The Return of My Drama Queen Part 3

  • 3 months ago
The Return of My Drama Queen Part 3


00:00Have this for yourself.
00:05Oh my...
00:07Where did you find this?
00:20This is where the magic happens.
00:25The burden of the crown...
00:28So heavy upon one's head.
00:30What is a queen if not the epitome of splendor?
00:37Jewels that rival the stars.
00:40Gowns that whisper the secrets of the loom.
00:43And feasts that would make Bacchus envious.
00:50They say the kingdom weeps.
00:52But shall I not weep?
00:56I know.
00:57She sucks balls.
00:59I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with her.
01:03Bravo, Lana.
01:05You just nailed the frivolous queen.
01:07Very well, Lana. Thank you. You may step down.
01:13Does anyone else care to audition for this role?
01:18Does anyone else care to audition for this role?
01:24You tarnished my name once.
01:26I will not let you do it again.
01:32I would like to read.
01:37Are you sure, Antonia?
01:39You know this is for the lead role, right?
01:41Perhaps you may try something as small as a background actor.
01:45I'm quite sure.
01:49The role is yours. Read.
01:55The role is yours.
02:00If we could stop everything we're doing to pander to the nipple baby and the producer's trophy wife.
02:05Back in school, people used to say her performances were devoid of a soul.
02:11The role is yours, Lana. You've got nothing to worry about.
02:15What in the world is she thinking?
02:18The Levine acting gene totally skipped, Antonia.
02:21She wants to try, Vivian.
02:23Oh, for heaven's sake, stop this nonsense before it's too late.
02:26She embarrasses herself and me.
02:31I'm ready, Oliver.
02:33Max, can you go read Robespierre's lines with her, please?
02:36My pleasure.
02:39All right, everyone.
02:41Hit the spotlights!
02:44Okay, guys, so this scene is about Marie Antoinette and the trial and, you know, the tribunal.
02:50So let's just get to it, okay?
02:53Madame, you stand before us accused of conspiring with the foreign powers,
02:57the depletion of the state treasury,
02:59and committing high treason by acting against the security of the French state.
03:04Yesterday, I did not know the witnesses.
03:06I knew not what they were going to depose against me.
03:09And no one has presented any proof to support my arrest.
03:14I was only the wife of King Louis XVI,
03:16and it was required of me to follow his lead.
03:20The sentence of death has been pronounced.
03:23What shall you say to your defense?
03:25In my defense?
03:29For your scruples, much.
03:32I was a queen, and you dethroned me.
03:35I was a woman.
03:37And you dethroned me.
03:39I was a wife, and you killed my husband.
03:42I was a mother, and you tore me from my children.
03:47My blood alone remains.
03:49Take it and end this suffering.
03:51Yes, everyone! We've found our queen!
03:56It's a miracle!
03:58The Levine-Acting Dynasty lives on for another generation.
04:02My brother won't know what hit him.
04:04Where did that come from? The bitch I know can't act to save her life.
04:07I'm going to kill her!
04:09I'm going to kill her!
04:11I'm going to kill her!
04:13I'm going to kill her!
04:15I'm going to kill her!
04:17I'm going to kill her!
04:19The bitch I know can't act to save her life.
04:22Well, the performance was touching.
04:24Marie Antoinette is a shallow, empty-headed spindrift.
04:27A puppet for her mother's ambitions, and in the end, an Austrian spy.
04:33You sound just like the men of 1793.
04:36Quick to dismiss a woman's power, and at the same time, fear it.
04:40Has the world not advanced since then?
04:42Does Marie Antoinette not deserve to be treated with the same complexity and nuance
04:46we would show to a male in her position?
04:51No way can that woman get the role.
04:55Mr. Fontaine, you need to arm the set of Queen of Diamonds.
04:58Sir, it's about your wife.
05:01I'm on my way.
05:04No way can that woman get the role.
05:06I think you need to rethink your role.
05:07No, absolutely not.
05:08Yes, this woman right here is...
05:09She is going to be historical.
05:11She's never done this before.
05:12You cannot make this kind of change.
05:14I'm the director, Max. That's exactly what I can do.
05:16I don't care.
05:17Sit down, guys.
05:19Antonio, what are you doing here?
05:21I brought her.
05:22You need to have an open mind for what you're about to hear, brother.
05:25What the hell is going on?
05:26If your wife gets the role of Marie Antoinette, I'm going to walk.
05:29Antonio's portrayal humanizes the queen.
05:31That's what this film lacks and desperately needs.
05:33Olly, Olly, I'm with Max on this one.
05:35It's ridiculous to consider Antonio for the role.
05:37Can you really not see past the fact that she's your wife?
05:40Gentlemen, there is a simple way to resolve
05:44whether or not Antonia has the chops to play Marie Antoinette.
05:51Watch her audition tape.
06:05Nick, I was born to play Marie Antoinette.
06:07Nick, I was born to play this role.
06:09I am Marie Antoinette.
06:16She's in.
06:21You won't regret this.
06:27Thank you, honey.
06:29My darling, I am so proud of you.
06:32You are a Levine after all.
06:34Thanks, mother.
06:35Do you know what this means?
06:36We're going to be in scenes together.
06:38Husband and wife.
06:39King and queen.
06:41I'll come over tomorrow.
06:42We're going to start running lines.
06:44I'm so excited!
06:48I'm just grateful for the opportunity to tell her true story.
06:51Come on, I'll buy us all a drink.
06:53Oh, I can use a drink.
06:55Enjoy it now, Antonia.
06:57It won't last.
07:04This isn't over.
07:06Hey, Siri, play Mozart.
07:37Good, you're here.
07:39What are we doing?
07:41We're celebrating, silly.
07:43Where's Sadie?
07:44She's out with friends.
07:45We have the house to ourselves.
08:16Very nice.
08:28You are so solemn, General.
08:30The world is a solemn place.
08:32The world is a solemn place.
08:35Some things are beyond our control.
08:37It does not help to fixate on them.
08:40That is when we dance.
09:05You're too tight.
09:06Sit down and relax.
09:14You're too tight.
09:15Sit down and relax.
09:27You've never given me a massage before, Antonia.
09:30Why do you hide so much of yourself from me?
09:38I know a lot of things don't make sense, Nicholas,
09:40but my life flashed before my eyes when I saw you.
09:44The soul that led me there, where I went wrong,
09:48what I could have done differently if given a chance.
09:52This here is my second chance.
09:57You're asking me to forget about the divorce
09:59and give this marriage another shot?
10:01Yes, that's enough.
10:09I love you.
10:10I love you.
10:12I let you in on once, Antonia.
10:14I don't know if I can do it again.
10:30Morning, Sadie.
10:32What you working on?
10:34A script.
10:37I would never say that.
10:39I would never say that.
10:43Or do that.
10:49What was that?
11:09Where do you think you're going?
11:11Catch him before he escapes.
11:17Where do you think you're going?
11:20Okay, I got it.
11:25At 14, I had to leave my family behind.
11:28Even my dog, Mops.
11:30You mean when you went to boarding school?
11:34Sure, boarding school.
11:36I missed him so much.
11:40What should we call him?
11:43How about Mops the Second?
11:47I like that.
11:50I like it.
11:51What do you think, Mops?
11:53Would you like to be my dog, Mops?
11:56I can't fall for her again.
11:57This madness must end.
12:01Okay, you're free.
12:24I know it's a lot to take in.
12:26The whole acting thing.
12:30It's not just that.
12:32The old Antonia ignored Sadie.
12:35It was only a focus on being an influencer.
12:37She hated animals.
12:39Now her and Sadie are inseparable.
12:41Today she rescued a stray dog.
12:43Hell, even you've been won over by her.
12:46What can I say?
12:48I like Antonia 2.0.
12:50She's one cool chick.
12:55Are you kidding me? A royal flush?
12:57Has she really changed?
12:59Or is this just another ruse to suck me back in?
13:02Dude, she died.
13:04Maybe she has changed.
13:06You know, I think the bigger question is
13:08will you regret it for the rest of your life
13:10if you don't give her one last chance?
13:13I hear you.
13:15But I don't know if I can forget about everything she's done in the past.
13:19Or won't.
13:21Hey, Moms.
13:23Here we go.
13:25Good boy, Moms.
13:27There you go.
13:32She looks like an angel.
13:34But I've seen the devil in her as well.
13:37I don't know.
13:39I don't know.
13:41I don't know.
13:43I don't know.
13:45I don't know.
13:47I don't know.
13:48I don't know.
13:50Which one is the real you?
14:14I don't remember coming to bed last night.
14:19Come on, Mops.
14:26What's all this?
14:28My all-time favorites.
14:30Croissants and hot chocolate.
14:32Since when has hot chocolate become your favorite?
14:34I wish that was champagne.
14:36The way you guzzled it.
14:38Nick, don't be such a killjoy.
14:40I'm outie.
14:46Mommy will be back soon.
14:48Of course.
14:50Why would you think differently?
14:52Oh, I don't know.
14:54Maybe because last time a dog came near you,
14:56you kicked it for trying to dirty your dress.
14:58What a cold witch Antonia was.
15:00How can I undo the damage she did
15:02so he will let me in?
15:18you're playing the iconic Vivian Levine.
15:20Do you feel her influence
15:22had anything to do with you getting the role?
15:24Could you explain to us why somebody
15:26who's never even booked a minor role
15:28now has the most coveted role in Hollywood?
15:30Antonia, did your husband, Nicolas Fontaine,
15:32pull some strings?
15:34No comment.
15:36Please, please.
15:38They're like vultures in every century.
15:42Please, we just want to know.
15:44We want to know your plans.
15:46We want to know more.
15:48So Countess Lamont
15:50was like the ultimate single white female.
15:53I mean, it's a very challenging role to play.
15:56I think you'll be good at it.
15:58Okay, but I was supposed to be the lead.
16:00Not some society thief
16:02who's always on the outside looking in.
16:09Okay, fine. I'll do it.
16:18Hi, Finn.
16:21Hey, Nick.
16:27Can I help you?
16:29I guess not.
16:36So, what brings you here, Nick?
16:38Fifty million reasons.
16:42Okay, let's dive right in.
16:44Top of page 30, scene 15.
16:46Antonia, start us off.
16:49If the peasants and commoners
16:51cannot afford bread,
16:53then I say, let them eat cake.
16:55The problem is, I never said that.
16:57Rousseau first wrote those words in 1765.
16:59I was only nine years old.
17:01And it's what you call in this day and age,
17:03fake news?
17:08She's correct, sir.
17:10Marie Antoinette never said, let them eat cake.
17:12How didn't you catch that?
17:16How didn't you catch that?
17:18I don't think she said it.
17:20What's the difference?
17:22We are doing a definitive biopic on the woman, Max.
17:24It matters!
17:27Antonia seems to be the only one that gets that.
17:30Anything else before you, girl?
17:34Let's start with page 18, the hunting scene.
17:36The script says that I wore a petticoat while riding,
17:38but I found them too limiting,
17:40and I wore breeches.
17:42Go on, check it.
17:44She's correct.
17:46Marie Antoinette was one of the first women to do so.
17:48She was like this early day feminist.
17:50That's groundbreaking.
17:52Antonia, you are quite the history buff.
17:56Can you make those changes?
17:58Antonia, any other big catches for you?
18:00I wouldn't call wearing breeches a big change,
18:02or a catch.
18:04Why don't you share some of your pearls of wisdom with us,
18:08You've got a few there on your neck, don't you?
18:10I will.
18:12Since the film is called Queen of Diamonds,
18:14let's talk about the Affair of the Necklace scandal.
18:16What about it?
18:18Louis XVI, my necklace owner,
18:20refused to pay for it.
18:22That's untrue.
18:24Louis XV, my grandfather-in-law,
18:26commissioned it for his mistress.
18:28Then he died, and I refused it.
18:30Oh my God, that's so, so sad.
18:38Madame Deficit?
18:40Austrian spy?
18:42Feed your vanity and we starve.
18:45It was Countess Lamotte
18:46who fabricated my signature on the purchase,
18:48then impersonated me.
18:50It was Countess Lamotte
18:52who fabricated my signature on the purchase,
18:54then impersonated me.
18:56Oh, great stuff.
18:58Let's get into that on page 50, okay?
19:00You copied my hair, my gowns,
19:02then became a thief in my name.
19:05You paint me a villainess
19:07when we all know who the real one is.
19:09Have you no shame?
19:11Your greed has sparked a chain of events
19:13that led France towards revolution.
19:14Ooh, I love it, ladies.
19:16Keep up that energy.
19:18But Oliver, my vision,
19:20she's twisting my words.
19:22I wrote the quintessential book on Marie Antoinette,
19:24and I'm the only expert here.
19:26I'm not interested in producing
19:28another pop history flick
19:30that oversimplifies things.
19:32There's a direction with more dimension.
19:36Max, we're overhauling the script.
19:38Antonia, work with Max to get it right.
19:40Let's get past the slander and the politics
19:42and get to the heart of the real Marie Antoinette.
19:46Why don't you become a method actor?
19:49What's a method actor?
