La sostenibilità per Ferrarelle Società Benefit, dati e impegni per generare valore

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Massimo impegno per generare valore per la società e il territorio. Ferrarelle Società Benefit, quarto player nel settore delle acque minerali in Italia, presenta il Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2023 con i numeri che certificano i progressi in ambito Esg dell’azienda.


00:00Ferrarelle and Società Benefit, the fourth player in the mineral water sector in Italy,
00:16presents the Sustainability Balance 2023 with the numbers that certify the company's progress in the S&G area.
00:23Ferrarelle, in the Sustainability Balance 2023, publishes an improvement of its BIA score,
00:30Benefit Impact Assessment, to 87.7 points.
00:35This year, Società Benefit manages to further improve the score related to the S&G
00:42that is included in its impact ratio within the exercise balance.
00:47The year 2023 is therefore an extremely positive year, both in terms of economic and financial results,
00:56but also in terms of results and profitability relative to sustainability.
01:03In this dynamic, we also include the contribution of 1 million euros,
01:11about activities and social projects.
01:17Some data. On the front of environmental sustainability, Ferrarelle used 5,000 tonnes of Recycled PET
01:23to make its own bottles and produced 4,670 gigajoules of clean energy through solar panels, not only.
01:31We have exceeded 1 billion litres bottled, in particular 1.072 billion litres.
01:38An important fact is the attention to the reduction of waste and water dispersions
01:51along the path that leads to bottling.
01:55So, for example, the replacement of pumps for energy savings to facilitate the management of water resources.
02:05In terms of social sustainability, the share of women employed in companies is now equal to 31.5%.
02:11The number of indefinite-term contracts on the total of employees has reached 93%,
02:16while the number of hours of training required has increased by 10% compared to 2022.
02:22On the front of economic sustainability, three key data.
02:25The million euros that Ferrarelle invested in 2023 in support of the community,
02:30222 million euros of economic value distributed to stakeholders
02:34and 87% of expenses made on Italian suppliers.
02:38This is certainly a historical period of great change,
02:42and innovation and sustainability are the two key points on which our company aims for the future.
02:51They represent a driving force for change
02:56and the awareness of the limits of natural resources and the impacts of human activities on the environment is constantly growing.
03:07Therefore, it is essential today, even more than before, to measure such impacts and to facilitate their use.
03:16These are the two words that, in my opinion, represent the key elements to focus on.
