Yankees' Performance: Great Moments Mixed with Disappointment

  • 2 months ago
00:00The Yankees have to prove it to me, to be honest with you.
00:07They have been so topsy-turvy, you know, great and terrible at the same time.
00:14So I don't trust them as far as I could spit.
00:19Their pitching was great, then it was awful.
00:21Their defense was great, then it was awful.
00:24Their offense was great, then it was awful.
00:26So how about the second half, is it going to be great and then at some point awful?
00:31Because that's been the story of this team, great and awful, running side by side with
00:36one another.
00:38This team can't be trusted yet.
00:40I just don't trust them.
00:43It's like Sunday, you're up two runs in the night, you blow it.
00:48It's always something.
00:49And then you hear this guy who you and I ride like a horse, Boone, he just constantly talks
00:56about how wonderful everything is and everything's going to be fine and we're going to right
01:00the ship and turn it around and I believe in these guys.
01:03We know what we can do.
01:04We just have to do it.
01:05I'm sick of it.
01:06You know, I'm from the side of the river that says, at what point are they going to finally
01:11get rid of this guy and get serious about winning again, like they used to, like George
01:16used to.
01:17George was obsessed with winning.
01:19I think Hal and Cashman have become, and Boone, obsessed with the fact that they probably
01:27make more money than any team in baseball.
01:29Maybe the Dodgers, maybe the Phillies, and maybe the Red Sox in terms of gate and concessions
01:41and money made, like who makes the most money on a day-to-day, month-to-month basis in Major
01:48League Baseball, winning or losing, just making money at Yankee Stadium.
01:52They print it and same at Dodger Stadium and Philadelphia's team is so good, they sell out
01:56every night now and they got to be making a fortune and Boston's always full, Fenway,
02:02but it's a lot smaller, Mike.
02:03I think Hal and Cashman care more about money than they do winning.
