
  • 2 months ago
00:00:00How can I help you, National Police?
00:00:25One moment, please.
00:00:28The interview is being conducted by Agent Richard Friedman.
00:00:31The date is May 14th. Time is 9.28 a.m.
00:00:39President Maynard out.
00:00:44Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:00:58Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:28Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:31Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:34Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:37Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:40Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:43Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:46Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:49Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:52Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:01:55Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:02:25Why don't we just start at the beginning?
00:02:51Rose, you goddamn silent assassin.
00:02:54You scared me half to death.
00:02:55Happy birthday, Mom.
00:02:58Gosh, the big 4-0.
00:03:00It's the new 30.
00:03:02Come here.
00:03:03Thank you, honey.
00:03:08All right, give me those car keys, old lady.
00:03:10I'm gonna be late for work.
00:03:12You all packed and ready?
00:03:14We got a good drive ahead of us tomorrow.
00:03:17Kill me now.
00:03:19It's gonna be fun.
00:03:21I love you, honey.
00:03:23I love you.
00:03:50Morning, sweetie.
00:03:52How was work?
00:03:54Front desk.
00:03:56Yes, sir.
00:03:57Front desk.
00:03:58No, sir.
00:03:59Front desk.
00:04:00Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that, sir.
00:04:02Oh, I'll clean the shit up off the floor, sir.
00:04:06When I finish writing my memoir about eating shit with a smile,
00:04:09you're getting an advance coffee.
00:04:14We're gonna have fun.
00:04:16Let's go.
00:04:21It's a sign.
00:04:22It's not a sign.
00:04:39You keep an open mind, Rosie.
00:04:41That's all I'm asking.
00:04:42He's a great guy.
00:04:50We're going on vacation!
00:04:54Water, sun, here we come.
00:05:15If you tease me about my peach buzz, I swear to God.
00:05:18How much longer?
00:05:20We are here, honey.
00:05:21Look at this.
00:05:22It's beautiful.
00:05:30So what do you like so much about this guy,
00:05:32besides the fact that he's rich?
00:05:35I don't care that he's rich.
00:05:37He's not, actually.
00:05:39I like that he's a gentleman.
00:05:43Ten days stuck on a boat with a gentleman I've never met before,
00:05:47and you've known for, what, a month?
00:05:50Six weeks?
00:05:51Don't be such a teenager, please.
00:05:53This is exciting.
00:05:54We are going on an adventure.
00:05:56Let's do it.
00:05:57I literally hate the water.
00:05:58It's fucking terrifying.
00:05:59Oh, there he is.
00:06:03I've never seen him in shorts before.
00:06:07All right, come on.
00:06:08Let's go.
00:06:14Let's do it.
00:06:16Okay, just, I'll be right there.
00:06:19Don't you go backing out on me.
00:06:21Okay, I won't.
00:06:40Come on, little baby.
00:06:42This is beautiful.
00:06:44Here, take a seat.
00:06:45Why don't you see something?
00:06:48So this is the course I've charted.
00:06:50These are the waypoints.
00:06:51That here is Bermuda.
00:06:53By next Tuesday, we'll be lounging on the beach
00:06:56with a belly full of rum.
00:06:58Hey, come check this out.
00:06:59I want to show you down here.
00:07:00You know, I'm just going to wait here for Rose
00:07:02so you don't have to do this twice.
00:07:04Is she okay?
00:07:07You know, she's just stubborn, like her mom.
00:07:11She's scared to death of anything new.
00:07:13This will be good for her.
00:07:42Good afternoon.
00:07:43Good morning.
00:07:44Good morning.
00:07:47Good morning.
00:08:10Got it.
00:08:12You good?
00:08:13Yeah, I'm good.
00:08:15What's all that dude checking you out?
00:08:17What did he say to you?
00:08:18He's just making conversation.
00:08:20He wanted to know where I was headed looking this good.
00:08:24Well, you have options, you know.
00:08:26You don't need to settle to say...
00:08:29Hey, guys.
00:08:31Rose, so nice to finally meet you.
00:08:35Look at this beautiful boat.
00:08:39Who's Annalisa?
00:08:41I don't know.
00:08:42Bought her secondhand.
00:08:43Bad luck to change the name.
00:08:46Well, come on!
00:08:48Let's go, honey.
00:08:49First Mate Rose calling First Mate Rose.
00:09:15Need some help up here, stat.
00:09:19He's silly.
00:09:22First Mate Rose, can't sleep all day here.
00:09:25Your captain could use a hand.
00:09:27Do you know how to tie a double-slip reef knot?
00:09:30I'm pretty sure you do.
00:09:31You know how to tie your shoes, don't you?
00:09:34Grab some rope from underneath the laptop.
00:09:37It's in the storage.
00:09:39I'll teach you some more knots.
00:09:44Rope is called line.
00:09:47Rope is called line.
00:09:48Great teacher.
00:10:06Happy birthday to you.
00:10:13Okay, okay, okay.
00:10:16What's with the tombstone?
00:10:17Better to be over the hill than under it.
00:10:20I'm going for it.
00:10:21Go for it.
00:10:23My sweetie.
00:10:25Happy birthday, Mom.
00:10:26I love you.
00:10:27I love you.
00:10:28I love you.
00:10:31Come here, you.
00:10:39Me and Rose have been two shifts passing in the night for the last month.
00:10:42I've been working the swing shift at the restaurant,
00:10:44and she's been on graveyard at the hotel,
00:10:46so the only time we're both home is when one of us is sleeping.
00:10:49I miss you, honey.
00:10:51I miss you, too.
00:10:55How do you like working at the hotel?
00:10:57I absolutely fucking hate it.
00:11:00Let's just say she doesn't have my flair for customer service.
00:11:05You have a good poker face.
00:11:07That is an excellent bone.
00:11:09Rose is an excellent student.
00:11:10Always has been.
00:11:12You want another piece?
00:11:13I would love another piece.
00:11:14He always orders two pieces.
00:11:16Your mom tells me about college.
00:11:17That's so cool.
00:11:19Does that mean you'll be, uh,
00:11:22leaving the nest in the fall?
00:11:24Uh, no.
00:11:25I'm going to defer one year so I can save money.
00:11:29So, one more year in the nest.
00:11:31Smart and beautiful.
00:11:33I wonder where she gets it from.
00:11:36Oh, hey.
00:11:38I have presents.
00:11:41That's for you.
00:11:44Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:11:45That's for us.
00:11:46For later.
00:11:49I love gifts.
00:11:51And just like I said in the note,
00:11:53I'm really happy that you're with us,
00:11:54and I'm happy that you get to experience my love of sailing.
00:11:59Who knows?
00:12:02Maybe one day you'll love it just as much as I do.
00:12:04That is a marlin spike.
00:12:06It'll untangle any knot if you ever find yourself in a jam.
00:12:12Thank you.
00:12:14I love it.
00:12:19So, you're a cop?
00:12:21Used to be.
00:12:22What do you now?
00:12:24Private security consultant.
00:12:26Well, looks like I'm needed topside.
00:12:29And I could use a hand.
00:12:30You can't stay down here all day, kiddo.
00:12:32Yeah, go help him.
00:12:33I'll clean up.
00:12:36You two are cute.
00:12:38My phone is crappy.
00:12:41Check this again.
00:12:43Hey, honey, dark.
00:12:44Just a meal away.
00:12:46I love that.
00:12:51Video mode.
00:12:53Video mode.
00:12:56Okay, we need to jibe.
00:12:57Can you feel which way the wind is blowing?
00:13:00We are waiting on dolphins.
00:13:04So we need to turn the bow so the wind shifts sides.
00:13:06Oh, my God, I love it.
00:13:13Oh, shit!
00:13:16Go down to starboard storage.
00:13:17Grab a blanket and a first aid kit.
00:13:19Go now!
00:13:21Look at the horseshoe, baby!
00:13:23Come on!
00:13:24You can do it!
00:13:25Come on!
00:13:40Are you hurt?
00:13:44It's okay.
00:13:46It's okay.
00:13:47You okay?
00:13:49Oh, sweetie, I lost your phone out there.
00:13:51Well, I don't care.
00:13:52You love that phone.
00:13:53No, it's okay.
00:13:54I'm gonna get you a new one.
00:13:55It's okay, it's okay.
00:13:59Well, at least now we know what to do in case of an emergency.
00:14:04Wasn't that an emergency?
00:14:05I'm okay, honey.
00:14:08Hey, sweetie, I told you this was gonna be an adventure.
00:14:11Okay, no more adventures.
00:14:15What's that?
00:14:20You need help, honey?
00:14:21Nope, you're on vacation.
00:14:23It's no big deal.
00:14:25Just take precautions.
00:14:27It might get a little rough, but that's about it.
00:14:32And it's not gonna come to this,
00:14:33but there's a life raft in the cockpit.
00:14:35Now, there's three life vests here.
00:14:41How far away from home are we?
00:14:43Can we just go back?
00:14:45How far away from home are we?
00:14:46Can we just go back?
00:14:49It's fine, really, it's fine.
00:14:53It's okay, Mom.
00:14:54The wind shifted.
00:14:55You know, they came out of nowhere, but it's fine.
00:14:57Everything's gonna be fine.
00:15:47Oh, God.
00:15:48I'm not gonna stop.
00:15:49I'm not gonna stop right there.
00:15:50Oh, my God.
00:15:51You are so fucking sexy.
00:15:54Oh, my God.
00:16:14Oh, my God.
00:16:31Hey, honey.
00:16:32Come join me.
00:16:37Come sit.
00:16:40Breakfast of champions.
00:16:43I decided I'm gonna make it a birthday week.
00:16:46Doing okay?
00:16:50Not been to the storm.
00:16:52Oh, it passed right on by.
00:16:53We didn't want to wake you.
00:16:55You didn't seem bothered by him as cool as a cucumber.
00:16:59Here I thought you were afraid of the water.
00:17:01I was absolutely shit in my pants
00:17:03imagining all of us in the water.
00:17:05I was absolutely shit in my pants
00:17:07imagining all of us in that little lifeboat out there in the ocean.
00:17:10You want a bite?
00:17:14I didn't sleep at all.
00:17:19Want a cigarette?
00:17:23Rosie, I know you smoke.
00:17:26I just, I didn't want to smoke in front of you so you'd quit.
00:17:30Let me smoke.
00:17:32Life is not as short as they say and I need my cigarette breaks.
00:17:39Just love it out here, don't you?
00:17:42Absolutely fucking not.
00:17:46Come on.
00:17:47It's gorgeous.
00:17:48Smell that air.
00:18:02I'm sorry I couldn't give you more.
00:18:06I tried my best but...
00:18:14Mom, shut up.
00:18:15You're incredible.
00:18:16You're the best mom ever.
00:18:22I don't want you to end up like me.
00:18:31I love you, baby.
00:18:32Smells like bacon.
00:18:34Bar, bar.
00:18:37Where's the bacon?
00:18:39Every time Derek would come in the diner in his uniform,
00:18:41I'd say, smells like bacon.
00:18:44I think that's what won him over.
00:18:46That's exactly what won me over.
00:18:47That and your great ass.
00:18:50Get out of here.
00:18:52Derek, why do you have an assault rifle?
00:18:55A what?
00:18:56It's for work.
00:18:58It's an AR-15, isn't it?
00:19:00It is. It is.
00:19:03Does it bother you that I have it?
00:19:08I want to shoot it.
00:19:11Okay, this is the ready position.
00:19:15Safety's on.
00:19:16My finger is not on the trigger.
00:19:18It's outside the trigger guard until I'm ready to shoot.
00:19:26Not on the shoulder.
00:19:27Inside a little more.
00:19:28A little higher.
00:19:30That's perfect.
00:19:32Now bring the sights up to your eyes,
00:19:34not your eyes down to the sights.
00:19:37Keep your head, neck, and spine straight.
00:19:42Look at that.
00:19:44Kids these days.
00:19:45You should be afraid of them.
00:19:48Get your off-grip hand moving as far forward as you can.
00:19:50All right, you're going to find the safety over here.
00:19:52You can release it just by...
00:19:55You shot before?
00:19:56No, I watch a lot of action movies.
00:19:59Well, it looks like you're a natural.
00:20:02See, Mom? I'm a natural.
00:20:04You want to try hunting?
00:20:05Certainly not.
00:20:07I'd prefer if you put that thing away.
00:20:10It's just not how I want to spend my vacation, sweetie.
00:20:13You know her daddy was a soldier, right?
00:20:16It's bad enough that she likes to fight.
00:20:18I don't want her shooting guns, too.
00:20:21You like to fight?
00:20:22You train?
00:20:28One more, Mom.
00:20:31Okay, one more.
00:20:33All right.
00:20:34Stay nice and tight.
00:20:36Keep those elbows in.
00:20:38Better to negotiate hallways and doors
00:20:40than bump a team member coming around a corner.
00:20:55Come on.
00:21:25Come on.
00:21:43Come here.
00:21:47Sweetie, come here.
00:21:50Maritime law, you only have to be 19 to drink.
00:21:53Well, she's not much of a drinker.
00:21:55Your grandma would be so disappointed.
00:21:57We're Scottish.
00:21:59Grandma was a cleaning lady,
00:22:00and I'm pretty sure she didn't drink champagne.
00:22:02You know what?
00:22:03We should have Derek break out the whiskey, then.
00:22:05Oh, I got plenty of whiskey.
00:22:07God, I love it here.
00:22:09I never want to go home.
00:22:11Well, let's not.
00:22:12Let's keep sailing forever.
00:22:16Can we go swimming?
00:22:18We have fair winds and following seas.
00:22:21That sounds kind of poetic.
00:22:24It is.
00:22:38Rosie, come dance with us!
00:22:40Come on, Rose.
00:22:41Don't be a poker.
00:22:42Sweetie, I miss you.
00:22:43Join us.
00:22:44You're missing out.
00:22:46Let's go.
00:22:51Come on.
00:23:22Who are they?
00:23:23I don't know.
00:23:26Stand off!
00:23:28Stand off!
00:23:31Get to the back!
00:23:33Oh, shit.
00:23:34Come on, go!
00:23:36Who are you?
00:23:37What are you doing?
00:23:38Shut up!
00:23:39Where is it?
00:23:40What is going on?
00:23:41Derek, what are they talking about?
00:23:42Shut up!
00:23:43I have no fucking idea.
00:23:44What do you want?
00:23:45I don't know what you're talking about.
00:23:47Mary, shut her up!
00:23:48Yeah, I'm on it.
00:23:49What are you doing?
00:23:50Don't you fucking hurt her!
00:23:51Sit down, bitch!
00:23:52I don't understand.
00:23:54Sit the fuck down!
00:23:56Do something!
00:23:57Do something!
00:23:58Do something!
00:23:59Belle, get her in line.
00:24:00What are you doing?
00:24:01Get the fuck away from me!
00:24:02Leave her alone!
00:24:03Where are you going?
00:24:04Now, tell me.
00:24:05Where is it?
00:24:06There's nothing here.
00:24:18I love you.
00:24:20Get her out.
00:24:23No, no.
00:24:24No, get off me!
00:24:26Captain, it's all clear.
00:24:27What's done is done.
00:24:28Where is it?
00:24:29I don't know what you're talking about.
00:24:32No, don't do it!
00:24:46Find it.
00:24:50I'm going to check the front cabin.
00:24:52I'll look back here.
00:24:59Found it.
00:25:01It's all there?
00:25:03Oh, yeah.
00:25:04We're good.
00:25:06That bitch sure had a set of pipes on her, didn't she?
00:25:10You should have kept her instead of the cover band.
00:25:15There's someone downstairs!
00:28:15Come on.
00:28:45Come on.
00:29:15Come on.
00:29:54I'm going to bring you around back!
00:30:42Okay, okay.
00:30:51What do I do?
00:30:53What do I do?
00:30:54Radio for help.
00:30:56I can't. The radio's dead.
00:30:58Oh, God.
00:31:00She's dead. You fucking let her die.
00:31:06What do I do?
00:31:08It's hard to get.
00:31:10It's hard to get the sails.
00:31:12The electrical system's fried.
00:31:14The sail's burnt off.
00:31:20What do I do?
00:31:32What are these?
00:31:37There's a spare jib under the AR.
00:31:39Okay, then what?
00:31:40Get it up the mast.
00:33:34What do you need?
00:33:35Get the first aid kit.
00:33:48You gotta...
00:33:50Oh, you gotta clean the...
00:33:53Clean the wound and pack it.
00:33:59Clean it first.
00:34:01Who were those men?
00:34:02Let's get the gauze and pack the wound.
00:34:05Who were those men?
00:34:08Who were those men?
00:34:09I don't know.
00:34:13Gotta get the motors going.
00:34:15Bypass the electronics.
00:34:18The starter?
00:34:19Is it like a car starter?
00:34:25Is it?
00:34:27Oh, God.
00:34:31Are you the starter?
00:37:56Hope you tied a better knot on the sail than you did on me.
00:38:00The patch is not gonna hold in there.
00:38:02We need to find land.
00:38:04You know them.
00:38:05Why did you lie about not knowing those men?
00:38:07They're monsters, Rose.
00:38:09The less you know, the better.
00:38:12I need to get the engine started.
00:38:13I could use a hand.
00:38:15Can we just go back?
00:38:16We haven't been sailing for that long.
00:38:19Why not?
00:38:21Because the current runs up the east coast,
00:38:23and we need to stay with the current.
00:38:26You can put the knife down now, Rosie.
00:38:28Only my mom can call me Rosie.
00:38:32Can we just shoot a flare when it gets dark?
00:38:35You see a ship?
00:38:37You can only see a flare for three to five miles.
00:38:41Okay, this is us, more or less.
00:38:43This here is Bermuda.
00:38:46Nothing else around us.
00:38:49We miss it, we're fucked.
00:38:51We run into weather, we're fucked.
00:38:58You're gonna need to crank it to get the engine going,
00:39:00but we gotta be synced up perfectly,
00:39:02or it won't turn over.
00:39:04Okay, is this good?
00:39:05Wait, yeah, a little faster.
00:39:06I'm gonna flip the decompression lever.
00:39:08Go, crank, crank it.
00:39:13All right, go, crank it.
00:39:15Okay, okay.
00:39:21Fuck yeah!
00:39:42All right.
00:40:14Stay in the cockpit all night.
00:40:16Keep it northeast.
00:40:30Stay in the cockpit all night.
00:40:33Keep it northeast.
00:40:43I'm sorry about your mom.
00:41:41I made that for you.
00:41:48Think I can get my knife back?
00:41:53You know, I gave that necklace to your mom.
00:41:56It's impossible. She's had it for years.
00:41:58I've known her for years.
00:42:00She started dating you, like, a month ago.
00:42:02I've been trying to court your mom,
00:42:04eating that shitty diner food,
00:42:06since you were in middle school.
00:42:10I almost gave up after the thousandth time I walked in,
00:42:13she said, smells like bacon.
00:42:16You're as tough...
00:42:18As nails.
00:42:21I want her to have a proper funeral.
00:42:25I'm not just gonna roll her into the ocean.
00:42:30We made some good progress last night.
00:42:32We'll just keep it up.
00:42:41What is it?
00:42:43I wish we had more sail. That jib isn't enough.
00:42:52Will you turn the micrometer drum a little to the left for me?
00:42:54It's that little knob there.
00:43:02Where's Polaris?
00:43:06Well, that is the Big Dipper,
00:43:09so that there is Polaris.
00:43:13After some math, that's gonna tell us where we are.
00:43:27What's wrong?
00:43:28We're going the wrong fucking way!
00:43:31We're headed into the fucking Atlantic!
00:43:34Well, if we're going the wrong way,
00:43:35we can just change directions.
00:43:36We can't change directions!
00:43:37The current is too fucking strong!
00:43:39We're fucked, okay?
00:43:41We missed our chance!
00:43:43We're fucked!
00:43:46Ah, Jesus Christ!
00:43:56Jesus fucking Christ!
00:43:59I can't fucking believe this!
00:44:49Can you just go?
00:44:52Well, I want to stay with my mom.
00:44:54I need you to row.
00:44:56I only have one arm.
00:44:58Come on, Russ.
00:45:04Come on, you can do this.
00:45:08Put that oar together, okay?
00:45:38Pull the cord!
00:45:40Pull the cord and flank the vest!
00:45:42Go, go, go!
00:46:11Come on.
00:46:16Come on.
00:46:20Come on.
00:46:22Come on.
00:46:24Come on.
00:46:26Come on.
00:48:47Come, drink.
00:48:49Water's fresh.
00:48:54Come on.
00:49:06We gotta finish this loop.
00:49:15What does your tattoo mean?
00:49:17The knife through a rose?
00:49:18It's a dagger.
00:49:20What's it mean?
00:49:22It means you're ready to fight,
00:49:24ready to kill, whatever, whenever.
00:49:27It means something as delicate as a rose.
00:49:31Are you in the military?
00:49:39What's the plan here?
00:49:46Let's not talk, okay?
00:49:48Let's just conserve our energy.
00:50:17Hey, careful.
00:50:19There's coral here.
00:50:21I don't want this thing off.
00:50:26We need to get our strength up
00:50:27if we're gonna make it back to the boat before dark.
00:50:30Maybe someone's here.
00:50:31I'd rather be on land.
00:50:33There's nothing here.
00:50:34Our best bet is to keep sailing.
00:50:36Sail to where?
00:50:37Where are we?
00:50:39I don't know.
00:51:22Where are you going?
00:51:24We're not gonna make it back to the boat.
00:51:27It's getting dark.
00:51:29We need rest.
00:52:41You know how to build a campfire?
00:52:43Uh, yeah.
00:52:45You keep the sticks spread apart
00:52:47so air can get in, right?
00:52:50You're one hell of a quick study.
00:52:53You could probably build the next one on your own.
00:52:58You guys didn't get out much, did you?
00:53:03We've only been to the coast, like, once.
00:53:05I can't believe how quickly you took the shooting.
00:53:08I mean, I've never seen anything like it.
00:53:11You sure your dad didn't give you a little lesson?
00:53:15Well, he died when I was really young.
00:53:18I didn't really know him.
00:53:21He was a decorated soldier, though, I know that.
00:53:24Must be in the blood then.
00:53:32I lied when I said I never shot before.
00:53:37I went a bunch of times with a guy
00:53:39from work.
00:53:41I just didn't want my mom to know
00:53:43because she hated guns.
00:53:46Truth comes out.
00:53:48My dad enlisted so he could afford college,
00:53:51but he never made it.
00:53:55He got blown up in Iraq.
00:53:57There wasn't even anything left of him to send home.
00:54:03I think that's why it was so important for my mom
00:54:06that I go to college.
00:54:08I've always been a slow learner myself.
00:54:12Had to learn every single thing the hard way.
00:54:16I, Derek Stipes, do solemnly swear
00:54:20to protect the Constitution of the United States
00:54:22and the constitutional laws of the state of Florida
00:54:24and protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
00:54:27So help me God and Jesus and Mary and Joseph
00:54:30and the Holy Spirit, too.
00:54:35I believe that.
00:54:37I believe that.
00:54:39For about ten years, tried to be a really good cop.
00:54:43But I could never get ahead.
00:54:47My wife, Annalisa, left me.
00:54:49Said I was a loser.
00:54:51I was.
00:54:55Ten years of being a good cop underwater
00:54:59before I finally realized
00:55:01that the game was rigged.
00:55:04I wished I would have learned that lesson earlier.
00:55:09You and your mom are good people.
00:55:14She just thought she'd work her fingers to the bone
00:55:17so you wouldn't have to work your fingers to the bone.
00:55:20But that's not the way it works.
00:55:24All the hard work and perseverance
00:55:26and pluck in the world don't get you out of the poorhouse.
00:55:32The only way to win a rigged game is to play dirty.
00:55:35So I started being a dirty cop.
00:55:41I realized that's kind of who I was all along.
00:55:46I started to get a little something for myself, you know?
00:55:49Started to taste a little of what the good life was.
00:55:52And then...
00:55:54Then I saw what the bad guys,
00:55:56the real winners of the rigged game, had.
00:56:00And I understood that I was still a chump.
00:56:06So the first opportunity I saw to work directly with them,
00:56:10I jumped at.
00:56:11Quit the force, fuck you, oath and all.
00:56:15And when I saw another opportunity
00:56:17to swindle those same bad guys,
00:56:19I jumped on that, too.
00:56:21I stole as much as I could.
00:56:24And I didn't even feel bad about it.
00:56:27You know why?
00:56:30Because the captain is pure fucking evil.
00:56:38Who's the captain?
00:56:44He's the man who shot your mom.
00:56:48And he has done things
00:56:51you could not even imagine.
00:56:56Tell me about the captain.
00:56:59He likes girls.
00:57:01Very young girls.
00:57:04I can fucking kill him.
00:57:06You wouldn't kill the captain.
00:57:11You don't need to forget everything you learned
00:57:13about playing by the rules.
00:57:15Fight dirty.
00:57:17You think you got a poker face?
00:57:19You're scared shitless. I can see that.
00:57:22Learn to lie better.
00:57:25You were pretty good with those knots.
00:57:27Want me to show you where you fucked up?
00:57:30It's okay.
00:57:31Come on, kiddo.
00:57:33You gotta learn.
00:57:35Come on.
00:57:38This is the knot
00:57:41you should have tied on me.
00:57:46Try to get out of that.
00:57:49What's that?
00:57:53It's an E-perm.
00:57:55What's it do?
00:57:57Or you could have tried this knot.
00:58:00What's it do?
00:58:02You activate it.
00:58:05It sends a SOS signal to a satellite.
00:58:09People come rescue us.
00:58:11You said it didn't work.
00:58:13Try that out.
00:58:17You still think I'd let your mom die?
00:58:20No, I'm sorry I said that.
00:58:32It's a beautiful ring, isn't it?
00:58:39It's a beautiful ring, isn't it?
00:58:45You want it?
00:58:47Did you take that off her finger?
00:58:50I thought your mom was so hot.
00:58:54Figured we'd have so much fun
00:58:56sailing around on my big getaway.
00:58:59When I found out you were tagging along,
00:59:01I was pissed, but then I saw that you were hot too,
00:59:04so win-win.
00:59:06I never really knew your mom.
00:59:09I mean, not very well.
00:59:12Now she's dead.
00:59:17I didn't give her this necklace.
00:59:21Why did you say you did?
00:59:24I needed you to trust me.
00:59:34I'm sorry I can't raise both hands.
00:59:36Stay down!
00:59:38I'm guessing target practice didn't involve handguns.
00:59:41Does the E-PIRB work? Turn it on!
00:59:43I can't do that.
00:59:45Do it!
00:59:46Nope. Not yet.
00:59:48Why not? Do it!
00:59:49Because when they come,
00:59:52you'll talk too much.
00:59:54What are you talking about?
00:59:56I have to kill you.
01:00:00You have no clip.
01:00:13Come here.
01:01:59Oh, Rosie!
01:02:01Sweetie, Rosie!
01:02:40Get me back to the boat!
01:02:42Get me back to the boat and I'll activate the E-PIRB.
01:02:45Activate it now!
01:02:46Not till you get me back to the boat!
01:02:49Give it to me!
01:02:51You need me.
01:02:57Quit fucking around!
01:02:59You need me.
01:03:01And I need you.
01:03:03Get me back to the boat and we're both safe!
01:03:08We can't make it without me.
01:03:11Why the fuck did you not activate the E-PIRB on the boat?
01:03:14The fuck were you waiting for?
01:03:17I thought we could get out of here on our own.
01:03:20I keep you quiet.
01:03:22I was gonna trade you to the captain.
01:03:27Maybe he'd spare my life if I offered him some fresh meat.
01:03:32But it turns out
01:03:34this island
01:03:36is fucking deserted!
01:03:41It's not fucking working!
01:03:44You gotta get me out of here.
01:04:11Come on.
01:04:41Come on.
01:06:11No, no, no.
01:06:13No, no, no.
01:06:15No, no, no.
01:06:19No, no, no.
01:06:20Don't leave me.
01:06:21Don't leave me.
01:06:22Don't leave me.
01:06:23Don't leave me.
01:06:26No, no, no, no, no.
01:06:27No, no, no, no, no.
01:10:38Hey, here's her gun.
01:10:40You hungry?
01:10:42I'll tell the captain she's here.
01:11:10You know you can't take weapons through international waters, right?
01:11:19Just fucking with you.
01:11:41You're new.
01:11:43Come on, let's go.
01:12:09I'm cold. Can I please take a shower?
01:12:39I'm cold. Can I please take a shower?
01:13:09I'm cold.
01:13:39I'm cold.
01:14:04Hi. Can I come in?
01:14:06That's the girl we picked up.
01:14:07You can't be in here.
01:14:09No, it's fine.
01:14:19What can I do for you?
01:14:21Are you the captain?
01:14:23Yes, I'm the captain.
01:14:25I wanted to thank you
01:14:27for saving me.
01:14:29You're welcome.
01:14:39The fellas told me
01:14:41what you went through.
01:14:43You're a brave girl.
01:14:47This ship is so much bigger
01:14:49than the one I was on.
01:14:53What's that joystick do?
01:14:55This one right here?
01:14:59Controls the rudder.
01:15:05What happens if I move it?
01:15:09Nothing. It's on autopilot.
01:15:11Where's the autopilot?
01:15:17Give me your hand.
01:15:21It's right there.
01:15:23These two.
01:15:25Is it hard
01:15:29driving something this big?
01:15:31Nothing's hard
01:15:33for me.
01:15:35What about for me?
01:15:37I want to drive it.
01:15:41This ship was built
01:15:43for deep waters.
01:15:45We're traveling in a straight line
01:15:47until we get to port.
01:15:55Ha ha ha!
01:16:17The real world
01:16:19is out there.
01:16:21This is just a virtual world.
01:16:25You have to keep
01:16:27your eyes
01:16:29on lookout
01:16:35at all times.
01:16:39What if I want to turn?
01:16:43Ha ha ha!
01:16:45Then turn.
01:16:47You already put us
01:16:49on standby.
01:16:51We're off autopilot.
01:16:53Turn at starboard side.
01:16:59You know your starboard, huh?
01:17:01Turn it slow.
01:17:05Turn it slow.
01:17:07Turn it slower.
01:17:09Turn it slower.
01:17:15Now you see
01:17:17on the compass
01:17:19how we've turned.
01:17:21The only problem is
01:17:25we're headed the wrong way.
01:17:31Do I just
01:17:33click it back on autopilot?
01:17:35Just click it back on autopilot.
01:17:41Seems pretty easy.
01:17:47It's easy till you get to port.
01:17:51It's when you're almost home
01:17:55that's when it gets hard.
01:17:57This is pretty.
01:18:03That was cut by coral.
01:18:05Is that dangerous?
01:18:07It can be.
01:18:09Some coral is
01:18:13As long as you put the right
01:18:15solution and the right ointment
01:18:17on it,
01:18:19the wound won't get infected.
01:18:23Because a coral cut not taken
01:18:25care of
01:18:27could last for
01:18:29a very, very, very long time.
01:18:33Do you have the ointment?
01:18:37Yeah, I have the ointment.
01:18:41Did you wash your cut?
01:18:47Did you use water?
01:18:49Did you use hydrogen peroxide?
01:18:51Just water.
01:18:57Do you want me to take care of you?
01:18:59Do you want me to take care of you?
01:19:05Are you sure?
01:19:15Why don't you come over here
01:19:17so I can take a closer look?
01:19:45Anyone have iron on the cast
01:19:47do we go?
01:19:49She's on the bridge with the captain.
01:19:51My mother's name was Alma.
01:19:53She had one of our guns.
01:19:55Get her now!
01:20:21Anyone see the girl?
01:20:23Where is she?
01:20:41Have you seen my gun?
01:20:43It's big.
01:20:45It's an AR-15.
01:20:51Are you okay?
01:20:59Do you need a gun?
01:21:07There's lots of guns down there.
01:21:09Down where?
01:21:11In the engine room.
01:21:13Okay, how do I get there?
01:21:23Right, right.
01:21:25There's a door and stairs.
01:21:33They're all pumped.
01:21:35Full of drugs.
01:21:37I can't help you.
01:21:39You can't help me.
01:21:41Or the girls.
01:21:53I just went through the control room.
01:21:57I'm down on the main deck.
01:21:59I'll search the rooms here.
01:23:03Hey, don't move!
01:23:06Stay right there!
01:23:09Stay where you are!
01:25:35Do you have eyes on the girl?
01:25:41She's up on the bridge.
01:28:21Hey, Judah.
01:28:23I'm gonna get you all home.
01:28:28Drop the gun.
01:28:30Drop it.
01:28:32Close the door.
01:28:34Lock it.
01:28:44You're gonna die, bitch.
01:28:46I'm not afraid.
01:28:48I'm not afraid!
01:28:54How many more of them are on the ship?
01:29:00Plus a captain.
01:29:02Stay where you are!
01:29:07Let me see. Let me see.
01:29:09It's okay, okay? You're okay.
01:29:11We just grazed you.
01:29:12Stay here. I'm gonna radio for help, okay?
01:29:16The captain's gonna be so mad.
01:29:19The captain's dead.
01:30:06Turns out...
01:30:08the E-PIRB worked after all.
01:30:12Just had to fiddle with the battery.
01:30:14Stupid me, right?
01:30:16Why isn't the captain killed yet?
01:30:18Because we worked it all out.
01:30:23I told you.
01:30:26Learn to lie.
01:30:29And all that advice?
01:30:34Kind of pointless, Rose.
01:30:38Because you belong to him now.
01:30:44What's so fucking funny?
01:30:47I did take your advice.
01:30:51I killed the captain.
01:30:53I killed the captain.
01:31:23I killed the captain.
01:31:53I killed the captain.
01:32:23I killed the captain.
01:32:53I killed the captain.
01:34:23Are you okay?
01:34:27Let me get you out of here.
01:34:29Come on.
01:34:31You need to see something.
01:34:54Come on.
01:35:15That is an incredible story, Rose.
01:35:19You, uh...
01:35:20You're lucky to be alive.
01:35:23If you say so.
01:35:28The girls who were with me...
01:35:30They are being reunited with their families as we speak.
01:35:34And plans are already in motion to get you home, too.
01:35:37No, I...
01:35:39I don't have a home anymore.
01:35:44I'm nothing.
01:35:46That's not true.
01:35:47You have a future.
01:35:50That's something...
01:35:54You fought for.
01:36:19I'm sorry.
01:36:20I'm sorry.
01:36:21I'm sorry.
01:36:22I'm sorry.
01:36:23I'm sorry.
01:36:24I'm sorry.
01:36:25I'm sorry.
01:36:26I'm sorry.
01:36:27I'm sorry.
01:36:28I'm sorry.
01:36:29I'm sorry.
01:36:30I'm sorry.
01:36:31I'm sorry.
01:36:32I'm sorry.
01:36:33I'm sorry.
01:36:34I'm sorry.
01:36:35I'm sorry.
01:36:36I'm sorry.
01:36:37I'm sorry.
01:36:38I'm sorry.
01:36:39I'm sorry.
01:36:40I'm sorry.
01:36:41I'm sorry.
01:36:42I'm sorry.
01:36:43I'm sorry.
01:36:44I'm sorry.
01:36:45I'm sorry.
01:36:46I'm sorry.
01:36:47I'm sorry.
01:36:48I'm sorry.
01:36:49I'm sorry.
01:36:50I'm sorry.
01:36:51I'm sorry.
01:36:52I'm sorry.
01:36:53I'm sorry.
01:36:54I'm sorry.
01:36:55I'm sorry.
01:36:56I'm sorry.
01:36:57I'm sorry.
01:36:58I'm sorry.
01:36:59I'm sorry.
01:37:00I'm sorry.
01:37:01I'm sorry.
01:37:02I'm sorry.
01:37:03I'm sorry.
01:37:04I'm sorry.
01:37:05I'm sorry.
01:37:06I'm sorry.
01:37:07I'm sorry.
01:37:08I'm sorry.
01:37:09I'm sorry.
01:37:10I'm sorry.
01:37:11I'm sorry.
01:37:12I'm sorry.
01:37:13I'm sorry.
01:37:14I'm sorry.
01:37:15I'm sorry.
01:37:16I'm sorry.
01:37:17I'm sorry.
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01:41:04I'm sorry.
01:41:05I'm sorry.
01:41:06I'm sorry.
01:41:07I'm sorry.
01:41:08I'm sorry.
