The Return of My Drama Queen Part 2

  • 2 months ago
The Return of My Drama Queen Part 2
00:00Actually, Lana, these would be something you would pick.
00:07Perfect match.
00:09And so that Celeste doesn't lose the sale, they're my gift to you, bestie.
00:17That's very generous of you, Antonio. Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
00:22Not to worry.
00:27Guess I was wrong about her.
00:31Don't tell me you forgot how to put it on.
00:54Don't tell me you forgot how to put it on.
00:58Can you...
00:59Whatever. Give it to me.
01:07Now I see.
01:09Of course.
01:11Nick, darling, where are you hiding?
01:15Good evening, Vivian.
01:19Have you two set a date for the wedding yet? You're not getting any younger.
01:22We're planning a winter wedding. I can't wait to lock this one down.
01:27Enough, you two.
01:30Hi, Nick. I'm so excited for this auction.
01:35Should be incredible. Some never-before-auctioned items by the Queen herself.
01:59Her Royal Highness, Queen Marie Antoinette of France.
02:30Wow. She's got that same spark that you had at her age, Viv.
02:35Too bad she didn't inherit your talent as an actor.
02:38Well, not everything can be taught. Right, Daddy?
02:42Shall we go? I don't want to be late.
02:46Mr. Bean, Queen of Diamonds is your 66th feature film.
02:51There's rumors you may retire afterwards. Go out on top while you still got it.
02:55Do you care to comment?
02:56Darlings, I will be acting on my deathbed.
03:00The devil himself couldn't tempt me offstage.
03:03So that is a resounding no.
03:07Wish I'd known how to handle vultures like that.
03:10Mr. Fontaine, can we expect antiques from tonight's auction to grace your upcoming period drama?
03:17Fontaine Studios prides itself in its historical accuracy.
03:21When we heard about the auction, it felt like fate.
03:23Thank you for the excuse, listen.
03:40Wow, Antonia. You look incredible.
03:44Definitely better than your usual skank couture.
03:50Definitely better than your usual skank couture.
03:52Definitely better than your usual skank couture.
03:56Merci, Ben.
03:58And all these French words you've been peppering in lately? So chic.
04:02Are you using Duolingo? Because I would love to learn some Italiano.
04:06That is one hot language.
04:10Oh, no. Big brother tone.
04:13You know, I was running lines with Oliver earlier today, and he seemed really worn out.
04:18What are you doing to that poor bastard?
04:19It's not me. Max.
04:21He's been an insufferable tool since he won the National Book Award.
04:24Who is this Oliver and Max you speak of?
04:27You've met Oliver before, Antonia. Multiple times.
04:31He's the director of Queen of Diamonds.
04:34Nick and Ollie grew up together.
04:36He was even best man at your wedding.
04:38And then Max Keller is the writer.
04:41There they are now.
04:42There they are now.
04:49Death by guillotine.
04:51By Marie Antoinette.
05:06They come to execute me in the morning, Memo.
05:09If there ever was a time for a miracle, it is now.
05:15Terror is nothing other than justice.
05:18The king and queen must die so that the country can live.
05:23The king and queen must die so that the country can live.
05:28The king and queen must die so that the country can live.
05:39Oh my god!
05:45My queen, the mob has breached the gates.
05:48They are coming, my queen.
05:49Well, where do I go?
05:51It's too late to escape now. I told you to run, Antoinette.
05:53Why didn't you run?
06:06Turn around.
06:09Turn around.
06:16Antonio, are you alright?
06:21Just breathe. Just focus only on my voice.
06:25There we go.
06:28Breathe. Nice and slow.
06:33There we go.
06:35I'm okay now.
06:36I'm okay now.
06:38Thank you, Nick.
06:41That was a panic attack.
06:43It can be brought on by post-traumatic stress.
06:45What set you off?
06:47I thought I saw a ghost from the past.
06:51But it's nothing.
06:53Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
06:55And welcome to the Versailles Royal Collection.
06:58Featuring pieces from Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
07:04It can't be.
07:06Our first item on the block is a timepiece
07:10that was held in the last true king of France's hands.
07:14Oh, Louis, my beloved friend.
07:17I miss you so much.
07:18Louis XVI was gifted this item by his wife, Marie Antoinette.
07:23We're going to start bidding at one million dollars.
07:26Do I hear one million?
07:28Yes? Wonderful.
07:32Yes? 2.5.
07:34Going once, going twice.
07:38Moving right along, we're going to be showing you
07:41and featuring our next item,
07:43which is a three-strand diamond bracelet.
07:46Three-strand diamond bracelet.
07:51Those bracelets are to die for.
07:54Daddy, I have to have it.
07:58Two million. Going once.
08:01Two million. Do I hear 2.5?
08:04And sold.
08:11Thank you.
08:13Our final and most prized item of the evening
08:17is one that is shrouded in the annals of history.
08:22My God, it's here.
08:25A pendant said to have belonged to the Habsburg Empire,
08:29the family of Marie Antoinette herself.
08:31This pendant has protected our family for over a thousand years.
08:38I must get it back, at all costs.
08:40Starting bid on this item.
08:43We'll begin at a higher price of 1.5 million.
08:46Do I hear 1.5? 1.5.
08:49Do I hear 2 million? 2 million.
08:53How about 2.5 million?
08:56Going once.
08:59Going twice.
09:06Three million!
09:10Three million.
09:14Sold to Mr. Nicholas Fontaine for three million dollars.
09:25Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for attending the Versailles Royal Collection.
09:28Please have a lovely evening.
09:30Thank God, I got it back, Memo.
09:35Thank God, I got it back, Memo.
09:40Thank God, I got it back, Memo.
09:47Are you out of your mind?
09:49That little stunt of yours cost me three million dollars.
09:52I can't explain it, but this pendant is important to me.
10:00So I thank you, husband.
10:05Tonya, what are you doing?
10:07I know it was a lot of money, but I will find a way to pay you back.
10:11Enough with the theatrics, okay?
10:14And pay me back with what?
10:16You've burned through your trust fund, and you've never had a real job in your entire life.
10:20You have my word, Nicholas.
10:22The debt will be paid.
10:24Is she for real?
10:40Antonia, I don't believe you've met Max Keller, the novelist and screenwriter of Queen of Diamonds.
10:48Mr. Keller, I'm afraid I know nothing of your work.
10:51I wouldn't expect you to, Mrs. Fontaine.
10:54It's a biopic on Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France, and the death knell of the monarchy.
10:59You are telling her story?
11:01My story.
11:03There's no greater living expert than I on the French Revolution.
11:06I'm sure.
11:09I may say, Mrs. Fontaine.
11:12I feel we may have met before.
11:15You're mistaken, sir. Now if you'll excuse me.
11:21Wow. She actually thinks she knows anything other than clothes and jewelry.
11:26She seems not like herself.
11:35That man. That petty evil man. I fear he's still a danger to me.
11:41Is that why you're here? To guide me? And to warn me?
11:49How do the handcuffs feel? I've been meaning to ask.
11:56I've faced much worse in my life.
11:59You know, I finally figured out why you've been acting so strange.
12:04This is your sad, pathetic attempt to win Nick back.
12:08But you're going to fail.
12:14I'm going to steal your husband, Antonia.
12:17Even your own mummy likes me more than you.
12:20She's already asked me to call her mother after the wedding.
12:23You're going to have nothing left when I'm finished with you.
12:26I'll accept that stupid glass pendant.
12:28Let me pass.
12:30Make me, bitch.
12:32Let me pass.
12:34Make me, bitch.
12:36Lana, no matter how much time goes by, you're still a tacky, social-climbing nobody.
12:59What the fuck is going on?
13:22What the fuck is going on?
13:25What the fuck is going on?
13:28I can stick a bitch too.
13:38She's spinning out of control.
13:44Antonia, wait.
13:47What crazy thing are you going to do next?
13:50I don't even know who you are anymore.
13:52Maybe you can give me a chance and find out.
13:54Has she truly changed?
13:56She does not seem like the same person at all.
13:59When can he understand? I'm not that Antonia he knew.
14:04Molly, I just heard from the Minister of Culture.
14:07They've granted us access to a second unit of Versailles for exteriors.
14:11What should I do with you, Lafayette?
14:18This dress was so beautiful and now it's ruined.
14:21Nick must think I'm a barbarian, but punching Lana in her smug face was worth it.
14:42Hey Siri, call Sadie.
14:45Calling Sadie.
14:50What up, champ?
14:52Who is this champ?
14:54Inside joke.
14:56What do you need?
14:58How does one remove the claw?
15:00What claw?
15:01The thing holding my bosom in place.
15:03Bra, Antonia?
15:05Feel around the back. There should be two little hooks holding it together.
15:12I feel something.
15:20I feel something.
15:50I feel something.
16:01Cover yourself, woman.
16:04We are getting a divorce.
16:07Your accident and Vivian's meddling are the only reasons we're still living under the same roof.
16:11You are not the man I once knew.
16:13My loyalty remains unwavering, my queen.
16:16Under whichever uniform, this heart will beat the same.
16:21You once had a heart that beat true.
16:23Until you tore it from my chest.
16:25Antonia, what did you do to this poor soul?
16:30Nick, I'm not sold on Lana as the lead.
16:34I want to discuss holding open casting.
16:38I'll meet you at the studio to go over details.
16:42You're wrong about me.
16:44I will find a way to prove it to you.
16:45I'll believe it when I see it.
16:49And believe it, you shall.
16:56Good with animals, gardening,
16:59adept in the social graces required for court life and diplomacy,
17:03speak several languages,
17:05performing in plays at my little theater.
17:10I'm not sure if I'm ready for this.
17:12My little theater.
17:16Cows chew.
17:18Ladies don't.
17:20And your posture, Sadie.
17:22You're a beautiful young woman. Why do you slouch?
17:26You think I'm pretty?
17:28Of course. You have good bones.
17:30No amount of powder and paint can compete with nature's gifts.
17:35Promise me you won't go back to your old self.
17:39What a horrible person you were, Antonia.
17:42Look at this child.
17:44I promise.
17:48These are all the things I'm good at.
17:51I plan to pay your brother back for my pendant,
17:54but I'm not sure where to start.
17:59It's kind of obvious to me.
18:01Talk to Finn.
18:03He's the actor in the family.
18:05Maybe he knows a role that'd be right for you.
18:10I shall write him a letter.
18:12Or you can, like, text him.
18:27Guess who got the most delicious food for our date?
18:31Thank you.
18:35So why did you suddenly want to break into acting?
18:38I need three million dollars fast to pay your brother back.
18:42Nick can be such a hard-ass sometimes.
18:45I blame that on his military training.
18:48Nick was also a soldier.
18:51Just like Lafayette.
18:53Nick was a Green Beret.
18:55He was career military.
18:57Then our father took over the studio after our grandfather died.
19:02In just 15 years, it went bankrupt.
19:05Then Nick stepped in.
19:08That must have been hard on him.
19:12But he didn't complain.
19:14Your parents can really fuck you up.
19:17Which is why I assume you didn't try acting,
19:19given that Dame Vivian is your mom.
19:22So, I need to ask.
19:25Are you any good?
19:27I was the lead in plays on and off for about five years.
19:30My most recent role was Rosine in The Barber of Paris.
19:33My most recent role was Rosine in The Barber of Seville.
19:36Beaumarchais was quite impressed with my performance.
19:41As in the 18th century playwright?
19:44I guess a theater job would make the most sense,
19:47given my experience.
19:49Or you can try movies.
19:51I'll be in the studio tomorrow,
19:53prepping for my role as King Louis XVI.
19:55You should come with and check it out.
19:57Why not?
