46I will.
01:14:47I will.
01:14:48I will.
01:14:49I will.
01:14:50I will.
01:14:51I will.
01:14:52I will.
01:14:53I will.
01:14:54I will.
01:14:55I will.
01:14:56I will.
01:14:57I will.
01:14:58I will.
01:14:59I will.
01:15:00I will.
01:15:01I will.
01:15:02I will.
01:15:03I will.
01:15:04I will.
01:15:05I will.
01:15:06I will.
01:15:07I will.
01:15:08I will.
01:15:09I will.
01:15:10I will.
01:15:11I will.
01:15:12I will.
01:15:13I will.
01:15:14I will.
01:15:15I will.
01:15:16I will.
01:15:17I will.
01:15:18I will.
01:15:19I will.
01:15:20I will.
01:15:21I will.
01:15:22I will.
01:15:23I will.
01:15:24I will.
01:15:25I will.
01:15:26I will.
01:15:27I will.
01:15:28I will.
01:15:29I will.
01:15:30I will.
01:15:31I will.
01:15:32I will.
01:15:33I will.
01:15:34I will.
01:15:35I will.
01:15:36I will.
01:15:37I will.
01:15:38I will.
01:15:39I will.
01:15:40I will.
01:15:41I will.
01:15:42I will.
01:15:43I will.
01:15:44I will.
01:15:45I will.
01:15:46I will.
01:15:47I will.
01:15:48I will.
01:15:49I will.
01:15:50I will.
01:15:51I will.
01:15:52I will.
01:15:53I will.
01:15:54I will.
01:15:55I will.
01:15:56I will.
01:15:57I will.
01:15:58I will.
01:15:59I will.
01:16:00I will.
01:16:01I will.
01:16:02I will.
01:16:03I will.
01:16:04I will.
01:16:05I will.
01:16:06I will.
01:16:07I will.
01:16:08I will.
01:16:09I will.
01:16:10I will.
01:16:11I will.
01:16:12I will.
01:16:13I will.
01:16:14I will.
01:16:15I will.
01:16:16I will.
01:16:17I will.
01:16:18I will.
01:16:19I will.
01:16:20I will.
01:16:21I will.
01:16:22I will.
01:16:23I will.
01:16:24I will.
01:16:25I will.
01:16:26I will.
01:16:27I will.
01:16:28I will.
01:16:29I will.
01:16:30I will.
01:16:31I will.
01:16:32I will.
01:16:33I will.
01:16:34I will.
01:16:35I will.
01:16:36I will.
01:16:37I will.
01:16:38I will.
01:16:39I will.
01:16:40I will.
01:16:41I will.
01:16:42I will.
01:16:43I will.
01:16:44I will.
01:16:45I will.
01:16:46I will.
01:16:47I will.
01:16:48I will.
01:16:49I will.
01:16:50I will.
01:16:51I will.
01:16:52I will.
01:16:53I will.
01:16:54I will.
01:16:55I will.
01:16:56I will.
01:16:57I will.
01:16:58I will.
01:16:59I will.
01:17:00I will.
01:17:01I will.
01:17:02I will.
01:17:03I will.
01:17:04I will.
01:17:05I will.
01:17:06I will.
01:17:07I will.
01:17:08I will.
01:17:09I will.
01:17:10I will.
01:17:11I will.
01:17:12I will.
01:17:13I will.
01:17:14I will.
01:17:15I will.
01:17:16I will.
01:17:17I will.
01:17:18I will.
01:17:19I will.
01:17:20I will.
01:17:21I will.
01:17:22I will.
01:17:23I will.
01:17:24I will.
01:17:25I will.
01:17:26I will.
01:17:27I will.
01:17:28I will.
01:17:29I will.
01:17:30I will.
01:17:31I will.
01:17:32I will.
01:17:33I will.
01:17:34I will.
01:17:35I will.
01:17:36I will.
01:17:37I will.
01:17:38I will.
01:17:39I will.
01:17:40I will.
01:17:41I will.
01:17:42I will.
01:17:43I will.
01:17:44I will.
01:17:45I will.
01:17:46I will.
01:17:47I will.
01:17:48I will.
01:17:49I will.
01:17:50I will.
01:17:51I will.
01:17:52I will.
01:17:53I will.
01:17:54I will.
01:17:55I will.
01:17:56I will.
01:17:57I will.
01:17:58I will.
01:17:59I will.
01:18:00I will.
01:18:01I will.
01:18:02I will.
01:18:03I will.
01:18:04I will.
01:18:05I will.
01:18:06I will.
01:18:07I will.
01:18:08I will.
01:18:09I will.
01:18:10I will.
01:18:11I will.
01:18:12I will.
01:18:13I will.
01:18:14I will.
01:18:15I will.
01:18:16I will.
01:18:17I will.
01:18:18I will.
01:18:19I will.
01:18:20I will.
01:18:21I will.
01:18:22I will.
01:18:23I will.
01:18:24I will.
01:18:25I will.
01:18:26I will.
01:18:27I will.
01:18:28I will.
01:18:29I will.
01:18:30I will.
01:18:31I will.
01:18:32I will.
01:18:33I will.
01:18:34I will.
01:18:35I will.
01:18:36I will.
01:18:37I will.
01:18:38I will.
01:18:39I will.
01:18:40I will.
01:18:41I will.
01:18:42I will.
01:18:43I will.
01:18:44I will.
01:18:45I will.
01:18:46I will.
01:18:47I will.
01:18:48I will.
01:18:49I will.
01:18:50I will.
01:18:51I will.
01:18:52I will.
01:18:53I will.
01:18:54I will.
01:18:55I will.
01:18:56I will.
01:18:57I will.
01:18:58I will.
01:18:59I will.
01:19:00I will.
01:19:01I will.
01:19:02I will.
01:19:03I will.
01:19:04I will.
01:19:05I will.
01:19:06I will.
01:19:07I will.
01:19:08I will.
01:19:09I will.
01:19:10I will.
01:19:11I will.
01:19:12I will.
01:19:13I will.
01:19:14I will.
01:19:15I will.
01:19:16I will.
01:19:17I will.
01:19:18I will.
01:19:19I will.
01:19:20I will.
01:19:21I will.
01:19:22I will.
01:19:23I will.
01:19:24I will.
01:19:25I will.
01:19:26I will.
01:19:27I will.
01:19:28I will.
01:19:29I will.
01:19:30I will.
01:19:31I will.
01:19:32I will.
01:19:33I will.
01:19:34I will.
01:19:35I will.
01:19:36I will.
01:19:37I will.
01:19:38I will.
01:19:39I will.
01:19:40I will.
01:19:41I will.
01:19:42I will.
01:19:43I will.
01:19:44I will.
01:19:45I will.
01:19:46I will.
01:19:47I will.
01:19:48I will.
01:19:49I will.
01:19:50I will.
01:19:51I will.
01:19:52I will.
01:19:53I will.
01:19:54I will.
01:19:55I will.
01:19:56I will.
01:19:57I will.
01:19:58I will.
01:19:59I will.
01:20:00I will.
01:20:01I will.
01:20:02I will.
01:20:03I will.
01:20:04I will.
01:20:05I will.
01:20:06I will.
01:20:07I will.
01:20:08I will.
01:20:09I will.
01:20:10I will.
01:20:11I will.
01:20:12I will.
01:20:13I will.
01:20:14I will.
01:20:15I will.
01:20:16I will.
01:20:17I will.
01:20:18I will.
01:20:19I will.
01:20:20I will.
01:20:21I will.
01:20:22I will.
01:20:23I will.
01:20:24I will.
01:20:25I will.
01:20:26I will.
01:20:27I will.
01:20:28I will.
01:20:29I will.
01:20:30I will.
01:20:31I will.
01:20:32I will.
01:20:33I will.
01:20:34I will.
01:20:35I will.
01:20:36I will.
01:20:37I will.
01:20:38I will.
01:20:39I will.
01:20:40I will.
01:20:41I will.
01:20:42I will.
01:20:43I will.
01:20:44I will.
01:20:45I will.
01:20:46I will.
01:20:47I will.
01:20:48I will.
01:20:49I will.
01:20:50I will.
01:20:51I will.
01:20:52I will.
01:20:53I will.
01:20:54I will.
01:20:55I will.
01:20:56I will.
01:20:57I will.
01:20:58I will.
01:20:59I will.
01:21:00I will.
01:21:01I will.
01:21:02I will.
01:21:03I will.
01:21:04I will.
01:21:05I will.
01:21:06I will.
01:21:07I will.
01:21:08I will.
01:21:09I will.
01:21:10I will.
01:21:11I will.
01:21:12I will.
01:21:13I will.
01:21:14I will.
01:21:15I will.
01:21:16I will.
01:21:17I will.
01:21:18I will.
01:21:19I will.
01:21:20I will.
01:21:21I will.
01:21:22I will.
01:21:23I will.
01:21:24I will.
01:21:25I will.
01:21:26I will.
01:21:27I will.
01:21:28I will.
01:21:29I will.
01:21:30I will.
01:21:31I will.
01:21:32I will.
01:21:33I will.
01:21:34I will.
01:21:35I will.
01:21:36I will.
01:21:37I will.
01:21:38I will.
01:21:39I will.
01:21:40I will.
01:21:41I will.
01:21:42I will.
01:21:43I will.
01:21:44I will.
01:21:45I will.
01:21:46I will.
01:21:47I will.
01:21:48I will.
01:21:49I will.
01:21:50I will.
01:21:51I will.
01:21:52I will.
01:21:53I will.
01:21:54I will.
01:21:55I will.
01:21:56I will.
01:21:57I will.
01:21:58I will.
01:21:59I will.
01:22:00I will.
01:22:01I will.
01:22:02I will.
01:22:03I will.
01:22:04I will.
01:22:05I will.
01:22:06I will.
01:22:07I will.
01:22:08I will.
01:22:09I will.
01:22:10I will.
01:22:11I will.
01:22:12I will.
01:22:13I will.
01:22:14I will.
01:22:15I will.
01:22:16I will.
01:22:17I will.
01:22:18I will.
01:22:19I will.
01:22:20I will.
01:22:21I will.
01:22:22I will.
01:22:23I will.
01:22:24I will.
01:22:25I will.
01:22:26I will.
01:22:27I will.
01:22:28I will.
01:22:29I will.
01:22:30I will.
01:22:31I will.
01:22:32I will.
01:22:33I will.
01:22:34I will.
01:22:35I will.
01:22:36I will.
01:22:37I will.
01:22:38I will.
01:22:39I will.
01:22:40I will.
01:22:41I will.
01:22:42I will.
01:22:43I will.
01:22:44I will.
01:22:45I will.
01:22:46I will.
01:22:47I will.
01:22:48I will.
01:22:49I will.
01:22:50I will.
01:22:51I will.
01:22:52I will.
01:22:53I will.
01:22:54I will.
01:22:55I will.
01:22:56I will.
01:22:57I will.
01:22:58I will.
01:22:59I will.
01:23:00I will.
01:23:01I will.
01:23:02I will.
01:23:03I will.
01:23:04I will.
01:23:05I will.
01:23:06I will.
01:23:07I will.
01:23:08I will.
01:23:09I will.
01:23:10I will.
01:23:11I will.
01:23:12I will.
01:23:13I will.
01:23:14I will.
01:23:15I will.
01:23:16I will.
01:23:17I will.
01:23:18I will.
01:23:19I will.
01:23:20I will.
01:23:21I will.
01:23:22I will.
01:23:23I will.
01:23:24I will.
01:23:25I will.
01:23:26I will.
01:23:27I will.
01:23:28I will.
01:23:29I will.
01:23:30I will.
01:23:31I will.
01:23:32I will.
01:23:33I will.
01:23:34I will.
01:23:35I will.
01:23:36I will.
01:23:37I will.
01:23:38I will.
01:23:39I will.
01:23:40I will.
01:23:41I will.
01:23:42I will.
01:23:43I will.
01:23:44I will.
01:23:45I will.
01:23:46I will.
01:23:47I will.
01:23:48I will.
01:23:49I will.
01:23:50I will.
01:23:51I will.
01:23:52I will.
01:23:53I will.
01:23:54I will.
01:23:55I will.
01:23:56I will.
01:23:57I will.
01:23:58I will.
01:23:59I will.
01:24:00I will.
01:24:01I will.
01:24:02I will.
01:24:03I will.
01:24:04I will.
01:24:05I will.
01:24:06I will.
01:24:07I will.
01:24:08I will.
01:24:09I will.
01:24:10I will.
01:24:11I will.
01:24:12I will.
01:24:13I will.
01:24:14I will.
01:24:15I will.
01:24:16I will.
01:24:17I will.
01:24:18I will.
01:24:19I will.
01:24:20I will.
01:24:21I will.
01:24:22I will.
01:24:23I will.
01:24:24I will.
01:24:25I will.
01:24:26I will.
01:24:27I will.
01:24:28I will.
01:24:29I will.
01:24:30I will.
01:24:31I will.
01:24:32I will.
01:24:33I will.
01:24:34I will.
01:24:35I will.
01:24:36I will.
01:24:37I will.
01:24:38I will.
01:24:39I will.
01:24:40I will.
01:24:41I will.
01:24:42I will.
01:24:43I will.
01:24:44I will.
01:24:45I will.
01:24:46I will.
01:24:47I will.
01:24:48I will.
01:24:49I will.
01:24:50I will.
01:24:51I will.
01:24:52I will.
01:24:53I will.
01:24:54I will.
01:24:55I will.
01:24:56I will.
01:24:57I will.
01:24:58I will.
01:24:59I will.
01:25:00I will.
01:25:01I will.
01:25:02I will.
01:25:03I will.
01:25:04I will.
01:25:05I will.
01:25:06I will.
01:25:07I will.
01:25:08I will.
01:25:09I will.
01:25:10I will.
01:25:11I will.
01:25:12I will.
01:25:13I will.
01:25:14I will.
01:25:15I will.
01:25:16I will.
01:25:17I will.
01:25:18I will.
01:25:19I will.
01:25:20I will.
01:25:21I will.
01:25:22I will.
01:25:23I will.
01:25:24I will.
01:25:25I will.
01:25:26I will.
01:25:27I will.
01:25:28I will.
01:25:29I will.
01:25:30I will.
01:25:31I will.
01:25:32I will.
01:25:33I will.
01:25:34I will.
01:25:35I will.
01:25:36I will.
01:25:37I will.
01:25:38I will.
01:25:39I will.
01:25:40I will.
01:25:41I will.
01:25:42I will.
01:25:43I will.
01:25:44I will.
01:25:45I will.
01:25:46I will.
01:25:47I will.
01:25:48I will.
01:25:49I will.
01:25:50I will.
01:25:51I will.
01:25:52I will.
01:25:53I will.
01:25:54I will.
01:25:55I will.
01:25:56I will.
01:25:57I will.
01:25:58I will.
01:25:59I will.
01:26:00I will.
01:26:01I will.
01:26:02I will.
01:26:03I will.
01:26:04I will.
01:26:05I will.
01:26:06I will.
01:26:07I will.
01:26:08I will.
01:26:09I will.
01:26:10I will.
01:26:11I will.
01:26:12I will.
01:26:13I will.
01:26:14I will.
01:26:15I will.
01:26:16I will.
01:26:17I will.
01:26:18I will.
01:26:19I will.
01:26:20I will.
01:26:21I will.
01:26:22I will.
01:26:23I will.
01:26:24I will.
01:26:25I will.
01:26:26I will.
01:26:27I will.
01:26:28I will.
01:26:29I will.
01:26:30I will.
01:26:31I will.
01:26:32I will.
01:26:33I will.
01:26:34I will.
01:26:35I will.
01:26:36I will.
01:26:37I will.
01:26:38I will.
01:26:39I will.
01:26:40I will.
01:26:41I will.
01:26:42I will.
01:26:43I will.
01:26:44I will.
01:26:45I will.
01:26:46I will.
01:26:47I will.
01:26:48I will.
01:26:49I will.
01:26:50I will.
01:26:51I will.
01:26:52I will.
01:26:53I will.
01:26:54I will.
01:26:55I will.
01:26:56I will.
01:26:57I will.
01:26:58I will.
01:26:59I will.
01:27:00I will.
01:27:01I will.
01:27:02I will.
01:27:03I will.
01:27:04I will.
01:27:05I will.
01:27:06I will.
01:27:07I will.
01:27:08I will.
01:27:09I will.
01:27:10I will.
01:27:11I will.
01:27:12I will.
01:27:13I will.
01:27:14I will.
01:27:15I will.
01:27:16I will.
01:27:17I will.
01:27:18I will.
01:27:19I will.
01:27:20I will.
01:27:21I will.
01:27:22I will.
01:27:23I will.
01:27:24I will.
01:27:25I will.
01:27:26I will.
01:27:27I will.
01:27:28I will.
01:27:29I will.
01:27:30I will.
01:27:31I will.
01:27:32I will.
01:27:33I will.
01:27:34I will.
01:27:35I will.
01:27:36I will.
01:27:37I will.
01:27:38I will.
01:27:39I will.
01:27:40I will.
01:27:41I will.
01:27:42I will.
01:27:43I will.
01:27:44I will.
01:27:45I will.
01:27:46I will.
01:27:47I will.
01:27:48I will.
01:27:49I will.
01:27:50I will.
01:27:51I will.
01:27:52I will.
01:27:53I will.
01:27:54I will.
01:27:55I will.
01:27:56I will.
01:27:57I will.
01:27:58I will.
01:27:59I will.
01:28:00I will.
01:28:01I will.
01:28:02I will.
01:28:03I will.
01:28:04I will.
01:28:05I will.
01:28:06I will.
01:28:07I will.
01:28:08I will.
01:28:09I will.
01:28:10I will.
01:28:11I will.
01:28:12I will.
01:28:13I will.
01:28:14I will.
01:28:15I will.
01:28:16I will.
01:28:17I will.
01:28:18I will.
01:28:19I will.
01:28:20I will.
01:28:21I will.
01:28:22I will.
01:28:23I will.
01:28:24I will.
01:28:25I will.
01:28:26I will.
01:28:27I will.
01:28:28I will.
01:28:29I will.
01:28:30I will.
01:28:31I will.
01:28:32I will.
01:28:33I will.
01:28:34I will.
01:28:35I will.
01:28:36I will.
01:28:37I will.
01:28:38I will.
01:28:39I will.
01:28:40I will.
01:28:41I will.
01:28:42I will.
01:28:43I will.
01:28:44I will.
01:28:45I will.
01:28:46I will.
01:28:47I will.
01:28:48I will.
01:28:49I will.
01:28:50I will.
01:28:51I will.
01:28:52I will.
01:28:53I will.
01:28:54I will.
01:28:55I will.
01:28:56I will.
01:28:57I will.
01:28:58I will.
01:28:59I will.
01:29:00I will.
01:29:01I will.
01:29:02I will.
01:29:03I will.
01:29:04I will.
01:29:05I will.
01:29:06I will.
01:29:07I will.
01:29:08I will.
01:29:09I will.
01:29:10I will.
01:29:11I will.
01:29:12I will.
01:29:13I will.
01:29:14I will.
01:29:15I will.
01:29:16I will.
01:29:17I will.
01:29:18I will.
01:29:19I will.
01:29:20I will.
01:29:21I will.
01:29:22I will.
01:29:23I will.
01:29:24I will.
01:29:25I will.
01:29:26I will.
01:29:27I will.
01:29:28I will.
01:29:29I will.
01:29:30I will.
01:29:31I will.
01:29:32I will.
01:29:33I will.
01:29:34I will.
01:29:35I will.
01:29:36I will.
01:29:37I will.
01:29:38I will.
01:29:39I will.
01:29:40I will.
01:29:41I will.
01:29:42I will.
01:29:43I will.
01:29:44I will.
01:29:45I will.
01:29:46I will.
01:29:47I will.
01:29:48I will.
01:29:49I will.
01:29:50I will.
01:29:51I will.
01:29:52I will.
01:29:53I will.
01:29:54I will.
01:29:55I will.
01:29:56I will.
01:29:57I will.
01:29:58I will.
01:29:59I will.
01:30:00I will.
01:30:01I will.
01:30:02I will.
01:30:03I will.
01:30:04I will.
01:30:05I will.
01:30:06I will.
01:30:07I will.
01:30:08I will.
01:30:09I will.
01:30:10I will.
01:30:11I will.
01:30:12I will.
01:30:13I will.
01:30:14I will.
01:30:15I will.
01:30:16I will.
01:30:17I will.
01:30:18I will.
01:30:19I will.
01:30:20I will.
01:30:21I will.
01:30:22I will.
01:30:23I will.
01:30:24I will.
01:30:25I will.
01:30:26I will.
01:30:27I will.
01:30:28I will.
01:30:29I will.
01:30:30I will.
01:30:31I will.
01:30:32I will.
01:30:33I will.
01:30:34I will.
01:30:35I will.
01:30:36I will.
01:30:37I will.
01:30:38I will.
01:30:39I will.
01:30:40I will.
01:30:41I will.
01:30:42I will.
01:30:43I will.
01:30:44I will.
01:30:45I will.
01:30:46I will.
01:30:47I will.
01:30:48I will.
01:30:49I will.
01:30:50I will.
01:30:51I will.
01:30:52I will.
01:30:53I will.
01:30:54I will.
01:30:55I will.
01:30:56I will.
01:30:57I will.
01:30:58I will.
01:30:59I will.
01:31:00I will.
01:31:01I will.
01:31:02I will.
01:31:03I will.
01:31:04I will.
01:31:05I will.
01:31:06I will.
01:31:07I will.
01:31:08I will.
01:31:09I will.
01:31:10I will.
01:31:11I will.
01:31:12I will.
01:31:13I will.
01:31:14I will.
01:31:15I will.
01:31:16I will.
01:31:17I will.
01:31:18I will.
01:31:19I will.
01:31:20I will.
01:31:21I will.
01:31:22I will.
01:31:23I will.
01:31:24I will.
01:31:25I will.
01:31:26I will.
01:31:27I will.
01:31:28I will.
01:31:29I will.
01:31:30I will.
01:31:31I will.
01:31:32I will.
01:31:33I will.
01:31:34I will.
01:31:35I will.
01:31:36I will.
01:31:37I will.
01:31:38I will.
01:31:39I will.
01:31:40I will.
01:31:41I will.
01:31:42I will.
01:31:43I will.
01:31:44I will.
01:31:45I will.
01:31:46I will.
01:31:47I will.
01:31:48I will.
01:31:49I will.
01:31:50I will.
01:31:51I will.
01:31:52I will.
01:31:53I will.
01:31:54I will.
01:31:55I will.
01:31:56I will.
01:31:57I will.
01:31:58I will.
01:31:59I will.
01:32:00I will.
01:32:01I will.
01:32:02I will.
01:32:03I will.
01:32:04I will.
01:32:05I will.
01:32:06I will.
01:32:07I will.
01:32:08I will.
01:32:09I will.
01:32:10I will.
01:32:11I will.
01:32:12I will.
01:32:13I will.
01:32:14I will.
01:32:15I will.
01:32:16I will.
01:32:17I will.
01:32:18I will.
01:32:19I will.
01:32:20I will.
01:32:21I will.
01:32:22I will.
01:32:23I will.
01:32:24I will.
01:32:25I will.
01:32:26I will.
01:32:27I will.
01:32:28I will.
01:32:29I will.
01:32:30I will.
01:32:31I will.
01:32:32I will.
01:32:33I will.
01:32:34I will.
01:32:35I will.
01:32:36I will.
01:32:37I will.
01:32:38I will.
01:32:39I will.
01:32:40I will.
01:32:41I will.
01:32:42I will.
01:32:43I will.
01:32:44I will.
01:32:45I will.
01:32:46I will.
01:32:47I will.
01:32:48I will.
01:32:49I will.
01:32:50I will.
01:32:51I will.
01:32:52I will.
01:32:53I will.
01:32:54I will.
01:32:55I will.
01:32:56I will.
01:32:57I will.
01:32:58I will.
01:32:59I will.
01:33:00I will.
01:33:01I will.
01:33:02I will.
01:33:03I will.
01:33:04I will.
01:33:05I will.
01:33:06I will.
01:33:07I will.
01:33:08I will.
01:33:09I will.
01:33:10I will.
01:33:11I will.
01:33:12I will.
01:33:13I will.
01:33:14I will.
01:33:15I will.
01:33:16I will.
01:33:17I will.
01:33:18I will.
01:33:19I will.
01:33:20I will.
01:33:21I will.
01:33:22I will.
01:33:23I will.
01:33:24I will.
01:33:25I will.
01:33:26I will.
01:33:27I will.
01:33:28I will.
01:33:29I will.
01:33:30I will.
01:33:31I will.
01:33:32I will.
01:33:33I will.
01:33:34I will.
01:33:35I will.
01:33:36I will.
01:33:37I will.
01:33:38I will.
01:33:39I will.
01:33:40I will.
01:33:41I will.
01:33:42I will.
01:33:43I will.
01:33:44I will.
01:33:45I will.
01:33:46I will.
01:33:47I will.
01:33:48I will.
01:33:49I will.
01:33:50I will.
01:33:51I will.
01:33:52I will.
01:33:53I will.
01:33:54I will.
01:33:55I will.
01:33:56I will.
01:33:57I will.
01:33:58I will.
01:33:59I will.
01:34:00I will.
01:34:01I will.
01:34:02I will.
01:34:03I will.
01:34:04I will.
01:34:05I will.
01:34:06I will.
01:34:07I will.
01:34:08I will.
01:34:09I will.
01:34:10I will.
01:34:11I will.
01:34:12I will.
01:34:13I will.
01:34:14I will.
01:34:15I will.
01:34:16I will.
01:34:17I will.
01:34:18I will.
01:34:19I will.
01:34:20I will.
01:34:21I will.
01:34:22I will.
01:34:23I will.
01:34:24I will.
01:34:25I will.
01:34:26I will.
01:34:27I will.
01:34:28I will.
01:34:29I will.
01:34:30I will.
01:34:31I will.
01:34:32I will.
01:34:33I will.
01:34:34I will.
01:34:35I will.
01:34:36I will.
01:34:37I will.
01:34:38I will.
01:34:39I will.
01:34:40I will.
01:34:41I will.
01:34:42I will.
01:34:43I will.
01:34:44I will.
01:34:45I will.
01:34:46I will.
01:34:47I will.
01:34:48I will.
01:34:49I will.
01:34:50I will.
01:34:51I will.
01:34:52I will.
01:34:53I will.
01:34:54I will.
01:34:55I will.
01:34:56I will.
01:34:57I will.
01:34:58I will.
01:34:59I will.
01:35:00I will.
01:35:01I will.
01:35:02I will.
01:35:03I will.
01:35:04I will.
01:35:05I will.
01:35:06I will.
01:35:07I will.
01:35:08I will.
01:35:09I will.
01:35:10I will.
01:35:11I will.
01:35:12I will.
01:35:13I will.
01:35:14I will.
01:35:15I will.
01:35:16I will.
01:35:17I will.
01:35:18I will.
01:35:19I will.
01:35:20I will.
01:35:21I will.
01:35:22I will.
01:35:23I will.
01:35:24I will.
01:35:25I will.
01:35:26I will.
01:35:27I will.
01:35:28I will.
01:35:29I will.
01:35:30I will.
01:35:31I will.
01:35:32I will.
01:35:33I will.
01:35:34I will.
01:35:35I will.
01:35:36I will.
01:35:37I will.
01:35:38I will.
01:35:39I will.
01:35:40I will.
01:35:41I will.
01:35:42I will.
01:35:43I will.
01:35:44I will.
01:35:45I will.
