Chaos at Miami Stadium: Wild Scenes During the Game

  • 3 months ago
00:00It was quite the scene, bro.
00:05That was laugh out loud funny.
00:07And you know, we're going to show some of the clips later tonight on SportsRage.
00:11But the vent, Scott, is brilliant, isn't it?
00:14These crazy son of a bitches outside the stadium looked and saw these big metal vents.
00:20God knows where they lead to.
00:21Maybe there's a fan that's going to chop your head off in there, Scott.
00:24They said, you know what?
00:25This is the way in the stadium.
00:28Sounds like women and children, women sneaking about like they're pushing kids in.
00:32All right, you go.
00:33All right.
00:34Come on, honey.
00:35You're next.
00:36They're throwing them in the vent.
00:38The cops were overwhelmed, Scott.
00:39And we're talking about Miami cops, too.
00:41Their jaws are just like they were watching.
00:45And what are they going to do?
00:46What are they going to do?
00:48There was a video.
00:49There's like a bunch of cops and the cops are getting mad.
00:52And I think the cops realized these people don't care you're getting mad, bro.
00:56They don't care.
00:57And they're going to run you over.
00:58And they did.
00:59They just, boom.
01:00And the Miami police were like, oh, my God, they fell over in the crowd.
01:07It was nuts.
01:08The scene was nuts, nuts, nuts.
01:11And I said at the top, Scott, you know, a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about
01:14the Euros.
01:16The Euros is like played in the you know what I mean?
01:18Might as well be played in Switzerland.
01:20All right.
01:21The field is gold plated.
01:22You know what I'm saying?
01:24Copa is in the hood hood.
01:25Like we're going to sense like this is hood type stuff.
01:29You saw it on the pitch.
01:30You see it in the stands with the emotion.
01:33We should note, though, no violence between the Argentinian and the Colombian fans at
01:39They were all mixed together.
01:40They were smiling and partying and stuff.
01:42It was a riot to get in, but they didn't fight.
01:45There were fights, right?
01:46Obviously, there's going to be fights, but there were like Colombian dudes fighting with
01:50each other and stuff outside after.
01:52So but I just want to note that that it wasn't it didn't get like because a lot of people
01:55are like, there's no way in hell this game doesn't end in a riot.
02:00It didn't.
02:01None of the fans were cool with each other on the way out.
02:04But overall and around America, Scott, I was watching KTLA this morning and they're like
02:08the damage.
02:09This is a warning for the World Cup coming here.
02:11They were showing Pico Boulevard, nothing but Medellos everywhere, like stabbings.
02:17And like there was a massive brawl last night in L.A. on Pico at a Colombian restaurant
02:22after the game.
02:25They were going at it in London.
02:26So like, yeah, it was a global thing.
02:28It's got the world.
02:29This is just a test.
02:30I think like law enforcement in the U.S. like realizes now, OK, this isn't a Raider game.
02:35This isn't a Dolphin game.
02:37This is different.
02:38All right.
02:39And we better be ready.
02:40They need the National Guard in Miami for the World Cup.
02:46I mean, you're going to have the British dudes, bro.
02:49They're going to be like, they're going to be drinking hard.
