• last year
Nobody Is Crazy English Subtitles | Spanish Drama Movie
Rafa, a lonely teenager battling the rigid routines imposed by his OCD, finds his world turned upside down when his overwhelmed mother gives him an ultimatum: seek professional help or be sent to military school. Desperate to avoid the latter, Rafa reluctantly joins a local self-help group. There, he meets an eccentric, masked individual named Kai who claims to be a time traveler from the past.

Intrigued yet skeptical, Rafa is drawn into Kai’s enigmatic world. As they form an unlikely friendship, Rafa embarks on a quest to uncover the truth. Is Kai truly a displaced soul from another era, or simply a disturbed escapee from a mental institution?

As Rafa delves deeper, he begins to question not only Kai's identity but also the boundaries of his own reality. In the midst of this journey, he discovers strengths he never knew he had and learns to navigate the complexities of trust, friendship, and self-acceptance.

Together, Rafa and Kai must confront their inner demons and the secrets of time, leading to an unexpected and transformative adventure.
00:04:20¿Por qué estoy acá? Es una larga historia.
00:04:23Digamos que principalmente es porque no soy un chico normal.
00:04:25Tengo TOC, Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo.
00:04:28Lo tengo desde hace años. Supongo que cuando mi mamá me conoció ya lo tenía.
00:04:32Pero creo que empecé a padecerlo más fuerte cuando mis papás se separaron.
00:04:35¿Por qué digo que cuando mi mamá me conoció ya lo tenía?
00:04:38Porque soy adoptado. Sí, ya sé.
00:04:40Linda carta de presentación para el psicólogo.
00:04:43Padezco TOC, soy huérfano y mis padres adoptivos se separaron.
00:04:46Ah, sí. Y a pesar de que me quedé con mi mamá, ahora ella me quiere mandar con mi papá.
00:04:51A quien ni siquiera le va a importar que vaya a vivir con él, porque me va a meter de pupilo en un liceo militar.
00:04:56Sí, ese es el plan.
00:04:58Todo porque no estoy yendo a la escuela.
00:05:00Mamá me dio un ultimátum.
00:05:02Si no me curo, me manda a la pampa y me enterran en un liceo.
00:05:05Como si yo pudiera curarme.
00:05:08¿Crees en Dios?
00:05:10¿Si crees en Dios?
00:05:12No sé.
00:05:13¿No sabés?
00:05:16No creas.
00:05:18Los fanáticos religiosos están todos locos.
00:05:24Ven cosas que nadie ve y le llaman fe.
00:05:28Y nosotros, los que en vez de ir a una iglesia venimos al psicólogo, somos los locos.
00:05:36Juro que es la primera vez que me encuentro una loca en el psicólogo.
00:05:40¿Creen en un libro que fue escrito hace miles de años y que ni siquiera es original?
00:05:46¿Se repite la misma historia?
00:05:49¿Hasta los mismos personajes?
00:05:52Jesús en Israel.
00:05:54Horus en Egipto.
00:05:57Mitra en Persia.
00:06:00Krishna en India.
00:06:02Atis en Grecia.
00:06:07Y Dionisio en Roma.
00:06:10Estuve estudiando.
00:06:13¿Se repiten siempre los mismos sucesos?
00:06:16Una y otra vez.
00:06:19Son casi todos hijos de una madre mortal y de un Dios.
00:06:25Tienen 12 seguidores.
00:06:27Y casi todos se mueren a los 33 años y después reviven.
00:06:34¿Se repite siempre la misma historia?
00:06:37Una y otra vez.
00:06:41¿Se repite siempre la misma historia?
00:06:50¿Algo como qué?
00:06:52No sé.
00:06:53¿Lo que quieras contarme?
00:06:56¿Algo de vos?
00:06:59Pasé tantas veces por esto que ya me aburre.
00:07:01Hubo un tío por el que fingía todos los síntomas que tenía que tener para ser un loco perfecto.
00:07:05Había sacado los diagnósticos de internet.
00:07:07Creo que se utiliza dos psicólogos.
00:07:09¿Algo de mí?
00:07:10Y a otro me acuerdo que no le hablé.
00:07:12Durante una hora no le dije nada.
00:07:15Si vos no me ayudás, no voy a poder ayudarte.
00:07:17Siempre dicen lo mismo.
00:07:18Me mandó mi mamá, yo no quiero que me ayudes.
00:07:21¿Cuál Rafa?
00:07:25Hacelo por tu mamá entonces.
00:07:26Esa quiere que estés bien.
00:07:28Siempre hacen lo mismo.
00:07:29Tratan de ser amistosos y ponerse de tu lado.
00:07:32¿Qué te dijo mi mamá?
00:07:34Que tenías problemas para sociabilizar.
00:07:37¿Vos qué pensás de eso?
00:07:38¿Qué pienso de qué?
00:07:39¿De lo que dijo o de que tengo problemas?
00:07:41En estos lugares parece que el tiempo se detiene.
00:07:43Solo estoy una hora.
00:07:45Una hora que podría durar días enteros.
00:07:48¿Qué pensás de lo que dijo tu mamá?
00:07:51¿Te refería a que tengo problemas o que ella piensa que tengo problemas?
00:07:54Podríamos estar horas así.
00:07:56Esto de las preguntas contra preguntas es un juego de nunca acabar.
00:08:01Rafael, no estoy acá para molestarte.
00:08:04Estoy acá para ayudarte.
00:08:08¿Me querés ayudar porque estoy loco, no?
00:08:11Nadie dijo que estás loco.
00:08:12Sí que lo dijeron, pero no importa, no quiero hablar de eso.
00:08:14¿De qué querés hablar entonces?
00:08:16Si nos quedamos callados los dos, no vamos a llegar a ningún lado.
00:08:19De los viajes en el tiempo, la teoría del caos y las paradojas de espacios temporales.
00:08:26Me las mandé, ya lo sé.
00:08:27Tendría que haber fingido que me importaba.
00:08:29No pude, qué sé yo.
00:08:30Aún sabiendo las consecuencias, solo me queda esta oportunidad.
00:08:34Tal vez te sirva más esto.
00:08:36Un grupo donde puedas escuchar a otros y te puedas relacionar.
00:08:40Denle una oportunidad, te va a hacer bien.
00:08:43Es un grupo intensivo, se da tres veces por semana en una escuela.
00:08:50Queda cerca la clínica de salud mental.
00:08:52Deberías pasar por ahí y verías que no estás loco.
00:08:56Aunque vos pienses lo contrario.
00:08:59Hay algunos que padecen trastornos importantes.
00:09:02Trastornos que no los dejan vivir.
00:09:04Y ahí es el único lugar donde se pueden desenvolver como personas.
00:09:10Algunos se internan por propia voluntad.
00:09:13Incluso si escapan.
00:09:16Es una forma de decir.
00:09:17Ayer se fue un muchacho.
00:09:18¿Están encerrados?
00:09:20Los tiene ahí por su propio bien.
00:09:22Este muchacho no va a tardar en volver.
00:09:25Estas personas no saben desenvolverse como vos o como yo en la sociedad.
00:09:29¿Por qué se están ahí?
00:09:30¿Es peligroso?
00:09:31¿El muchacho?
00:09:34Es un buen chico.
00:09:36Pero no está bien.
00:09:38Para que te des una idea.
00:09:40Anda todo el tiempo con guantes.
00:09:43Porque no quiere tocar nada.
00:09:44Él no tuvo la posibilidad que tenés vos.
00:09:46Ni tampoco la contención que debería tener cuando realmente la necesitaba.
00:09:51Dale una oportunidad a este grupo.
00:09:54Te va a hacer bien.
00:09:56Tu mamá y yo, y vos también, queremos que estés bien.
00:10:00No me gustaba mamá, ya te lo dije.
00:10:02Ninguno te gustó Rafa.
00:10:03¿De cuántos psicólogos vamos ya?
00:10:05Pero yo te dije que iba a probar con esto.
00:10:06De verdad.
00:10:11Y yo te dije que no te iba a dar más oportunidades.
00:10:13Por favor mamá.
00:10:14Que te ibas a ir a vivir con tu papá.
00:10:15Dejá de probar con esto.
00:10:16Usted sabe mejor que los psicólogos.
00:10:17Por favor.
00:10:22Esto sí que me interesa.
00:10:23Esto sí que me va a ayudar.
00:10:24Te juro que de esto voy a seguir yendo.
00:10:28Empiezo mañana.
00:10:29Tiene horarios tempranos.
00:10:30Martes, jueves y sábados a las diez.
00:10:32¿Y vas a seguir yendo?
00:10:34¿Todos los días que tenés que ir?
00:10:35¿Todas las semanas?
00:10:40Es tu última oportunidad Rafael.
00:10:42En serio.
00:10:44Mi última oportunidad.
00:10:45Está convencida que necesito relacionarme con gente.
00:10:48Dejar de ser un obsesivo compulsivo.
00:10:49Dejar de ser un antisocial.
00:10:52Ella cree que una vez que tenga amigos voy a ser un chico normal.
00:10:55Nunca fui un chico normal.
00:10:57Yo estuve con demasiados psicólogos
00:10:58como para saber que todo tiene que ver con eso de haber sido abandonado cuando era chico.
00:11:03Con eso de haber crecido en un hospicio.
00:11:05De sentir que mis papás no me quisieron.
00:11:07Vaya uno a saber por qué.
00:11:09No hay que leer mucho sobre psicología para saber eso.
00:11:11Yo leí mucho.
00:11:12Siempre lo hice.
00:11:14Siempre preferí sentarme a leer un libro
00:11:15que salir al patio a jugar con los demás.
00:11:18Me la paso soñando con vivir aventuras como en los libros de Wells,
00:11:21de Stevenson, de Dumas y de Verne.
00:11:23Sin embargo nunca trato de hacer algo arriesgado.
00:11:26Ya lo sé. Mal a mí.
00:11:27Algún día voy a cambiar.
00:11:48No quiero estar acá.
00:11:49Obvio que no quiero estar acá.
00:11:51Pero no puedo elegir.
00:11:53La primera vez que me mandaron al psicólogo fue en séptimo grado.
00:11:55Desde ahí fui unos cuantos, por algún tiempo.
00:11:58Pero como dice el autse, la única constante es el campo.
00:12:02Mi trastorno fue empeorando.
00:12:04Y esto hizo que en la escuela me empiecen a molestar más seguido.
00:12:07Todo es causa y efecto.
00:12:09Para que no me molesten, empecé a faltar más.
00:12:12Con las materias nunca hubo problemas.
00:12:13Fui a rendir todo y no me quedó ninguna pendiente.
00:12:16Estudiar es fácil.
00:12:17Estar en la escuela es lo difícil.
00:12:19Hace más de un mes que arrancaron las clases y yo no fui.
00:12:22¿Para qué voy a ir?
00:12:23¿Para que me molesten?
00:12:24¿Para pasarla mal?
00:12:26No necesito eso.
00:12:28Voy a rendir el año libre.
00:12:30Se lo expliqué a mamá, pero a ella no le gustó la idea.
00:12:32Y por eso me empezó a mandar a psicólogos.
00:12:33A más psicólogos que nunca.
00:12:35Y por eso todo esto.
00:12:37Ella cree que si un psicólogo me cura voy a convertirme en un chico común y voy a volver a la escuela y todos los problemas se van a resolver.
00:12:43Por eso ya fui en un mes a más psicólogos de los que había ido en cuatro años.
00:12:46Y los fui rechazando y dejando.
00:12:48Y por eso ella convenció a mi papá de que hablara con sus amigos en La Pampa.
00:12:51Para que me aceptaran en el liceo militar.
00:12:52Aunque el ciclo electivo ya esté comenzado.
00:12:55Todo porque las cosas no están saliendo de acuerdo a sus planes.
00:12:58Por eso tengo que soportar esto.
00:13:00Aunque no me sirva para nada.
00:13:10Espero que te hayas sentido cómodo.
00:13:12Lástima que no te escuchamos hablar hoy.
00:13:14No tengas miedo.
00:13:15Podés hablar lo que quieras acá.
00:13:17Nadie te va a decir nada.
00:13:18No hablo mucho.
00:13:20No debería ser así.
00:13:21Podrías hablar mucho.
00:13:23Es más, tendrías que cambiar tu paradigma de identidad.
00:13:27Olvidarte de cómo crees que vos sos.
00:13:32No te retengo más.
00:13:34Nos vemos si puede.
00:13:36Chau. Hasta luego.
00:14:05Il mio nome es Uno.
00:14:06Lo estaba esperando, el señor Baltasar.
00:14:07Yo soy Novo, pero...
00:14:10Si, ya sé. Mi italiano es algo malo. Ya lo voy a mejorar.
00:14:13¿Sos nuevo en el grupo, Diego?
00:14:16Yo llegué tarde.
00:14:17Siempre llego tarde a estas cosas. ¿Quién lo diría?
00:14:19Yo que me llevo tan bien con el tiempo.
00:14:22Te decía que me llamó nadie.
00:14:24Que estaba esperando a Baltasar.
00:14:26Le voy a decir que hay que cambiar los horarios y las actividades.
00:14:28En realidad hay que cambiarlo todo. Esto no me sirve a mí.
00:14:31No te sirve a vos. Dudo que le sirva a alguien.
00:14:34No salió.
00:14:36Baltasar. Es el psicólogo, ¿no? No salió.
00:14:39Te vine a hablar por la escopastesia.
00:14:41¿Por la...?
00:14:43Cuando sentís que alguien te está mirando. Es como una sensación.
00:14:45Vos me estabas mirando.
00:14:47Te llama la atención el antifaz, ¿no?
00:14:49No, no, no.
00:14:50Es que soy un superhéroe.
00:14:52Puedo viajar en el tiempo.
00:14:54Vengo del pasado. Hace unos días estaba en los ochenta. No te jodo.
00:14:58Es raro.
00:14:59¿Qué cosa?
00:15:00Por lo general los viajeros del tiempo vienen del futuro.
00:15:02Ah, ¿ya conociste a otros?
00:15:03No, digo.
00:15:04Vienen de un futuro apocalíptico y vuelven al pasado a arreglar su tiempo.
00:15:08Es una versión absurda. Se supone que el futuro se puede cambiar.
00:15:11Es lo que aparece en las películas y en los libros.
00:15:14Ah, veo que sabés.
00:15:15Más que nadie.
00:15:16¿Más que yo?
00:15:17No, no. Digo que...
00:15:18Por eso soy nadie. Porque cuando dicen nadie puede hacerlo, entonces yo sé que puedo.
00:15:22Yo soy el que hace las cosas cuando nadie se atreve.
00:15:26¿Qué hacés acá si venís del pasado?
00:15:29Estoy buscando a alguien que se atreva a hacer lo que nadie hace.
00:15:33La gente común es aburrida.
00:15:35Estoy buscando a alguien que vea el mundo de otra forma.
00:15:38Que esté dispuesto a buscar aventuras.
00:15:41Según la psiquiatra, el paciente que se escapó es una persona amistosa que vive en un mundo de fantasía.
00:15:46Suele irse y volver luego por su cuenta.
00:15:48No tiene a nadie que sea responsable por él.
00:15:51Ni un familiar, ni siquiera un amigo.
00:15:54Su nombre es Lisandro.
00:15:55Es un muchacho de estatura mediana, delgado o de cabello oscuro.
00:15:59Es identificable porque lleva guantes todo el tiempo.
00:16:01Y por un tatuaje le nombró Plato Derecho.
00:16:03Una serpiente mordiéndose la cola.
00:16:05¿Por qué no me queda hablando con él?
00:16:07Le dije que me tenía que ir y me fui enseguida.
00:16:09Tendría que haberme quedado hablando.
00:16:11Se llama Nadie.
00:16:12Como se hace llamar Ulises cuando escapa del Cíclope en la Doisea.
00:16:15Como el Capitán Nemo del libro de Verne.
00:16:18Sin usarle un antifaz sería alguien.
00:16:20Pero así, sin nombre, sin cara, es Nadie.
00:16:23Se debe haber puesto un antifaz para que no lo reconozcan.
00:16:25Para que no sepan que es el loco que se escapó.
00:16:28En su cabeza debe haber sido una buena idea.
00:16:30No puedo dejar de pensar en la charla que tuvimos con Nadie.
00:16:32Siempre hago esto.
00:16:34Pensar en lo que pasó.
00:16:36Volver a vivir todo al recordarlo.
00:16:38Como si viajara en el tiempo.
00:16:40Algunas veces hasta cambio cosas.
00:16:42Cosas que obviamente no cambian fuera de mi cabeza.
00:16:44Esto es en parte por ser un obsesivo compulsivo también.
00:16:46A todos los que tenemos TOC,
00:16:48nos pasa que un pensamiento se nos queda tragado obsesivamente.
00:16:50Y a todos los que nos pasa que un pensamiento se nos queda tragado obsesivamente.
00:16:52Y a todos los que tenemos TOC,
00:16:54nos pasa que un pensamiento se nos queda tragado obsesivamente.
00:16:56Y a todos los que tenemos TOC,
00:16:58nos pasa que un pensamiento se nos queda tragado obsesivamente.
00:17:00Y tenemos que repetir actos, palabras o ideas de manera compulsiva para sentirnos bien.
00:17:02Y tenemos que repetir actos, palabras o ideas de manera compulsiva para sentirnos bien.
00:17:04No es fácil esto de...
00:17:10¿Qué haces Blanco?
00:17:12Hola Noel.
00:17:14¿Qué haces? ¿Todo bien?
00:17:18¿Con quién andas? ¿Y tus amigos?
00:17:20¿Andas con amigos invisibles?
00:17:30¿Qué onda?
00:17:32¿Te cambiaste de escuela?
00:17:34¿Todavía estás de vacaciones?
00:17:36¿Vas a volver algún día?
00:17:40Bueno, nos vemos.
00:17:42Seguí con tus amigos invisibles.
00:17:44El Bobo de Noel.
00:17:46Así te llamo Noel, el Bobo.
00:17:48Siempre me pedías que ponga tu nombre en los trabajos grupales.
00:17:50No, no estoy con amigos.
00:17:52¿Y qué? ¿No puedo salir solo?
00:17:54¿O si no estás con esos dos no haces nada?
00:17:56Sos un Bobo Noel.
00:17:58Toda acción provoca una reacción.
00:18:00Si yo no me hubiera quedado mirando a nadie,
00:18:02él no me hubiera visto y no se me hubiera acertado a hablar.
00:18:04Todo ocurre por alguna causa.
00:18:06Si no hubiera hecho todo mal en los psicólogos,
00:18:08no hubiera terminado en ese grupo de autoayuda.
00:18:10Si no hubiese terminado ahí, no hubiese conocido a nadie.
00:18:20Tal vez todo tenía que pasar así.
00:18:22Siempre estoy leyendo sobre viajes en el tiempo.
00:18:24¿Es una casualidad que me encuentre un loco que dice que viaja en el tiempo?
00:18:26No creo.
00:18:28Nada es casual.
00:18:30¿Qué hacés, tri-tri? No sabés lo que fue ayer.
00:18:32¿Te lo perdiste?
00:18:34¿Qué cosa?
00:18:36Me hice amigo de un malabarista.
00:18:38Atrapé a un chorro que acababa de afanar una cartera.
00:18:40Aprendí a andar en caja.
00:18:42¿Y qué?
00:18:44¿Y qué?
00:18:46¿Y qué?
00:18:48¿Y qué?
00:18:50¿Y qué?
00:18:52¿Y qué?
00:18:54¿Y qué?
00:18:56¿Y qué?
00:18:58Me hice amigo de un malabarista.
00:19:00Aprendí a andar en caya.
00:19:02Cuando estaba cayendo el sol, traté de hacer equilibrio en una cuerda floja.
00:19:04No me sale.
00:19:06Tiene que ser mitomanía. No puede dejar de mentir.
00:19:08No te estoy mintiendo.
00:19:10¿Leerá la mente? Si me estás leyendo la mente, no me la leas más.
00:19:12Por favor.
00:19:14¿Vas a ir al grupo? ¿En serio?
00:19:16¿Vos no vas?
00:19:18¿Te sirve de algo?
00:19:20No sé.
00:19:22Ya sé. Te mandan.
00:19:24Estás obligado a ir. ¿Quién es tu vieja?
00:19:26I imagine she wants you to change, to talk to people,
00:19:29she doesn't want you to be like you are.
00:19:30But it's not bad to be like you are.
00:19:32We're all crazy, to a greater or lesser extent.
00:19:35The problem is that there are some crazy things
00:19:36that are more accepted than others.
00:19:39She wants you to change.
00:19:40She doesn't care how you do it.
00:19:42Do you think it's going to be good for you to be stuck there?
00:19:45The solution is not there.
00:19:47The solution is on the street. Let's go.
00:19:50Let's go. Just for today.
00:19:52For a couple of hours.
00:19:53Here and now is the only important thing.
00:19:54That's how time is.
00:19:56There's only the present.
00:19:57Do you think that here and now you're going to be stuck there with that?
00:20:04Let's go.
00:20:06I want to talk about time travel,
00:20:07and you told me that you knew more than anyone.
00:20:10I've been a chrononaut for a decade.
00:20:11A time trotter.
00:20:13A wanderer of the fourth dimension.
00:20:15Less than a week ago I was in 1985
00:20:18trying to get tickets to go to Verazodo again.
00:20:21Is he crazy?
00:20:23Is he a liar?
00:20:24Is he really a chrononaut?
00:20:26I don't know.
00:20:27But he's right.
00:20:28I'd rather talk to him about time travel
00:20:29than be with a bunch of obsessive-compulsive people
00:20:31that I'm not interested in listening to.
00:20:33Do you think someone is going to be able to make a machine
00:20:35that can twist time?
00:20:36If they had done it, the world would already be ruined.
00:20:40You have to be very clear about one thing, man.
00:20:42Everything that's happening has to happen.
00:20:44It already happened and it's going to happen.
00:20:45If something changes, it's because it already changed.
00:20:47Because that's how it had to be.
00:20:49And parallel worlds?
00:20:51From what we know, we could be entering a parallel world
00:20:54every time we wake up.
00:20:55If our life is going to be different from what it is,
00:20:57we'll never know.
00:20:59So the movies are all lies.
00:21:02They make you believe that the boy can change things
00:21:05and save the day.
00:21:06Conquer the girl and beat the bad guy.
00:21:08But the world is not like that.
00:21:10You didn't tell me how to travel in time.
00:21:15First, let me be very clear.
00:21:17The timeline is rigid and can't be changed.
00:21:19It sounds bad.
00:21:21It sounds bad, but it's like that.
00:21:22It's like Novikov's principle says.
00:21:24Have you read about it?
00:21:28Quick, to the library.
00:21:30We have to learn things.
00:21:34Where do you look for information?
00:21:36Internet, in general.
00:21:40Do you know what it is?
00:21:42How wouldn't I know?
00:21:43In fact, last month I was in 1998.
00:21:46You weren't born, but Internet, yes.
00:21:48It wasn't like now.
00:21:50People were going to look for books.
00:21:52Yes, now too, but...
00:21:55But not so much, as I was seeing these days.
00:21:58Everything goes through Facebook.
00:21:59The skulls are so eager to get virtual friends
00:22:01that they write their names and surnames on the walls.
00:22:04Even Bart Simpson knew he didn't have to do that.
00:22:07Cell phones are ruining them.
00:22:11I don't have one.
00:22:12My mom wants me to have one, but I don't care.
00:22:14And so you're fine.
00:22:15People don't even use their memory
00:22:17because everything is written on the phone.
00:22:20Cell phones are becoming more and more intelligent
00:22:22and less and less people use them.
00:22:24They don't even talk on the phone, they write.
00:22:27I mean, in the 80s, cell phones were used to talk.
00:22:31I read.
00:22:32I read.
00:22:33I'm not the one who has problems with books.
00:22:34I like to read.
00:22:36So, let's read.
00:23:07You didn't tell me anything from the beginning, Novicop.
00:23:09Why did you ask him to give you Einstein's books?
00:23:12Because it's important.
00:23:13Einstein proved that time is an illusion
00:23:15and not a constant.
00:23:16Time is the fourth dimension.
00:23:18Let's go with Obikof since you already read something about him.
00:23:20Actually, I didn't read anything.
00:23:22Well, you should. Knowledge is power, man.
00:23:24It's just that we just sat down.
00:23:26It's been five minutes since we entered the game.
00:23:28Every night you have to go to the envelope having learned something new.
00:23:31And I'm not just talking about what they teach you at school.
00:23:33You have to learn many more things.
00:23:35Learn to change a car's wheel.
00:23:37Fix a toilet.
00:23:39Learn martial arts.
00:23:41How things work.
00:23:42How an engine runs.
00:23:43How a plane flies.
00:23:45How a revolver is fired.
00:23:46How we solve the mechanism of a lock.
00:23:48Everything that happens in the world.
00:23:50Obikof's principle of self-consistency
00:23:52indicates that it is impossible for a sequence of events to cause a paradox.
00:23:56In other words, everything that has to happen, is happening,
00:23:59already happened, and will happen.
00:24:02I like to believe that it's like going back to the future.
00:24:04That things can be changed.
00:24:07But it's not like that.
00:24:08Somewhere there has to be an older version of yourself.
00:24:11If you came from the 80s, there has to be another you, 30 years older.
00:24:16I was in many other times where there was already another me.
00:24:19I don't look for myself, I don't know about myself.
00:24:22There should be another you somewhere.
00:24:24Unless something happened to you, or you never came back.
00:24:28I don't have to worry about that.
00:24:30You're not interested?
00:24:35Time travel is not for personal benefit.
00:24:37What has to happen, has to happen.
00:24:40But you can cross paths with yourself.
00:24:43Things are not like that.
00:24:45Everything is causal.
00:24:47Everything happens because it has to happen.
00:24:49I guess that's why you have the mask.
00:24:51In case you crossed paths with someone who could recognize you.
00:24:54Someone who knows that there is an older version of yourself in this time.
00:24:59I don't know, family, friends, neighbors.
00:25:04No one can recognize me.
00:25:05I'm a time traveler.
00:25:07I don't belong in this place.
00:25:08What if they recognize you in another way?
00:25:10I don't know, by a tattoo?
00:25:12No, that won't happen.
00:25:14Do you have a tattoo?
00:25:16What kind of question is that?
00:25:18Does anyone know your name?
00:25:20No one.
00:25:21Your real name.
00:25:23What letter do you think it is?
00:25:25J, K, L.
00:25:28Let's go somewhere else.
00:25:30There's a lot to do and very little time.
00:25:40Let's eat some sandwiches.
00:25:42Stay here, I'll invite you.
00:25:44Don't they wait for you at your house?
00:25:46No, my mom is working.
00:25:48So it's your mom.
00:25:50The one who sends you to the group.
00:25:51Oh, yeah.
00:25:52And your dad, what does he think?
00:25:54I don't know, he hasn't lived with me.
00:25:57Let's go to Elefante.
00:25:58The best sandwich shop in the city.
00:26:00In the 80s it was a boom.
00:26:02Do you have money?
00:26:03What kind of question is that?
00:26:05He escaped from the asylum.
00:26:07Where did he get the money from?
00:26:08I don't know how time travelers live.
00:26:10I don't have money.
00:26:12I live in the present, like cats.
00:26:14You have to live in the day.
00:26:16Yeah, but...
00:26:18That's why I tell you that you have to learn trades.
00:26:21You have to know how to defend yourself.
00:26:22You have to be instructed.
00:26:23You can't be an improvised.
00:26:25I don't think you should invite me.
00:26:26I'll pay for it.
00:26:27Don't be silly.
00:26:28If I don't get the money,
00:26:31someone will fall and give us more.
00:26:33Someone will give us money?
00:26:34Since you said it like that,
00:26:35it's going to be a self-fulfilled prophecy.
00:26:40Where do you live?
00:26:41It depends on the time I'm in.
00:26:43It depends on the place.
00:26:44It depends on the date.
00:26:46I have everything written down.
00:26:48Because if I'm not mistaken,
00:26:50five days ago I was on October 26, 1985,
00:26:53in Buenos Aires.
00:26:54Now we're not in 1980,
00:26:56not in October,
00:26:57not in Buenos Aires.
00:26:59Time travel is very complicated.
00:27:01You have to be precise.
00:27:02Like us.
00:27:04We obsessives are detailers.
00:27:10I'm sorry.
00:27:27It was here.
00:27:28But it's not here.
00:27:29You said it was a boom in the 80s.
00:27:32It doesn't exist anymore.
00:27:33I threw it away.
00:27:34It was full.
00:27:37Excuse me.
00:27:38Do you have a match to invite me?
00:27:41Holy shit!
00:27:43What a bad omen.
00:27:47I had it around here.
00:27:49It was a beautiful lighter.
00:27:52I can't believe I lost it.
00:27:57It was black,
00:27:58with the little dragon drawing.
00:28:04Here it is.
00:28:05Everything lit up, right?
00:28:08enough with the preamble.
00:28:09Give me the cell phones
00:28:10so I can go home.
00:28:12Me neither.
00:28:13Me neither.
00:28:14Don't get on my nerves, guys.
00:28:16Who doesn't have a cell phone these days?
00:28:19Okay, give it to me.
00:28:21Give me the bag,
00:28:22give me everything you have.
00:28:23Give me the bag.
00:28:24It's not a bag.
00:28:25It's a morral,
00:28:26like Indiana Jones.
00:28:27Come on, Gil.
00:28:29Why are you so shy?
00:28:30Because you're wearing a mask?
00:28:31Give me the bag.
00:28:47This time I lost.
00:28:50But we'll meet again.
00:29:07That's why I tell you
00:29:08you have to know martial arts,
00:29:09know how to defend yourself.
00:29:11Is that why you're wearing gloves?
00:29:12Is that why you're wearing a mask?
00:29:13Are you a real superhero?
00:29:15I don't know if I'm a superhero.
00:29:16I only save myself.
00:29:18Like anyone else would.
00:29:23He dropped his wallet.
00:29:27Does it say who it is?
00:29:31It only says Guita.
00:29:32I didn't know thieves had wallets.
00:29:34Me neither.
00:29:35Well, now he doesn't have it anymore.
00:29:37He tried to rob us
00:29:38and we ended up robbing him.
00:29:39Like you said.
00:29:41But it was self-fulfillment, man.
00:29:43What do we do with the money?
00:29:44I don't think it's his.
00:29:45It must have been stolen.
00:29:46It's not much.
00:29:48Shouldn't we give it back?
00:29:50To whom?
00:29:51You can't ask around
00:29:52who robbed Guita
00:29:53because everyone will tell you it was them.
00:29:55That's how the world is.
00:29:56Everyone is crazy.
00:29:58They want to make us believe
00:29:59that we're the crazy ones.
00:30:02The world is full of people
00:30:03who talk to themselves,
00:30:05who get depressed,
00:30:06who lie impulsively,
00:30:08who are addicted to work,
00:30:10to games,
00:30:11to watching soccer games.
00:30:13And yet,
00:30:14they're normal.
00:30:16See what I'm saying?
00:30:17We're all crazy.
00:30:18What matters is what kind of crazy person you are.
00:30:20Are you the one who has a good time
00:30:21without bothering the rest
00:30:22or are you one of the others?
00:30:26Let's go.
00:30:27Now we have Guita.
00:30:28Let's morph her.
00:30:32She's not that crazy after all.
00:30:48You still have no reason to take your gloves off.
00:30:50I couldn't wash my hands otherwise.
00:30:53I guess you were in the self-help group for a reason, right?
00:30:55Say it.
00:30:57That I'm crazy.
00:30:59And you never take your mask off?
00:31:02You don't know how good it is to wear a mask
00:31:03because you never did.
00:31:05The people around you do two things.
00:31:07They don't stop looking at you
00:31:08or they don't do it at all.
00:31:10And once you can accept that,
00:31:11you don't have problems with anyone anymore.
00:31:13You can do anything
00:31:14that won't matter to you
00:31:15what others think.
00:31:20If you could travel in time,
00:31:22where would you like to go?
00:31:24Can I choose any time?
00:31:26No, not really.
00:31:27If you traveled as I do,
00:31:28you couldn't choose the time.
00:31:30You couldn't even travel very far.
00:31:32I mean,
00:31:33you can't go to the Jurassic era
00:31:34or the distant future
00:31:36like in Wells' book.
00:31:38You still haven't told me how you travel.
00:31:41But I told you that
00:31:42time machines are impossible.
00:31:45Can I say that you would be a chaos?
00:31:48It's a very big power for men.
00:31:49We couldn't handle it.
00:31:52But it can be used for good.
00:31:54To come back and kill Mao Zedong, for example.
00:31:56I don't think it's so easy to kill someone
00:31:58even if you know he deserves it.
00:32:00Or he will deserve it.
00:32:03But given the situation, maybe you can.
00:32:08Maybe they tried and they couldn't.
00:32:10Who knows?
00:32:12Maybe if they had done it,
00:32:14someone would have taken his place.
00:32:16Even if you change some things,
00:32:17the results are always the same.
00:32:20After the night, it always dawns.
00:32:23But if you know you have to change something,
00:32:25if you know you can do it,
00:32:27wouldn't you change it?
00:32:29Many times, even if you know you have to change something,
00:32:31you still can't.
00:32:33It happens all the time.
00:32:35The one who smokes knows he's doing wrong
00:32:37and keeps smoking.
00:32:39The married man who deceives his wife
00:32:41repeats himself all the time that he's going to stop doing it
00:32:43and continues even if he knows the consequences.
00:32:47And if it's not a machine,
00:32:48then how do you travel?
00:32:50How do I travel?
00:32:52A guy appears.
00:32:54I call him the mute.
00:32:56He's not an ordinary guy.
00:32:57I don't know who he is.
00:32:59I don't know if he's an alien,
00:33:01a being from another dimension,
00:33:03someone who comes from the future,
00:33:05an angel, a demon.
00:33:07I don't know.
00:33:09He could be God,
00:33:11a superhero.
00:33:14The truth is he hardly talks to me.
00:33:17Sometimes he tells me something, but...
00:33:20he doesn't talk to me anymore.
00:33:24He always wears a suit,
00:33:26with a cigarette without lighting in his mouth.
00:33:28When he lights it,
00:33:30I open my eyes and I'm in another place.
00:33:33In another place and in another time.
00:33:36I seem to be lying on the bench of a square
00:33:38or in the wagon of a subway
00:33:40as if I had been in Andalusia.
00:33:42And I only have seven days before traveling again.
00:33:46And well,
00:33:47God created the world in six days, right?
00:33:49I have to admit it.
00:33:51If no one is a time traveler,
00:33:53at least my intellect.
00:33:55I'm used to being a time traveler.
00:33:58I don't travel in movies.
00:34:00I've traveled more than 500 times.
00:34:02I've been doing it for 3,617 days.
00:34:05Do you realize what that is?
00:34:07I've been going around in time for ten years.
00:34:09Ten years.
00:34:11Almost all your life.
00:34:14Two thirds.
00:34:16The life I live with my parents.
00:34:18Ten years ago they lived in a hospice.
00:34:21Have you ever met your parents?
00:34:25If you could do it, would you do it?
00:34:27When I was a kid I wanted to,
00:34:29but now I'm not interested.
00:34:31They left me.
00:34:39What do you think if we do something really cool?
00:34:43Let's go.
00:34:44We have to go downtown.
00:34:46We still haven't used the guide
00:34:48Let's go.
00:34:49Let's go.
00:35:15Do you know anything about self-fulfilled promises?
00:35:17Like the thief who didn't give you the money?
00:35:19What does that have to do with time travel?
00:35:21Even if you know what's going to happen, you can't avoid it.
00:35:24Like in Edipo Rey, right?
00:35:26Edipo's father was told that his son was going to kill him
00:35:28and he was going to marry his wife.
00:35:30So he did everything he could to get rid of him.
00:35:32And by doing that, everything that was supposed to happen happens?
00:35:35Many times, wanting to do something, we end up doing it.
00:35:38Knowing what's going to happen could be the cause of what happens.
00:35:41More valerian than lynch.
00:35:44More valerian.
00:35:45If I tell you to be careful, that if you walk with me,
00:35:47you're going to bump into someone, what would you do?
00:35:50Nothing? Then destiny is already set.
00:35:52But that's what you said.
00:35:53Exactamundo, but how do you know what you have to do?
00:35:55If you don't do anything,
00:35:56maybe it's because you didn't have to do anything for it to happen,
00:35:58or maybe...
00:36:00I'll walk away.
00:36:01I'll walk away from you.
00:36:02Then I won't be walking with you.
00:36:04With me or without me, it doesn't matter.
00:36:07I'll walk away more.
00:36:09I almost hit you!
00:36:11And all because of you.
00:36:13Hey! I like your mask.
00:36:15I'm leaving.
00:36:16Don't look at my ass, ok?
00:36:20I didn't hit you.
00:36:30Can we go to a ball pit?
00:36:32We're not that old.
00:36:33To have fun, right?
00:36:34You're not following me, are you?
00:36:36No, it's just a coincidence.
00:36:37You don't trust us?
00:36:38No, bandmates are my friends.
00:36:41We could skate a little earlier.
00:36:43Invite her to come with us.
00:36:45Come with us? Where?
00:36:47To do fun things.
00:36:48Go to the ball pit, for example.
00:36:49I don't think she wants to.
00:36:51You have to stop believing that you know how others will react.
00:36:54I say it from experience.
00:36:56You don't have to care what others think, Rafael.
00:36:59Look at me.
00:37:00I'm wearing a mask.
00:37:01People stare at me.
00:37:02They draw conclusions.
00:37:03They say I'm crazy.
00:37:05I don't care.
00:37:06You have to care what you think, not what others think.
00:37:11Let's go.
00:37:12The guy over there has skates and stopped skating.
00:37:15I'm sure he'll rent them to us.
00:37:16Let's go for a walk.
00:37:17You go. I'll keep an eye on him.
00:37:19Life is lived, not looked at.
00:37:23Are you going to talk to...
00:37:25You, Fumá.
00:37:27I know. I married you.
00:37:28You're going to stay doing roncha.
00:37:30Doing roncha?
00:37:31Throwing facha.
00:37:32What are you going to tell her?
00:37:35I'm going to tell her...
00:37:36Your route is my route.
00:37:39Don't be stupid.
00:37:40It's a fight.
00:38:00His name is Daria.
00:38:01He's not from here.
00:38:02He came with his wife and her partner for a couple of days.
00:38:04The wife had to come to a course or something.
00:38:06He has a little brother who stayed with video games at the hotel...
00:38:08...and she went out to fuck.
00:38:09Did you tell her all that?
00:38:10Yes, and more.
00:38:11She says she was born in Italy.
00:38:13But I don't believe her.
00:38:14I spoke a little Italian to her and she didn't seem to understand anything.
00:38:16She says she's working as a teleprompter...
00:38:18...and that she studies electrical engineering.
00:38:20I don't believe her either.
00:38:22She likes manga, anime and weird movies.
00:38:24That's true.
00:38:27So what?
00:38:28Are you going to talk to her?
00:38:29I'll give you the skates.
00:38:30No, no. I'm not going to talk to her.
00:38:31Well, I invite her to go to the pool with us.
00:38:33She's not going. She doesn't know us.
00:38:35Are you going?
00:38:36We're all going.
00:38:37She's going to be a pain in the ass.
00:38:39She's not going to want to.
00:38:40If she's going to want to.
00:38:41If she's crazy.
00:38:42Like us.
00:38:43Doesn't that bother you?
00:38:45That they call you crazy.
00:38:46Every time they call me crazy, I say thank you.
00:38:51A girl who likes manga, anime and weird movies.
00:38:54Until now I thought she didn't exist.
00:38:56A crazy girl like us.
00:38:58A girl like that.
00:39:00She's not going to give a fuck.
00:39:06I'm going to the pool.
00:39:19I'm going to the pool.
00:39:20I'm going to the pool.
00:39:35I'm going to the pool.
00:39:36I'm going to the pool.
00:39:52What's up?
00:39:53Do I have something?
00:39:54Do I have something on my face?
00:39:55No, no.
00:39:56I've never heard the name Daria.
00:39:57What's it called?
00:40:00No, Daria.
00:40:01Well, the name Rafael is not one of the most popular either.
00:40:03Who doesn't have it?
00:40:04The singer, a ninja turtle and you.
00:40:10What's up, quiet boy?
00:40:11You kept thinking of my weird name.
00:40:14What's up?
00:40:15Some call me J too.
00:40:16It's because of my second name.
00:40:17It starts with J, obviously.
00:40:19But I'm not going to tell you.
00:40:23You can't concentrate, quiet boy.
00:40:25Don't stop thinking of me and my second name.
00:40:27It's Josefina, but shh.
00:40:28Don't tell anyone.
00:40:29I don't like it.
00:40:30What happens is that everyone in my family has a man with a J.
00:40:34It's a family thing, that's why I can't complain.
00:40:36But don't tell anyone because I'll kill you.
00:40:39Don't tell the guy in the mask.
00:40:44So, tomorrow we're counting on you.
00:40:46I don't think I have anything better to do.
00:40:48Kill me.
00:40:49At the same time, in the same Vatican?
00:40:51There's going to be a huge uproar.
00:40:52See you later.
00:41:01He didn't ask you anything about the mask?
00:41:04What did you tell him?
00:41:05The same thing I told you.
00:41:06Did he believe you?
00:41:07You didn't believe me.
00:41:09I don't know, I mean...
00:41:10Didn't he ask you what your name was?
00:41:12I told him I didn't have a name.
00:41:13He said he didn't expect to hear the name of someone who sings with a mask.
00:41:16And tomorrow, really?
00:41:17He's going to spend some time with us, of course.
00:41:20Did he give you the number?
00:41:21The tube?
00:41:22No, I didn't ask for it.
00:41:23How are we going to meet?
00:41:24Like in the 80's.
00:41:25We already agreed.
00:41:26Tomorrow, at the same time.
00:41:27Just like that?
00:41:28Just like that.
00:41:29She's crazy.
00:41:31But she's one of the good crazy ones.
00:41:32You like her, don't you?
00:41:34I know you do.
00:41:35Wait for me.
00:41:36I'll be right there.
00:41:37Why did he give us the tube?
00:41:38I guess some people are so tired of normality that when they see someone different, they
00:41:42get carried away.
00:41:43That's why I liked him.
00:41:44Because he's different.
00:41:45That's why he gave us the tube.
00:41:46Because we were different.
00:41:47I guess the same thing happened to me with Nadia.
00:41:50Bye, Pinela.
00:41:51Let's go.
00:41:56Bye, Pinela.
00:41:57Let's go.
00:41:58We can still do a lot of things.
00:42:00You got a stain on your neck.
00:42:02It must have been because of the games.
00:42:04I don't care.
00:42:22It's okay, Rafael.
00:42:26It's over.
00:42:27It's part of your past.
00:42:29Don't let it affect your present, let alone your future.
00:42:32The only thing that matters is the now.
00:42:34Here and now.
00:42:36You don't know how it is.
00:42:38I don't know.
00:42:39Don't you remember that we were in the same group?
00:42:41I know exactly how this is.
00:42:43But I learned that it can be overcome.
00:42:46You have to think about something else.
00:42:48Stop thinking about that in your head.
00:42:51Come on.
00:42:52You haven't learned anything about martial arts yet.
00:42:56I should have cleaned it before.
00:42:58It's over. You already took it off.
00:43:00You have to face your fears, Rafael.
00:43:02I'm not afraid of this. You don't understand anything.
00:43:05You have to beat your fears.
00:43:07Do you think I'm afraid of this?
00:43:09Of a stain?
00:43:10I mean what this causes you.
00:43:12Think about the guys who bother you for being who you are.
00:43:15That happens to you, doesn't it?
00:43:17At school, your classmates make fun of you.
00:43:20Of your obsessive behaviors.
00:43:22And that only makes you more obsessive.
00:43:24I don't even have a book to close now.
00:43:26But that's the trick, Rafael.
00:43:28Realizing that this is nothing.
00:43:31That this is nothing.
00:43:33If all the problems were like this, how easy it would be.
00:43:38Why are you going to hurt yourself for what you can't change?
00:43:42The trick is to think about something totally different.
00:43:45Think calmly about something else.
00:43:50Look at me, Rafael. Look at me.
00:43:53Do you know Bruce Lee?
00:44:01Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, Van Damme, Steven Seagal.
00:44:05What are you talking about?
00:44:06You still haven't learned anything about martial arts, moron.
00:44:10We can go to Las Bardas del Alto.
00:44:12What are you talking about?
00:44:14Enserar, pulir.
00:44:16Karate Kid, man!
00:44:18In the 80s, we all wanted to be Karate Kid.
00:44:23In the 80s, we all wanted to be Karate Kid.
00:44:29Here and now, the present is the only real thing, the only thing that matters.
00:44:33Nobody is right. Everything happens here and now.
00:44:42You didn't tell me how you did today.
00:44:45In the group?
00:44:46Good too.
00:44:47Nothing else?
00:44:49What else did you do?
00:44:50I don't know, nothing.
00:44:51What did you do?
00:44:52I ate outside.
00:44:54I ate a sandwich outside.
00:44:58I was invited, I was with a friend.
00:45:00With a friend? You?
00:45:01What friend?
00:45:02A friend of the group.
00:45:04Look at you.
00:45:05Yes, I was outside almost all day. Tomorrow too.
00:45:08That's good, Rafa. A real friend, right? Not a friend of lies.
00:45:12I'm not making it up.
00:45:14That's good, Rafa. It's good that you have a new friend.
00:45:18It makes sense that nobody says that you have to live in the present.
00:45:21That you want to enjoy every moment, have fun.
00:45:24If it's really Lisandro, he knows he doesn't have much time.
00:45:27That's why he says he's only seven days at a time.
00:45:29It's the time he's out of jail.
00:45:31That's why he invented all that, that a guy has to appear to be able to travel.
00:45:35He couldn't show me a time machine.
00:45:37It's easier to say it's something like magic.
00:45:40He lives trying to escape from the real world.
00:45:43He prefers to live in a fantasy in which he travels in time.
00:45:47Many cases of so-called time travelers. None proven.
00:45:51They travel without machines. They appear without knowing how in another time.
00:45:54Several years in the future, usually.
00:45:56They have photos or documents that prove they were born in another time.
00:46:00Psychologists try to explain the attitude of these people,
00:46:03saying they suffered a very important trauma that left them like that.
00:46:06Believing they belong to another time.
00:46:08What was Lisandro's trauma?
00:46:10Was he crazy?
00:46:12And what if he was?
00:46:15We're all crazy, he said.
00:46:17She's as crazy as we are.
00:46:33No one is Lisandro?
00:46:35I can't keep asking myself. I have to know.
00:46:39We agreed with no one that we would meet at 10 where we met yesterday.
00:46:42Near the self-help group.
00:46:44I have a couple of hours to find out some things before we meet.
00:47:03Good morning. How can I help you?
00:47:05Good morning.
00:47:06I wanted... I saw the note in the diary. I was looking for...
00:47:10Looking for a patient?
00:47:11No. I mean...
00:47:13What note in the diary?
00:47:14The one of one who escaped from Lisandro.
00:47:16Ah, Lisandro who escaped?
00:47:17Yes, Lisandro.
00:47:18Ah, do you know him?
00:47:20Did you see him?
00:47:23Do you know anything about him?
00:47:26No, I wouldn't understand. What do you need then?
00:47:28Ah, yes. I saw a note in the diary.
00:47:30Did a note come out today?
00:47:32No, it came out a few days ago.
00:47:34That's strange, because he left a few times and they never write anything.
00:47:37But he always comes back.
00:47:38I wanted to know about him.
00:47:41I was interested in the note and I wanted to know about him.
00:47:43About Lisandro?
00:47:45The psychiatrist is here. You can talk to her if you want.
00:47:48The psychiatrist told me that Lisandro likes to watch TV.
00:47:51He likes old shows.
00:47:53Everything makes sense.
00:47:55His way of talking got him out of the 80s and 90s soap operas.
00:47:58Friends are friends.
00:48:01The Golden Rocket band.
00:48:02My brother-in-law.
00:48:03He told me that he liked Van Damme's movies.
00:48:05I told him the name because she didn't know, but it was him.
00:48:08It was Van Damme what he wanted to say.
00:48:10So there's no doubt.
00:48:12Nobody is Lisandro.
00:48:13That martial arts thing is definitely his thing.
00:48:16It's not a coincidence.
00:48:18Nobody is made of everything they see on TV.
00:48:20That's how I believe this character.
00:48:22Everything he wanted to be.
00:48:24Should I tell the psychiatrist that I know where he is?
00:48:26Or would that be bad?
00:48:27They tell him that he always comes back.
00:48:29This time he will do it too, I guess.
00:48:32Why are you interested in Lisandro?
00:48:34I'm interested in a note that comes in the newspaper.
00:48:36I don't know why they did it.
00:48:38It's not the first time he leaves.
00:48:40He goes out every now and then.
00:48:42He gets complicated.
00:48:43There are things that outweigh him.
00:48:45And he realizes it because he comes back later, luckily.
00:48:49Did he escape many times?
00:48:52At least three times.
00:48:54It's since we didn't give him so much freedom.
00:48:56Poor thing.
00:48:57We didn't let him go out much.
00:48:59He gets complicated with his gloves.
00:49:01Did he ever mention traveling in time?
00:49:05At least he never told me anything.
00:49:07But it's like living in another time.
00:49:10I have to go.
00:49:12Come back in a few days.
00:49:14He'll be here soon.
00:49:15Besides, he likes being with people he doesn't know.
00:49:18He gets very productive.
00:49:20So, come back, ok?
00:49:22He's my friend.
00:49:23How can I tell him?
00:49:25Or shouldn't I?
00:49:27He's my friend.
00:49:28My only friend.
00:49:30I'm a friend of a madman who says he travels in time.
00:49:46What were you doing?
00:49:48I was looking at the world in a different way.
00:49:51It all depends on how you look at it.
00:49:57You have to know how to appreciate all those things...
00:49:59All those beautiful things we take for granted.
00:50:06I have a riddle for you.
00:50:08What is it?
00:50:09What is it that is always expected and never comes?
00:50:12I don't know.
00:50:13It's tomorrow.
00:50:16Retrocausality refers to any of the phenomena or hypothetical processes...
00:50:20...capable of inverting causality...
00:50:22...allowing an effect to precede its cause.
00:50:25Stop, little brain.
00:50:26Shall I continue?
00:50:28An effect precedes its cause.
00:50:30So, the footprint precedes the footstep, for example.
00:50:33Retrocausality is a contradiction in itself.
00:50:35The ability to influence the past would make the effects...
00:50:38...be denied by their own causes.
00:50:40The paradox occurs because the current state of the world...
00:50:43...is determined by its previous states.
00:50:45So, changing one of these states...
00:50:47...should propagate effects towards the current state.
00:50:50So, you're overestimating my grandfather's paradox.
00:50:53I told you that's not how it really happens.
00:50:55That's not how things are.
00:50:57I told you a lot of times that everything that has to happen...
00:50:59It's happening, it's happening, it's going to happen.
00:51:00Yes, yes, yes, but...
00:51:02Let's suppose that the chrononaut travels to the past...
00:51:05...and saves a child who was going to have an accident.
00:51:08The chrononaut comes into existence because that child was his grandfather.
00:51:12If he doesn't save him, he doesn't exist.
00:51:14But since he exists, it means that he already saved him.
00:51:16The child was already saved.
00:51:17He's being saved and he's going to be saved.
00:51:19So, it's not a paradox in itself because the action...
00:51:21...was already done by the same chrononaut.
00:51:31You told me that you wouldn't like to meet your real parents.
00:51:34And your grandson?
00:51:35Imagine if he traveled back in time to save your life.
00:51:38Would you like to meet him before he's born?
00:51:40It's weird, right? To think that.
00:51:42Yes, it's weird.
00:51:44And your son?
00:51:45Imagine if it happened to you as if you went back to the future...
00:51:47...and your son comes to change your life.
00:51:49But you said that things can't be changed.
00:51:51But they don't change, they're the way they have to be.
00:51:53Your life in the present would change...
00:51:55...but the one in the future, the one that knows your son...
00:51:57...would still be the same.
00:51:59Your life would have to change to be the way it has to be.
00:52:14Did you have any trauma?
00:52:17Time travelers usually have traumas.
00:52:19What kind?
00:52:20I don't know, an accident, something that marked you.
00:52:23Not for me.
00:52:24Are you sure?
00:52:25I guess I'd remember it.
00:52:27If you had hit your head really hard, you wouldn't remember it.
00:52:30So you could make up all this that I'm a time traveler, right?
00:52:33No, I mean...
00:52:35Once they gave me a good blow to the head.
00:52:38But I healed right away.
00:52:41They attacked me.
00:52:44I can't defend myself well, I was young.
00:52:46But it wasn't a trauma, it wasn't something big.
00:52:49Maybe you don't remember well, and...
00:52:52You don't believe me, do you?
00:52:53Do you think I'm a chrononaut?
00:52:56I was just saying that maybe you suffered something when you traveled in time.
00:53:00A Terminator that has to travel in balls?
00:53:04I told you that nothing happens.
00:53:06It's like waking up from a dream.
00:53:08Being a time traveler is like any other person's life.
00:53:13No one knows what awaits them tomorrow.
00:53:16No one knows what the lessons are at the moment, so that things happen.
00:53:20But everything happens for a reason.
00:53:23That's life.
00:53:24You travel in time, right?
00:53:28That's life for ordinary people, and...
00:53:30Also for those who are a little different.
00:53:33For those who have to fight it.
00:53:36Like us.
00:53:39You and I are similar.
00:53:41We're not made to give up.
00:53:43We're made for big things.
00:54:11How do you remember what you did in each trip?
00:54:14I told you.
00:54:16I've written down all the days I've been traveling.
00:54:18If not, how would I?
00:54:20The months, the hours and the seasons no longer make sense to me.
00:54:25You have to be methodical.
00:54:28If not, you lose the meaning of everything.
00:54:33I live day by day like cats.
00:54:41Do you have any documents? Any pictures of the past?
00:54:45So that it's easier to believe that I'm a time traveler?
00:54:48No, I mean, do you have good photos and all that?
00:54:50You can't.
00:54:51The mute doesn't let that happen.
00:54:55Would you like to go back to your time?
00:54:59My time?
00:55:01I don't know what it is anymore.
00:55:06Ten years have passed since my time.
00:55:11What is my time?
00:55:14Ten years after I left?
00:55:16Or would I have to appear in the same place I disappeared from, but being ten years older?
00:55:23My life is that of a wanderer.
00:55:27Without time or place.
00:55:30I don't belong anywhere.
00:55:33I'm a wanderer of the fourth dimension.
00:55:37It's better not to think about that.
00:55:40It won't do you any harm.
00:55:42Sometimes it happens to me.
00:55:44It happens to everyone.
00:55:48A married man dreams of the life of a loner, and a loner dreams of a wife.
00:56:23So that's what you were saying, that big things are waiting for you.
00:56:25We're made for big things.
00:56:28Later on, really big things are waiting for you.
00:56:33I think the time travelers who were in the past,
00:56:36are the people who did big things because they had knowledge of the future.
00:56:39Something that used to seem like magic, or made by a god,
00:56:42now is just science.
00:56:44Something technological that you see every day.
00:56:46Cool. That would be awesome, wouldn't it?
00:56:53Everyone who did big things in history seemed to be a little crazy.
00:56:57Because maybe they were from another time.
00:56:59I'm not saying you look crazy.
00:57:01I understand.
00:57:05Maybe you didn't exist in another time traveler.
00:57:07Maybe you're the only one.
00:57:09Yes, I am.
00:57:10Did you meet others?
00:57:13I met a traveler.
00:57:15We were dating.
00:57:18Two travelers meeting outside of their time,
00:57:20converging in time and space.
00:57:24Yes, I don't know if they're like that.
00:57:27I'll tell you about that later on.
00:57:31Enough talking.
00:57:33We have to learn things.
00:57:34Let's review the theory of martial arts.
00:57:38Yes, the practice after we spend the afternoon with Daria.
00:57:42More exercise?
00:57:43After all we've walked.
00:57:45Walking does good, not only to the body, but also to the mind.
00:57:48It lowers cortisol and increases dopamine.
00:57:51I've never walked so much.
00:57:53You won't get to know any real place if you don't walk it.
00:57:57Let's go with the theory.
00:57:58Tell me the first rule.
00:58:00Aren't we talking about fighting?
00:58:01No, Piscuí.
00:58:02The first rule is to try to avoid fighting.
00:58:05Martial arts are defense arts.
00:58:07Try to avoid fighting for something important,
00:58:10not because someone scratched your car or told you...
00:58:13A cat?
00:58:16If they're winning and you couldn't escape,
00:58:20try to protect your vital points.
00:58:23Your head, your organs.
00:58:25Did you know that's why animals sleep like that?
00:58:28Because they protect their organs.
00:58:30I'd rather escape.
00:58:32But you can't always.
00:58:34You have to know how to face problems when there's no other option.
00:58:38So, escape or face them?
00:58:43Pay attention, Mario.
00:58:45You have to be prepared to face your fears.
00:58:48Escaping is useless if the problems follow you.
00:58:50Got it?
00:58:52Doesn't it feel good to know new things?
00:58:58To be continued...
00:59:28To be continued...
00:59:53So, did you find anything new?
00:59:56Did you ever look at something for the first time?
01:00:01Did you ever concentrate enough to see someone
01:00:04as if you'd never seen them before?
01:00:06As if you didn't know them?
01:00:09It's just a picture, not a person.
01:00:11I see it once and that's it.
01:00:13It becomes abstract.
01:00:15I stop seeing a representation.
01:00:16I see lines, I see colors.
01:00:18And that's not worth it.
01:00:20What percentage of the world do you think your eyes show you?
01:00:22You mean there's more than we can see?
01:00:24Yes, much more.
01:00:25You only see 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
01:00:29Many things happen around us that we can't see.
01:00:32That's not good.
01:00:34Of course not.
01:00:35But it gets worse.
01:00:37We hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum.
01:00:39Everything is less than we think.
01:00:41You know, you don't even think it's you.
01:00:4590% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA
01:00:49and it's not you.
01:00:50The atoms in your body are 99.99% made up of empty space.
01:00:55And they're not the same as the ones you were born with.
01:00:57None of them.
01:00:59You're going to traumatize me.
01:01:01I'm not me?
01:01:02No, you're not.
01:01:03I'm not me?
01:01:05But let's go back to the picture, if you don't feel so bad.
01:01:08Yes, go ahead.
01:01:10Look at the picture.
01:01:12The colors exist there because you're here to see them.
01:01:15You're helping me with my sensory problems.
01:01:17Then pay attention to me.
01:01:19Sorry, sorry.
01:01:20The existence of a rainbow depends on the conical photoreceptors in your eyes.
01:01:24For animals without cones, the rainbow doesn't exist.
01:01:28So, you don't see the rainbow.
01:01:30You create it by seeing only 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
01:01:39Do you feel that?
01:01:42That ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye
01:01:45and feeling simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
01:01:49I don't know.
01:02:00How old are you?
01:02:03But I use a lot of creams and I don't sunbathe.
01:02:05That's why I look younger.
01:02:07No, really.
01:02:09I'm older than you.
01:02:10Why do you want to know?
01:02:11Are you a cop?
01:02:13No, I'm not a cop.
01:02:20Do you have a boyfriend?
01:02:24Does it matter?
01:02:26Do you like older guys or younger guys?
01:02:30I'll pass to the next question.
01:02:32Do you have siblings?
01:02:33Are you seriously going to ask me?
01:02:35It was a joke.
01:02:38Yes, I have a stepbrother.
01:02:40My mom and dad got divorced.
01:02:41I live with my mom and her partner.
01:02:43I study to be an electronic technician and I work at a call center.
01:02:46Anything else?
01:02:51What else are you going to ask me?
01:02:53What music do I like?
01:02:54What's my favorite color?
01:02:55What sign am I?
01:02:57I don't think so.
01:02:59We girls don't like those things.
01:03:01Those questions, those boring talks.
01:03:16Let's talk about something fun.
01:03:18Women are won over with confidence.
01:03:21Don't try to be perfect.
01:03:22We don't like perfect guys.
01:03:24We like to think we can change.
01:03:26Even if none of us admits it.
01:03:28So you know what to do.
01:03:29Girls are won over with fun.
01:03:32They are won over with confidence.
01:03:34Like no one else.
01:03:36The girl you're talking to seems to be having a good time.
01:03:39She's wearing a mask.
01:03:40See? She's confident.
01:03:42You have to be brave to walk the streets with a mask on.
01:03:44She's wearing a mask.
01:03:45I also like weird things.
01:03:47He's crazy.
01:03:48We're beyond weird.
01:03:49He's crazy.
01:03:50We're all crazy, Rafa.
01:03:51No, not like him.
01:03:52He's a real crazy guy.
01:03:53A crazy guy really got away.
01:03:54He ran away from an asylum.
01:03:55Wow, that sounds interesting.
01:03:56I'm not lying to you.
01:03:57His name is Alessandro.
01:03:58They looked him up on the internet.
01:03:59He's wearing a mask because he thinks they won't recognize him.
01:04:02He's wearing a glove because he's so crazy he doesn't want to touch anything.
01:04:04How could you like that?
01:04:05I didn't say I liked that.
01:04:08Isn't he your friend?
01:04:09But that doesn't mean he's not a crazy guy who got away from a crazy guy.
01:04:11He says he travels in time.
01:04:12That he sees the past of the 80s.
01:04:14Wow, that sounds really interesting.
01:04:17Aren't you afraid?
01:04:18Aren't you worried?
01:04:19About what?
01:04:22Deborah, a really cool girl, by the way, told me we could go to the fair that's just here.
01:04:27How much?
01:04:28A thousand.
01:04:33Well, let's go?
01:04:34We're too old for this.
01:04:36I'm going to get in anyway.
01:04:37Me too.
01:04:38Next year I'll be fifth.
01:04:40I can't get in that.
01:04:41What if someone sees me?
01:04:42You didn't have a problem in the ballpark.
01:04:43It was different.
01:04:44It was a closed place.
01:04:45I'm not going.
01:04:46I'm going.
01:04:47No, nobody's going. Let's go somewhere else.
01:04:49I'm going too. Let's go?
01:04:50Let's go.
01:04:51No, let's go. This is for kids. Seriously.
01:05:05There are times when you feel like you're left out.
01:05:07When you feel like you're left out even in your own life.
01:05:10Sometimes I start to think that if someone had my life,
01:05:13my body, my few skills, my place in the world,
01:05:16they would know better what to do with me.
01:05:18With what is supposed to be me.
01:05:20That someone would make better decisions.
01:05:22They would know what to do in those moments when I have no idea how to act.
01:05:26If someone handled my life, they would handle it better than me. Undoubtedly.
01:05:31It's nobody's fault.
01:05:33I should be spending time with Daria, not him.
01:05:36That's not his place.
01:05:39His place.
01:05:41His place. His place.
01:05:43His place.
01:05:49Good afternoon.
01:05:52I need to talk to... I need to tell you...
01:05:54I'm telling you that...
01:05:55What did you need? Looking for someone?
01:05:57No, no. I brought information.
01:06:02You were here yesterday, weren't you?
01:06:04No, I was here this morning.
01:06:05Ah, talking to the psychiatrist.
01:06:08She's not here now.
01:06:09It doesn't matter.
01:06:10This guy, the one with the gloves, the one who ran away.
01:06:13Yes, I saw Lisandro. They were talking about him.
01:06:15I saw him. I was with him.
01:06:17I know where to find him. I know where Lisandro is.
01:06:19Lisandro came back in the afternoon, at nap time.
01:06:25Did he run away again?
01:06:26No, he's here. Do you want to talk to him?
01:06:41Are you Lisandro?
01:06:43Yes, and you?
01:06:49I thought you were someone else.
01:06:51Until now I thought you were a crazy guy with a mask.
01:06:54How can you be so stupid? It can't be.
01:06:57What kind of mask?
01:06:59What kind of mask?
01:07:01A black one.
01:07:03It could be that no one is crazy.
01:07:04It could be that I wasn't lying.
01:07:06It could be that I'm a time traveler.
01:07:08It could be that I come from the past.
01:07:11It's easier to believe that I'm crazy or that I'm a liar.
01:07:14It's easier to believe that I'm a guy who likes to walk around with a mask...
01:07:17...inventing time travel stories.
01:07:19Or not.
01:07:36I lost your last memory at the rise
01:07:43When your hair blew away
01:07:47Held by the salty waves
01:07:52You can't scream it
01:07:55You're not alone
01:07:58Stop believing
01:08:01And say the word
01:08:04Here is another chance
01:08:07Blanco, what are you doing?
01:08:09Are you alone here too?
01:08:11Ah, you're with your invisible friends, right?
01:08:14Yes, yes, whatever you say.
01:08:15Hey, what's up, Rafa?
01:08:17All good?
01:08:19You know what?
01:08:20I don't have a problem with being alone.
01:08:21Yes, I'm alone.
01:08:22I don't need someone to do things.
01:08:24I do it if I want to do it, not if someone accompanies me.
01:08:26It's my problem if I don't have friends.
01:08:28Do you hate yourself so much that you can't be alone for a while?
01:08:35No one understands me.
01:08:37No one cares.
01:08:38No one.
01:08:39No one.
01:08:40Everyone leaves me.
01:08:41Everyone abandons me.
01:08:42I don't have a single friend.
01:08:44My friend doesn't care about anything.
01:08:46Neither does she.
01:08:47Or herself.
01:08:48They don't care about my real parents.
01:08:50They don't care about my adoptive parents.
01:08:52It's not a moment of pity, Rafael.
01:08:54None of this is real.
01:08:55None of this is really important.
01:08:57I have to change the paradigm.
01:08:58These are problems just because I see them that way.
01:09:00But they really aren't important.
01:09:02The problem is more serious.
01:09:03My life isn't in danger.
01:09:04My health is perfect.
01:09:05I have nothing to complain about.
01:09:07But these problems that don't exist,
01:09:09these problems that aren't important,
01:09:11bother me.
01:09:12They make me feel bad.
01:09:14Why is nothing going well for me?
01:09:16I'd like to go back in time.
01:09:18Go back to when we first got here.
01:09:19When everything seemed possible.
01:09:21When everything was fine.
01:09:22When no one was.
01:09:25What are you doing?
01:09:26We didn't know where you were.
01:09:27We were waiting for you.
01:09:28Yeah, sure.
01:09:30No one told you that you were here?
01:09:32No one saw me from there.
01:09:33Maybe they saw you coming in.
01:09:34I told them I was coming to pick you up.
01:09:35He was chatting with...
01:09:36With anyone.
01:09:37He chats with anyone.
01:09:38No problem.
01:09:39Let's go?
01:09:41He's not with anyone.
01:09:42I'm leaving.
01:09:46Let's go.
01:09:47What's wrong?
01:09:48Do you want us to do something else?
01:09:50No, I'm leaving.
01:09:51You go, seriously.
01:09:52Come on, Rafa.
01:09:53We only have tomorrow left.
01:09:54I'm leaving on Sunday.
01:09:55Come on.
01:09:56Let's go?
01:09:57I don't want to.
01:09:58I don't know what's wrong with you.
01:10:00Yeah, what do you know?
01:10:02That I'm sick.
01:10:04Don't be like that.
01:10:05How should I be to please people?
01:10:09Rafa, you and I have been together for a couple of years.
01:10:12We're from different cities.
01:10:14Maybe in the future, who knows?
01:10:16When you're older.
01:10:21I wasn't talking about you.
01:10:22I was talking about people.
01:10:23It shows.
01:10:24That's why you're like this.
01:10:26I'm leaving.
01:10:27I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow.
01:10:28I don't know if we're going to see each other.
01:10:30Go if you want.
01:10:31You're free to do whatever you want.
01:10:33Maybe in the future.
01:10:34In some future we'll see each other.
01:10:35Everything that has to happen today will happen.
01:10:37See you tomorrow.
01:10:38Yeah, yeah.
01:10:39I'm not with anyone.
01:10:40I'll wait for you.
01:10:58Where were you?
01:11:00With who?
01:11:01I came here, Rafael.
01:11:02With someone.
01:11:03While you live with me, under my roof, you're going to answer everything I ask you.
01:11:06You're going to listen to me.
01:11:07But that's not going to last long.
01:11:08Living with you, Dio.
01:11:18Here, it's yours.
01:11:20But it's yours?
01:11:21Yes, I bought a new one.
01:11:22You told me you didn't want me to make you a gift or that you didn't spend money.
01:11:25Well, there you have it.
01:11:26A used phone.
01:11:27I didn't spend anything.
01:11:29But nothing, Rafael.
01:11:30You're going to have it with you all the time.
01:11:32I'm going to call you at any time.
01:11:34And when you leave the house, you're going to turn it on with the volume at maximum.
01:11:38So when I call you, you can answer me.
01:11:40And I'm going to call you.
01:11:42Don't disappoint me anymore, Rafael.
01:11:44Look around you a little.
01:11:45Look at everything you have and you don't know how to value it.
01:11:55I love you.
01:12:03What if no one comes from another time?
01:12:05What if it's really a time traveler?
01:12:07Is it a coincidence that he wanted to spend these days with me?
01:12:09No, it's not a coincidence.
01:12:10But he uses the mask so that I don't recognize him.
01:12:13He told him that everything happens because it has to happen.
01:12:15I had to travel to this time, he had to meet me.
01:12:18He's also my dad.
01:12:19Then he told him that he had to travel in time to save his son, like in Back to the Future 2.
01:12:23Does it make sense?
01:12:24Then he asked me if I would like to meet my dad.
01:12:26How stupid I am, I just realized.
01:12:29If a time traveler can come from another time,
01:12:31he told him that he had been for the last time in the 80s,
01:12:33but it doesn't mean that he came from the 80s.
01:12:36Maybe he comes from the future and he's my son.
01:12:38Yes, that's why he asked me if I would like to meet my son.
01:12:43Maybe he comes from the future and he's my grandson.
01:12:45Is it the grandfather's umbrella?
01:12:47It could be, he saved me from the one who wanted to steal them from the thief.
01:12:50Maybe he traveled in time to save me.
01:12:54But if it weren't for him, I would never have crossed paths with the thief.
01:12:57Think about anything.
01:12:59But it has nothing to do with me.
01:13:01Maybe he's not even a time traveler.
01:13:04How can I believe he's a time traveler?
01:13:06He's crazy.
01:13:08He's crazy.
01:13:10And me?
01:13:11I'm not crazy to believe him.
01:13:14We're both crazy.
01:13:16Just as crazy.
01:13:18The same.
01:13:20The same.
01:13:24The same.
01:13:45I knew you were going to be here.
01:13:47You were lying.
01:13:48No, all this is over.
01:13:50You're a time traveler.
01:13:53Okay, go on.
01:13:55You and I are the same person.
01:13:57No one would recognize themselves if they saw each other face to face.
01:14:00Especially when ten years have passed between one and the other.
01:14:06My name is Rafael J. Blanco.
01:14:08I lived in a hostel until I was six years old.
01:14:11At eleven, my adoptive parents separated.
01:14:13At sixteen, I discovered that I was going to travel in time.
01:14:17We are exactly the same person.
01:14:20No one can bathe twice in the same river.
01:14:22The river changes.
01:14:23So do the people.
01:14:25You're not the same person you were when your parents adopted you.
01:14:29It's not possible.
01:14:37Nothing is identical.
01:14:38Not even with yourself.
01:14:39You and I differ by a space of time.
01:14:42All this is over?
01:14:44But before I was you and someone was me.
01:14:47I admit that I don't remember everything we said.
01:14:50Ten years have passed.
01:14:52So this conversation is not going to end well.
01:14:55You're not going to be offended and...
01:14:57I'm going to keep thinking about some sentences.
01:15:01Did you know everything that was going to happen?
01:15:03Did you know that I was going to leave the group?
01:15:05That the thief was going to try to rob us?
01:15:07That we were going to find Daria?
01:15:09Did you know everything?
01:15:12That's why you wear a mask.
01:15:13That's why you don't call anyone.
01:15:14To deceive me.
01:15:15It's always been like that.
01:15:16That's how it has to be.
01:15:18And things can't be changed.
01:15:19I told you no.
01:15:21A circle.
01:15:22Like in Godot's universe.
01:15:23Like the closed temporal curve.
01:15:24Like the Lorentzian variant.
01:15:25Something like that.
01:15:26I see that you were studying.
01:15:28I'm going to be you.
01:15:34What if I don't want to?
01:15:35Even if you don't want to.
01:15:36It's over.
01:15:37It's already happening and it's going to happen.
01:15:39Your future is in the past.
01:15:43But why are you doing this?
01:15:44The universe has big plans for us, Rafael.
01:15:48You, me...
01:15:49It's the same thing.
01:15:50All this is a learning process.
01:15:53We're not ordinary people.
01:15:54We're made for big things, Rafael.
01:15:56The future...
01:15:57The future? What future?
01:15:58You said the future is in the past.
01:16:02What was your plan?
01:16:03What was your mission?
01:16:04My mission?
01:16:06I had to teach you a few things.
01:16:08What are you talking about?
01:16:09I'm the one who starts your learning.
01:16:11These ten years of learning.
01:16:12Seventeen in total.
01:16:13I don't know what's going to happen in the next seven years.
01:16:16Who told you that?
01:16:17The mute.
01:16:18Did she talk to you?
01:16:19She talked to me once.
01:16:21What does Daria have to do with all this?
01:16:23She told you that we were meeting today.
01:16:25But no.
01:16:28There was a change of plans.
01:16:30She must be traveling right now.
01:16:33She would have wanted to say goodbye to you.
01:16:35She would have wanted to see me again.
01:16:37Well, to us.
01:16:38She wanted to keep seeing me and you...
01:16:41You wanted to see her again.
01:16:43That's how things had to happen.
01:16:45That's what happened before.
01:16:46What had to happen.
01:16:52That's what you had to do.
01:16:53What are you talking about?
01:16:54Fuck me, fuck her.
01:16:55No, nothing to talk about.
01:16:57You spent ten years waiting for this, this crap.
01:16:59Hey, hey, hey.
01:17:00Calm down.
01:17:01You're out of your mind.
01:17:02Do you think this is the only important thing I've done all these years?
01:17:07This, this place, this time were just a stop in my journey.
01:17:10You're not that important, asshole.
01:17:12Not yet.
01:17:13And you are.
01:17:14You don't know anything about everything I've done.
01:17:15What have you done? Nothing.
01:17:16You and I are in the same place.
01:17:18You're nobody.
01:17:19Don't play hard to get, kid.
01:17:23I remember this.
01:17:24How angry I was.
01:17:26But I understand you, really.
01:17:27More than anybody.
01:17:28Don't fuck with me.
01:17:30Don't be a pussy.
01:17:32Do you understand?
01:17:34There's no other.
01:17:35You have to do what you have to do.
01:17:37Big things are waiting for us.
01:17:38The wall will tell you.
01:17:40You taught me something, Nadir.
01:17:42You taught me what I don't want to do.
01:17:43I taught you a lot more.
01:17:45I also taught you how to become me.
01:17:47Well, Dario and I taught you.
01:17:49Don't get her in this.
01:17:50She was always in this.
01:17:55Don't be in such a hurry to leave.
01:17:57This is going to be the last time we see each other.
01:17:59I came to say goodbye.
01:18:00In a while, right here, I'm going to meet El Mudo and we're not going to see each other again.
01:18:04I don't care.
01:18:05I don't care to see you anymore.
01:18:06You won't even see me three times.
01:18:07You could disappear right now because of me.
01:18:10Whatever you want to be here before I leave, you won't be able to.
01:18:12I told you I don't care.
01:18:13I don't care.
01:18:14And why is that going to happen?
01:18:15Because that's the way it has to be.
01:18:16I don't want things to be the way they have to be.
01:18:18I don't want to be like you.
01:18:19I'm not going to be like you.
01:18:21Things can't change.
01:18:22Everything is the way it should be.
01:18:24I'm not going to be like you.
01:18:25So cynical.
01:18:26So egocentric.
01:18:27So liar.
01:18:28I'm not going to fool the one who takes my place.
01:18:30The me of the past.
01:18:32I'm not going to bother Daria.
01:18:33Bother Daria?
01:18:35When did I bother her?
01:18:36Are you jealous?
01:18:37That's what happens.
01:18:38You can't conceive that she would rather be with me than with you.
01:18:40Don't worry.
01:18:41With me, with you, it's the same.
01:18:42Don't say that.
01:18:43It's not the same.
01:18:44You and I are not the same.
01:18:45She's always the kind of girl who gives you a bit of a hard time and...
01:18:47Shut up, shut up.
01:18:48And it bothers you that I left her.
01:18:49It's over.
01:18:50Better times are coming.
01:18:56You said this was going to end.
01:18:57That's it.
01:18:58I'm leaving.
01:18:59No, not yet.
01:19:00I said everything was going to get more complicated.
01:19:02You have to ask me about my story with Daria.
01:19:04Go ahead.
01:19:05Ask me.
01:19:08Have you ever thought what you would do...
01:19:11...if you could see that girl again that you only saw for a while on a random day?
01:19:16What would you do if you had taught yourself everything you need to know to like her?
01:19:21You became everything she wanted you to be.
01:19:24Daria created us.
01:19:25You went from being you to being me because of her.
01:19:28Daria is going to travel in time.
01:19:31We're going to meet in the past.
01:19:33She's the time traveler?
01:19:35The girl who was your girlfriend?
01:19:41We saw each other for the first time.
01:19:43I mean, for the second time.
01:19:45In the spring of 1995 in Mendoza.
01:19:49We met by chance one night at a bar.
01:19:52It was hard for her to recognize me without the mask.
01:19:55Recognize you being older.
01:19:58But she was happy to see a familiar face.
01:20:03We talked about our relationship.
01:20:06We talked for a while and...
01:20:08...then I invited her to have a glass of wine.
01:20:10That was also a coincidence, an unimportant detail that...
01:20:14...in the end, ended up being so significant.
01:20:20In that trip we only saw each other for two days or less.
01:20:24But it was enough for us to want to keep seeing each other.
01:20:28The next time we met was in Buenos Aires.
01:20:32Two years had passed for me.
01:20:34For her, just a week. And for the world, almost a lustre.
01:20:39It was in the winter of 2000.
01:20:42Less than a year was left for us to be born.
01:20:45But she was already in the children's garden somewhere in Italy.
01:20:52You saw how impulsive she is, right?
01:20:56A couple of days later we started dating.
01:20:59I was 22 years old.
01:21:02It was our first official date.
01:21:04I took her to a restaurant that was in fashion.
01:21:06And we drank wine.
01:21:08To remember our first date.
01:21:11And from then on we kept seeing each other every day.
01:21:14Because I already thought that at any moment...
01:21:16...the mute was going to appear to finish everything.
01:21:18But that didn't happen.
01:21:21I knew it wasn't going to happen.
01:21:23But I didn't say anything.
01:21:25Maybe that's why the problems started.
01:21:28With the course of the week...
01:21:30...things got worse between us.
01:21:38Our strong personalities started to clash.
01:21:43We became more cynical, as if we didn't know each other.
01:21:48She thought that I was to blame for everything.
01:21:51That we couldn't travel in time, for example.
01:21:54What can I tell you?
01:21:59We didn't get tired of each other.
01:22:02Everything got worse...
01:22:04...until she left me.
01:22:08I can't forget that day.
01:22:12We met in a square.
01:22:14There was a thundering wind, a storm.
01:22:16We barely spoke to each other.
01:22:18We both knew that...
01:22:20...that was the end.
01:22:22She only said one sentence before leaving.
01:22:25As if summing up our story.
01:22:27She told me...
01:22:29She told me this stupidity.
01:22:33She told me...
01:22:34...everything is different, Rafael.
01:22:36There's no more wine.
01:22:38She turned around and left, as if waiting for me...
01:22:40...to stop her, to tell her that everything was going to be fine.
01:22:43But I didn't.
01:22:45I know I was wrong.
01:22:47But I also know that...
01:22:49...if I were there again, it would be the same.
01:22:53An hour later, I met the mute...
01:22:56...and I didn't see her again.
01:22:58Never again.
01:23:00Until now.
01:23:02I know I came at this time.
01:23:06I came to live again the first time I saw her.
01:23:10The first kiss.
01:23:12The one I had never had.
01:23:15The first kiss.
01:23:17The one I had never had.
01:23:36The last time I saw her, in 2000, she was angry.
01:23:39But she was the one who left me.
01:23:41She left me.
01:23:44Maybe we'll see each other in the future or in the past, but...
01:23:47...she was the one who left me.
01:23:49She left me.
01:23:51There's no more wine.
01:23:52And she left, waiting for me to go look for her.
01:23:54But I didn't.
01:23:56She left.
01:23:57She left me.
01:24:00There's no more wine.
01:24:01There's no more wine.
01:24:03There's no more wine.
01:24:05Did she say that?
01:24:06Or not?
01:24:07Did she say that?
01:24:08There was a lot of wind.
01:24:10There's no more wine.
01:24:11There's no more wine.
01:24:14There's no more wine.
01:24:16There's no more wine.
01:24:23There's no more wine.
01:24:24There's no more wine.
01:24:25There's no more wine.
01:24:26There's no more wine.
01:24:27There's no more wine.
01:24:28There's no more wine.
01:24:29There's no more wine.
01:24:30There's no more wine.
01:24:31There's no more wine.
01:24:47You're going to have problems if you don't go.
01:24:50I can't right now.
01:24:55Yes, I'm coming.
01:24:57I'm coming, I told you.
01:25:03Go, come back later.
01:25:05Are you ok?
01:25:30Hi mom.
01:25:32How did it go?
01:25:34Did you do well in the group?
01:25:35Yes, good.
01:25:37This is what I hate, Rafael.
01:25:38I hate that you lie to me like that.
01:25:40You didn't go to the group.
01:25:41You didn't go today, you didn't go on Thursday.
01:25:43You went only once.
01:25:44Only once.
01:25:46You don't go to school, you don't go to the psychologist, you don't go to the self-help group.
01:25:51Shut up.
01:25:52You can't say anything.
01:25:53You're lying to me.
01:25:54You told me you were leaving.
01:25:55I went to pick you up and I talked to Baltazar.
01:25:57So don't lie anymore.
01:25:58But mom...
01:25:59You know what?
01:26:00It's over.
01:26:01This is over.
01:26:02You already had your chance.
01:26:03You're going to go live in La Pampa.
01:26:05I was hospitalized, mom, no.
01:26:06I already talked to your dad.
01:26:07You're going to live with him.
01:26:08I'm not going to high school.
01:26:10Why are you lying to me?
01:26:12You think I changed?
01:26:13That's what I did, I changed.
01:26:14You didn't change anything.
01:26:15You thought I was going to talk to people?
01:26:17Meet friends in the group and go out late with him.
01:26:19Don't lie to me anymore, Rafael.
01:26:20I went to places I had never been to.
01:26:22I was more afraid of a girl.
01:26:24Don't lie to me anymore.
01:26:25It's true, it's all true, mom.
01:26:27Are we going to see the doctor?
01:26:28Because I don't know what to do anymore.
01:26:29This is beyond me.
01:26:30You keep lying to me, you keep making fun of me, you keep making up things.
01:26:34But I already told you that I changed.
01:26:35I don't need to go to the group, mom.
01:26:36You didn't change anything.
01:26:38How many psychologists did I send you?
01:26:41I just wanted you to go back to school,
01:26:43to hang out with people, to have friends.
01:26:46I wanted you to be a normal boy, Rafael.
01:26:48A normal boy?
01:26:50Yes, we're going to see the doctor.
01:26:52Because you think I'm stupid and that I'm going to keep giving you opportunities.
01:26:56But you keep making fun of me.
01:26:58You start making up things, you start making up imaginary friends.
01:27:01What does this mean?
01:27:03Don't make me believe that you're crazier than we think.
01:27:06Please, Rafael.
01:27:07Do you want us to go see Baltazar?
01:27:08Let's go, come on.
01:27:09I don't have a problem.
01:27:10I'm going to tell you that I'm better than before, that I've already healed.
01:27:11That I'm not making up things.
01:27:12That was once, when I was a kid.
01:27:14Now it's all different.
01:27:15And you want to put me in a high school.
01:27:16Let's go.
01:27:17If that's how you're convinced that I have to stay here.
01:27:23How long are you going to keep lying?
01:27:25I don't know what name he gave himself.
01:27:26He told me not to call anyone.
01:27:28He wore a mask.
01:27:29There was no one like that.
01:27:30He wore gloves.
01:27:31The day I came, on Tuesday.
01:27:32He arrived late and that's why he didn't come in.
01:27:33I found him outside when we all left.
01:27:35And did anyone else see him?
01:27:36They must have seen him.
01:27:38And he says he belongs to the group?
01:27:39He knew your name.
01:27:40He knew you.
01:27:41He said that...
01:27:46He never came to the group.
01:27:47He just came to look for me.
01:27:51I don't know what else to do.
01:27:52He's alone all the time.
01:27:53Imagining things.
01:27:55He makes up stories.
01:27:56He lies to me.
01:27:57It's not like that.
01:27:58I didn't imagine anything.
01:27:59I didn't make anything up.
01:28:01I have to go.
01:28:02It's now.
01:28:03Now he's in the square and he must be with the mute.
01:28:05I have to go.
01:28:06No, don't go.
01:28:07You stay here.
01:28:08I didn't make anything up.
01:28:09I'm not crazy.
01:28:10No one says you're crazy.
01:28:11No one?
01:28:12No one says that?
01:28:13It's just a defense measure.
01:28:15It's not strange.
01:28:16Many children who spent their first years alone...
01:28:19I didn't make anything up.
01:28:21There's no masked guy, Rafael.
01:28:23There never was.
01:28:24The doctor told you he wasn't a patient here.
01:28:27Many lonely children let their imagination grow.
01:28:30And that doesn't mean it's wrong.
01:28:32We met Daria.
01:28:34She's real.
01:28:35Who's Daria?
01:28:36A girl.
01:28:37I told you.
01:28:38The girl we met.
01:28:39And where is she now?
01:28:40She left.
01:28:41She's not here anymore.
01:28:46I made it all up.
01:28:48Did you hear the word solicitude?
01:28:51What happened?
01:28:53Calm down, Rafael.
01:28:54Calm down.
01:28:55Yes, calm down.
01:28:56Many children who didn't have parents...
01:28:58...invent an image of how they want their parents to be...
01:29:01...how they want their mother to be.
01:29:03I didn't make it up.
01:29:04I didn't make it up.
01:29:06I didn't make it up.
01:29:07I didn't make it up.
01:29:08Solicitude means, only I exist.
01:29:11It's the metaphysical belief...
01:29:13...that the only thing you can be sure of...
01:29:15...is the existence of your own mind.
01:29:18And the reality that surrounds it...
01:29:20...is nothing more than part of the mental states of the self.
01:29:24I'm not like him.
01:29:25Like no one.
01:29:26Maybe you put together everything you heard...
01:29:28...and everything you saw to create this no one.
01:29:31But it's an advance that you realize.
01:29:33No one exists.
01:29:34No one exists.
01:29:35No one exists.
01:29:36Calm down.
01:29:37Let's have a drink, Rafael.
01:29:38That way you'll calm down.
01:29:40We're here to help you.
01:29:42No one said I was going to deny it for three months.
01:29:45It's nothing serious, Rafael.
01:29:47What happens to you isn't something to worry about.
01:29:49Descartes suggests that maybe we were created by a god...
01:29:53...that forces us to lie to ourselves systematically.
01:29:56That disposed our nature in such a way...
01:29:58...that we believe we are in the truth...
01:30:00...when we are in the middle of a horror movie.
01:30:04Please, Rafael.
01:30:06It's me.
01:30:07No one, it's me.
01:30:08I came from the future.
01:30:09From the past, which is my future.
01:30:10It's me.
01:30:11No one, it's me.
01:30:35THE END
01:30:52We're back to the beginning of the story.
01:30:54Like an ouroboros biting its own tail.
01:30:56Here I am, waiting.
01:30:58Wanting to believe that at any moment the mute will come to talk to me.
01:31:01To tell me that I'm not crazy.
01:31:03That I'm going to travel through time.
01:31:05Mute, if you can hear me, help me.
01:31:07I swear I'm not like I used to be.
01:31:09I'm still an obsessive compulsive, I know.
01:31:11But I've changed, really.
01:31:13I have a goal, and that's the most important.
01:31:15I'm going to become a better nobody.
01:31:17I'm going to do better than...
01:31:18I want to do it, please.
01:31:19I want to travel through time.
01:31:21I want to escape from here.
01:31:23They're going to put me in a military school...
01:31:25...and I'm not going to be able to survive there.
01:31:27A boy like me can't survive that.
01:31:29Please, if I'm not crazy, let me escape.
01:31:32And if I'm crazy?
01:31:34If I stay, it means that I'm crazy.
01:31:36That I made it all up.
01:31:38And if that happens, they're going to put me in an asylum.
01:31:40With Lisandro.
01:31:41Because I have solipsism.
01:31:42And he makes up everything around me.
01:31:47Look at everything I did, mute.
01:31:49I'm willing to do anything.
01:31:50I haven't washed my hands in a long time.
01:31:52I'm going to have a hard time sleeping on this dirty bench.
01:31:55I didn't even brush my teeth.
01:31:57I even paid the clock's stopwatch.
01:31:59Look at me, mute.
01:32:00I'm willing to do anything.
01:32:01Nobody will be proud of me.
01:32:03Of how I changed.
01:32:04That I don't have a problem because it doesn't matter.
01:32:06That I face my fears.
01:32:08I'm waiting for you, mute.
01:32:10I'm here to become nobody.
01:32:13And if the mute doesn't show up?
01:32:15And if I'm crazy?
01:32:17And if everything ends like this?
01:32:19Like bad?
01:32:31Like this.
01:32:49You're the one who went to visit me?
01:32:51Yes, Rafael.
01:32:52Ah, yes. Rafael.
01:32:54Where did you get that mask?
01:32:56I did it in the craft workshop.
01:32:58It's black, like you said. Do you like it?
01:33:01You're real.
01:33:03Sometimes it's hard for me to tell the difference.
01:33:06Especially when I just woke up.
01:33:10They wanted to make me believe that I had invented everything.
01:33:12That everything had been a lie.
01:33:14Yes, they usually do.
01:33:17At least you're real. At least I invented someone.
01:33:19There are many things to see in this world.
01:33:21Apart from the ones they want us to see.
01:33:24That's why they try to teach us what to see and what not to see.
01:33:29I think I can't see everything I used to see anymore.
01:33:34Here. I think you need it more than I do.
01:33:38When everyone looks at you differently, you can see differently too.
01:33:42See things that nobody else sees.
01:33:44I don't know if it would help.
01:33:47You don't lose anything by trying.
01:33:49I don't know if I'm capable of being like that.
01:33:51Yes, you are. You and I are not that different.
01:33:54It's true.
01:33:56I live trying to escape from the real world.
01:33:58I prefer to live in a fantasy that travels in time.
01:34:02Yes, it sounds like my life.
01:34:05I don't know what to believe anymore.
01:34:08What are you doing here?
01:34:10Sleeping in the square. Did you escape?
01:34:12Yes, like you.
01:34:14And what are you going to do?
01:34:16I was waiting for someone.
01:34:19You wouldn't understand if I told you.
01:34:21You'd think I'm crazy.
01:34:24You'd have to talk about what happened, what's going to happen.
01:34:28Look, I have nothing better to do than have a good conversation.
01:34:32I'm waiting for the mute.
01:34:34A guy in a suit with a cigarette on his lips.
01:34:37A guy who's going to get me out of here.
01:34:39Who's going to make me travel to another place, another time.
01:34:44Put on the mask. Maybe you'll see him.
01:34:47Nobody said that either.
01:34:49That with the mask you can see other things.
01:34:51Because everyone else sees you differently.
01:35:00You feel good, don't you?
01:35:02That you don't care what others think of you anymore.
01:35:07It's true. I don't care. Let them look at me if they want.
01:35:11Keep it. I'll give it to you as a gift.
01:35:13Thank you. Don't you think it's so...
01:35:15So crazy?
01:35:17So different.
01:35:19I wish I could be like everyone else.
01:35:22It's weird how everything happens now, in the present, right?
01:35:24Like Borg said, knowing so many people.
01:35:27So many places, so many times.
01:35:28Everything happens here, everything happens now and everything happens to me.
01:35:31Schopenhauer said that no one has lived in the past and no one will live in the future.
01:35:35The present is the form of all life.
01:35:41It's not him.
01:35:44It's him. It's the mute.
01:35:45Do you see him? Do you see him too?
01:35:47Yes, I see him.
01:35:48So it's true. I didn't make it up.
01:35:50Go talk to him. What are you waiting for?
01:35:58Everything happens here and now.
01:36:02What are you doing, little mask?
01:36:04We meet again?
01:36:17What are you doing? Are you crazy?
01:36:20What are you doing?
01:36:44What was I doing?
01:36:46What am I doing?
01:36:48What am I doing?
01:36:51I wasn't here.
01:36:54I'm not here.
01:37:00I passed out.
01:37:02They were hitting me.
01:37:04They were hitting me and I...
01:37:06How long did I pass out?
01:37:09What happened to the mute?
01:37:14He disappeared.
01:37:15He disappeared.
01:37:17The mute disappeared. It's over.
01:37:19It's all over.
01:37:20I won't be able to travel.
01:37:26If this happened, everything has to happen.
01:37:28I have to travel in time.
01:37:46You heard me. You came to find me.
01:37:49That's how it had to be.
01:37:50That's how it's always been.
01:37:51No one has left.
01:37:53What has been, will be.
01:37:59I want to travel in time.
01:38:00I don't want to be anyone.
01:38:04You were the disciple and you will be the teacher.
01:38:07I want to travel in time.
01:38:08I don't want to be anyone.
01:38:10I want to travel in time.
01:38:11I don't want to be anyone.
01:38:13You were the disciple and you will be the teacher.
01:38:16It's the story of always.
01:38:18The father who is the son and the son who is the father.
01:38:22Everything happens and happens again.
01:38:27When you have lived twice your life, great things await you, Rafael.
01:38:31As has happened so many other times since the ancient era.
01:38:35Are you willing to change your life completely?
01:38:39To leave everything and look back?
01:38:43I want to do it.
01:38:47It won't be easy.
01:38:49But you have all the life you have lived to prepare.
01:38:51I am willing.
01:38:58That's how it is.
01:39:00As always.
01:39:42I want to travel in time.
01:39:43I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:44I want to travel in time.
01:39:45I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:46I want to travel in time.
01:39:47I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:48I want to travel in time.
01:39:49I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:50I want to travel in time.
01:39:51I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:52I want to travel in time.
01:39:53I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:54I want to travel in time.
01:39:55I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:56I want to travel in time.
01:39:57I don't want to be anyone.
01:39:58I want to travel in time.
01:39:59I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:00I want to travel in time.
01:40:01I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:02I want to travel in time.
01:40:03I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:04I want to travel in time.
01:40:05I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:06I want to travel in time.
01:40:07I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:08I want to travel in time.
01:40:09I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:10I want to travel in time.
01:40:11I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:12I want to travel in time.
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01:40:14I want to travel in time.
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01:40:16I want to travel in time.
01:40:17I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:18I want to travel in time.
01:40:19I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:20I want to travel in time.
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01:40:22I want to travel in time.
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01:40:24I want to travel in time.
01:40:25I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:26I want to travel in time.
01:40:27I don't want to be anyone.
01:40:28I don't want to be anyone.
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01:40:33I want to travel in time.
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