• 3 months ago
00:00:23Definitely will
00:00:32Yeah, Cora video is gonna be the next one
00:00:34Yeah, it might take a while. It's probably gonna be like one to two hours, but
00:00:38Fuck it. It's not like my it's not like my viewership could get any lower
00:00:52Am a happy Kika now well as with all all my streams you never gonna know when I'm streaming so I
00:01:01Stream whenever I do
00:01:03It's a hey Lily. When do you stream whenever it is next up to the gods toss it in the fuck it bucket?
00:01:16Have you fixed the link thing yeah, but it's still not like
00:01:20The it's still not the viewership from like fucking two years ago
00:02:09Remember when I thought Cora was good. I was an idiot
00:02:11I've kind of softened to Cora to an exit. You know what fuck it. Let's work on the Cora script
00:02:15I know I just said it was gonna do something other than work, but I can't really think of anything, so we're gonna do this
00:02:59There we go
00:03:11The people who don't want to lead are the ones who make the best leaders, the ones who
00:03:16have no choice but to lead because they've been forced to.
00:03:19It's a trope that Avatar plays with a lot, Aang didn't want to be the Avatar and ran
00:03:22away from home and then eventually has to accept that he is the Avatar and pull up his
00:03:25big boy pants and get to work.
00:03:27Roku is melancholy about leaving his entire life behind but does ultimately make the effort,
00:03:32and most of the Avatar stories told since then tend to involve reluctance and loss.
00:03:36Kiyoshi is reluctant and loses her mentors, Kurok is reluctant and loses… well, everything.
00:03:43Yang Chen isn't necessarily reluctant but she does lose her sister at a very young age.
00:03:47Where Korra differs from all of them, hell, where she differs from a lot of traditional
00:03:49heroes, is that she not only enthusiastically embraces being the Avatar, she loves it.
00:03:57From the first moment she's on screen, Korra is putting her all into her training as the
00:04:01This is most evident in the first season, where Korra eagerly wants to train to become
00:04:04an airbender, but she's stymied repeatedly by the fact that her teachers are… terrible.
00:04:09Be the leaf.
00:04:10I don't know what that means.
00:04:15Tenzin and his family might be great airbenders themselves, but that doesn't mean they're
00:04:18able to teach airbending to other people.
00:04:20The thing about the four nations is that they immerse themselves in very specific cultures
00:04:25that are inclined toward their element.
00:04:42The Air Nomads lived a very distinct lifestyle from the rest of the world, to the point that
00:04:45there were no such thing as air nomads that couldn't airbend.
00:04:49But they're gone now, and all that's left is what Aang remembers.
00:04:52And Aang was twelve when he went into the ice, so Tenzin having to go from teaching
00:04:56his children from birth to teaching Korra is about as smooth and natural a transition
00:05:03as… something janky.
00:05:05Look, the humidity was 95 when I wrote this, I'm not on my analogy game right now.
00:05:09Korra actually gets her first real airbending lesson from Bolin, of all people.
00:05:19While teaching her the basics of pro-bending, the first thing he stresses is how she needs
00:05:28to stay light on her feet and remain agile, a basic skill in a professional match where
00:05:32you always have to dodge enemy attacks, but also just the basic approach to airbending.
00:05:37This is the first time airbending really clicks for Korra, as she uses this, along with Tenzin's
00:05:43previous lesson about spiral movements, to win the match later in the episode.
00:05:47So Korra is one of the rare instances where a student questions her teacher and his right
00:05:50to do so, granting Korra's difficulties with airbending are a direct result of the
00:05:58way the White Lotus isolated her and taught her in seclusion, keeping her from going on
00:06:01a journey that would have given her perspective on the world and immersed her in the culture
00:06:06of every nation.
00:06:09By the time she returned to Air Temple Island, she may have actually been more receptive
00:06:15to the training, but kept in the compound and away from the real world, Korra was set
00:06:18up for failure from the start.
00:06:25Which is why it's all the more noteworthy that Korra is the most powerful avatar to
00:06:29Really stop and think about it, Korra is being trained in old-style bending during a time
00:06:33where bending has escalated like crazy.
00:06:36During Aang's time, lightning was so rare among firebenders and required such strong
00:06:41control that anyone who could actually shoot lightning was considered a prodigy.
00:06:46In the series, I think we only see three people do it, Ozai, Azula, and Iroh.
00:06:50Even Zuko can't master lightning.
00:07:00Cut to 70 years later and lightning benders are working blue-collar jobs, gangsters are
00:07:03shooting lightning, street gangst-
00:07:06Cut to 70 years later and lightning benders are working blue-collar jobs, gangsters are
00:07:09shooting lightning, street urchins are mastering lightning.
00:07:16Metalbending was considered impossible, but Toph discovered it because she had a mastery
00:07:20of seismic sense that nobody else had ever needed.
00:07:23And even in the series itself, metalbending is very crude.
00:07:27Seventy years later, metalbenders are all over the place, and the art has been so perfected
00:07:31that they can bend metals other than iron and steel, and they no longer need direct
00:07:35contact with the damn thing.
00:07:41Bloodbending was so difficult, it could only be done during the full moon.
00:07:44Outside the full moon, it's impossible.
00:07:46Against a stronger waterbender, it's impossible.
00:07:49Now people are doing it outside of the full moon, and even doing it without moving their
00:07:53hands, and they can even bloodbend the fucking Avatar, the most powerful waterbender in the
00:08:05The average bender in Korra makes the prodigies of the last airbender look like chumps.
00:08:11So Korra is coming up at a time where bending has evolved and secrets once held by kings
00:08:15are available to everyone, and she's stunted by isolation with poor teachers, and she still
00:08:22manages to overcome them.
00:08:25Psychic bloodbender?
00:08:26She wins.
00:08:27Chaos inhabiting the chief of the Water Tribe?
00:08:29She wins.
00:08:30Airbender with none of the restraint?
00:08:32Airbender with none of the ideological restraint?
00:08:35Not only does she win, she kicks his ass while dying of mercury poisoning.
00:08:39Crazed metalbender?
00:08:40Yeah, she loses at first, but then comes back and wins.
00:08:43Hell, energybending is supposed to be just about controlling the energy in the body,
00:08:47and she uses it to deflect a laser beam bigger than a skyscraper at point-blank range.
00:09:00If Korra had been properly trained, she would have been absolutely terrifying.
00:09:04She would have been able to make a gang war stop just by arriving on scene.
00:09:09She's met with every disadvantage possible, and she still manages to kick ass at the end
00:09:13of the day.
00:09:14She's that strong because she's the only Avatar who wants to be the Avatar, who loves
00:09:18being the Avatar, who revels in being the Avatar.
00:09:21The world said you had to give yourself to the world, and she said hell yes.
00:09:28Which is why it's all the more disappointing that the show barely lets her be the Avatar.
00:09:31From the first season all the way to the third, Korra is chased around by a squad of babysitters
00:09:35who refuse to let her do her job, and nearly all time she's being moved around for her
00:09:39protection, especially where the Right Lotus is concerned.
00:09:55I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:10:22I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:10:50I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:11:18I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:11:48I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:12:18It doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
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00:13:18doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
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00:20:57doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:04doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:11doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:18doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:25doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:32doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:39doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:46doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:21:53doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:00doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:07doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:14doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:21doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:28doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:35doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it, it
00:22:42doesn't matter how well you explain it, it doesn't matter how well you explain it.
00:22:47Furthermore, it's also a ... cumbing of age story, you fucking kill me.
00:22:52As the Avatar journeys out on her own at 16 and gains independence from not just her family but her
00:22:54own nation.
00:22:57the fantasy equivalent of backpacking across China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Tibet, and
00:23:02Canada, apparently. Doing the fantasy equivalent of backpacking across China,
00:23:06Korea, Japan, Thailand, Tibet, and Canada, apparently. Canada, apparently.
00:23:14The journey isn't just an excuse plot, it's an entire character arc in the macro
00:23:18that you can fit in, in which you can fit, uh, in which you can fit any adventure you want.
00:23:28Like, learning the four elements wasn't the excuse plot, the Fire Lord was.
00:23:36You don't get to be a fully realized avatar until after you've completed your character arc,
00:23:39but Korra is set on her character arc with only the avatar state left to go,
00:23:42and then she's just given that.
00:24:13backpacking across China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Tibet, and Canada, apparently.
00:24:28Like, Korra's set on...
00:24:44Then she's just given that.
00:24:49So, at no point, at no point does Korra, does Korra get to put, get to put in the work for
00:24:58anything, put in the work for anything, anything, and she wants to put in the work, put in the work,
00:25:06work for, for everything. Korra isn't just like, Korra is characterized as someone...
00:25:12As headstrong and hard-working, hard-working, working, and she is repeatedly put in positions,
00:25:23repeatedly denied the ability to do those, denied the ability to demonstrate those things.
00:25:43So, why does Aang, so why does Aang get to basic, get to, uh, get to make all the decisions,
00:25:50all the decisions on his journey, on his journey at 12, 12, but Korra doesn't, but Korra doesn't?
00:25:57Well, you, well, you fucking know why. You fucking know why.
00:26:03Bryke and women go together about as, do not go well together.
00:26:07Bryke and what, Bryke and writing women, women, have never gone well together.
00:26:18When Bryke does write women, even when Bryke writes, even when Bryke, uh,
00:26:23Bryke writes, even when Bryke write female characters well,
00:26:28characters well, they are, they still conform, they still, still conform to very strict,
00:26:34strict and rigid gender stereotypes.
00:27:01Bryke and writing women have never gone well together. Even when Bryke write female characters
00:27:06well, write female characters well, they still conform to very strict and rigid gender stereotypes.
00:27:11You know, Katara is an interesting character. You know, Katara is one of the best,
00:27:15is one of the best female characters ever written, female characters ever written,
00:27:18ever written, but she's still a character, still a character who's basic,
00:27:23still a character whose arc, arc is about calming down and being gentle.
00:27:28Azula is an interesting look, is an interesting, Azula is a very compelling, is a very compelling look into,
00:27:42into what, into what happens, into what happens to a golden child,
00:27:46to a golden child when the scapegoat gets, when the scapegoat gets away.
00:27:53It gets away, but the story basically, but the story goes out of its way,
00:27:57it goes out of its way to be, out of its way to paint her as,
00:27:59but the story goes out of its way to paint her as irredeemably evil, evil at 14, at 14, uniquely evil in fact.
00:28:30Evil in fact, in fact, no, she's crazy and she needs to go down.
00:28:40Azula isn't just evil, she's ambitious.
00:29:59She's ambitious, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she
00:30:29She's crazy
00:30:59There's one scene, there's one very, there's one extremely out of place scene
00:31:04Scene that has her sauntering around in a robe
00:31:08In a robe, in a robe, taunting, taunting someone
00:31:12Whispering right into the mic
00:31:17Right into the mic, mic, and it was like
00:31:20Bro that's, it's like, right into the mic and I'm just like
00:31:24Frank are you okay?
00:31:27Right into the mic, that always made me wonder, that always made me wonder
00:31:31Wonder what the hell was wrong
00:31:34Frank was doing here
00:32:17Frank are also very weird about Azula
00:32:19One extremely out of place scene that has her sauntering around in a robe
00:32:22Taunting someone by whispering right into the mic
00:32:25That always made, Mike, that always made me wonder
00:32:27Wonder what the hell Brake was doing here
00:32:29What was the point of this? Couldn't they just have this conversation normally?
00:32:32Like, what was the point of this?
00:32:35What was the point of this, point of this?
00:32:38Couldn't they have this conversation normally?
00:32:42Normally, also who sleeps in a robe?
00:32:49Also who sleeps in a robe?
00:32:56Also who sleeps in a robe?
00:33:07Also who sleeps in a robe?
00:33:18Whoever Brake decides to be weird
00:33:26Also who sleeps in a robe?
00:33:39Normally, also who sleeps in a robe?
00:33:42This is just silly, this is just silly
00:33:47Awkwardly raises his hand, it was a fluffy robe
00:33:55So writing Korra, so like both of them basically
00:33:58So both Katara and Azula end up
00:34:03End up conforming to
00:34:06To traditional gender norms
00:34:10Especially in the way in which
00:34:13Gender norms, in fact you could take
00:34:15In fact you could take that entire
00:34:18That entire, let's see
00:34:25Let's see
00:34:28Let's see
00:34:54Cassandra Yatrin, okay
00:34:57You could take Cassandra like
00:34:59Cassandra Yatrin's entire, Yatrin's
00:35:15Sailor Moon, swap
00:35:28In fact you could take
00:35:31You could take Cassandra Yatrin's
00:35:33Gender study analysis of Sailor Moon
00:35:35Swap Serena and Beryl with Katara and Azula
00:35:37And nothing would change
00:35:42So what do they do, so what do Brake
00:35:45What do Brake do with, what do Brake do
00:35:47With Korra, with Korra
00:35:53A woman who wouldn't know, it's like
00:35:56So what do Brake do with Korra
00:35:58Well they do the same thing, they do the same thing
00:36:00They did with
00:36:03They did with Katara, Katara
00:36:05Repeatedly beat her down
00:36:08Repeatedly beat her down until she calms down
00:36:11Repeatedly beat her down
00:36:25Repeatedly beat her down and
00:36:28Repeatedly beat her down, okay we need music here
00:36:31Ah, Lo-Fi Avatar
00:36:41Lo-Fi Avatar
00:36:47Too loud
00:37:00Avatar relaxing music, there we go
00:37:12There we go
00:37:22So what do Brake do, they do the same thing they did with Katara
00:37:24Repeatedly beat her down until she calms down
00:37:42Repeatedly beat her down until she calms down
00:37:58A woman who wouldn't know
00:38:01Is this the last Agni Kai? No, I do know an hour run of that that I could probably put
00:38:11on. If you're really down for that.
00:38:41There we go. Writhing in agony and being tossed around
00:38:56like a ragdoll. Ragdoll that Aang was never really subjected
00:39:32Hmm. Last Agni Kai? Okay.
00:40:29There we go. That'll work. Brutal violence our male counterparts don't
00:40:44have to go through.
00:42:14Hmm. Bounce around like a tennis ball on a washing machine.
00:42:38She's thrown against the rocks and close to bounce around like a tennis ball on a washing
00:43:11While Janet Varney practically murders the concept of voice fully.
00:43:33Immobilized in the series and a justification to keep him safe.
00:43:37torture can we get away with? Yeah.
00:43:56Hell hell here's here's Aang being blood bent blood bent.
00:44:07Now here's Korra being blood bent.
00:44:16I'm gonna bring that up actually.
00:44:39Couldn't control my own limbs. They deserve the same.
00:44:44We're not the only one who draws power from the moon.
00:44:48Give up.
00:44:53That's like my brain has a mind of its own.
00:44:56Stop it. Stop it.
00:45:06I'm sorry. It's okay.
00:45:10Yeah, it's all like, oh, this this feels weird while he flails around like a cartoon.
00:45:17Now, where did I put? There you are.
00:45:20Now, fuck, which episode is this happening?
00:45:50You're in my way, Avatar, and you need to be removed.
00:46:06Very absurd.
00:46:09It's very different.
00:46:14Here's Korra being blood bent.
00:46:23Here's Aang being blood bent.
00:46:25Now here's Korra being blood bent.
00:46:36It's gratuitous. Yeah, it's needlessly fucking gratuitous.
00:46:43And this kind of violence doesn't happen to any this kind of this kind of perverse violence doesn't really happen to anyone else.
00:47:11As expected, she got her bending removed.
00:47:15Now that one's actually weirdly muted compared to this.
00:47:20Get my phone off. Someone wants to put on.
00:47:23Fuck, noob lord, Jesus Christ.
00:47:38Perverse violence doesn't really happen to anyone else.
00:47:41It's happens to a character whose whole thing is being, well, it all happens to a character,
00:47:48to a character whose entire arc is effectively calm down, calm down and do what you're told.
00:48:08Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
00:48:19This has been a subject of discourse, a subject of discourse for a while.
00:48:28And it's common for hardcore fans to basically.
00:48:42You're projecting, but like, this is fucking gross.
00:48:49Korra is such a cool character, character, but character.
00:48:53Character, but breakers break is so fucking weird about women.
00:49:06I mean, hell, the first season held the first season.
00:49:08Basically, first season features as a as a main running, running plot line, plot line, plot line.
00:49:16Her getting catty with another woman, with another woman over a guy.
00:49:24It's like, could you not like, you know, there were no love triangles in the first show, despite what some people might think.
00:49:32You know, there were no stupid love, no stupid love triangles in the first show.
00:49:37In the first show. In the first show. Yes, I see you.
00:49:42Zutara. Yes, I see you, Zutara fandom. Get back in bed.
00:49:53Old folks home where you belong.
00:49:56Yes, I see you, Zutara fandom. Get back in the old folks home where you belong.
00:50:03In the first show, or at least not, at least not in the content.
00:50:06I mean, the fandom made one up, but still. The fandom made one up, but still.
00:50:10I mean, the fandom, the fandom pretended there was.
00:50:14But still.
00:50:19I wonder if Frank's problem is the obvious anime influence.
00:50:22Is there really any anime influence?
00:50:26I mean, I know a lot of people call the show anime-esque, but like, how true is that really?
00:50:33Truth be told, Avatar looks like a lot of Nickelodeon shows.
00:50:42Dragon Ball. Again, where's the Dragon Ball reference?
00:51:06Kind of, it uses a ton of popular anime tropes.
00:51:08Just because it uses a ton of popular anime tropes doesn't mean it's based off anime,
00:51:11because like, there isn't a single anime trope that is unique or original to anime.
00:51:20I mean, look, anime tropes are really just Lord of the Rings tropes when you really boil it down.
00:51:37The fandom pretended there was, but still.
00:51:58The fandom pretended there was, but still.
00:52:05Like, the moment we have a cool lady protagonist, the first thing she does is beef with some other girl over a guy.
00:52:18Like, if that doesn't basically, doesn't reek, if that doesn't reek of this was written by men, written by weird men,
00:52:30if that doesn't reek of this was written by weird men to you, then you're probably a weird man.
00:52:47The moment we have a cool lady protagonist, the first thing she does is beef with some other girl over a guy.
00:52:56If that doesn't reek of this was written by weird men to you, then you're probably a weird man.
00:53:01People will often, you know, people can often, you know, people can blame the weird production schedule all they want.
00:53:12All they want, all they want, and how they didn't know they were getting more seasons.
00:53:19But like, but if you didn't know, but if you thought you were only getting one, getting one,
00:53:26is this really what you're gonna, what you're gonna spend it on?
00:53:31Going to spend it on, I mean, Occam's Razor, look, Occam's Razor, Occam's Razor, guys, misogyny is the answer.
00:53:38It's probably the simpler explanation.
00:53:41Kind of, it uses a ton of pop, I think there's a Dragon Ball, like, guys, you've got to stop, like, asserting a point and explain it.
00:53:59You know, you say, oh, there's a lot of Dragon Ball and anime stuff in here.
00:54:05Okay, what is it?
00:54:15I mean, wait, look, Dragon Ball is ultimately just Journey to the West fan fiction.
00:54:25Then you're probably a weird man.
00:54:28It doesn't really stop, ever.
00:54:32Really stop, it remains a consistent...
00:54:46Runtime, season four is basically, four is where Korra gets away from her handlers,
00:54:54but then, ultimately, she's just...
00:54:59Spends most of the season not, most of the season not really doing anything.
00:55:19One second.
00:56:32Hm, hm.
00:56:37Consistent thorn in the show's side for its entire runtime.
00:56:40Season four is where Korra gets away from her handlers and most of the torture.
00:56:54Actually, wait, didn't season four literally open with a fucking torture scene?
00:57:23Again, she's always ragdolling.
00:57:53But then, and it doesn't stop her from being everyone's hacky sack.
00:58:05She gets...
00:58:08She gets tossed around a fucking, around an Earth...
00:58:14Earthbending arena.
00:58:16She gets tossed around by Toph.
00:58:18Toph, she gets tossed around by Kuvira.
00:58:22By Kuvira, like, season four is basically like, hell.
00:58:49I don't know.
00:58:50I don't know.
00:58:51I don't know.
00:58:52I don't know.
00:58:53I don't know.
00:58:54I don't know.
00:58:55I don't know.
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01:04:25So already from its very outset the United Republic is existing on stolen land that
01:04:28it has no true claim to, just like all of these countries.
01:04:35But the United States is essentially the injection of America into the world of Avatar.
01:04:39You know how in Big Hero 6 the setting is this weird combination of San Francisco and Tokyo called San Fransokyo?
01:04:44Or how in the original series the Fire Nation is Imperial China with the architecture of Kyoto?
01:04:53Well, Republic City is like someone took Hong Kong and then made it bottom for New York so hard it was calling the Statue of Liberty Mommy.
01:05:00Sorry, that metaphor got away from me.
01:05:05The capital and only real location in the Republic we see has small elements of cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong,
01:05:14but it's mostly based on New York.
01:05:16The layout resembles New York, there's references to multiple New York landmarks and locations,
01:05:20and the inspiration from Avatar's Chinese roots is as token and vestigial as, well, Chinatown, actually.
01:05:26And the inspiration from Avatar's Chinese roots is as token and vestigial as, well, Chinatown, actually.
01:05:36Yeah, it's just, yeah, it's just New York.
01:05:41And that's not surprising.
01:05:42Smarter people than me have already pointed out that Bright did about as much research on the culture as they were lifting from
01:05:46as the average weeb does for, as much as they were lifting from as the average weeb.
01:05:51Which is to say they did ten minutes of reading and then made the rest up.
01:05:56Furthermore, the United Republic is a liberal capitalist democracy, meaning it most resembles the environment the creators live in.
01:06:02This is important because unlike its previous show, which had the rather basic theme of war bad, imperialism bad,
01:06:08Korra is mostly a political show.
01:06:12Every season, except for season three, there's a new political philosophy to tear apart,
01:06:15and they're almost always compared in some way to the United Republic's democratic capitalist system.
01:06:21Amon is set up as a send-up of socialist uprisings against capitalist governments.
01:06:26Released about six years before, most people started to wake up to the fact that capitalism is a self-consuming machine that would kill itself if unrestrained.
01:06:50So Amon's entire existence is one long string of Cold War propaganda.
01:06:59Unalaq is a spirit-loving traditionalist until his neck snaps and he becomes a Satanist in the last five seconds,
01:07:05because his traditionalism was getting in the way of the Southern Water Tribe becoming a mercantile fever dream.
01:07:09Zaheer is an anarchist, so he wants to lower the age of consent,
01:07:16wants to abolish all governments so that mankind can get back to nature and live with the spirits,
01:07:20and it later turns out that Unalaq was part of his anarchist band.
01:07:22Fucking what?
01:07:26And Kuvira wants to take back the Stolen Marines from the United Republic,
01:07:29and since the United Republic is the moral center of the entire series, that basically makes her metal-bending Hitler.
01:07:35This will be interesting to explore from the perspective of a nation whose sole concern is continuing its own existence.
01:07:43I don't think I'm going to keep that. It's from Hbomb's New Vegas video.
01:07:55I lifted a lot of things from his Fallout 3 video for the original,
01:07:57so lifting one thing from the New Vegas video is kind of a little cheeky thing,
01:08:01but I don't think most people are going to get it.
01:08:31Zaheer is an anarchist, so he's a mercantile fever dream.
01:09:00Zaheer is an anarchist, so he's emotionally 12, wants to abolish all governments so that mankind can...
01:09:04Wait, so he doesn't want to...
01:09:13So he wants his mom to get out of his room, wants to abolish all governments so that mankind can get back to nature
01:09:17and live with the spirits and true freedom.
01:09:30They do want to get rid of age of consent laws and child labor laws.
01:09:33Well, that's the thing. Libertarians want to get rid of all regulation,
01:09:37and they want to get rid of all regulation and government oversight,
01:09:40and it's mostly in the aim of being pro-capitalist, but strangely enough,
01:09:46Libertarians also don't think... Libertarianism's weird, because it's like,
01:09:51they think child labor is great, and they think restrictions on marriage is bad,
01:09:56and so it's like, where the fuck do you stand?
01:10:00You're just, like, emotionally 12.
01:10:27There are Republicans who like weed.
01:10:30They hate authority, that's the whole thing.
01:10:33The thing is, no rules and no authority benefits corporations way more than it benefits you and me.
01:10:52Ah, my breakfast is here, perfect.
01:11:37Bag ruffling noises ASMR.
01:11:42If I do anything, you guys are gonna be like,
01:11:44Lily ASMR?
01:11:47Here, just for you.
01:13:03There was one thing, where was it?
01:13:05I saw it on Tumblr, and it was just, it was utterly horrible,
01:13:08and I have to inflict it on all of you if I can find it.
01:13:21Nah, I can't find it. Oh well.
01:13:32Hmm. Hmm.
01:13:50Ah, no madness website? No.
01:14:30They explore the actual democratic system of the United Republic
01:14:32about as much as they explore the monarchies of the,
01:14:35about as much as they explore the monarchies of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation.
01:14:38This becomes a problem because the liberal capitalist democracy of the United Republic
01:14:42never has to justify its existence like the rest of them do.
01:14:45In fact, in the very last season, Prince Wu decides to eliminate the, uh,
01:14:49to emulate the United Republic and the Earth Kingdom,
01:14:52but in a rather offhanded remark in a season that probably should have been mostly about that.
01:14:57We're getting ahead of ourselves, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
01:15:02This will be important because the United Republic is the, is Cora's status quo.
01:15:06It's the first thing we see. It's presented as this forward-thinking utopia because it has,
01:15:10let me check, cars and skyscrapers and rich people.
01:15:15And there's a subtle undercurrent that the rest of the world should be emulating it,
01:15:18but this isn't exclusive, but this isn't exclusive to the United Republic issue.
01:15:22The show wants to be about big ideas in general, but doesn't explore them in any significant degree.
01:15:26Almost every season is about some grand scale political issue,
01:15:29but it's filtered through the lens of an old YouTube atheist or debate bro.
01:15:36Oh, actually.
01:16:07Sorry, that was redundant.
01:16:09It still has to spend most of its time being a shounen anime.
01:16:15It's like, they're basically writing a shounen anime, but for boring people who don't,
01:16:19boring people who don't read books.
01:16:22It's basically writing a shounen anime.
01:16:27Issue, but it still has to spend most of its time being a...
01:16:35Elemental martial arts.
01:16:45A well-understood concept called capitalist realism, described by philosopher Mark Fisher
01:16:49as the widespread belief that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system.
01:17:10But also that it is now impossible to even imagine a coherent alternative to it.
01:17:17If you're paying attention, you'll notice that fantasy and science fiction worlds
01:17:20tend to almost universally operate with capitalism as their dominant economic system.
01:17:26Even if they're taking place in fantasy worlds set long before the emergence of capitalism,
01:17:30or in science fiction worlds where post-scarcity should have rendered capitalism obsolete.
01:17:35In fact, the only subversion of this idea I can think of without looking anything up
01:17:39is Star Trek, where the United Federation exists in a period where transporters and replicators
01:17:43have put an end to economics as we know them.
01:17:47Capitalism is as foreign and ancient-sounding to most of the Federation as the idea of a flat planet.
01:18:13In most other works... Actually, hang on.
01:18:31Humanity was the single planetary authority for all humanity created through the unification of Earth in the 22nd century.
01:18:42Okay, yeah, the head of the state is still President of United Earth.
01:19:08Then even in works where both of those things fall due to their own inherent failings,
01:19:12the main goal of the heroes is to reinstate it as it was from the moment it fell.
01:19:17Because the creator simply cannot conceive of any other way of looking at things.
01:19:30And that's all over Korra. The moment they introduced a modern-looking city,
01:19:33they immediately oriented it around the world they live in as an idealized default setting
01:19:37that the rest of the world is just naturally moving toward.
01:19:41Now, while it sounds like I'm arguing the politics of all this, I'm actually arguing the imagination.
01:19:45The politics at play in capitalist realism kneecaps the attempts to discuss political issues in Korra
01:19:51by positioning every philosophy as just inherently inferior to the United Republic without question.
01:19:56But further than that, it's just boring and uninteresting.
01:19:59The main appeal of Avatar was its defiance of the standard fantasy setting.
01:20:02Instead of the generic hodgepodge of Western Europe that makes up most fantasy,
01:20:06Avatar was set in a generic hodgepodge of China, Korea, Tibet, and Canada, apparently.
01:20:12Yeah, the world building was made with an atlas strewn across the creator's lap
01:20:15and a Wikipedia page open in another tab,
01:20:18and many people have rightfully accused this of Orientalism,
01:20:21which is a subject I'm not knowledgeable enough to cover, so I'm sure you'll forgive me if I don't.
01:20:25Actually, hang on.
01:20:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:32I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:34I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:36I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:38I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:40I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:42I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:44I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:46I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:48I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:50I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:52I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:54I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:56I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:20:59I thought there was a video for this.
01:21:02When Facing claims that you're borrowing the surface-level elements from a culture and exotifying the rest, like a weeb asking where to...
01:21:09I don't know.
01:21:28Like a weeb in a tea shop.
01:21:59I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:01I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:03I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:05I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:07I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:09I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:11I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:13I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:15I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:17I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:19I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:21I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:23I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:25I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:27I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:29I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:31I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:33I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:35I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:37I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:39I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:41I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:43I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:45I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:47I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:49I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:51I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:53I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:55I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:57I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
01:22:59Radio Punk Manhattan, and extol the virtues of private industry.
01:23:01Radio Punk Manhattan, and extol the virtues of private industry.
01:23:55Avatar, Avatar basically never, pretty much never, pretty much never use the same design, the same design for any city, any city.
01:24:04The Fire Nation capital, capital Ba Sing Se, Ba Sing Se, Ohmashu.
01:24:25What was that city called in the Northern Water Tribe?
01:24:50They all look very interesting.
01:25:05Given that the Republic was governed, was governed, was governed by the, governed by all four nations, governed by all four nations, four nations, Republic City should look, Republic City should look like a, should look like it comes from all four nations.
01:25:21All four nations creating this, nations, you could have this, let's see.
01:25:49Comes from all four nations, you could have this really interesting look, interesting, you could have this really interesting look to, to it, like, like, you know.
01:26:11Like public transit, that basic transit, that transit that resembles, resembles the, what was it?
01:26:19Ba Sing Se.
01:26:23Ba Sing Se is fucking massive.
01:27:51Buildings from all four nations arranged in a haphazardly colorful array.
01:33:25Look up Afrofuturism. Start there. I can't really help you beyond that.
01:33:28It's a very is a gray and brown steel is a gray and brown steel and concrete
01:33:55desert filled with cars that looks like it came from those filled with cars and
01:34:02predatory and all the garbage that usually comes with comes with living in
01:34:10New York. New York and the closest thing to her.
01:34:39With nothing particularly unique or interesting that apart from 200 other diesel pump settings.
01:34:54I will say though, I mean, I'll give them this though. This though, though, they really
01:34:58capture a, they really capture, they really capture the 1920s. They really capture the
01:35:041920s. They really capture the 1920s. To the 1920s, the cars all look unique.
01:35:15Okay. One second, minor technical difficulty here. Oh, that was a lot. My microphone is
01:35:44mounted on the wall and it just came out. Okay. Uh, I can solve this.
01:36:15The anchors on the actual mounts didn't actually expand when I put the screws in.
01:36:25Let's just set you there. Okay. All right. Uh, now what do I do about this?
01:37:22Okay. I'm going to need new anchors. Technical difficulties, ASMR. Yeah, it really is.
01:37:32I just saw my mic start to tilt down. I was like, what the fuck? Oh God, it's falling out of the wall.
01:37:40Don't worry, that would happen for a while. Okay. Where's my toolbox?
01:37:50All right.
01:38:09There you are. Get up here. Okay. Drills don't work.
01:39:01Get up here.
01:39:06Whitehead. Now.
01:39:11Please get in there.
01:39:19Oh yeah, they do. Oh, not quite.
01:39:31I may need to drill a bigger hole.
01:39:41Come on. Okay.
01:39:58There you are.
01:40:09Rainstorm simulator. Rainstorm simulator?
01:40:16Oh yeah, there's a little bit of feedback in the mic, isn't there?
01:40:47There we go. Perfect.
01:41:06Oh yeah, that was because it was connected to the wall, so the vibrations from it actually coming out of the wall were going into the mic.
01:41:20Come on, get in there.
01:41:23Come on, get in there, you sucker. Things you don't want to hear from your proctologist.
01:41:49There we go.
01:42:09What's happening on Lily's end? Funny.
01:42:26There we go. All right.
01:42:29Now I'm just going to get this up there.
01:42:32And I need the screws that actually go to this thing, which would be these ones. Perfect.
01:42:39Now, will that actually fit in there? Not quite.
01:42:42I need a bigger head than that.
01:42:45I need more head.
01:43:00Perfect. Utterly perfect.
01:43:05Okay, now I need this bolted.
01:43:32Where did I put those?
01:43:39Huh, that's weird. Where did I put my fixer?
01:43:44Wait, there's still a knob.
01:44:10Where did you go?
01:44:41Okay, I guess I'm just doing this with an old fashioned screwdriver.
01:44:57What is this stream about?
01:44:59I was working on a video until my mic fell off the wall.
01:45:28Now I'm just reattaching it.
01:46:02One of those things where someone puts a table together without a camera.
01:46:05This is a very emergency handywoman moment.
01:47:06If I had a thing, I would have just drilled it right into the stud.
01:47:14Then it would have never come out.
01:47:19But alas, I have to deal with anchors as normal.
01:48:33It goes a little big because I can't get the screws all the way in.
01:48:39Oh, right. All this caulking compound is in the way.
01:48:54All right. This is going to be a little longer.
01:49:02Oh, I wish I had the bits for the drill.
01:49:26Come on.
01:49:35Go hide in the hole while y'all figure out which song this is.
01:49:39Wait, what?
01:49:42The song playing? I'm pretty sure that's the last Agni Kai.
01:49:50Yeah, it's still going.
01:50:49Why did I even think this would help keep it secure?
01:51:04I'm like a D&D character with an intelligence score that splits between 18 and 5.
01:51:16Come on. Get out of there.
01:51:25It was part of a bad joke. Ah, okay.
01:51:36I love how I was at 14 viewers on the stream, and now that I'm fumbling with the mount to my microphone, I've gone up to 20.
01:51:46Y'all have an amazing talent to pop back in right when I'm fucking something up.
01:51:55Oh, there we go.
01:51:58And perfect.
01:52:00Well, not perfect. That's one set off.
01:52:03Oh, there's not much else.
01:52:05This has been eight hours.
01:52:07Yeah, I've been up all night working.
01:52:17My sleeping schedule flips around, but right now I'm at the point where I work during the night, I sleep in the morning, and then I do all the shit I gotta do outside in the afternoon.
01:52:35Unless it's Friday or Sunday, in which case I spend the afternoon with McKay.
01:52:45And then every day I spend the evening with McKay.
01:52:55Save sleep schedule. It's the best sleep schedule.
01:52:59Look, my sleep schedule flits in and out, so I basically go to sleep when I need to, and I'm up when I'm up. That's it.
01:53:06That's something that's easy to do when you work from home and set your own schedule.
01:53:15I've always told people my circadian rhythm is like 25 hours.
01:53:22That's the best way I can describe it.
01:53:31What the hell?
01:53:40Sounds like you're working until you pass out from exhaustion and start working again.
01:53:43No, I work until I'm tired, and then that's it.
01:53:48Oh, there we go. That was a problem.
01:54:18I don't work until I'm exhausted, I just work until I'm eepy.
01:54:43Well, yeah.
01:54:58Okay, there we go.
01:55:00Back on the wall with you.
01:55:10How do you stream on Twitch these days? I don't think Twitch could give notifications, so I always miss these.
01:55:23I don't know. I've always had an issue with streaming on YouTube, because keeping my streams up clutters my video feed.
01:55:31They've since added a live tab specifically for that.
01:55:34The problem is, my live streams will still show up on people's subscription feed, and so it bothers me.
01:55:39That just bothers me. I couldn't explain why.
01:57:20Mechanic191, thanks for following.
01:57:25Oh, hey, Lolo.
